DIY Quetzalcoatl Art Doll Tutorial

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hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and in this video we'll be making so this one has a long name as well that I'm probably going to butcher and not say right but it's Quetzalcoatl what's a caudal I'm gonna put the word here mmm I'll be calling him quits for sure cuz I'm not gonna say that over and over to the entire video cuz I will just butcher that but yes that is who we are going to be making today he is from Aztec culture and is a date II and as far as I know they believed he was the creator of their people so he's pretty cool he's very involved this is a very long video so buckle up because there's a lot going on and let's just jump right into it even though the videos already jumped right into it this voice-over is gonna jump right into it yes so the first step is to just sculpt the head since he's a serpent he ain't got no feet so I start with a lump of tinfoil that I've squashed into the rough head shape that I'm going for I do this for a few reasons the first is that it's going to save me a lot of clay with how big his head was I can't imagine how much clay I would have had to use just to get the size that I was going for it also helps to bake more evenly in the oven again because there's not as much clay it's not at risk of either under baking or cracking more than if you use just straight clay so it's good to always start with a tinfoil base and then I'm just going to cover that tin foil with a layer of clay and then start pushing it around to start to get the features that I'm going for so that I can't later sculpt all the details that I want and as I always say okay references people I used so many different references different drawings different things that I was finding for head shapes that I wanted I mean for crying out loud for this one specifically I used the Harry Potter basilisk the movie version and I based a lot of the creature off of that because I wanted him to have that head shape but just using a bunch of different things that you find his inspiration or just straight Anatomy references are always just a good way to start any sculpture you know they're always going to help you see things that you may not see if you were just going to free sculpt it for this one in particular I did make my own glass eyes for that I still and debating whether or not to make a tutorial for it or not but if you don't make your own Etsy has tons like when I first started using these I was just buying them all of that tea if you just look up glass eyes or glass cabochons they have loads and loads of different eyes and different sizes for you to choose from this one specifically I believe was twelve millimeter eyes but you can buy them in all different sizes so if you want to make big sculptures little sculptures they have a huge selection so if I decide to make a tutorial then you know you'll have the option to make your own but if you're just starting out it might just be easier to buy some off of Etsy if you're really interested in getting these throughout this sculpting process you will see me using a bunch of different sculpting tools they are not necessary let me be the first to tell you that if he's looking at this video and you're thinking well I can't sculpt because I don't have sculpting tools you are totally false I started with just a needle and my fingers and honestly you can get away with just your fingers they do help but they are totally not necessary I say only get them if you have the extra coin to spend on them they do make things easier but again they're not necessary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for his feather-light horns I'm using a different type of clay and I'm realizing I didn't even mention what the first clay was the great clay is super sculpey medium and the base clay that you see me using is cost clay down this clay when it bakes will still remain super flexible which I just absolutely love it's perfect for things that are more fragile like horns or claws or like if you're sculpting wings or just anything thin flowers even it's just it's perfect for that kind of stuff because once it bakes it just remains super flexible and I don't know what sorcery this companies is doing to make clay like this but it is absolutely amazing and I can't wait for it to come out as like retail because as far as I know they're still in production I just got some s beta testing but I just guys when this comes out just trust me just just buy it tons it's it's amazing [Music] so I totally cheated when it comes to making the scales for this guy work smarter not harder I took a piece of hard clay and I pretty much took my dotting tool just made a bunch of dots into it if that made it look like scale texture and then I just stamped it on the sculpture all over the place until it looked like how I wanted it totally works it totally looks like I sculpted it I'm not a cheater I'm just working spot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] once he's all sculpted to how I like him I baked him in the oven at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 to 45 minutes and once that's all done and I have attached him to his long armature which are ball and sockets and I don't know if you guys have ever seen Balan Saket on my channel you might have I honest I can't remember if I've used them I don't me of Houston but they're just like wire except that they never break and they Bend a lot easier so for like a long snake like this they're absolutely perfect for but to build up the body I'm using quilt batting it comes in these long sheets that I cut into strips and I just wrap them around over and over and over on the body until it's built up to how I want now as I always mentioned you want to make sure that you're not building up the body quite as thick as you actually want because when you add your fabric it's gonna add a bit of girth to it so it's going to make it bigger than what you would want so always make sure when you're building up the body to go a little skinnier than what you actually want because the first gonna add a bit or whatever fabric you're gonna use it's always gonna add a little bit and let me tell you this guy is 4 feet long so I'm not hand sewing him that that just seems like a total nightmare so I'm using my sewing machine that I hardly ever use and paid a bunch of money for to use constantly but I I don't really use it I can't sew cause I can't sell I can't I hate hand sewing but I can't figure out a sewing machines in my life so it just it's just a fun time but anyways I'm cutting two pieces of fabric I used like a Pho scale leather for his underbelly and then I used like a short pile fur for his sides and I'm just pinning that together and then running it through the sewing machine [Music] [Music] [Music] once one side is sown I go ahead and pain the untold sides together and then I run the sewing machine through that and then what I did is I cut down the center of the fur fabric because I ended up wanting to add a whole nother piece like I wanted longer first to give him kind of like a Mane going down his entire body so I ended up just cutting down the center of the fabric fur and then cut out a slit for more fabric to go in it's it's so hard to explain sewing could like just just watch the video cuz I I for the life of me don't know how to explain it to people it's just just go for it because that's my method you go for it so because I'm going to be airbrushing this one a bunch of different colors what I try to do is I try to use masking tape to mask off different sections that I don't want to be hair brushing currently now in retrospect I probably should have doubled up my masking tape because I did get some of the green paint on to the name orchid in water but because it's such a light layer of it that it didn't really show up but I ended up airbrushing it the other color so that's good but just make sure that if you're gonna use message a food that's very well so you don't get miss spray on whatever you're not trying to get on but speaking of airbrushing yes I am airbrushing this entire piece I am using a dual action gravity-feed airbrush uh not much to say about that you can get them cheap on Amazon stuff I think from when I bought is like $30 just because a clogged mind so much so I'm so scared to buy the expensive ones cuz that's just gonna be a waste of money okay be it will clog if I spend that much money who knows I'll report back to you when I eventually buy Sybil I can get one as long as you're pretty light with your layers and you let everything dry and brush it out in between we have a much less risk of looking your fur have like a different texture or something like it takes a bit of practice but I've gotten to the point where the fabric doesn't change hardly at all if if at all because of how light I make my layers and how many layers I do it does take a lot of time but it's so much faster than if you're going to either hand sew all these colors or if you're going to like diet with like a paint and brush is that that's another method but that's a lot more tricky [Music] for painting him I am just using a bunch of different brands of acrylic paint please don't think that you need to stick to one brand or one brand rooms them all you can get folk art you can get liquitex you can get full apis out there or apple bottle from Walmart like you can get so many different kinds I'm just using any type of acrylic paint and I'm just painting a darkish green and black on him and then I'm gonna come back in and hit the highlights [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and to do that especially with green and actually helps if you add a little bit of yellow to the green to make it more bright because if you just add white to it it's kind of it kind of dulls it down so if you add a bit of yellow it still keeps the green like a bright color and you just want to have very little paint on your brush and just go over your entire sculpture just to hit all the raised points and so it makes like instantly it just makes it look so much better eight you have the really dark shadows and then you have the nice highlight so that you can see all the detail that you sculpt in [Music] [Music] [Music] I mean don't worry if you get some paint all over your glass eyes I do it all the time you just have to scrape it off with a tool or a needle or even your finger just make sure you're not going rough enough that you're actually going to scratch the glass because then that's a problem but otherwise you're fine so to make the like headdress feather crown around the top of his head I took a piece of felt like a little half circle of it just so I had something to attach all the feathers to and I'm just slowly gluing all the feathers in a row building them up to how I like this was actually pretty fun it is time-consuming because I sometimes have to cut all the feathers so that they look all even and stuff but it was a pretty fun little project to do I did also get all these feathers off of Etsy doesn't think I got the ha the orange ones from the craft store but all the other ones are from Etsy I didn't film this because I mostly forgot but I also repeated this entire process for his tail as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now the wings are going to be the hardest part to explain so please forgive me because I'm still figuring out different ways to do them trying to find different methods and stuff but this is currently how I do them I print out a wing template if you just google like bird anatomy or stuff you can usually find drawings of wings and stuff and I printed it out to these size that I actually wanted his wings to be and using that I'm cutting a bunch of pieces of stiff felt that I bought from the craft store and I'm laying it on top of the template and cutting each feather to match all the feathers on this template it is so time-consuming please if you're going to do this be prepared that this is going to take a long time to do both feathers it has a lot of process a lot of process it is a long process but you know of course the end result is pretty cool you have some realistic looking wings but yes please be patient with yourself I pretty sure I lost a few peeps else too I should probably take more breaks that I baked but just make sure you take the ICD because this is a lot of work yeah I just cut it felt pieces the entire wing for all the primaries on both wings and I repeated that process for all these secondary smaller feathers that go on [Music] and then because I don't want them to go flying everywhere I think since I am going to airbrush them I put them all on masking tape just the edges so that they won't move as much when I go to airbrush all of them [Music] just how I cut a felt piece for the feathers to stick to for the headpiece I'm also using that same logic to make a platform for the feathers to glue to I'm just using the the template like I don't know I also explain it but like you see like a chicken wing and it's just that just that little bit without the feathers that's the part I cut out so that I can detach all the feathers to that I totally just made like a chicken gesture with my hands you can't see it but I'm gonna explain this to you totally just making it chicken shake it just you right now [Music] [Music] [Music] once I'm ready to glue all the feathers I take the template and my little platform thing I made and I'm lining them all up so that I can glue the feathers next to each other in the same way that the feathers show on the template so that they all line up how they're supposed to [Music] [Music] and once all the primaries are done I just start gluing the secondaries on top of them now I did kind of just freehand this because at this point you can't really see the template so you just kind of look back at it where does it dip and where does it go lower and you know you just try to be mindful of where you're gluing things [Applause] [Music] so to actually cover the top of the wings I'm going to be using faux fur fabric and now I took the chicken the chicken wing part and I trace it back and forth on itself and then just cut that out and then I trimmed it very very short because I don't want the wing part like these are supposed to be the little feathers but I'm just having a workaround because I don't even want to think about how I would make a bunch of little feathers so I'm compromising you making that out of fur but I'm trimming the fur way down so that it doesn't look that bulky [Music] [Music] [Music] and also since apparently my camera decided to die right as I started I did airbrush the entire thing green but as soon as I start airbrushing my camera was just like dope by [Music] [Music] and after all of that work it is finally finished if you guys stuck around for the entire 30 minute something video thank you so very much I greatly appreciate it this guy will be up for sale in my shop if anyone's interested as well as a few other things that I have in my shop but yeah thank you guys so much for watching I'm still sticking around and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: KaypeaCreations
Views: 127,226
Rating: 4.9584551 out of 5
Keywords: art doll tutorial, art doll, how to sculpt, diy art doll, poseable art doll, scuplture tutorial, how to make a art doll, diy craft, diy sculpture, poseable sculpture, poseable sculpture tutorial, kaypea creations, sculpting tutorial, how to airbrush, airbrushing fur, making of, timelapse, artisan crafts, bjd, creaturesofnat, bubbly leaf, woodsplitter lee, dollightful, nicolle dreams, diy, diy how to, sculpture, etsy, fantasy, ball and socket, bjd doll, quetzalcoatl, dragon, snake
Id: Ny0efwZmstU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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