Repaint! The GOATMAN Halloween Custom OOAK Doll

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[Music] and young welcome to delightful it's the spooky month of October so you know what that means this is the one time of you or my channel gets a little creepy so if you're one of my younger viewers please watch with caution this year 18 of us doll customizing youtubers have joined forces to bring you the biggest Monster Mash doll bash of the season there's plenty of doll customs to enjoy but more on that later what to make actually I've had this idea for a while now ever heard of the goatman a demonic half-goat half-man creature that is said to lurk and terrorize the southern states of america i like to think of him as the cryptic cousin of Bigfoot in the Mothman i sketched up a multi horned skull wearing character then tried a couple color combinations referencing actual photos of goats for fur colors I ended up making something between two and three mostly because of what materials I had on hand all right who's it gonna be yikes I'll be using this ever after High doll it's actually a Dexter Charming head with a hunter huntsman body you know how I have boxes of body parts lying around they don't all match anymore don't take that out of context and let's get started our goat man is going to undergo quite the transformation I want to try out some new techniques so I'm going to cut the doll up even more than usual I'm mark where to cut then bust out the dremel tool I also lay down a protective sheet of paper to collect the dust I know it's not very Halloweeny I found that dribbling and short bursts is most effective the plastic heats up and melts pretty quickly so give it time to cool off and harden between cuts I [Music] take special care separating a torso see the curved line I'm doing it this way to better match the natural anatomy of the ribcage time to reconstruct his body I'm dipping my toe into the ball joint a dull world once again to give him waist articulation as you can see the plan is to create what is essentially a large bead then run elastic through from the pelvis to the base of the neck first I find a Styrofoam ball about the right size to fill the gap then using wood carving tools that are nice and sharp i whittled down the dolls torso until it matches the curvature of the sphere I also thin the walls on the inside to make sure the pieces rest close against each other and to minimize gapping that looks pretty good now to make his waist bead ball whatever you want to call it more permanent I'm going to coat the Styrofoam ball with epoxy I used this sphere for measuring purposes so I can't cover it an epoxy or it'll end up too big so I grab the next smallest size and build it up to match the bigger ball size it should end up exactly the right size if you're curious all the materials I use in this video will be listed in the description box below let's tackle the legs next I want skinny bony goat legs so I'll be utilizing the popsicle stick articulation method I usually do one stick on top two on bottom but to keep the leg as thin as possible I'll do the reverse for this doll as long as it has that strong hinge joint that's what matters once the basic structure is in place I carve the sticks to look more organic and curvy I cut down includes several popsicle sticks together along the way to fill in the gaps and before too long we have two basic goat legs I connect them to the plastic legs by drilling holes into both sides and threading wire around them there also happened to be a convenient plastic bar in the leg which I use to prop up the popsicle stick I cut off his fingers too poor chap with the intent of giving him longer creepy and monster hands using my tiniest drill bit I drill one hole per finger cut a length of jewelry wire give it a twist then cram it into the hole once all the wires are set they can be bent to resemble fingers it looks like he's got 10 Twizzlers four fingers I've got to get my mind off of Halloween candy in preparation for his new torso joint we need to set in place some new interior structures the elastic is thick and will be stretched tight so we need to make sure these structures are sturdy so I'm upgrading to coat hanger wire I know it's hard to see because it's deep inside the thoracic cavity wow we're getting really anatomical this episode but I settled on this shape for the coat hanger wire it's it's over and pinches the back but also loops around and grabs hold on the inside too I drilled a couple holes and threaded some jewelry wire around it to help it stay in place also on the opposite end the lower half of the torso gets a bar of coat hanger wire from front to back and lastly with a couple more holes and wires his neck is in its new elongated position I gotta say he looks pretty awesome already I'm loving the new silhouette you know it's a good sign when you like the doll even during the headless nightmare fuel stage with everything in place it's time to make things permanent by adding epoxy glue to all the connecting wires I dab some around his legs a little at the base of each finger and all around the crazy stuff happening on his neck time for sculpting I mix up more epoxy sculpt and go to town filling in and fleshing out all the new modifications the first pass is usually reserved for covering up and bulking out the general shapes [Music] stick to blobs of epoxy over the nuts on the exterior of each leg this hides the screws and makes the legs look more legit and less like a craft project on the interior of each leg make two snakes of epoxy and coil them around the screw heads so that they can remain removable but it hides them from view during the subsequent passes with epoxy I get in there with toothpicks and tools to form musculature and detail I flushed out the torso a bit more for a closer fit to the ball - speaking of which the ball needs to become a bead I bought this nifty little gripping device that should keep it steady while I drill into Oh someday I will have a real workshop with a drill press until then back to risking my fingers wide in the mouth of the hole to allow a greater range of motion take your elastic and feed it through the pelvic handlebar this parts tricky because we want to know the length of the elastic we need while it's stretched tight but we can't very well hold it in place inside the doll can we it's a bit of a guessing game I think this is about long enough I sew the elastic closed to create a loop then feed it through the bead and onto the hook I couldn't get it hooked in place on camera I had to like pinch it between my knees to get a good angle but yeah I'm pretty happy with that now he can twist and bend around this whole time I've neglected the head it's going to be a lot of work but totally worth it you ready you won't even recognize poor Dexter by the time I'm done with him ever after high heads are cute and round but I want my devilish goat man to have sharp pointy features basically everything's gotta go I almost could have made the head from scratch but I needed that squishy vinyl neck hole to reattach it to the body there I think that slimmed down enough I overlapped the head to shorten and extrude the head shape to then sew everything together with a wire I form a wire lattice on the large open spaces so that the epoxy will have something to hold on to later and yep gonna cut out the eyes too why because he's getting glowing red demon eyes this is a parallel circuit with red LEDs and a rechargeable miniature helicopter battery this battery works great because you can simply plug and unplug it to turn the circuit on and off feed the LEDs in through the top and out through the eyes I must say what you're looking at now is arguably scarier than the final doll this is some great a cyborg horror monstrosity happening right here everything is very loosely in place so the next step is to make it permanent with epoxy the LEDs kept wanting to slide back in so I had to be very patient and let the layers fully cure before adding more epoxy to ensure the wires stay untangled and out of the way of the neck peg I fastened them to the armature wire using two tiny jewelry chains then on goes another layer of epoxy and once that's cured the groundwork is laid and we can start sculpting the fun stuff about time - those beady eyes were freaking me out I begin by laying down the largest elements of the face the cheeks nose brow in smaller parts like lips and eyelids I guess I haven't mentioned it yet but if it's not obvious already I'm aiming for a middle-aged character this time this sculpture was quite the journey at the start he sort of looked like Yoda then as I lengthened the chin and worked on the nose and eyes he started looking like a Patrick Stewart caricature even though this is still early on in the sculpting process I could tell I didn't like it he has a generic Devilman face and also it's too realistic it's artistic preference of course but I prefer exaggerated or simplified characters faces - realistically sculpted ones take the Disney infinity figures or this Green Goblin I found on my husband's toy shelf both middle-aged men both highly cartoon eyes both way more fun to look at than my current goat man another source of inspiration that sprung to mind was the trolls from World of Warcraft all of Warcraft designs are highly exaggerated and I love how the troll faces are monstrously contorted and yet somehow still aesthetically pleasing so taking inspiration from all of those things I pushed myself to add bigger shapes and a better design [Music] great let's cover it up only after the epoxy has fully cured I wrap a layer of saran wrap around the head to make a barrier then I mold on a small flat piece of epoxy to match the curves of the face once that hardens this piece can be easily removed and becomes the basis for the skull mask the mask will connect to the face using magnets so that's one of the first things I add after that it's just a matter of additive and subtractive sculpting building up epoxy one layer at a time and refining detail I'm referencing images of goat skulls off screen while I sculpt at some point I needed to set the opposite magnet into the head so I lined up the placement best I could hollowed out a recess and set the magnet in place I use a very thin layer of epoxy to hide it I had fun giving this goat skull big pointy teeth I don't know what it is about sculpting teeth and gums but it's fun once I'm happy with the skull it's time to add horns in retrospect making the whole mask on one fully connected armature would have been a good idea strength wise but I didn't do that so I'll have to connect the separate pieces he's got too long upward reaching horns and to ram like horns placing the base of the wire on top of his ears I connect the first set of horns with more epoxy blobs by setting the wires this way I hope it will help hold on to his face when he's wearing the mask like a really heavy pair of glasses I detail the Tull pair of horns while they're free might as well they're easier to work with before drilling a hole through the mask and attaching them as well I used a toothy rasp to sand down the hardened epoxy on the horns which gave them an authentic rigid texture with the addition of the horns it feels pretty heavy so I add one more magnet to the mask and head and now I'm sure that it won't fall off all of our body parts and accessories have been sculpted that means it's time for paint I always enjoy watching the mods disappear into the doll unified through color I mixed black white and raw umber for a warm gray skin tone remember to bend and move those joints around to reach all the hidden surfaces his back and legs are a darker black while his arms and belly are lighter gray with the main wash of color laid down I come back in with finer shades and tones of color to add more depth to the paint job stuff like shading and highlighting around his collarbone adding a scratch here there stuff like that I add a touch of dry brushing over the leg pieces to bring out their bone like texture I dab on black fingernails and then give the hands a spot of dry brushing as well for softer gradients use a brush to dust on soft pastels I'm using black pastels on his fingertips elbows and other curves of his body for more definition I started off painting the mask with a creamy bone white before realizing it would be easier to paint dark to light so I washed the whole thing with Brown and worked the dark color into the cracks using the dry brushing technique again I dragged the bone white color across the surface of the mask bringing out the raised detail then with the water down black I washed the surface again there was lots of back-and-forth between dry brushing and washing to achieve that grimy weathered look and at last we can give the horns more color and attention I was worried this doll was getting too monochromatic which is why this pop of red feels so crucial it's the perfect accent color for a demonic creature acrylic paint is prone to peeling so seal the deal with three coats of varnish I did six coats on the mask because I know at some point I'll drop it on the ground so I want to give it the best chances of survival this varnish dries glossy so to Reem a defy the body I spray all the pieces with mr. super clear sealant then we can reassemble all the pieces all right his thighs are still glossy but they get covered up with fur so it's fine I've got three colors of faux fur and my craft supplies white brown and black all left over snippets from other projects and plenty of material to work with fur at all parts the fur and comb it aside then snip off a small piece to work with fur can be messy so just try to cut close to the base to minimize wasting any glue on strips and Tufts of fur working from bottom to top mm-hmm sorry about this awkward position serf mimicking the pelt of a real animal he's got whiter fur on his hindquarters and darker fur on top [Music] I skip over the ball joint I don't want to compromise its functionality hopefully the long fur on top will cover the gap and you won't notice as we work our way closer to the head I add black once again I've neglected the head you're probably wondering where it is I kept it unpainted and off the body until the last minute because I just know it's going to crack every time I reinstall and modified doll head disaster strikes so this time I'm going to paint it after it's on oh wow that's it no damage at all really that was almost too easy I'm suspicious now alright taking inspiration from the arakawa goat breed I paint on a striking and contrasting black white and brown pattern across his face I blend the acrylics and work fast while they're still wet [Music] in an attempt to make him look more scary I gave him black eyes much like I did with the Windigo I fill in more teeth with thick acrylic blobs with the face complete we can finish his fur it continues from his back up to the top of his head and he's also rocking a beard all the fur is on but it's very long I guess this is the goatman in the winter before he gets sheared in early spring comb and groom the fibers to lay in the correct direction before trimming the ends once again I work from bottom to top he looks awesome although it is kind of funny that this scary monstrous demon ended up with a cute fluffy Corgi but so fluffy for finishing touches I painted on Blair which esque tattoos with the accent color red assembled a bone and Ouija board planchette necklace out of epoxy and jewelry wire and gave him a satchel bag and with that the goat man has arrived [Music] [Music] you ready is anyone here nothing's happening oh come on that was totally you M be e our ember ember come home whose Ember oh wait is that her dad Oh wait I'm sorry I didn't recognize your warning please don't take him for home just yet she's the fan favorite it's almost Halloween I can't she at least stay till then continue your Halloween doll binge by visiting my friends there's plenty of variety scary cute creepy mysterious what are you in the mood to watch next links to all these artist channels can be found in the description box below and I'll also add a playlist linked at the end of the video just to run through who's who my partners are 10 dance blank space dolls characters Factory dolls brand new look enchant areum H Ally crafts hexed Ian his name is akan Kairos Workshop moonlight jewel my mini Mon Papa Natali a scary ah settees sky the golden the doll fairy the dolly geek and Tiamat creations whether it's a familiar face or a newcomer to the YouTube scene I'm proud to have worked with each one of these guys thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you in the next video stay artsy and young [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dollightful
Views: 3,231,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halloween, doll, goatman, skinwalker, wendigo, demon, skull, mask, troll, devil, ooak, custom, repaint, face up, bjd, ball jointed dall, tutorial, customize, monster high, ever after high, male doll, dad doll, beard, sheep, goat, art, scary, horror, 공포, 인형, 만들기, 할로왼, october, collaboration
Id: rKDFCWt6rVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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