'The Game Stepped Into The Beef Between Thug & Wayne,' YSL Prosecutor Says

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answer it's what does it have to what does this state seven conversation with a game fin Stillwell and Zachary have to do with little Wayne bus shooting the game stepped into the beef between Thug and Wayne literally he steps into it he comments on it verbally publicly okay so he does but what does it have to do with them and so in resp that's that's what they said to do with them they are defending Thug and YSL and they are threatening the game telling him the main thing that happened to Big in Tupac was going to happen to the game YSL for life that's the whole point of it your honor and to say that because this they claim it doesn't have anything to do with the little Wayne bus shooting is it had lacked Merit on two counts one this is an entire RICO case against YSL whom we are alleging is a criminal Enterprise so to argue that it has nothing to do with little Wayne and just stop for a second I'm s hijack you but so are you telling me detective reisse is going to be able is going to be able to lay the foundation as to this this conversation with the game um and and as to and to the basis as to uh um why poly YSL and um and Mr Sewell and Mr um Williams involvement so J when you come for one if I let finish when you come for one you come for them all is the message that they're saying you you you stepped out against this one you're coming for us all so this message of unity the way the court heard from one of our Witnesses yesterday when asked how did you know this person was leading the group when he moved they when he moved they mooved this is the way that the group itself moves you come for one we coming for you so this evidence is pertinent relevant necessary it's it's it's it's disingenuous to argue that that we don't need it because they we they've seen the relationship they continuously argue their relationship is that they are fellow rappers they are co- rappers you have people holding up guns threatening people their argument is that it's fake well that's for the jury to determine I'm not arguing that is let me finish you know you can fully develop your argument are you done no I was just trying to figure out who you were saying to stop but your honor that's for the jury to determine so if M Mr Stillwell's argument is I don't see any guns I I those are hands whatever it is that he is saying that's for the jury to determine because we can see the gun being pointed at the camera this is not the only video with them threatening people with guns and this is evidence that the once The Game diss its Thug still well threatens him with violence your honor this is evidence that is relevant to the entire case and specifically to count one in this indictment the assertion that it's not an a listed uh overt act uh or whatever it is that Mr um shart is saying makes the evidence no less admissible we have a permissible reason it should not be excluded there's no reason for exclusion it given that his client is the one making the assertions about threatening violence against someone who has just recently dissed Thug who is YSL it's a statement of a party opponent it's a statement that shows as I said before their relationship it happens after this publicized beef between Wayne and Thug and then game coming in so Wayne diss is thug Winfrey shoots the bus Winfrey is YSL um the game dis is thug still well threatens the game with violence quarius Zachary is in the back holding up a gun they saying why sell for life it all proves and proves material elements of count one there's no way that any part of this can be deemed yes prejudicial every piece of evidence we have against their clients are prejudicial because it shows that they're guilty so when you have him on video filming himself saying the same thing that happened between big in Tupac is going to happen to you then they're just they're proving the case for us their own words and and the court found that the relationships between the and among the codefendants and their association with YSL as an alleged criminal Enterprise and street gang are crucial particularly since the defendants denied that YSL is a criminal Enterprise or street gang accordingly the Court ruled that the statements contained in the video properly relate to inter Alia the nature and existence of the alleged criminal Enterprise gang affiliation with the alleged criminal Enterprise gang participation in the alleged criminal Enterprise gang gang Association and membership and the connection of the defendants with one another and accordingly the court denied defendant Stillwell's motion to exclude it the Court ruled properly the court not only ruled in court the court signed the order and enter the order so when the argument is made your honor has ruled this is a situation where it is in writing and the the court has ruled ruled properly I might add um and there is nothing no reason no legal basis for the exclusion of this evidence against the Court's prior entered order it is danger Dangerous when we start just willy-nilly saying things and and and commenting on the evidence and we're wrong but additionally your honor I'm not I I'm not arguing that it's a rap beef versus a real beef or anything like the state can say that I'm doing that I'm arguing one thing very simply it's irrelevant it I don't shouldn't have to argue one way or another because it shouldn't come in because it's irrelevant the jury shouldn't have to consider one way or another it's not a question for the jury because it's highly prejudicial it's of limited relevance the um and and the other thing is the state now saying it's to prove the gang and all this the state hasn't given team notice they were supposed to give team notice 10 days before trial to to use that evidence in Tri it's not charges act and no so they didn't F the procedural requirements to even make that argum but I don't you know the other thing is the state keeps claiming that the game got involved somehow the state has provided no evidence of that and I will say as an officer of the court I read 152 approximately I'm not sure the numbers pages of detective R's work on this case he never to the game the game is never mentioned in any of those 150 however many pages that he wrot the game has nothing to do with Detective R investigation okay well subject to foundation so we'll see what we'll see what um as I mentioned here in my order um and I'll take a look at the transcript um beforehand which I believe Miss Weaver has available for me so so um I would just like to remind you I know would like people to do things earli you said flag things so I took that to heart and flag things we have a now perhaps and this is unfair this was unfair to you your honor because again you don't have the discovery perhaps at that time you were under the assumption that the state was going to tie this together to the little Wayne somehow but they're not they're never going to be able to there's no relevance so well they're saying it's relevant now to show their relationships and other for other reasons um that you know they don't reference the the necessarily legal the little Wayne um so it's just the association with quindarius Zachary is that is that really what this is about we can go through the discovery that's that's never going to be an issue when to take he's say he's known my client for years he's also probably going to say that my client I don't know this for a fact but he's probably going to identify my client potentially as a member of I don't know but those are issues that are going to come up with Mr and the issue of whether they know each other whether they associated it's never going to come up and part of Val okay what about the issue of uh the you know big and Tupac got shot their dead so what's the the the insinuation that hey you come in here and screw with us you wind up dead too okay that's excuse me G who has nothing to do with this case it's it's it's all it against it's propensities do just be like it would just be like if I'm charged with a Sal and then 3 years prior you know I I I threaten another person with that wouldn't be committed that would be strictly proped that's another problem well you mentioned I think that that was mentioned already earlier yeah well I mean so there's no way this all right um I'm going to take a look I'm going to defer ruling on that issue on state seven uh seven Zulu Zulu um I want to take a look at the transcript again it would be sub2 Foundation um but I want to take a look at what was argued previously in light of what else and also I'll just have to also consider at this point in time that now that I understand more and now that I understand more about the game's relationship to this particular scenario involving YSL and Mr Carter um it does it does I I need to reflect on that a little bit more state so yes your honor and not to have rule already but but it it it is I mean I can I can also as you all know change my rulings but um for good cause and but I I I have some Paws with um with kind of bootstrapping the game in there or in kind of in kind of uh the relationship with the game kind of reflecting back to Mr Carter and what was going on with YSL um it may you know it may be more Prejudice and probative so y h the other thing is that it's intrinsic number one but number two you you all argue that all the time it something is not intrinsic is just not so we not we may not even so two things eight Zulu Zulu y I'll just put for the Court's edification I haven't seen eight Zulu Zulu yet I was about I was about to okay put it up but um I was going to put up eight Zulu Zulu and show what Mr Shard is arguing doesn't exist actually in fact does what I have already expressed what terms of the reason that the commentary was made the beef between Wayne Thug game stepping in all of that but we didn't okay we don't have to show that okay play for me it may it may it may further uh elucidate me as to as to a reason why but I'm I need to kind of take I need to kind of consider it in terms of in terms of that because it because here's the thing here's the thing you don't want it to be admissible for Mis misl you don't want a reviewing Court to think there's propensity you're and and and and and that's my that's my worry so if you got so as the gatekeeper in this case it would be like for me to say for me to tell you that it may be more prejudicial than probative I mean if you if if you're wrong you know you're going to have some problems so so that's why but and and and the trouble that I have is that he's not the game is not a party in this case he's kind of a he's kind of a he's kind of somebody who inserted himself in this particular issue and you YSL may be or or the the issue is it may be for the purpose that you're that you're um that you're seeking for but if you're wrong about it um and it and it really is propensity then then there then the court believes you'll it will be more prejudicial than probative under 403 so all right let me take a look at it again let me hear eight states eight zul is it eight Zula Zula yes all right let me hear that um so your what I have are for the Court's consideration are simply they're not these portions are not the games threats we have served in Discovery the games threats and then the responses but I'm I'm going to uh tender for the course consideration um to articles uh as eight Zulu Zulu and the first one was dated May 6 2015 apparently the game will F Young Thug up for Lil Wayne and it just Chronicles um the threats that um the game made to Little Wayne and then the second one is um I believe defendant Williams um commenting on that beef if you will the are these news articles are they so yes what we've done videos or what are they they were news articles but we've shared and Discovery and because I did not anticipate um putting up the games video for the court I'm going back to get the videos but the point is is that the Articles U Chronicle the information that is conveyed in the videos that we have provided in discovery of the game and um YSL and the corresponding conflict between the two so your honor as far as propensity is concerned when the defendant and when a co-conspirator two co-conspirators are in seated in a vehicle together and they are making black sounds B A TT and they are making gun sounds and they are making references on behalf of YSL to a person that they that has recently um made statements about the defendant Williams it it's it it it just it it is but he but here's here's the thing it's margin it's marginally relevant cuz he's not a party in this case the game's not a party in this case the game's commenting on two parties in this case you are you bringing the game in judge we don't testify we don't even want the jury to know that the game commented on it the fact that they the fact that they have threatened that they are making threats on behalf of YSL to someone who who's not a party as you said who hasn't done anything to anybody um Lil Wayne wasn't a he didn't do anything to anybody and shooting at Little Wayne they're threatening gain we have other instances of that type of the group be Behavior the the YSL members acting in a way that um furthers their purpose part of what lets you know that something is Criminal street gang activity is when you assert the gang itself this is a a threat being made a threat of violence when you don't just say I'm doing this or you don't just go out and do something and cover your face and don't let anybody know then one could arguably say oh they did it for their own edification not only did Mr Stillwell make the statements that he made not only did they talk about YSL in the statements being made but they publicly posted it so it's to further the interest of the gang itself to further the notoriety to increase the fear of YSL to make people know that they are not to be played with in in in no small manner I don't believe your honor with all respect to the court and the Court's perspective on it can it be considered a marginal effort on their part they didn't just whisper it to themselves we're the best they're saying that you know we will we will cause harm to you you come to us we come to you as a group as a whole not me it's not Jeffrey Williams threatening the game because the game said something bad about him they're threatening a person who has done nothing to anybody they're offering violence on behalf of YSL that can't be propensity when it's the Enterprise itself that they are acting on behalf of that that's not true on beh of on behalf of YSL not this threatens people but I mean but does does his action purportedly further listen further the purpose of uh y the gang YSL does it does his statement further the notoriety is this nement statement further the fear are they are they offering violence on behalf of YSL of course the jury makes that determination at the end but the statements themselves yeah they're pretty they're pretty damning but they that they they may be relevant for that purpose and I mean I know you're saying that the the goalpost is Shifting but he doesn't he doesn't he doesn't say YSL when Darius no but but does he but does he refute in the video hey I'm not one his Jokers you're honor I mean exactly that's my that's my point he unfor unfortunately unfortunately for you know or for for for your client is that there's a perception that he could be and you know adopting these particular statements because he's in it well he didn't he did not stop mid sentence no I I real I realize that but the but the issue is he is in the video and other people are saying things but but he is making the statements of come down here and you know about see what happened to Lil Wayne and and Biggie no what happened no but there does he talk about tuach and Biggie he well I just want to be clear he didn't say Lil Wayne No no no I'm sorry not Lil Wayne but he mentioned Biggie and Tupac yes he did okay so I mean the insinuation in that is both of them are dead the insinuation is both of them are dead see what happened to them I mean it's a contextual video he yeah that he's the guy that hey he's telling the game hey um you know keep talk keep keep keep keep talking that smack and this is what's going to happen I don't I don't dispute that it's a threatening video that's exactly but it's not related to Little Wayne it's not no but but but it's related to the unfortunally the state is telling you all and trying to convince the jury that these are the type of statements that are made on behalf of YSL your client is a YSL member who's offering ing violence on behalf of YSL who for purposes of fear their notoriety and they did post it on a public website so it's kind of like so whether or not they as whether or not they draw those conclusions and or or beliefs in is in argument is for them to decide the jury but it doesn't make them not relevant for purposes of showing the video to determine it's not propensity it is to show those particular things in particular like do it further purpose of YSL the gang does it further the notoriety the fear are they off are they offering violence on behalf of YSL I would submit you as a threshold measure yes that could be that could be that could certainly be drawn as a as a conclusion out of this video now whether or not the jury decides to draw that conclusion is their is their choice well so you're saying that I that you feel it's relevant under 401 but there's still 403 balancing and I think we can all agree or not state but I think we're agreement that it is very of course it is but is it more probative and and that's and and right now I got to make that determination but your h i just and I know I've said this before but I think it's important we from the very beginning we filed motions we asked and we also or we were begging to be put on this is the ex that poti potentially under 48 you argued that last time because because remember we heard that I heard that argument last time I heard that argument last time I'm justed add the B and we but but I don't think it falls under 418 because I don't think it was offered for that particular purpose well 404 would be uncharged Mis it would be uncharged misconduct I mean they're saying this is a terrorist no but here's the thing they're they're offering it for the purposes of if it were like for example if it's not charged in the indictment but this is a RICO conspiracy case so they telling you know States count one they're telling you hey this is how purportedly YSL operates and these are the things that YSL does and for the purposes of this of this particular um indictment this is what they're alleging um this particular in this particular conversation goes to so I disagree with you about that I think you argued that very well last time I just I just don't agree with you on that particular issue okay okay all right
Channel: Meghann Cuniff
Views: 11,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Young Thug, YSL trial, gangs, rap, celebrity news, law and crime, news, hip hop culture, RICO, Fulton County District Attorney's Office
Id: Pt1IxzRWpnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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