Season 2 Episode 10 Season finale

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[Music] [Music] the [ __ ] carmine that has nothing to do with me I was set out to do a job I'm the captain of the six all captain white that Lola failed the head on I need you to finish the [ __ ] captain yeah the captain is that gonna be a [ __ ] problem he needs done I need it done to nineteen considered [Music] so it seems like whether she gets the kickback or not cap you were told a long time ago to bring the kid back how do I know he's even still alive what do you think NOLA would do if she knew the reason why her kid was killed cuz you [ __ ] try to kill me [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me about it until right now we sitting right here yeah cause I have no choice I wonder if I see you before I may I tell you before yo yo yo [ __ ] [ __ ] all out of control all right do something good yo yo listen listen listen I'm not goin [Music] Mukerjee bull out wasn't me [Music] what that you still get back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check same soku Jamie you can't play the jungle because we could bang at them Dave really shooting us be so at the hinges on the Rob [Music] [Music] line them up I want that [ __ ] bro yo bro you know that should go cause I don't give a [ __ ] about these [ __ ] over here man what about beef you chuck right now Chuck one about drama good one man you know if these Coney only just find out that happened to boy and I tomorrow another did it you know that's gonna bring everyone about Coney Island [ __ ] who had a Coney Island it hit my man cousin Chuck he's out of it some suitable folks Chuck saloon trunk and if he does you already know him [Music] [Music] don't [ __ ] do it cap I'm begging you please don't [ __ ] do it no don't [ __ ] do it cap let me out you can explain that to him enough [Music] better please stand off the marble houses when neighbors say they heard gunshots please surrounded the Marlborough house tops warn the area Friday afternoon witness say that mystery was shut down for nearly three out neighbors say gun shots go off all the time at the Marlborough houses one mother tells us she's moving [Music] [Music] [Music] face to the ground they can stay daddy and young boys pick to spray now broad daylight playground [Music] yeah he's gone what'd I say he's gone [ __ ] you talking about who's gone my son he's gone [ __ ] out of here are you kidding me did you send someone for the cab the other night we gotta meet up and talk I said did you send someone for the captain the other night I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about right now that is exactly the reason why my son is going he told you that yes he did right before he killed my son this doesn't sound like this is this guy's mo don't try and [ __ ] undermine me carmine I heard my [ __ ] boy screaming for his life and then I heard gunshots carmine yeah whatever it takes however long it takes I'm gonna [ __ ] kill you what I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill that fat [ __ ] sidekick of yours I'm gonna kill that [ __ ] cop I'm gonna kill all of you don't [ __ ] sleep on me [ __ ] because I'm coming full force Jenna stand me I know you're listening full [ __ ] force [Music] we [ __ ] training each but I had the [ __ ] bike today oh hold on hold on don't go nowhere yeah Paulie you gotta meet me by the bridge no you gotta give me a minute man listen what you might not have a [ __ ] minute meet me by the bridge now I'll meet you by the bridge you you [ __ ] better have my money by today all right that's it [Music] Tony the me actual question I've been sitting over here for a [ __ ] hour watching you guys across the water that crane just started [ __ ] moving what's the [ __ ] problem over there you're the foreman that I hired right okay and I'm watching all you [ __ ] Mamaluke sitting around doing nothing you think I want the [ __ ] guys to come down here inspect the [ __ ] site oh can we do that it's going on get these [ __ ] moving please you better handle it because I'm going to be here while watching you [ __ ] all right what's going on all I know we're like Mike with this one I literally just got off the [ __ ] phone now with the for me I've been sitting here a [ __ ] hour of course waiting for you and I'm watching these [ __ ] mama Lu do nothing the [ __ ] but it's supposed to be done they still got a couple of months left on the job but I'm watching the [ __ ] crane not doing nothing get back that locket [ __ ] tell me what's going on horny to Lola how kid is gone no she called me up [ __ ] hysterical heard a kid screaming in the background and then gunshots following is that all you could [ __ ] say is get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] you wanna be safe now I don't think the captain's got it in in the dudas I don't think so she tells me also that the reason why her kid is gone is because I sent another hit out on that tiny thing yeah the tiny thing it's really [ __ ] your problem you're the one that hired a [ __ ] let me tell you something Polly you must have certain short-term [ __ ] memory when we met up at the [ __ ] bar on 18th Avenue what did I tell you you [ __ ] never call me back I get this from you every time I call you right how many times I call you I never get a return phone call so what am I supposed to do I got I got Lola doing hit she fell I got [ __ ] tiny doing a hit he fell okay I can't rely on you and this is my [ __ ] fault are you [ __ ] kidding me right now look at who the [ __ ] you're hiring you got [ __ ] Lola doing the [ __ ] it she [ __ ] it up I told you she should've [ __ ] win you got [ __ ] tiny he can't even kick and a [ __ ] ball [ __ ] going out to kill people no problem for there but there's none the reason why this is why I'm the brains you're the Brawn this is no little another reason why you cannot do the [ __ ] hit right now the family is under the radar okay now if you're doing the hit and you get pinched what happens we all go down Lola gets pinched if tiny gets pinched then I can open the [ __ ] not they know what's gonna happen then you tell me in the other bar that you're [ __ ] around these Mexicans [ __ ] El Chapo's causes what I [ __ ] call you you pick up the phone gotta [ __ ] listen if you're hiring all these [ __ ] people get somebody who knows how to do the job correctly okay I gotta make a [ __ ] hurt I know you gotta earn Paulie I understand that okay earng do whatever the [ __ ] you gotta do but when I call you got to call me back and then you we really want the [ __ ] big bosses to know that you're [ __ ] around with the drugs okay now we got to figure this [ __ ] thing out well keep me [ __ ] posted Pauly I'm telling you now is watching [ __ ] back and this line of [ __ ] work has not watchin backage watch who's in front of you [ __ ] [Music] Oh sack who got next [Music] they would dig [Music] I heard they were doing these really look like pop arms no I just make my curfew take care my kids I know he angle on the whistle he gonna learn from it Oh I am sack now how long you had to shower yeah like 38 but someone we get 40 we're gonna have a big event 38 party open up something over in Bed Stuy cross town I've been coming here since I was little man did you know his nose shops over there and mall but we got to come over it's too small come from out hanging going out there the roof no was going over Coney on mob all right now right we heard about it I start god do with me no I just came home it's a situation I'm doing my man right [Music] jams antigen you know when I've been around here well babies in their little nose can see that no [ __ ] [ __ ] know me everybody know me chant but worldwide the shortchange [ __ ] that by 21 min for 2020 to go to 22 that be 2020 in my homie cop toys all the time bro from my man oh man oh it's totally different what I'm trying to do now that's a whole different way maybe I'm trying to get this money right now my favorite that's to be [ __ ] man I trying to do straight up this Mississippi Mike witness baby something on my face that stupid [ __ ] okay my man it was my phone call buddy Meg a champ listen champ I got big bags of money Walmart laundry bag someone give me a lot 8-ball of something I come back and get the whole thing baby not right now champ I can't I can't [ __ ] with you right now man I'm just hit me out champ all I need is a little light 8 ball and if it's good if it's good money that pokey that but I'm coming to get the whole damn thing baby yeah I hear you trying to get you give me a little sample chap I'm trying about a whole damn thing man nobody no chance I'm coming to get the whole damn thing baby hey oh don't play with me man don't play with my money man I'm not to make a call for you man yes that nose dancer I need that baby I need that narcotics crazy look out for you boy I need that hey shut the [ __ ] up and calm down bro yeah bad [ __ ] thirsty bro I had I calm down baby all I need is that book of sugar some of that nose candy trying to get all the way right trying to get right with garbage that's what I'm trying to go Tony Montana you already know what it is Jim your ha that's a minor some try out for the Olympics were my girl Olympics hold on [ __ ] I don't know what you're talking about baby but I ain't wit no running I've been running all my life man shut the [ __ ] up man I'm trying to get it for you bro calm down you say he's gonna try know if it's good yeah you gonna run the whole thing I ain't no goddamn track star chair so what up know me you want me to send them and blow us up [ __ ] was something funny in the crib he said today what's a big up there III said no more if she did i'ma bring him up dude I said no more hi hey name a number this one baby my gonna look out for you assist up there she gonna let you in I did you won't wait for him don't [ __ ] me around I did a good job for you gon look down I appreciate you baby let's put the number in the phone man hi baby that's my man so what's the fire to go boom baby got my dollar feel ready chairman really get right easy easy sugar booger butt sex you in about an hour I take you to my man okay okay okay it's just up there okay its way for me to house me I can't I got you oh [ __ ] me over man okay okay baby okay I call that [ __ ] way change your [ __ ] clothes oh oh man go dick erect me don't come out looking like that man okay something we talked to be any kind of way Gillis [Music] Yossi what up sick little shaking that's in you want a grand crazy everywhere I'm trying to tell you I was in a Ford amphitheater about a hundred been seen by man which oh that's what I'm saying young boys said they out for you just trying to do the old G they said listen man I got told you before like I talked to Jamie anytime the endings ready to finish these new [ __ ] man you're gonna make it happen bro like that [ __ ] I'm my best night but I'm saying what I heard main man going to jail and I'm not letting you go to jail be doing it big come home big and reinforce I'm getting before he go in me and [ __ ] just what we do I'm doing [ __ ] tonight tomorrow my birthday so you know I'm a brief easy gig only for tonight oh god they gotta get spit back is what it is maybe different kind of old ladies men so there's no not good yeah that's it here are my big homie and say act like you ain't gonna know daddy won't go to jail alright well now that now that this is a murderer's baby murders they heard it is saggin we know but listen oh come on eh I'm [ __ ] my [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm just maybe doing it that you see that is low yeah they're trying to [ __ ] me well just take a couple of them alright holy [ __ ] yeah cheering [ __ ] go bad knee yeah you chill listen I'm gonna spit on cuz I gotta shoot over here to the shop you know maybe when we get a little shape up a little laugh them I hop on my bike I'm gonna keep it moving I got you baby say no more [Music] who is it Lowe's but I ain't gonna do it anything like that I'm waiting for somebody I'm waiting for my brother so so what you way for our brother for four well since you must know you got to know ya hear that dad your nose candy that's what I'm waiting on what for it what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is dead cocaine powder narcotics with CJ here for rarely you assuming you don't know what's going on you just popping up like you always do you drink you know everything to me all know what's going on I just totally sure I heard what he said but it's CJ here just so he's 90s so technically he's not you know it must be going on a Viera chance chimp Lumia is on without lamb day it's not even like that brother so what is like then if it was like baby I should know where guns and [ __ ] French in the chick all that going on a chimp on even know who the [ __ ] this [ __ ] go jail okay my know what up man my name is today that's back my your business man yo-yo say got none each other like get the bus a [ __ ] out to bust a move what you will head the bus bus away [Music] Oh [Applause] no y'all over the door no you bring in that drummer over here for no [ __ ] reason disrespecting my credit I don't care I'm like what was going on you had your [ __ ] Siri on fridges [ __ ] open the door when I say so [ __ ] I don't even want to hear it I don't care and till I see you you hear me see if you get it see if you get it first okay wait that's a threatening whatever punk-ass every day [Music] no I'm right here in front of the filler money all right come on I gotta people all right [Music] Goodfellow okay so tell me you call me [ __ ] you make sure use all point no [ __ ] yeah I need to make sure your point check this money shows all right you know everything that's what I'm talking about and I gotta go chair who busts move it just me parent you know talk talk now you go up there don't mention my name them at all no promises my name is no money together be loyal to me would you still [ __ ] be like that though do I move real quick people know I didn't put your name enough it is easy and my fault my god [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna do that [ __ ] Shrek we put listen listen this all right [ __ ] all the stupid [ __ ] yo what's up with the [ __ ] G which appellant Oh are writable sub you gettin work phone beside listen check this out my name first of all is blood before everything's on the back alright my name is so you get it like I just said before everything make me up the fan man I got a you know that's a fact that's a fact got you on that got you money alright that's a this is who the right thing consult our partnership already in trouble yourself always blood Monday before everything harder fragmented right [Music] and this coffee's hot yeah I guess this is a good time to tell you not to do this transfer of back uptown wiping with door so did you get it with it yeah you know how it is man things happen [ __ ] dies out you know I'm saying I got my lieutenant working on a few things for me up there Rick nice option to see for me man you just got it not only that know I'm captain White's top cop I miss favorite then you gonna get with this top cop this top cop that I know what your [ __ ] problem is man what the [ __ ] is my problem you jealous everybody's just top cop if you really want to know [ __ ] hey mask [ __ ] hey hey you know what jealous man [ __ ] we have an arrest you pulled the [ __ ] gun out on me man I was about to take these [ __ ] down bro you pull a gun out of me skull so I could stop my what I'm doing you know [ __ ] is that you I hate of man do you even know what no what is about [ __ ] you both Supercop he's needy with the Italians he's messing with the drugs and the lady you locked up the last caller yeah the one yeah the one you take the money from I didn't take it she's affiliated with him I'm taking the money how did that money disappear believe what do you think I put the gun out on you cuz I have specific orders from him to not let you get involved with the people that he was involved with I don't believe that [ __ ] one bit he's a [ __ ] captain man are you crazy captain why I wouldn't do no [ __ ] like that I don't believe your [ __ ] eyes like I said you a [ __ ] hater Shelly says I'm a hater I'm a hater stick around before you transform we're gonna run into uh you can ask them for yourself that same girl you took the money from I'm gonna take you up on your word man let's see if this [ __ ] sticks if what you're saying is true and all that this stuff is legit and we're gonna go see this girl I want to hear from humma and then we'll take it from there that's right get a yo car [Applause] Oh God [Applause] [Music] 54 right now right now and I got made of meat right there that wasn't me with no staffing did you know without such good if you are go change I got ya your own self never listen it was coming sir yeah I mean that situation was talking about right earlier I've got a one right now mostly for finality mama - promise me - right I bet our mundane world analysis of our [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] I'm saying I said I'm a convict work all over minutes alone hey you're my let me take this call for Milly Erne me I got a check right now listen man I'm gonna take this call from Emma call you right back come get you I I gotta take this call yo and you'll see your bags was good boy y'all mal here in the hood I see that me making that shot yo what you'll come through so I come from now a little leg out there right now got the drop in sir did you sweep one I say no more yo my [ __ ] I'm on my way bro you're say no more when you got on my way right now Oh Lois popping broke were broke we what yeah I'm right here rolling dice with pH and I'm about to [ __ ] why you need to link up all right in front of my building this to them someone pulling up right now I'll be back yeah that big bro he was something goons I'm just kidding shot I this Bob burgers [ __ ] 20 and heads first we'll have you [Music] [Music] I chose out the tip Akari all when they could you heard me your boy agent say breathe and you say who threw my breathe but when I'm gonna give up [Music] [Music] Lola yeah yeah listen my deepest condolences I already was a very good kick all right I'm really sorry for your loss you didn't even [ __ ] know him you [ __ ] [ __ ] easy there watch that mouth I'm overhead I'm saying I feel for you all right what the [ __ ] do you want listen I know you've been going through a lot of things and it's got to be terrible for you to lose your child that I know you have no idea listen you're in in wrong hands over okay you did a lot of wrong things I want to be open to you you know you're in a bad situation I want to come over there and help you all right when can we meet up something funny about me Lola this is not the kind of laugh I use when something's funny listen listen you're not in trouble with me you understand you're going through some hard times you're in my circle remember that you understand you're like family okay you want to see me let's just meet up and talk about how we can move forward okay you got it that's good that's good that's real good see you soon whoa whoa yeah you don't even know where to [ __ ] meet me I'm a hit I'll find you hello [ __ ] dirty [ __ ] [Music] yeah it was good come on home 50 far-off between a from a pool [ __ ] you me money gun cover right now bro pull up over I'm not gonna stay too long actually do I talk of my lacking my [ __ ] what's up you think you could sit here comfortable my [ __ ] my [ __ ] wassup me no so I could say they didn't Harlem me me and Brooklyn raise me me you know what heard you beloved [Music] I'm not a man mg o SE OG o the [ __ ] yogena although my whole army called Ambrose whoa [Music] I've thought about it and I was once like skeptical though I deal with I'm not doing my level I come with bread that's why I know it you become my partner and things you do to real estate whatever you got going on right I'm telling you you won't get to the camera so let's just do this [ __ ] ain't nothing else to say I really want to get into it that's something I'm thinking about if you serious about this [ __ ] I'm telling you we could take the [ __ ] to a whole nother level but them other [ __ ] [ __ ] away I'm telling you you need to leave the [ __ ] alone [Music] yeah I should have shot that [ __ ] bed god let me tell you something it's lit with the whole Coney Island I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you why you know the little [ __ ] got up came up to me I'm saying downs that y'all boy you rule I say I looked up I say yeah I'm ruled died up real quick he was a young boy your marble [ __ ] can't come out here you never knew this do tonight nothing about you don't know do you know that loan [ __ ] you know these little I just came oh no ho or whatever the case may be so you say yo y'all [ __ ] can't cross that bridge huh I'm looking like yo this thing is serious yo the [ __ ] got me Willy man on the walkout he was like yo boy this son - yes my son can't come out here this is what I'm trying to say Joe after a register I don't like what's going on all them Coney Island iggins whoever you see anything I'm gonna [ __ ] is the grandmother they phone call eonni boom they once mostly they want this man if they want smoke on it we gotta give it to them so they say they clean the wall nicer warning this is what I'm saying we get they first find it this is what you kill the heads the body can't function no more but this is one try all they had means is okay listen I don't know where it's coming from I don't know visit demon [ __ ] let me talk you always talked over me okay oh well doing games over me you want a wall you get them listen I don't know if it's the D chairman [ __ ] I don't know it's the [ __ ] barbershop [ __ ] with em I don't know is that a be nickel [ __ ] I don't know where it's coming from but anyone in them [ __ ] you see Bocconi alley in school yo anyone any was coming from shock that's a took out like I told you - we didn't ever both of us have been in this situation right now I need change the number one you don't need them we can't do nothing the [ __ ] is useless but [ __ ] it took out Chuck that's it that's the reason why you talking to me right now about this Coney Island [ __ ] and my situation is prior everything Chuck so now going but let's make a flagel anybody when you see one of them [ __ ] boom they want smoke they try to play the kid boom boom that's all gonna say broker that said - yeah what a hot situation oh my back is your boy let's get rid of him and it's over I say toughen up man um homie [ __ ] [Music] [Music] ridiculous pulling me in these hallways why can't be out here see talk me off Greg listen let's make this short time zone in this hallway right real quick captain wait tell me what I need to know about it I don't know [ __ ] about Kath like yes you do no no show me don't look at the white listen I'm legit yeah all the time dealing drugs please tell me what I need to know you'll need me to finalize like I said [ __ ] you over will do is we could figure this out some other time I appreciate the month [ __ ] that [ __ ] all this [ __ ] talking in the hallway sit here still no [ __ ] means about catching my [ __ ] captain might like I said I'm a good guy talk to God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a young bull bull bull dog bumping like a Doberman head type of negative end I'm walking off emotionless [ __ ] you and your associates don't wanna be associated come back and works is backing up at the Associated credit very cope at the ocean spray it welcome home it's about to be a crazy night nah my [ __ ] ain't Karen D not Donna gun shake like Africa you're gonna be a Ghana mmm that's fire wrapping it up anyway what's up those plates damn [ __ ] straight to business oh but when I get up only time afternoon inch imma put that work to go home I set [ __ ] out whatever y'all supposed to be going to start down at 4:00 no wow I'm gonna leave it to y'all hold it down or whatever man a quality not quantity man no no listen you out here with the desert dick talking some others you go ahead with that yeah listen that's Mayo later yep that's mail service up here that's crazy yep well now that my son let me say your shot at today were like what you expect an apology [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the stove how about the ended baby I was about the inner little man talk to me yo let me talk to me this Monday's country [ __ ] man if she said man how about yo so tell me the [ __ ] story was telling me finish y'all [ __ ] is doing I go over here alright here's baby farmer runnin you [ __ ] this negative like Rick James all this other crazy [ __ ] champ I'm just hitting the worm baby he disrespected me you pull out the easy-bake oven it chant I'm known to carry the stove be the 552 GE ask your man right he'd know what I'm about yep I'm not this bread what's happening me you got the work of what what are not kind of count that she's got a whole lot of sin in yet baby god damn what a rob said why does she come all the sanity in each other wait wait a rap said you like it's one dollar short man ain't nothing short above that don't play with me champ I got to stop with me right now me hey uh yeah [ __ ] want to do witness we can finish [Music] hey what's this - this thing's for sure what'd you pull that damn thing that nose candy but to get all the way ready spend on some [ __ ] nose candy no skin [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh oh okay yeah that's him that's gotta be [Music] I saw you walk out the club and all of a sudden it explodes do you know anything about that I don't make the questions who owns the club carmine owned the club don't let your questions she don't answer questions all right you been in the club don't wait to questions mm-hmm do you know anything about the truck that was shot up the other day truck mm-hmm that's a question you don't answer questions listen I know you work for carmine and I'm gonna get that [ __ ] him and Paulie now you can either work with me and I'll make sure you get less time or you don't say nothing and I'm gonna get you as much time as I'm gonna get them cuz them all [ __ ] they gotta come in so what you want to do in my under arrest no you're not under arrest do you have any more questions yeah I got one more question we blow up the club how romantic horses all right the [ __ ] out of here I'm gonna get you and the mall [ __ ] go free to go glad I could help with all those questions catch your own yeah [Music] yeah oh I'm the Guru was goodie what you fam yes wanna go yes goodie what you read why you saying no package y'all money I meant to say you little Jack Max's [ __ ] man but y'all [ __ ] just crazy out here right now money boy nah man still working no I'm not working on what man she's [ __ ] crazy out here Mayo listen man it's a lot of [ __ ] going on yeah we gonna get back to that but I called you for a favor though man don't but you got it but you got a hit in store I'll get back to that but hear me out real quick wait up you still got family on Coney Island yes I need I need a link man one of your cousins man I need some eyes and ears out there mom a lot going on a lot going on I just need I need a little eyes and ears over there man I think you should just go with your cousin cousin man yo I don't really want to put my cousin in that and well [ __ ] is real hectic out here right now man like listen man to snake a man yo this [ __ ] t-money a lot man see what this [ __ ] is a lab man as she was smoking boy got he's smoking nothing but my bad he make paddy [ __ ] [ __ ] he's dead boy on me and I think it was banging it out good ass man me a him one on one shot me in the arm and all that man I should just healed up that [ __ ] is dead boy I'm a sure that [ __ ] was dead boy I think I went on top of the [ __ ] no laughs - hit him let me get dead boys alive I'm telling you man trust me when I tell you I hope you ain't laughing bro I hope you're not lying oh man I'm not what - no sir I thought he was I was a happy [ __ ] but I'll see this [ __ ] [ __ ] oh hell no what I knew that y'all in the East Wing oh you know we had again yeah you know Lois do not lie to me smoke that [ __ ] is dead Boyan man no he not man me and then [ __ ] was shooting at it back and forth caught me in the almond or legs and I think I laughs yes you know yet yeah I know yet man go get in the car man take me take me to him right now man [Music] yeah always coming out of that bill everybody did I swap or no coming out last time man was banging it out down there he hit me in the arm yeah man you might not live here but he being in he being in that's why I came away to [ __ ] I'm sure I'm positive man he came out of that building right there last time when I'm saying it out well it's something I don't know I'm getting a little bad Bob did this whole world what kind of father oh no son getting a bad vibe which you man with what's really going on no I'm what it is so know what's going on out here no wonder you want him to buck into you something let you know he alive well alive it's hard to believe man easy that I don't know how you gonna you gotta prove it she's just showing me in the [ __ ] out a building that [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] bro I need you to pull he broke this is where our quarter mat right here you oh no no [ __ ] that no more okay I'll get a phone number you got his old phone number yeah I got this old phone number call that [ __ ] right now man give me the won't know you got it you Oh Nicole anything no call that [ __ ] you call that [ __ ] for me man I'm gonna give you his number [Music] yeah yo oh [ __ ] really mad at myself yo who this yes the monster [ __ ] yo damn bro instead of finishing man oh what's good boy we're at right now I'm around same block [ __ ] I'm around you you you were tough [ __ ] to catch up to though you're a real tough [ __ ] to catch up to them you dick I'm hard a fine Iggy wing looking neck if you're caught running in the crib and busted your [ __ ] in your head not looking for you [ __ ] then you got it twisted [ __ ] what you almost clap that [ __ ] to a boy I'm shooting in front of the crib to that [ __ ] knocking down my [ __ ] door busted me in the mouth you gotta be kidding me yo how bad is this off [ __ ] like you never you soft [ __ ] oh you want that type of Tom home like that [ __ ] [ __ ] shot me in front of my knees [ __ ] now catch that toaster head [ __ ] that gave her a dollar I'm a smoker to watch like ain't no rules to this [ __ ] you shot me right there front of my baby moms and son [Music] [Applause] right you want a volley like that bro no you're absolutely right boy I did volley 1903 type of Tom [ __ ] design out here don't worry about it homie I got something for you world facts - money for bread players got the rat emic patty I ain't playing with you t-money oh [ __ ] who died Lowe's in the back well you got some coming bro that's who got your back make it I saw you running around the city without here got you feeling safe [ __ ] no listen broken [ __ ] talkin too much on his jack [ __ ] were you at [ __ ] drop a pen or something [ __ ] we were hidden maybe the question you should be asking me [ __ ] is I know will you be able to them you tell them about what the [ __ ] you talkin about room yo I thought that's what y'all warning I will rule the [ __ ] Bluett [ __ ] you tell me he was gonna be at your BM crib at that time now accent [ __ ] deaf funny says he laughing in the background [ __ ] both of y'all [ __ ] ya [ __ ] is funny right and axe that [ __ ] axe that [ __ ] Harvey Nichols no war light [ __ ] accidentally got hot see money know that since you want to be there laughing [ __ ] y'all running says y'all gang gang now [Music] that's the world say world and mom worked in my kids [ __ ] [ __ ] I got a lot for he a dead man anyway [ __ ] whether you get him or I'll get him Massa do both of us a favor nice well we'll see you when I see you man I'll see you in traffic is soon I'm around no bad design more soup [Music] yeah almost had to crush your fat ass off the list oh so was you so now you're acting as a terrorist worse what makes you think this is gonna end in your favor what makes you think it won't well listen you missed your shot if I wanted your fat ass dead you would be what did you gain from that little firework show it's not what I gain is what y'all lost I'm gonna smoke your boss right out of his [ __ ] hole he'll have no place to hide when I'm done with him and then and then you have a new boss that's how it works right I whacked carmine then a new boss steps up right might just be running the new family soon I'm not next at one paulie's going to every wise guys gonna be looking for you and that's nice you let me worry about that fat boy ya need to meet me by the clock yo bro yo bro you got company coming yo hold me down book this well you put the session yeah just seven o'clock nah damn you early man type of energy you won't ba ba baby I'm happy to see you beat the [ __ ] yeah you see you in a minute bro three years I've been looking to me is be I've been in jail for three years you well what type of energy you want to talk we so don't be too young but myself in a 30-30 man well come in he good you're such a little girl go see please put like fifteen balls protein balls I got sixteen in a clip anybody can find me a soul why they're farming three years ago because those ghosts you got real low because I was out here looking I have other people look reason I was loves not telling well you came here for what well that for that money y'all figure this [ __ ] out I know that was your [ __ ] bro to be honest my [ __ ] I saw I jumped all the jokes got jumped on him I like his free money never bought the straight to him I'm I hope you get that [ __ ] back listen so you two are no we agreed on on me giving you half row and you stand up [ __ ] and I see that bro even though chummy-chummy blondish it and all that bro but my [ __ ] got shot for that [ __ ] son none Bahamas body swap how many [ __ ] got hit and all that behind that [ __ ] and I'm thinking about it [ __ ] shed blood for this money man without flow [ __ ] don't give nothing back after we take it I'm understanding that me but those are your peoples be that's you more closer to him than me alright so listen I'm not giving that bread back so we're gonna work sign out or not what we supposed to work out the only thing we can work out is you line of his ass up so I'll kill that [ __ ] P I need him gone Oh savvy no that connect tell me I could take care that [ __ ] fun you don't look you do me that favor Lana connect for me go just want a good [ __ ] meal on his door do side B I need to bring his ass down here this thing is not me jumping in garbage cans beep oh you jumped in garbage cans and all that they ran up in my credit be where I rest my head and his [ __ ] car door then to connect the whole connect the whole family so if I if I give you that you got beef with Terry I've got that for you though I won't handle him for you beat I've heard about sufficient these are definitely your family and all that don't worry about that me I got that for you it's more personable understanding how this thing you want to take much of so much but oddly the streets along with that [ __ ] hey hey this woman do I'm a lying son up for you mm-hmm I just want you to keep the ball rolling mm-hmm cuz what's he out of it mm-hmm you got it I said just keep the ball rolling if I do step to the game again you gotta say no more like this right don't shake my hand now be and disappear for the next 3-4 years to be that's what you did no more locked doors I'm legit baby no I see you out there see nothing okay baby see you got me baby because funny ass [ __ ] back youngbleaux you ready go back to work going back to almost oh yeah now I'm a little busy right now man y'all Mets to do [ __ ] knows you know but um yeah I could get it I figured out with you tonight though yo home matter fact remember home the spot I told you to meet me at yeah just Park at their own at the back yeah before the rent yeah just meet me over there homie I'll meet you tonight no come by yourself - I gotta talk to you it's very important I heard you [Music] I get obviously I'm wrong how to go outside and he can't drop this work ball sent some [ __ ] out little fast and then on but with this haircut we pack all her better oh yeah man said my line hold this [ __ ] see black and we'll brothers shut up too and then they don't flick it over here don't [ __ ] with us you don't [ __ ] the dumb we keep it that way I'm saying maybe I could just money up bro I got a closer gonna grab Sonny's money that for everybody being money nope yeah well you think I'm mad [ __ ] I'm in the hood what uh yeah yeah yeah he go bro [ __ ] wait look like he only wake up bro you coochie [ __ ] ain't never good why y'all [ __ ] always talking so y'all be saying the same [ __ ] bro like is he good over here he go bro shoot his crazy bro is always hot over there bro lying [ __ ] with it bro I said be over here in a noodle bro I just got in the news I'm gonna block with Milo right now look just pull up you just pull up bro I send it to hookahs are you loco yeah it'll go me all the way girl bro you keep asking and he keep asking like if I [ __ ] with [ __ ] blow to [ __ ] with [ __ ] maybe this Gucci bro aye aye cool aye aye [Music] right there know what I'm going to in a minute oh maybe big boy here very good for like in their food [ __ ] beer oh oh young yo-yo oh no no that's you out holy visit little [ __ ] you know say I don't want back to be kale on some things up y'all it's a legacy black man but look I'm broke I know people say fire managers try to save for this [ __ ] I mean imma see him in a couple days in the devil other issues you know [Music] it was a couple [ __ ] out there bro I went through their head I don't think I had him know I had somebody we might have to go back to do [Music] I have every [ __ ] right the dowsers [ __ ] cigar on your eye right now tell me what the [ __ ] happened listen coma I was there all day nothing out of nowhere eight o'clock I went in that did you count what does walk at and then I love soon as I got about a block away that's when I heard it do you [ __ ] realize that is the second time you [ __ ] let me down is that all more all on me yeah I believe so tiny I believe charge of the [ __ ] place right we left it in your [ __ ] hands right there one more thing I forgot what what the [ __ ] did he say to you what did you tell him listen they saw me leaving the club guys know what the [ __ ] you say now we need to know this you understand guys I would never do you guys dirty level they questioned me I lose the bar I gave him nothing I gave no nails the guys are in declare there's nothing that has I'm a [ __ ] are we supposed to trust you tiny right now you failed the [ __ ] hand on captain white right now my [ __ ] family business [ __ ] ball blows the [ __ ] up while you're there the [ __ ] is going on never [ __ ] you play baseball tiny tiny you ever play baseball you know baseball yeah three strikes you're [ __ ] out I'm sure I get one my trunk and pull out a [ __ ] battery [ __ ] all right you're out tiny it's the second [ __ ] time guys I'll make it up I'll make it right I'll make it right how you gonna make you [ __ ] right you [ __ ] up twice all right the [ __ ] hit yeah it's coming out of your [ __ ] money you gonna always all right [ __ ] sick of this guys is one more thing what now are you [ __ ] kidding me right now tiny this guys [ __ ] ban the dowsing pole huh I'm gonna go get the [ __ ] back Lola : what the [ __ ] does she want well she tells me that she had me I got scratched off her at least what is that supposed to mean guys put it together put it together good I'm listening I can't wait to hear this you guys are not [ __ ] seeing it you're grilling me you're on me that I'm [ __ ] up but you're not seeing the real picture here real [ __ ] coming out okay go ahead she's telling me she almost had me scratched off the list put it together I'm not [ __ ] playing puzzle games here jerk-off all right you're in [ __ ] heat all right tell me what the ball I hold on hold on a minute hold on hold on let me get this straight according to this [ __ ] guy right we got captain white standing outside the place according to him and we got Lola staking out the joint and all of a sudden the place blows the [ __ ] up so you're saying they're both in cahoots yeah you know we got to do now you know what [ __ ] lola [ __ ] [ __ ] captain when I jack [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] everybody i Matty I don't [ __ ] trust you anymore talk of the police this that I [ __ ] it done Paulie Paulie Paulie they've done they're done they got it go vote for them got it go that's it bottom line they both gotta go I'm sick and [ __ ] tired of all the [ __ ] [ __ ] alright you better [ __ ] start answering [ __ ] to fall your [ __ ] mistakes I'm tiny this is your last [ __ ] chance you don't bring them back to us this is your last chance I already told you three strikes you're [ __ ] out this is that good all right this they did a lot of [ __ ] chances for a lot of [ __ ] chances that's the family [ __ ] business [Music] [Applause] hey what's up girls on my way out wanna see Minh accomplishment sit down sit down got something safe how can I have one detective from uptown come down to Brooklyn south and complete a whole job in a matter of months explain to me what are you talking about the shooting with the fat boy in the marble projects Garcia said there was only one guy shooting and he didn't even see the fat kid with any firearm at all besides he don't even know who was shooting at him who's this what ain't this is Chuck this is Blizz from the Marlboro houses these two guys were recently picked up at a traffic stop with a gun in their back seat with bullets bullet casings matching the fingerprints of this guy right here Chuck all the casings from what the cases that were found in the alleyway with the shooting with Garcia [Music] oh shoot no soup I put it there I put it down and this guy Chuck his fingerprints were on the casings from the alleyway correct and the blizzard blizzard guy he played what part of us the only thing that matters then he was in the car with the guy with the gun so back to the picture on the left who's the guy on the left the Chuck oh this guy BTW uh Brad turn yeah he's being investigated we got in a possible shooting out in Coney Island you know anything on that okay right oh this guy this guy on the right he doesn't have anything to do with it he's a he's a regular guy yeah yeah I think he's like a fashion designer he got a clothing line named swanky life swanky life Oh my nephew got a couple of honey's from an okay anyway great police work no thanks to you with all due respect detective Penn is still under my command [ __ ] in that count as great police work for me also was under your command what are you talking about I pulled a few strings I got him his transfer early I've never seen a cop so eager to leave this unit so quick I guess he felt more at home uptown I guess he was definitely one of my top cops oh wait that reminds me who are these guys you know these guys where did these come from then told me to show them to you he also told me that you're right he is one of the top cops he told me to look into these two and it will raise a lot of questions that are going on around him no I'm gonna take them wait not that fast buddy sit down you're not gonna be on this I have a set of detectives that are gonna handle this ah [ __ ] doesn't matter what you pulled the muscle working out at the gym yeah go put some touching on that [Music] [Music] real estate your little business thing good but before we get today we need to talk about that situation that happened before I didn't appreciate that homeboy was disrespectful guaranteed ain't gonna happen no more I can assure you listen [ __ ] like that you don't need around [ __ ] up the money in all that okay what do you know I just want to get focused on this but like I said I could make sure that so much is going on back and forth and those are no allowed people get locked up type of suit also you know something like want to take another angry at life you know I see so different this is it well I have a unit in here going up and you up school around New York City this is where is that so this is what I was trying to get you to see I got you you said get it down pay me come over here I let you I got a favor to ask you about that times about that time I appreciate you know that Street [ __ ] is not what's up you know hopefully I'm gonna turn out good you know hopefully you turn out good still new to me this is a whole life so we just see what happens you know make this [ __ ] right but however I'm uh my people who stick in a tricky business so you should be receiving the paperwork in a couple of days okay thank you I appreciate that that's for sir thank know they got the new quarterback at the new quarterback know when it's on good know now what up shorty yeah get that [ __ ] it from too far talking to that shorty right there so that's surely from to floor son [ __ ] she coming from 4:00 to 12:00 to 4:00 I smell the [ __ ] sand No that's some for marburo son did you [ __ ] for a lot know what the [ __ ] you doing out here you think should have sweet for me down let me highlight your snicker yo shot boy yeah what's good my [ __ ] you doing out here be only flies on for your marbles [ __ ] wanna go so you know what y'all [ __ ] dipped in my [ __ ] do you know what you talk about my [ __ ] chambers behind with chambers I don't know our chambers all that [ __ ] zone football with this [ __ ] [ __ ] this corny online [ __ ] I think it's got us [ __ ] up out here be happy let's go no [ __ ] I did it bro [Music] one entry all I need is one drink yeah let me get a kettle and crank right Yeah right you look stressed you don't enjoy okay I'm just gonna finish clean so if you need anything just [ __ ] place is [ __ ] falling apart I hate honey ain't gonna believe this [ __ ] [ __ ] the toilets out again [Applause] [ __ ] dead [ __ ] [ __ ] get you Lana [ __ ] day [ __ ] day right after I told you you go out there what's wrong with you bro what the [ __ ] happened bro now I went to Coney Island to see home shorty about the real estate [ __ ] that I was kickin it with real estate trying to get a house nice are you playing it [ __ ] are we saying here bout to go catch a hundred bodies and you see I went out there to go see the chick that I was kicking with in the back Oh shorty from that was in the backyard with you the one you manhandle when I kicked out yeah that [ __ ] line you broke nice she didn't love me a [ __ ] lined you when you talk about after she left she look at your head think he's gonna bang you in your head got your whole [ __ ] bleeding I don't know what it was man [ __ ] cut me with something something cut me I was out there singing the house then partly buildings and stuff condos and [ __ ] that she was talking about and when I left for my the [ __ ] that [ __ ] with the [ __ ] D chambers and the [ __ ] oh you know that because one of the [ __ ] said something one of the [ __ ] was talking loose lips sink ships that's it funny [ __ ] is that's what Duke said to me um when they pressed me in a barber shop Bobo since [ __ ] violated now I'm violating the whole Coney Island every [ __ ] I see everything that go on [ __ ] is getting it that [ __ ] it's letting that they get been laid I told you so [ __ ] but [ __ ] them [ __ ] man [ __ ] yo we can't go over the bridge they can't come in on our side I'm gonna start pressing the buttons on [ __ ] man we been George Bush the button I'm out to go over there right now man [ __ ] got a plan right [ __ ] d12 days gonna do things right we're gonna do it now you got something else you got to do you do what you got to do I'm gonna do what I gotta do [ __ ] got me linking [ __ ] it took my [ __ ] got me linking out here it's late what they took broke they took my [ __ ] piece they took my [ __ ] piece other watch and my [ __ ] ty said don't even matter not only they hit you upside your [ __ ] head they took your [ __ ] yeah man [ __ ] violated that's it man that's it turn up time we're gonna hand with that man but on what's that can I borrow that real quick what smash real quick look it's a Halloween [ __ ] you tell me you need a mask for all right I'll go across town take care something when I come back knowing them [ __ ] love [Music] yeah I don't [ __ ] you know the pitch screw [ __ ] fins or something turned into a [ __ ] mermaid [ __ ] disappeared going on what mermaid hold on what can you [ __ ] have you giving you a [ __ ] second hang the phone up inside gonna give you a [ __ ] second I want to know what the [ __ ] is going on well I want to know what's going on so hang the [ __ ] phone up hold on no I'm not gonna hold on I'm not gonna hold on come on I fought to call you back listen that [ __ ] [ __ ] is the same [ __ ] person that blow up the [ __ ] club and I'm just knowing this now when I got a [ __ ] tell you everything you took it to my job I told you to come out of a shot and I shoot the [ __ ] place come on come on come on me are you [ __ ] kidding listen yeah I can't [ __ ] tell you everything like [ __ ] oh really you know what get your [ __ ] [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out and go [ __ ] yourself how does assurance [ __ ] you Paulie [Music] nah bro you know you fan bro never bro you know that Brown Oh what the [ __ ] woman no see you how bad she going with no bra a little bit actually came from a growing [Music] they get acted nearby little man grow that should that happening on you the heads up problems call me baby I believe that making I hit me throwing I can itself a statically son so I'm just don't you out there welcome what you have kind of stay on point [Applause] [Music] should I be talking about man lifestyle blonde up came to go to myself a ladies right you fall asleep no see we yet because shoes you have reached the voicemail box of at the tone please record your voice message when you are finished recording you may hang up or press pound for more options yo yo where you at man you're right here where you told me to meet you and then I got the drop on team money right now out here right now man go will you add me pull me back man I'm here right now pull me back man please yo yo oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] man no what's this about me yo what's this about me well this man what's this about he's good Hey got him take him to the spot right now I'm about to run over there man God take care of something real quick I'm coming continuing this a little bit later damn you know what my parents was right all those things they instilled in me as a child you know do for yourself depend on yourself plenty of Jews they dropped on me when I was a little boy the one that always stuck out to me toe was everybody ain't your friend damn that [ __ ] was the truth it's not in I'm old I realized something day ones don't mean [ __ ] even getting kids from the sandbox are still your shovel and bucket when you ain't looking no such thing as loyalty man or woman everybody got a price like every person in the world I had to learn that the hard way but you're seeing people's fascination with the streets start early I know mine's dead I always wonder by all the older dudes was in front of the building faithfully then I realize they out here all day getting to the money I had all the clothes sneakers jewelry cause the women all that she came easy for them it was right then and there I said damn don't want that I want to be just like them then I started to see the ugly side to that [ __ ] you know the envy jealousy hate tan [ __ ] hated men shootouts robberies killings kidnappings he's going away to prison she was crazy crazy [ __ ] was they've always seemed to be going to war with the [ __ ] that was younger than nothing you know the young boys man they went to war so long for that money for them buildings for that respect that before you knew it all that she came to an end some old G's got locked up some got killed some stepped away from the game period crazy [ __ ] was these were some of me and my friends older brothers uncles cousins [ __ ] might have been your pops out there getting it did something strange happen most of the old G's was gone the young boys took oath the younger generation the building's became this all the money coming through the projects belong to them now they need to fly minutes they got all the cars all the women young boys just living in their eyes unstoppable on top of the world money long team strong we're gonna [ __ ] with them [ __ ] the police [ __ ] the outside years went by [ __ ] changing now the game is shifting some young boys ain't so young no more they oh geez now just like the ones before them he took a few losses too few [ __ ] got locked couple of [ __ ] shots few got killed and now that same energy they brought to the old G's when they were young boys them young boys is bringing it to them sure even the young boys is bringing it to you all that money and what they thought was success they forgot one thing all those years they spent watching them all the dudes wanting to be like them what near spotting them younger boys was watching them in the same exact way now guess what they at war again this time is not to take over no spots though mr. Keeble you say if you live long enough you see history repeat itself I've seen this [ __ ] before I know high plays I also know that if you ain't part of the solution Saiki [Music] you
Channel: The Cycle
Views: 864,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webseries, thecycle, movie, film, music, money, power, violence, repsect, life, projects, drama, beef, streets, urbanwebseries, steelersvsbrowns, steelers, browns, fight, nfl, nflfight, mylesgarrett
Id: RttOmMdsca4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 55sec (7615 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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