Is this the vegan agenda? | Spy Fox in Dry Cereal 🥛

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this episode is no yoke oh oh he suffered a massive head injury I'm such a [ __ ] I don't get it oh my God hey I'm gr I'm not so gr where the game GRS he's all right wait no got milk that's an unexpected turn everything is going just as I I plan soon the entire world will be without dairy milk no butter on toast no ice cream no cheddar cheese and nothing but Dry Cereal actually people would lose their [ __ ] minds what is this the vegan [Music] agenda I can't stop farting all right Aaron take it easy it must be from all the milk I drank Somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea would you like our Italian entree sir no thanks it gives me hives our vegetarian dinner there hot nope gives me the vapors then may I recommend The Greek Plate it's delicious all right if you insist enjoy what the [ __ ] was that all about I don't know it's SP oh it's a W it's good to see you Agent Fox ah monkey penny now this is a real TV dinner monkey yesterday our spy operatives discovered the factories and offices of Amalgamated mu juice Incorporated abandoned and drained soon the entire world's remaining milk reserves will be depleted the idea of eating dry breakfast cereal is pretty hard to swallow yes it is here's the only clue we have feta cheese can you show me this too spy operatives took that picture in the office of Mr Howard heer utterly theii president and CEO of Amalgamated moo juice Incorporated seems like a small exctly we presume he has valuable information on the dairy crisis the only available picture of him is hidden in your mashed potatoes finding utterly as your top priority I would have adored this the feta cheese samples found in Uly's office have been traced back to the island of acidophilus your plane will be flying over the island any minute now I've already set Command Center where you'll rendevu with me and later on with quack the entrance code is in your fortune cookie any questions no I'm on my way good monkey penny out oh damn what did you put ketchup on the [Music] screen just in is there nobody else in that plane guess not no it's his private he's like a James Bond type of guy Spy Fox in Dry Cereal then why was she being like obtuse about I wish I hadn't left my parachute in my other tuxedo maybe one of my special spy gadgets will help me boy he is cool Under Pressure I wonder which one I should pick um uhoh this one the one time I don't need a cab a bit weighty for me but good thing he falls faster than those yeah all right I've always wanted to try that it puts a little bounce in your day that [ __ ] do anything for you Pelican is the Sleepy Little Greek island of acidophilus I seem to have arrived unfashionably early since nothing seems to be opened I should meet up with monkey Penney at the mobile command center sure hopefully that Pelican's not a spy because he's saying a lot of stuff out loud this is Spy Fox by the way yeah um we were told this is the one humongous game or the one humongous franchise we haven't played yet touched upon yeah and uh my God these humongous games are freaking delightful what's the deal with Greek are they obsess with Greek are they yeah cuz he had the Greek food and then he's got the Greek Cantina well I mean that's the part of the world this takes place in Greece that's right Aaron well all right hey want to see my tattoo depends on where it is wow your mother must be so proud I would know I asked her last night whoa she left my toothbrush at her house the door's locked H I guess the Cantina doesn't serve breakfast well I have to say that's the first time I've ever been grateful I ate the airplane meal I wish there was like a little guy that like followed him around everywhere and it was just like just a little gu it says trinkets okay thank you oh great super great hello you've reached the offices of Amalgamated mood juice Incorporated our staff is a little tied up right now so we'll have to get back to you as soon as we're rescued there's no way I guess the phone number as soon as we're rescued okay no I'm sure any number sends you that there that would have been so funny what if you somehow lotto number guess the door is locked okay good thing I could see exactly what's inside yeah okay guess I'll go this way and I see everything's closed except for pectoral Pelican sir um H I'll take the rain chain come yum it says trinkets I know well looks like that just about wraps it up for this game yeah looks like there was too much to do here so I got to get out of here before I get overwhelmed and this way boy whoever animated uh Spy Fox really had an easy day that day at work yeah yeah I'm happy for them oh does I he's another run cycle walk cycle yeah sure what's it going to be gachon oh fish egg uhoh normally I would karate chop my way right through a door but this one seems to be made of solid steel and I don't want to hurt the steel it oh is that uh I'm still getting a sense of who Spy Fox is as a person is he like uh is he like full of himself but he can't pull it off or is he actually I think he's just ultimate like cool Under Pressure guy okay so he actually is that cool oh yeah of course completely lives up to it bro he's falling out of a plane he was like I would which pen all click no doesn't matter if it's a taxi someone seems to have eaten the dock was that there before I don't think so oh it's not even interactable well looks like that ship is going now oh laundry I like it sorry that's what these games do to me Happy Hour 3 to 5 all right thank you was that huh Spy Fox up there I think it was just a dark Shady character huh yup yup it's a photograph of Mr utterly okay great thank you 555 6220 unfortunate that monkey peny gave me this entrance code try calling code okay not the trinket wh which way was the [ __ ] phone it it's behind you that little glass Booth this oh oh what was it 555 fortune cookie oh 55 6220 boom hello spye mobile command center penny I've got your number w wow more to that phone booth than meets the eye oh cool now that's a personto person oh God hello monkey that's monkey penny so what do you think of Sky corp's new Greek island mobile command center impressive disguising it that in the middle of town square with a stroke of Genius nobody would ever notice that that was Professor quack's idea where is quack oh he'll be here soon to refill the spy gadget vending machine in the meantime he sent a couple of things ahead for your mission good because a spy without a gadget is like a shopping cart without a broken wheel how apt now pay attention this is Greek money it's called drmas you may need to buy a few things around here on the island what do you say we make some horrifying monkey fox hybrid children I sure could use one after that airplane meal hello don't put that in your mouth it's not that's not what you said last night it's a special laser toothbrush let me show you how it works you hold the laser toothbrush apply the minty fresh laser gel push the button then you can use it to cut through really thick steel H I guess that's one way to fight cavities so do we have any idea where Mr uly is being held no solid evidence yet couldn't help but notice you didn't laugh at my joke there for a second Factory down by the docks better Factory huh I thought I smelled something suspicious uh okay note to self monkey penny super likes me everything I say is cool what [Music] wow I love it so monkey penny does this rescue mission of ours have a secret they both turn like huh anyway called operation utter grab operation utter grab got it sounds hot see you I'm utterly isn't an utter like a cow nipple spy watch is beeping Spy Fox to mobile command center please look out loud my spy watch is beeping hi Spy Fox remember you can call me via your spy watch anytime for help and information just press the mobile command button we'll do Spy Fox Out H I wonder if that guy's a spy nope maybe that bite mark was there just didn't notice yeah does look very naturally part of the landscape let [ __ ] here's where I wow that's that's a liberal amount of laser toothpaste ah my toothbrush made a diarrhea [Music] sound the laser toothbrush makes impervious steel doors perious ready to suck my dick yet Aaron Hansen buried them yet don't worry but that's Mr utterly all right and he's dangling over a pool of piranha now the question is how am I going to get his rump roast down from there the question is how did that villain get himself in this mess H this must be the temperature control for this pool of piranhas kind of an odd fixture for a feta cheese factory the piranha pool seems to be getting colder the little beasties seem to be slowing down freeze them baby H fish on Ice that should hold them now for Mr utterly as long as some overweight Cowman doesn't fall in he's dead what did I just say oh new favorite character [Music] you saved me thank you Mr um uh Fox Spy Fox routine rescue really now I need to get you to our mobile command center for a debriefing good I need to change my pants you got Mr all right just calm down Mr uly why don't you start from the beginning and tell us what happened well it all started as a typical day at the office when you're as important as I am you're constantly Fielding International Cattle Calls and reviewing brazing reports yep you have to stay pretty sharp from the berry [Music] [Laughter] Biz oh when William the kid thugs made their appearance I am immediately snapped into [Music] action there were dozens of them I fought them hoof and nail pow po pow I did my whole body is a weapon then suddenly I smelled something revolting It could only be one thing F cheese the stink was so overwhelming now let's get this party started and then pushed me into a smelly dark bag they must be a way to kids secret Island Fortress it was just so humiliating being bagged up like a like a piece of beef about how that was framed it looked like somebody was just going to come up from behind him and [ __ ] execute him on my part I picked a few things up kids demented scheme for gaining worldwide domination is run by a front company called nectar of the goats Corporation he has a five-part master plan first capture all the dairy cows in the world as you know he's already done that second he built that milky weapon of Destruction inside his secret Fortress you're a dairy cow third use weap destruction to flood the capital with nto Fresh Dairy Milk fourth frame all the poor dairy cows for this heinous crime fifth take over the entire Dairy World by Fox someone needs to find that secret Fortress and disarm that milky weapon of Destruction hm sounds challenging I need to find that secret Fortress and disarm that milky weapon of destruction oh I almost forgot when William the kid's back was turned I swiped the secret code that turns the Milky weapon of Destruction off good going where is it forgot well I had to swallow the code before I could read it so it wouldn't be discovered swallow believe Cod I find the whole thing a little hard to swallow we need to figure out a way to get a look at that code someone needs to find that secret Fortress and stop William the kid just punch him in the stomachs oh good morning Spy Fox I took the liberty of loading the vending machine with some of my ingenious new spy gadgets you should take a look at some of them Spy Fox they may come in handy sounds like somebody was just like over it before it even started yeah just like have a look at it spy bu x-ray gum how does this work Professor quack Ah that's my new and improved beef flavor x-ray gum I love eyebrows above the head I love that I'll explain how it works you take a stick out put it up against something beefy move it around and then you can see the yucky stuff inside the best part of all is when you are done you can chew the gum it actually has a very refreshing beefy flavor you know four out of five dentists prefer x-ray gum for their patients who need x-rays that sounds horribly invasive yeah a duck needs his fiber did don't swallow the gum man it's so hard to like do commentary over this game because it's a [ __ ] wall of people talking yeah oh this is like uh this is like when your friend wants to like have people over but like none of the friends know each other um so what do you want to do that's the X-ray gum well that's my mama all right let's the X-ray gum on this cow cuz he swallowed the coats he did it's a pretty pretty tough puzzles here yeah now if you don't mind Mr uly I'm going to need to use this extra I'm going to look at your tiny at those four stomachs of yours this isn't going to hurt is it because I get kind of dizzy when I think about pain in fact just saying the word pain makes me want to I have no idea nice Professor quack your X-ray gum works perfectly I everything inside Mr Uly's gut this arm code that's it I found the which arm code all right now I need to find out where that diode is then use it to disarm the Milky weapon of d Direction it looks like I need to find that diode okay I can't say it clearly [Laughter] enough oh all right uh I guess that's it let's [ __ ] go right do I have everything hey according to spy's database William the kid has three overdue library books I suspected kid had some latent criminal [Music] Tendencies what's in this egg-shaped container Professor quack this is a little Gadget I call the Spy putty okay bye you do open the cute little egg container and spread the putty on whatever you want to make a copy of press down and then peel the putty off you have a perfect copy H that looks rather silly I know what you're thinking you think that the Spy putty looks a lot like that silly stuff they sell in toy stores what you don't know is that I thought of it first what you don't know is shut up those duplicitous duplicators stole my idea I prove it to you but I ate them long ago all right what else you got [Music] shoe what does this do appears to be a shoe it's a shoe this gadget Professor night vision shoe one of my genius inventions if you happen to find yourself in a dark place all you do is strap the shoe onto your head and then you can see in the dark [Music] Illuminating I know if there's like a joke here or like anyway I'm going to go to the hospital to try to get a mysterious obstruction removed from my colon is there anything else [Music] okay it looks like a delicious snack may I eat this professor quack stop taking all my [ __ ] the cheese and safe cracker kit it will help you to get into almost any safe in in the world I won't explain exactly how it works because it's very scientific and complicated trust me when I say it works like a Char and it tastes great in soup you don't have to keep eating the schematics you had them down at the bottom of your feet anyway just put them back there no someone asked me about it so I got to eat it that's my thing it's I eat the schematics what I do after I tell people am I like do I have too much in my inventory can I not take this I can only carry four spy gadgets at a time I guess I can put one of mine back no that's okay you want that night vision sh got to have it uh oh hello seems friendly welcome to the trinket Emporium my name is Gilbert how may I be of service to you oh honorable visitor to this our dear Island home I'm not sure yet I was just noticing your fine selection of trinkets do you have a jar o trinkets we offer much more than mere trinkets we pride ourselves in having the Island's finest selection of rare and heart defined collector items and Antiquities excellent one never knows when they will be struck with an unquenchable desire to indulge in a blatant Act of Bourgeois consumerism our thoughts egg I'm sure that really connected with the 5-year-olds playing this game wait a minute is that a genuine Teddy Roosevelt teddy bear Circa 1902 yes they are very rare it may even be on the endangered Antiquities list they're worth I don't know how much do you think they're worth what do you get when you throw a white sailor's hat into the Red Sea a wet hat H funny stuff could you tell me a little about those pennant yes those are actual penants by Emperor Theodis himself at the 393 ad Olympics wo is that the original Boba Fett figure with launching rocket pack yes I like the jar of trinkets but I'm wondering if you have them in can it's uncanny that you would ask me that because just this morning I ordered some Unfortunately they won't be here till next week all right great I really love this character uh what did I get okay I don't know what my next objective is do you have anything that would help a monkey woman like me no no hey want to see my tattoo I already did I already Weir oh oh it's different the siren LED them astray wow that's good stuff yeah okay that door is still locked sure is idiot hey there is a party in here all right hi honey Welcome to The Cantina I'm B bear if there's anything I can get you sugar like for example sugar you just let me know all right thanks be shot of absence oh man I love the armadillo and the alligator talking to each other in the back they're like we're too well drawn for this game Secret Sauce may cause drowsiness in alligators well this seems uncool to leave around yeah beat Bliss it smells funny oh I see some kids might not know how to read sure what's cooking back there something smells good oh that's the plumber scraping out the clogged drain greetings interested in a little game of goofish Mr Fox Spy Fox I've been known to play Go Fish from time to time and you are ottus J big pig pleas to make your acquaintance what do you say we make this game a little more interesting would you care to play for some trinkets I'm afraid I don't have anything I would call a trinket I guess I could [ __ ] you if you win you get three trinkets if I win I [ __ ] you that man over there says he'll [ __ ] me oh yeah he's always saying that here's a number that goes out to all you white tuck wearing SP I'm glad you finished that sentence here's a number that goes out to all you [ __ ] white suited [Music] guys so much happening would you care to play for some no I wouldn't care to play afraid I don't have anything I would call a trinket how un Al to [ __ ] you still s you have some TR it makes the game so much more interesting come back when you're in right mind of course do you have any Jacks Go Fish I [ __ ] you oh my God looks like the [ __ ] is Among Us uh I guess I could get rid of the X-ray gum I don't really need it anymore I thought it would just already get rid of it for me use the nickel and then you could perhaps buy the trinkets well I already have money oh God that's not going to do me any good no well I'm sure glad this spy gadget vending machine doesn't have a no deposit no return policy hey monkey penny I just got a competing offer up in the bar she's like G right when you leaves everyone's like oh my God thank you Christ oh he's back he's back everyone be cool be cool I'm glad this doesn't have a return policy oh my God uh I guess I'll go get some trinkets yeah yeah ah hello Gilbert a ray of sunshine over here I'd love to take your money sir but wouldn't you like to buy something of course interesting is that an entire jar of trinkets yes my aunt Alisa pickle them every September maybe you put the money on the trinkets itself oh so what's a jar of trinkets going for these days normally sir they're 20 dramas but for you how about 50 sounds good to me I'll take it I'm about bottomless pit of money there you go sir why thank you now that pig won't [ __ ] me what here's a little something extra for you hold on go back to the thing about the pig [ __ ] you I'll see you later day would you care to play for some trinkets I just happen to have a whole jar ofets excellent then I like a fox who is willing to play for trinkets with a pig who likes to play Go Fish for trinkets place your trinkets on the table and we'll get started it just so happens I have trinkets right here damn it maybe another day then so you like playing for trinkets eh all right like here's my trinket let's play that's a lovely trinket you have there sir I'll play with this one okay wow uh got any fives what a fun game this is yes uh got any sixes a card thank you so much killing it man got any tens Go Fish I see you in hell got any eights Go Fish [ __ ] got any tens no sir Go Fish [ __ ] I've always been lucky when it comes to go fish what's what's the point of Go Fish just to get all uh four of your yeah just have anything I can't remember how it go it's been a long time jeez got any sixes players take and play continues until one player's hand is gone or when the draw pile is exhausted winning when all of the cards in the draw pile are gone the game is over if you're the player has collected the most sets of cards you win see got any eight boom um 1 hour later got any tens what yeah we're done here son suits me just fine I win ow that's right you never lose there's a first time for everything Mr Big Pig now about that [ __ ] have you tried the food here sir it's the best on the island I can assure you I can't get enough of it wait may I recommend the poison y so am I supposed to play him or no I think you leave I think you just needed to beat him and then what I don't know maybe it unlock something oh Christ would you care to play your trinkets please short Trinket on the table and we'll get started but okay no Aaron no but I have to started to talk to him card game shall we play again if you wish to but I must warn you sir this time I'm not going to hold back I never lose except for that one time now I can talk to Mr Big Pig about some of the folks I've met on the island mhm well people specifically people have you tried the food here sir it's the best through I can assure you I Can't Get Enough why why hav a walk through on a children's game because we're idiots okay yes because doing a show is different than watching a show everyone on the island sir and I never met anyone who plays quite like you yes you may be very shrewd player sir but I hope you don't mind if I hog all the winnings okay I'm [ __ ] out I'm out bro I'm out such I've been trying to win a [ __ ] go fish for like 30 hours doesn't even mean anything if I leave my jar of trinkets this episode's been like 90% Go Fish okay so I leave my jar of trinkets here got it uh what do I have you have the secret sauce use it on the alligator thank you next Secret Sauce may cause drowsiness in alligators so do I keep it or I don't know M what's cooking back there something smells good diarrhea that's the plumber scraping out the clogged drain well oh you may have been right Aaron what can I say can I get some chicken Knuckles to go I guess I need to get a walk through all right you don't know what to do I don't know what to do neither do I all right fine all right we'll be right back what the Go Fish purely nothing yes I don't know maybe maybe it's important later mhm I just figured I just played gold fish it must be important oh there's a whole [ __ ] there's a deck party man playing [ __ ] cars with the pig that's quite a nice little toy boat you got there is it yours oh yes sir and that is why I'm standing out here at this Podium on this filthy seagull stain dock talking to a sophisticate wannabe like you so it's slash it belongs to my boss uh all right okay go back to town square then H what an [ __ ] I'm note your s kill him later what's up dude say Do you happen to have any white marble cytic figurines from either Spanos or siros dating somewhere between 2800 to 2300 BC I have no idea what you are talking about Sir perhaps there is something else I could interest you in uh yes so what's the secret to your business's success three things location location location that's one thing uh do I have like a thing I can mobile command center please stand by you a fun butt hi Spy Fox any news nothing to report yet this island sure has a lot of lively characters on it everyone's so animated hm I wonder why oh by the way our informant m suggested that you try to get on the ship it might be important well I [ __ ] tried but the guy was an [ __ ] I got to tell you the little moving satellite dish on my watch really doesn't help me with my undercover situation yeah whenever I try to put put a backpack on it catches on the strap and it goes with a Ry party like that you probably get a lot of important people coming on board that sir is for me to know and you to find out well then tell me deck party invitation only sounds like a Swank Affair To Me pardon me sir but just where do you think you're going on board sir you are obviously making a little joke no one but no one is allowed to go on board the SS dead weight without a gold edged wax sealed expensively embossed handwritten invitation and do you have one of these sir not as such you have a very strangly neck the Bermuda Triangle and get lost I can GA I get both hands on that thing you are not allow on this ship unless you have a long nose droopy eyes and hands on hips well well well sir looks like I've met my match so how can I be sure that all these trinkets you're selling are real sir we at the trinket Emporium unconditional guarantee the veracity and reality of every item we sell here if you find honest food stains on his shirt like this or in any way unreal please return it to us immediately and we will give you a complete no questions asked refund okay I don't care oops give me this have to click it here's where my notes go I noticed that there was a party going on down on that that big ship at the Docks but I understand you can only go if you were invited that is true in fact I am going as soon as I get off work oh so you got an invitation I certainly did it is really a fancy schmancy one too would you like to look at it why yes I would love to look at it oh and then I use the putty to copy it I'm sure you'll have a good time at the deck party yes I intend to trip the light fantastic on the Dance Floor oh what's that over there I can't the putty so maybe I can do something to distract him oh I can distract him huh mhm that's that's the idea there some money on the ground Wow real real classy Aon uh oh no where I keep my spy gadgets uh use here's where I keep my spy gadget what the [ __ ] are you talking about it's a cheese that's not going to do me any good okay the draas are the that's the money oh okay sorry that's okay I can't bear to pass up a deal like this I'll take the teddy bear let me just get that for you didn't it say on the steering wheel oh oh it's just a distraction he can't reach [Applause] it wow that's good putty I'll forget it you're doing this to me on purpose aren't you no no you set up your store all right bye wait do not you want the teddy bear I think he said forget it oh all right my friend let me on the boat not you again how many times do I have to tell you this is a private party and without an invitation how many times do I have to tell you twice the nerve of something well it just so happen that I have this invitation totally real it's like folding and melting over head feels like py we are ever so honored to have you on board with us today please feel free to come and go as you wish why thank you how gracious of you what a weasel oh he's a weasel yeah [ __ ] pig comes by he's like oh well hello are you coming on the party to if you don't have any trinkets then I might as well excuse me weasel this is my [ __ ] friend he will be joining us uh well if only you can prove that he actually is here to [ __ ] you wa wait what do you say Mr Fox hey oh my God this is the de I join I may have given away too much of my personal feelings when I said oh my god when I saw the deer woman oh the dear woman the Catwoman how's the mission progressing and monkey penny is pretty good too I'm going to take monkey penny is doing it I'm kind of losing my mind over here the kids secret fortresses if kids Fortress Is So secret how come we know about it we're spies Spy Fox it's our job to know and we are good at our jobs Spy Fox out one of us is yeah okay hello you must be Russian blue noted the socialite and attractive owner of the SS dead weights the name's Fox Spy Fox what sort of business are you in I'm not a spy [Laughter] though secrets to you Secrets eh you're very elusive Miss blue of course I'm elusive I'm a shrewd B business feline let's just say my business is international trade okay but you've stirred my curiosity what sort of cargo does the SS dead weight carry that's for me to know Mr Fox as you can see the SS deadweight is a luxury liner let me luxuriate in peace I understand damn what a [ __ ] I can gather information about Russian blue with this with with what what here's where my notes go I use the talk balloons to gather information uh okay I got to get some more stuff first God I love I love the characters in this game like even the background characters are great like that little Peg Leg dude in the in the boat he's wonderful uh that's James T dry do dude is it really yeah wow you've done your research thank you there's no telling when I might need one of these hats You' better give me 40 of them 40 but I only have one left all right I'll take one of them okay one of is and 39 punches to your face hat will be happy together one for each hat you didn't give me oh he's a rabbit that can't jump have a nice day why is he being an [ __ ] about all this I just think he's an unfriendly dude it's like it's like bro I'm your only customer this is your shop you should be able to reach your inventory I'm not doing this to [ __ ] with you excuse me are you the owner of this boat I'm James T drock captain of the SAS winter prise pleased to meet you my name's Fox he said the SS whatever is this rickety old boat of yours seaworthy seaworthy SE worthy of course she's seaworthy the question is not whether she see worthy maybe but rather whether you're worthy of the sea I see he's doing a Shatner thing oh I see yeah got it um okay used to boat so Captain do you think you could take me out for a little boat ride I'd love to but there's just one problem I can't go anywhere without my lucky charm your lucky charm i m because that there is the SE the final frontier and my voyages on the SS winter prize on a 25-year mission to seek out new sea life and new civilizations I boldly went where no raccoon has gone before stop playing piano but without my lucky charm it would be way too risky I can't chance it is it a blue I can gather information about Captain drydock and his lucky charm with this all right Red Balloons this is where I'm supposed to fight pig pig oh big big pig pig pig what have you would you care to play for some trinkets place your trinkets on the table and we'll get started maybe I should ask him about what do you know about Captain drydock and his missing lucky charm po sap lost it in a particularly tense game of goofish oh really so this is the lucky charm then yes and I won't give it up easily and you know that go Fish is my game I [ __ ] him this is a fun card game shall we play again if you wish to but I must warn you sir this time I'm not going to hold back why don't you put up a Priceless lucky charm and I'll put up a shitty kazoo that's a Charming little charm you have there what this old trinket merely a worthless Bobble I had the pleasure of winning in an intriguing goof fish match several weeks ago well I want it yeah give it to me uh okay I guess we play Go Fish then oh he put up the harmonica yeah but I wanted him to put this up but maybe he'll give it to me if I if I'm like I don't want the harmonica I want to drink it okay fast f they'll say something like that you know oh sure got any twos Go Fish [ __ ] one eternity later nice try but you need to go fish but you need to go fish oh got any final card Aces yeah baby fun game this is this suits me just fine we're done here [ __ ] face I win again what the give me the trinket why don't we really raise the stakes on oh my God I had to click the trinket before we [ __ ] started playing very well sir if you insist maybe you had to beat him once and then he does a trick it we could cut down the Goof fish portion of this uh play goish so much later that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one how got any threes okay got any threes Go Fish Mr Fox three three please yes I win yeah oh oh thank Christ you won the captain's lucky charm back ask yourself sir if the charm is so lucky why did I lose it because I'm a superior Go Fish player that's why Gods I like you sir whenever you want to play goof fish again with a goof fish playing Pig I'm ready and waiting with the Goof fish playing Pig very funny as you are walking out of here if you should feel anything on the back of your neck that is the barrel of My Revolver oh my God okay we're back I just love the idea of that this character this very specific character with name calls himself the Goof fish playing Pig I love the idea that our editor just had to cut out 40 minutes of us playing Go Fish with a cartoon pig and getting wrecked yeah we got pretty [ __ ] wrecked so Captain drydock I just had an interesting little game of Go Fish with that Mr Big Pig at the Cantina a year older it went very well ended up winning your lucky charm no actually he lost and I won this playing go fish with them for 48 minutes my lucky Char you found it yes do you know what this means I can go out on the sea again the curse is lifted thank you thank you Charmed I you sure listen that means go away if you ever need to use the SS winner prize just let me know I'll take you anywhere you need to go s I have to go to the little spies room yeah I'm going to go take a steamy [ __ ] yeah do you have an SS Tinkles steamy [ __ ] that's what SS stands for uh guess um get on [Music] yeah just showing off my moves for that cat [ __ ] change oh no sorry sorry shift change uh happy hour I wonder what this it does it looks like something quack would come up [Music] with I just went back in time to before I won that trinket now I have to play Go Fish for alarming [Music] noises uh did that work what just happen it's it starts at three right what's starts the happy hour yeah happy hour 6 oh okay cool how would kids know what happy hour is uh I don't know I mean I'm probably there's probably some characters like I happy hour yeah happy hour is when you get [ __ ] up all right for half [Music] price around now that's a frog suit ideal for any amphibious occasion put it on dogs yoink a frog suit like this might come in handy especially considering the worldwide Dairy crisis at hand okay it's April 7th and the weird 40-year-old Men playing this game and seeing that Catwoman might also come in handy if you know what I'm [Laughter] saying oh hello wow um how's it going oh those eyes are great [Music] just going over here a little bit hey that's confidential you're not supposed to be looking at that oh of course I'm sorry I would never dream of doing anything like spying I sure wish my shift would end so I could get out of here I should have never drunk those 17 bottles of prune pop wow I can gather information about the Sailor Watchman on the SS dead weight with this and as long as I stand directly in front of him he'll never see me hey stop that I don't want to have to report you that's the captain's private map really it looks just like the map I have back home I must be [Music] disoriented you're not tricking me he like pulls out a gun oh my god get the [ __ ] off my ship oh oh jeez oh W but his eyes are all weird so he's just waving the gun around yeah I haven't heard so many interesting sounds since I ate that garbanzo bean burrito good fart joke and on top of the prune pop joke that's that's toilet humor extreme [ __ ] what's happening uh okay did you see the hippo lady just kill a whole M of GRA disguise here I'll put I got to I got to put on the hat here so I'm his I'm his shift changed oh hi there you must be my replacement listen you'd better show up to relieve me as soon as that clock strikes four bells and a hiccup I really have to go if you know what I mean don't worry you have to keep a dry sense of humor about about these things I'll be back okay all [Music] right move the time to his shift change yeah but it's supposed to be happy are right wait two two ticks and a and a whistle what did he [Music] say I'd hate to see the RIS watch version of this [Music] thing I haven't heard so many interesting sounds since I ate that garbanzo bean burrito I got it I got it I got what you said hey man I'm picking up what you're putting down over here MH I love that they're playing [Music] Walts tiny hat hi there listen you'd better show up to relieve me as soon as that clock strikes four bells and a hiccup I really have to go four bells in a hiup I mean don't worry you have to keep a dry sense of humor about these things I'll be back I love how you said we wouldn't need a walk through because this is a game for children and then we spent the next hour [ __ ] hopelessly lost it's it's a lot of like [ __ ] you have to put together without any guidance I know it's it's definitely not uh the most intuitive all right tell me be what's a bright muscular looking bear like you doing in a rundown Cantina like this I ask myself that every morning honey all right I got to take a [ __ ] all right see you soon SS I have to go to the little spies room yeah I'm gonna go take a steamy [ __ ] yeah do have an SS Tinkles steamy shits
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 376,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, let's play, game play, dan avidan, arin hanson, Game Grumps
Id: 6ayZc2P8W3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 9sec (3189 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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