Now is a good time for change Part 1 Mini Store Makeover

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity inc from home honey [Music] well hello everyone i am at the store today and before we start doing any kind of construction this spring which is gonna happen we're gonna start building a building i really wanted to take a minute and walk the store and figure out what i could do differently to make it more interesting we've got the candy and general store stuff up in the front we have showcase full of historical items and antiques pretty much all around the whole store but the one thing that was troubling me is that we do have some spots in the front of the store that are underused right now there are areas that um well frankly i think i could just do better with one of them being the guitar wall as much as i love it the guitars are taking up a lot of square footage and that would be better served by shelves same thing with my really cool showcase here which is full of historic items and artifacts and houses the billiard sign on top that again i could fit a lot more stuff here if i had shelving so kind of a waste of space what i'd like to do would be something like i have right now which is this giant shelf right behind me that josh put in uh for me last year i'd like to do something similar to that and continue down through the whole wall like i have on that side so um at some point today josh is going to come by and he's going to measure and have a look and see what we need to do to make that happen in the meantime i have to figure out where all this other stuff is going to go because the guitars still have to go somewhere the billiard sign and the showcase have to go somewhere um it's going to take some shuffling but i feel like i'm up to the task i might wait until josh comes though and we'll try and walk it together and figure out exactly what the best course of action is but i feel like doing the floor-to-ceiling shelves like we have on the other side is going to make this really pop and feel like an old general store which it is um so yeah stay tuned today as we try and do a little planning some sorting some figuring out and hopefully start to get the process rolling on doing a few renaults around the old shop but my friends uh bob and greg are here hanging out on the other side of the plexi i have been going through some hot wheel cars they came in and the best find the most surprising thing was this is a redline diora it's a custom-made car late 60s but what's special about this see the little sticker on the side it says something show there's a rivet on it this was part of a canadian only release called the sky show set now the sky show set is very desirable from collectors but when you get the sky show diora well that's only available in canada so that is an exceptional find in mint condition that card could be worth a thousand dollars or more it's not in the greatest shape it is missing some parts which you can order new you can order replacement parts for it but that is still a good find lots of fun little toys we're going through uh greg you are looking at all the fountain pens yes and you are you collect fountain pens and typewriters pretty much anything related to writing mostly pre-40s but some stuff a little newer and you're basically like a victorian gentleman in today's world uh you like everything that's kind of nice and fancy like that yeah and speaking of nice and fancy who's this guy walking in the store it's josh uh you're here i'm here okay so you brought your fancy pants measuring device oh that's the stud finder yeah i'm just gonna see where the studs are on the wall to see what kind of shelves we can do with the trapdoors still being operational yeah that's the trick over there i'll come over with you and we'll have a look but that is a concern are you having trouble finding it yeah oh there's not much room did you point it at yourself yet good old-fashioned stud finder joke i feel like when i put mine in that these screws here were in the studs yeah yeah that bing bang boom billy bob what comes after bing bang boom bing bang bing bang bop okay but this is what we want to do is shelves that go all the way up to the ceiling all the way down the floor but we have the trapdoor what's underneath the trapdoor um it's a little basement and uh the the trick and what i was thinking is that if we did like the lower part of the shelves coming up kind of so it comes up like a beach yeah like there and then comes up then we could still open and access the panel while still having a cool little shelving system up top right and one thing i did want to talk to you about was maybe the possibility of having a counter height um section that comes out a little bit farther uh and then having the shelves uh the same distance that we have on the other side so that if i do have a bigger piece i can put it you know offset it from the shelf kind of like at your old store yeah yeah kind of like what we did at the old shop except in well in that style um so yeah i'm thinking shelves basically like this and wrapping around uh the corners so a little l shape here yeah to maximize my square footage and then um basically right where this billiard sign is continuing that down i don't i think we could probably take it all the way down i don't know if i need a spot for zoltar or not but we'll see i'll let you do your measuring and see what you come up with okay so josh a great friend absolutely terrible to have when you're negotiating i'm here to chat with greg who's interested in this little variety of fountain pens josh is like people buy this junk it's a bunch of jelly that's the worst yes this beautiful selection of vintage fountain pens and josh is like it's a pen so greg offered me 150 bucks and then josh said oh pay him 50. i'll remember that when you negotiate what you're charging me for those shelves greg is educating josh on pens now okay so what pen do you have there greg okay so this is a uh delta uh dolce vita wait you gotta bring it over so i can see why it's a well okay now josh is going to think that it's worth more because it has a fancy name yeah italian it's italian yeah with that no it's it's named that and it's not italian okay uh it's made out of acrylic resin so it's a gold nib pen uh it's a piston filler okay but don't tell them what it's worth we gotta get josh to figure out what do you think a pen it matches your shirt almost dropped okay it's acrylic yeah so it's probably okay and that's gold that's real gold that's real gold sold okay so if you paid 150 bucks for all those other ones i would say that one is i don't know 70 bucks what how much is that 2 oh that was a jump that was a little high uh the pen with the original box and everything which i have probably somewhere in the realms now around eight hundred to a thousand depending holy good crap you verbally edited yourself that's nice people collect all sorts of things from hot wheels to pens yeah yep i know who knew right josh that's a nice one though those other ones oh come on now just wait until your stores and they'll look great yes okay so we're going to make the ladder part i don't know what it's called yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna do this all at home so that i can just get it all done in like super quick and then one day when you're closed we'll stick it up but basically i'm going to build one two three four five six seven ladders for this section yeah if you will and what are you gonna do with the corner the corner okay well that's kind of uh like do we leave it sharp or do we make it sort of triangular and kind of come across and meet the other edge well we could do that or we could round oh that's too much to ask to make it rounded no that'd look cool it's just a matter of how if we're all if we're just going to use regular stock yeah it's just it's not that wide to do the corner part right we can always re-laminate it together to do that depends on how many shelves you want depends on how much work it is well i mean essentially as long as it looks like what we have going i'm not gonna go too fast over here as long as it looks more or less what we have going on on this side that would be ideal yep it will look like that okay it'll look it'll look better than that those are 100 years old so seven ladder style slots and then you put the shelves in um so i guess you just have to measure and figure out how many shelves and all that kind of stuff yeah um how tall you want and then the same exact idea in place of where this billiard sign is and i'm thinking all the way to the door and all the way to not covering the window but just before the window yeah basically exactly like we did on the other side yeah yeah it'll be it'll look exactly like that it's going to give me so much more square footage to put product out which i don't have right now the whole almost the whole front of the store is showcase and i want to be i want to have it more tactile more things for people to pick up and touch and move around and i need those shelves to do that um so in terms of timeline what are you thinking like when could you start i'll get started tomorrow that would be awesome i would be really happy like for me i can't move anything else in the store until the shelves are in okay yeah i'll serve him tomorrow okay all right well i'm gonna let you continue on with your magic uh hey that guy's not wearing his mask in the store martin senior he's just hanging out ought to find room for all this stuff though all this big stuff is uh kind of in the way but oh you finished that well it's together it's not working yet but it is together it looks a lot better together doesn't it yeah remember when you look you saw that when i first got it and you're like it was in your garage yeah yeah it was a bunch of pieces yeah yeah cool okay i'll let you continue on through magic over here yeah i got drawings that don't make sense probably to anyone else but this is basically what we're gonna be doing okay well that looks like the width and the height and uh what's the 47 half is that the length of each shelf that's going to be from the uh from the okay so this is kind of confusing as long as you can read it and make sense of it that's all i care about this is the bottom of the shelf and six feet is the top of the shelf because we have an l but we also have a bulkhead to contend with right so that's gonna be the corner shelf i'm not sure if we're gonna be able to do any diagonal shelves in there just based off of all the different things that we have to deal with i thought you were going to do like a digital 3d rendering you know like like in star trek where you can kind of see it and twist it and move it like the like this screen if my plexi would suddenly turn into a screen and yeah like like a crazy csi and if we pull this down you can see all these measurements that's right you should do something in post yeah and just edit it all in there so this is the side view i don't know if we're gonna go this is up to you if we go directly up to whatever the dimensional lumber that we're gonna get yeah here or if we're gonna stick out quite a bit more if we double it or whatever so i'll ask you about that yeah maybe there's something we can do in terms of just like sort of a fun little bracket or something you know how brackets are fun yeah exactly and then and then the other shelf uh oh yeah again this is more so for me what i meant when i wrote it down that one's more straightforward though because it has it's all along the bulkhead right yeah it's all one minute we're basically making it the same as as the other one that we made what last uh last year last year sometime yeah cool okay so you're gonna start constructing that at home yeah and then i will see you next monday i guess for the install so just let me know whenever you're ready we can always do it after work too or i could come early in the morning one day well whatever works because yeah it'll be best when no one's in because okay well i would i would say if you want build it and let me know when you're ready and then we can give you the green light to come in all i have to do is pull a bunch of stuff off the walls and move a showcase and a billiard sign and i've got to know and a whole bunch of uh so i and then wherever i'm taking all this stuff it has to go first somewhere else so that that can go where it was you know a little bit of work but that's okay that's my problem i'll figure it out all right okay cool well thanks josh yeah no worries have a good one and i will be seeing you soon exactly josh heads off back to his house i now have to start thinking about where all the rest of this stuff is gonna go i have a few thoughts and ideas but the the tricky part is the the thing is i kind of need the shelves first before i can move the things off the wall to move the other stuff oh it's just going to be it's one of those things it's a puzzle that there's no solution for right now the shelves are key so i might just have to stockpile this stuff shove it in a room until he's done and then i can decorate nicely we'll see shelves are key though i know that much but while i have my friend bob here i've got to show them this bottle it's super cool so this you hear the expression snake oil salesman a lot like to describe somebody who's sort of um i don't know nefarious or maybe underhanded well that's because there were actual snakes snake oil sales people whoever sold this thing apopenas i don't think i think that might be appropriated there chief flowing hair i doubt it anyway this is his rattlesnake oil liniment it was a buck dollar probably would have been uh kind of high they said manufactured only by the blackfoot uh herb remedy company um in saskatoon okay and what's inside of it okay here's what it's good for swellings um headache earache all pain uh let's see but what it what what are the contents what do they put inside a snake oil well look it's even good for people who are deaf or hard of hearing uh do not drop or pour the oil in the ear okay then how is it good for people hard of hearing massage oil around the ears okay so if you're deaf and you rub oil on the outside of your ear apparently this would help you i again unlikely uh for corns bunions tired but what is inside it does it doesn't tell you it it doesn't even tell you what the contents are isn't that great what nothing like having a product that gives you all sorts of things it'll cure it'll cure a cloudy day but it won't tell you what it's made out of um i'm guessing probably ninety percent gin with this horrible packaging have you seen one of those before bob i have not it's tiny if they've whoever had it before me hardly used it or some evaporated i guess a little dab will do you or maybe uh uncle pete took some and they never saw him again he went off running wild into the hills uh but yeah kind of a cool little thing and you know turn to the century you know you see movies sometimes and there's these guys selling this stuff by the side of the road in fact i think in wizard of oz it wasn't um there was somebody who was a snake oil salesman kind of hanging off by the side of the road i could be totally wrong all these wizards are oz fans are gonna correct me but um it's been popularized in in movies over the years but yeah a rattlesnake oil limit you know there you go because you know the other funny thing is it's not like saskatchewan is known for having a huge rattlesnake infestation either so i wonder whoever believed this they got duped into buying a tiny little bottle of uh booze but anyway i'm just surprised it's still full cool to find them it's the next day josh presumably is out somewhere working on the shelves i on the other hand have to start thinking about where all the stuff is gonna go where is the billiards showcase where is are the guitars gonna land as of this second i don't know so we're gonna try to figure that out in the meantime i've had some customers coming through today with some little novelties like this tiny little transistor radio that looks like a jukebox and see how old you are if you could define your age by a single thing i could say that i am this old [Laughter] you guys remember scratch and sniff stickers this is what we did you scratch this the sticker like if it was a banana you'd scratch it and go oh it smells like a banana and they had skunk uh let's see what else on here grape dill pickle this is what you did like on your lunch break at school you'd bring your binder with your scratch and sniff stickers and you would like pass it around it sounds ridiculous when you think about it now but it was like fun then oh and then you sit there be like oh yeah that's the root beer smell i remember or whatever it was um now i guess they're kind of collectible that's i don't even know if these still smell or not i'm going to find it up this would be a live smell test too that we don't have smell-o-vision another reason let's see oh do i want to scratch a cowboy boot probably not let's see i'm going to try let's try grape so you give it a little bit of a scratch to kind of work the smell up and you stick your snout on there okay let's see what uh 1980 grape smells like well it must be some kind of crazy chemicals on here because the thing still smells probably doesn't hurt that this guy had a plastic protective cover on top of this but this was fun now if you tell your friends that you scratch and sniff things they'd probably send you to a mental hospital thinking you got some kind of problem um or or is some interesting hobbies either way a fun little collection came through enough about that though let's go look at the back of the store and see what we're gonna do with all this uh stuff that's back here you have to displace who not only do i have to worry about the guitars and all these pictures i have a motorcycle i've got a jukebox that are kind of a little bit in the way right now eventually they'll have to go somewhere my martin senior paint cardboard stand up guy um the first thing i'm going to have to do is move this billiard showcase and i am going to need help for that i know it's heavy when i moved it in here my brother-in-law patrick helped me um it's not the sort of thing you want to try moving on your own but before i do that i have to find room for it as you can see it goes all the way up to the ceiling and these are quite tall ceilings these are close to 11 foot ceilings in here so that's right up to the roof uh that means it has to stay in part of the store that has the same height of ceiling and i think that showcase might just fit in this art room here but the problem is look it's cram packed full of stuff too so if i want to fit that showcase in here that means all of this stuff is going to have to go oh boy it's like the never ending shuffle you move one thing and then 100 other things have to go too and of course i happen to pick showcases that are completely packed full of items already uh taking art off of walls not a big issue moving showcases well that is where you run into a problem i'm going to get out the old measuring tape and make sure it fit but i think it's going to live in this room i think it's gonna fit in here okay and be able to go up to the ceiling i gotta measure it first and um that'll be one thing solved and out of the way now the guitars on the other hand well those will have to find a spot i think in the back now i do have this really cool wall we left it open sort of wood to give it that rustic look the jukeboxes are kind of resting here all decrepit like right now until i find time to fix those um but i think this wall might be a good candidate for the guitars so i just have to transplant that move that stuff out of the way but again then i have jukeboxes and i have nowhere to put those this is the problem um all of this all of this is meant to try and make this back area have a better flow and to have the front area a bit more shoppable so um once the shelves are built it's going to be really messy in here for a couple days shelves have to get built first but i got to move the stuff out of the way so it means that i'm probably enough to live with just a room that's piled up full of stuff for a little bit until i can make some other space but all of this stuff that's back here like these little toys and knickknacks and that these are going to go back up to the front of the store um and we're going to try and turn the back area into more of a music theme so there's gonna be uh records and the guitars and the jukeboxes and pinball machines and maybe some artwork and some furniture it's gonna have a different vibe and a lot of these shelves that are back here are probably not gonna stay here so in the meantime what that means for me um is that i've got a lot of work to do yeah so i guess the first step is going to be getting some of this art moved out of the way in the art room and finding room for that billiards case to go that'll be step number one [Music] okay with a little help from josh actually a lot of help from josh we were able to get a lot of work done this morning but now the stores look a little empty let's show you what we did so now gone is the giant cabinet that was on this wall and the last person to help me put that there was patrick um so that is long gone um this will clear out really easy this whole little area here but preparation has begun for the shelves uh meanwhile we found a new home for the billiard sign and that is up top we put some brackets in place to hold it up there and it's wedged in good uh josh meanwhile is hanging out trying to i guess when we moved the uh the ship i got this with my sister when i was in colorado it got a little bit dinged up it's like a folk art kind of thing it's pretty cool it is cool uh i'm really glad you came today josh too because i couldn't have moved that other shelf without you no worries i'm gonna show the people where it went if we continue our way to the back of the shop we will see well now i have this dilemma jukebox i had to move out of the way so it's kind of in my hallway now but we did move the giant showcase to the back of the store and uh move some of the pieces back in and i even had the fancy little ornate top that went on i've been keeping that for like four years now uh waiting to put it back on so the whole back area is it's all going to change but it's gonna be so cool when i'm done with it uh i just know it's gonna be awesome but really the next step is on you josh and that's the shelves yeah okay awesome and i'm gonna come out to your shop um in the next day or two here too right yeah sure okay all right yeah we'd love to see them how it's going along well thanks again no worries there it's up and i'm telling you that's not something you want to put up and move around every day in fact i thought i could do it myself but i definitely could not wall is empty which i hate going into a weekend which is usually busy for us we have a lot of new customers come in they're going to see this big empty wall i don't know maybe i'll hang a picture or something there for the time being but that is where the shelves are going to go um so i think that's probably it for this week it's a lot accomplished today and and yesterday whoo so uh stay tuned for part two which will be coming out when i actually get these shelves put in and uh we go visit josh's shop so if you wanna we're gonna do a tour of josh's studio when he's building these things and then we get the final product on and show you what it looks like so uh thanks for watching today's episode guys stay tuned for more and uh hopefully i'll look as jolly as this guy back here uh and we look forward to seeing you guys again soon thanks for watching stay tuned for part two coming soon and bye for now you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 73,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Curiosity inc, Alex archbold, Antiques, Store Reno, Renovation, Potters house, Musicians house
Id: iGwzr9GmmUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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