25+ Tips Wish I knew Enter the Gungeon Gameplay

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what's up teams so you start to play and enter the gungeon and you love it but you don't know what content you're missing and how to unlock it in this guide i'll walk you through a few things i had to research and maybe save you some time in the process first a few basics reloading one weapon conveniently reloads the ones you have holstered as well dodging makes you invulnerable old news right but did you know that hitting an enemy with a dodge roll actually damages them the damage is small but you can for example kill the smallest lines with one roll oh and rolling over some hazards like exploding or acid barrels will disarm them which can be safer than just shooting at them blanks are consumables which reset every floor unless you've saved up more than two blanks from the previous floor you will always start a floor with a minimum of two the color of a chest denotes the rarity of its contents if you're low on keys don't use one up on a brown chest instead you can destroy it for a chance at a less valuable item which is better than nothing sometimes you're given junk which has a chance at spawning sir junkington he's great to have with you but oddly at some point when you officially unlock him he will show up less frequently just wanted to let you know either way when you find a chest always be sure to shoot it from a safe distance mimics are tenacious and can end a run for the unprepared picking up health when you're full will save it for later this means it will end up in the dispenser in the shop or near the elevator after the boss but you can't bring the excess health down to the next chamber speaking of the elevator the big red button allows you to save and quit the game which means you can only pause a run after a boss fight major progress like unlocking an npc new gear or character will save automatically regardless of whether or not you got to the button though after defeating a character's past you'll gain access to an alternate costume which will be laying around nearby the game never explains this so look for the white outline and interact with it to cosplay there are also four secret characters to unlock but i wanted to highlight one in particular the bullet can be unlocked after killing at least one past you might have noticed these red caped bullet kin walking around they carry a gun but never shoot if you manage to not kill one and just hang out with it in the room until they disappear they will teleport away allowing you to continue as normal if you can do this 5 different times you will unlock the bullet character who uses the blast from his sword once you've saved this guy he tells you that you can unlock some shortcuts if you find him later in your run only he never tells you where he's hiding ever notice how entering a new chamber leaves a giant hole at the beginning of the level maybe you were afraid to fall down since every other hole damages you but not this one inside you might find him working away talk to him and he will ask you for some materials for each floor i wanted to give you the heads up that on the last quest for each one he wants you to bring him something special and claims that you'll know what it is when you see it right turns out you'll need to defeat the boss on that floor without taking damage which will give you a master round then show it to him and he will unlock the shortcut also make sure to talk to him in the breach after you've completed the shortcut since he unlocks new gear for you okay the resourceful rat loves to steal things you've left behind but here's something you can try leave a room with something in it and quickly return before you fight in another room catching the rat like this will prevent him from returning as you explore the surrounding rooms which gives you a little more time to fight nearby without him stealing the items you're saving however venture too far for too long and he'll be back to pilfer it to open them you can use an explosion or simply fire off a blank to reveal a secret area in the tutorial stage there is one of these already exposed so remember to head back there if you missed it the first time it unlocks some stuff and a new quest for you however in the gungeon the only way to find these secrets is to shoot at them with a weapon that does not have infinite ammo sure there are a few items which can help you find these secrets but in general they're most common in chest elevator or dead end rooms so why is it that you can do nothing at this altar to get this secret you'll need to extinguish the fireplace on the first floor you can do this with a weapon that shoots water otherwise you'll have to look for this water barrel and roll it to the fireplace once the fire is out interact with the walls inside to reveal a secret room this unlocks an area with a trapdoor that needs two keys manage to open it and head down to a sewer-like level with new mobs now when you find this new red armor buff don't pick it up yet instead finish off the floor and kill the end boss if you survive head back and get the special armor you saw earlier this armor will always sit at the front of your health and is the first to get destroyed upon taking damage that's why you waited until now to pick it up you see you'll have to take it through the elevator to the second floor and find the altar room i mentioned before now put the red armor buff on the altar to reveal stairs leading to the abbey of the true gun i still have yet to complete this it's wicked tough not getting hit in this game in the comments below i'll link a few wiki pages you will probably want to research on your own there's a lot i couldn't fit into this video so your journey is just beginning young engineer but before you go here are four more quick tips after you deliver the four items needed to forge the bullets you won't have to do this ever again the forge will make infinite bullets for you after that some items and events like stealing from the shop can afflict you with a hidden curse stat increasing your curse will cause mimics and jammed enemies to appear more often it also reduces the chance of dropped rewards except for ammo and money which will increase also this demon face will damage you if you try to enter it without a minimum of 100 coins or at least one curse point alternatively you can just shoot it with a water-based weapon for a free a-ranked gun after saving him he appears in the breach interact with his helmet to knock it down and upset him he will warn you not to do this again but this is just an idle threat do this 4 times while also saving him from the gungeon after each interaction will unlock a new item look in the mirror to find the invisible chest opening the chest or shooting the mirror will increase your curse the chest can still be open if you accidentally shot the mirror but it's just harder to find no way you just watched the entire video can you comment below if you found this helpful and thanks to all my patreons and subs for keeping this channel alive
Channel: Uncomfortable Game Shorts
Views: 464,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enter the Gungeon, tips, guide, helpful, Wish I knew, Uncomfortable Game Shorts, UGS
Id: vQizjZeoB1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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