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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
m'lud in this case i appear for the plaintiff a mr. William green of Beeman star in Dorset but in this case I appear for the defendant miss Diana Rowley of pristine crit millat in this case I appear to be in the wrong Court review me you know why it's always buying these new products but this one really is different it's guaranteed to ward off bacteria it's got extra ingredients for that added protection and let's see now it's scientifically approved and for that cleaning Sparkle just wipe around the rim of the bowl and the you been Thank You Timmy and now on to holiday habits the part of the program that prepares you for the quainter customs of some of the exotic places you might be holidaying in this year tonight we look at Belgium and in particular Belgian eating habits we have with us the Belgian shall read affair look onto the foo-foo lq we've heard that there are some extraordinary social habits connected with eating in your country is this true they may seem extraordinary to you they are I'll see you small potatoes yes um but we've heard for example that belching is a great compliment to your house now is it like the satisfied guests will feel abundant to bear up at the end of his meat hmm but what if you really want to impress your host with how much you've enjoyed a meal breaking wind is that if after all even giving a meal or a guest blows off this is construed as high plays indeed hmm preferably audibly I suppose yes cliff but even the hushed burst of wind when it finally reaches the nose of the host will not be misconstrued indeed in certain circles the tact of the silent waft is much prized your host will know that this meal is one of the finest yes but what if you want to say this is the finest meal I have ever tasted not a very likely contingency in Belgium no no but but let's say well fully truly exquisite banquet vomiting is the hell the implication love flinging up all over the ticker is that the meal was so splendid you would like to eat it up well that's really fascinating I kill thank you very much for being on the program I've enjoyed it very much thank you anything else yes um I'd like the ploughman's lunch please certainly sir and now lot hundred seventy-four gentleman the caiman penny blue and I don't think I need to say anything more about it than that we came in penny blue so I'll take the bidding at a million please a million million million and a half two million two million two and a half million two and a half million three million three million three and a half million four million four million four and a half million five million five million five and a half million six million 6 million six million six and a half million 7 million 7 million seven 1/2 million and a half million eight million eight million eight million eight million April and now not having 75 another anyone
Channel: zzzng
Views: 2,479,366
Rating: 4.8529329 out of 5
Keywords: nine, o'clock, news
Id: 9km3-fWJ7sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2007
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