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alright ready boys here we go scuffed up Power Rangers I have the yellow baby because I like to piss my pants and I have the red baby because I have the power of sassy and spicy on my side and I have the blue baby cuz I have clinical depression scuffed Power Rangers Power Rangers power up power of decals on my side Power Rangers alright cuz I have the power of crying myself just type Power Rangers para have the power of ruining my school shorts [Laughter] [Music] Eddie so glad we spent some time outside together today I know for oh my god panic mommy dog get off of him joke joke and it's not working then when you parody then we'll get your pet no no don't look don't stare this is mine oh no bear no no it looks like a bunch of hippies like at Woodstock holding their large is up in the air dude this is my parents of fruit you can't do that to the wildlife what just happened is why we do not come outside leave the thing alone you dumb face welcome to josh dobbs picnic adventure today we're gonna be showing you Harley make a stop in my butt making a sandwich you little feathered hey guys welcome to josh dobbs little picnic where we're gonna show you how to make a little watermelon sandwich hey stupid wrong with you just the issue would have making sandwiches out here in the wild is that some of the ducks tend to tend to come and oh my god where are you coming from I hate you dogs so the first thing you do is going to get two pieces of bread to make into a sandwich first step is you want to get your bread and you where are they all coming from why won't you get the out of here I see you chewing on my bread you big when I have to go over to this table and to make a sandwich okay oh Jesus Christ oh holy [ __ ] oh crap get your piece of bread and then you put on the sandwich and then you put the bread on top no no stop yeah take it take it it's all I have open the Josh Dobbs Outback adventures now we've got something very special for you today as you can see we've got the wild Mexican chicken and it looks like it's ready for mating season right stem just stand back and watch stand back and watch here we go [ __ ] rabbit who knows what kind of elegant song is singing to its partners hey mommy you ever had KFC I'm about to give you this Kentucky Fried [ __ ] [ __ ] good let me wrestle them feathers up baby [ __ ] nitrous sure is beautiful isn't it guys why is he look like a homeless bull sack what are we gonna do Hey what happened to him what happened it was my fault I came home last night and I was really tired I went to go sit on my couch and I didn't see him there goddammit you and your fat burning' getting us into issues again I'm gonna fight him I can fly him again the lung capacity of a three year old dude you okay you see did it work huh wake up wake up hey Phil huh huh huh that didn't work you still Oh what do you got a foe you take this crappy juicy I'll take this brand-new nice one that's why I got my good juicy you got the [ __ ] juicy and you know what we will hit ten million together up up and away you say you boys heard of galactic Eddie oh no he's doing that thing again Josh galactic a dia fly in the sky galactic Eddie I'm really high but not in the way you're thinking holy crap Oh oh my god oh my god my tortillas wrap me up in a tortilla and send me to my family you wanna die a happy burrito I broke every bone in my body including the one ending in ER ah these look like the type of newborn babies you steal from maternity wards as opposed to the type that you don't steal from maternity wards yeah a baby's a baby sorry I didn't get myself some new friends oh no my super action nutsack is deflating what would I do oh no if I continue falling at this velocity and hit the world attention I'm sure to break my ankles oh no my super scuffed Power Ranger baby looks like an old person scrotum hello today in school I learned a special song that will help me learn how to spell my name J Oh sh t dad was beating me [Laughter] the way that you were doing that you like that little dead sister get in the band that just needs to be included and he's just like music class Josh just stop Josh stop no you give me back my tambourine piece no he shot No [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] because you took my tambourine with me with my tambourine before you spit up and here comes Molly you come along and he take my tambourine and I was crying and I piss myself I can't mean Eddie play okay okay okay okay listen listen Tampa you do not have many brain cells left so that's probably not a good idea oh why the music make me hurt no my nono square Josh Scott sitting naughty corner in that chair the naughty chair gone sitting it right now okay guys time for my song okay I prepared to do a song for you guys for talent class okay here we go [Music] bibbidi-bobbidi women are property thank you very much thank you thank you very much have you ever had the flu because I feel sick every time I might look I know that you guys both swear to God that's happened to me when I was in school like as a little kid like one kid pissing in the corner crying behind the bins at some point it was you wonder you could tell us it sure was oh I can't wait [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 11,608,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, joshdub, virtual reality, vr gaming, funny moments, vr funny moments, best vr moments, memes, comedy, funny, mully, juicy, your narrator, narrator, juicyfruitsnacks, eddie, eddie vr, the boys, the boys vr, vrchat, green gang, brush meme, brush man, no no
Id: 3DhHqGoAn0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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