New Vegas: The Seventh Dialectic

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Alice mclafferty of the Crimson Caravan and John Baptist of the van graphs have a business proposition for one rose of Sharon Cassidy something to do with her Caravan company for this purpose we are sent to the Mojave Outpost a border checkpoint between Nevada and the NCR core lands to the West today we'll make a friend explore an overdesigned early game location and learn to differentiate between dialectics and diuretics the ranger unification Monument can be seen all the way from Prim Nevada had its own posy the desert Rangers they fought Caesar even farther east out in Arizona the desert Rangers couldn't win against kaizar by themselves so they had to ask NCR for help I suppose every invading body claims it was invited by someone but in this case it happens to be true Caravan citizen Pilgrim or mailman there are jobs we can do here and the bartender lady plays cards easiest 1,000 caps I've ever made spend them on the skill book she sells and on food and drink items we are going to be needing a lot of those don't they know it's burned to Ash so it turns out Cassidy's Caravans no longer operates a caravan yet Rose doesn't want to sell the company it's like selling your name she says after being persuaded via a skill check she joins us as a a follower and immediately a crisis happens you are such an [ __ ] sometimes our past is catching up to us see because of all the stealing lying murdering supporting terrorism and other choices we made our career ended with very low Karma that was probably pretty dumb huh shut up we haven't met yet Rose will not initiate her companion Quest and she will leave the group if your karma is too low so I reload a save I made prior to talking to Rose and wander around the area desperately trying to figure out how to get positive Karma this was supposed to be a quick trip to the Border but due to complications we'll end up staying at the Outpost for almost 2 weeks troubling news from Prim as Merchants report a large presence of armed unsavory figures patrolling the town residents are nowhere to be found Move Along please Prim used to be a reer Town these days it's terrorized by escaped convicts the Bison Steve hotel and casino big name for what is basically an RPG dungeon there is a very potent early game handgun locked in the safe here a reward for enthusiast locksmiths the inhabitants are permanently hostile powder gangers so who will be the Town's new sheriff assuming an NCR pardon comes with the job Myers the a law man is a strong candidate the man respects the law so much that he chooses to voluntarily serve his sentence even though the prison belonged to the convicts for some time now I also need to be able to do things my own way if you recognize the voice that's because the VA AR Ruben also did all these characters one of the powder gangers why would we want one of them anywhere in an official capacity please ancr man I need Cass to like me Myers is pardoned and Prim comes back to life but the Prim Quest chain is not over to trigger the next event we need to wait for 3 days when we come back to Vicki and Vance we find the place occupied by deserters and we heard there may be some safety up in new Canan that's north of Vegas you [ __ ] you're going the wrong way [ __ ] we lose again now we return to the Outpost eat sleep and stare at Brahman for three more days and surprise the casino in Prim is fully renovated and open for business you can buy chips play the games lose money it's possible to get booted for winning too much just like in the big city I'm showcasing this because I don't think many individuals ever return to Prim after clearing the local dungeon look at that we are no longer the Wasteland Hitler seems to be a lot of attention on nipton the sniper on the roof of The Outpost wants us to check on the nearby town of nipton says she can see smoke coming from there yeah her name's ghost or something [ __ ] scary ooh guess it's cuz you'll never see her till you're dead no it's because she's very pale NCR and their godamn nicknames as if Caesar himself's going to piss and isn't kaisar also a nickname Caravan of two now Rose is a daughter of one of the companions from the second game New Vegas is the closest thing we have to a direct sequel her mom was a tribal but not an aoyan tribal so she's not related to our old protagonist character every town in this part of the world seems to be a little copy of Vegas and nipton is no exception the mayor a crook from California called Joseph B stain himself ran a prostitution business the town was open for everyone the ancr the powder gangers the men of the Legion don't worry I won't have you lash to a cross like the rest of these degenerates it's useful that you happen by ghost was right to be worried the town of nipton no longer exists yeah yeah who won the lottery I did the first thing we see is a screaming powder ganger powder gang is small time man I'm a winner for most players nipton will be the introduction to Kaiser's way of doing things I want you to witness the fate of the town of nipton the man in a wolf hat is vules and culta one of the frari they operate Behind Enemy Lines for extended periods imitating the enemy's Customs without becoming sulled the frari are kind of like preor from the crpg sensation the age of decadence they are warriors but they are also educated sophisticated they know the art of persuasion this suggests that somewhere behind the front line they have an academy like institution that manufactures this type of talent so here is what happened the first thing that legionaries did was butcher the NCR troops in the nipton broel then they rounded everyone up and gave each of them a lottery ticket first up was the lucky losers they got DEC capit guess that's lucky cuz it's pretty quick then came the crucifixions the rest were enslaved boars here got second place so they just broke his legs [ __ ] and the sole winner got to leave nipton unharmed I wonder what happened to the mayor him when his ticket came up they burned him alive on a pile of tires this is one of the game's big conversations authoritarianism versus liberalism Legion versus NCR war never changes you understand how do we save this sorry species from itself the heroes and villains of Fallout offer different solutions to this problem a society that could prevent Mankind from fracturing and destroying itself in this New World by establishing a new Pax Romana this time war will change for sure the people of nipton outnumbered the legionaires and yet nobody resisted they all waited for their ticket hoping it'll set them free you are a nation but you are not a community but to be Fair neither is kar's Legion which is a socially darwinian Society where an individual has a life expectancy of a dog you live 10 years in Caesar's Army you're forced to be reckoned with I wonder if he breeds them like dogs if the legendar managed to hit nipton this means search light the NCR town east of here is also in trouble when wpas in CA drove the NCR from search light by clever means kaisar himself ordered me to set up this camp and harass the proflat the gunshots in the distance are the Caravan guards firing upon a legion Patrol the legionaires have a reputation for favoring melee weapons but I suspect it's an elaborate frari scop most of them do carry guns traveling with a companion makes the game much easier Rose is good with a rifle but gets suspiciously Shifty when we ask her what other weapons she can use what you mean like Spears no none of that the this is a somewhat esoteric reference to a line of dialogue from Fallout 2 when you ask Cassidy what kind of weapons he can use he begrudgingly admits that he's good with a spear this is seen as a feature of a tribal and thus of low status culture and Cassidy is a sophisticated City dweller he's better than that it would seem he eventually got over his Prejudice the ruin in front of us is search light formerly an NCR military base standing watch over the southern Mojave you can tell it was put out of commission cuz there is a legion Camp right next to it here is a fun mechanic if you kill someone in stealth mode with no Witnesses you don't get a reputation penalty that's a lot of Legion coins for us to lose at a casino you guys are not going to tell anyone what happened here right freeing the nipton survivors is the last bit of powder gang content in this game don't act like you'd be doing me a favor I don't give a [ __ ] so neglected search light was destroyed by kaizar from Inari in a way that is almost as dramatic as the ruination of nipton a group of legionaires managed to sneak into the fire station and unseal the nuclear fuel casks stored within turning this place into Fallout 3 welcome to Camp search light the shittiest place on Earth that's the Colorado River on the other side are kaisar is core territories in Arizona the screen filter cross Fades from Fallout 3 back to normal Brown Vision hey it's one of them uh kiks this was the penalty for drug Runners the legion enforces a zero tolerance policy when it comes to drugs Papa KH back in Redrock doesn't seem to be aware of this the frumentarius is working him well degenerates like you belong on a cross welcome to Cottonwood Cove one of the bigger Legion base on this side of the river oh orelus of Phoenix interesting armor design nothing on this Earth could make you worthy to wear the armor of a centurion the real reason we won't be getting one is because it's a legion uniform and wearing it makes NCR characters hostile there's no real equivalent to them in the NCR centurions are battleborn Elite officers who earn their rank with blood and sweat they wear special outfits too pieced together from the armor of all their defeated enemies the concept art version is so much better it actually looks like a real suit of armor and not you know a botched cosplay so a relatively small Legion Force managed to destroy a military base and to sack a town and now they are at the gates of the Mojave Outpost a critical transport artery connecting Nevada and California that's impressive and yet kaisar doesn't seem to be able to capitalize on this probably for logistical reasons they can't bring a large enough for for across the river and even if they could they'll just get stuck here hardly a day's work trade dog tax to aelius in exchange for Legion W in his private residence he has a melee weapon made out of dog tags this looks very uncomfortable to use true to kaiso I've seen enough of the Legion for now we are heading back North back to Vegas mve appost sent word through the stations the Rangers coming up from Baja moved through deow a week ago wish they got here a bit earlier but that's a sener for you the weapon I'm carrying is a cowboy repeater I borrowed it from a sleeping Legend Aire it fires a common round has okay accuracy and Deals reasonable damage especially with a cowboy perk Boulder City was almost completely destroyed during the battle of the dam commanded by the malpe leot legionaires entered the town chasing the retreating NCR troops but it was a trap we had packed the old city with C4 and dynamite Chief handland studied the leot and predicted his actions the legion was routed and the battle was lost he went South back to the Grand Canyon back to Caesar this ended the career of the malpe leot and the friend of kaisar Joshua Graham Boulder City is where we finally catch up with the group of KH who were escorting Benny in the intro Cuts scene the ones that buried Us Alive MC Murphy didn't make it he is a character we've seen in the comic what the hell you're that Courier Benny wasted back in good Springs don't worry Jessup I won't kill you simply being a con is punishment enough the Hoover Dam one of the wonders of the old world the structure serves as one of the most substantial sources of electrical power in the region it Survived the Great War mostly intact thanks to Mr house and the laser defense system he built on top of the Lucky 38 casino and while this location is not exactly neglected there is little reason to explore the dam outside of a handful of late game quests in the storage we can steal Chinese stealth armor suits I'd wear one but unfortunately it replaces the helmet created by poddle Pond anyway so New Vegas has the best level scaling system I've ever seen in any game level scaling refers to a mechanic where your opponents become more powerful as you become more powerful the purpose is to keep the adventure challenging understandably it's a Well hated system a bad implementation can trivialize progress and ruin the game and most implementations are not great this one is because it works with the story the plot of New Vegas is a ramp up to the Second Battle of the dam once you hit Level 16 or so you'll start overhearing rumors about imminent reinforcements I've heard that elite units are on the way to support our armies here the Anar military is represented by two branches the Army and the dangers the Army Branch are not just conscripts they have their own Elite cadr Oliver's power armor heavy Troopers are starting to reinforce the front lines the salvaged suits are missing their exoskeleton Parts hland says wearing one is like carrying a pack of Brahman on your back they don't have an equivalent of fumari but the Rangers also seem to be responsible for Gathering Intel behind the front line word it is that the legion's oldtimers have shown up Caesar's veterans from the red oi Centuria and what was the painted rock tribe red oi Centuria sounds like a name for a DM group that makes you unemployable if leaked we are almost home the lights of the strip we have more than enough money to pass a credit check very good mclafferty of the Crimson Caravan pays us for negotiating with rose on their behalf this little questler turned into a saga we store all the extra items in the follower safe house and sleep until tomorrow the NCR is the biggest gang of Thieves in the Mojave only difference is they pass laws to make their crimes legal before they commit them Cass wants to visit the place where her Caravan died to pay her respects and all that but something is wrong the Caravan was disintegrated as in energy weapons is Brotherhood level murder here Rose quickly connects the dots the crimson carav van and the van graphs the energy weapon Merchants are working together to eliminate competition they're taking advantage of the NCR dysfunction in Nevada you are very clever Alice this is Cass companion Quest we'll have to help her make a choice we can work within the confines of the law obtain proof of their crime and collusion and presented to the NCR authorities we can go to court perhaps a newspaper back in Shady Sands will write a story about this there will be a scandal Society will be made a little better the problem with this approach is that positive change will happen in the distant future and we live in the present the NCR has all the problems of the ancient Roman Republic no doubt the redpilled Ed can offer a devastating critique of the NCR system from the opposite end of the political Spectrum I'll destroy it because it's inevitable that it be destroyed it's aelian dialectics not personal animosity ah Caesar you're such a stupid imbe you don't even know what dtic means you [ __ ] actually what does it mean well that depends let's take a look at a bunch of interpretations and apply them to the legion first there is the old Greek meaning dialectic is a debate it's a way of arriving at the truth through argumentation simple as interpretation number two it's just pseudo profound [ __ ] and that's good this paper by Kara yakubian at Al shows that when pseudo-profound nonsense is said by individuals we admire it causes recipients to search for and find real meaning Enlightenment through [ __ ] if this is the Kaiser's dialectic this might speak positively of him as a good communicator K yakubian is a great last name interpretation number three it's pseudo profound [ __ ] and that's bad in some parts of the world the language of Hegel is commonly appropriated by grifters who use it to aiz themselves as sophisticated dashad dugina uses her healan powers to prove that the English Queen did bua the actually existing authoritarian ideologues are more similar to Borat than they are to kaisar number four healan dialectics thesis and antithesis the conflict is inevitable the tldr is that hegelian dialectics examines how ideas interact and change over time I've been informed that the thesis antithesis synthesis explanation is not actually from Hegel not that it makes much of a difference kaizar is talking about something genre specific in Fallout the job of the villain is to present an answer to the Fallout question how do we save Humanity from tearing itself apart the legion has one answer to this question and the ancr offers another the two societies are built on very different ideas and the war is a way of finding out whose ideas are better of course this is Fallout and the 's answer must be flawed in some sort of a fatal way the fifth dialectic marks a reactionary Society of today contains seeds of its eventual transformation into a progressive Society is dunmer nationalism Progressive or reactionary well directed against the mongr dogs of the Empire it's Progressive but it's also reactionary because the dumers is want to replace your upper face with a wormlike prosis critical support and sure it's easy to recognize elements of this sort of thinking in Kaiser's design Edward is a nerd for him civilization is about beautiful statues and classic literature the legion is not that Civilization it's just a tool he created out of whatever crap he had lying around a tool to be used to make this future based society we never actually get to see in the game meaning number six online posting when you see someone using the term online nine times out of 10 it's a social media en iast of some sort of a political variety usually Mt and in this context dialectic simply means thinking long term about a nation I like Society is a mess if you look for them hard enough you can find reactionary or Progressive elements in any political movement it seems these days everyone wants to replace someone's upper face with a worm like prosis Hegel is about ideas Marx is about social structures the sixth dialectic is about Vibes it's about what you like and what your posting enemies hate this approach is terrible for real life but excellent for video games this is The Courier 6 mindset because it helps manufacture justifications to work with all the different factions in the game you're a follower of the Apocalypse or an idiot so yeah Rose I'm sorry for dumping this on you I have these episodes sometimes the woman is surrounded from all sides mclafferty Jean Baptist Gloria Brahman tyrants and Nino gangsters do we solve this problem by working within the system or do we get extra judicial something to think about but before we pull the trigger we should meet the other Power Player Mr House hides Vegas under his skirt when the bombs fall a thousand years ago so it belongs to him forever you buy that baby every boss has a line to explain why he's special why everyone's got to do what he says you're just figuring that out half a mind to throw you all in a cell and let you sweat it off people come from all over to experience Vegas there is no other place anywhere on Earth that's like it the only tourist destination in the Fallout setting of course the engine doesn't sell it well big cities are a problem for this technology one of the mods I have installed merges the two strip areas into a single big location and that makes things a little better the head hon show of New Vegas is itching to make your acquaintance our friend Victor the robot is here inviting us to the Lucky 38 Casino no humans stepped inside for centuries the casino is just as impressive on the inside a beautiful detailed environment with no people welcome to the world of Robert Edwin house you've come a long ways literally and I suspect figuratively as well what do we really know about Mr house he saved the city of Vegas from Annihilation laser defense batteries he's intelligent and competent he invited the local tribal communities to live in luxury on the Strip transforming them into the three families the securitrons are the source of his power they make him the boss of Vegas he even has a securitron GF don't let the video screens and computer terminals fool you I'm flesh and blood not silicon his biggest weakness is people he doesn't really control the three family IES and has no human employees except for yours truly that's crazy by making us his agent he turned us into a celebrity that one must be important around here the first task is to recover the package we were carrying the Platinum chip the tops hotel and casino Benny is inside the guards at the front door will always confiscate all our weapons with the exception of hold out items we can hide on us via the sneak skill ringing baby out of all of the casos the tops is the most welcoming other strip factions are basically overdesigned Fallout creeps but the chairman are just Pleasant to be around I can see how this place can be a tourist attraction but that's not why we are here what in the godamn Hitler's last words either way baby this is good news maybe I can finally sleep at night Benny attempts to damage control the situation by offering us the presidential suite I'll play awn how is it that you're still living this is the second thirdd big conversation in Novo Vegas one can frame it as right libertarianism versus left libertarianism but it's really Mr House versus the authentic culture of Vegas which until recently included Mr House Benny explains his plan broad Strokes change in management the Platinum chip is the key to all this its purpose is to upgrade the combat power of securitrons with the army of robots at our disposal New Vegas can defend itself against the Le or the NCR or whoever we can become a nation so to speak it's a complicated plan with a lot of variables including removing Mr house and taking control of his systems one of the problems of a tribal Workforce I'm afraid no intuitive understanding of how complex Technologies can be that's a point of view baby the odds may look long but that's just because we ain't done rigging them and that is another I'll keep you on retainer and pay bonuses for special missions Ben understands that he is talking to an RPG player and carefully constructs the conversation to make us believe that he is a quest giver and that this is a start of a quest chain ring a ding baby tataa the real reason I'm letting him go is because I enjoy his writing and voice acting They confiscated our weapons but there is somebody's grenade rifle in the safe here here what the [ __ ] he is still in the building building Mr House said we should expect to find a hidden computer lab he wants to kill Mr house and use the Platinum chip to copy my neurocomputational Matrix onto the Lucky 38 main frame the iconic character Yes Man a robot reprogrammed by a specialist from the followers to be a loyal servant of whoever it's talking to this is how Benny learned about the Platinum chip that should give me control over all Mr House's defenses most prominently securitrons then I just do what Betty tells me easy peasy just yesterday the notion of free Vegas was an idealistic nonsense proposition with no connection to reality this changes today technology opens new ways for us to organize a society the Yes Man path is a fork of the main quest that is always available to the player the robot is the only character in this game that is unkillable it looks like Benny escaped us that's good sure I'll kill him but I won't enjoy it the eyes of the mighty Kaiser are upon you hi vulpus I was just thinking about you incidentally it will interest you to know that the man you seek has fled the strip and is likely making haste for Kaiser's Camp as we speak we are finally going to meet Edward it was not a challenge to find you nor is this my first visit to the strip do you think he hides his accent when talking to others he doesn't address them and the machinic from Inari voice does he the no susception regulator modifies your cardiovascular system relevant since we'll be traveling to the edge of the map again Cass refuses to wear a legion uniform but she does wear a helmet that looks very scarf like Babushka aesthetic and this is what I was talking about when I mentioned logistical challenges the lifeline that connects the Cottonwood Cove to the main base of the fortification Hill is a raft this makes the legion successes in the southern jav psychological in nature all who are not Legion are dissolute as we are traveling across the river AR Ruben will explain the nuances of Legion vocabulary even worse are the propagates the subtype of dissolute one finds this side of the river they hold themselves to be civilized when in fact they are corrupt and self-interested the truth will be made clear to them soon enough love how he's decorated the place uh same so you're the visitor I've heard some of the legionaries talking about this is Dale Barton a free Merchant supplying the legion we Bond over a game of Caravan Dale says that he does sometimes travel to the NCR territories but very much prefers to stick to the regions controlled by kaisar it's safer the legionaires know how to deal with the Raider crime oh wow trading with the legion must be quite lucrative all right bro I'll count the Ws 0 0 0 0 the work never ends all the slaves in the camp are woman I found a katana in somebody's Foot Locker this is a neck beard ethnos State there are side quests in the camp and we can fight in the arena it's not very good though they say Vegas was a return return to form but the badass Arena combat is certainly not back let's go meet the man himself they captured Benny go ahead and laugh baby I ain't blind to the humor in this situation maybe I can convince kaizar to let you go I hate killing characters with good voice acting so I finally get to meet the courrier who's accomplished so much in so little time I mean a man nearly kills you and your response is to track him across the breath of the Mojave actually it was a coincidence we were going to the same place all roads and all that in order to understand kaisar will have to retrace his steps he came out of NCR one of the Followers of the Apocalypse many years ago a young Anthropologist and linguist at Edward traveled East and adventured to the frontier he and several others got kidnapped by a violent tribe so Edward goes to the trib's chieftain and says sir clearly there are problems in your tribal Society please read the bread book by Prince kotkin it says we should cooperate instead of competing and the tribal Chief responds buddy we are characters in The Fallout fictional setting this is not real life the developers made us extra dumb and violent but it was large enough to conquer cities here in Nevada we have two wonders of the world in close proximity you won't find a more perfect place for a capital this is the seventh dialectic one needs to complete all the previous dialectics to unlock this one you befriend a bunch of cannibals then you shape the cannibals into fascists and then you shape the fascists into Republicans easy peasy kaisar gives us the Platinum chip They seized from Benny careful where you flash that chip of yours thanks for the advice Babushka Cass the chip unlocks a sealed Vault beneath the Fort Edward wants us to destroy the technology inside so that it cannot be used against the legion the securitron vault is marked by The Lucky 38 symbol Mr house has a different set of instructions I need you to manually upload the data from the chip the Platinum chip is the firmware upgrade for securitrons there is a secret army of them hidden in the vault this is the first irreversible big story decision we get to make destroying the robot cash will make Mr House our enemy forever we don't want that at least not yet a powerful tool waiting for the right cause I felt the ground shake a while ago I'll take that as a sign you've got the job done defying kaara's orders has no negative repercussions this time our reward is that we get to decide how Benny dies make Vegas a town I would have been proud of baby Benny knows what's up he wants us to inherit his scheme close your eyes nah I'd rather see it [Music] coming a fair kill this is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life no this is the worst thing Z 0 0 0 first Vegas now ncrn Legion you're being courted more than a reading Widow very funny Cass you know who else was a ring Widow let's press on shall we kaisar wants us to terminate Mr house but we'll delay that order Benny's outfit will be stored in the followers compound as well as his unique pistol Maria it killed us before so clearly it's powerful in addition tops Hotel owner Benny has been killed by an unidentified as salent his former right-hand man Swank consoled Warner if I know my pal Benny he's Swinging with the big cat upstairs as we speak or he's chasing some Angel bro with cans as big as our Alo Stay classy New Vegas back during the first battle for the dam Camp golf used to be the front line The Only Resort in New Vegas no one wanted to get sent to these days it's a Communications Hub and a logistics base the Troopers live in tents while the Rangers occupy the luxurious Hotel building this is where they send all all the fuckups and people they don't want but hey it's not like I'm bitter or anything Squad CG 5542 of the new California Republic's Army ninth platoon are a notoriously incompetent group of Troopers who refuse to work together The Misfits are the antithesis of the first Recon if you perform too poorly they'll scrub you out perform too well and you get sent to the front lines our friend Edward will never admit it but the truth is the NCR is quite proficient at integrating communities perhaps more so than the legion we've seen individuals of different ethnicities genders and degrees of neuro Divergence work together pretty well it's the legacy of Vault 15 The Misfits are the flip side all I have to do is ride that mediocrity gradient to a cushy do nothing job miles away from the war The Misfits are here to remind us that making the Republic function the way it does requires effort and this shouldn't be taken for granted though you aren't of the Legion you've hated us more than once the game spawns a disguised Legion Spy Who loudly addresses us in a frumentarius accent we are in the middle of an NCR military base and he'll get away with it too they're just that good he says they're willing to share items the legendaries are forbidden to use but when I check the Dropbox it's just Legion coins suffice to say I'm a certified genius and when I'm discharged from this pit of testosterone and failure there is an art of creating a memorable side character with just a few lines of text Del X1 is the standing Champion when it comes to this sort of thing but Vegas is good too now Cass I want you to meet someone I know a bit about you courier heard someone messed you up pretty bad over in good Springs I heard a few other things too some good but not all Chief hanin is the head of the NCR Rangers he served for over 40 years joining even before Elise became Ranger Chief around 20 241 Elise is this character so he has a weak connection to Fallout 2 over nearly half a century the Rangers Grew From a small team of abolitionists to a professional military force got a second sergeant rias here starts in an assuming little side quest that wraps up Chief hanan's Ark and has profound consequences for the Mojave I've come across numerous inconsistencies between our numbers and our reports especially with regards to intercepting hostiles I'm wondering if our radio security codes have been compromised return to Center is a serious of fetch quests we need to deliver new codes to each one of the ranger stations that's a lot of busy work but at least it's an excuse to check on old friends leave doggies alone this is Ranger Station foxtrot in the forested area west of Vegas you're here for the money I told the Ameritas I was good for it I'm just here for the codes lady oh uh well yeah Ranger Station Bravo Eastern desert despite objections these guys keep getting extra ammunition they never asked for Ranger Station Echo staffed by ghouls I just don't know what you're trying to pull Ranger Station Charlie there is no need to listen to melodramatic audio logs to figure out that they've been hit by the legion booby trapped bodies allegion signature tactic we've received some disturbing reports from some of the ranger stations the weirdest one has to be the great cons in their trained death claws at foxtrod what is this Fallout tactics no if anything this looks more like the Elder Scrolls Oblivion trained death claw I would have remembered that Reyes says all radio reports go through Chief hland at Camp Gulf hold on if we're going to have this conversation let's go somewhere more private the troops have been fighting and dying in the Mojave for more than 5 years the residents of Vegas have no respect for them Mr house and the families get rich off ANC our caps they drain them dry as they fight and die Hanan thinks the Anar isn't ready for what's coming they won't be able to repeat the Boulder City trick for the second time and even if they somehow do succeed what then do they Patrol the whole length of the Colorado for hundreds of miles forever people back home don't care conscription routinely brings fresh troops to die for the low locals who hate them General Oliver never got over the fact that the Rangers got credit for the Boulder City Victory whatever handland recommends he does the opposite I said I wanted us on the ridge he put him right on the western part of the dam itself we don't have enough Firepower to hold that spot once the legion attacks Oliver's Troopers will Retreat and the Rangers will move in to cover them they'll do their Duty and they will die we lose the dam Oliver in the center were ruined poor Hanan it appears he doesn't even know how to Liberal he should have spent less time on the Rangers and more time building power and scheming behind the scenes the radio reports were his way of delegitimizing the mission in the eyes of the Troopers it was his way of doing something but then he got people killed and this was when he realized he went too far Rangers this is the chief henin's last radio transmission I couldn't find his way out of this desert he admits to making mistakes but never says exactly what he did this is up to us to reveal and I have no intention of doing that send me all the legion you can I'll be waiting for them that shot came from the chief's office they will never learn what happened Ranger seoa is given to Veterans after 20 years of dedicated service engraved along the barrel are the words for honorable service and against old tyrants back West you don't see too many of these Lakes I mean natural or man-made any kind really we neglected the dams or pumped all the water out a long time ago train the aquifers of everything they had so Rose of Sharon Cassidy we sure live in a society don't we maybe Caesar kicking them in the nuts is a nice wakeup call as I'm saying many characters in this game even the powder gangers have a nuanced relationship with the Republic they still believe in the NCR way of doing things while fully acknowledging that the state is overstretched and dysfunctional nobody's dicks that long not even Long Dick Johnson and he had a [ __ ] long dick thus the name NCR and their godamn nicknames am I right every invading body claims it was invited by someone except for the legion kaar doesn't give a dead dog's dick for a common legendaire the transformation of the Legion into Rome might be a path to a better life assuming adedward doesn't kill you in a human wave attack before that happens but why would the people of Nevada supported Cass makes a point that if the legion offered the same protection to settlements they do to Caravans many would have taken the offer but it was never on the table and Mr house doesn't seem to be interested in managing any anything beyond the Vegas Strip or perhaps he simply lacks power to interfere and Rose appears to be a departing the zoo of being by falling through the floor ah but this is a common reaction to the machinic nature of the NCR system sure we can go to court I guess and maybe write a letter to our Senator but who is this person who uses everyone's favorite storytelling engine Fallout New Vegas to enact a fantasy of waiting in line at the post office I'm not that kind of a mailman dirty cow no this guy was probably not responsible for what happened to Cassidy's Caravans but you know you can't make a deathclaw omelet without hey accidental firearm discharge situation under control the V graphs are much harder to kill one of the more complicated midgame engagements baby the odds may look long but that's just because we ain't done rigging them steal all the Asma mines they sell make sure Rose is instructed to wait place the mines in strategic places trigger the fight Dam so long jean Baptist Gloria discharged from the pit of testosterone and failure the criminal family in the next Fallout game should be called the Cara yakubians all right Patron credits and then the final observations individuals who subscribe to war Loy patreon possess the power of dialectical materialism and are able to predict the future with 100% accuracy this is science-based special thanks to Jim lawen frog a two room apartment in babus bellarus Miracle Moses Porter a Zazzle and banful the doggo Danny Kilpatrick Tony spagoni serpen Ilia Ruben Dimitri Yu Ganso [ __ ] Eric Lans 1967 Ford Mustang Buck Swope Yuri soleno nafu darkbot pumpkin Mach my next video will be on I Divine cybermancy source is the best engine ever made Billy strahorn Ray nurs I feed my parrot chicken and C six so this is how Benny really died without editing tricks get that away the indignity of death in bethesda's engine the we must die there are no companion romances in New Vegas but if you have the lady killer perk you can alert sometimes I know your look you probably say all the right things so we're clear nothing's going to happen between us you'd best respect that she also reacts to various other perk and gender combinations the picture of Mr house in front of Liberty Prime is referencing this photo of Howard Hughes an American engineer magnate and pilot one of the richest and the most influential people in the world in the 1940s hland doesn't have to die you can just let him go but in that case the character doesn't have much of an arc the helmet was made by podle Pond check out their Nexus page oh and I almost forgot the difference between dialectic and diuretic the latter is a type of a drug that makes you piss a lot so no big difference balers gate a big congratulations to a Young Band of soldiers who shattered NCR records on a combat readiness evaluation at Camp golf go get them guys
Channel: Warlockracy
Views: 182,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, gaming, game design, warlockracy, review, narrative review, fallout new vegas, dialectics, fallout: new vegas
Id: pI3aHcV5Dd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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