I played Realms of Ruin - Gameplay and first impressions

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I got to play me some Realms of Ruin and a little content creator play test playing some multiplayer battles against each other I have no idea who I'm facing here though I'm playing as oryx but I'll try and explain how the game works talk about the gameplay going on in the background sometimes and what I think of it now starting off with the map you can see two points here on the left that kind of compass shaped one that's like a resource node and then this dice type looking one on the right is a capture point which you need to take to win the game and of course the map is made up of these I've got three resource nodes and a capture point on my side of the map my opponent has the same and then there's a capture point and two resources in the middle of the map now that's probably sounding pretty familiar to you if you play dawn of War or Company of Heroes and it's pretty standard in these kind of RTS games now at the moment I'm just sending my troops out to capture these points as quickly as possible but I've only got two units and I need more so I'm going to recruit either some gut rippers that I can get some hop grot throat slitters awesome man skewer bolt boys which is what I'm gonna go for one of those and then one gut rippers as well and that did cost me currency in the top left you see the blue flag that's command that's one of our currencies we need to gather from the resource nodes and the other one the Orange Shell looking thing is realm Stone now one thing about the capture points is that the longer you stand in them the bigger the area grows you might notice the area there's a little yellow Goldy line that's expanding the longer I stand in the area well the more it expands the more resources it generates so it pays to stick around once you've taken a point to get that area as big as possible because you'll not only generate more income you'll also make it take longer for the enemy to take the point off you now here you can see our first engagement the enemy's hero coming into a couple of my units he's taken that Central Victory objective which means he now has two and thus he's depleting my point whereas before I had won and he didn't have any thus I was depleting his points so basically whoever's got the most control points depletes the other ones points until they get to zero it's pretty much your standard kind of domination game My Enemy brought over another unit but you can see it says Unstoppable on it as it runs away that's because he's kind of told it to retreat and much like dawn of War you tell it to retreat it becomes kind of semi-invincible but it has to run back to base face so that you can heal it and save it from Death basically because much like any other game you don't want to lose your units in this you want to keep them alive and upgrade them there is a tech tree you might notice on that little recruitment screen but I did notice that when I was playing in these kind of tests especially multiplayer kind of a bit rushed sometimes so you don't really get to just sit down and just see and look at everything you want to you have to just kind of Rush and play multiplayer so I'm not entirely sure what the tech tree does but I didn't seem to desperately need it over here I've got some high ground with some of my bolt boys shooting down on some enemies I pushed them back from staying in their objective there but here you see I'm upgrading one of the resource nodes that I've got and you can upgrade it to do different things in this case I've upgraded it so that it produces more resources but I could get it to increase the line of sight or to provide healing it can give a little structure that'll defend itself that the enemies will have to beat and Smash down before they can take the point themselves so there's some depth to the game there in making good use of those and deciding which ones are best for your faction and your play style but currently this game is pretty even in terms of the score I've got a little Squad heading over to take the capture point though and in terms of units it's kind the usual rock paper scissors deal there was a triangle they showed us that was what was it missiles beat regular infantry regular infantry beat shielded infantry shielded infantry beats missiles Loosely speaking of course there's plenty of variables there a lot of units have abilities that they can use as well to do various things especially like your hero character can be pretty powerful later on you're going to see me get a big troll boy and the enemy's gonna have a big dragon and there's gonna be all sorts going on but for the most part there is kind of a system to learning your matchups and learning what units are going to be good where and which ones beat what and then of course there's the difference between the factions themselves so oryx for example can generally field more units and have more numbers but their units are kind of generally weaker whereas the stormcast boys will have fewer units but they'll be much stronger and I'm about to take a capture point back I am losing at this point but we're about to turn it around hopefully I now have enough realm Stone to upgrade my base so I'm gonna do that that's going to give me more units and a bigger unit cap so I can get more of my units and what units can I get well my killer boss was already there but he's my hero can only get one of him I can get a marsh crawler slogoth which I'm gonna grab I also had the option of a shaman or a giant kill bow though for now though just a slog up I have no idea idea what it does this is literally my first game of zorux I've only played one before this as stormcast eternals where I was just kind of figuring out the game and learning what the hell does what but here my enemy has snuck around to my side and has taken the point that's closest to my base I've engaged his missiles though to stop them from firing and to take care of them in melee he's got one melee unit though engaging me there but I've got missiles and the melee unit going after him and I did manage to reclaim the point but he bought some more units over which is forcing me to retreat from this area so he's probably going to take this back in a second I have taken a bit of a lead now though but here comes my slug off that I have no idea what it does I'm just gonna charge it in and see what happens I'm gonna heal all these boys trying to keep them alive healing does cost currency so you do have to kind of be smart with it you don't just want to spam it off all the time for like a single unit you want to try and get a few together but my slog off is out here doing gork and Mort's work or I don't know who the auric God is is it still gork and milk you tell me I've discovered it's got a net ability though and I'm going to use that and as you may have seen there I netted the ranged units there you go doesn't net them for terribly long but it does is a stun so it stops them firing keeps them pinned there good if I had some infantry near a buy which could have taken advantage of them being stuck there but I managed to repel the enemy's attack and reclaim my point and now get a nice little lead I've got enough points as well to upgrade my base to the final tier which I am going to do get me some more units more unit cap let's go but while I was doing that this son of a [ __ ] is taking the central point with some flying boys which look a bit intimidating but we're awks we charge them regardless we don't care about safety he comes charging in though launching some kind of flying attack on my boys and stunning them I'm bringing all my other stuff around I might be a little bit too divided at this time I should really be there all together with one force taking on all those tough units as you can see they're putting my boys in the bin so I'm going to try and Retreat them as quickly as possible one of them died gonna engage now though I do have my slogoth coming and I did get a kill bow you can see on the left there I'm gonna try it out for the first time right here get a little flanking position seems like we're winning this fight though I now have my tier 3 units I've got a Merc knob and the big troll boy for now I'm just gonna get a Merc knob and I get two of them because I think that they're a unit but apparently it's a single entity so showing my age of Sigma ignorance there and I'm unable to beat away this attack so the enemy is going to hold that control point for now I'm gonna have to fall back Trice but I'm regrouping I've got a group of boys I've got the Merc knob now with this breath of the Maya Drake's ability which well presented me with the first big problem I had with this game which is a fixable one it's just a balance issue really some of these AOE spells this is an AOE spell you're going to see me use it throughout the rest of this gameplay it's incredibly strong it kills units very quickly the stormcast also have a similar thing which happened to me a few times there's these ridiculously strong aoes that can just wipe out all of the units that are stuck in the AOE very quickly you don't have much time to react or do anything and I can see that as something that might get abused in multiplayer matches and that would definitely put people off playing and you can see my opponent here hasn't defended the middle objective he's taking one of the resource nodes off to the right and back at my main base I've got another little Force which I'm going to send to go for the farthest point the one near his base I'm gonna try and take hold three points I'm going greedy because I did have quite a nice lead on him but he's clawed his way back now with both in 400 Points each so it's a pretty close game but here's that ability I'm using I don't really know how good it is at this point I'm just using it randomly but you see the cone shape there that's going to fill up with green smoke gradually and anything any enemies that are caught within that are going to take some serious damage but you'll see some better examples of that later on for now my big other force is heading straight down the center to try and get after that farthest point and there's nobody there to defend it so we take that straight off him but he's done the same thing to me as he's back taking the point nearest my base so I've got to send some units back to try and sort that out I won this situation on the right hand side as you can see nothing over there I do have a kill bow kind of sat at the back which is doing some pretty good work for me and all these fights around here he brings over one of his Drakes though brings that down I've got a lot of missiles though I'm just blasting away at him he's pretty outnumbered there probably not a great situation to fly that in you can see my boys getting stuck in some mud there so there's certain kind of terrain on the map which can affect you in certain ways coming in he's only got one unit here that's taken my point so I should be able to get rid of that no problem I'm watching this footage back I have realized that I kind of missed an opportunity to zoom down and look at the fights close up which I did want to do but honestly I just really wanted to win this one as orc so I was try Harding as hard as I could to get that Victory but the more I played the more I got used to trying to use the abilities at the right time and to make use of all the things that the units could actually do and this demo just had the two factions the oryx and the stormcast there's two more factions in the full game I think I'm not sure which ones they are I don't think they've announced it yet probably the ghosty boys I'm not sure if age of Sigma faction names and maybe some kind of chaos or beasts or I don't know you tell me you age of Sigma nerds out there what do you think the four factions will be what's the four biggest ones I guess is gonna be the options but I suppose there's a lot of room for DLC there as well but oh here's that op ability watch as it takes the health off the enemy units you might see it a little bit here you sort of took half Health off that unit at the back in like a second killed the other one that was nearly dead there and has nearly killed the dragon as well so yeah it's a little kind of crazy again I've got more examples of it later don't you worry obviously I appear use the [ __ ] out of it but I went to take my enemies Point closest to his base and found two of his units trying to do the same thing to me but this time I had a unit defending there although he does the cheeky engages with one of his units and then sends the other one around to take the point but unfortunately for him my units are still too close to the point and he's not able to take it before we arrive but that seems to be one of the biggest mistakes of my opponent is he's very often sending a small Force to engage a much larger force of mine like one or two units to engage like four or five of mine and that's definitely hurting although he's keeping Pace I am gaining a bit of a lead now though but can I keep it we shall see back over by the central point he's sending some more stuff just a dragon and a single unit so only two units again against like five of Mine He's realized though that my kilbo is sat at the back just blasting away at him always when he tries to engage me here so he's charged through to get to it and he's attacking it now desperate to get rid of it which is a smart move although I'd say he maybe could have just flanked around behind me running through that kind of control point and coming up behind me instead of running through me but hey it's working for him I'm going for the point closest to his base though however he has taken out my phone was by the Central Point although he does control the central point now so not a huge gain for him because he's still losing essentially but I want that Central Point so here comes my troll boy this is my first time using him he's got a charge ability as many units do you can see the arrow there of me trying to line it up I am playing on controller as well I should say but I'll talk about that in a second bringing in the troll he knocks The Knocks The Dragon down a little bit all over the place saves one of my units he's got another unit here as well though gonna use one of the trolls abilities I think it does damage to him but it makes him do this go a little crazy smash around he does a good bit of damage I managed to inadvertently take the point there as well so I now control all three Victory objectives better check on my other units and try to heal those up in a second though should be able to beat the dragon although at least I would have been if this unit wasn't here so I'm gonna Retreat from that for now he is pushing me back from this point as well so he's fighting back my opponent not going down easy I do have quite the lead on him now though 400 to 100 points but it ain't over till it's got damn over so I'm regrouping now getting a little forced together gonna heal everyone up and then get back in there I start by marching on the central point where he's only got one unit defending so that should be an easy take but as I said I'm playing your controller here because there was only two options and it was either mouse and keyboard but you had to use the really personally I find outdated control system of using Mouse Edge scrolling and then wasd as hotkeys I really hate that control system I really don't like using it I want it to change and see if I could mess around with the keybinds but they wouldn't let me look at the options so I couldn't do that so we just went with controller and honestly it actually worked really damn well it was actually quite an intuitive control system for an RTS game so I really didn't mind playing on controller and if I can't use wasd to move the camera in the final game then I probably will just play on controller because honestly it didn't feel like any great disadvantage over playing mouse and keyboard and here I'm fighting for the point closest to my base the enemy's got some high ground but I'm going to use that overpowered ability and as you see it quickly kills that unit and the enemy gonna use a similarly powerful AOE here I think this might be the one I was talking about for the stormcast which does a lot of damage you can't really see it here because there's not enough units to damage but it's very strong and at this point now the enemy is controlling all three objectives and you can see my point points are flying down he's closing that gap between us very quickly I need to look alive basically so I've got a big old Force here comes the op ability again you know I'm refusing that [ __ ] to no end I've got to get that Victory here it is on this side as well you know I've got two of them and here's probably the best example of how powerful it is watch how quickly it damages these two units the one on the left nearly dead anyway after that shot but takes it down in about two seconds and then takes out the bow in about three or four seconds you can imagine if there was more units in a small space there you wouldn't have much time to get away from that now use that over here as well to get rid of the units that were here I've pretty much got this side one so with that and the power of my Merc knobs I've managed to take back two of the objectives and that puts me on the winning score again I've got him down to under 100 points now my 276 to his 87 things are looking good for me at least at the moment I think they do gonna use my op ability there just to kill that Dragon again takes him down pretty quick here comes his hero too little too late though still got the kill boat going oh we've got a troll back here bring him in I'm looking pretty good to win this at this point right I got plenty of units around two points I just gotta hold them for a bit he brings in another unit but again he brings it in by itself where he probably should just wait back for a minute and bring in another unit or two to help out because he knows what's here he's just seen it so he should know that it's probably going to be a bad idea to charge that unit in by itself and it's just getting destroyed but he does start to bring a few more groups of troops around that I've got to deal with but overall how did I find this game did I enjoy it or did it absolutely suck awk balls well I'd say I enjoyed it quite honestly it's basically dawn of War if you like dawn of War and you like age of Sigma you're sorted you probably will enjoy this game it feels pretty well done it looks very nice however if multiplayer is gonna be the main cell if there's just gonna be a kind of linear campaign that you just go through once I can't see me playing the campaign through more than once I'll probably play a bit of multiplayer but it's probably going to be one of those games that turns into a very small community of Hardcore multiplayer players and anyone new that tries to come in is probably just going to get stomped on so it really depends what the matchmaking system is like and if there's going to be a way to kind of divide the new the players from the better players and match them up appropriately also depends if there's maybe like two V2s and things like that which are always fun I do enjoy a good 2v2 or a 2v2v2 or a 3v3v3 plus like I said lots of potential for some nice DL season to add more factions in and maps and things like that so the game will do pretty well for itself I think but it's not really blowing the genre up or doing anything new for the RTS genre like I say dawn of War at this point I've got the enemy beaten down to about 28 points to my 238 it should be an easy Victory right I've got a big old Force I'm moving in taking the point closest to my base as he's taking quite a few off me I have stuck around and taken the point closest to his base as well but look at my bow unit near the point there gets absolutely obliterated by his AOE in like two seconds there's another one of those aoes I'm sending one of my units around to get that bow up there but my troll knocking somebody on the head my hero is trying to hold the point I still hold the two points I've got him down to 21 points I'm looking good at least until the enemy reclaimed the point near his base and now I'm losing I'm him down to 18 points but he's now whittling away my points and you may have noticed the timer at the top in the middle 36 minutes this is nearly a 40 minute game and by the end of it it is going to be about a 40 minute game and I think that's because the pace of the game is maybe a little bit slower feeling than dawn of War perhaps I'm not sure I haven't played dawn of War in a long time but I feel like it moves a little bit slower overall which is good in a way it gives you more time to think and get the right decisions made they did say the average game would last about 30 minutes so this one going on a little longer than usual probably because it comes down to the goddamn wire things are looking a little Bleak for me here he's got two control points he's now pushing on the third I've not got much to defend there oh shiza I do have my troll though who does fend off a few attackers he is getting shot by a bow but we're gonna charge them down there is a drake around too which we're trying to get rid of over here and he's nearly got me under 100 points I am starting to [ __ ] myself I will not lie my heart was racing I wanted that win but God damn it it was slipping away from me but I got a little Force coming now to sort the Drake out and to make sure I don't lose my my point and then all I need to do is take the final point But Here Comes My merch number ability again but he's kind of going to skirt to the side of it so it doesn't do too much damage to him he's getting shot though so we are going to start to whittle him down he's going to pull his Dragon back my Troll's been a bit beaten up but I'm going for his point I need to do something or I'm gonna lose this so I send my troll over to his point closest to his base there's nothing there so I'm able to take it I've still got my point so this is good all I've got to do is hold that point up north and I've won this hopefully he's only got 18 points left he won't be able to hang on too long I'm bringing all of my Force up there I'm kind of just ignoring the middle point for now just focusing on my point in his point that's what I'm gonna go for I've taken the point up near his base I'm bringing this whole force over I can't lose this now right I've got it all sorted also I thought until two Drakes ended up on my trolls face but it's getting close now I've got him down to nine points all I need to do is hold this objective keep my troll alive on this point he somehow takes out a lot of my other units I don't see how probably the breath attacks but I've got him down to three points now but then I tell my troll to retreat to save it I didn't notice this score though if I did I would have left my troll there because I would have won right there but he's able to take his point back just in the nick of time so he doesn't lose it's 77 to one if I'd stayed there just like two seconds longer I would have won this but God damn it I ran away with my troll should have left the troll there should have taken it on the chin but I've done [ __ ] it up he's got me down to 60 points now but of course old xerkey's always got a trick up his sleeve so I Whip My Knob out and use its op ability while the guy's not looking he's not paying attention to this point and watch as my cheeky green gassy goo goes and kills these two units look how quickly in like five seconds all dead nice that frees me up for a final assault on this point if I can just take this for just even a millisecond I should be able to win it but luckily thanks to my op Merc knob ability I've taken away some of his units he now doesn't have enough to engage me I tie up two of his units and use my third one to take the point and that is going to be a glorious hard-fought Victory the guy gets me down to 46 points to the one fair play to him good game a close one but there we go Realms are ruined what do you reckon I quite enjoyed it I'll certainly give the full game a good go let me know what you think hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching thanks to all the patrons who support this channel I'll see you with the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 79,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: realms of ruin, gameplay, multiplayer, first impressions
Id: 6Hn6P_KMM0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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