Nordic Mythology Expert REACTS to Hellblade

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okay okay yeah here he is with his sword wow wow that's a really creepy looking it's almost like a torch for a head I'm not sure what we're looking at but it's really like the graphics in this game are absolutely stunning grammar is a sword from not mythology but from kind of related literature it's the sword that Sigrid the dragon slayer uses to kill the giant fafnir [Music] okay the land of mist and fog the place the northmen call hell so hell is a realm and hell is also a person hell is the realm of the dead it's where the dead go one of the places according to the mythology that the dead go and it's ruled over by Loki's daughter whose name is hell in like the Marvel sources and stuff like that she's known as hella I think probably to differentiate her from the realm but hell is both a person and a place yeah that's where the dead go and that looks like where she's off to we have some dead bodies hanging In this River where she is arriving it's really beautiful the visuals are really beautiful so she's meant to be a picked Warrior from orkney and orkney is there were a dynasty of Norwegian Earls there from they came over during the Viking age of course there were people there before there were Earls and it was kind of a Norway ruled it for some time the drowned the sick the slain okay now this is typical too I mean like the idea that you know everybody unless you like die in battle or something like that or unless you're like a really bad person you go to hell like not hell in the Christian sense hell is just the realm of the Dead you know related as a word to the Christian hell which is like the bad place but it's simply where you go if you die and you die of sickness old age according to Norse mythology and the sources we have if you die in battle you go to Valhalla or to freya's Hall folklonger if you're really bad you go to a different realm and a lot of hanging a lot of uh oh no they're not hanging they're on they're stuck through on some Spears so uh she thinking yeah so it's a really creepy creepy visuals as she is paddling her way to the realm of the dead here it almost looks like half sunken ships of some kind with the remnants of sales various other bodies hanging from from this yeah so it absolutely reflects what is clearly like supposed to be a miserable Place according to this I don't know who they are that they feel you they know you're here maybe these bodies the Dead who are who are hanging here she's arriving in Hell which is not a place in the world and so I mean she's a picked Warrior she's from orkney which is an actual place whereas hell is a mythological realm so this idea that you know you would travel from somewhere in the actual world to hell with which is a mythological realm quite obviously not very realistic we do have in the mythology people making the journey to hell but that's not people they're Gods actually so balder the good when he is killed he goes down to Hell and there's an attempt to to resurrect him and one of the Gods goes down to Hell to try to get him back that's really sort of the only kind of comparable storyline this is meant to be face paint reflecting her her own background and I I don't know nearly as much about Celtic culture but I know that this game does dry heavily from both Celtic culture and Norse mythology yeah the graphics are really cool this kind of land of mist you know I mean it's there's not a lot of description about what hell actually looks like but you know this it has kind of a river stick sort of feel to it in a way kind of you know obviously I think drawing from other you know other ideas of the underworld of the realm of the dead and things like that and it's really spooky it's it looks um it's really visually like a really stunning yeah stunning gameplay so far so hell ham literally means the world of hell hell World hey means world and hell is again the realm of the Dead the Sea of knives okay this is evidently helham and helheim in Norse mythology is kind of like in the it's in the lower part of the world tree it's up at the bottom and here it's not really depicted in that way but that's all right and she's Consulting with a head of some kind that's meant to be her dead Lover's head I think and it's kind of an interesting play on the um the head of mimir who is this God this kind of enigmatic God whose head Odin the all-father the head of the Norse pantheon carries around and consults for wisdom so it's kind of an interesting play on that okay the goddess hella goddess hella is referring to Hell who is Loki's daughter one of Loki's three monstrous children the other two being fenrir the wolf and the other one the midgard serpent and she's not a goddess but she does rule over the Underworld the gods kind of dealt with all three of them in different ways and the way that they dealt with her was relegating her to the um to the realm of the Dead which she's in charge of she's on her way to the bridge to helheim it all looks like the aftermath of like a war or a battle of some kind it's visually a really really beautiful game okay here we have a runestone here that um she is okay the northmen speak of the nine worlds the world of men they call midgard yeah so there's nine worlds or Realms within the um mythological Cosmos so that means the world according to how the mythology describes it as opposed to like the world as it is you know as it contains um you know the parts within the actual world of you know where there are countries and things like orkney and Norway and Denmark and so the mythological World there are nine Realms and midgard or Central enclosure is the world of humans and here she's looking at a rune Stone and this is a picture Stone not unlike ones that actually have been preserved with a runic inscription on the outside and sort of a picture Stone on the inside and with using the runic alphabet which was the alphabet used in Scandinavia before the Latin script was adopted we had that there which was pretty neat the gods are in Asgard okay yep so here we have a nice little account of the of the nine Realms giant world foreigns but and then of course the the dead in hell and that's where she's headed [Music] okay gates To Hell him the god of fire swords and the god of Illusion okay so sword is not a God but sort of a fire demon of some kind and Val Robin um that's Robin means Raven and uh valaravin isn't from mythology but actually from like I'm pretty sure it's like later folklore from Denmark moose spell time is this hot region and that's where sort the fire demon comes from sorter is this fire demon who was yeah from whisposheim and is going to face off against the god Frey at the end of the world he's fire and it's going to bring about destruction here we of course have the fire as one would expect with the fire demon sword or sword surge in Golden Arts causing all kinds of Destruction yeah so at the beginning of time where there were these two there's kind of like these two Realms this really hot realm who spells Heim and nippleheim which was this really cold realm and Surfer is from moosevelt's same everything's burning up as a result of him which he's a fire demon so that that all makes sense she's it's an obstacle to I guess get past sort to get to hell or hell hey Mrs call here in this one to rescue her her dead lover I don't know what this is meant to be I don't know if that's meant to be sword or not but yeah possibly it's very creepy very creepy monster that she's fighting here but I'm not sure if that's meant to be so or not I think it might be which I always sort of envisioned such as not an form that is human but more of like uh but that's I think just my own idea of what cert is yet at the end of the world the fire demon source is going to face off against freyr who is the god of fertility like Agriculture and abundance and that type of thing which kind of reflects you know how catastrophic fire is for things like um agriculture I'm not sure who this is is this sort okay this is all very surreal looking and seeming all right so she seems to be out of that has passed through okay no no here we have sir turd I was none of that was search today we're all people from his uh from his realm must spell same okay okay yeah here he is with his sword wow wow that's a really creepy looking okay it's almost like a torch for a head that he has there I really like that I think that's a really cool and he absolutely is intended in the mythology as like a villain makes an ideal villain within a game having to do with Norse mythology and this is really cool so I don't really know what else to say about Searcher except that he's the fire demon and he's associated with fire I mean he's going to play this role at the end of the world where he kills the Godfrey and you know his arrival is one of the things that signals kind of the end of times and the God's final defeat I don't know what those light with the symbols are that are lighting up are meant to be well some of them look vaguely ruinic I think a lot of that's very very meant to be more of the Celtic culture influence on this game but I'm less well-versed in by far okay look so she's getting close yeah so how realistic it would be for picked Warrior to Journey down to Hell him to that's to rescue the soul of her dead lover I would say you know that's not a realistic scenario at all you know it's combining you know combining worlds combining a mythological world with one that is you know more historical so situating historical cultures into something that's otherwise obviously not not historical [Music] okay so here we have symbols on the ground it's hard to see what they are um and we are we defeated sort okay there's ruins that are going around that um that portal balarab and the god of Illusion the supernatural Raven for folklore I think as opposed to from mythology but Ravens play a big role in Norse mythology I mean you have Odin's Ravens that go out and bring in the news of all the Realms a lot of talking birds play a role throughout the mythology they often kind of give people Heroes and gods information useful information wisdom of some kind it's hard to see what's going to think that's intentional I think it's hard to see what's going on here or is this the vaal robin the god of Illusions yeah that would make sense it's kind of a bird skull type of thing going on again this is something from mythology this is like a more of a folkloric being from later folklore but the Ravens and birds and the role that birds play mythology is pretty well established but it's a very yeah this one doesn't look like a very good like it's very creepy not a helpful bird and again I don't know what these symbols are here some of them look vaguely Celtic she's fighting the Raven all right so she's defeating defeating Valar at last it looks like so she's defeated sort the fire demon and she's defeated this God of Illusions followed album and that's going to help her get into helheim all right and I wonder there's a tree imagery and I mean the tree holds significance absolutely in Norse mythology and I'm in Celtic culture as well all right she's fighting against a Viking Warrior let's see because some antlers that are adorning various parts of his his armor Shield which as far as I know that's not a typical part of the shields from the Viking age nor our antlers generally something that you find on things like helmets and the like it's a little hard to see with the graphics it's very dark as we are in on our way to helheim so it's a little bit difficult to see she's gotten rid of him pretty quickly and she's about to meet Hela for the first time so again it's hell in the mythology doesn't really matter again this is sort of the she rules the underworld and you know she's also called hella in the Marvel interpretation where she is related to Thor oh wow that's a really really I mean I didn't know what I was expecting hella to look like but that's it's extremely creepy certainly didn't expect the proportions and absolutely not for her to look like she does in the mythology like she can be you don't fight whoa you don't fight her like she's something someone who can be reasoned with like for example she says that she'll let Baldur come back to life if all living things will um will cry for him they don't because Loki refuses to grammar is a sword from not mythology but from kind of related literature called legendary literature it's the sword that sigured the dragon slayer uses to kill the giant fafnir and it's the sword that his father had pulled out of this tree oh that Odin had stuck it there and it was only meant kind of a Sword in the Stone type of a situation where only the most noble Warrior can can pull it out and that's sigrid's father he does eventually it gets shattered in battle and it's reforged for him and you can see that this is obviously a legend that inspired Tolkien with Lord of the Rings but that's what the sword named Grammer is based on that particular Legend and she's obviously much like Sigmund who took it out of this tree barnstock in The Saga of the volsungs I think it's if she's able to get it out kind of a sign that she's worthy or something like that but I'm not entirely sure something else is happening she seems to be in in Hell the realm hellhane as they're calling it here yep so we have yeah forged by so it was yeah gifted to Sigmund who's the the father of Sigrid the dragon slayer what happens in the text is that Odin like comes like disguised he walks into this Hall doesn't say a word and he just stabs the sword into this tree barnstock and he leaves and then sigmund's the only one who is able to pull it out it shatters in battle and can only be reforged by this one Smith for his son secret it's interesting to seeing if you see it being used here um they're drawing from kind of a different porpoise but also related to mythology of pulling grammar out of the tree yeah I mean the fact that she's able to do that is like it's in reference to this kind of worthiness of the warrior and also the them Warriors it's only the one that kind of Odin chooses as well who was able to take it out of the tree but here it's I guess for just her dead lover and she's not supposed to do that I guess so swinging's closing off okay we must refer their into hell him here it's looking I'm not sure what we're looking at but it's really like the graphics in this game are absolutely stunning I don't know what happened economic whether she still has the sword looks like she's yeah within a tree of some kind and that hell is sort of you know at the base of um the world tree but it's also it's a tree it looks like a roots of a tree but it's also it looks like tortured tortured people as well okay and I'm not sure where this is meant to be still carrying her Lover's head yeah I don't know who this is that she's battling with here okay she's got ground there the sword but it can only be taken out of the tree by the person worthy enough to wield it which is evidently her they don't know who this is supposed to be yeah but it's the visuals are really really beautiful here yeah I'd be interested in knowing more about these symbols that keep appearing um and what they're based on I don't know what else to say about this fighting of this unknown monster tame the Beast the beat oh it's fenrir okay so it's fenrir so this is Hell's brother hella's brother fenrir is I guess in hellhane as well and um it's Fender the wolf the brother of hella who is I guess down in helheim as well and again the futhark the Riddick alphabet you can say circling this portal so again these were letters that formed the runic alphabet which was used in Scandinavia prior to Christianity coming which brought with it the Latin alphabet and there's hella again and she's absolutely terrifying in her final confrontation here yeah it is absolutely her mother it's absolutely like it seems like it's just extremely like a haunting type of game whenever this character is going through here and is this meant to be hello I'm not sure what this is meant to be looks different from the creature who was hella she has the head of her dead lover yeah I mean it's clear like the anguish that she's feeling okay yeah I've read some things about how this is supposed to be some metaphor The Narrative is a metaphor for I think psychosis or something like that as far as I can tell as far as I know and it responds consult consultation with mental health professionals but if that's the case it's really beautifully done I'll fight with you at Ragnarok okay so she's vowing to decide against evidently the gods and Ragnarok at the end of the world Norse apocalypse if she can have her to love her back and it's like yeah like I said like the the story that does revolve around trying to get someone back from the god from the underworld from hell is of balder the god whose death called or kind of set up set into motion the events that led to the end of the world they're trying to get him back to prevent the end of the world happening and also to get balder back because he's the most beloved of all the gods but here we have something some a different take on the events nursing that she'll fight with her at Ragnarok or the end of the world to have her love her back yeah it's kind of a lot of oops okay she stabs her when we have the head here after she's been I think that's meant to be a smaller version of hella covered in Ruins it's a very creepy looking figure like suitably I think creepy for the person for the figure that rules the underworld she's got runic letters all over her yeah this is a really like a haunting gameplay yeah so she's covered in runic letters of various kinds okay emerge from Magic only to return to the Sea right and it's senua again okay so she is hella I'm not entirely sure what happened there all right bang schemology that was hellblade I'm Dr Natalie Van Duzen you can find me on Tick Tock the low-key professor and you can also look me up on Google to find my University page if you want more gameology go to Facebook or YouTube and we'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Gamology
Views: 74,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hellblade 2, hellblade senuas sacrifice, norse mythology, senuas saga, experts react, reaction video, reacts, mythology expert, historian reacts, norse expert, viking history, viking mythology, third person gaming, video games, nordic mythology expert reacts, gamology, historian, celtic, norse vs celtic mythology, hellblade gameplay, GAMEXRS6E031, senuas sacrifice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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