Turkey's RECORD BREAKING Kebab!! Istanbul Street Food Meat Tour!!

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in this video I'll be touring turkey's most extreme meats you just feel the fat losing out of it I would love to see the vegan version of this good luck from record-breaking donor kebabs piled high with meat and weighing even more than me that is the biggest piece of meat I've ever seen it could be a meatball for King Kong all the way quite possibly the longest Kebab ever recorded the fact that this is hanging on to this metal rod is like a miracle of physics it's taller than a dwarf we've come to our first location early this morning if you take a look around you can see all the shops are closed at the moment and that's because they are preparing for this afternoon and this evening behind me the donor Kebab place there is probably no food more famous in Turkey than the Kebab in Turkey the Kebab comes in many forms but the donor Kebab is king of them all and today we're gonna see how it's made from the ground up just about every country you go to you can find kebabs I've gone to some of the most isolated random cities in the world where there's no other International Food boom Kebab guy the donor in donor Kebab means to rotate so donor Kebab literally means rotating roasted meat it can be served straight up on a plate on bread or in a wrap it is the best hangover food in the world and it just tastes delicious in general now we've come to this Source the place where they actually created this Kebab we're gonna check out how they make it foreign man himself right now he's building a big beautiful tower now I used to think it was called the donor Kebab because the lamb or the chicken or the cow donated their body to the meat Tower turns out now that's completely Incorrect and stupid here he's making one with about 80 beef 20 lamb it takes about two and a half hours to get this stacked all the way up to here the way this thing is built it's kind of layered right here we have beef right here we have fat from the lamb and so he's doing a huge fat layer right here and then he's gonna pile on even more beef so this has been marinating the white stuff is yogurt and then there's a bunch of their own seasonings inside as well talk about mean curtains all this meat together it's about 200 kilograms which is 440 pounds of meat because that's two of meat tightly condensed stacked on here so he stacked up about half the meat at this point and I was wondering what was going to happen if they're going to cook off all these Loose Ends but no he carves it off my guess is that he's gonna recycle it and kind of put it up top and still keep it within the giant meat log let's see if I'm correct yes it still gets used it's gonna become the core of this giant donor kebab and when he chips away at the edges you can really start to see the stratification of protein and fat here beef lamb beef lamb that looks awesome after this is all piled up they start to roast it obviously the heat Source will come from here but you still can't start eating it immediately we still have to roast the whole outside layer which takes another 30 to 45 minutes so all in all it's about three and a half hours from the beginning to the point you actually get to eat something from here it's a lot of work oh take a look at this it is the most giant donor Kebab I've ever seen in my life they've capped this thing off with just pure fat so it can drip down and keep this whole thing moist all day right now they're making my Kebab with lavash we've got chili tomato and then a bunch of meat he rolls it up like a little burrito or like a kebab really puts it in the paper no sauce no nothing that is done right here we have my first Turkish kebab ever these shops are everywhere that though is the biggest piece of meat I've ever seen it could be a meatball for King Kong let's take a look here I got just a plate with some of those green peppers and tomato that comes with this piece of bread or you can get it in here this is called lavash lavash is a super thin bread it's like a middle eastern tortilla what surprised me is when I used to get kebabs is they put like a white garlic sauce inside here no sauce at all and so I'm wondering if it's going to be dry let's give it a try [Music] it's not dry at all it's so stretchy this is gonna be my first beefy bite let's go for it oh wow it's so juicy it has its own natural juices inside which does plenty to lubricate oh no it has a runny nose it's dripping inside you can see some of the beef the chilies the tomatoes are super soft now and I think they're adding even more moisture to the wrap the seasonings are interesting not super strong flavors but you could definitely taste the presence of the Lamb I want to wash it down with a little bit of this yogurt juice oh yeah yogurty just in case I wanted to get the meat alone just to really get the full essence of the meat a combination of Juicy meat plus the Char some of these little blackened bits carry so much flavor with them so it's very satisfying even without the bread an interesting combination I've never had beef and lamb put together like that so I think it was just lamb alone might feel a little bit too intense but the beef and the lamb play off each other very well my first Kebab here in Turkey a big win [Music] we have come to our next meaty location I'm in the middle of a meat tornado here and this right here is a freaking horizontal Kebab we've seen the vertical kebabs flip it on the side add 100 lamb and they call it it's probably the earliest form of rotating Kebab going all the way back to the 18th century you know there's another her job means spit or skewer hence the name of the Kebab that consists of meat impaled on a huge spit let me show you step by step how it works [Music] have the fire and then here obviously we have the giant big beautiful meat log that gets rotated occasionally the pieces here that are cooked they're going to shove a skewer through it and cut it off like that that hangs out down here for a little bit until it's ready to go over here this is a grill that's gonna really put the final Char on the meat after they hit it with the final Char boom it moves over to here each of these plates is going to get a little bit of lavage that super thin bread take a look at that this is one of man's Modern Marvels huh oh my Lord wow it's so drippy juicy succulent it's just like chipped Lambs little thin pieces you don't need that much and it is exploding with flavor incredible we have a beautiful double quartz right here actually a triple quartz usually they give you two skewers per plate we got three per plate two plates some salads some yogurt there's a strawberry on the bottom you just have to mix it up no oh no I'm getting a head shaking no it's a different type of yogurt that bowl the shape of this is brilliant because they just kind of tap it and keep it from sticking to the steel of the grill foreign so good super simple straightforward seasonings you just feel the fat losing out of it I would love to see the vegan version of this good luck try it with the bread and I'm just gonna rip off some of this the bread's really soaking up that oil controlling some of that richness oh just eat it okay I'll be myself amazing this man is so seductive 10 out of 10 ladies yeah could you do it more in slow motion don't put that music editor no put normal music what are you doing the sooner you eat it when it's come off the fire the better just get the meat in your mouth immediately it needs to be hot he's back this is our local tour guide he's getting a taste too Adam from culinary backstreets.com hook your food tour today he brought me here Adam this was incredible we got to keep moving I want to see more [Music] very special I I don't know how to say any of the names of any of the restaurants but I'll show you the name right here cool that's it it's been here since 1985 and they are cooking up chicken and lamb in a way that's very unique to Turkey here come with me let me show you right here this is chicken while inside of there is chicken on the outside they're using rock salt chicken it's a traditional Turkish dish originating from the hot Thai region of turkey here it takes the form of a chicken stuffed with rice rice salt cooked in a Hill fire oven and 5 and thought served with a fire show I don't know how that could possibly taste good and completely smothering the meat with salt but somehow it worked and I've heard it's one of the most delicious foods you can have here in Turkey we're gonna go inside and find out more right now I'm in the kitchen with Chef Omar we've only got three elements here to work with the chicken some rice and the salt and this is going to become an amazing dish first he takes the rice he puts it in the chicken cavity now it's not good to have cavities but if you have to have a cavity you want one like this that you can put rice inside of so this rice is already par cooked it's seasoned it's got some pine nuts and some almonds he's doing some kind of MMA move with the legs getting them tied together and then now it's time for the salt that is a lot of salt chicken goes on top of the salt and then even more salt goes around the chicken there's no more salt that could possibly physically fit on this thing just kidding he found a way he's not really like jamming it on there but he's allowing it to Loosely settle around the chicken from here the chef is going to take it away we're following him now he puts it back in the oven and that is going to roast in there for two to three hours while we wait for the chicken to bake we'll check out their record-breaking kebab and learn why at least in this kitchen size does matter here he's about to make one of the longest kebabs I've ever seen in my life our ingredients right here first meet half lamb half beef 2.2 pounds of protein cheese pine nuts and pistachios he's mixing it kneading the meat the way this man moves he's very meticulous and gentle with his meat he just gives it a little bit of a slap and then a little bit of water on top and then we have a piece of rebar from a train track what is this he puts his hand in the water just to get a little bit of lubrication but he doesn't want it to be too slippery either the fact that this is hanging on to this metal rod is like a miracle of physics this we're already at multiple feet at this point oh no okay it was going to be 2.2 pounds now it's just an even two now he's doing in final move right here he's kind of putting these divots if you look closely each divot actually kind of becomes like a bite he's literally squeezing his meat here now somehow this is gonna go on the grill and there it is take a look at that boom right here we have a measuring tape we're going to see the official length right now it is 143 centimeters four foot eight it's taller than a dwarf this thing does not need long just a couple more minutes and it's gonna be ready we're gonna transport this upstairs and try it out I cannot wait [Music] it is a moment of extraction he's taken off the entire thing and he's laid it here on this platter this is where it gets complicated he needs to actually remove the steel so they're putting bread onto the meat and they're holding down on the meat while he pulls out the steel rod and it was a big success Ron extraction complete here we have pure meat no steel to worry about time to eat baby [Music] so I know what you're thinking that I went to this restaurant and they made this just for me it's not actually on the menu false this is on the menu and it feeds five people and today it's gonna feed me and four other people I'm like proud of this restaurant I'm like guys you did something so cool on the side so many different little dips these sauces are so ornate look I hate cucumber but it's in a heart shape I'm maybe coming around I think I'm gonna start on this side right here oh my gosh you can see the pine nuts right here coming through let's try this out just straight up oh yeah find that from their own have kind of a Sharp taste but here the taste of the pine nut is just disappeared and you just get that awesome texture oh my God I love the combination of beef and lamb you're kind of getting the Best of Both Worlds it's super juicy heavy and then you have a little bit of lamb flavor but it's not gaming here underneath they actually put some more bread this is Lavo and that is brilliant because it's been soaking up all the fat from the meat I'm gonna break off some pieces here and then pick a sauce let's try this here we have a minced Chili Peppers that are supposedly a little bit spicy put some of that on there roast our fresh a little bit of heat it's really Smoky I think they put some tomatoes in there too so it's just really a hearty Bold Flavor I love the amount of fresh herbs that they have on here I'm gonna put some mint in here some onion and then let's try this out this is Chili's with Walnut give that a little bit of a dip it's a very solid paste it's like a thick peanut butter the herbs take it to a whole different level especially because food here can be really really heavy cold and greasy and you want a little bit of balance something to go with it onions herbs this dip when you put it all together it's so Dynamic it just completely and utterly delicious here we have a yogurt don't forget to put just a ton of oil in the middle it looks like an olive oil right there in the middle I'm gonna get some of this put that on here wow this is like a smoky eggplant and yogurt together I don't even like eggplant that's awesome I thought this might be a little bit of a gimmick like okay we have long food right but is it good and look they have the combination here it's a double threat it's long and delicious you can learn to dance it's going to be the next Beyonce Triple Threat already it sings about as well as she does so right now our main event the chicken and salt is finally complete time to head back to the kitchen and check it out does your insurance include chiropracticians ah let's take a look in here like so many of the ovens that I've seen in Turkey the heat is coming from within so there's a wood fire right there they've cooked many throughout the day already for the lunch service so there's just a few in there right now he's gonna pull out one that's already been cooked all the way through this is not like pulling out bread these things must weigh 10 15 20 pounds each it is radiating heat right now it's very very hot when you touch it you can still see some of these grains come off but if you just touch it like this it's still pretty hard within the hours of roasting inside it's created this salt shell that soon I'm gonna bring to my table and break myself with my own hands or probably with a small Hammer Chef well done boom it's not because of coven he's wearing gloves I don't care about covet I'll kiss this man right now the dish is on the way chicken and salt no I don't know what a chicken insult would sound like maybe it's very mean maybe this is only funny to me isn't it the roller man is over here it comes on a trolley take a look so right now he's gonna put on a little bit of some kind of a maybe went to pomegranate juice good oh okay there we go take a look at this who doesn't want to be the guy in the restaurant with a fire at his table it's like when you get fajitas at Applebee's but much better is there a song or the fire portion of this event is lasting much longer than I expected so right now they're gonna break it open even while it's on fire we're gonna finally see the chicken that's inside [Music] we've got a mallet and a chisel it's like a prison break there are just huge gigantic really hard pieces of salt here he's gonna peel them back and reveal the chicken inside look at that I feel like we just resurrected a chicken from its death it's been baking inside out there's now very hardened shell of salt he's got to extract it and get it out onto the platter boom nice and easy he splits it open revealing the rice inside and this thing is so soft you see it took almost no effort to get this off and that is complete thank you sir inside and the first thing you see is this beautiful rice which still as I kept its shape it's not mushy so let's grab a little bit of rice and try that out first oh yeah Ubisoft team it's very light I would say overall these are more gentle flavors not really bold flavors but around you you can still have your sauces like this eggplant with red peppers I'm just gonna put that on the rice that's outrageous why is that so good there's like chunks of eggplant in there that are so soft almost like a baked apple and then it's just delightfully Smoky let's try out some of the meat this is the chicken breast anybody can make a good Wing or a leg but the breast can you make a juicy breast let's find out sticky not super juicy I think the chicken breast is better makes most of the other ingredients maybe a little bit of rice that is the skin that skin has come in direct contact with all that salt let's see if it's delicious or completely unbearable and salty it's delicious it definitely has a hit of salt but it doesn't taste like overly salty whatsoever an amazing texture let's rip this leg off this is one of my favorite parts right here oh wow it came right off [Music] super delicious if you're normal and if you're Turkish you're going to be eating this with bread with the rice with the sauces or dips around you you're probably not going to eat the meat just straight up like this I'm told they have one more surprise for me I I got a peek already this is awesome check it out best ever Food review thank you best ever Food review written on pita bread and black sesame seeds this is incredible gentlemen testicular I was kind of hoping they would stand in the wrong order so it could say Food review best ever but uh this is good too overall I gotta say 10 out of 10 the show itself is worth the price of admission that is the chicken and salt amazing let me know what you think oh guys that is the end of the video I want to say a huge thank you to culinary back streets at culinary backstreets.com for making this happen they are a food tour company they're doing Food Tours here in Istanbul and around the world it wasn't for them I wouldn't have found all these awesome interesting and unique places here in the city I always recommend doing a food tour if you're short on time if you want to get the most out of your time while you're traveling or on vacation do a food tour and do it here with culinary backstreets.com that is it for this episode thank you so much for watching I will see you next time happy welcome to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodie pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and our street food around the world graphic tea we're now shipping everywhere 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Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,815,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GJZnppDt6HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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