EXTREME Would You Rather Challenge with My Wife! (Minecraft)

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would you rather this is the ultimate minecraft challenge for married couples Bree seriously take some of these would you rather be turned into noob 1 2 3 4 or girl 1 2 3 4 oh this is easy come on Bri which one huh you'd rather be new one two three four then girl one why would you want to be the new Bungie three four look how ridiculous you look right now you look absolutely ridiculous do I look natural look like breathe don't break your board and block look I've got a gravel block you've got a wooden block three it actually tells you girl one two three four struggles to break apart the grab a block - not even a wood block it's dirt this is ridiculous would you rather die from lava rain or from falling anvil I know exactly which one I'm going to choose are you doing this just to trigger me Breanna I dodged it I dodged it that's I dare me it's ivory you chose to die - the acid rain I chose the anvils because I assumed I would have a chance at surviving them and I did ladies and gentleman leave a like on this video if you would have chosen the anvils only a noob would have chosen the acid rain oh sorry not acid rain lava rain I apologize Oh would you rather do a parkour race with a theme of ice or fire okay come on this what do you mean either you gotta choose one for using okay we clearly don't have this marriage communication thing down breathing you literally are choosing ever I think she's doing this intentionally no you don't have to like all the same things as a married couple I respect your choices I just don't have the same ones okay or you're just trying to be a papery you're not even done with your parkour yet come on how do you do it you're just playing around come on you got parkour to finish I am trying to avoid parkour at all times possible at the top Bri I finished you didn't even do any of your parkour what are you doing I definitely need some fireworks hold on I'll get there in 12 years I think ladies and gentleman Breanna and I might need to go to a marriage counselor after this maybe we should consult our local pastor at a church because we gots a problem she would you rather swim in water or lava oh I've got a swim in lava Bri I'm made of lava if I swim in water I'll die oh my god why did the lava kill me that was not supposed to happen because it's weight I can't get out of the water Bri I am made o sea free I told you what that's white say if I had to choose a way to go out between drowning or being drenched in volcanic lava I think the obvious choice is to get it done with fast-break American respond oh I wanted to beat you you cannot beat me in a fight Breanna you're about to blab free you're not gonna win this fight you know that water sir my diamond with a wooden pickaxe or obsidian with an iron pickaxe I don't know which one is faster I'm going on which one anything faster breeze fun I think you chose wrong we will see my breathe let's start at the same time okay and three two one go in the meantime audience if you are enjoying these videos do not forget to hit that subscribe button make it turn gray and enable those notifications and it looks like we are the winner brietta Preston I can't hear you because I'm about to win and it's I already broke my diamond block and I already told my viewers to subscribe and you are still mining your block you know what guys don't tell breathe I don't know what you're saying over there neither breed no one breathe how hard is it to just mine one block you want to try this no that's why you're on this side and that's why I'm on this side very far else I think has it been the only time I have chosen the blue side I feel like I have betrayed the side of the red I am wearing blue Preston Styles I scream fire merchandise so I guess it's appropriate would you rather fight each other with a diamond sword or an iron sword I just think technically they're the same thing here I'll let you get a hit on me free free please no I wonder if I could beat you with my fists I'm not even gonna use my sword I'm gonna try to kill you oh my gosh she hit me okay hey please tell me this is a joke you're pretty so now I'm not I promise it's if you just got a hit right at the edge of the hitbox and minecraft that's how you do it I can't believe I just beat Brianna like this you had a diamond sword nope cuz you did it Breanna would you rather fight ten regular zombies or one giant zombie oh I feel like I've got to go with a giant zombie just because you know I'm Preston I've got two giant zombies oh I just got why should I have 20 bets that's late breed they're so easy to kill that bravery relax you got it break how did you die to that watch like I will kill your zombies there's a mechanic and video games called kiting and it's when you just you go backwards and then you hit things with your sword you go backwards and you hit things with your sword see how they're like following me in a circle this is called kiting this is a mechanic used in pretty much every video game oh yeah I kite all the time bring out your lawyer zombies let's go fight the big one here I'll let you fight them alone there you go breathe have fun I'm coming oh my gosh bring yours Preston would you rather dodge trident or dodge arrow shot from Spencer's I'm gonna go with dodge arrows I don't know yeah I mean oh oh okay who died first who died first fastin no no no no no audience I want to know who died first who won this would you rather I wasn't able to see it was so fast Preston I'll show you don't even try you're just gonna hurt yourself if you can but you can barely hit me Bree it's just a little bit embarrassing it'll spread again why are you just going to stop by your head so yeah Oh would you rather be set on fire or continuously blown up blow me up brother see if I add slash he'll being on fire I'll be totally fine wait who's gonna die first oh it's definitely gonna be me oh it's perhaps Lee gonna be me it's definitely weh-weh Hollen let's see how much Vassar I died than you oh I'm still chillin dying by fire is so much more boring is so boring I'm not boring I'm radiant now would you rather be surrounded by creepers or surrounded by zombies I'm gonna choose creepers but I know I'm gonna die you know what I kind of want creepers - you're gonna go okay we're both go this is bad here pretty sick and now I could kill you would you rather have maximum jump boost or be unable to jump I would rather have maximum jump boost yeah why would one I'm not choosing the same one hey Bri why Jamie wait wait what wait a second wait a second where did this become a thing nobody told me the floor beneath me was gonna turn into lava oh do you know it was karma Preston would you rather turn into mr. Chuck if you spend over $55 for March 25th to the 29th at Preston stiles calm you will get a free jumbo gaming rent eat some mouse pad here my hands I knew you're gonna choose a Louise you love your cat more than me you can't leave her out look Oh mr. Joe wait chickens eat cats right are you hurt this is the food chain I can't eat chuckles I'm too kind animals that's not a thing they do today would you rather be able to walk on water like Jesus our Savior or be able to swim in lava I want to be like our Savior I want to walk on the water laddie oh okay Bri sorry but walking on water is way cooler I died because I burn all the time and so this is very helpful for me I wish yeah for a noob probably being able to swim in lava is better but say I'm saying for a new breed but you are a new through don't even try to get out of it no I'm not I'm not saying for like two years now audience leave a like on this video view think what Joe rather have a Steve skin or have an Alex game who's Steven Alex you don't know Steven Alex you just told me you were a new man he's the creepy man in the creepy lady that's Harold brine no Steven Daleks are creepy just okay we just had a question of his brienna noob and then she says what Steve and what's Alex Bri you're not helping your case here I'm trying to block them from my memory because they terrify me they are not even scary but I do have two daddies shopping Steve and Alex do tell you that if you get to one of my new videos in the first hour I read and feature your comments down below so make sure you get here within the first 60 minutes of a brand new episode if you want to get featured Bri this is my side of the map I'm sorry but I've got about you at last shovel take some of this would you rather have a confusion or blindness FM gonna go into blindness Bri you have chosen very incorrectly by resting in a hurl why would you choose nausea nausea is the worst fusion yeah that's what nausea is way home if I could find you hungry does this make it worse I got you babe I'm free give me there you go guys that better is that matter if you have blindness spell how could you see to hit me oh because okay so like when you're blind you can still see like two blocks in front of you but I guess because you're a noob you don't know that would you rather eat a cake or eat half a stack of cookies oh no this is difficult yeah I'm gonna be honest guys I love cake but I like cookies more and you get way more saturation out of cookies wait what all we get hearts when we eat cookies whatever we love cookies the news is good today ladies and gentlemen a green foil shirt which comes in the brand-new large lip bag is a depressant style calm right now I can help Bree I will beat you at the cookie yeah I feel like I don't want your okay give me all your cookies oh I just got too into it would you read the fight swarm of game spiders or a swarm of irregular spiders breathe choose your poison Preston wants a cave spider that means the cave spiders are bad they're not great I'm gonna be honest II brie if you get survived this onslaught of spiders I will PayPal you $100 anyway did you even kill one of them shoosh out of the cage Bri okay so cave spiders are leg regular spiders but they're smaller faster and they inflict poison damage if they hit you wait one of yours climb over to mine look at this spider he's doing a 360 do you see the spider great this might be your second death Oh Bri you're not gonna make it ready tied two times so this is your third death would you rather throw a bunch of eggs or a bunch of snowballs at each other I would like to throw the eggs at you snowballs what's wrong with you take some of the eggs Bri see cos like eggs spawn chickens so they actually have some kind of use look out rowing this you got a right-click you babe okay you always preston we have to count the chickens and that's the amount of new truck willsez we have like 155 years old a judge ordered fifty points by being fast at video games would you rather hear creeper sounds or gas sounds do you know what gas sounds like Bri I'm gonna find out oh okay Bri you might have made another wrong choice I'm in the dark in the floor's red and it's a horror movie sound why are creeper sounds not creepy but why are gas sounds very creepy we need to know teleport to the side right now Bri I'm sorry I'm busy with my own nonsense you just gonna have to deal with it by yourself would you rather play with slowness effect or play with the speed this effect give me the speed what I don't bring you you can you could go oh and we'll set you up whoo kid what a PvP fight with speed me down below Bri Bri all the way it's kind of hard to hit people with all this speed I'm not gonna lie guys I have too much power oh you actually got a hit off I'm impressed I'm oh you got it okay okay why is brie better with speed than what it has to be this makes no sense speed drill environment I actually thought you were divorced having speed because it's harder to hit people but for some reason you're doing better maybe I'm having to focus more I don't know Bree oh my gosh I'm gonna sweat all over you I'm sweating all over you breathe I'm sweating all over you Duty all over I'm not too fast I'm too fast how's your bad prove something I'm up too fast of to add some Bree Bree you're not gonna get away huh try to run I can't forget follow you he's bullying me would you rather be launched into the void or be launched into a lava pool I actually don't know which one will kill you faster I reduce d'void no I'm gonna choose lava vent oh wait who's gonna win you we're single web lies did you die where am I who died first I just died oh my gosh you won yes look at the boy this is so cool looks like a tornado it looks like a bunch of flies okay breathe are you kidding me what's down there yeah Boyd didn't bring you are the biggest Minecraft noob that has a million subscribers I would like to see another minecraft er with a million subscribers I love you I did that I love you but you are a big fat noob would you rather fight mister chuckles or fight a big ones huh so I have to choose to fight Diglett cuz I'm not okay with fight chuckles I will fight mister chuckles so you could fight mr. Diglett I think it's only fair I've also got Diglett on my microphone and I'd feel really bad about fighting him right now yeah if you kill chuckles we can we're talking my gosh there's two of them I have trinkets I've got two chuckles why are their eyes flashing oh my gosh this is the creepiest thing I've ever seen in my entire life Bree don't you dare kill my diglettz it killed me leave my hair dyed to Diglett giggling killed me would you rather fight each other with arrows or fireballs Oh gross oh there you go I've seen hungry are you kidding me I know seriously you're hurting my soul free come on breathe hit me I'm not even looking at you I'm just going side to side yes but targets move Bree you think a deer is gonna just stand there when there's a hunter with a bow I don't shoot deer Bree come on you go unpretty okay this is getting ridiculous I'm moving in a straight line right now okay yeah now what what because you made fun of me free eat some of this told you you should've chose fireballs breathe out no oh if you do it in f5 mode it glitches showing me I really appreciate it take some of these bridge hey Bri I got more for you when you respawn stop take free take some of these oh gosh I think I'm catching the entire server on fire jus rather be turned into a real o sheep or an upside-down sheep rainbow rainbow why the rainbow sheep upside down sheep is way colder breeze I'm an upside down sheep this is the wave I could live the rest of my life like this and die happy would you rather be able to leave an ice trail or a fire trail whoa fire trail any day of the week really you just copied me yep you really got me to breathe because you can harm people the way hard brave let's see if we get set on it we're gonna set every square on fire they're being unset on fire we're not gonna be able to do it in time oh yes we can every weekend said we can't set it on fire breathe this is too much I don't know what's going on we have a mission what do you want me to do so much damage would you rather sink and soul sand or burn on magma blocks neither I think you'll die on magma blocks faster than I will oh my gosh what see um no I'm not even dead you're dead no I'm not I'm still alive you're dead no wait did you dies no oh wait I just died I just I mean viewers who won wait I respawn first which means I died first no no no it doesn't press today I'm saying you won oh okay guys my wife she needs help would you rather have the ability to be invisible or the ability to say dude the ability to fly be invisible why would you rather be invisible than it'd be able to fly because you're not gonna be able to see me look being invisible is epic but being able to fly I don't have to pay for airplanes you know you basically are your own private jet like a billionaire no but see didn't come up and attack you and you won't know come all the way up here I'm asking for it yeah I can come up and attack you you can't attack me because you're trying to cheat using fly mode on you I got you red-handed would you rather wear impenetrable emeral armor or magical magicite armor I like magic and magicite is pretty where you don't breed put all your gear on and see who dies the fastest let the dot let the zombies attack you free put your helmet on it took me a minute now let them attack you let them attack you right now I'm actually not taking any damage brief I'm literally taking no hearts of damage I'm not even dating you Joe's right emerald armor over Baghdad side armor ladies and gentlemen which means make sure you guys go subscribe to my wife Brandis minecraft channel down below in the description blank either one of these YouTube videos YouTube is recommending to you have a fantastic day and we'll see you later for another would you rather
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 22,315,078
Rating: 4.8905282 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: IE23zGgpwNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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