noob Girl makes OP Minecraft Gear!

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what up guys in today's episode Alex and I make Opie weapons and armor in Minecraft but not without a whole bunch of problems as well you know regular cave system misadventures diamond hunting and Alex does a great job of that we even kiddin have some villagers it's pretty good check it out alrighty guys I'm back with Alex and today we're building the best enchanting room ever remember all those books we collected last episode or whatever it was in the stronghold plus time to put them to use that's what are you doing no no this isn't where flowers go seriously Alex it's gotta go can you get rid of the flowers for me please and she went crazy with my bookshelves as well we need a lot what are you doing no just break them it's so easy to break them anyways I don't know if you guys remember a few episodes ago we found a stronghold and we had a whole mess of books that we found in the library inside so what I want to do is get a full-blown library experience so that we can get maximum enchantments yes yes reading is power Alex all over the place ok that way we are prepared for this dragon and that is wood I didn't know you to 'fl so easy to do in this version alright so with any luck this should do us we should have 30 level max yeah baby that's good the enchantment table is done but it's more than just the enchanting area ok we're gonna need to get ourselves some villagers we're gonna need to get ourselves some iron we're gonna need to get ourselves some diamonds for the gear and we're gonna need some experience we've got a lot to do today first things first though I think we should probably head to the cage that seems to make the most sense so Alex are you ready for me let's do a baby now there's a closed ravine nearby hay week on no where are you going no the cake no boy come back what you got you got a secret stash for me or something what do you got what are we working nobody gosh you got the most random stuff in here what are you even doing ooh diamonds perfect hey you got some iron to anty anty yeah I'm gonna keep that from you alright back at the ravine and I've scouted out a lovely cave for us to start with Alex are you with me come on down here I'm making you a little staircase yeah that's good well you can figure it out you know you're doing pretty good oh gosh okay yeah we're gonna get rid of that huh no love it don't push me no Lava now we need to keep an eye out for iron and we need to keep an eye out for diamond and if we can find any of those things then we'll be in a good place okay oh wow look there's like a whole gravel area right here be very careful do not break any of those blocks okay Alex if you do you will suffocate and that will not be a good what did you just a creeper oh man okay well it's better to happen now I just realized we had to keep inventory on so we turn that back off so now it's more important than ever Alex that you do not die and lose your things because if you do okay so let's clear the water up right yes yes yes I get it I get it can we not right now I'm addict hey where you going we got to stay together I just finished telling you to stay together and what is with all the gravel and they say oh hey please oh wow you're smart oh I'm so happy this is great oh wow look diamonds check it out Alex rock we just found diamonds so quickly okay I'm gonna clear out this area nice and easy once we get this area nice and good to go we should be able to safely mine all that okay you can't just mine diamonds like that there could have been anything please stop mining stop stop stop let me get oh my gosh that could have very easily been lava you know oh look hey there's lapis right there too and we're running everything we need right now rounder than Salmons baby all right alex is on iron did you just find another time that was amazing you keep the lights okay yeah I guess we didn't even see there might be more diamonds around please be careful oh because there's probably lava all over the place and we need diamonds of course but we need iron because we still have a long ways to go before we get to this ender dragon and I want to practice with Alex so that we're not losing diamond gear every sigit up why I told you ah maybe a heart attack all I got to do stay by my side and everything will be mostly fine probably don't worry about the redstone I mean it's fun to punch cuz it lights up I like shiny things two Alexes okay alright dead end anyways there's probably more directions that we can take what are you doing what is with your nametag what are you doing are you coming or what what are you doing sambar does that mean do you hear something oooh oh wow no way yo you just found the ultimate cave system but get out of the water because oh god she's a creeper right there I swear out note do not swim through that that is not the good that is the bad all right so come on over on this side we're gonna have to build around Alex cuz I do not oh gosh okay don't do anything okay please just stay no that is not No oh you just lost your arm or two get back ways this a dead end oh you're not good at finding caves at all actually I think I think the cave is above us all right just try and find this cave okay I'm curious Oh found it come on up yeah oh and there's a mine shaft right here - Wow lucky day you uh okay there I think we should wait on the mineshaft I don't want it distracted we need to find more diamonds we can revisit this another time okay here's the path I was looking for yeah yo this thing goes forever in like every direction this is great oh okay good the water got saved I thought I did something real bad oh look I'm hey no hey what are you doing get out Oh they saved most of you things oh no oh you're literally the worst person this is what happens when you don't stay close to me and apparently this is what happens when you mind lapis so I collected like a few of your things most of it got lost to the lava I got a lot of bread on you how much which how much bread did you have on you right I'll tell you what it's just as well there's a bunch of coal right here I have a furnace on me we've got some iron we can make you some new armor right now but please Alex bro all that is good in this world just stay by my side actually while we're waiting for the iron to cook right as you died look what I found diamonds so I think you maybe don't mind them I will mine them you stay away I gotta hit the water I am seriously losing my patience with you girl okay did you mind stop stop stop stop stop stop stop you can't even get them with that what's the matter with you Oh why are you doing this to me okay rule of thumb alright what I'm sorry I didn't it's fine rule of thumb whenever you're mining diamonds put water down so at the very least the water will go right over the diamond so that you don't lose them okay we can do this Alex we can defeat the dragon but we can either be on the same page alright guys power mining session we're gonna resume only when we find diamonds you're Alex does something stupid oh no way look right here dude you gotta be kidding me huh we were right here Oh perfect alright we got 12 diamonds on us right now we have a couple what are you oh gosh oh wow diamonds no Alex get no not today why are you alright guys I think we got what we need in terms of oh well I was trying to make a funny joke I forgot that water makes the lava break so I'm just gonna kill you instead goodbye Alex so I got TPD it TPD Alex nope huh oh that was weird it didn't work a second ago it's all good we're back in Alex's lovely we're back at her home alright Alex so we've got a grand total of 28 diamonds we've got plenty of lab availability and a lot of iron next step we're gonna need some villagers for this we're gonna need a boat we're gonna use the boats and head over to the okay well I'm gonna break your boat and we're gonna do this the right way anyway no I didn't mean to punch her I didn't mean to put oh gosh no no leave your mutts where they may whatever that means grab your boat I guess I grabbed your boat here take your boat we're gonna go capture some villagers with this perfect okay they're not all dead so here's what we're gonna do with these villagers we're gonna capture them and make them ours and enslave them to give us lots of good books and loot and things but we can use leads on them it just opens up the trade so what I want you to do is use your bow so that it's on the ground on these nearby the villagers Alex okay and then once we do that we can start to capture that's left-click oh man maybe I should just handle this huh allow me to show you a better detail come on oh yeah here here's what we can do check it out check it out check it out check it out what's good villager yeah and now he's my passenger and so now look we can actually lead boats so look now I can bring him with me we're gonna bring this guy home so we need to get certain types of villagers we need light oh gosh while he's moving we need librarian villagers more importantly than anything else so see if you can grab your hands like up more villagers I brought the boat for a reason Alex did you just steal my lead ah oh this is perfect I forgot we're gonna need one of these for enchanting area as well yeah you can hold on to it that's just as well huh hey you didn't see anything okay remember we were talking about professions before Alex this is important look at the villager in the bed right here he looks fairly normal peaceful little weird if anything sleeping in his eyes open but keep looking look what happens I placed the grindstone down he will instantaneously switch professions what did you do that for he was sleeping hi alright guys it only took about a half hour but we managed to get Alex oh gosh she's a witch right there the idea so come on villagers we need you yeah look at this they come with me now baby Alex you might have some trouble doing that but Alex actually has the important villager she's got one of the librarians we need the light oh gosh why are you not even paying attention this witch I'm gonna take the witch out it's I which know that now is not the time to do whatever even that is Oh what are your villagers keep changing yeah make up the dang mines get them up the water get them up the water you got to kind of walk them over and I'll help you you're almost almost almost that's good that's good yes finally thank you now bring me the house slowly but surely we're almost there no this isn't kidnapping what are you guys talking about calm down I'm very curious to see if this is gonna work is it gonna work you guys get stuck on the stairs oh they get stuck on the stairs well sort of the shot up alright I'm just gonna have to force these guys in cuz I don't want it ruin up my nice pathway so if you guys could stop Alex what are you doing no the house you're going too far please let's keep them on the same level as the house okay it was so hard getting them up here to begin with and what are you doing to this area Oh a loft on the village good he walked in on his own this is exactly what I wanted yes now he's stuck can't do anything we'll have to fix the rest of this later we're gonna change that guy all right Alex you with me where Alex what is she doing I get that it's a boat but that's not oh they're gonna drown please please move them oh yeah oh oh great well this one's ascending I was probably for the better we need them to come upstairs anyways come on up dude take your sweet time oh oh no no get out of okay good okay finally finally look what we got we got a library and look the librarian sells us things books and things and actually yeah we got a whole mess of paper downstairs okay Alex here's something that's very key we cannot let this villager out so you'll need to start jumping over like this I know the house is ugly right now it's fine everybody will get there with time okay for the time being you really can't get out okay well that's probably the best all right let's see what we're gonna get for our trouble we might be able to unlock one of these books maybe more paper yes thank you Wow some decent trades up in here now see this is what's gonna kill us we're gonna have to basically spend all of our emeralds oh wait - that's not bad so we just got lore it's okay but hey with any luck we might be able to trade all these books we've got is that [Music] we're gonna be here for a while I guess we could use this lore book I mean we may as well write and that should unlock oh you gotta be kidding me we're so close to one more trade can we do it this way please one more all right well we have one emerald short Alex come over here do you happen to have an emerald on you anything any sort of emerald gem please that's that's not helpful do you have green it's green do you I in fact I have a couple more left do you have this one Odie's any oh wow you to hand it over please okay we might just be able to get one more trade out of this guy let me see nice okay I don't care my books what do we have what do we get quick charge what cost 57 well good news we have enough for the gear the only thing we're now missing is going to be enough levels to enchant so I'm gonna spray all the trouble and Alex is gonna stay put all right I just TP back to Alex saved you all the trouble we got the levels now we need the armor now it's time to enchant now we don't have as much leverage as I thought we would I thought this village would be when we're useful than he is but turns out he's the worst at everything and I don't know what that book is yet so Alex here I want you to be a part of this this is gonna be really easy I'm gonna first see what's gonna be on this chest but you probably are gonna have the levels alright Alex how many levels do you have in fact it might help me to know if you can even do the enchants so let me see what I can get my hands on in the meantime what do we have here fire prot 1 1 well for as much as you'd I suppose I shouldn't be surprised can we get anything decent out of this blast protection that's probably really good for her to be honest projectile protection fire protection fire protection ok so oh gosh stop desperate times call for desperate measures sometimes when you don't have an enchantment on you that you'd really like tootin are you steak nope great now I don't know what's gonna happen you can burn one of the enchantments technically by giving it a nice different enchantment to a different item so we've got our leather here we're gonna make some leather booties and so now if we give the boots these protections it will reset potentially at least what we get on the diamond boots with any luck thorns ooh I'm grabbing that one right away whoo thorns and projectile protection okay so these are yours but I'm not going to give you them yet because I know what you do when I give you diamond here okay so now we've got fire protection on that guy that's projectile protection both of those are projectile protection that could be good let's let's let's not though I want regular protection because alex is a terrible noob so let's can we right exactly maybe we can yeah we can burn a couple of these that ain't no thing oh look at that ass and leather it's not a problem okay so let's see weave what are you why okay whatever look here's what we're gonna do okay we're gonna put that we're gonna see what it we got now with the thorns too well grabbing that as well no I didn't have many thing more than thorns look any time people are gonna damage you in a second here Alex they're gonna constantly get damaged back and you get damaged all the time so there couldn't be a better match made in having to be on it now we have to be really careful though because we're we're running out of the ability to get max levels I think I can enchant like a couple more of these and then we're in trouble so let's see what well let's just put prod on this that's fine now did that change the leggings it didn't change the leggings that change the helmet respiration will you do drown a lot hey it's okay okay we can burn two more enchantments before we are completely out of luck so we're gonna fire prod on that the leggings still blast prot I don't know if using chest plates is making the other enchantments appear for the leggings so I'm just gonna make some leggings I guess can we I hate to waste iron on it but that's what we just mined it all for that's fine let's make some legs all right this better be our lucky day because we have exactly 30 levels now there's the last enchant we can get blast prime we do blow up a lot that's probably not a bad idea okay so now you got some sick gear projectile protection thorns blast protection and even more projectile protection so none of them have protection which is really all I wanted oh look a little parrot well my friends at the very least Alex has some decent gear so Alex give it a little give it aware see what you think of it you don't look real good in that just please don't please don't like die or anything right away in the meantime guys I'm gonna go ahead and get more experience try and find more diamonds maybe see what this villagers book is all about maybe reset his trades I don't know but we're gonna get oh yeah oh girl Oh Carl you're looking good yeah let's get this bread right alright guys we're gonna get more experience more diamonds and we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Alex the Noob
Views: 1,599,544
Rating: 4.8079262 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, alex, herobrine, alex the noob, noob girl, noob, minecraft noob, minecraft survival, survival minecraft, survival series, noob vs pro minecraft, noob vs pro, girl, random, girl minecraft, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, minecraft 1.14, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, logdotzip pe,, alexbrine, diamond, in minecraft, funny minecraft, loot, minecraft temple, minecraft loot, raids, village, gone wrong, minecraft gone wrong, minecraft armor, diamond armor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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