noob Girl finds fastest diamonds in Minecraft...

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okay she's not gonna believe this footage this new girl Alex that keeps logging onto my server she found diamonds in like 30 seconds flat faster than me watch yes I've been waiting for this moment look Alex finally logged back on it's been like a week or two since I saw Alex on in fact hold on a second hey I wonder if she notices me I don't know where she is exactly but I'm sure it's can't be too far oh whoa look at that thing she make that look at that structure hey Ivan see this before man she's like building stuff without me we're trying to find the fastest diamonds possible because I want to get us to the what did she do to this place oh boy I'm gonna click that egg we want to get diamonds today so I made some gear that we're gonna give to Alex here and we're gonna just head into the cave system I'm gonna show her how to get diamonds real fast Oh oh god what is that oh that's loud hey stop stop hey stop stop bad no don't do that don't do that look they changed minecraft it's got an update the text looks all funky now it's weird hi Alex hey wait how did you get a cow up here how did you get a cow up here what the heck this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen she's my friend look she said something she my friend oh that's adorable hey wait what that was a little rude okay anyways hey take these I made you some stuff Alex well this one's mine that one's mine I guess really just take that is she coming back come back after you crazy what are you even what oh hey well lot of those notice the gun we need diamonds today did you put on your chest plate put on the armor it's diamond time baby and I ain't gonna oh my seriously I gotta figure out my hotkey so I don't accidentally retype everything twice but on the armor it's time for diamonds okay now we've got some good pickings right over there there's a ravine we can see oh wow look actually there's a pillager outpost over that you see that oh jeez get out of my do this a second whatever here how about it and that look that looks like the dirt from tower from before okay look head to ravine we got lots to do today we need diamonds ASAP I'll meet you at the bottom I figure the best thick wait Oh Alex we're gonna take Alex's path through the dirt house that's the fastest way back to the ravine gosh just please still creeps me out actually we're gonna need a lot of those cows later for food so what else we need we need obsidian for the portal we're gonna need we need of sittin we need boughs we need arrows for gas we're gonna need food we're gonna definitely need some armor for Alex oh we're gonna need a lot of diamonds okay I'd say we need enough diamond for two swords one pickaxe for the sitting and then one chest plate for Alex Oh what is that that's that's 16 diamonds we need 16 diamonds and we're already looking pretty good so far into the ravine I guess hmm let me think let me think okay I'm telling her to come down with me to find diamonds so hopefully she bites oh no that's meat no no no no diamonds so come on down we're gonna look down here for the diamonds okay you can come down the oh yeah you get the gold eh whatever not bad she's been making progress without me I'm telling you I don't know whose adventure this is miners anyways we are at good-y level for Diamond right now so I'll hold on let me just type to her just mine around and look for teal gems diamonds should be beautiful oh look she's got some gold to entertain her okay so meanwhile I'm gonna go ahead and just start seeing if there's anything further down this way sometimes you get lucky and just find stuff you know I mean we're at the perfect level for this is literally lava level when this happens we got a lot of iron here I see more gold over there we've got some iron jemand what what does that mean well she's getting the idea at least what do you have what what how did you just hey stop get up get up oh gosh okay I can't believe this just happened did you just how did you how did you do that what I'm like beside myself right now I don't think I've ever seen anyone get diamonds this fast I find okay you know I'm just gonna look for diamonds on my own she clearly knows what she's doing oh this is an uber not after all and she's been building weird towers she built this crazy secret base with sheep hanging in it and she knew to dig underneath the diamond normally noobs don't do that so I got my eye on her oh well and I got my eye on some emerald over here - perfect and between that and the pillage outpost we saw hey we should maybe look at a raid - that might be a good idea all right so some good news here we've already got three diamonds we only need 15 more diamonds and so the idea is there's probably like a cave system in here oh gosh what are you doing get come on no not come back I got water geez we're gonna do with you how much to go to caves with this person look he's already know stop stop you have all the diamonds stop get await no good bro oh my gosh I cannot believe he's doing this right now okay awesome I've been talking to Alex look at the screen watch check it out there's a bunch so so stay away from lava or else you'll lose the diamonds we need those to beat the game don't you want to beat minecraft as y'all oh yeah so we're on the same page finally what we need to do is get into a cave I want to say there's actually like look she's already on look at this okay and it's nighttime out now so we need to move a little bit stay she needs to okay stay with me remember we just talked you gotta stay with me all right sorry let's see no I don't like this way that way it goes back up we need to get we need to get back down closer to like the proper level of oh gosh I don't trust she's gonna die I didn't see it happening I need to get rid of all right all right I don't know why she keeps oh hey I got some lapis right here so oh I need to tell her actually okay never dig straight down below you okay sometimes there's lava under you or the block see god I always did from the sides oh Allah stop stop stop stop Oh at least we've got some lapis is it gonna solve problems for us later when we need to start chanting cuz I have a feeling where I need to be fully enchanted to get this happening didn't did it what how do you keep finding diamonds no I want some why how many times is this okay stop stop okay stop stop stop stop how many diamonds do you have can't type either how many diamonds do ya I have three how many more oh oh okay thanks look at what are you what are you even made of hey Jane I got another emerald looking good I don't have any diamonds she has but I have four I've three I can't count okay I hear skeletons nearby where's she needs to stay closer Alex oh no she doesn't even notice you got to pay attention in the air she's gonna lose all the give me the diamonds I can't smell either have such a bad example that's not diamonds not diamonds that's not diamonds either next I should come to think of it we should probably be collecting all the iron as well okay get iron too that'll be important because we're gonna need a bunch of it for armor we probably needed for shields oh wow hey okay we got alerts we got big problems up ahead Alex stay back I got this one is that another creeper there's two oh great [Music] did you see that it like couldn't make up its mind we are not gonna let you blow up we need at least one episode where you do not blow up oh now she's moving a thousand miles a second yet naturally oh okay no boy yeah this cave has everything right now look at this it goes forever in fact no matter torches whoa okay that was awesome just appears I'm just turned all that was in the torches to be honest okay let's see yeah this thing goes forever we should get so many diamonds out of here well get some more lapis looking good maybe one day I can upgrade my sword so I'm not sitting on stone if any luck we're gonna find it's some kind of spot more diamonds dude this is a dream come true that's just been like the one of the best seeds I think I've ever been a part of look at this dude there's some did you just stop why you're not nice I'm gonna there you go how do you like okay no he's ruthless she's like the perfect mining partner to be honest okay so this area is mostly cleared out at this point I mean it's it was a pretty big cave there's still a couple spots that we haven't really explored yet like go further down here I think there's actually a spot over here nice fine down dude no way no way you noticed look at that that's hilarious hold on a second look at this this is fantastic oh my god oh my gosh Wow I didn't even listen to my own rule dude that could have been so bad oh look we're Dimond wait hold on don't don't mind it though there might be okay more timeand oh do you know Oh place it down okay we're safe okay wow wow wow okay wow I got ten diamonds how many diamonds no all the jacks how many diamonds do you have please we might be done right now wouldn't that be amazing seven we got it that's it dude in like record time Augustus SVN means something else alrighty it is time to get the heck out of this place I mean it just keeps going dude mmm looks like there's a lot more to collecting and explore than I initially thought Alex she she's a she's a trooper she she's fearless certainly oh wow whoa ultimate grab will fall there that was crazy hey Alex hold up you're gonna blow up if she's not careful look at this did she really what Oh Alex putting torches down come on man have a heart attack recording survival minecraft with this person right we're gonna need to figure out a better way to get to this ravine that doesn't involve me having to flood this poor girls she's like sulking no reason to frown you're going down diamond neimand lost weight I'm bout Rome no one lost okay so we need to move on I don't know what she's saying we need cow farms we need I mean it had been nice to have found some kind of spawner for skeletons for arrows but we have enough arrows to at least take on regular gasps I guess we should just build on this cow farm come on what are you doing let's go they probably should attack her but you know hey whatever oh diamond okay she wants your diamonds back here you can have eight of them actually how about this great make a chest plate look she's thrilled what are you going crazy make a chest plate I don't even know she knows how to make a chest plate actually I wanted to make a pickaxe instead because she'll probably mess up making the chest plate I should not have given her eight diamonds in fact you think like a crafting table room in here can we just I may as well monitor and make sure that this is going right so I'll make the chest plate cuz I can't get that one wrong really and then I might need to get some more of the diamonds from her to make a sword from me and pickaxe and maybe a sword for her okay so you here here's here this is for you there you go chest for you and did you make the pickaxe okay sweet no no no [Music] give me the diamonds give me the diamonds I'll make it it's really hard work you don't work so hard that's okay that's fine in fact look here you can have some bones and some flowers and some things I don't particularly care about yeah that is solid okay why are you giving me so slow ah I don't have sticks I'm not prepared what a day this has been no stop throwing the things back at me that I know I didn't mean to make a button oh my gosh stop everything's going wrong calm down it's okay it's okay look we get it we got to sort so here you go that's for you now I got a diamond pickaxe and now I got a sword and so no don't I know I gave you the sword I don't want the sword to stop are you throwing everything at me stop here take your toe back I don't want and that's did you see my button this is mine mine all right I just let her know to stay here for a second I'm gonna go mine some obsidian so that we can get ready for this portal but I want to show you some of the upgrades I did the house we still need two windows mobs still come in randomly but we organized all the Chester or unsorted blocks all that nonsense so I'm just gonna mind some obsidian and we'll be back in a little bit hopefully she stays put awesome okay I just got 25 obsidian that's enough to make a portal the nether and to make another portal in the nether in case I get lost or in case I lose Alex so she's still in line let's hope the house is one piece okay cool she's still upstairs hanging out are you still really just okay whatever look everybody we got what we need we've got obsidian we've probably got see I got a flint I got some iron we got flint and steel coming in hot right now next episode I don't think I'm gonna go to the nether remember what we saw at the top up here you can just barely make it out but if we bump our fov there's a pillager outpost over there and there's one over there I think I want to see how this noob fares at rates we'll see you later
Channel: Minecraft PE Logdotzip
Views: 2,188,553
Rating: 4.7135782 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, Minecraft, alex, herobrine, alex the noob, noob, minecraft noob, minecraft survival, survival minecraft, survival series, noob vs pro minecraft, noob vs pro, girl, random, girl gamer, girl minecraft, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, minecraft 1.14, minecraft house, minecraft survival ep 1, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, logdotzip pe,, alexbrine, diamond, fastest diamonds, minecraft diamonds, in minecraft, diamonds in minecraft
Id: paoRTNrhnqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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