So I let noob Girl try Minecraft BABY Mode...

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hey guys alex parker and i tackle baby mode in minecraft which is one of the craziest game modes you have ever seen there's literally like no way to die in this so we're gonna see if alex can manage to do it by the time we defeat the ender dragon and the wither you're gonna want to check this one out all right guys so i'm here with parker and alex what's up guys hey and alex we've got a surprise for you today we've installed baby mode on to minecraft so this is the perfect mode for you nothing you do could possibly kill you like and he's fine ah you fooled i gotta walk all the way back up here yeah that's hilarious yup come on back up we got some instructions today guys we're going to be beating the game in this episode there you are baby mode is amazing because there's a bunch of added things one of which is you don't want to break your fist punch in wood just look at it stare at it for a little bit and then it pops off stop touching me and then as you can tell even if you hit each other no hearts get lost either no damage or anything this is literally the mode made for alex yeah so now you can't kill us and you also can't die alex but i am getting a little bit hungry so let's go ahead and get our hands on some tools maybe build a base you know get things going but yeah guys look at this this is crazy just staring at it and what am i not a baby it's not oh they're not working now it's working i was like what did i do wrong nah nah nah i could just look at a tree like this and i'm just like all right i'm gonna get wood and i'll see you guys later so uh start afk that's awesome all right guys we're looking for a place to set up base but we did find our first handful of animals and i'm a little bit hungry oh it's fine i guess whoa does more cow spawn and everything literally instantly wow infinite food infinite food yes no dye perfect everything you could literally kill cows all the time and they just spawn more this is the best food source ever curious though how are we supposed to get our hands on leather uh i i just got some other i didn't get any food so i guess it depends oh you guys got leather and i got beef hey speaking of beef alex is just walloping on this bed yeah he's got some tears beef with that cow no kidding look what well you want to do a trick let's see it ah nice the worst she's trying to drown herself dude look what did you just get in your hand what was that bowed wait what do you get you try it if you try to swim first of all you can't even drown and secondly it just gives you a boat i got a sign from god i see you're trying to swim here's a boat instead wow they have all bases covered in here wait how did you get so many boats or boats you just keep swimming and just give it oh wow oh look yeah seriously you just keep spawning them in okay well see this would be a pretty good place for alex a little house yeah yeah yeah yeah i like it i'm a big fan we can start getting actually where is alex uh i don't know she might be over by the water still here here's some wood let me go alex what are you oh my oh my oh my gosh you gotta be kidding me oh look at what she did oh man alex what are you doing we're trying to beat the game here this is not boating well oh my god it's boat island alrighty bass looking fresh very good somehow managed to pull it off without making any tools yet i think it's just because we have infinite wood essentially pretty much i didn't have any torches so i just gave a skyline hope that's okay you're just looking at the roof again nice all right let's get our hands on some tools alex something exciting happens don't look at the roof you're gonna break it oh gosh focus your attention over here oh boy look at your attention over here instead alex i'm gonna make you some special tools and armory because apparently when you make the gear yep unbreaking three mending that's what i never wouldn't pick ax look at that amazing very very attractive hold on i want to see if i can get my hands on the same exact one let me see boom oh yeah oh wow no i think i got the same exact enchantments as you here alex you can have this one too i was hoping that swords would give you sharpness but it gives you on breaking and mending oh let me see yeah unbreaking three mending sharpness maybe when we make some stone weaponry instead i'm gonna make one more set here and maybe we can get our hands on some better let's see uh the rarest sight in minecraft it's an enchanted hoe oh wow who would ever waste their enchantments on that alex stop stop alex i just i just made the roof oh now it's now it's all wonky i blame you it's all right all right now that we've got some tools we can get some upgrades we've got some stone right here and so i guess we can get our upgrades now that we're doing that let me see oh gosh whoa what what just happened if you jump in the lava does it spawns water on the block and then it doesn't kill you and i think i just got an emerald from my oh i'm getting like oars i i think i just got i just got a diamond did you oh wow if you just break random stone you just get amazing drops that's so cool look at alec she's stuck [Laughter] oh she somehow managed to die i guess you win the game alex i i don't know what to tell you if anyone was going to die on baby mode it was going to be alex jeez tyler i just saw a zombie say nope in the chat did you see that no where it's so if wait hold on if you see a zombie oh they're going near it it just disappears okay stupid oh oh i hate a spider said nope too he has spider nope so if you just go near a mob it just just they just disappear and it dropped its string while it was at it too beautiful whoa i think it's my favorite type of minecraft ever i know that's great i wonder if it does that for all the different mobs i think so well alex is finding out very much on her own right now let's see oh there's an enderman over here i'm going to look right at him no he just looks at him he disappears awesome no skeleton he doesn't even did you see it he didn't even have a bow those skeletons don't have any bow or arrows that's the funniest thing here's a creeper oh wow nope chuck testa all right let's oh even a baby one there's a baby after you i ain't even worried first time in the world that baby zombies just aren't scary finally i've been waiting for this oh my gosh yes all right all right all right let's get into the caves and start getting our gear better anderman yes alex good all right tools looking good chest plate helmet booties gotta get those leggings got a pickaxe coming right up what's up what's good i i got some things to make some uh boots for you i just have in mining and i got four diamonds just by mine wow what a guy oh you're the nicest parker thank you what else do you find down there uh you know emeralds lapis redstone coal demons alex loves her neiman's hey torches are invisible for some reason do you guys see the torches uh oh goodness so it lights it up but they're just invisible weird yeah very baby motor i suppose fire or something so it's very i don't know got me well i'm gonna make uh the best sword this world has ever seen with those diamonds and a pickaxe and then we can literally start getting ready to go to the nether right away i love this very very useful i wish the let's plays were this faster maybe not we'd have endless series just start to finish in one episode it's like what's up guys welcome back to minecraft and it's been two minutes and it's done all right we'll see you next time i mean guys we technically don't need to go to the caves we've got up sitting right by these lava pools if you want to go to the nether and alex alex is gone she's run away oh where's she going she's trying to mine the the animals this is the only time i'm comfortable with her going out on our own to be honest i know right this is like a an alec playground like all right go off and play oh ooh cav uh oh she is attracted to that cave system right over there okay well yeah i i guess so we could just probably just dig straight down i mean what's the worst that could happen at this point we don't have to worry about digging straight down oh that this is weirdly satisfying oh i know right i feel like i'm doing something wrong right now i know it'd be dirty i know it feels like i i'm supposed to be in school and i faked being sick you know what i mean exactly well with any luck oh i think we just ran i ran into a silverfish right there oh all right so we're at diamond level and it means we should be at lava level pretty soon as well we can just get some obsidian from down here i hear a cave system nearby oh i think i found it hey well i found a pool of water that'll do fine stop stop you can't even hurt me why you stop stop oh thanks god for the boat perfect got something over there yep got lava all right looking good oh beautiful alex come on we got your obsidian for your portal right over here all right nice and safe yeah or we could just jump in the lava that would have worked too that would have been a water bucket fair enough yeah i'm not used to baby mode i'm sorry all right well now the hard part i should say the long part because nothing in this mode is particularly hard let's get this obsidian we gonna get to the nether alex stop stop i'm trying to stop i'm trying to mind the obsidian [Music] i wish i could kill you right now come on guys stop fighting we're a family trying to find diamonds even though i have i have 11 of them i don't even know what alex is trying to find purpose alex this is your world do with it what you want but stop fighting parker so sad guys and who's leaving lapis around by the way all right speaking of we got all the obsidian speaking of lapis we got all the obsidian now we just need some gravel do we have any gravel in kind of wish she would die like at least then it stops making that noise constantly we need to head back up to spawn or at least get our hands on some gravel upset doesn't like what i had all right easy does it hey where are you going there's probably gravel down here girl what is she doing you with me yeah look what the heck whoa oh this is so convenient we can just stand here and it doesn't do anything she found a mob spotting dungeon no way we got a nape tag nice name tag music discs some wheat bones that means if we didn't have enough of that i have a bunch of trash from inventory let me just put some of my trash in this uh this thing here right no kidding here we go yeah i don't need any of that anyway i guess not guys guys guys we hit it oh something else happened before where it like it like broke itself oh man never mind i i thought i thought they made a thing where gravel instantly broke but anyway now we have some flint that's what matters here you do the honors mr parker make that flint and steel and we'll dig out an area for this portal hey easy oh wait actually it carry on it's kind of cold down here to be honest pretty warm right all righty looking real good mr park parker uh we're just kind of uh watching alex be mesmerized what happened just mesmerized by alex being mesmerized she's looking at the spinning zombie she's spinning with it man come over here let's light this wait what is your flint and steel getting chanted with it has unbreaking and mending as as all all of them do naturally all right to the nether we go alex here take some gear at least there you go they don't need any check your head no of me fair enough i guess you don't all right i love the nether now time to go deeper oh boy tyler check it out i've got a new swimming pool oh look at that check it out got a hot tub not bad look at that just wherever you go that's perfect oh that's cool all right guys we need to find another fortress so let's move out all right blazes it's about that time surrender the rods oh they just snoped all over yeah we can just stand here and just nope them out of here that's perfect well i got 60 blaze rods for that 66-0 makes him so excited i'm just going to jump off the cliff right and alex is mesmerized by zombie flesh hi alex you enjoying that jerky down there yeah okay that's good i guess while we're here we could probably try and get our hands on some wither skeleton skulls too we can try and take on the wither while we're at it it's very warm down here it's like a built-in jacuzzi wherever you go but it's so hot down here do you want to come play with lava too oh man i think you're very quickly becoming just like alex p's in a pod i'll i love dying cactus very nice i can't tell the difference between you two oh oh she feels the competition it's fun now let's it's cool you and i are just friends we can be alex together i'll be alex boy alex oh guys someone help me ah here we go a whole pack of them too now these are a little rare but oh wow does it drop it instantly i feel like it might i can't hold on let me it did i thought i just got lucky or something over here is there one over there too hold on if we if we kill them it instantly gives it to us i love this whoa and there's whoa they just disappear and they give it to you dude how many do you have like four what oh wow i've got some too how about it okay well so much for that now we just need some soul sand and and i guess we can get out of here all right guys we've been roaming around for a hot minute and unfortunately we haven't found any endermen might have something to do with the fact that it's you know daylight outside but you know details details details it's fine it's sad there's no anderman yeah no anderman none to be found but fear not alex there's actually a command that you can type in get this guys if you type in i wish i had ender pearls two you get ender pro what no i wish i had it i don't know if oh alex um i don't know if i don't know if alex is gonna get me anytime soon that would require her to know how to spell alex you wanna give it a shot i know you got it in you i know you got it in you did did she do it i wish i had ender pearls too i think she did do it hey she did it oh my gosh she's literally caused the world to end it just started raining because she spelled for the first time i'm so proud of you alex you're the best i so funny all right to the stronghold all right guys the ender pearl eyes vendor have led us right here they're literally going underneath us so down we must dig folks all ready for this ender dragon i love that we don't have to worry about breathing there either right we just have infinite air breathing what is she doing look if you swim and then you just dig down do you see me yeah oh i was like what happened to you i was like what happened to the top half of you i thought it was literally just your legs and your torso was missing oh my gosh all right look at that are you digging big numbers right there mister all right let's see i wish i could see a little bit here i'm going to give everyone night vision you know it's baby mode it makes sense night light acquired into you lovely oh look there it is stronghold entrance beautiful your life hey creeper what's up man and see you later it's just gone instantly all right team spread out we need to find the stronghold and portal it's around here somewhere collect some drops while we're at it i guess zombies creepers not a problem oh she got it hey oh wow it was real close too oh nice it's in here about it look at that that's uh well that's a library that makes sense professor hmm yeah so reading that's my favorite indeed all right well we got more than enough pearls and alex you are about to be met with one of the most difficult boss by vitals fight fatals that you've ever been a part of oh that's one way to do it alex you guys are stuck oh gosh hell you must be joking me here take some pearls oh thank you thank you did y'all get oh nice much better okay well that's one way to do it is it even i think we broke it is it going through oh great oh what the heck i think we might have broken it tyler i wonder why it's not working maybe the lava underneath well i guess baby mode is so baby-like and easy that there's not even an end but maybe we can take on the wither instead all right alex it's your big moment we are gonna spawn in the park are you having fun over there man we're gonna spawn in the wither alex and guess what guess what guess guess what all right sorry you are gonna have to kill this wither it's up to you do you think girl alex we'll see you later kill that weather you gotta kill the weather now alex what the weather's gonna destroy me alex kill the weather kill the weather what did you do wait when she says no you does it does it kill mobs well how about it guys we did it baby mode not bad hey what stop good work alex guys let us know if you want to see us do any more special game modes like this in the future we'll see you later this is alex alex alex no why are you oh is a noob in fact she's alex dunno and this is her world yeah i know y'all wants it based on the popular youtube series featuring her and you can now be a part of her survival world by actually playing it crazy they might relive all your favorite moments get up get get up be careful alex alex you just blew up visit all her favorite places collect all her favorite blocks nice there you go or maybe you want to take on the width i really got it just like that we got to finish him now oh we got him we got him so what are you waiting for you noob get the map today out now on the minecraft marketplace
Channel: Alex the Noob
Views: 861,548
Rating: 4.8746138 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, minecraft bedrock, minecraft pocket edition, pocket edition, minecraft baby mod, minecraft baby, minecraft baby mode, baby mode, baby mode minecraft, baby mod, noob vs pro, noob girl minecraft, noob girl, how to die in baby mode, funny baby mode challenge, minecraft survival, survival, ender dragon, wither, the wither, nether update, minecraft 1.16, 1.16, hardcore mode, hardcore, minecraft but, creeper, new mobs, parker plays, logdotzip, piglin
Id: OHAs0jlFHhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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