noob Girl's ONE NIGHT with CARTOON CAT in Minecraft!

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so guys remember the hallway of horrors in parker's lab yeah nasty stuff but today we took it to visit cartoon cat now i had no idea what cartoon cat was all about i thought it was gonna be something friendly for us to take to alex i should have known better is a hallway of horrors right but anyways this cartoon cat wreaks havoc on this dimension that we found him in and we try everything from appeasing with string to taming with fish and just none of it worked until we eventually had to do the unthinkable you're gonna have to check out this video all right cartoon cat dimension this just looks like minecraft yeah i guess we're just gonna realize nice little let's play guys all right well cartoon cat i mean how scary could it be i mean it makes sense that this world is so lovely huh village oh village right of course there's a village right here okay do you see that there's something in the middle of the what is that oh no maybe it isn't like a normal world dude uh oh alex stay back from it wait what is that oh no oh well i think that you hear that cartoon cat yeah look at that is that cartoon cat i think so i can barely see him oh look at that why'd they put him in a cage i assumed to trap him whoa oh he's trying to reach goodness did he grab you i think he tried i think at least alex don't break it what are you doing look at that oh my god hey that's me easy does it what are you doing i got grabbed by it he's literally got his hands on me oh he's scary alex seriously what are you doing obviously the villagers put him in there for bro he's starting to break the blocks oh no oh no oh you all you i'm stuck i'm being crapped by him look oh he's grabbing the villagers it's not cute it's terrifying he's trying to escape oh okay um i don't know about this guys oh man it's literally trying to get out right now this is not what i no that is not mini wad alex it is not midi watt what's a mini watch oh oh that that's oh oh my gosh it's alex this is not good um block it off i don't have any blocks um uh okay okay okay i've got some extra ones right here oh he's going for the villager no no no no no i got me oh gosh okay i'm running i'm running i can't be here oh man and now it's raining like water so at least there's something there apparently doesn't like villagers either really not he's trying to try to get out alex be careful he's gonna kill you alex oh my gosh he's out oh no okay run oh oh he's coming for us i don't have any hunger oh gosh okay get inside the house somebody gets inside the house everyone gets that house he's got me guys what parker oh no oh my gosh okay parker are you back i'm coming back he got me was that autumn i don't know what did we do i i think we made him mad okay okay okay okay okay yo he is going crazy on all of the mobs nearby oh alex oh he got me again okay alex stay by stay by the portal everyone stay by the portal maybe you won't see us over here oh no alex brought him over i know this is better i'm hiding the portal i don't want him to break the portal anything with that oh my gosh he's grabbing me again he's got me you're fine you're fine you're fine okay okay wait i don't think he can okay well oh oh my gosh he's just gonna keep hold of he's by the portal he's gonna this is keep saddest he's got me again i punch it on him okay okay come here you dumb cat i'll distract him okay good all right we've run away okay this is the perfect chance when you spawn in again head to the village guys head to the center of the village okay okay okay guys it's been a minute i haven't seen any cartoon cat and i don't hear any more of the sounds do you guys hear any of these sounds oh what no okay good i don't i don't know i mean the cat was stuck inside of this little prison i feel like we should you know do something about like what are we gonna do guys what should we do i don't know what are we supposed to do tyler i don't know tam what's that mean i know what that means alex what does pam mean tam can you elaborate come on work with us alex first time i've ever heard damn it tame it tame it oh damn it what are you crazy we can't tame cartoon cat it's a killing machine you saw it it tried to eat me it's in our eyeballs and it did eat me in fact and hundreds of times and and like it's not going to happen alex we can't do it nope nope nope we're not going to do it it's not stop punching on me we can't oh gosh dude should we try and tame it oh my gosh fine if you stop punching on me i guess we can try and tame it but okay what would what would we tame it with what would we tame a cartoon cat with i don't know what a string and fish right actually you might be onto something parker we could try what is that guys what is that do you see that no it's like missed over here um um i don't know here let's just don't get close to it what are you christ um okay there's a ravine nearby i saw a ravine over by this village there might be a mine chef we could start there maybe get some string okay let's do that okay all right guys we're gonna try and find a mind chat we'll be back in a little bit all right guys we found a mine shaft strings ahoy all over the place i wish we could find the actual spawn area oh oh we got a bunch of bunch of string over here huh where hold on once i gotta keep scaly over there oh alex be careful there's lava get out of the lava what are you doing you're stuck in the cobweb and get there's water whoa you found a lot of diamond i got five diamonds that's insane five diamonds yeah this is the best mine shaft okay honestly this world right yeah maybe it's just the cartoon cat messing with us trying to distract us with goodies okay yeah true okay try and uh try and see we're gonna wait for that diamond wow i just found some diamonds oh are you serious yeah there's diamonds over here i don't have a an iron pickaxe we raided the village for a bunch of supplies guys but i didn't get enough here come mind this we might need it for armor or something yeah armor weapons did you get it how did you get a diamond pickaxe it's good in this crate where's your chain leggings what the smile kindness is how typical you're just items yeah i'm not surprised to be perfectly honest she probably brought it somehow from your lab i don't even know how she would have it's kind of absurd okay so i'll i'll i'll look for some more string i'll click some more no way i i'm suffocating chief actually found more diamonds more diamonds he's insane oh my gosh i feel like it's too good to be true i don't know keep an eye out this cat might be somewhere close lucky before but it's oh my gosh i'm looking for more she's got some i have six and she's still got some in her hand yes okay whatever seat is happening it's amazing yeah who'd have thought all we had to do was go to the cartoon cat dimension and put our lives at risk i believe it i found a chest here and it's got a name tag and it's got a diamond in it oh my goodness wow this is amazing what let me see where's the diamonds right here wow wow this is great okay maybe cartoon cat likes diamonds maybe we don't need string after all how many do you have eight i think alex is like five or six and i have seven okay well we've got a peace offering for this cat if he ever shows up all right nothing over here oh you found something hey oh over there okay nearby more string and alex oh man i feel so good my new diamond chest plate yeah oh yeah jackpot this is everything we needed well if any luck we can use this as oh my gosh i hear the music oh my gosh he's grabbing alex okay i'm right in the way should we oh alex oh he's right there no got me run you just through the walls and he reaches through the walls parker oh he got all of us i don't think he wanted the string oh gosh you gotta be kidding me and alex just got blown up like of course oh man maybe we should try fish oh sure man all right i'm going to tasty carp myself oh great and now there's fog all over the place i don't know what is happening in this world man i'm going back home i'm going home okay yeah you you maybe do that okay alex and i will work on some fishing rods or something okay i guess we're on our own for now all right guys we've had a chance to calm down i'm not sure where parker went but it's okay we've been fishing we're getting some fish for cartoon cat alex is being alex oh hey parker guys i got you scared i i'm here to help it's okay it's okay i totally understand i've that's not helping i did you just you're a little hey hello what are you listening stop stop just trying to lightly move with humor i'm sorry it's okay i want to do it to you though oh i literally pulled you out of the boat yo that's awesome did i get you again i got your line in your head wow tyler that's funny all right guys we're just fishing away we're trying to figure out if this is gonna even help us with cartoon cat or not and get in your boat nasty nasty alex you have any ideas what could we do oh i just got a saddle yes what do you have in mind what do you think that's right you said what should we do and she said yes there it is yet okay love him i don't sure maybe he needs a hug nope that's not troops look alex i'm not a big fan of cats that eat me and kill me multiple times okay can we think of a different idea perhaps i draw a line at one death you kill me twice shame on you kill me once shame on me that makes perfect sense to be honest i you know when i die lots blow him up hey i could i could get behind that idea actually that's a pretty good one oh quite a difference there from uh you know love him to blow him up but in alex language both in love i mean it worked on siren head that's true that's true we could try it from that approach yeah okay maybe we either lure men with fish maybe we lure them in with like uh alex or one of the villagers and we try to blow him up that seems dangerous well danger is my second middle name actually so that works what's your first middle name oh um okay but either way we got a plan let's try with the fish one more time maybe wait till night for cartoon cat presumably to come back and if he doesn't take the fish we're gonna have to just blow him up sound like a plan plan ow all right well you guys sort out your problems okay i'm gonna keep fishing oh boy guys never have kids huh what'd you say hey tyler um what this this lake is i'm not getting any fish dude i'm sorry i'm sorry gosh this way okay guys middle of the night we're at the top of this building and some of the fog has started to appear right over there oh gosh okay do you think that's cartoon cat i don't i don't i just want to go watch my shows oh okay okay guys do you see him anywhere oh he's right there he's eating the villagers is he cool man oh he's breaking the blocks he can probably climb up here he's climbing he grabbed me throw the fish at him give him the fish give him a fish i mean do you want the fish just take the fish come on for it okay take the fish the fish you dumb boy yeah how many fish you do okay manny okay look i think he's i think it's working okay yeah i think he likes to fish he's looking at us um um do we walk over and and tnt him oh um he just killed the golem with one swipe dude oh my gosh okay no oh he's at the bottom of our building alex where did you go he's climbing climbing up oh my gosh oh he's inside he's inside the village he's inside our arms he's going nuts i don't think oh my gosh oh parker parker no oh oh my gosh oh okay okay i don't think the fish is gonna work i don't think this trick's gonna work alex we're gonna have to blow him up tell me you brought your tnt with you oh i just grabbed me oh you do she's got your teeth yes i'm coming up he's in the building he's he's in the building drop it on the building and then jump off do you have some do you have some flint and steel oh uh i could try to get some hold on there's ground okay um okay okay i i don't have any maybe there's like something in the i want to like okay oh my gosh he's literally right there he doesn't like the fish the fish is not working not working oh my word oh alex has some oh that's gonna blow up the building alex no oh she blew herself up too and i just spit everywhere okay oh gosh we still not that i didn't care about her life but do we have any uh any any dude there's a tnt up there there's some tnt up here okay i don't think the cat actually notices me up here but i think he might real soon okay can i get up there i don't know okay i i feel like we're gonna have to oh he got alex he got alex oh it's nighttime and there's mobs everywhere yeah okay we're gonna have to trap him somehow oh man this is not good all right guys it's been what feels like i don't know 20 minutes and i haven't seen anything from cartoon cat it's still inside this house what what do you think we should do i i don't know i think it is like rain is is the issue and i wonder if he dug in there or something or he's like burrowing i wonder if we could like bomb the house maybe yeah that's a great idea i mean alex has plenty more tnt right okay it looks like it okay here here's an idea there's a big hole in the ground i think he just dug dug down okay okay okay okay let's approach from the side well i hear him and oh yeah he's definitely down there okay well okay this hole okay i'll let it rip oh light oh maybe from the sides wait wait wait wait okay okay okay give that a shot don't worry maybe what why is that oh man oh i don't know oh boy okay yeah that might help okay maybe you try lighting it from the side oh okay okay okay uh uh um i'm lighting it that that worked it worked please please please okay do it hide it come on yes yes it's working it's working keep going keep going yeah i think so he's mad he's very mad okay i'm gonna keep oh gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh keep going keep going there okay okay yes keep playing oh oh man white light you stupid ah did you fall parker i'm coming down man don't kill kill me wait wait a minute tyler huh not here what the sound is gone did we kill him i think we killed him unless he's escaped but i i think we're good well hooray we did it all right congratulations alex you killed another cat oh this is fantastic is that too soon i'm sorry that's bad hey easy oh no alex we're in here you know that right oh come on maybe we should try something a little bit you know more friendly okay that's gonna be all for the hallway of horrors for a little bit here yeah i think so yeah i'm not gonna be your explorer of the hallway of horrors anymore we need to try something a little bit easier yeah like uh i don't know babysitting that that seems nice babysitting um what do you think alex you want to do some babysitting oh no baby okay baby um he may have just started something we are not going to be able to finish parker all right guys we'll see you later maybe with a baby in hand
Channel: Alex the Noob
Views: 610,362
Rating: 4.854063 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, bedrock, pocket edition, minecraft bedrock, minecraft survival, cartoon cat, minecraft cartoon cat, cartoon cat minecraft, scary minecraft, scary cartoon cat, cartoon cat song, cartoon cat scary, minecraft horror, logdotzip, noob girl, scary, siren head, survival, minecraft scary, minecraft scary stories, alex the noob, spooky, spoopy, halloween, very scary, jump scare, scary minecraft videos, horror stories, minecraft horror map, cartoon cat survival
Id: wnuCrwhzy3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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