noob Girl first time playing Minecraft Parkour! (CRAZY glitch...)

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all right everybody I brought Alex the new girl with me to try out parkour for the first time because she happens to be really good at jumping into a lot of trouble so we may as well get her better at jumping in the right places so if you wanna play this map yourself the talents in the description we got some rules Alex these are for you I note I don't break blocks unless told no watering off to different levels I know you like to go everywhere no cheating okay we have no pushing each other and multiplayer we have I did you know how come I can't attack you of whatever anyways no skipping forward go to last checkpoint you unlock if you failed all right you ready Alex all right come on over Alex this is really easy you literally just jump from block to block now you try good good good you're doing great now there's a wider one so you gotta be careful here okay that's alright we're here to learn Oh someone help me almost there that's good no I remember it's a two block gap this time so you got no I want you to watch me I want you to stand right on this block the one I'm breaking right right oh I'm sorry whoa I oh come on oh really now you're gonna make it oh great no not today how did you get how did you get back up hey hey alright now you're taunting me yeah you you see it's funny could you think oh great I'm better at you than parkour okay I mean better than you at parkour I can't talk today okay but look there's some cake Alex I made it for you I didn't punch you the cake is for you so oh wow oh my god what are you doing how are you doing that I'm I'm I'm more impressed than anything wait can I I can do it too well you can eat cake whenever you want in bedrock that's awesome okay look level 1 section 2 we're not even to level 2 yet Alex you come over here now if you fall it's a big problem wait wait wait we have to set our checkpoints uh-huh that's it the beds are for all you got to do is right-click to set your respawn so just right-click it we don't need to wait for it where you going what are you doing what are you doing it's over here where are you going now boy what are you doing what is break grass to unlock checkpoint okay good but we didn't Center a bed sponsor come on back you don't get to keep that dirt by the way it's mine I don't hate it stop stop fine you can have it fine whatever now I'll hold your hand now come on down okay you're the next contestant to die let's see make it pass this to gap she's bad I mean come on you got this just make a simple jump across Hey hey you're not supposed to sprint remember there was a rule about it all right now try and stay focused this time Alex we're burning daylight here these are really simple just you sprinted again no sprinting allowed you gotta pay attention now this part is like a run jump so look after me yeah no don't don't look after me no it's not okay we're gonna try this again jump yes made it I got it all right and the sun's coming down come on you got this pretty sure that was a sprint but I'm just gonna look the other way there's so many more levels to do now try and keep up with me these are easy if you just time your jumps right you should be able to make it through them just like that that's no it's fine take your time I'd rather you make it I suppose because I don't want to have to wait for you to go back to your bed every single time oh ho that was so close Alex please okay a little bit more this time a little bit better look closer good good good that's great what's the sign say in my way look down when we got to jump to this oops I sprinted to a bad guy all right come on down Alex you got this I believe in you I believed in you hey nice with the dirt okay my problems require modern solutions you know it's so true okay go down and brakes and to unlock check yeah I'm good there we go okay level two we got some ladders now Oh an armor I know let me put on my armor first actually don't don't attack me either way say you checkpoint right click the bed I've been through this and now we get to do ladder parkour this you just climb up you know how to use ladders right okay good looks like she does yeah okay oh wow big lady she's gone okay okay uh-huh yeah you turn around look what happens you boy takes the lead woohoo you got this come on it's fine you got this it's big nice wow you're doing good okay this parts gonna suck oh yeah Alex you have to kind of jump around oh gosh you have to kind of jump around this part for the ladders okay you got it a little to the right just a little to the right a little more a little more okay yep yup let's try again you got this this is good where did you even get that pork chop so right around the side a little bit more yeah that's good you did it I'm pleased Hey Oh I was like where do we go I didn't even notice that over here nice okay good work Alex oh did you this is awkward yeah yeah yeah I've heard it all let's see you make this one again yeah exactly you can't even get up look up oh yeah we got to keep going further see yeah exactly let the pro do the job here okay what did you just do did you stop eating okay you're gonna get cramps doing that yeah there it is good hey I think we're almost done maybe are you good you made it okay right click the beds eat some cake a good measure please break down and break the gravel I'll be right back don't eat all of the cake you're gonna get a stomachache did you eat all of the cake alright well that's fine level 2 section 2 may be hard so Alex I know what it said you can sprint for these yeah cuz I'm gonna sprint for these and that's what I get okay well the latter part course might be you just could teleport to me who are you okay I'm gonna just teleport right to you that is fine we're gonna just take turns on oh come on back go around this is like the hardest parkour ever this must be for noobs I don't think so you will TP to me Alex I'm gonna do it all for you thank you jeez now this is easy just keep your face to the wall and you should be good now the next jump here oh hey I play like that too yeah oh you all right still doing good still making it still strong please please please all right this one is hard you have to you can't jump right into it you kind of have to jump around it and land to the side of it like I keep messing up all right you give another shot you got this poor thing okay I made it you just TP to me it's fine all good everything will be fine we're just gonna power through the rest I don't know if Alex the strong point is ladders why don't you meet that that was pretty impressive and it's gone gay okay okay now no more sprinting we're gonna go back to know more sprinting because I don't know oh okay well yeah that's Wow okay I like your idea better we're just gonna keep sprinting that's a nice that's a fine idea that's a nice fine idea go around okay you see Alex you're a genius ingenuity at its finest see I can do that too now what are we supposed to oh I see there's little ladders that we gotta jump up Oh oh boy oh wow Alex good luck oh he's fine you just gotta jump to the the ladders see you'll be good come on good now here's the parts can be lame you gotta like you gotta kind of go down this ladder and then before you're all you know I I oh hey please hey we did it I don't know Aven that vlog it's crazy how that happens sometimes anyhoo we just need to jump to here simple you got this come on down the water's fine yeah okay all right next level I'm gonna hold on to your helmet it looks better than me anyway sorry you get bad helmet hair alright anyways here set your respawn beautiful level three slabs this is this is easy we've already done this okay well oh man oh yeah good Cole gets at the checkpoint hold on a second oh you could just break it from down there that's funny so notice over here Alex the wild floating cows should you make it this far you'll have access to that beef it's very light and airy I have no idea what I'm saying look you've distracted me you didn't have to join me okay this looks like it's gonna be a rough jump Alex oh yeah look I'm sorry everybody today's Wednesday hate Wednesdays by the way and Alex is kind of a noob so we're just gonna start sprinting for the rest you got this Alex whenever you look at that chicken over there hold on a second do you see that chicken what is he doing what Alex come over here do you see this chicken look at the chicken is circling the tree that is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen what are you doing hey leave the chicken alone the chicken is doing his the chicken is doing is Oh Alex come on we need the parkour the parkour let's stay focused all right nice and focused you got this you're doing great I'm honestly surprised we've even made it this far so give it a little sprint jump to that guy you'll be good yeah baby you're doing it oh so proud whoa someone's feeling dangerous huh okay shut that bad oh it's nighttime night early bed early to rise parkour all day make up lies it's like a grandpa saying anyways come on down you're you're you're falling behind out alright this section looks like it could be a little difficult if you're not me you luck that's it but you got to come down everyone come on I've been waiting forever Alex good girl oh nice hey that's great so just don't goof the rest of them and we'll be able to get out of this section and no time yeah you doing good seriously great great work Alex I'm guys what do you think alex is performance she's been doing really good she loved the lucky blocks last time we wanted to try something else and guess parkour was the winner this time if you want to see more maps with Alex by the way let us know what kind of maps you'd like to see play the comment section just TP to me Alex we got things to do whoo this next scientists jump down nice underground parkour can't mess that one up you'd messed that one up come on down Alex it's fine the water's fine okay I guess I'll go without you climbing up water is not allowed level for water jumps Oh what are you talking about I don't know about this one guys all right Alex you have to kind of time when you get out of okay you got it okay you don't suppose no it said you're not supposed to do that you crazy noob wait how did you okay whatever did you just stop rude wait what happened I can't see me uh-huh ultimate glitch Alex what did you do okay guys well it appears something's actually wrong with this world we just hit like a a glitched area I think and I can't really see what's happening anymore so maybe this is a sign uh-huh I don't know if this was Alex or maybe it's an old map but either way uh parkour with a noob [Music]
Channel: Alex the Noob
Views: 1,021,091
Rating: 4.8089957 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, alex, herobrine, alex the noob, noob, minecraft noob, minecraft survival, survival minecraft, survival series, noob vs pro minecraft, noob vs pro, girl, random, girl gamer, girl minecraft, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, minecraft 1.14, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, logdotzip pe,, alexbrine, diamond, in minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft diamonds, parkour, noob parkour, map parkour minecraft, parkour map, minecraft map, parkour in minecraft
Id: 6c9CqeN72q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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