Nonstop water pumping system no power...complete simple setup explained!

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i've seen tons of videos about ram pumps out there but i haven't seen a lot of videos actually putting it into practice for their farm for their homestead so today you're going to learn and you're going to see an action how it's done what i do how the ram pump works how we take water from down in that pond and we pump it clear up way up there so come along today we're going to be working on two ram pumps we're going to have some fun hopefully i can get it all done today there's one thing to see it it's another thing to put it into practice you've got a creek or a pond on your property odds are you can do this [Music] hey guys it's josh stoney ridge farmer welcome back to another beautiful day here on the stoney ridge farm it's a little chilly and it's beautiful and sunny out here today lots of stuff going on we're going to be working on the water system among other things we've got dad's old tractor loaded up here say bye bye we never did get to put the bucket on that thing dad said i'm just going to sell that tractor i i don't need it so why would i waste the money putting a new bucket on it uh if he wanted to sell it anyway so we ended up selling the tractor i got to deliver that later this afternoon our baby chicks are out here i say baby chicks they're getting to be big boys and girls our pastured meat birds are probably around i'm gonna save three and a half pounds four pounds something like that we're going to put some food in i just moved the coop and i've been moving it throughout the yard as you can see the yard's a little bit of a mess but man this spring it's just gonna blah it's gonna explode with growth so we'll feed the chickens real quick and then we'll take you down to the pond and show you what's going on we're actually extending the watering system from this pond way down here you can't see it hold on let me moonwalk right there we're gonna extend our watering system from our ramp from the pond way down there way up here to water our cows and not have to worry about it it's going to be super cool guys so come along as we extend that watering system and we expand the ram pump system on the other side of the farm which is just about a half a mile away all right [Music] there you go birdies chow down [Music] so [Music] all right guys welcome to the stoney ridge farm today is going to be pretty cool pretty fun day so our ram pump system again is down in this pond and we're pumping all the way up this hill we've got about six foot of drop ahead of the ram pump and we'll go down there and we'll show you that here in just a minute and this is how we're watering our cattle here on the farm so currently the cows behind the house which is behind the camera here they're all watered off of my well i want water to come passively i don't want to spend the money to pump the water to the cows and i don't want to pump my well dry either so what we do is we're using a ram pump system which is a totally passive system using gravity and water pressure to pump water uphill to our cattle we're going to put in some really interesting little valves float valves right here we don't have a very very cold winter here in north carolina where i live so freezing is pretty much not an issue as long as the ram pump is moving water the first thing i got to do on this fairly chilly day it's about yeah 48 degrees something like that is i got to set this poly line out so that it heats up and it's easier to unwind unroll and today we'll be running approximately 1 000 feet of water line right along the edge of the ground here and there's a reason behind all this this is a temporary water setup for us prior to building our permanent water setup and we plan on a potential solar system for our permanent water setup but for now this will get us by and this stuff is 18 cents per foot so 180 bucks buys all the poly line that i need to water my animals all over the farm i mean it's super super cool we'll take you down we'll show you the ram pump and you can see all this comes off like an old phone cord so i've got to stretch it out and attach it and we'll use couplings to attach right here we're using the heavy duty uh this is a hundred and actually we're using 100 psi and we're using 160 psi but we're not using irrigation pipe this is heavier duty pipe for 100 psi and this is a low pressure system it's interesting it's fun if you want to geek out on this stuff this is how i'm doing it here on the farm and it's how you can do it on your place and it's interesting even if you don't have a farm we'll take you down we'll show you the ram pump and i'm going to get busy stretching this stuff out i've got a thousand foot of pipe to unravel and straighten out what a job that little white thing you see is the ram pump around here is the inlet and i drove a piece of pipe fence pipe right down here in the pond and there's a little float on top there you can see that little float that's my own little design to keep it up about 16 inches off the bottom where the cleanest water is and we have a filter system on this and we'll show you how to build a filter system in the upper pond here in just a minute so we've been up there working a little bit we're back down here this is the inlet the pipe runs from right in here under the dam through the culvert pipe and down here to the ram pump now let's go down here and i'll explain how it works to you this my curious friends is a ram pump there's a pipe that goes up all the way up the hill here we've got about six to seven feet of drop for every foot of drop on that pipe it's called the drive pipe for every one foot it goes down before it goes to the ram pump it will push up seven feet so if you do the math simple math five times seven seven times seven is 49 so if it's 49 feet from the bottom of this creek to the top of our hill is about 45 feet this pump will pump water anywhere on our farm that simple it's just that simple now it pumps very very slowly there's a series of check valves in here and if you want to learn a little bit more i'll post a link down below to seth land to house channel seth is a good guy he builds these there's a little pressure tank inside here there are two little valves that go clickety-clack and it pumps water slowly up the hill and you can see it's just using the force of gravity and water and pushing it up the hill there's an inner tube inside that and that tube holds that pressure and pumps it right on up the hill way cool way way cool so we'll have again nearly i guess close to 1500 feet of line running off of this ram pump we're going to start a ram pump on the other side it's already in the creek it's set it's ready to rock and rolling it's going to be going into the other pond i'll show you how we build the filter and we'll start filling up another tank on the top of the hill that's a ram pump let's take you up top and we'll show you how much flow we get this ever not so impressive amount of water flowing from this pipe is what the ram pump is pushing up the hill now it may not seem like some miracle of modern science to you but it's enough it's enough to save us from having to have power to pump our water it's enough to keep the cattle out of the watershed keep manure out of the watershed and do what we're supposed to do to protect the environment this pasture right here was grazed about three weeks ago and it's coming back fabulous in about three more weeks we'll move the cows down from where they're being watered up here on the top of the hill back down here to behind the house or in front of the house excuse me so it's not some miracle it's just enough and that is enough to get by it's about saving it's about not destroying our watershed really so we're gonna take that little trickle and we're gonna put a water tank right up here and we'll hook it up with a float valve and we'll be totally squared away and the cows will have plenty of water right there and we're going to put several water tanks along the way so let's go up there and hook it up i've got about 500 foot of pipe to run up that way [Music] here's what i'm doing i'm taking the pipe and i'm sticking it down through where the knots are on our wire where the termination knots are and then i'm unraveling it and straightening it out down there so it's easier to use here in about 15 or 20 minutes when i get up here and start working on this the whole process today is going to take me about four hours and this time of year we really have to race the sunlight so just so you guys have a little more detail on what's going on these are our cows awesome these are black angus [Music] now i've drug up a water tank i had a water tank sitting up there i drug it down here cows are so curious you see where that's sitting wait about 30 minutes when we're up here actually trying to put water in it the cows are so curious and they act like they're starving to death and every cow's got to get in the same spot at the same time every time it's pretty funny but that'll be knocked over and smeared all over the pasture until i can get some water in it so really we're probably going to turn the water on and then let it get dark outside and we'll let it fill up overnight because the cows will just tear it all to pieces a mob of cows will break stuff they'll tear stuff up and you see our gate is right here our water is far away from our gate probably 40 or 50 feet away from our gate we don't want to make a mud hole in wintertime it's wet there's going to be a bit of disturbed ground right where the water tank is and we'll fix that area by rolling hay out on it but there's going to be some disturbed ground right here where the water tank is cool you know what they say devil's on the details so i've got a couple tools i don't have a couple tools where'd that tool go there it is devil's in the details guys so this pipe comes with crimped ends on it you can see that end is crimped flat so i've got to cut that end off got one tool underneath my armpit here armpit makes a great tool too so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut that end off just like so and this is just a simple poly pipe cutter hopefully the cows stop finding me so interesting they must think they're going to get a treat anyhow i clip that end off right there i'll put that in my pocket we'll put that in the trash bucket over on the uh not side by side over on the atv using atvs now a lot of atv action going on here on the farm so i have a cup link in my back pocket right here and i've got all my tools that i'll need we're actually going to be instead of using hose clamps we're going to use zip ties so we're going to mash this uh barbed coupling down in here so i'm just going to press these together if you've never seen this done it's a miracle it's not a miracle it's pretty simple we'll press these barbed fittings together on this half inch again cold weather cold weather makes it difficult it takes some strength to push these guys together and you want to be sure that you're not kinking oh goodness your hose you don't want to kink this hose right here it will provide resistance even though this is a low pressure system at some point we may end up digging trenches and burying this and it'll be a high pressure system at that point if we get our well set up now i've got a couple zip ties in my back pocket and instead of using hose clamps because this is something that we're going to take apart at some point in the future maybe years down the road but we're using these all-weather zip ties and i'm going to put them on as tight as i possibly can with my hands if i can find the last zip tie there it is and then we'll do uh we'll use the zip tie gun and if you haven't seen this man guys you're not living right if you don't have one of these in your in your arsenal so that's as tight as i can get that zip tie we can get a couple more clicks out of it we use our zip tie tool this is data shark it's a zip tie tool it pulls it tight and cuts it just like that take my scrap put it in my pocket again it pulls it tight inside there okay we're gonna do it again hopefully you guys can see just grabs it just like so pulls it tight i got two more three more clicks bam cuts it now our joint is nice and snug and shouldn't come apart we're going to run this to the tank up there so the way this is going to work it's quite simple quite easy the ram pump is down in the woods right down in that layer holler right there and we're going to run the pipe straight into the through pipe here the culvert pipe that runs into the pond so that pipe goes through there and out there and we want our float and we're going to build a float system real quick to be out there we've got an anchor and a float i'll show you so we're trying to have the intake for the ram pump about that deep that's the goal not on the top so it's picking up surface debris and not on the bottom so it's sucking up garbage from the bottom i've got an idea here for an anchor system and a float system that i think is going to work great so we'll show you i'm going to build the filter real quick show you how it's done got a macho man randy savage body slam of the camera by the poly pipe bruh this might make the blooper reel this is our filter system our filter system consists of schedule 40 pvc four inch schedule 40 pvc pipe and we are going to actually cut this pipe right here we have a reducer we're gonna take it down from four inch i believe that takes it down to two inch but it's probably made in some foreign country and it doesn't say it doesn't say what it is but we've got a step down and then we've got to step it down to here and we have a three quarter inch barbed connection point right here you could put some teflon tape on here if you wanted to there's no use this is low pressure super duper low pressure so this guy attaches to this two inch reducer so this is a two inch down to one inch and this is a one inch to three quarter okay so lots of reducers lots of uh i guess mickey mousey kind of stuff going on here but i'll show you how it all goes together because it's really super sweet how this system is going to work safety glasses so that's how long i want it i'm going to put a piece of screen over top of this okay i'm going to speed it up as i assemble everything i picked this guy up at turtle island what a beautiful knife this is osage orange handle this is a handmade knife man how awesome is that to be able to take something away like that i want it and a silent auction for charity makes me feel good every time i pull it out of my pocket now we're just going to take this and we're going to build a cone around here i'm going to take a little bit of it stretch it out here take my knife again and do a little cutting we've been doing filter systems a little different we drilled holes all through this and then wrapped it in the in screen i think there's a simpler way and i'm trying a simpler way and if this doesn't work i'll let you guys know we'll give it some time all i'm going to do is double wrap this a couple times around the end nice and snug just like so okay and that should keep all the trash out here's where having a partner would be helpful somebody to hold this for me or a vice maybe we'll install a vice on the back of the atv sounds like a good fun project okay put this guy in place i'm going to hold it with my other holding tool [Music] there we go dizzy pvc glue man don't breathe that stuff i was holding my breath the whole time okay now we got this critter on here we'll slide him down just where we got a good bite just like that give each one of our zip ties a little pull tighten it as tight as we can man this thing's awesome boom never get it that tight on your own if you can get it on there boom i'm gonna bring this guy together fold them in several places just like so and we're gonna give it a twist and that's our filter that's it that's simple ingenuity man the filter cost me the filter portion of the filter cost me 45 cents the pipe was the most expensive part and everything's going up in the stores so that's how we build the filter that's how i'm trying my new filter system back to the zip tie tool snug it up look at that never get it that tight on your own we're going to go ahead and put two zip ties on the end of that and that's the filter now what happens is these filters will get clogged up with not debris so much as just pond scum pond slime pond scum whatever you want to call it that's what it'll get built up with so be advised and you want to put a filter on here because you don't want to suck a fish or something like that up on it or salamander or whatever um that ought to be plenty to feed a three-quarter inch piece of poly awesome now we'll grab our poly pipe and we'll press this on oh man that's stiff stuff oh boy isn't life grand there we go this is how you get farm fit right here oh doing your push-ups got a gopro down here bye-bye [Laughter] okay straighten this pipe out a little bit where it lays flat in the water up up and away that's a workout right there there we go this is our intake for the pond again we want to be about 16 inches deep so about right here is where i'm going to attach our float system let's go build that real quick i've said it before and i'll say it again with a little determination guys you can do anything you can accomplish any task now we've come up with these buoys this buoy system these are cheap they're like four bucks on amazon i'll post links to them just so you guys can buy them and just so you know part of the way that i pay for the farm and part of the way that i make a living here on the stoney ridge is through those links that i post to stuff so when i teach you how to build something or do something or if you're shopping there's a link down there to my amazon page i don't you don't buy the stuff from me but uh it's just one way that feeds the cows man that to be honest with you that's total transparency there so here we are this is our float system uh i'm gonna simplify it for you after i cut the string here this is just paracord be better if i had a something to burn this paracord with but i don't so i'll run the paracord right through this ring of floats okay and we're gonna take this and we're gonna tie it off very very simple how many people just don't know how to tie knots these days i mean a simple knot that we're gonna tie here is gonna be a granny knot right on the end of this okay we're gonna get enough string on both sides kind of even it up right there okay so nice and even we're gonna go as tight as we can to here and we're gonna do a granny knot just like tying your shoes just tying a knot i'm going to make a loop i'm going to pull it through the loop just like so just like that and that is my granny knot and that is our float that's our float for our apparatus here i'm gonna run it right through the middle of that okay i'm leaving a little bit of string here on the end because we may need a little bit more string you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take this and i'm gonna tie another knot right in the end of it same way just a granny knot just as if you had one piece of string tying a knot on it we're tying one more granny knot this is paracord it's tough as tough as nails see that loop that loop's gonna make us happy here in just a second let's go over here and we'll hook it to the intake for our ram pump what's to stop this pond from getting a lot of water flow and and letting that ram pump intake wash through the pipe what's to stop that well in my hand is what's to stop that i had an old piece of chain just an old rusty crusty piece of chain that i've had for gosh it was given to me by the man i bought my property from what we're going to do is we're going to go about four rings down and this chain is going to secure our filter our intake filter and the way it's going to do that is it's just going to drag the bottom okay it's something just as simple as this heavy chain dragging the bottom once again i'm not tying a granny knot in this one i'll show you what i'm going to do i'm going to get dirty showing you too but that's all good i'm going to tie a fishing knot in this one i call this a fishing knot you guys can tell me what you call it let's get it a little closer so this is how i tie a fish hook onto your fishing string i take my two strings that's the end this is the other part i'm gonna wrap it around one two three four times i'm gonna go back in back in through the loop that i made and in through this next loop and it makes kind of a slip knot okay that knot will not break that is a very good knot that's how i tie my fishing string on cool now we're going to chuck this guy out in the pond along with our filter system now how long does the string need to be the string doesn't need to be short it doesn't need to be any particular length it just needs to be long enough to where it'll drag the bottom so we'll chuck this as hard as i can out into that pond and we're going to tie this onto our other paracord paracord's super handy to have and it's cheap way cheap to have around the house same knot once again remember the loop that we just made after i dropped this remember the loop that we just made right here well we made the loop for a reason the loop is to hold this guy we're going to do the same exact knot that we tied this to the chain with so if it snags on something we're gonna go one two three you uh you seamen your seabees or you you navy guys tell me what that is that a clove hitch half hitch what do you call that i was an electrician in the air force and we had to learn all these knots but i do not recall the name basic seamen ship okay so now we're ready to go with this we're going to take this portion right here and we're going to zip tie it to the pipe with our zip tie gun so it's firmly attached now time for the sling and then we gotta siphon water i gotta taste what this pond water is uh the the delicious flavor of the pine water okay there's our weight our anchor and we'll go anchors away one i hope i fall in that'd be so funny one two banzai we gotta pull it back out it did not go the way i wanted it to it needs to go out in the pond a little further oh there we go she's a rock star dude she's right there she's perfect so now i gotta siphon water out of here it's time for the sunglasses to come off we got to go down in the woods to the ram pump see if we can get it cycling it's going to take a while to get this thing cycling because it's got to build pressure as it goes up the hill and the fence line is just right here see the pipe and right there here right through the creek way on down here and here's our ramp looking all sad down here it kind of washed down the creek and we've got a little bit of a water hole now but this is the end that we're worried about we're going to attach that that's the drive pipe i've got to draw water through that drive pipe i'm going to have to come back and secure this a little bit better once we get this thing pumping and thumping this is what you want your youtuber to do man to get down in the creek with you okay this pond scum is nasty and i see something missing that's extremely important on our ram pump and that is man it's not going to work today we're going to have to get it in the morning but we're going to get it started today there's a rubber piece missing right here is the o-ring missing oh bummer anyway we'll get the siphon going anyway this is going to be gross do you see that i sucked a booger through we got water already or something yeah that's what i just oh gross that's what i just tasted it's all right it's organic i just sucked through some something that a swamp rat might eat here we go oh she's coming i believe i got it i this is what we want we want it to start coughing water and slime out of here let's try it again look it's all over me country living good clean dirty country living a little trick you can shut this off oh it's coming if i put my finger right here i could there it is guys i just drank that oh that's so nasty who needs x-lax [Laughter] uh it's gonna be clear as a bell in just a second this is called a union and we're missing the rubber gasket for our union total bummer dude you can see that water pressure really goes up we may get flow here never seen it do that this is doing this because that o-ring is missing it just won't run so we'll see you guys in the morning after i go to the store all right guys it's the next day we're trying to be really really quiet so we are going to go ahead and we're going to set everything up for our water tank right here and the basic synopsis behind this is the overview is i'm just gonna zip tie this uh pipe system and i'm gonna put a t in right here i've got all my parts right down here i'm gonna put a tee in because i know i'm gonna be running on down the fence line for putting up some more pipe so we're gonna cut the pipe right here above this tank and we're trying to be quiet so the cows don't come over here and we're gonna put together this little giant automatic float valve these things work awesome i was using the dare brand but i can't seem to find the dare brand out there on the web this is about 20 bucks and it just fully automates your system so what we're going to do is take this apart assemble it really quickly it's very simple to assemble you don't even need me to show you but here's the basic gist of it there's a picture it just hangs on the edge of the water tank and it'll slowly fill it up we have the o-ring to fix the ram pump but first we're going to set this up that way it starts pumping water and we don't want to attract the cows to this tank because they can knock the tank over this will probably fill this hundred gallon tank yeah within about two hours okay a lot more flow in this system than in the system down on the other side and we're just about done with that that thing is pumping water gosh i don't i don't even i'd have to count how many feet it's pumping water eventually both these systems will feed this entire 25 acre area off of a 200 setup so 100 from one pump 100 bucks for the other pump or even 70 bucks for the other pump um it's an inexpensive way to do this without power so let's get her all hooked up and we'll show you the end result over we go this goes to the tank this goes on down the line and we're just going to put a piece of pipe on here and we're going to cap this piece of pipe now's your opportunity to make fun of my crocs so to find an o-ring to fit this thing was like pulling teeth at lowe's last night but i finally found one that's going to work for us we're going to get the o-ring in place and that's what was killing us that was uh absolutely killing us yesterday the o-ring i found is just a little bit too small so we're doing a little manual manipulation of it stretch it out just a hair before i put it in place here and then we'll butt this union together and snug her down just like so that's what was holding this up yesterday that prevented our ram pump from working and i am rocking the crocks down in the creek and i'm fixing to rock the crocks in a mud hole all right so that little bit of pressure loss from that o-ring not being in place is what got us yesterday o-rings in place now we're going to turn the water on you should start seeing the ram pump try to cycle now we have to build pressure up all the way from the pond to the level of the hose right here so this might take just a minute i brought my screwdriver down here my trusty klein 11-1 i don't want to dip my finger in the water it's about 40 degrees gonna get a little wet it's all right it's par for the course turn the water on cycled once we'll just keep working with it there it goes oh come on baby i know you want to work so what we're doing now is we're building pressure on the pipe there okay should start automatically doing this remember there are different types of check valves okay this check valve needs to be just about vertical that's it she's working that is a ram pump amazingly enough it's just that simple to get the ram pump started now this thing is not securely mounted so if we have a heavy heavy rainstorm we're going to have problems so i just want to get it running for today to show you guys and then we'll come down here and we'll put a little bit more of a permanent structure in place sometimes it takes some time takes 15 20 minutes down here just watching and babysitting making sure that we're getting the right flow looks like it's doing great though see okay we're going to go check the tank that we just put the valve on and then we're going to go down to the other ram pump and we're not getting much flow out of the other ram pump pumping all the way up that hill it's a lot of pressure to overcome however over time that's what this is all about storing water so over the next 24 hours the tanks will start to fill up and we'll have plenty of water for our cows on this passive system let's go up and check the tank that's what we're looking for guys water flow that's it doesn't take much about four hours and this tank will be plumb full of water if we are quiet the cows will stay away from the tank long enough for it to fill up that little bit of flow right there is gonna fill this tank probably in three to four hours something like that that's a 100 gallon stock tank we've got several larger tanks that are on down the line here and what we're going to do is run pipe to all of those tanks all the way along the line right here and that way we can section off and intensively graze our pasture this is putting the ram pump into action on the farm and it works it's working awesome now it's going to cough out a little bit of air for the first little bit so you you know check on it the first 24 hours 48 hours and it's something you've got to check you know every day or every other day make sure you got to check your cows anyway so all it takes to restart that ramp pump is just tapping that little valve and getting it to kickstart again that's all it takes pretty cool let's go down to the one closest to the house and we'll check that one that one's pumping up a very very long distance this one's only pumping up about 15 foot of rise and it'll cover this entire pasture the other one is pumping up 25 feet or more maybe 30 feet like i said not very impressive see that little drizzle what a cow can destroy it will destroy this cow's up here there's a whole tub of water sitting right there 300 plus gallons of water and they're all over here with their tongue stuck out catching the little dribble of water and that's all it takes right there that little dribble of water will fill this tank up so i want to show you guys that it's not very impressive but it works so we'll put a tank here we'll have a tank way down the fence line over there and we will keep them full this is a 100 gallon stock tank we'll have a 170 gallon stock tank right over there and that ram pump that's way off down the hill nearly i'm gonna say close to a thousand feet uh nearly 10 rolls of pipe all the way up here from the pond way off over the hill is bringing this tiny amount of water and that's all it takes guys that's all it takes to slowly fill these stock tanks up and it'll keep these cows watered it's not about volume it's about storage okay it's about moving water and we do have a couple ibc totes so we may end up sticking an ibc tote up here and we'll tee off of this run to the ibc tote and we'll have water storage up here all the time so as long as water is moving water is not freezing this works guys i hope you enjoyed the video the cows have enjoyed the video we're just having a good time out here on the farm there's so much to learn here guys please pound the like button jump in subscribe to the channel anything and everything that i can learn about raising cattle about farming about ranching about homesteading mechanicing any of that stuff we're going to share it here on the stoney ridge farm guys thanks a lot pound the like button hope you enjoyed the video say bye to the cows anybody see y'all take it easy give me a moo can i get a moo tough crowd well come on down [Music] guys this is oh guys this is fat cat fat cat cat kitty you need mousers when you have a farm we've got five cats
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 944,457
Rating: 4.8649368 out of 5
Keywords: chickens, homestead, homesteading, farming, tractor, ram, trucks, stoney ridge farm, stoney ridge farmer, diy, water pump, ram pump, pump, how to, water, three bottle fountain, how to make, science model, free energy, free energy water pump, hydraulic ram pump, water pump without electricity, home made, water fountain, science project, solar, emergency, easy, simple, how to make a, wranglerstar, pump water, cattle, cattle watering systems, cattle waterer installation, cattle water heater
Id: sv3TjKdDhW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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