Free energy water pump | Explain how drum pump work? | Pump without electricity

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hello everyone welcome back to our channel so uh my team today have to install the free energy pump the drum pump for the right field over there because right now is uh in the dry season not right but never ran so it seemed like dry season and what is the obs of that call for our team is the water level is very low it almost dry right now and the level is different about four to five meters from from the river to our right field so my team right now try to do our best to make it work so everyone please continue watching how we do it to make it work so the drum over there to my friend [Music] so now we just made the stem already already so what we're going to do is take the trunk put on here so we will make stand right suck from the for river low water level from the river so my friend just made the stand here to make it steady firm and steady so now we can start to connect the pipe the intake pipe so my friend we can continue the time here install right now okay okay so before we start to install the intake water i want to remind you that this is we have the in waterproof or airproof we made from the rubber here we made from home already this one so make sure everyone if you want to do make sure this is airproof we have the special glue and the rubber and also we have this one is the air proof and rubber as well this one for intake pipe from the river and this one we will make for the air replacement 1b when we input the bottle when we refill the bottle we need to open one and the last flow the output this one at the bottom it says we use 16 millimeter because we want the water hooks down stronger but at the last we use only the same size of the intake water if it's 74 okay so let's see how my friend doing he doing just compile all install all the impact cards and yeah now and i will install for you to see all right so now we start to install the intake water pipe my my friend already already installed this one at the downstairs so what i'm gonna do is use the special glue for the airproof so i use this one all right very special through this one it will be connected and i will remove this one alright i used okay it firm right now and i will install this one for the air replacement the other side here [Music] okay like this way so now run for this so i what i'm gonna do is put the intake tight over here to to the river it's a bit long i think it's a bit hard to to suck up okay come on my friend so one want to make sure we do that we have to use single wireless one because the water will come this way to inside and the water never can go back so make sure everyone put this one all right so i'm going to put it down put it down to the river all right [Music] okay so uh in this case i have to cut the pipe maybe okay i need to connect this intake pipe into here but before i connect it i need my friend and put the water inside here until full my friend justin put the water inside because the water level is very low so i cannot [Music] [Music] okay thank you oh here is the water so make sure it's not wet to make sure the the glue is working well with the dry pipe and i put it here because this is very special this here make sure the air proof is worked okay i connect it [Music] oh great no need hammer so it's done for intake pipe so i'm going to connect the output water pipe downstairs at the ground okay so what we're going to do now we connect the output pi the size is 60 millimeter again and again to make sure everyone know and hey my friend you just connect over there i do here so make sure that it's faster you can help each other to make it faster so i use the special glue inside here and where's the hammer okay sorry use the hammer here all right red okay this is the master one that we can just close if we want to close we don't need any more water we close master wall and the water is make sure in the tank or way full if the water leaking you will need to will be finished from the tank and you need to refill the water again it's very very hard okay my friend help me [Music] okay [Music] okay great so my friend is uh tried to connect all the pie about 50 meter to 70 meter module but very long high 16 millimeter and the last one is only only 434 millimeter for the last pipe to recoil the intake and i put the water equal okay right now we already installed the output pipe and my friend also done process in installation until the in about a hundred meter from here to there and sixty millimeter pipe and i will show you all the connected pipe and my friend starting to refill the water right now so we're going to see the output pipe so actually i use this vertical pipe the empty cloth pipe to make pressure the water and reduce the mobile come back from from output so when the ball come back it will be stopped by here and the air press is just press the the pipe stronger to return back to the output so here i already just uh no my friend not me already put the millimeter here most people just wonder and one asked me the question why i put the intake water 34 millimeter and the output is 60 millimeter wide but i just want to tell you that even this is 60 millimeter but the last one is 34 so it is really equal the intake 34 and the last one is 34 and it's 60 because we want the water pressed heavier than the intake so we put the big pie inside but the last we put only 34 so don't don't worry that the intake is smaller than it's not smaller this is very equal 34 millimeter at the last so let me show you we we're going to in refrigerate the water into the drum and see how it works is it work or not so go together okay now my friend i've refilled the water almost full i think 100 musket already oh i have you okay i hope you're already tired so i will have maybe i hope this one the last basket okay i hope this won the last basket because he refilled he carried 100 baskets already exercise good exercise but i just want to make sure that we do this only the first time and the drum is already worked for you 24 hours seven days a week oh i am lucky this is the the last the last basket so already okay i'm lucky just close it okay i get you back don't need any more go back and what i'm gonna do open the master one here this one okay so it's water goes through over there all right so you stay here with me and i will open the la [Music] so let's see how it works i hope it works actually [Music] the water level is very very far so i hope it works oh i can't hear the sound the the drum is deformed right now that is because of the the output is going through away and the drum is near the air replacement you know when we open the ipod the long time and the heavy water in the pipe if you press the drum over there and the drum is almost deformed over there i can hear the sound the side of the deformed tank because we need the air replacement and i hope it struck up so i'm going to see the intake water pipe this is as my experience it will work if it still continues flowing non-stop but if not well it will it will stop flowing already immediately of no air at the to time how it works [Music] from the output the ball coming and it will stall by this pipe i can hear the ball come back inside here and very bright this one it's like a like balloon now almost exploded okay is it what my friend can i hear the sound i can't hear now it's suck up sucking sucking the water from from intake if you can everyone come to hey boy can you come here come here can you hear the water inside lovely can you can you hear the water dropping oh he can he can hear also everyone can do my friend [Music] you can do it even the water level different about 5 meter but this drum can suck from the river into this one into the right field so it worked right now very happy so the farmer the owner of the right field will be happy also much for watching my video and i hope this is helpful for every farmer who i need to do the same as what we're doing and if you like my content my video please try have to subscribe and like share to your friends as well thank you very much bye bye and if you have any idea please comment down below i will respond to you within 24 hours thank you very much bye
Channel: Learn For ideas
Views: 103,035
Rating: 4.7947092 out of 5
Keywords: diy, creative ideas, creative simple ideas, diy wall decor, how to videos, diy for home, water bottle hacks, new technology inventions, technology and food, technology video, daily life hack, diy water pump, homemade water pump, master diy, free energy water pump for plants - pump water without electricity, aquarium water pump, water the plants, learn for life tutorial, learn for idea, pump without electricity, pump without energy, air pump without electricity
Id: uDOYrv3iakE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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