Nobody Messes with Talking Tom & Friends (Favorite Episodes Compilation)

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Hey, say where’d you get that cool hat? This is a sterile workplace. If one of your loops of fruit contaminates my motherboard, everything will be ruined and I’ll have to start over again. Look, I even put a line on the floor so people know to keep out. Hey, Ben, I forget. Which side of the line am I supposed to be on? Ah, the other side. Yeah that’s probably for the best... I’m pretty sick. There! And one hundred percent germ free! Yeah. And no Hank in sight... Where is Hank anyways? I quarantined him in a secure location. I think you know what I usually do in here... Practice my funny faces in the mirror. But Ben says I gotta stay here until I get better. It’s okay, though, at least I have a TV! Wait a minute... So you just stuck Hank in the bathroom? But he already sneezed everywhere. How do you know his nasty sneeze-germs are gone? This is how! My new GPS app -- the “Germ Positioning System!” It locates every germ in a given area, so I can destroy them. It says there’s one left. What?! Impossible! It can’t be! Newton’s Apple! I missed it! Ben, this is crazy sauce. It’s just one little germ. I can’t get a beat on it! Dude, you’re not gonna get it. It’s too small. Correction, Tom. It was too small. Ha! It worked! Hi, everyone! I’m Jeremy the germ! -Kill it! -Stop! Stay there! Hold still so I can kill you! Oh please, don’t! -Ben stop! -Yeah, don’t hurt him. He’s cute! Yeah, I’m cute! Put ‘er there! Ew, I’m not touching you! You’re a giant infectious bacteria. Nobody touch it! It’s only purpose is to make us sick. We have to kill it. But we can’t kill him now! We know his name! Yeah, Jeremy. You’re soft, Tom. Just don’t infect anyone, and stay away from my stuff. Pretty much the same rules as Tom. Got it?! Roger that, friendo! I promise none of you will end up like Hank. Okay Jeremy, now Ben needs to work, so let’s get out of his way. Yeah, let’s hang out and get to know each other. Huh? Wow, that’s sounds like fun! I love to make new friends. Wait a minute. Hey, Jeremy, can I talk to you for a second? Sure, pal? You mentioned Hank, but no one else did, which means you must have been in contact with him before! Yeah, so? You’re the germ that got Hank sick, aren’t you?! Very good, Ben. Very good. You’ve figured out that a germ got someone sick. Oh no! I certainly hope you haven’t caught on to my plan to infect everyone else. Including you, Ben. You can try to warn them, but they won’t believe you. I’m cute, remember? And you’re a nothin’. Hey guys wait up! I was just thanking my new friend Ben for not crushing me! I don’t know where I've been, I know not to where I’ll zoom. The only thing that I know now is it’s just me and this bathroom. Guys! We have to get rid of Jeremy. I’m serious! He wants to infect us all. That little fella? Come on, Ben. Look, you have to listen to me! Whatever you do, no matter the circumstances, do not eat those-- Sandwiches! I hope you guys like them! It’s my grandma’s special recipe, but I added my own personal touch. These are so good you guys! Oh Jeremy, you’re the best! Yum! I am so glad Ben didn’t kill you before. D’aw, water under the bridge. It was in the heat of the moment, before you all knew how a great I was. But we’re all friends now! Come, on everyone, let’s go play the pinball machine. What? We don’t have a pinball machine. We do now. Jeremy got us one! What a great group. I forgot your sandwich on purpose, Ben. But feel free to eat the leftovers! I’ve got to get the others to see the truth about Jeremy before he gets all of them sick! But how?! He’s so smooth! Well, if he won’t slip up, I’ll just have to slip him up. I’m gonna frame him. I love you, Shampoo. Where have you been all of my life Conditioner? Boy he is silky smooth. That reminds me. I have to wash my hair. Now for the icing on the germ cake. Guys! You’ve got to come see this! And look at that! Look at that! That’s my favorite wall! It says “Germs rule!” The only germ here is Jeremy, so logically, he is the culprit. That’s ridiculous. Jeremy was with us all afternoon singing karaoke. There is no way it could have been him. We don’t have a karaoke machine! We do now. Jeremy bought us one! Where does he get all this money? And look how much fun we’re having. See? He was with us, Ben. So stop trying to get us not to like Jeremy. That’s mega lame. Come on, let’s go chill in the ball pit. Ball pit?! Can’t you see what he’s doing?! A ball pit is the most unsanitary play area known to science! Give it up, Ben. They’ll never believe you. I’ve completely stolen your friends. And pretty soon, they’ll all be sick. And then we’ll see who the real germ is! -Still you? -Ta-ta, Ben. Oops. And that makes... Six thousand four hundred and sixty five lines. Or was that four thousand six hundred and fifty six. Do over! One... Two... Well, my closest friends all love Jeremy. And if he’s their friend, well, I guess that I’ll just have to find a way to get along with him too. That's not going to be easy. This is trash... This is good though. Oh, an orange. Vitamin C ya later! Well hello, Ben. Hey Jeremy. Look, I tried to frame you for making that mess. It was wrong. I apologize. It was, and you do. It's a classic tale of “germ beats person”. Let's say we... Shake on it, friendo. Sure. Hey, are you wearin’ a glove? I guess you could say... I’m a jerem-o-phobe. Hey-- what are you doing?! Who are you bringing to visit me? He looks strangely familiar. Ben, take it easy! We just got off on the wrong foot, that’s all! Give me a chance! I can change! I swear. -In you go! -Noooooo. You’ll get yours, Ben! I swear on my -- augh!!! Watch it you guys, Ben is giving out swirlies. Ben! What just happened? Where’s Jeremy? What did you do to him? Relax Tom, he’s in a better place now. You killed him?! What? No! I flushed him down the toilet, which leads to the sewer. It’s an ideal habitat for a germ. He’ll have plenty of friends down there. No! Jeremy! Now who’s going to chew my gum for me? He was only trying to get you sick! And chew your own gum! Ben, you don’t get to decide who we can be friends with and who gets flushed down the toilet. Yes, that’s right! And another thing -- ah-ah-ah-choo! Gesundheit! Ah-ah-ah-choo! Guys, I don’t feel so good. Yes, me neither. Ah-ah-ah-choo! Ah-ah-ah-choo! I can’t believe we let Jeremy fool us like that! We were so stupid! I know! I’m never taking an open-faced mystery sandwich from a talking bacteria ever again. Sorry we didn’t believe you, Ben. Don’t worry about it. All that matters is that you learned your lesson. And send all the bad germs to the sewer, where they belong. Those fools. They think putting me down here will get rid of me? Well let them. I’ll be back one day. And I won’t be alone! This, m-mmm, is the best cake ever. Where’d it even come from? Don’t overthink it. Yeah, don’t question cake. Do you guys hear a whistling sound? Don’t overthink it. Yeah, don’t question sounds. Who knows what day it is?! Oh no... Please don’t tell me it’s Hank’s birthday... It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday! It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday! It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday... Every year for his birthday, Hank asks for the same thing - he asks us to help him make his very own episode of his all-time favorite show, Bongo and McGillicuddy. And every year we say no! It’s not like we like telling our friend he can’t have what he wants... But there is no way that we’re acting out one of his little scripts on camera. Uh-uh. No. It could ruin our super professional image. Today it’s my birthday, it’s my birthday! It’s my birthday. And that means it’s show time. It is not show time. You can’t make people do things just because it’s your birthday. Yeah, plus we have a ton of deadlines this week. We can’t take an entire day to help you with your little skit. Well sorry... It’s just that ever since I was a little, little boy I just always wanted to make my own episode of Bongo and McGillicuddy… Sorry though... I didn’t mean to take up everyone’s valuable time with my stupid dumb lame little dream... Even though you ate my cake... my birthday cake... - Okay fine, I’ll be in it! - Really ? But I’ll have to move some things around in my schedule so let me just call my agent. Thanks, Angela! Ooh, you can play the grizzled old police chief! How fast can you grow a mustache? Wait, what? Well I guess it is your birthday, and we did eat your cake, so I suppose I could play a minor character. Yes! You can play McGillicuddy! McGillicuddy is Bongo’s orangutan sidekick. And you won’t have many lines cause he’s one of those non-talking orangutans! Actually, Hank, all orangutans are non-talking orangutans cause orangutans can’t talk. Save the jokes for the blooper reel, buddy! You know, I’m actually somewhat of a thespian, so I wouldn’t mind sinking my acting chops into a new project. Hooray! That just leaves... Hmmm. Let me think about it... 3 hours later... Mmm no. I’m good. Oooh... Goodbye Bongo. It’s okay, Hank. I’ll play your lead. I shall be your Bongo. And guess what? I’ll do it better than Tom ever could. Alrighty, then. Excuse me? Oh it’s nothing personal, Tom. It’s just that some of us are, how should I say, more naturally talented at the arts than, how should I say, others of us. I’m saying I’m better than you. I know what you’re saying, Ginger! Hank, I want that part! Oooh - haha - It’s audition time! Wow, that was amazing. I didn’t know Tom knew ballet. There’s a lot you don’t know about Tom. Really? Like what? Well, hmm-hmm, ah. That’s it, actually. Just the ballet thing. Tom is kind of an open book, I guess. Alright, so what’s it gonna be, Hank? Did I get the part? To Tom, or not to Tom? That is the question. Whether it is nobler in the garage to choose the talented actor Ginger, or... Quit it, Ginger! The audition is over! Enough! It’s just too hard to choose. You’re both simply fantastic. Tom, I’m sorry... Sorry I had to use such a cliché misdirection before telling you that you’ve got the part! Yes! Ahh! Are you serious right now? Sorry, Ginger, but Bongo is a hard-boiled street cop who plays by his own rules, and you’re just a kid. So... What? I lost the part because I’m a kid?! Angela is playing an old police chief! Oh, you don’t think a girl can be a police chief? She doesn’t even have a moustache! Thank you for understanding. But you know what I do need - an assistant. A right-hand man! Someone to help me out with all the most important parts of directing a big show. Like bringing me a coffee. And I like a lot of milk, kid. Okay, but I’m going to spit in it. Oh boy, this is going to be fun. Bongo and McGillicuddy - take one. And… Action! Ooo eee ooo eee oo eee ooo ah ah! Cut, cut, cut! I know, right? Ben totally bungled that last line. No! Ben was perfect! When I asked you for coffee, I meant I wanted it today! What are you raising the beans and then milking them yourself? I don’t think Hank knows where coffee comes from. Here is your coffee, sir! That’s disgusting!!! This coffee still tastes like coffee! I told you more milk, more milk, more milk! How about I just bring you a glass of milk? Ginger, I know you’re doing your best, but can you explain something to me? Sure. Why isn’t there a stapler on the chief’s desk?! Have you ever seen a police chief who doesn’t have a stapler on his desk? You know what? Everyone take five! Oh, you are so mean. I didn’t know Hank would be taking this so seriously. The question is, why aren’t you taking it more seriously?! Break’s over, let’s take it from the top. And get it right this time! Amateurs! Lights... Camera... Action! That’s it! Bongo, McGillicuddy, in my office now! Ee oo aa! This is the last straw! You are done in this department! Turn in your badges! Ee aoo?! Come on, Chief! Be reasonable! Ooo ooo eee oo eee ooo ah ah ah! McGillicuddy is right! Doctor Jerk Face was a bad guy! Remember what he did in season one, episode sixteen? Eee eee oo ah, ah eee ee ooo ah! Yeah, that was really messed up. He got what he deserved! You karate kicked him into a volcano, Bongo! That’s not protocol! A lot of things aren’t protocol! Ah ooo ooo ahh eee ooo I am aa ee eee! You watch your language when you’re talking to me, McGillicuddy. Badges. Now. Eee oo aaaee?! You know what, chief? Fine. Did I karate kick a bad guy into a volcano? Yes. Did it look wicked cool? Guilty. But do I regret it? Not for a second. So you can take our badges. You can take our uniforms. You can even take our cool car with the lights on top that go woo-hoo! But there’s one thing you can never take, Chief. Our liberty! Yeah - oh I mean - ooeh! Aaaand cut! Okay. That was interesting. Now does anybody want to tell me what went wrong with that scene? I thought it was pretty good. Well, I know I nailed it. What about you, Ben? I don’t know. You don’t know? You mean like you don’t know your lines? You said... “Ah ooo ooo ahh eee ooo aha ee eee!” Yeah? What does the script say? Ah ooo ooo ahh eee ooo aha oo ooo! Exactly! You dropped that “oo”. You ruined the scene! I thought we were making fan fiction. I wasn’t aware we were making garbage! Thanks for ruining my birthday! Now I’m glad I ate his cake. Oh no, I’ve made a huge mistake. This was supposed to be fun, but I took things too far. I made it a chore! I made everyone feel bad! And that’s the worst part. Wow... I learn so much from Bongo and McGillicuddy. This is just like that episode of Bongo and McGillicuddy where Bongo had to watch his favorite TV show to realize he made a mistake. Bongo took something that was supposed to be fun and turned it into a chore. And that’s just what I did. Now I have to do what Bongo did. Make it right. ...And so in my own small Bongo-ish way, I stand here before you, hoping to make things right. Well, lesson learned. You know, some people are TV makers, and some people are TV watchers. Classic Tom! Always with the jokes. Okay, catch you guys later. Where are you going? I’m going to go get started on next year’s script. But first, I’m gonna eat a piece of my birthday. - Wow! - Oh! Happy Birthday! Oh man, this is the most exciting game of “Home Improvers” ever. What should I do, what should I do? What? You should take your turn. Actually, you should have taken your turn 20 minutes ago... Seriously, Hank. Either pick a card or drop a nail in the bucket. Uh. Yes! I get to put a roof on my gazebo! Now do I go oxidized copper or straw? Hmm... what will I do? Will you go already?! Incoming! Watch the gazebo, gazebro. Since when do you play tennis? My parents said I have too much energy so they signed me up for the eight-and-under championship. Where is my ball? Hey, not cool! Ginger! You destroyed Tom’s above-ground pool! Sorry, not sorry! Oh no! Looks like I’m out. But tell you what, I’ll go play tennis with Ginger so you guys can just finish this game without any more interruptions, okay? No, no... I insist. Darn it! This game cheats! Whoa, take it easy, Ginger. I can’t take it easy! I want to win the eight-and-under tournament! Ginger, do you know why I always win at everything I do? Because you cheat? Yes, because I...what...wait, no, no, it’s because I always make sure, no matter what, to take a moment to smile and enjoy myself. Home run! It’s outta here! Hey, someone want to tell me what’s going on here? Uh. I am helping Ginger prep for a tennis tournament. Wrong! What you’re doing is called goofing around! We’re just having fun! Fun? Youth tennis tournaments aren’t about having fun, Tom... I learned that the hard way... Who are you looking at? Shh, Flashback. What’s a flashback? Shh! Time for the eight-and- under final, y’all! Angela Who-hoo, let’s hear it for tennis! versus Tatiana! This should be all that and a bag of chips. And no matter what happens, you can’t say Angela didn’t have fun! Hi everyone, guess what, I thought of a tennis song! Over the net / Into the square / Over the rainbow / And into your heart/ Tennis is a gaaaaame for fuuuun! Yeah! Alright! Woohoo! I fifteen love this crowd! Ow! That’s game, set, match, Tatiana, everyone. But wait, I’m still doing my song you guys. Congrizz-natulations, Tatiana!... Instead of a trophy, we got you... a magical pegasus pony! Come fly with me, Tatiana. You shall be our queen. Oh, by the way, he talks! Talking...Unicorn... Tatiana grew up to become queen of the enchanted land of ponies. All because I wasn’t focused on winning. Oh, come on. None of that happened! Oh, really, then how do you explain this? Ever since that day I lost, not one thing has gone right for me... Ginger, Aloha! Darren! You’re practicing for the eight-and-unders? I don’t even know why you’d bother. Everyone knows I’m going to win! Get out of here, Darren! Oh, I’ll go. I’ll go back to my castle-mansion that has 50 tennis courts. Nice shot! Ginger, you have got to beat that brat. Winning... No he doesn’t. Yes, Darren’s obnoxious. But who cares if Ginger beats him? He’s playing in an eight- and under tennis tournament. All that matters is that he has fun. But - No! Fun never got anyone anywhere! Oh yeah? Why do you think I always come up with incredible inventions? Why do you think everyone loves me? Why do you think people see me and say, “Man, I wish I was that guy!” Because I always have FUN. F-U-N. Fun. Ginger, I am going to coach you. It’s gonna be hard, and it’s gonna hurt, and you are going to wish you never picked up a tennis racquet! But it will all be worth it in the end... when you win! Well, I’m also going to coach you. And I’m gonna make sure Angela’s issues don’t stand in the way of you enjoying yourself! Umm, does anyone care what I think? No! One-two-three-four! Oh, come on! It’s been two hours! Just make your move! Hold on, Ben. Don’t rush me. I’m still deciding... Should I varnish the deck, or repaint the porch? What’s the difference between a porch and a deck anyway? I think a porch is the one that has the -- Just do something! Tom, you know what, you couldn’t be more wrong, okay?! Yes, I could... if I was you! Where have you guys been? Hank still hasn’t taken his turn! Make him take his turn! Focus, Hank. Competition is important. You owe it to yourself to do everything possible to win... Hmm... Don’t listen to her, buddy. Do whatever you want. Just smile and enjoy the playing of the game! Focus, enjoy the game, whatever! Just go already! Oh, so you think Hank should just waltz through the game, never trying, never caring? And you think Hank should be so focused on winning at all costs that he can’t appreciate a single second of his favorite home- renovation-themed board game? Yep, and he’s gonna win! Maybe he will, maybe he won’t... but while he’s playing, he’s going to be having a good time! You know, Ginger, what they’re saying could probably apply to your tennis tournament, too. Would you take your turn! THE NEXT DAY Just go! Hold on. This is the last move of the game, the one that’s gonna finally end it... and that move is - this! No way, that! No. Uhu! Oh-oh. Yep. No. I didn’t take my hand off the piece. Before you don’t take your hand off it... That’s it, I quit! You can’t quit! Wiggity-welcome to the youth tennis final! It’s Ginger versus Darren! Aloha! Listen up, listen up, listen up. There are two things that I know fo-sho! Number one, eight-and-under tennis is cool! -- number two, MCing eight-and-under tennis tournaments for 12 years isn’t depressing at all! Ginger, now remember: Don’t worry about the outcome. Just smile and have a good time. Right... What? No. Ignore him, Ginger! No mercy! Okay! Hey, Ginger! Is Angela really your coach? Uh, I guess... Ha! Everyone knows she lost this tournament when she was a child! If she’s your coach, you might as well forfeit! Hey! Watch your mouth, kid! Alright, Angela’s a great coach -- she’s sweet, she’s talented, she’s the single most caring person I’ve ever met and she’s got amazing eyes. Oh... Eye-eye-eye-eye great eye...sight. What I’m saying is, uh, Angela only wants what’s best for uh, for Ginger... here. Right? No, Tom. I’ve been completely selfish. I’ve been trying to live through Ginger, and that’s not fair to him or to me... You know what, Ginger... have fun! You’re a loser, your coach is a loser, and that guy who’s secretly in love with your coach is a loser! What? What the what now? Oh, forget what I told you before. You gotta beat this kid. 4½ MINUTES LATER... Fourteen-love. In my face! Game, set, match! Darren! Ha! In your face, Ginger! I’m Darren, I’m unstoppable, I’m the best at tennis. Hey buddy, at least you had fun. That did not look like it was fun for Ginger! Good game, Darren. Hey, you know what? You made it to the finals. Yeah. Seriously, that is a huge accomplishment. I mean, who cares about some stupid tennis prize? -- I do. Congratulations, Darren! Instead of a trophy, we got you... a ticket to the International Space Station! Sweet! The International Space Station! Are you serious? International Space Station - what’s so fun about that? Hey, and just for you, we’ve filled the space station with candy, fireworks and waterslides in zero gravity. Whoa! That sounds amazing! Look out space station, here comes Darren. Jet pack engage. Okay, I’ve made my decision. Yes! And I’m going crown molding, for the win! Ahh!!! Huh. Guess we’ll have to start over... What?! Ahh!!! You guys, I have done it! I found the piece that the room was missing! Behold! Wowwwwwwww. Nice feng shui, for once. I know, right? Putting a lamp next to the TV really ties everything together. Hank. We’ve had our differences. We have? But none of that matters now. What you’ve done here today... this is something really great. And I want you to know that. Fist bump. Oh! A fist bump?! I don’t deserve it. Yes you do, Hank. And no one can take that away from you. Hello? The door was closed so I opened it without knocking and let myself in. I present to ye... the Landlord! Do not do that. Whatever thou sayest, my lord. Look, Landlord, there’s no law against paying rent in free haircut punch-cards. They’re are as good as money... at the barbershop. Do not worry, I’m not here to evict you. I’m just here to kick you out. Ah, he’s just kicking us out. Wait a minute, that’s a synonym! - You can’t hoodwink us, Landlord! - Listen, I need you guys out, but just for one week, while I make few repairs. It turns out there’s a minor volcano bubbling underneath the place. Suddenly city is like, “You can’t let your garage sink into lava again.” Again? Everything will be a-okay cool. Hunky dory. Whoa! We’ll have two hamburgers, chef’s preference, a cheesy malt shake, and... a couple of sleeping bags with a toothbrush. What about a BluJack Wifi port. Or an orchid. Wait a minute. You aren’t just trying to order lunch. You’re trying to order living here! What? Yeah, we are. We’re homeless. Well, technically I have a home, but I have no place to do my work. Uh-hu. Can’t help you. But if you decide you want a side salad or a shepherd’s pie… then I can help you. Well, wait! But I do want the shepherd’s pie. And she’s gone. Hey, guys! Oh, wait, you look sad. Hey, guys. What’s wrong? Our garage-slash-studio got eaten up by a volcano. Oh, no! Guys, that’s such a bummer. Side hug? I’m gonna send this side hug back Angela, it’s not gonna help. Uh, actually... As a garaged person, there is no way you can know the struggle of us, the garage-less. Having to get by without walls, and a ceiling, and space for friends to crash for a while. Wait a minute. Those are all things I have! You guys can come stay with me! Come on! Really? Sounds good. That sounds like an optimal plan. You shall be our new landlord, m’lady. Okay, that’s weird. Yeah. Wow, this is gonna be great! I’m gonna be with Angela all day and all night. Oh, wait a minute. I’m gonna be with Angela all day and all night! This is gonna be terrible! What if I blow it? What if the guys blow it? Heyyyy, place looks great! Girl stuff! And it’s even nicer when you can see it! These walls? Oh! Sturdy. So anyways, make yourselves at home. Feel free to watch TV. Or sit in a cool chair. Or look in any of the mirrors. We used to have a mirror... Back in the garage. It’ll be all right, Hank. For the next week, this can be our garage. Whoa. Hold on. I’m sorry you had to hear that, Angela. We are not going to treat this place like the garage. This is Angela’s home. And we are just guests. Hey! And we do not touch any tiny horse statues. This thing probably has a lot of value to a collector of fine art like Angela. Actually, that was just here when I moved in. See? It’s been here since she moved in! And it’s fragile. So no tossing it like a ball, or sticking it in your nose, or kicking it to see if it breaks. Be respectful. Okay, that was weird. I’ll go get your sleeping bags. Way to go, guys. You made it weird. Angela, wait up, I can help! Tom’s acting like this cause he likes Angela. There’s no way we’re gonna make it through a week of this. Let’s go everybody, it’s time to dance. Let’s go everybody, and shake your... pants? No. Hmm. Shake your butts? Oh, that’s crude. Psst! Angela! Agh! You scared me. What is it, Tom? I just wanted to say, this is going pretty well, right? I mean we’re all having fun. Sure, Tom. We’re all having fun. Cooooooool. Yep. Cool. Hm. Shake your fingers? No. That makes no sense. Oh, Angela! Agh! So, I just realized I might have annoyed you by interrupting you while you were writing. It’s okay, Tom. It was fine. Okay, cool. So, even though I did that, this is still fun. It’s not that it was fun until I asked about it, and now it’s not, right? Yes. It’s fine. Cooooooooool. Goodnight, Tom. Okay, alright. Finally. Angela! What, Tom? Just now when I asked if things were fun, you said things were fine. So, is that just a word choice, or are you saying things aren’t fun anymore? You know, Tom, I actually am getting a little annoyed now. I knew it. That’s it. Everybody up! Emergency house meeting! I think I handled that pretty well. Hey guys, I was thinking tonight we could do a… Where’s the girl stuff?! Do you like what I’ve done with the place? I wanted to make sure that nobody breaks any of your stuff. So I boxed it up. So now it will be safe! And what is that? So that’s where they went. He threatened to kick my computer! I could’ve escaped but I wanted to see how this played out. Okay, Tom. It’s time to put the box down and take a break. You’ll have to pry this out of my Gimme, gimme gimme that! Nooooooooo! I can fix this. I just need something to glue the pieces together... Ha! Of course. Muddy boots! Let the sticky boot mud work its magic. Okay! That’s it! Emergency house meeting! Tom, this is not easy to say to someone I consider such a good friend… But, I think I speak for everyone when I say... you have to find somewhere else to stay while your garage is being fixed. Great, Ben. You got us kicked out. No, Tom. Not Ben. Just... you. House vote? Yes. Affirmative. Yeah. - Um. Pass. - Yes! And I say yes. Sorry, Tom. Oh. I see. Well. I guess I’ll just be going, then. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the perfect roommate, Angela. So, I heard it might rain later today. Yep… But then again, it might not. Yep. True. True. Might not… Yep... you never know… It’s kind of boring here without Tom acting crazy. Well, yeah. Tom always makes something fun happen. That’s what’s great about having him around. Hey, you did what you had to do! Tom broke your horse! Though, that was pretty great. And he stomped mud all over the floor - those were good times. Oh man, I miss him. Angela, we have to get Tom back. Yeah. Yeah, you’re right, Ginger. Come on, everybody! Yeah! Let’s go get Tom. What? I do my best work when I’m being interrupted by Tom. Wow. Tom! Come out of there, it’s not safe! It’s fine... I’ll live here for the rest of the week, it’ll be just like that game. Freeze tag? Ha? I think he means the “watch out the floor is made of lava now” game. Oh, right. Sorry, my mind isn’t on games right now. Tom, I have something to tell you! Okay, hold on. Careful. On your left. Watch out. I know, I’m the worst roommate. I deserve to live above a volcano. No, that’s not it. I have to tell you that it was really sweet that you tried so hard to make rooming together fun. It was? I mean. It was. You really cared that I was happy. In a weird way, that kind of makes you the perfect roommate. Well, I guess I wanted to impress you because, you know, I like... Rrrrrrrr! Whoa, hey, lava burp! Cover your mouth, lava! Gross! Yeah, nasty! - Yeah… - Anyway. Side hug? Yeah, okay. Doot doo-doo DOO! I told you knock off it! And so I shall, your lordship. For now… I tell you, you can’t be in here until the end of the week! I’m still working on the place. Don’t worry, Tom’s Landlord. For the rest of this week, he’s staying with me. Come on, you two! Get out of there. We’re coming, Ben! Here we come! That’s it, Tom...! Watch the stream on your left... One more leap. Last one. Now! Welcome home, Tom. Nothing bring people together like lava.
Channel: Talking Tom & Friends
Views: 18,934,937
Rating: 4.3276353 out of 5
Keywords: Talking Tom and Friends, Talking Friends, Talking Tom, Outfit 7, Talking Angela, Talking Hank, Talking Ben, Talking Ginger, animated series, Talking Animals, Funny Cat, compilation, best episodes
Id: tfL-qEFMjTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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