Talking Tom & Friends - Attraction Distraction (Top 5)

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Angela, you should have seen me at the paper airplane throwing contest. My throw was perfect. My release, just right. Wow, so you won, then? Woo-hoo! Well, I got eighth place. Still top ten though. Oh - okay! There was a horrible headwind… But I will not bore you with the details. Is that what I think it is? Ooh! Move over! Ow, you almost squashed me! Quick, give me the remote! My powers. They’re gone. He’s back! That’s right, ladies. I’m back. Who’s back? Who? Tanner von Quads! Oh, that’s greeeat! Nobody talks! Do a triple spin double bicep flex! That triple spin double bicep flex was for you. Thank you. Mac Thunder and his crew have gone way too far this time! This dance park belongs to us. Dance battle! Dance battle! Dance battle! Let’s dance battle for this park. Woo-hoo ! Tanner Von Quads is back. “Get Down Two: The Uprising”. Coming soon to a theater near you. So soon, so near you. Finally! Finally! Finally! I have been waiting for “Get Down Two: The Uprising” for like two years! You can tell that the plot is the exact same as the first “Get Down” movie, right? Uhm. Not true. In the first one they were trying to save a Dance Park. But in this one, they have to let the Dance Park save them. Totally different! Some guy named Ruby is calling you. Who’s Ruby? Ruby’s my friend! And she’s not a guy. I have friends who are girls, you know. -- Hello? - Hey, it’s me, Ruby. - I know. - Did you see it? - The trailer? Yeah, the trailer. I mean it was a-mazing. Un-believable. Isn’t Tanner Von Quads totally perfect? Oh, like unbelievably perfectly perfect, perfect, perfect! Let’s stalk him. I’m already on it. I’m in love. It appears you have an expression of sadness on your face. How am I supposed to compete with Tanner Von Quads? Oh, that? Tom, relax. He’s not even real. It’s just a movie. Just a movie? Angel - I mean, girls love him! No one calls their friends when I walk into a room. Why don’t you try to be the perfect guy, just like Tanner? Thanks, Ginger. I wish there was a way to do that, but there isn’t. Haven’t you ever heard of Ideal Guy Headquarters? Ideal Guy Headquarters? It’s an exclusive website with all the stuff you need to know to become a perfect guy. Uh. Did you hear that? Maybe there’s someone you want to impress. All the answers to your problems are right here in my hand. This website could make me the perfect guy? Tom, the only things that are perfect are numbers, and you don’t look like a 6, a 28, a 496, or any other perfect number to me. Ben, I don’t know what girls are looking for but I’m pretty sure it’s not whatever math thing you just said. Oh. “The right sunglasses for any time of day.” There are different kinds of glasses for different times of days? I didn’t know this. “Ten new push-ups you’ve never seen before.” You know, sometimes I feel like they don’t want us to know about all the push-ups. “How to do everything better and faster.” Okay, this is awesome! Pretty soon Angela is gonna love you even more than she loves that Tanner guy! What? Angela? That is not why I’m going to read this! Tom, we know that’s why you... Uh-uh, uh-uh, That’s not why! Hey, Man! - Oh, that’s me - Welcome to Ideal Guy Headquarters. Click here to order your Perfect Guy Starter Kit. Begin your new life as an irresistible dude! Oh, you’re gonna be way cooler than that Tanner guy! I will be cooler than Tanner. And my starter kit will be here tomorrow. Huh ! I mean, it’s here! It’s... beautiful. I mean - whatever. A little spray. What do you think? Is it working? Tom, you put on a scarf, a bracelet and cologne. How could that possibly change how people react to you? How about now? - huh? Wow ! What is that smell? It’s so handsome. Hey, cool glasses! I know. Well, Angela, you may be interested to know that it just so happens that - No way! Ruby just got us tickets to the premiere of “Get Down Two: The Uprising!” Oh-lala, premiere is French for “you get to see the movie before anyone else” I know because I used to live in French. You should sit in the front row so the movie hits your eyes first! Yes! Tanner Von Quads will be right in front of us on the big screen! Well right, yeah, but it’s not like he’ll actually be there. Whereas right now, in front of you, there is a guy who - What?! Tanner will be there?! And he’s signing autographs?! Oh come o... I mean totally cool, totally cool. The starter kit was a good start but it’s not enough. I have to get another kit or do something. Or else you think you’ll lose Angela forever... No! That is not what I said! This is not why I’m doing this! Hank, log on to Ideal Guy Headquarters. It’s time to get perfect-er. The perfect guy works out every day. And drinks giant protein shakes when he’s done. He should never ever be without his signature shades. A perfect guy is like a shape shifter. When necessary, he can assume the perfect body. Totally. And of course, every perfect guy has an arsenal of dance moves ready for use at any moment. So hot. You guys want anything else, or what? I mean, is there anything else I can get you? I mean anything else at all? Everything’s perfect... Rhonda. Gee, thanks... I mean, I don’t usually say things like this but - uhm - you smell real good... I smell... ideal. You know what? Dessert’s on me today. Did you see that? Free dessert! I mean if this works on Rhonda, this will work on anyone. Definitely! I’ll be at that premiere tomorrow and I’ll show Tanner Von Quads that he is no longer the most perfect guy around! I am! I see him! Me too! Me too! He’s glowing with handsomeness! I think we just made eye contact! No way! Are you guys like in love now? Yeah. I think so! Is that... Tom? Do you know that guy? TVQ. What’s up man. You might not know me, but I know you. Oh, hey man. Nice shades. TVQ. Stay beautiful. I’ll do the same. Hey man. You’ve been the most perfect guy around for a long time, but I have news for you. There’s a new lady’s man in town. And you are looking at him. Because he’s talking to you. I’m talking to you. I’m talking about me. But I’m talking to you. Listen, I’m just doing my thing, man. Oh yeah? Well, now I’m doing my thing. Hank, the music, where’s the music, Hank? Sorry, sorry, so sorry. Oh no. System failure. Handsomeness fading. Shutting down. Trippple spinnn double bicep fleeeexxxx... Boop! Nooooooo! TVQ 5000. Tanner Von Quads was a… robot? Wow. Plot twist. I’m confused and heartbroken! I’m just confused. He’s broken. Broken forever! Pff... Robos... Hey! That’s the guy that broke Tanner Von Quads! Get him! What? I didn’t know. When being chased by an angry mob the perfect guy always uses a helmet. Thanks! You sure were fast, but those girls were faster. Then they caught you and started punching you and kicking you. Anyway, you were there. Ha, sounds like you were perfect out there. Oh, I’m sorry I ruined your night and broke someone that you loved very much. Tom, I didn’t really love Tanner Von Quads. I loved the characters he played in his movies. The handsome, chiseled, manly... Well, at least now we know that no real person could actually be as perfect as Tanner Von Quads. I wish I knew that before I bought all these sunglasses. Why don’t you donate them to this charity for economically challenged cool guys? Charity is good. And Tom, I do think you’re perfect. The most perfect friend in the world! Side-hug? Come here, buddy. I’m going to paint giant flames on my rocket because one time I had shoes with flames on them and I was the best runner at school that day. Yeah, decorative flames are cool I guess, but the real secret to winning is... Fins. Plenty of extra fins. Fins...? Are you sure? Pretty sure. At least that’s what I always notice whenever I look at my first place rocket, or my other first place rocket, or my dad’s first place rocket or my grandfather’s first place rocket... Wow... Hank, can you help me win the Wooden Rocket Blastoff? Well yes, Ginger, I suppose I could help you win. But, remember, winning the Blastoff takes teamwork, expensive power tools, and total focus if you wanna - What. Is. That? This sundae is called “All Or Nothing.” If you can eat it all, it’s free. If you can’t, it’s five hundred bucks. Uh-huh. I heard free sundae. I’ll take it! Are you sure? Rhonda, please. I’ve never had trouble finishing a dessert in my life. It’s your stomachache. Attention, everyone. We got a challenger here for the “All Or Nothing”. Huh, challenge, yeah, right. This will be easy-peasy icy-creamsy. Whoa. What kind of ice cream is this? It’s made from a special super-condensed milk. That’s rich. Alright, I’m full. Thank you for dining with us today. Your total will be... um… five hundred bucks. Five hundred? Here’s the thing. I don’t have that much money with me, or in the bank... Then, here’s the thing, you’re the new dishwasher. Take your sponge. Name it. Love it. And learn how to use it. Wait. Did I just get a job? I don’t want a job, how did I get a job? The last dishwasher quit and this is way easier than hiring a replacement. But what about building my rocket? We’ll start as soon as I get home from my job. Which I’m just starting. Which I’m not sure how I got. Oh, that’s sweet. Now get to work. Wow, Ginger, that’s a really cool design. Um, but isn’t that too many fins? Or maybe it’s not enough fins. I don’t know. When’s Hank getting home? That’s weird. He should’ve been home by now. Huh! Um, hmm. With Hank gone, and his spot available, it’s actually possible to select a TV program. I can’t even remember the last time I actually held a remote control. Well turn it on. Bongo and McGillicuddy. I’m not watching this stupid show... Come on, Ben. Give it a chance. It’s funny. Sure, why not! It will be interesting to study the lowbrow comedy that amuses Hank. Okay, McGillicuddy, today’s the day we finally arrest those no-good banana thieves. Eee! Ooo! No, you can’t eat the evidence! Oh! Cuddy. An orangutang working on a banana crime? The comedy possibilities are infinite. It practically writes itself. Hello everybody. Hank! Finally! Look at my design. Yeah, that’s great. Hank, look. Look! Hank! You are not looking! Haaank! Hank, have you been washing dishes this whole time? Yeah, look, my fingers are all pruney, I’m exhausted... Hank. Okay, good enough. Get up! We have to make my rocket! Oh, we will. Just give me one second to... Hank! Wake up! Hank...? Oh yeah! Uh... Yeah! Rhonda, I think I’ll head home early today. Okay? Oh no, you won’t. Oh I have to. I promised Ginger I’d help him build a rocket. The dishwasher can’t leave until all the dishes are washed. But I did wash all the... Back to work. Eee oo aah ooo ooo! Why am I upset? Eeah! Because a giant rubber mallet is not authorized police equipment! Ooo oo aah oo eee! McGillicuddy, you are a piece of work. Bongo... Tom, I’m laughing because their working relationship is like a comedic exaggeration of ours! Yeah, I know! I’m totally McGillicuddy, and you’re totally Bongo. Totally! Okay, I admit it. I had the wrong idea about this show. It’s fun, relatable, quality entertainment. Hey, Hank! Have you seen this episode of Bongo and McGillicuddy with the giant rubber mallet? Can I have one minute to myself before you bombard me with a million questions? Is that so much to ask? Oh, yeah, whatever you want, Hank. Look at this place. What did you guys even do all day? You know, this and that. Watched some TV, took a nap... Watched some more TV. Took a longer nap. Well, it must be nice... I wash dishes all day, and now I come home and I get to wash more dishes. It’s like three dishes. I’ll do it. No, you’ll do it wrong and then I’ll need to fix it. Just forget it. Ha ha, alright. Hank, The Wooden Rocket Blastoff is tomorrow. We have to make a rocket now. Rockets don’t get the dishes clean, Ginger. All you ever do is wash dishes. That’s it. Go to your room! You’ve got it too easy, that’s your problem. I don’t even live here. No back-talk! Okay, let’s go, Ginger. Hank’s had a very, very long day. Look at what you’re doing to this house. You’re not the man I decided to occasionally hang out with... Oh... I’ve never seen Hank so grumpy. If you say so, Tom. Hank, we need to talk. I’m sorry, Tom, I’m going to have to reschedge. I have these quarterly dish soap reports to fill out by tomorrow. No, we need to talk now. Oh, here we go... Since you took this job, it’s like you don’t have any time to spend with the people you care about. Like us. Listen, I am under enough pressure at work without you two piling on. Hank, there’s always going to be dishes that need cleaning. But there’s never going be another chance to help Ginger win the Wooden Rocket Blastoff. Maybe you’re right. You know what, I’m gonna... It’s work. I gotta take this. Yep, go for Hank. Well, the dishes aren’t gonna dry themselves… You know what, get the towels on the phone and tell them it is my way or the highway! What are we gonna do? This job is really bad for Hank... Yeah. And it's upset the delicate balance of our workplace. So... How can we get him to remember what’s really important? I think I have an idea. Blastoff. I think you missed a spot. Hey, Tom. Let me get you a menu. Table for one? No, we’re just going to get a quick bite then give Ginger’s rocket a test launch. You know, before we go to the big Blastoff. The rocket’s built, huh? Yeah, come on, I’ll show it to you. Hey, Ginger. You built a rocket all by yourself? Let’s see it. She helped me. What do you think? It’s not a... It’s more of a... It’s not that it’s, it’s just uh, how do I say this... What? Spit it out. Well, first of all it’s very pink! Pink is the slowest color in the rainbow. Everybody knows that. And look at the base. What about it? Is there some kind of fin shortage that I’m not aware of? Oh, it needs fins? Yes, it needs fins! Can you fix it, Hank? I don’t know, but we have to try something. Hank, get over here. This totally solidified oatmeal is not gonna scrape itself from this bowl! I’m sorry, Ginger. If I don’t clean that oatmeal, I’ll have to soak it overnight... This is just like that episode of Bongo and McGillicuddy where Bongo got a second job selling pretzels at the mall. Then, when McGillicuddy needed help preparing for the dune buggy race - Bongo realized it doesn’t matter how many mall pretzels you sell if you don’t have time to race a dune buggy with your best friend. What am I doing here? You’re taking these dishes to the kitchen. Rhonda, there are some things in life that are more important than clean dishes. Yeah. Almost everything is more important than clean dishes. Now hurry up and clean these dishes! Sorry, Rhonda. Ginger and I are going to the Wooden Rocket Blastoff. What are you saying? I’m saying I quit. Yay, everyone, woohoo! We have some un-fin-ished business! Meaning it needs way more fins. Incoming! Here is my apron and my sponge. Never liked you anyway. Yeah, lets get out of here. Yeah, let’s go! Let’s focus on winning the Blastoff. This looks interesting! No more distractions. What. Is. That? (ominous music) - I'll bet one tortellini and one teaspoon to start. - Mhm I think Tom's kettle is too spicy for me. I am out. - Oh Tom's on a roll, I'm out too. - Oh! You're playing Noodle Spoons . I wanna play! - Sorry Ginger you're too young for this game. (cat gasps) - Ben raises it two spoons. - You have two burnt noodles showing, Tom. To win, you need at least a wild fettuccine in your kettle. The odds of that are 300 to one. - Ha ha I'm not playing the odds, I'm playing you. - [Angela] Looks like Ben's going all in too. - Oh, I can't do it! - Ben folds! Noodle Spoons goin' to Tom. (Tom sings) (light music) - Show me what you had, Tom. I have to know. - Eh, you were right. I was bluffing. - Ah (screams)! - I knew it! I didn't know it. (Hank imitates a horn) - All hail the lord of the land, the land-- - Silence! I warned you once about being loud. Nothing. I warned you twice then nothing. Do you know what happens now? - Uh, third times the charm, right? - You're all evicted. - [Everyone] Huh (gasps)! (bright music) - I beg of thee. Do not cast us from your lands, your landlordship. - We were playing Noodle Spoons and we got carried away. We're sorry. - Hm, Noodle Spoons. What a novel game. I've never heard of it. - Never played Noodle Spoons! Oh man, sit down. - It looks fun, is it fun? - You gotta let me show you how fun this is. Okay, boil me in. (harmonica music) - [Angela] Well, the landlord's triple linguine beats Tom's pair of ramen noodles. - Ha ha, you won. Again. Geh I can't believe it. - This is a fun game. Teaching me this fun game. How 'bout we say you no longer evicted. - [Everyone] Yeah! - Everyone friends again. - Thank thee your landlordship. - Look at all these noodles and these spoons. Too bad we weren't playing for something more valuable, aye? - We could do that. If you want. - Oh no, what do you suggest? - How about this? If I win this next game, we get free rent for one month. Huh? - Okay. And if I win, I get to be CEO of your company for a month. - Huh, what? - All I heard was okay. Let's do this. (harmonica music) - Oh goodness. Molly me. I should have quit when I had the chance. I never even heard of this. - Gentlemen, your final noodle. Okay Tom, show us your noodles. Woah, pretty impressive. Tom has a full pot. Linguine high and macaroni on the shelf. Gonna be tough to beat that. - All the same color, all the same size. No one wants that. Right? [Both] Huh (gasp)? - No. - No! You have a spinach noodle flush. - Spinach noodle flush? - You win. - I win this game? No, ah that means I am your CEO for a month (laughs). Weep them and read it. - No, no, no, no. This is not happening. We're playing again. - Don't do this Tom. - Ben's right. You should quit. You're not on a roll anymore. - It's up to the players to decide if they want to quit and I don't. One more game. - Sure this is fun. Yeah, but I pick the bet. If you win, everything is back to normal but if I win, I get to be the CEO of Tom and Ben Enterprises forever. (ominous piano music) - What? - Huh! - Yeah whatever. It's a deal. - It's a deal! Tom, what are you thinking-- - Silence! (mysterious guitar music) - A lasagna straight. See Ben I told you I know what I'm doing. Ha! - And the landlord, also has a lasagna straight. But wait, it's gluten free. The landlord wins! - Oh come on. - Oh! - Oh, and you know that means. Landlord is now your new boss. New boss (echoes). Weep them and read it. Company meeting outside, five minutes. Do not be late. - Man talk about beginner's luck. - Beginner, yeah right. I am no beginner. No sir dippy dandy. I wrote the book on how to be a Noodle Spoon hustler. - Soon to be a major motion picture. Hey can I borrow that? (Angela sighs) - The landlord wrote the book on Noodle Spoons. I wonder why he never said anything. - Because he was hustling you. So obvious. - [Everyone] Huh! - These are for cleaning Mr. Genius. 'Cause we're a cleaning company now (laughs). Do you understand this? - Uh I don't actually work for the company so good luck with ehm everything. Bye! (piano music) (squeaking) (spider screams) - Ah, achoo. Oh. - A long dart. Long dart! - Duck and cover! - [Ginger] I found my dad's old long dart! Come on down so we can play with them! - Cool! I'll be right down. - Sorry Ginger, we can't play long darts until we finish all our cleaning assignments. - What? (soft piano music) But but but-- - Nope. (door slams) - What took so long? - We need a break. - Oh yeah? You know what I need? I need workers who don't complain about a little hard work. - What have you done with my computer? - I removed all this say useless clutter. - Useless clutter! I see it. It's in there. Give me back my computer now! - You will get one hour of computer time, maybe (laughs). (door slams) - What do you want? - I want my friends back! Which means you have to quit as CEO of Tom and Ben Enterprises. Now! - Oh, I see. Tell you what. Landlord has better idea. - Woah, erh. - (Laughs) What the hey. - You don't know me that well, so I'll just tell you. When I'm bored I get into mischief. And as long as your CEO, I'm going to be very bored. - Okay small annoying one. Let's work something out. I will give you a chance to take my place as CEO if you can win it from me. - Fine. How 'bout a game of Floppy Tom? - What you think I was born in this morning? Come on now. You are Floppy Tom expert. Pick another game. Alright, what about Noodle Spoons? - Noodle Spoons? Let's boil the kettle. (harmonica music) - What is going on here? - Noodle Spoons, one game only. If the landlord wins, Ginger can never step foot in this building again. But if Ginger wins, then-- - Then I am the new CEO of Tom and Ben Enterprises. - Yeah that. - Ginger, a CEO? That would be even worse. No matter who wins, we lose. - Ginger what are you thinking? Even Tom couldn't beat the landlord at Noodle Spoons. - Don't worry Hank. I never enter a Noodle Spoons battle unless I know the outcome. - Oh, a line from my book (laughs). So you know how to read, huh? (epic music) - Time to say goodbye to this garage forever (laughs). (epic music) (landlord laughs) (bell sounds) - Okay here is the key to my protection cage. - If you thought that landlord was tough, wait until you see me (laughs). - Oh no. - Now what? - Now for my first order. I command you to make everything back to how it was before the landlord hustled Tom. - Huh, but you weren't our boss back then. - Wait, are you giving us our company back? - Yep, I missed you guys. - [Everyone] Yeah! (screams) - Ginger! - [Ginger] Sorry not sorry! (upbeat music) Prepare to feel the wrath of Scrimshaw, the Smug Dragon. For my next move, I play... The Sword of Pride! Ha! Huh. You must have forgotten that I, Glavnar the Warrior Dwarf possess... Kazdorian Diamond Armor! Is anyone else completely lost? Let me check the “Basements and Banshees” official guide. As your foolish attack fails, I use my agility points to skip your turn. Agility points? What are those? Hey, give me the book. Quick! My victory is assured. No it isn’t! It says here I can cast rebuking light to thwart your attack. Do yo mean this rebuking light? Wait, what just happened? I don’t know... Ben wins? How could I lose? You’ll pay for this, Ginger. It wasn’t me, it was Scrimshaw! If I had a dollar for every time Ginger ruined something, I’d have... well, lets see, if we let x equal the number of things ruined per week - and we have... - Hi! Can I help you? Oh yes, I just... ...need... you... Hello? Anybody in there? Yes! Sorry. I was wondering if you could help me fix my broken heart - phone. Of course I can. That’s my job. I’m a Grape Geek. My name is Xenon. Like the element. What a grape name. Grape name? Oh, sorry, just because we’re in the Grape Store. Oh that’s good. You’re funny! Would you say I’m... berry funny? Oh! I would! I would say that! Calm down. No need to go bananas! Oh, you come to work thinking it’s gonna be just another day then all of a sudden you’re at a comedy show! Does any of this make sense to you? Nope, I thought we were just looking at the pictures. I’m in love. Hey, that’s great. I hope it’s not you-know-who again... No, not the moon again. It’s a girl. By girl do you mean planet Venus? No, a real person. Look, look, look, look. Her name’s Xenon and she works at the Grape Store. Whoa, she gave you her number? Ben, it sounds like this girl wants you to ask her out. Out? Out where? On a date. With who? With you. Oh no. What should I do? Should I call? Should I do it in person? Should I... develop an app to do it? Easy, Harry Styles. Let’s just run through some scenarios to see what you’ve got. Alright, Ben. Just pretend you’re asking Xenu - Xenon. Sorry - out on a date. Now, just do your thing and we’ll give you notes. “Just do my thing,” got it... Hi, Xenon. Would you like to go out with me sometime? Aaaand we’re gonna stop you there. Why? What did I do wrong? You can’t just walk right up and ask her out. You’re being too bold. Yeah! Ow! What? No, don’t listen to him, Ben. You’re not being bold enough. Just listen to your heart and tell her how you feel. Uh-huh. He can’t just tell her how he feels. Then she’d know exactly how he feels. Uh-huh, feel.... Are you kidding me? He has to. I don't really... How do you expect anything to ever happen if he doesn’t romance her? Wait, wait, wait... Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is the rush? I don’t see why he can’t just play it cool, start out as friends, then maybe make a move in a few years or so. You’re hopeless, Tom. Xenon has probably been waiting on Ben to make a move forever. She has? Well maybe he’s afraid to risk their friendship and he just needs some sort of sign from her. Hello? She’s been giving him nothing but signs. He needs to take it slow! He needs to be romantic! Slow! Be romantic. Slow. Romantic! Slow! Oh... 30 MINUTES LATER... Be romantic! Take it slow! Be roma... Take it... Oh, we’re here. There she is. Hey, hi! Oh dear. Ow. Every time. I just need to find my glasses now. I can’t... Oh, here we are. Xenon. It’s good to see you! Ben. Cherry nice of you to stop by. That’s hilarious. You’re so wonderfully clever... And smart. And also clever. And you are hilarious, did I say that? I mean s’up, dude? Not much, dude. No. Bigger. Bolder. People of the Grape Store, your attention please! I’d like to make a grand gesture... of romance! Oh, no. Ben, why are you acting so weird? See? Should’ve listened to me. And who are they? They’re instructing me on romance, and playing it cool, and... Bahh! I’ve never met them in my life. I’ve gotta go. - Okay, bye! - Keep the chocolates! - Ben, wait! - Yeah, Ben, wait up. So my phone does this weird thing where I don’t get any text messages from Angela...Is that like a technical thing or.... Have you tried turning it off and then turning it on again? Ah... Ben, I’m sorry we gave you such bad advice. It’ll be okay, we just need to practice some more and then you can show her the real Ben. Ben? From now on, I will only respond to... Glavnar, the Warrior Dwarf. Cold and heartless. - Oh, no. - Ben, I - Glavnar. Right, of course, Glavnar. Listen. What do you say we get some ice cream to cheer you up? I know not of this “iced cream,” you speak of, peasant. Besides, warrior dwarves are lactose intolerant. But- what? Betrayed and embarrassed, Glavnar wanders the Dark Forest of Dim Shadows, destined to live alone. I got a delivery. Hey, what’s that? Oh, wow, look, special delivery for Glavnar the Warrior Dwarf. Glavnar isn’t home. “Brave Glavnar, you are invited to a Basements and Banshees secret tournament for the best players in the Universe. Tomorrow night. Password enclosed.” No, no, no... Hey, if you’re not going, can I fill in for you? I’d make a great Glavnar. Never! I’m not letting some amateur play Glavnar and ruin my reputation. So you’ll go? 65 interest. 45 certainty. I have to roll for it. Yes! Too easy. Password? Hobgoblin. Welcome to the quest, Glavnar, Warrior Dwarf. Meet your opponents. I am Clink, the Jade Bandit. And I am Artemis, the Woodland Archer. I am Mortimer, the Wizard King. There is one challenger who has yet to arrive. Their identity, a mystery. Hello? I’m sorry I’m late. I put the password in my pants and then I washed them and now the password is all smudged. It looks like Hamburgers though. Is it Hamburgers? I really hope it’s Hamburgers. Close enough. Xenon? What are you doing here? Xenon? Who’s Xenon. I am Gorp, the Ogre Queen. Oh... Gorp. Let the quest begin! Oh... Mortimer, with this banishing rod, I cast ye out to the Stony Mountains of Hardened Rock... I am felled. And down goes The Wizard King. Not so fast, Clink. You’ve been captured by the King’s Guard. Enjoy the inside of your prison cell. No! This cannot be! Clink the Jade Bandit. You are defeated. Looks like it is just the three of us now. Make that two. I cast the expunge card on you sleeping Artemis, and now he never even existed. Get him out, get him out. Good one Glav’. 4 HOURS LATER.... Oh, well played, Glavnar. My victory is assured. Not so fast, prepare to be crushed into dust... For I wield the Warhammer of Peace! I dodge your blow and freeze you with Encasement Ice! I hope you’re not too chilly, my Ogre Queen. Oh. A move most smooth. Or it would be... if I wasn’t protected by the Flaming Knight of The Glacier Realm! Listen, Glavnar, Gorp? It’s pretty late. What do you say we pause the game and you two can pick it up another time? Hmm... Gorp, would you agree to a truce until, say, Friday night? I’d like that, Glavnar. So it is desired, so it shall be written. Yeah, lets write it down, what should we say, eight? Yeah. Great, it’s a date then. Now let’s all get out of here. Yes, we pulled it off. And it’s all because Ben followed my advice and played it cool. Wait, wait, wait. What game did you see? Because every move Ben made was totally a romantic expression of his feelings. Tom and Angela stopped talking about stupid dating stuff and took Ginger to the Diner for a milkshake. Yeah, we’re not doing that, Ginger. Oh, okay... Well, with no milkshake, Ginger decided to announce... Tom’s feelings for the girl he secretly likes. On second thought, milkshakes are on me. I’m gonna get you. Hey, say where’d you get that cool hat? This is a sterile workplace. If one of your loops of fruit contaminates my motherboard, everything will be ruined and I’ll have to start over again. Look, I even put a line on the floor so people know to keep out. Hey, Ben, I forget. Which side of the line am I supposed to be on? Ah, the other side. Yeah that’s probably for the best... I’m pretty sick. There! And one hundred percent germ free! Yeah. And no Hank in sight... Where is Hank anyways? I quarantined him in a secure location. I think you know what I usually do in here... Practice my funny faces in the mirror. But Ben says I gotta stay here until I get better. It’s okay, though, at least I have a TV! Wait a minute... So you just stuck Hank in the bathroom? But he already sneezed everywhere. How do you know his nasty sneeze-germs are gone? This is how! My new GPS app -- the “Germ Positioning System!” It locates every germ in a given area, so I can destroy them. It says there’s one left. What?! Impossible! It can’t be! Newton’s Apple! I missed it! Ben, this is crazy sauce. It’s just one little germ. I can’t get a beat on it! Dude, you’re not gonna get it. It’s too small. Correction, Tom. It was too small. Ha! It worked! Hi, everyone! I’m Jeremy the germ! -Kill it! -Stop! Stay there! Hold still so I can kill you! Oh please, don’t! -Ben stop! -Yeah, don’t hurt him. He’s cute! Yeah, I’m cute! Put ‘er there! Ew, I’m not touching you! You’re a giant infectious bacteria. Nobody touch it! It’s only purpose is to make us sick. We have to kill it. But we can’t kill him now! We know his name! Yeah, Jeremy. You’re soft, Tom. Just don’t infect anyone, and stay away from my stuff. Pretty much the same rules as Tom. Got it?! Roger that, friendo! I promise none of you will end up like Hank. Okay Jeremy, now Ben needs to work, so let’s get out of his way. Yeah, let’s hang out and get to know each other. Huh? Wow, that’s sounds like fun! I love to make new friends. Wait a minute. Hey, Jeremy, can I talk to you for a second? Sure, pal? You mentioned Hank, but no one else did, which means you must have been in contact with him before! Yeah, so? You’re the germ that got Hank sick, aren’t you?! Very good, Ben. Very good. You’ve figured out that a germ got someone sick. Oh no! I certainly hope you haven’t caught on to my plan to infect everyone else. Including you, Ben. You can try to warn them, but they won’t believe you. I’m cute, remember? And you’re a nothin’. Hey guys wait up! I was just thanking my new friend Ben for not crushing me! I don’t know where I've been, I know not to where I’ll zoom. The only thing that I know now is it’s just me and this bathroom. Guys! We have to get rid of Jeremy. I’m serious! He wants to infect us all. That little fella? Come on, Ben. Look, you have to listen to me! Whatever you do, no matter the circumstances, do not eat those-- Sandwiches! I hope you guys like them! It’s my grandma’s special recipe, but I added my own personal touch. These are so good you guys! Oh Jeremy, you’re the best! Yum! I am so glad Ben didn’t kill you before. D’aw, water under the bridge. It was in the heat of the moment, before you all knew how a great I was. But we’re all friends now! Come, on everyone, let’s go play the pinball machine. What? We don’t have a pinball machine. We do now. Jeremy got us one! What a great group. I forgot your sandwich on purpose, Ben. But feel free to eat the leftovers! I’ve got to get the others to see the truth about Jeremy before he gets all of them sick! But how?! He’s so smooth! Well, if he won’t slip up, I’ll just have to slip him up. I’m gonna frame him. I love you, Shampoo. Where have you been all of my life Conditioner? Boy he is silky smooth. That reminds me. I have to wash my hair. Now for the icing on the germ cake. Guys! You’ve got to come see this! And look at that! Look at that! That’s my favorite wall! It says “Germs rule!” The only germ here is Jeremy, so logically, he is the culprit. That’s ridiculous. Jeremy was with us all afternoon singing karaoke. There is no way it could have been him. We don’t have a karaoke machine! We do now. Jeremy bought us one! Where does he get all this money? And look how much fun we’re having. See? He was with us, Ben. So stop trying to get us not to like Jeremy. That’s mega lame. Come on, let’s go chill in the ball pit. Ball pit?! Can’t you see what he’s doing?! A ball pit is the most unsanitary play area known to science! Give it up, Ben. They’ll never believe you. I’ve completely stolen your friends. And pretty soon, they’ll all be sick. And then we’ll see who the real germ is! -Still you? -Ta-ta, Ben. Oops. And that makes... Six thousand four hundred and sixty five lines. Or was that four thousand six hundred and fifty six. Do over! One... Two... Well, my closest friends all love Jeremy. And if he’s their friend, well, I guess that I’ll just have to find a way to get along with him too. That's not going to be easy. This is trash... This is good though. Oh, an orange. Vitamin C ya later! Well hello, Ben. Hey Jeremy. Look, I tried to frame you for making that mess. It was wrong. I apologize. It was, and you do. It's a classic tale of “germ beats person”. Let's say we... Shake on it, friendo. Sure. Hey, are you wearin’ a glove? I guess you could say... I’m a jerem-o-phobe. Hey-- what are you doing?! Who are you bringing to visit me? He looks strangely familiar. Ben, take it easy! We just got off on the wrong foot, that’s all! Give me a chance! I can change! I swear. -In you go! -Noooooo. You’ll get yours, Ben! I swear on my -- augh!!! Watch it you guys, Ben is giving out swirlies. Ben! What just happened? Where’s Jeremy? What did you do to him? Relax Tom, he’s in a better place now. You killed him?! What? No! I flushed him down the toilet, which leads to the sewer. It’s an ideal habitat for a germ. He’ll have plenty of friends down there. No! Jeremy! Now who’s going to chew my gum for me? He was only trying to get you sick! And chew your own gum! Ben, you don’t get to decide who we can be friends with and who gets flushed down the toilet. Yes, that’s right! And another thing -- ah-ah-ah-choo! Gesundheit! Ah-ah-ah-choo! Guys, I don’t feel so good. Yes, me neither. Ah-ah-ah-choo! Ah-ah-ah-choo! I can’t believe we let Jeremy fool us like that! We were so stupid! I know! I’m never taking an open-faced mystery sandwich from a talking bacteria ever again. Sorry we didn’t believe you, Ben. Don’t worry about it. All that matters is that you learned your lesson. And send all the bad germs to the sewer, where they belong. Those fools. They think putting me down here will get rid of me? Well let them. I’ll be back one day. And I won’t be alone!
Channel: Talking Tom & Friends
Views: 14,578,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Talking Tom and Friends, Talking Friends, Talking Tom, Outfit 7, Talking Angela, Talking Hank, Talking Ben, Talking Ginger, animated series, Talking Animals, Funny Cat
Id: wRC4J0qPbNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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