🤯 Truth, Prank, or Lie?! Talking Tom & Friends Special (April Fools’ Edition)

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[Music] tom aren't these great i love these silences golden earplugs what i can't hear you i'm wearing these stupid earplugs what did you say [Music] hey can we take these off now why don't you say huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] see sally i know a restaurant that's recommended by four out of five dentists just not once for no and rinse and spit for yes dad you are wood spoon talking dennis no can do little bud because this is a special hour long dad the dentist dad is unsure if he wants a date with sally after he finds out she only has three wisdom teeth but it's the pajama palsy finale i need to see it sorry but oldest gets to decide what's on tv it's the law what law that's not a lawn i know about laws no give me the remote [Applause] panama what day you'll thank me jinger disappointment builds character i remember the time i unwrapped the hamburger there was only a bun that moment helped shape the bad i am today well i know a law ginger gets what ginger what oh good kid hank will pay for crossing i have here every prank i've ever thought up no that one needs a pie and an angry donkey too subtle oh wait i don't have an active volcano oh this will be perfect [Applause] oh hi jinger want a signature sandwich this one is side ben last week i followed with the name hands off must be swedish what was that voice is someone there i don't hear anyone hank is that you you know imaginary friends aren't supposed to appear on their own huh i'm not imaginary and imaginary friends definitely aren't supposed to say they're not imaginary i think you should learn what imaginary beads it means you came from my head ginger that's not where we come from i won't say right now but spoiler alert it involves a bird and a bee a baby a bear hank where'd you go come on don't be mad right here boy you wouldn't believe what just happened ginger said i was imaginary and wouldn't exist if it wasn't for him can you believe that tom tom hey ben find any good molecules lately tom bed [Music] [Music] you know i can prove your imaginary i don't think so i can make you do anything i want and right now i want you to think about pink elephants see you're wrong because the last thing i'm gonna do is i am thinking about pink elephants i'm still now they're out stilts juggling watermelons why are they so talented and now i'm gonna make you breathe uh uh no way that doesn't prove anything if you're not imaginary why don't you have a job like a real person when was the last time you got mail well i don't know tom tom tom oh current resident that kind of counts no it doesn't angela is it possible i'm ginger's imaginary friend ah are you for real no and now back to mike and his mustang oh mike why did you grow that awful mustache listen micah didn't grow me i grew a hip imaginary friends don't get to decide what's on tv [Applause] well if i am jinger's imaginary friend i'm gonna be the best imaginary friend ever who's your imaginary friend is it a dragon a pirate or a guy named it does it really matter because everyone [Music] toilet paper [Music] you're a better shot than my favorite tv pirate long john silverspoon he's on who wants to arg [Music] but that's angela i think you mean soaking wet angela that was the best did you hear her [Music] what am i thinking ginger i'm just imaginary you need someone real he'll just slip through my imaginary hand no i won't pinky swear please help i am so sorry ginger i'm so sorry [Music] really i was just mad about pajama pals i made a mistake ah this is just like that episode of bongo and mcgillicuddy when pogo was convinced he was a toaster [Music] [Music] did you hear what she said i couldn't hear what she said these ear things made me miss what angela said no i ate already so what she could have said anything like what if she said tom i get so angry when i think of us not being together or tom i am madly madly in love with you that that's it no more earplugs [Music] caution do not eat ginger's leg this is a cast not a signature sandwich ginger i hope you learned a lesson from all this i did like what uh like you should only throw water balloons from flat rooftops what lesson did you learn me well i guess i learned how much i care about you and even though you tricked me to be your imaginary fred you could always imagine me as your real friend for real all right buddy you picked the show um i want to watch this dad the dentist where did you become a fan of dad the deadest no let's just watch a dumb show these elevator levitating boots are amazing why haven't we released them to the public yet well that would be one reason to remove get me down hi friends and by friends i mean customers take a look at my new super spy sound recording device super spice recording device going to find out what this bargain baby is perfect if you want to say i don't know spy on a small garage-based tech company [Music] ben wake up you've got to wake up buddy oh what happened who are you oh no i am hank this is ginger and this is tom tom what happened to me i definitely did not drop you on your head that's for sure wait it's all coming back yes i remember everything you did drop me on my head thank goodness thank goodness i dropped you okay guys he's still out of it if you like it that much you could try again i'll go first it may not i meant thank goodness i remember what's up here imagine if the contents of my brain were lost forever a disaster that's it i need a backup system someone to pass all my data on to a protege well how about me since i'm standing right next to you oop let me make room for new stuff ow actually my protege should be someone younger impressionable oh someone like say ginger huh you want to teach me science stuff no offense ben but science is dick am i to take that as a yes super spy's on recording device gonna find out what they're up to piston turn the volume down on the spying device they're gonna know we're here well the ceo is spying on us again so all he knows is i'd rather eat lava than beef ben's protege helper fine ginger i don't need you i'll just go to your school and scads of eager students will light up to be my protege [Music] well this is a predictable embarrassing disappointment i'll just gather up my erlenmeyer flasks and my graduated cylinders and be on my way am i late what darren you're a loser everyone knows i'm going to win i'm darren i'm unstoppable i'm the best get lost before i give my honest opinion of you which is that you're bratty obnoxious and mean oh smart kids are so often misunderstood oh well as they say in latin ingenium movement misfortune sharpens the genius as a child genius i too was misunderstood maybe because i was always speaking latin too funny maybe i misjudged you come on tom let me put those babies on and ride this guy there's only one pair of elevators we can't afford to have you break our most fashionable invention yet everyone um i'm pleased to announce i have found my protege come on you chose darren he's a mean spoiled braggy cheater face fair point and i really want to apologize to everyone thomas can i call you thomas you seem so much more sophisticated than a tom hahaha yes yes of course my good man whoa thomas is sophisticated tom this is darren he is lying no no no i'm a different person now maybe because i watch the be nice or get off the world episode of the squadron explosion go wow that episode changed me too i was a person who hadn't seen it and then i saw it and then i was a person who had seen it freaky or maybe it was listening to my favorite song what's not to love that's my song i know i wanted to compliment you i just wasn't sure if i could talk to such an amazing talent directly no go ahead please go ahead whatever it is that changed me i've dedicated my life to knowledge and i want to learn from the smartest guy in the world me he's talking about me see smartest man in the world hmm come on he's just acting like you guys are great to get what i want oh you don't think we're great ugh i don't do compliments ginger it's obvious that you're jealous of my protege don't be he's going to be a fantastic addition to our mary band well the moment we've all been waiting for is here the elevators are now ready thanks to the help of my protege darren hello oh or maybe ah i can't choose they're both so appropriate wait you let him wear the floaty boots but he's only been here a day shinder it's not how long you've known someone it's how well oh so true you know you guys we haven't been having much fun together since somebody got here so i got us five tickets for tonight's cyborg extravaganza yeah hooray uh-oh do the bath don't change her five tickets there are six of us oh right darren hey sorry buddy we'll miss you ginger we can't leave darren out of a big friendship sure you can here i'll show you guys it was going to be a surprise but i have six tickets for tonight's cyborg stunt tacular the best giant robot fight in town all right five tickets there's six of us no wonder he's not the protege come on now you're choosing his stuff over mine all because of these stupid fools stop that maybe we should choose him over you he's nice and helpful and he wants to learn everything you are not fine are we okay with ginger leaving well he was being a brat look what he did to the elevators don't worry about it min you go without me i'll stay behind and fix the boots but but but for sitting at the cyborg stuntacula i'll hear no more of it besides i can use all the amazing things you've taught me wow you're the best protege a genius scientist could hope for i was wrong about you just like ginger's wrong about you now [Music] of all the giant robot fights i've never seen that was by far the best it's too bad darren couldn't be there he would have loved it as much as i'm gonna love the repairs he made of those elevators huh darren where is darren and where are the elevators well they're not in your work area where you left them they're not in the fridge where i sometimes leave things hey buy hiking boots they're not in the bathroom it's not like the dare and i know so well to be careless with cutting edge technology yeah that's the sort of thing ginger would do ginger phone dial ginger hey guys i bet you're calling to apologize for being mean to me i forgive you where are my elevators how should i know maybe stupid darren took them oh-ho-ho that's nice you steal my boots and then accuse my innocent new friend of something you clearly did seriously i was in my backyard digging a hole well you're gonna have plenty of time for hole digging now because you won't be coming over here anymore good day wow ginger works fast he already put the elevators on tv hello consumer friends welcome to a live demonstration of my newest invention elevator boots of course i didn't invent them all by myself i also gotta thank my nephew darren aloha what you're welcome uncle c my protege is the ceo's nephew yep he's my nephew darren tricked us all no he tricked me i can't let this happen this is a real game-changer all thanks to my great genius nothing can stop me now good my tablet still controls that man [Music] and now to teach darren [Music] hey turn the camera off ben you just showed the ceo that he shouldn't mess with us again that baby but i also let darren wheedle his way into our lives because i was so eager to have a protege and don't forget you also rude your friendship with ginger hank no that's one of those sad things you don't say out loud because it hurts too much to hear oh right sorry bed not that stuff i said actually i'm not good and i won't be good until i earn ginger's friendship back and only when i do will i consider myself good so i'll just sit here waiting for that to happen in limbo somewhere between good and evil oh that's a relief i'd hate to go out on a sad note what why are you dancing you're supposed to be brainstorming ideas for something to do on the mayor's float at the founders day parade well we were brainstorming but then it turned into a dance party guys this is important tom's the new mayor his presentation at this parade will set the tone for the whole year lucky for you i've prepared something that's really going to impress the crowd hmm our cyclical municipal dynamics of ben this is just a boring speech boring speech it's a detailed summary of the state of the town you're the mayor what are you gonna do dance around for people whoa that's it my presentation will be a big mayor dance yeah thanks smart brain stop ben no that's not what i hope yeah ben we are picking up what you are throwing down i'm feeling the mayor's room okay this is fun but oh ben look what you did how am i gonna do my big mayor dance now hey don't blame ben he didn't know his idea was so dangerous my idea was fine you guys just didn't listen to me didn't we thought we did ah i am sorry that you managed to hurt your own leg but i have something that can help will it fix my twisted knee no but it will fix the communication problem that led to your twisted knee what communication problem we do not speak at the same level because i am very smart and the rest of you are smart challenged so i created the brain orator what does this thing do please describe the functionality of this device it takes what i call garage talk and converts it to brilliant bencabulary ben the problem isn't the way we talk it's the way you talk what do you mean i'm sorry let me translate the problem isn't the way we talk it's the way you talk the quandary we face is not our lack of vocabulary but rather your inability to speak in a way that connects with your friends oh huh see we're communicating already i just want to have an intellectual conversation once in a while when you have them with me then i know zeni panini but i wish i could have them with tom and the rest of the gang well if you're looking for some friends who are as smart as you you should join the smarties the super mentally advanced really truly intellectually endowed society are you a member of course there's chapters everywhere you should go to one of their smartie parties oops i couldn't help but over here are you looking for a new hat no dummy this is a computer store go away ben that's smarty secret code this one seeks an initiation [Music] follow me wow this is impressive welcome to the smarty party we'll need two forms of genius please uh let's see i've got a letter from my high school science teacher i always carry it around and of course my new invention the brainerator that is a wonderful invention oh great now if you'll excuse me i really wouldn't mind some of that red punch uh-uh punches for smarties but you are not a smarter yet first you have to prove that you're not just a normal activate the test tube hey what's going on ah wait a minute i recognize these numbers it's the fibonacci sequence the next number is 987. pangolin covalent bond octahedron decahedron go decahedron and that is orion's belt looks a little tight if you ask me maybe orion needs to stop eating so much crab nebula oh a perfect score and one extra point for that delightful pun here's your official headgear welcome to the smarties finally my people [Applause] [Music] if i can't dance what am i gonna do in the founders day parade okay check out what hank is doing you could impress the crowd by catching food in your mouth uh what does that have to do with the town uh it's like the popcorn is crunchy you know and you're a good mayor so then the thing is i don't know you figure it out popcorn me hank here it comes [Music] yeah i'm not sure that'll set the exact tone i'm going for as mayor but thanks there's not gonna be much you can do with the busted wheel hmm i've got it what if you sing but i'm a terrible singer maybe a little higher you you mean like this no more like this hey ben what is that crazy square thing on your head it's not a crazy square thing it's my official smarties headgear you probably have not heard of them the super mentally advanced really truly intellectually endowed society oh i thought you said they were called the smarties oh hank the gaping chasm between us has never been more apparent oh i get it now ben joined a hat club good job ben ah this is what i was talking about before it's like we're not even speaking the same vernacular or the same language bub dive wolf hey you must be the smarties oh yes this is my friend angela she's a singer oh a vocalist so what do you sing about mostly love oh and friendship love and friendship how original are you for or against it let me guess four definitely four [Applause] [Music] what huh i see you've got a hat too yeah parades today and i'm gonna make this limp work for me by doing my old prospector character oh cinnamon and gravy i don't stick my claim out yonder wow that is horrid do you know who would come up with something a little bit better the smarties yeah maybe they could teach me how to be a jerky know-it-all what they're not jerky they're just smart hey tom you ready to get your parade on hey ben did you finally ditch those rotten smarties everybody lay off i like the smarties they're just like me they're not just like you they're mean and snobby you're just jealous i finally have friends that are my intellectual peers oh ben we've got a surprise for you it's a surprise for all of you a bigger brainerator well usually we make tech smaller but you've done the unexpected yes we reverse engineered your invention to create the no brainerator the sun's circumference is more than 4.3 million kilometers and its core temperature is 15 million degrees the sun is big and hot oh hey hey that sounds like me yes it is you but i don't want you to feel left out [Applause] i gotta admit it's a good impression of me it's embarrassing only if you care what they think hank that that's true ah i don't care if these guys try to embarrass me i know who my real friends are so have fun with your smarties ben i reckon it's time for the parade i think i saw it over yonder they were too dumb even to be insulted delightful [Laughter] the oblater tom was right you really are a bunch of jerky know-it-alls i'm quitting the smarties i stake my claim on this year town ah the meanest routine makes no sense tom we have to do something else maybe we can dance you [Applause] huh gotcha is there room in the float for one more friend are you here to make fun of us again because if you are make it quick no i'm here to help you guys my real friends it is you let uh well uh inherently ben inherently well that's how it inherently means i think oh who cares let's move to the mayor crew [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Talking Tom & Friends
Views: 7,714,930
Rating: 4.2871928 out of 5
Keywords: talking tom, my talking tom, talking tom and friends, talking tom cartoon, gato tom, cartoon, talking tom and friends compilation, love, love stories, tom and angela, talking angela, my talking angela, valentines day, tom, tom and friends, tom friends, #talkingtomandfriends, talking tom friends, tom and his friends, tom cat, tom angela, talking tom and angela, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, april fools, pranks and jokes, funny fails, funny pranks, gato tom y sus amigos
Id: Tym-QOm6QjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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