💥A DANGEROUS GAME - Talking Tom and Friends Special Feature Cartoon

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I'm not leaving I'm a sapper forever [Music] our first structure is almost dies hard to believe we only started playing where's that a week ago I wouldn't star level to moldy wood shavings in there I'd like to see you do any better you would okay huh ginger is my biggest enormous dance but it's the closest it's well-defended [Music] defended from watch [Music] sup guys old people aren't good at video games hey Ben how do we make a big castle like that not easily builder X says you need nine thousand bricks of impossible to get iam which is even harder to get that hard to get eh up top I need your help applying to perform at the uncomfortable rocks music festival I need the perfect songs I want to get in job don't give up on our digital domain the manual says if you have game questions you can contact Bill directs ah there he is bill their ex we must treat him with respect [Applause] [Music] Ronnie hey Scoutmaster Tom your bill directs what can I do for you we want to be as good at the game as ginger is just without having to play it for years I see sorry tom there are no shortcuts and square step well so much for that hmm okay if you help us I'll let you make the first s'more on our necks cowboy trip by Larry first more hmm lady there's one shortcutted square stack this is my special cheat code it doubles your resources but be careful a beech edges to the cold could have serious consequences oh come on we won't mess with it we're not idiots thank you cheat code this giant mansion is perfect good thing you have your own bank did you decide to join the squares tech revolution I didn't want to miss out on all the statute but I've carved out bio little look in this world see you mean that he'll there's nothing there I know I felt like anything I put there would just mess it up pretty huh [Music] [Music] how are you still better than us even though we're cheerfully learning this game come on Tom it's time to mess with the code [Music] I'm proud of you Ben Jim made Ronnie's cheat code way better no you have your building skills and I'm sure those will help you later out of your life heinous right I have a plan [Music] [Music] Hey maybe it wasn't easy yeah those bad guys are lost in cyberspace now you guys destroyed the game that I love but then you save the game that I love I guess it works out you guys I did it I wrote a song everyone will like no matter what they like yes me like things [Music] hey today had some ups and some downs but everything really worked out in the end [Music] oh really you got in I sent them the best song I've ever written open it okay let's see uh sorry we only accept songs that are original exciting and world-changing this is not what Oh Angela you can't let this rejection get to you like this is getting to me maybe the judges were right I'm not original more exciting or well I don't know Angela when the song goes that's pretty big and bold that's not a song it's a computer glitch [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh ginger I really want that badge not now all right Angela's about to show off her new sound I can't wait for you guys to hear it I haven't been this excited about music in weeks [Music] a joke ginger don't you know it's easier for someone to take criticism when it's paired with a compliment Angela that's a very nice shirt and what's that song a joke it's definitely new but I liked the good song a lot better you know what I don't care what anyone thinks are you performing this at the town talent show today because I believe in it we have to stop Angela let me guess you want to tell me not to do the new song write it yeah it's way too weird I know it's weird that's what I like about it really but aren't you worried everyone else won't like that about it well I don't care what everyone else thinks I have to do this for me and if I just had your support well that would be enough I'm sorry Angela you do your show I'll be in the front row cheering you on I'm still your biggest fan thanks Tom you're a great boyfriend hmm well did she listen to reason but should I get my doctor voice ready and nurse i-dtec no we're not stopping the show Angela believes in it and it's time for us to believe in her [Applause] a mega what stop exaggerating I hope you're ready for something a little I have to go cheer laugh [Applause] pardon excuse me so sorry what is this you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tom [Music] hey Angela good show are you kidding it was a disaster Tom couldn't even sit through it huh I'm never gonna be a singing star there's no point in chasing an impossible dream I'm quitting music oh I'll never sing it again [Music] Ben what is going on do you remember when we were playing sweaters pack and we built the rocket to shoot the bad guys out of the game with anything it was a game we blasted them out of the game it's like a pewter and from there he'd been chewing a fat out of the digital world entirely to where what's all that noise in there [Music] they just cube to the landlord let's get out of here wait kid jewel is gonna answer your phone I need to warn you about this so what's the plan [Music] I can create a universe on mincer to close the gap between our world and the computer world but I can't do it here I need electricity and why so we need a place to work okay I've got an idea but you are not going to like it what do you want not your help that's fair no we want your help Ben has a plan to fight the zappers from here he does too bad because I have my own plan I was just bravely preparing to save the world look we don't have time for fighting I know you're in a bad place but a bad place is a good place for a comeback Tom : if you wanted to see me you should have stayed at my Concord okay that's bad but it's just that something really huge is happening what up huge things not happening Tom for example I just quit music what right now we have a huge crisis to deal with come see me at the CEOs office I don't the crisis table we're talking about look [Music] [Music] the universe [Music] when we tried under plan B enjoy your horrible Bates everybody else Oh Goldie who cares that the rest of the world gets cubed things always look out to us in the end we'll stop them forever nothing can stop them for your ideas work I need some sort of massive infection wait I know where we can get just need to find [Music] the pipes on that must be huge alright let's escape this building by going down this toilet ginger what are you doing I can't go with you one of us needs to stay behind to flush No oh no Ben you didn't tell me this was your idea [Music] Jeremie the German I hope you're in good health we don't have time to cleverly insult each other Jeremy computer viruses have been faded the town oh I see and the fight the viruses you want the help of a germ exactly can you do it oh sure I can infect anything but it's gonna cost ya oh this brings back memories the other side of this door is the portal to the computer world we have to toss you in there you infect it from the inside looking forward to it it's been so long since I've made anyone sick let's do this [Music] Jeremy hey don't forget about I won't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's sure good to have everything back - doorbell again did you have to make a stupid deal to let Jeremy why are you Rumi I'm trying to watch a movie about a doctor we'll get some big trouble don't blame me Tom did that Ben step away from your computer Zenon Wow c90 sure know how to make an entrance I'm sorry Ben I'm not here as your girlfriend the agency has decided you're too dangerous what agency the agency Ben they're the agents Angela I'm sorry about everything that happened at your concert and I promise I will make it up to you I just had to Angela Angela Angela where are you have you seen Angela [Music] she here okay people I want the status of operation find our missing friend Angela and I want it yesterday I made a list of every concert hall within 50 miles if Angela performs at any of them Oh hear about it I made fake online profiles for a bunch of people answered one of me now we just sit back and wait for her to take the bait as you know I am currently banned from using tech so I made popsicles to keep our energy up jet I need your help in you were the best so if Zenon is evil now we'll just have to go around her what did you have in mind alright I'm here in the park after sundown and they made sure I wasn't followed why all the cloak-and-dagger stuff Tom if you use it the agency will think your name is Edna and you're going online to write a scented candle review wait get in big trouble for this no one else can know we you should be at the garage yeah but I have a good sense of when sneaky stuff is happening fine but this stays between the three of us got it I should go or say what everyone just keep quiet I'm about to find Angela I miss the feel of my fingers on a keyboard well I simply accessed a GPS network [Music] stop in the name of the agent [Music] but you're super genius why can't you understand one simple rule don't use tap I understand the rule I'm ignoring it because I need to find Angela remember when we used to use tech to solve problems together you can't use this last time you had a computer you almost broke the world okay since he almost broke the world you should almost stop us from finding our friend trusted not to sneak around I have to give you this this thing is a bracelet that will zap you if you try to use tag no you can't do this you did it to yourself goodbye boys I have to go back to the only people who can be trusted a secret organization with shadowy goals and unlimited power she's really changed this is why I flies solo Tom hear me out we should joined the agency actually that is a good point follow that nerd one she's not here that she turned invisible can she do that no this can't be another dead end Tom the Spy shows that watch even though my parents told me not to say there's always a secret I'm messing around ginger maybe we missed something outside this is either a really big bathroom or it's the agency he's still sneaking around do you need a second bracelet oh I was we would help tom excellent work agent xenon you found the intruders were actually double secret triple agents we were testing it right I've got to look before you disintegrate us I just want to say that I understand how exciting it must be to work in a place like this I don't blame you [Music] bad be super sad if you all hated me right now I'm so relieved you got my signal to follow me now when I said you couldn't use a laptop to find Angela but implied I had another way to do it you picked up on all my clues [Applause] [Music] oh yeah yeah we saw that why couldn't you just tell us that you were gonna help obviously because the agency is always watching Tom well this guy gets it this is fantastic the whole time I'm dead I admit I started to doubt you with that whole bracelet thing I had to convince the agency I was against you now we have to find Angela there's a machine that can do it no privacy destroy her [Music] fairly impressive huh with a name like the privacy destroyer it almost sounds like a bad thing but I guess the agency knows best the machine will open a portal to wherever angela is you go through it I'll stay back and make sure no one finds out what we're doing got it no it's time for science [Music] [Music] Angela [Music] no ginger it's too dangerous don't worry Angela I'm here to protect you [Music] [Applause] ignore these fans everyone he's got a song to finish [Music] [Music] [Applause] hi nice show but we've got to get out of here Ben and Zenon are waiting in the agency there isn't much time before a portal closes wait what yeah that is a lot but don't worry about it point is I don't know why you're here but we're leaving well I'll tell you why I'm here it all started during the zapper invasion I got surrounded but the zappers weren't there to stab me they heard the new atomic song I wrote and really liked it [Music] [Applause] they brought me back to their home and made me the biggest music star in the whole digital universe and now they're forcing you to make music for them those monsters well we're gonna stop them why would I want you to stop that the zappers didn't kidnap me they brought me home I am a zapper Oh dramatically fly me away boys you're not a zapper Angela you don't even look like one I'm done talking about this it is time for you to leave [Music] a great show of course all your shows are great you are so great I also think you're great what why won't you go away not going anywhere without you you're our friend look you know what that girl doesn't even look like me see she's not wearing my digital divas glitter gloves zap assistant i tire of these intruders remove them Angela oh wait we're trapped in a secret lab surrounded by enemies our hopes clinging to a desperate mission to another world this is so exciting Zeenat the dream team is back in action Gigi x47 over the school estimate we've got 40 minutes until we it's probably better not to look [Music] John don't be afraid jump ginger [Music] Oh [Music] huh we're not cubes what happened I think I bumped into mom Hank you made it non-digital I didn't know you could do that yeah secret powers are you hiding I don't think I have secret powers but when zappers invaded our world they could change us to be like them so maybe when we're in their world we can do the same to them hmm let me try something what let's get my girlfriend don't worry Zenon I'll protect you with this plasma bazooka yeah then that's just a fancy air blower we use it to clean the floors no stupid anti-technology bracelet I'm useless dead wait Zenon just open a portal and send me far away from here wait that's it this machine can open portals anywhere so if I open one under just a statue in the product that's it open more portals [Music] the privacy Destroyer wasn't designed for this any more portals and this place might collapse hurry Tom it's all on you now Oh so in my next song I have this amazing part where I say the old Angela can't come to the digi phone right now because she doesn't exist that's so cool it's digi cool wrong she's regular cool what you again that's right it's me and it's again I came back to save you I don't want to be saved I'm in a room with fans of me all my favorite snacks and pictures of myself on the walls it's a dream it is a dream and we're here to wake you up ginger Hank let's do this what [Music] [Music] you belong in the real world you have to remember I wait I do remember something you do I remember I remember the dizzy cool dance fighting moves I learned for my concert [Music] Oh face it boys I'm not leaving I'm a zipper forever you're not a zapper you're real it's a truth you're too smart to be joined yeah you're right SAP assistant I am smart he needs a trick by these analog aliens to mess up my music the headpiece is controlling your mind making her main all right Angela we understand no Tom don't give up I expect so much more from you it's hopeless Hank let's go home [Music] [Music] stay away from my boyfriend but you're famous here you're our only musician we need your music download it off my website like a normal fan because I am NOT a zapper I am Angela and I am real we did it we whoa wait what did you do to this place you're not the only ones who had an adventure now I have to open one or portal it will blow up the rooms of other advanced this was a real rush z9b agency let it know who broke the primacy destroyer I need to go away you can't do that we're a team I know we are Ben trust me throw me again it is good to be back oh it's good to have you back Angela hello again wall again grumpy Benjy Angela I sure like this version of you a lot better than the mean one me too I can't believe I got brainwashed from this day on I will never get close to anything evil ever again what the heck's going on here [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Talking Tom and Friends
Views: 1,415,695
Rating: 4.4676847 out of 5
Keywords: Talking Tom and Friends, Talking Friends, Talking Tom, Outfit 7, Talking Angela, Talking Hank, Talking Ben, Talking Ginger, animated series, Talking Animals, Funny Cat, my talking tom and friends, talking tom and angela, talking tom new episode, talking tom episodes, Masters of Disaster, talking tom and friends, tom animated series, talking cat, talking angela, animated series feature, ttf animated series
Id: vogFFqbkbIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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