A Secret Worth Keeping – The Complete Trilogy (Talking Tom & Friends Season Finale)

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(splat) (pop) (cars honking) (yelling) (screaming) - Angela, get out of the way! - No! (yelling) (door opens) - Hey, Angela, what are you doin' here so early? I haven't even set the table for your surprise. - For my surprise? For my surprise what? - Uh, nothin', nothin' at all. (door squeaks) (gasps) - Ben! (cat groans) (whistles) - Angela, what are you doing here already? We're not ready to start your surprise-- I mean, birthday-- - You mean my surprise birthday party? - Aw, I blew it! Why can't I keep a secret? Well, at least I didn't say anything about the chocolate raspberry cake. - Chocolate raspberry cake?! (squeals) It's my favorite! (screams) (whistling upbeat music) - Tom! (zapping) - Whoa oh. (giggling) (dinging) (zooming) (camera clicks) (birds chirp) - Oh hey, where are Tom and the guys anyway? Shouldn't they be here by now? - Tom wanted to get you a special new cake at that new bakery across town, The Baked Dessert. They're probably on their way. (bird crows) (soft music) (gasps) - How in the world did we end up in The Baked Desert? - Yeah, that's weird. Unrelated question, how many S's are in the word dessert? - Oh great! Now we're gonna miss Angela's party because Tom can't spell? - Ah, ah, ah, ah, no, no, no, no, we can still make it to the party if we hurry. I'll just reprogram the GPSS to get us to the diner. - [Ginger] You know diner only has one N, right? - I better look that up. (phone beeps) No! - Save your energy, Tom, in the desert no one can hear you scream. - That's space, Hank! In space no one can hear you scream. - Yeah, well, that's 'cause there's a lot of space in the desert. - Okay, okay, let's not panic. Now my scout boy survival training will get us out of here. Any good scout boy knows moss always grows on the south side of a tree, so all we have to do is find a tree. (bird crows) Which might be harder than I thought. (huffs) (gasps) - Hold on for a second, I found something! (uplifting music) (chewing) - The World's Biggest Candy Bar! (record scratches) - No, Ginger, wasting time at some roadside tourist trap is not gonna get us any closer to Angela. - Well, I don't know if this is helpful, but I found a sign with an arrow on it pointing to where the town is. - Good job, Hank. See? Now we'll just follow this arrow and we'll be at Angela's party in no time. Come on. - Ginger, let's go. - No! (grumbles) (sign squeaks) (sighs) (hums) - So. - So? (sighs) (hums) - Write any new songs? - Nah, I've been feeling kind of blue lately. Hey, you know what? Forget those guys. Let's get this party started. Why don't we order some ice cream? - No thanks, I don't like to eat ice cream on an empty stomach. - Ronda! - Yeah, what do you want? - One scoop of strawberry ice cream, please. - Strawberry? That's my favorite! - Mine too. Make it a double. - You got it. (laughs) (popping) (soft music) - Oh man. (sighs) Now I understand why cowboys wear such big hats. - You did it Tom, you saved us! - What do you mean, guys? Phew, oh the Cactus Network. - Howdy, Hank. - Hello there, Mr. Garden. (birds chirp) - Well, I guess we should just leave him here, right guys? - No, Ginger, we're not leaving Hank. Hank! Come on, Hank! We are not home! That's not the garage, it's just a mirage! Now let's get back on this trail, we're probably almost there! Come on! (panting) (sparkling) Angela? (zipping) (yelling) (thud) (blinking) (gasps) This can't be. We just walked in a big circle? - Well, Tom, that can only mean one thing, we get to see the World's Biggest Candy Bar. - We don't have time for that. - Give it up, Tom, we're never gonna make it back to town. Time to start our new lives here in the desert, just you, me, Hank, and the World's Biggest Candy Bar. - He's got a point, Tom, besides, what else are we gonna do? - Fine, maybe someone there can give us directions to the diner. (yells) - I'm gonna take a picture of the candy bar, I'm gonna ride the candy bar, I'm gonna get a candy bar key chain! (mumbling) (crashing) - Ronda! - Yeah, yeah, what do you want? I ain't deaf. - Another bowl, please. - Honey, I think you've had enough. - You listen here, Ronda, it's my birthday and I'll have as much ice cream as I want. Duh! - Yeah! (splat) (bird crows) (sighs) - [Ginger] That's not so big. - See, Ginger? This place is not just a tourist trap, oh no, no, it's a closed and abandoned tourist trap. - It says here that the whole town shut down when a bigger candy bar was discovered by villagers in the local mountains. This pamphlet is full of fun facts. Did you know that they got the candy bar here by putting wheels on the bottom? Too bad the way here is all uphill. - Wait a minute! If the way here is uphill-- - And there are wheels on the candy bar, I think I have an idea. (wheels grinding) (grunting) (panting) Okay everyone, when I count to three, let's all jump on. One. Two. - You're counting too fast. - Three! - Hey, wait! - Ginger, give me your hand! (panting) (shouting) - Maybe Tom forgot my birthday. I mean, we talked about it yesterday but I guess sometimes birthday's are hard to remember, right? - Angela. - Huh? - Angela. - Uh-Huh? (burps) - Tom definitely did not forget your birthday. - Oh, well, is he invisible? Because I don't see him anywhere. - Angela, listen to me. I'll be the first to admit that Tom has his flaws but he always comes through in the end. - Well, yeah, except it's always by doing something crazy and dangerous. - That is not true! - This is crazy! - And dangerous! (shouting) - You know, Hank and Ginger are missing too, but it seems like you mostly care that Tom isn't here. - Pfft. Okay. Can I tell you a secret? - No, don't tell me, I can't stand the pressure that comes with keeping secrets. - Right. You're so right. I kinda like Tom! (gasping) (dishes crash) (gasps) I can't believe I said it out loud! - Angela! I can't believe it, this is great news. When Tom gets here, let me talk to him and tell him that you-- - What?! No! Don't you dare say anything! - But-- - Not a word! It could ruin our friendship. - But, why did you tell me? - I don't know, I guess I couldn't stand the pressure of being the only one who knew. - So you told me?! I just told you I can't keep a secret! I can't handle it! (yells) - Ben! (people chattering) But wait! (screaming) (cars honking) Where are you? (pants) Wait, what? (yelling) (cars honking) - Wait, what is that? (people screaming) (screams) Angela! Get out of the way! - No! (screaming) (crashing) (birds chirp) (groans) - Angela? No! (cries) - Is everyone okay? - Happy birthday, Angela! Surprise! - Tom! (nervous laugh) - Is he alright? - Tom, I have to tell you something about Angela. - No, he doesn't. No you don't, right Ben? You just wanted more ice cream, right here, eat it. - Ah, brain freeze! Oh, I'm passing out. (thud) (birds chirp) (nervous laugh) - Whoa, I guess Ben can't hold his ice cream, right? - Yeah, I guess not. What was he gonna say? - Nothing, he was just jokin'. - Well, happy birthday, I hope you saved room for dessert. - Dessert? (stomach rumbles) That sounds... (thud) - Oh, huh. Hey guys. Thanks again for the surprise party yesterday. (giggling) You guys are the best. Can someone fill me in on what's so funny? - Oh Angela, you really don't know why we're laughing. No, I don't know why you're laughing. - Hey Hank, give her a hint. - Tom, Tom, I love you so much! (smooching) (laughter) - Ben, how could you tell them? - I told you I can't keep a secret! - Dear Angela, is what Ben said true? Do you like me? (slow romantic music) - Yeah. I guess now ya know. So? - I think you should leave. - What? - [Tom] Move to another city or something. - But wait! - Well we can't hang out as a group anymore. - Yes we can! You guys, nothing has to change. - It already has changed. It feels so weird! - No, no, no, don't say that! - Ginger's right. I mean, having you around now would take away from our focus on work. - [Angela] No, you guys! - Yeah, Tom has to focus. - No, no, no, wait, forget I said anything, okay? - Too late Angela. (alarm beeping) Goodbye. (gasp) (alarm beeping) - That dream must have been a warning. I have to make sure Ben keeps that secret. Okay Angela, you can do this. Just act like nothin' happened. Hi guys! Just popped in to say hello. No reason, nothin' special. Guys, hello? Okay, no need to panic. There could be lots of reasons why no one's here. Maybe they're all at the park. (thunder booming) Yeah, great day for the park. - [Ben] Psst, psst. - [Angela] Ben! - Angela, are you alone? (ominous music) - What are you doing in here? - I'm hiding from Tom so I don't tell him your stupid secret. - Oh thank goodness. The important thing is, you didn't tell him my stupid secret. - Not yet but I'm tired of living like this so, if you don't tell him today, I will. - No, but you, wait, are you kidding me? Can you imagine how bad things could get around here if Tom finds out? - You know who should wear more hats? Hats. Why shouldn't a hat wear a hat? Well now, it can, thanks to the revolutionary hat on a hat. - That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. - Nobody talks to my man like that! All of his ideas are brilliant. - Thanks Angela. - Awe, I love my sensitive genius. - Hmm. Hey Tom, can you come here? - In a minute, I'm a little busy right now. - You said that three hours and 35 minutes ago! Hmm. (groaning) - Hey sunshine. I was just thinkin' about you. - [Angela] Can you come over after work? - I'll come over right now. - That's why no matter what, you must keep the secret from Tom. - Yeah, but how? - I don't know! You're the smartest person I know! Think of something! - You think because I'm a well, brilliant inventor, that I can just build a machine to solve every problem? I'm sorry to tell you, there's no device that can reach into someone's brain and erase a memory. - But could you build one? - You mean a device that could reach into my brain and erase a memory? (ding) (fast ticking) (intense music) Eureka! Angela, you're right. I am the smartest guy you know. - I am so mad at Ben right now. I've called him like 100 times. He's probably at some nerd event looking at some geeky electrons and can't answer his phone, which is stressing me out because today, we got a call from the CEO. Yeah, he called us saying he wants to have a meeting with Tom and Ben enterprises and since there's no Ben, I have go with Hank. - Hi. I have here all the smartest stuff that Ben has ever said. I'm ready to impress. - Great, what do ya got? - For example, "Hank, a computer is not a bath toy." "Hank, you cannot smell a WiFi signal." "Some people, you just barge into the bathroom." "A computer is not a bath toy." "How many times do I have to tell you?" - Yeah, I'll probably do most of the talking. - Welcome to the Creepy Conspiracies That Are True Channel. Today's top story, brain suckers. Are they in your neighborhood? Are they in your very house? Right now, an intergalactic force of brain suckers is roaming your streets. Their aim, to find local geniuses and suck out their brains to steal their knowledge. I advise you to protect your brain knowledge with the only known defense against the technology. A sturdy hat made of a thin, metallic foil. (ominous music) - No way! I don't believe it! - Still don't believe me? Look it up for yourself. (gasp) It's on the internet. That means it's true! I better warn everyone! I just hope it's not too late. (panting) (vacuum inhaling) - Why do we have to take all this junk to my place? - Because if anyone finds out that I'm making a device that can suck secrets out of my brain, they'll obviously wanna know what secret I'm trying to suck outta my brain! - The brain suckers already got to Ben and Angela? - Can I help you? - Uh, I hope. Your office called, so here we are. - Name? - [Tom] I'm Tom. - Uh huh. - [Tom] From Tom and Ben Enterprises. - Oh, ah, oh I'm so sorry! I didn't recognize you. Mr. CEO, they're here. - [CEO] Excellent. Alright, this meeting's over. Everybody out, all of you. Yeah I'm talkin' to you haircut. You too pinch threat, game over. Alright, bring em right in and cancel the rest of my meetings today. - Follow me please! (intense music) - You are one handsome looking guy. - (laughter) Hey, my dear friends. - Hello sir. - Which one of you is Tom and which one is Ben? - I'm Tom. - And I am Ben today. - How could I forget you guys after all the useless apps ya pitch me? - He's got a good point. - Well, I wouldn't call em useless. - How bout like this? - Hey, something's wrong! (scream) - Put that in there. - What's Ben doing? - The thermostat! (screaming) - Oh yeah, so that's yeah, that is how you would define useless. - Why didn't you ever tell me about the Talking Tom app? - Talking Tom app. - Because that app is mostly just me repeating what you say. - Exactly! That's why I love it! - That's why I love it! (laughter) - Yeah! - Check out what happens when I fire him. Talking Tom, you're fired! - You're fired. - This thing is a blast. I've played this thing so much, I've missed breakfast, lunch, and the secret meal rich people eat that we don't tell anyone about. - You mean brunch? - How'd you know about brunch? I mean, let's talk business. - You want us to make a talking CEO app. - No smart guy, I just wanna help your company grow! - And? - That's it, I don't want anything in return. Well, I like to hang out with smart people, so I want us to be friends. Will you be my friends? - I don't know what to say! - Great, that means yes! Okay, the first thing I'm gonna do for you is introduce you tonight at the Tech Stars Conference. (gasp) - Did we just get invited to the most important tech conference in the world? - Oh, not just invited. You're gonna be the featured speakers! - Well all I can say is, thank you Mr. CEO. - Hey, call me Carl. - Thank you Carl. Thank you so much Carl! - Oh you poor guy. Sorry for keeping you waiting like that. Gentlemen if you'll excuse me, my Tom really needs to use the potty. And when you're done, we're gonna play more games. Yes we are. - [Computer Tom] Yes we are. - Oh yeah! - Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. - Woohoo! - We are gonna be tech tycoons! Oh yeah! Uh huh, uh uh. Oh yeah yeah. (ominous music) Woah, what is that? - The sun? - Ben, is that you? - I'll ask the questions brain sucker! What have you done with Tom's brain? - Nice hat, Ginger. I bet it really keeps your thoughts fresh longer. - Whatever. Have you seen Ben? Because we need to par-tay to the max. - Party? You guys are clear. The brain suckers haven't figured out how we party yet. - What brain suckers? - The intergalactic ones! - Oh, knock it off, Ginger. There are no such things as brain suckers. - Oh yes there is! And I have some bad news. They already got to Ben and Angela but they'll never get me! - Where are Ben and Angela anyway? - Aww. I can't tell you. It's too dangerous. What? - Okay. - Uh, (whining) give it back! - First tell me where they are. - They're at Angela's! Now give it! - Knock yourself out Ginger. (phone dialing) (phone ringing) - Oh I am not taking that one. Mmmm. Hey Ben? Can you give me an update on that mind eraser thingy? - [Ben] I'm almost finished. - First Ben and now Angela's not picking up. Hank, I want you to go over to Angela's and tell Ben to get over here. And tell him that we're gonna party like the tech tycoons that we are. (militant music) (calm music) (drilling) (sawing) (hammering) (jack hammering) (door squeaking) - Behold the solution to our secret. The mind eraser. - Oh, I thought it'd be more impressive. - You'll be impressed when you see it erase yesterday's memories. But first put on these protector shades. Okay, I'm ready. Hit me. (sighing) Things we do to pretend we're not in love. Well I mean, not love but you know what I... Here you go. - Whoa! (gibberish) - Oh, okay. Can I tell you a secret? - No, don't tell me I can't stand the pressure! - You're so right. I kinda like Tom! (rewinding) Did it work? (blinking) (cow bell shaking) - Did what work? Hey, why aren't we at your surprise party? (screams) I mean at your surprise birthday party. Uhm! - Yes! Ben, it totally worked. You're a genius! - Yeah, uh. - Hey (blinking) (cow bell shaking) could somebody tell me why I'm here? - Hank! Uhh, you, came over to test out how comfortable my couch is! - Sure that makes sense. Let's see. (springing) Nice spring power. Cushions are suitably cushiony. (dramatic music) Angela gets the World Wide Soap Opera Network? (sigh) - Really I do? (chuckles) I would never watch them. (chuckles) - (Soap Opera Announcer) Previously on Hospital de Passion. Dr. Rosa y Dr. Manzana enter the tango contest. Or did they? - I don't know but I'm not leaving until I find out! - Well, I can't remember anything important I have to do today. (laughs) This is silly. Move over! (spanish guitar music) (sighs) - Why hasn't Hank come back with Ben? This conference starts in an hour. - Oh I think we both know why. (vacuuming) (phone dialing) - [Hank] Bueno. - Hank, where's Ben? Ben's right here. Well get him over here so we can practice our speech for the Tech Stars Conference. - Yeah, right. Like you're going to that thing. - Carl invited us. - Huh. - The CEO, you were there! - Oh, I get it. You're prankin' me. Good one Tom. - What? No. (sighs) - Hank, it's back on! - Hey, I gotta go Tom. We're binge watching Hospital de Passion. - What? - Who's that? - Oh, just Tom goofin' around. (dial tone) - No, don't hang up. Ah! What is wrong? It's like he's acting like... - Like he doesn't have his brains? (vacuuming) - Pass me the tin foil. (sneaking music) (calm music) - No Dr. Rosa! It's haunted. (screams) (crashing) (screams) (sizzling) - Hot cheese! Hot cheese! - Queso! Muy caliente queso. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. (sneaking music) - Come in Brains of Stone. What's your position, over? - Copy that. I'm at the east end of the rendezvous point, over. - Copy that! I'm at the wall stand. Do you have eyes on me? - Copy that, I'm on your six. (twinkling) Let's go teach these brain suckers some earth manners. And I'm all out of bubble gum. - Whoa! We can't just walk through the front door. They'll totally expect it. We have to launch a sneak attack through the window. (sneaking music) - There's Ben. And Angela. Huh. It almost looks like they're... - They're dancing. Ugh! - Uh, there. - Got it. - And there. - Got it. - You missed a spot. Right there. (sighs) - So this is why they're been acting so strange? - Ugh! The only way this could get more disgusting is if they kissed. - Ugh, no. (intense music) Yuck! - Okay. I've seen enough. (sad music) - Come on! Don't leave. You and me can have our own tech tycoon party. But what about that Tech Stars Conference? You know that thing you wouldn't shut up about. You can't pass up such a great opportunity. - You're right. This is a great opportunity. - Yes! - To tell everyone about my dishonest partner, Ben and how he destroyed our company! And Hank. How could he be okay with this? - No, no, no. You totally missed my point! - Doesn't matter! - Wait, don't go! (sighs) (fun music) - Welcome to the Tech Stars Conference. It's a great honor to tell you about our star speakers, Tom and Ben. Two young visionaries, workin' in a local garage with little money and a lot of creativity, they revolutionized the tech industry and spread their vision of fun across the globe! (calm music) - Stand back! - Hey, Ginger. Where's Tom? - Ooo! I can't tell you. (whining) Give it back! Give it! Tom went to the Tech Stars Conference. Now give it! - The Tech Stars Conference? - He tried to reach you all day but you and Angela were too busy. We saw you dancing and kissing! (gasps) - Uh-oh. (worried music) - Tom and Ben of Tom and Ben Enterprises. (applause) - Mr. CEO, Carl. Thank you for inviting us here and telling the world our story. Next slide please. My partner, Ben, is a dishonest girlfriend stealer. (audience gasps) Next slide. And since my company is now a painful reminder that you can't trust anyone, not even your closest friends! Next slide. I don't want any part of Tom and Ben Enterprises! (audience gasps) - What a minute, that's Ben? - So to all of you in the audience, congratulations it's your lucky day. I'm giving away my company. Our inventions, our ideas, our apps, everything. Use it, sell it, I don't even care. Just take it. - Wait, seriously? - Tom stop! What are you doing? - Oh look everybody, it's Ben. I wish I could give him away. Ow! (grunting) Ow, quit it! (fun music) Get off me! (grunts) - Tom, Ben and I are not together. - Can you even believe these liars? - It's true, Tom. We saw it wrong. - It was just a snack spill, Tom. A snack spill! - What about not answering my calls? It sure seemed like you were trying to keep a secret from me. - Well actually we were but now I think I have to tell you. - Too late, don't care, not listening. I don't even wanna... - The secret is I like you, Tom! (sentimental music) A lot. - What? - Why is this so hard to say? - I don't know. But now that you said it, Angela, I like you too. A lot. - Really? - Yes. But wait. Why would you ever wanna keep such good news a secret, it's crazy. - Because, I was afraid it would make things weird and would distract you from your work and hurt your company. - Aww. - I don't know. - Sorry to ruin this touching moment but we don't have a company anymore because Tom just gave it away! - Oops. - Maybe I can get it back. Okay you guys keep your eyes closed until I say it's safe to open them. - So I'll take the Talking Tom app and Greg, you can take the milkshake thing. - [Greg] Woohoo! - And Jerry you take a hike! - [Jerry] Ah! - Hey, my microphone. - Hey tech tycoons! (gasps) Look up here! (buzzing) Okay, you can open your eyes. Congratulations, you're the new old new owners of Tom and Ben Enterprises. - What, you did it? - Thanks to my brilliant invention, one I don't remember making, everything is back to normal. - Well, maybe not everything. (sentimental music) - Oh, man! I can't watch this. - Aww. (camera clicking) - Huh? - Ugh! - Hey guys look what I found, what does this do? - [Angela] Wait, no! (buzzing) (energetic music)
Channel: Talking Tom & Friends
Views: 30,147,651
Rating: 4.153439 out of 5
Keywords: Talking Tom and Friends, Talking Friends, Talking Tom, Outfit 7, Talking Angela, Talking Hank, Talking Ben, Talking Ginger, animated series, Talking Animals, Funny Cat, season finale, trilogy, love, romance
Id: LBi6Uo3TJyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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