NOBODY EXPECTED THIS TACTIC! 4v4 Siege Battle - Total War: Rome 2

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another day another battle and as you can tell there's a vulture flying over the battlefield ready to feast now originally this vulture showed up for my channel but he's gonna have to wait a little bit longer because today we're playing total war rome 2. this is a 4v4 siege battle and it's got fantastic teamwork and we're going to see an epic cab sally out but not just any epic cab sally out it's actually really well organized and well we'll get into it later once we dive into the battle before we do i do want to mention one of my favorite sponsors displayed so display makes beautiful metal posters this company is a genuine like really nice very caring company it's a it's a fantastic sponsorship and they make really really cool posters so if you guys are interested in getting a disc plate poster use the link down in the video description that will give you a discount and of course it supports my channel so i do appreciate that also this video replay is from joe on it which she has his own youtube channel so that's linked down below as well so thank you joe so let's dive in now all right we'll start with the defenders because they got a very unique army we've got parthia a little hint for you guys when you play uh rome 2 whenever you're facing parthia as an attacker expect to see some cav charge out of the settlement expect to see lots of cav so you know bring some anti-cav units or cab units of your own uh next over here we have massace lee so messaly desert rome as i like to call them they're joining them on the battlefield over here we have the arverni sarverni with their awesome barbarian soldiers and then we have another barbarian faction which is swaby so pretty cool force i like the combination of factions let's go ahead and look at this overpowered attacking force so on one side by the way we got some artillery firing here on one side we have the seleucids or if you want to sound really smug the salukis no i'm just kidding you don't sound smart i'm only joke and then over here we have the romans they are the faction the game is named after they're very strong and then finally we have or not finally but next we have the uh we have eperus so another greek faction and then once again we have another army of the salukis so let's dive into this one over on this side and see what the heck's gonna happen all right so this is where he goes full out charge now most of his force here not most but the the force sitting in reserve he's got four horse archers this force looks like it's just shock cav he's got eastern cataphracts a real headache to deal with so whenever this happens guys what i like to do personally it might not be the best thing to do but i drop everything i don't keep pushing siege equipment i drop everything and i try to build make defensive positions just you know to stop this cav but the cataphracts they're going to go ahead and chase down the tortoises because tortoises can put in some big holes in your walls and a delicious charge right into the the thorax swordsman and that's another good unit to go after because they are very strong i like to call the thorax swordsmen the feudal knights of rome 2. they're very versatile they are very strong and kind of in the middle in terms of price all right now we've got more eastern cataphracts going around and he's just he's just riding around and he will gladly accept a battle against the general if he can kill the seleucid general early on that is going to be a huge win for the defenders sure enough he's going to pile in troops now the seleucids have also thrown in some of their own cab but it's mere citizen cav now they might do okay against these cataphracts but it's gonna be a very challenging fight so let's see if uh parthia can defeat this general now we have the parthian general who's looking for more fresh blood he's going for the siege tower he's going to try to slow down the siege towers look at this boom great charge and that's going to cause the men to uh run off the siege tower and little fun fact if you didn't know when you hit a unit with cav or really any unit uh that is pushing a siege tower it will make them come off the siege tower you see how they're walking down so what i like to do is i don't really care about killing them i just like to pinball around and hit each unit it looks like he's trying to do that now now hold on i forgot to mention this i completely forgot to mention this look at this over here let me pause it i'm so sorry i was i was supposed to show you this but miss acelie he's also selling out calf now what's really cool about these cab units is that they were right in the open they were actually right here so those cab units from mercedes lee have vanguard ability so they can spawn outside the city walls so they were right here at the start of the game and they just charged up this hill went through the trees guys it it's hard to watch it's hard to watch but this is pro tier teamwork right here you have parthia running right out the gate distracting the seleucids while his teammate flanks around and uses his cav to go after vulnerable units this is a cheap cav unit too they're they're not too hard to kill but the damage is done they've wiped out most of these archers and i cannot stress how important archers are to a siege battle so really good teamwork by miss lee really good teamwork and he also has more cav kind of running around finally epauris is like oh yo stop harassing my my allies so he's gonna show up with some hellenic uh royal cav he's got more cap down there so yeah that's you know whenever guys that's another tip i want to tell you whenever you're attacking and you take on like a crazy cavs sally out from the front gate watch your flanks because it could be a diversion but the parthians are doing so much damage so much damage look at them they're just roaming around now they're going to go ahead and destroy or try to damage the uh the cav of eparus then we have the parthian general still going strong with the royal cataphracts getting in some beautiful charges is this another general another general they're going for now i'm going to do some slow motion really quick did they kill the general of the seleucids it looks like they did i don't see them so i think they wiped out the seleucid general and now the uh general of eparus is the next one in line while that's going on we have the allies of the solution still pushing they've got the romans already taking the walls and no surprise here that the defenders are being more passive in their defense because they're focusing so much on microing outside the walls and here comes rome they're already jumping down into the streets and we're not jumping but oh look at that where'd it go disappeared but they're gonna charge in and try to do some damage to these desert legionaries uh back over here we have eperez trying to bring down some walls with the tortoises and then we have the other seleucid army which is also making their way with a ton of hillman so this is obviously going to be the initial attack weak troops to try to absorb a bunch of ammo so there you have it let's go back to normal speed and see what parthia is doing here he has it look at this too he hasn't moved out his other cav force that's another tactic that you could use on opponents if you sally out maybe keep a couple cab units in reserve for a sally out later on because what happens with players is that usually there'll be one initial sally out and it's over so what might happen is that if you sally out and the you know your opponents defeat it they will have their guard down because okay the sally out's over it's done my guard's down i can focus on attacking the walls but all of a sudden boom another cav force sally's out and could potentially catch him with their pants down so one thing to consider but we got some ferocious cab fighting right outside these city walls and nobody expected this i mean it didn't seem like the seleucid players expected this lots of javi's pila flying around being tossed around but this is gonna be a little bit more difficult for the uh parthian uh soldiers as they are starting to dwindle dwindle dwindle down but as soon as they kind of defeated this cav four there's still a big chunk of cav over here that's still a problem got some roman auxiliary troops trying to chase them down good on them but they're not going to catch up to them uh but yeah as soon as they kind of defeated that first initial force here comes another one here comes another one kind of riding around these are horse archers they're gonna be a big headache headache also uh the artillery here is firing into the big blobs and the reason the horse archers are gonna be such a big headache is because the seleucids lost their archers a good counter to horse archers are your own archers and they kind of lost that so this is going to be very difficult for the seleucids very tough for them so they just need to try to i think what's best for the solutions now play defensive don't get aggressive try to kill this cav force if you can or really just absorb the the ammo in some way i know you're gonna take losses but just wait until your teammates your allies break through other parts of the wall which hopefully will give you an opportunity to sneak into the city as well so the romans are still fighting for this corner they've got a lot of troops here that's going to be a tough fight of course roman infantry is very dangerous we also have some troops up here throwing down look how cool this is throwing down their pila and trying to kill the units in reserve of massachusetts over on the other side we've got emperors breaking down the walls but we have celtic warriors ready to plug those gaps nothing too crazy here we've just got mercenary etruscan hoplites i don't know why you brought them i'm gonna be honest okay i mean i get bringing hop lights but why have hoplites be the initial force in a breach i get it when it's on def excuse me when it's on defense but on attack the hop lights i usually don't send in first because i need some like damage dealers i need to slice through the defense over here we've got more hoplites trying to take on the celtic warriors and up on the walls there's also some intense fighting where we have a unit of celtic warriors taking on some sam knight warriors yep the mercenary sam knight warriors some skirmishing going on from afar over on the other side the second seleucid army is making their way everest is actually shifting over a lot of troops you see this shifting over a lot of troops to support the solutions and it looks like oh looks like parthia is coming to harass the romans look at the parthian general is going in right now trying to take out another set of archers and they are they're breaking oh god the parthian cave the massachusetts uh massachusetts also did a really good job of killing the seleucid camp so again just great teamwork and seeing so many archer units die like this it's gonna be tough for the attackers to take this battle it's not impossible they've got rome you know they've got the romans the the bloody roman war machine but it's still gonna be very challenging to take on all of the defending archers without having archers so very cool that that corner uh battle is still going on it looks like most of the arverni forces held off the attack here from the um from empress uh and emperors has decided to kind of join forces which is not a bad idea there he's mostly attacking walls near this area uh so he can help his seleucids which are currently pushing through a huge gap right now we got some club levy hell yeah ready to hold against the hillman so in case you didn't know club levy have become quite the meme on my channel i have won many battles going all club levy on the battlefield we're really on defense it really only works on defense bringing club levy because they have a lot of like projectiles and there's so many of them that it's hard to kill them all if you get a whole army full of them all right so back over here we've got these uh swaby trying to hold a spear wall against some hillman i don't think this is i mean again rest in peace oh and here comes let's see are they gonna throw back come on i know i'm pretty sure the spears have you got projectiles right oh i don't think so and there comes a charge from the hillman we got some low tier units fighting it out always cool to see lots of projectiles coming in from the reserve units in the back there so a full-on fight for these walls and this is probably the attacker's best location this is like their best bet we've got defenders breaking over here we have a ton of uh what are these sam knight etruscan and sam knight i think yeah sam knight warriors that are causing some damage and let's not forget the archers are dropping some arrows on the enemy's heads a nice struggle going on there very cool the walls look like i mean it looks like i'm pretty sure our vernee should be able to hold on to the walls here but that's okay i i don't think everest cares too much i think this is more just like a little diversion so the rest of the forces can focus on attacking this corner area back here i mean see rome is kind of roma's been well they held them back in fact they're even pushing up on the walls desert legionary against normal legionary veteran legionary uh rome should edge out in first here and or you know they should survive this this engagement but the desert legionary are definitely giving them a run for their money is rome gonna rush in more units we'll find out let's uh let's see how this is progressing over here with the uh parthian cav against the seleucids parthia they've got some medium cab they definitely this is like their lighter calf not nearly as uh can pack a punch but they do have the horse archers which are going to be really annoying and they're going to ride around and try to uh probably focus down the enemy archers which yep that's exactly what he's doing he's going to try to focus down the enemy archers and this is not a bad idea from parthia i know this might look like a noob noob formation but this is an actual you know it makes sense in the right situation and this is definitely a right situation where he's got to form some sort of protective ring around his archers there's just too many cab units to be able to like push up archers you're gonna get flanked and run over so yeah he's trying but poor poor seleucids over here just trying to stay afloat and it's good he's keeping the parthians busy so he can't focus on the main battle but it's not like there's any parthian well there's is that no there's no party in infantry so it's not like he needs to focus on the inner defenses he's all cav baby so yeah rome still still trying to take control of this wall let's go over to the juicier part of the battle which i would say is over here and we got a charge by the blood sworn and this is not a great formation for the seleucids you've got some thorax swordsmen that are going to have some trouble here and oh the nikki warriors charging in with their danglers out they're going in they're like nah i'm not ill come on man like i know we're we're we're sworn enemies and everything put some pants on put some pants on which they do of course like they're not gonna they're not gonna put actual like you know full full nakey bodies in rome two you know what i mean keeping it pg pg-13 i guess but they are taking on the naked warriors thor swordsman over here everest is trying to slice through the blood sworn to kind of put a flanking force royal pelt is very good should be able to handle um these guys the uh the blood sworn the blood sworn warriors nice little struggle going on there let's zoom out a little bit let's see what's happening over here oh the the archer's support here in this corner is definitely helping out the attackers the celtic warriors they're getting chewed up and celtic warriors i mean they don't have the best armor so those arrows are gonna chew them up i mean it's not terrible armor was it 45 let's compare that to the same night warriors which is 95 so yeah you can see how arrows can be a lot more deadlier to the celtic warriors and this is you know and that's the other thing to consider like you do risk friendly fire but look at the pros the pros being that these guys will die much faster to arrows than your guys so you know it's a better situation anyways wow okay sam knight warriors showing their dominance destroying the celtic warriors even the support of the arrow tower just absolutely taking control of this wall which is good to see for the attackers now back over here uh oh oh things are getting interesting the party and cav has decided to abandon this attack against the seleucids which the seleucids are going to go ahead and trickle in their troops and help out the romans which by the way guys the romans are making some progress now keep in mind the balance of power is still greatly in favor of the attackers i know this has been a rough start for the attackers but they can easily easily win this one if the defenders make too many mistakes there's roman here's roman he's like look at that face he's like he's like mumbling something like gosh damn all right i had to travel all this far to fight a bunch of barbarians come i was at home enjoying some some wine i don't know whatever roman would would really be upset about anyways so they're charging against desert legionaries nice clash in the streets also intense fighting up here on the walls we have the seleucids helping out his roman ally and then back over here let's see what happens here are the are the defenders gonna keep holding i mean i think they got they're gonna get to a point where they might not have enough men and oh oh oh let's not miss this elephants charging in oh that's not a smart idea elephants charging in we've got a general taking on some noble blood cav and he's getting flanked this would be disaster for the attackers to lose their general like this and here goes the elephants wow wow i think the general is okay though it was a bold move by parthia to try to kill the general of the seleucids which they kind of need to do at this point to try to win this battle because they're a bit overwhelmed and if they can kill you know if they can cut the head off the serpent so to speak then they could try to turn this around based on morale you know breaking enemy armies instead of killing them uh but it looks like the seleucid general is doing more than okay and he's chasing down the parthian calf now we gotta be careful with the elephants though because they're getting harassed by the horse archers who are using fire arrows might cause these elephants to go berserk but it's not a big deal because there's not a friend not a lot of friendlies in the area so i wouldn't be too worried about it so let's go back over to the other side and see how the salutes the seleucids are doing in the inner streets looks like it's going quite well we do have some thorac pikemen which unfortunately are going to get focused down by aerofire but it's not too bad so what is this what is some weird did they form like a square formation here oh yeah they did with their spears i would move up the pikemen like move them up well i guess they kind of are engaged here huh okay so they're doing their job but they see the closer you get to the enemies the less likely arrows are to do like the less damage because it will inflict a lot of friendly fire too because of how close you are to the enemy but yeah they're taking some losses here 118 is still very healthy of a unit but those arrows are causing some issues but they are breaking the the defending forces so good on the seleucids emperors over here has taken control of this corner um they're starting to run out of defending forces guys i mean they are running out of troops and look at this you know can we get a shout out for this is this seleucid player i don't know your name we'll see it at the end of the battle but hey dude i love the fight in you man that was great i've seen players easily give up after sally out like that like oh great you know what am i supposed to do against this dude he didn't give up he didn't give up he he took what he could he he did what he could and now he's still in the game he still has tons of healthy units an archer unit he can still run through and do tons of damage and support his team that's what i'm talking about that's some good old never giving up attitude i love it so rome over here is taking control of the corner they're slowly pushing the streets now this is a very nice street or this is a nice city for the defenders because it has very thin streets that you can hold pretty effectively but at what point do you give up the outer streets and fall back to the inner streets you got to be pretty close to that swabi trying to hold sway b and miss cecily trying to hold against the seleucids who thought they were defeated i bet many of you guys thought the seleucids were screwed no they fight on they fight on all right so thorax i'm sorry thorek pikeman still slicing through the the chosen swordsman uh did they kill the other pike unit or did he fall back let's try i think he fell back no pikeman wait a second oh no no they're still there no those are spears maybe they did kill him i don't know i'm not sure but we do have some cab charging in the back here going after archers let's see what is this the medium cav trying to run through but this is a bit of a suicide mission for parthia so at this at this point i think parthia is just doing what he can he's got some horse archers very depleted 31 and 34. so they are very weak originally they had 80 men so party is mostly out of the game but they did do a ton of damage for sure for sure but i see this and i just look at like it's gonna be tough for the defenders it's gonna be really tough and that's the risk of cavs sally outs i do recommend if you are a skilled player and you know how sally outs work go for it i mean it's still risky but the reward is high if you're a newer player i do not recommend sally outs because the risk is so high that you could easily lose your very expensive cav and just be out of luck from there because a big expensive portion of your army is dead and they did not get enough kills so it's something that you need to watch carefully if you do sally out and also don't be afraid to give up uh in terms of the sally out as in like if it's not going well you don't see an opportunity don't force anything you know just just don't force anything fall back the cav use them later on in the battle don't force engagements go for engagements if you know they're there the opportunity is there so rome is putting up a ferocious fight with their seleucid allies against missesly mostly taking on these skirmishers and a unit of desert legionaries over this side definitely looks good it looks okay got seleucids mixed in with the romans again that's a deadly force big headache to deal with actually falling back it looks like reforming possibly gonna use some javi's so there's about 12 minutes left in this battle and i still really can't decide or i can't really say who's gonna win this one i mean the attackers still have a deadly force and look at this the elephants are now being called in and taking on these uh chosen swordsmen oh yes scary solutions very scary solutions look at this elephants going in no fear oh they got oh hey that's okay see that was a good move there by the seleucid elephant player because he charged them in deep in enemy lines knowing that if they went berserk they will be mostly in enemy territory see see they're berserk and they're going towards the he's like run and he's not going towards his own forces that's always good if you ever think that your elephants are going to go berserk maybe just charging them deeper into the enemy lines is the best bet because they'll go berserk in their lines and not your lines lots of archer fire coming down really hurting these pikemen look at this look at this man oh my god the elephants are just you know sometimes elephants go berserk and they kill a bunch of your own guys but sometimes when the moons align the elephants go berserk and slaughter the enemy this is this is perfect this is exactly what he wants out of his elephants and they actually stopped going berserk and now the general is going to charge in because he's got an archer opportunity this is huge this is how you're supposed to use your cav on attack just like this very good job but make sure you have an exit strategy especially if it's your general which he doesn't this might be a suicide mission unless these elephants can help them out elephants please help your general out oh yeah i think the solution general is in danger okay so that's one thing to consider guys you might have an opportunity to charge down some archers but be careful don't fall into a trap especially if it's your general that's okay he killed some archers at least he got that elephants are going berserk hopefully they stop and go after uh their enemies forces um everest is pushing the defenders are low on fuel when i say fuel i mean troops they are low the attackers i mean the attackers had such a stacked team two seleucids one rome one epress that's a nasty army force you know that's a nasty force of of uh allies coalition [Applause] here comes more troops coming in thorough spears they need to break through now is the time breakthrough love the sun effect in rome 2. very pretty they're still slashing and hacking away nothing is in reserve guys so the victory point i believe is right here we look pretty sure this is the victory point they do have some chosen swordsmen but i would start to fall back and prepare your last stand now we've got swaby throwing in there general we got some sword masters masters of the blade they've trained their whole life they are one with the blade and they're kicking butt here comes uh some hex bearers have done enough screeching and are ready to charge in and support the swordmasters nice now that's a woman right nice job uh killing the uh celtic warriors everest is now charging in some uh cretan archers to support and yes we have air our full-on retreat we got a flanking force of romans oh that aren't going to go for it weird i even though that cab is right there i would have charged in that infantry from the rear it probably will break them instantly but instead he's going to dedicate i mean i get it it's gonna dedicate these spears to hold off against the uh the riders over there okay i again i still think you should charge into them you'll break them oh the cavs guys like come on man auxiliary spears oh there's spears out man what is your profession pottery poetry okay that's pretty cool that's pretty based thank you i don't know why it sounds like kermit the frog i do pottery on my spare time and i train with the auxiliary that's very cool i don't know why i'm going on with this joke but i don't know it's just very wholesome it's like someone is just like not like purely a professional soldier and he's got all their passions i like reading reading the classics i don't know here comes that charge finally and swaby coming around the flank with some berserkers hey berserkers are a game changer and that auxiliary force is getting annihilated again should it just charge the rear of this unit which is still fighting strong they could have easily have broken these desert legionaries but instead find themselves surrounded and destroyed my goodness wow hey okay i did i just wait they just annihilated the attackers over here what happened to everest oh you know what i think i mixed up the okay well they destroyed they destroyed the attackers over here and now they're going gonna be able to shift all of their forces over to this side my goodness the balance of powers actually kind of shifted in favor of the uh defenders and then i didn't spend like the last five minutes doing a kermit the frog soldier joke i probably would have saw probably would have seen more clearly what happened over the other side of the siege battle but the defenders are rallying that's exactly what they needed [Music] they are victorious on one side of the battle and now we have streams of reinforcements charging into this fight these berserkers are mad mad over here they are victorious but they're not pushing they're not making any moves they're just sitting here in reserve which is good you know just sit there do nothing more reinforcements coming in we got hex bearers we've got uh gaelic hunters we've got sword masters this flank is starting to get a little overwhelming the hex bears are screaming look at that they're using their hexes like you suck i don't know what would they be screaming like curses or something i i'm not even gonna all right so yeah the berserker is still going toe-to-toe with these armored legionaries i'm surprised they're not sending in more forces to help but here we go finally finally these troops are pushing making a move throw spears going in see if they can help out the fight [Music] we got a general in the mix there help out these romans who are getting attacked by wolf warriors and the mercedes general [Applause] so very cool yeah show them no fear see there's still a deadly force here over here if the attackers can do some good flanking and maneuvers they can still win this one but because of this map oh i didn't see this force over here yeah because of the map it's just there's not a lot a lot of open ground and there's not a lot of opportunities to get the flanking but this is still anyone's game there we go we're seeing some breaking the wolf warriors are dead the armored legionaries are pushing and if they could break through this line of celtic warriors they would be able to flank around and support the push over here which seems to have lost all momentum the berserkers are single-handedly 19 berserkers holding back 96 men we've got a unit of reserve which is good because right above them yeah we got some light infantry that are about to flank also let's not forget parthia still has horse archers [Music] let's see if this resilient roman infantry can claw their way out of this hole that they have found themselves in very nice okay they're trying to overwhelm the riders of the hunt and the riders are going to regroup with the um ernie which they're actually going to charge in these chosen swordsmen hand-picked warriors that are a little scared so they're falling back no they're reforming like all right reform reform we got time we got time now back over here look at this my goodness this is actually a decent push a decent push by the attackers but unfortunately over here for rome they are breaking it's down to the seleucids with their thorax swordsman to get some some work done and then we also have the uh thorough spears kind of holding the flank the attackers are getting stretched out too thin they can still win this though i i believe oh that's gonna be that's gonna suck hex bears women screeching at you from the rear and that causes oh yeah look at all those negative morale loss that sucks and guys i think that's gonna be it i think that's it morale has been shattered it's down to the romans which are now breaking as well and this is going to be a successful defense for the defenders so um yeah overall the battle was great good i mean it was non-stop action cab sallying out doing so much damage i mean the biggest loss for the attackers were losing their generals so early on i believe eparus and the seleucids lost their general right away and because of that the army just didn't have the stomach to fight the defenders were able to uh you know chip away at their numbers and the morale loss was too much and that is a victory for the defenders all right let's end the replay look at the results joe on it playing as our vernee we have dan olfor and charlie six zulu these guys are all friends so um i don't know if these guys i i don't know if they were like a team taking on randoms but um it was pretty close nonetheless but it was a really good fight we've got the seleucids over here with getting the most actually no rome getting the most kills just under 2 000 on his team but over on the other side ulfur look at that old for 2400 with swaby that's awesome club levy got to bring that club levy archer's doing decent there god how do you get so many kills i just it's like i don't see it in his units that's crazy 282 that's awesome so yeah guys that's gonna wrap it up here for me thank you so much for watching again thank you joe for the replay so check out his channel and once again a big shout out to diss plate which uh they make awesome metal posters which is linked down in the video description if you guys enjoyed this battle don't forget to leave a like comment share and all that jazz i appreciate you guys and i will see you next time on the battlefield
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 810,542
Rating: 4.9175482 out of 5
Keywords: total war, rome 2, total war rome 2, rome 2 total war, total war: rome 2, total war rome 2 review, total war rome 2 gameplay, rome total war, total war: rome ii, total war rome, total war rome 2 trailer, rome, total war: rome ii (video game), total war rome 2 mods, total war rome 2 roman campaign, total war rome ii, rome ii, pixelated apollo, siege battle, sparta, tournament, cavalry sally out
Id: NXhJ308Qh_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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