ARMY OF WAR DOGS AND ELEPHANTS - 4v4 Siege Challenge - Total War: Rome 2

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all right what's up Knights of Apollo how's it going guys it's Apollo here of course it would be weird if it wasn't you know if like Jackie fish just started doing the intro here but we are back with another glorious Rome to siege battle for total war Rome 2 and this is the start of my brand new series called seeds challenge series it's not a very catchy name I'm still working on it but essentially what this little series is gonna be about is that I will bring a weird army comp like just completely weird maybe it's a good one maybe it's a bad one but it will definitely make these siege battles a bit more interesting and challenging because I have to get creative with this weird army come so what is the weird army comp well it's pretty weird I I guess you could call this one who let the dogs out because that's essentially what I'm mostly bringing I'm bringing all dogs with with some other animals we've got two units of elephants got the mercenary Indian war elephants and then I have my general over here which is on you know it's on horses you know so yeah you can't really avoid that you got to get a general but yeah it's mostly war dogs and two elephants so you could call this who let the dogs out you could call it you know the great zoo challenge I don't know who who left it the zoo cage doors open I don't know but yeah the dogs are there gonna be fun because they're definitely a support unit you don't want it obviously you don't want to try to hold a frontline with dogs they're like a shock troop you want to use them on the flank so I'm going to Zephyrus because Emperor's can bring both dogs and elephants it's gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna be a lot of fun so let's go ahead and press play guys get this battle underway and see what the enemy does here now really quick as the enemy pushes forward with their siege equipment let me go ahead and show you my teammates by the way my teammates are bringing normal armies so there is gonna be a little bit of you know of like them having normal armies so we have a little bit of a chance but yeah we've got Egypt we have Miss a sulli and then we have ro roll them over on this side so very awesome now attacking we've got another Egypt we have our Vernie we have cush so these are some pretty tough factions and then we have the Seleucids so those are the armies guys pretty cool stuff huh all right so let's get this one started and you can see they're moving very aggressively on this side of the settlement push has multiple siege towers of course Seleucids bringing up their tortoises bringing down the walls pretty soon nice hit with the artillery and the thorax swordsmen are getting chewed up here by those close shots look at that just Laura's already down to 128 excellent now in and I do want to just kind of focus on my perspective here most of the time because this is you know it's all the whole point in the battle is a siege challenge right so I just want to focus what I'm thinking at this point you know what my strategy is here and essentially I just play in the waiting game I'm gonna let my allies kind of engage first and I'm gonna look for weak spots you know look for flanks to release the dogs on look for just you know little holes that we can kind of run through and get behind the enemy and then use that shock force ability of those dogs because they're very fast they're very fast that's one thing they're they're hard to control like once you release them you know they they're a bit wild you know they will just go wherever they feel like going I mean they'll attack the unit that you told them to attack but yeah they're pretty pretty intense so yeah the war dogs just putting them up and reserve I got a couple more forces back here just hold him back hold them back a little bit by the way I'm not gonna act like I'm I didn't make this mistake so I'm just gonna go ahead and say it now this is the victory point this is the point where if you capture it and hold it for a little bit you win the game this over here idiots and I'm talking about myself here this is not the capture point and for the longest time I thought this was the capture point because it just made more sense to me it was further back you know it's like I don't know usually the camp report you think it's in the back of the base you know but no this is the victory point you got to protect that I figure that out eventually but yeah kind of embarrassing so let's go back over here where they still not charged in their infantry and it does take them a little while to get this one started these guys are doing a little bit of a shield dance got a lot of Rome too you know it's just Rhodes who has no bugs whatsoever it's just a well mating game that has never as you've just never any issues and these guys are just warming up they're like all right shield block it was just doing some like yeah we gotta learn the fundamentals the fundamentals have combat shield block y'all shield block okay sheíll blocking it shield block G Leblanc shield block you know just building up that like upper strength I bet I bet that's pretty good for your core as well you know builds up your your arms shoulder strength probably as well shield block shield block I don't know what they're doing you bunch of goofy goobers over here still no push from Egypt or the I Vernie arverni still just trying to destroy this wall which they do and as soon as they do here comes the push from the Seleucids and they're gonna go straight for this back corner and they're already experiencing the wrath of the egyptian infantry who are throwing some jab ease if I was the egyptian infantry it'd be very scared right now and this is look at the officer not a care in the world until they finally charge it but yeah this unit of dark swordsman are way better than the egyptian egyptian infantry but they're going to do their best to hold them back yeah that finally this battle is underway finally it's underway shotel warriors that's gonna be a real problem obviously push is known for their anti like their armored piercing right they really good edges piercing through armor and causing some issues for these forces got my ward dog said sitting and reserved here yeah just show no fear of mercy like dogs are so hard Oh little scars Arnim oh they're all veteran war dogs they've seen action look at them they are hungry look at that face look at that face now imagine seeing that face charging you while you're busy fighting someone else be terrified but yeah I know we're gonna not engage there again I'm playing the waiting game I'm delaying my attack I can't get too aggressive too early I gotta wait until there's a weak point in the enemy's army and I haven't seen one yet Egypt so holding off these shotel warriors we got more chin a bit surprised he brought so many egyptian infantry because they're so trash they're just so tripping they're not very good because you know if egypt has a very good mix of different infantry that you could bring to the table an egyptian infantry like unless you're on a budget like they're not very good but hey Bill they'll do a little bit of fighting here and there will at least contain the enemy for a couple seconds hey give credit to this egyptian infantry they're still holding with 43 kills 43 kills probably gonna break pretty soon the unit is losing decisively I'm sorry guys I got turned down I got turned down the music I think it's a little too loud I keep looking at my my sound here there we go I just don't want to have to yell over the music but yeah very intense fighting finally the egyptian infantry break no surprise there a little bit of a battle going on here we go here's some Egyptian for our swordsman but they're gonna get they're gonna get spanked by these shotel warriors because you know thorn swordsmen are pretty heavily armored whoa see all those arrows just like what it's raining arrows but in a safe way look at this doing nothing they're just wasting please so I think they're gonna hold fire I think nope look at this who's using their force force field like what is this it's just the I don't know it's just the artillery it's blocking it it's raining safely arrows on the defenders that's cool I really love how you can really see the arrows and detail as they fly look at that every time every time so yeah they're putting up a good fight over here at once again we got another push oh oh I think do I go for it I'm thinking about him like that could have been a good opportunity but not oh wait wait wait wait I'm going back let's see look do I release the doges do I release the doges yes I do the Doge is go in for the kill and they were kind of ready for it yeah was it great was it great now the good news is that dogs don't have armor so they're gonna do decently well against these shotel warriors but unfortunately their shields were in the right place and they're gonna do some damage to my doggies come on hey did you hurt my dog the dogs are hungry they haven't eaten in three days oh you know being able to be all the support player being able to sit back and watch this light like the battle a little bit more like the dog attacks are vicious man there's some animations in this that are just look at that it's just nasty just nasty but yeah they did a pretty good job of holding against my dogs I've got my mat as the masters of the dogs kind of like holding with the same pantry but it wasn't the best dog charge there's a little there's a little love just what I should have been more patient but I was just so eager I was so eager to use my dogs dang it so yep that's going on let's go back over here where we finally have the arverni pushing forward and he's gonna get ready to take on Miss ASA Lee who has their desert legionaries they're kind of having a little Mexican standoff here between the two forces now there we go now they're gonna engage chosen swordsmen 135 getting hit pretty hard they're always gonna fall back look at this little cheeky maneuver right out of range oh I see why because he didn't want to get outflanked here by the infantry going her going through the breach point I was actually a really good move there very good mood saved a lot of lives over on this side it looks like the attackers have kind of taken control of this area they're starting to really push through aggressively miss Cecily has more reinforcements closing in and we have push pushing forward to flank mrs. Lee's aggressive push there miss Cecily knows it so he's gonna have to shift the unit over to protect this flight but she's gonna do right here by the way guys as we continue to watch the seed battle I do want to mention if you want to recommend a an army challenge to do so cos doe so do so in the comments down below I will look at the top rated the most liked comments and if there if it seems like a good idea I will try to do it now I usually play these when I'm streaming also by the way I think I sent in another unit of dogs to help out the fitness area but yeah I will do it while I stream so you guys can see it live a stream Monday Wednesday Friday most of the time you know sometimes they take days off because I'm lazy son of a [ __ ] but yeah hopefully we'll see you there but yeah pretty cool stuff again I'll be looking at all your comments and seeing which ones look like a fun challenge now I do want to say it has to be within the rules so the rules are max for skirmishers max to pikemen and one artillery that you got to play within those rules to make it fair and yeah that's that's about it everything else is fair game so come up with some cool army comps and I will try to get it done so yeah send in another war dog we got Egypt setting up some thorough Spears miss a silly he had to fall back into the inner streets over here they're doing a good job of holding against our Bernie we've got some naked warriors looking for clothes so like we're so close I'm naked like what happened why are you naked now I'm just gonna started making they're crazy like they're just they're just a free spirit but yeah over here they're holding back a lot of troops so arverni still doing very well on this side rome has just kind of been waiting he's waiting for Egypt to commit and this is it I mean I wouldn't recommend an attack like this because you know Egypt they're gonna have a tough time against Rome honestly if I was Egypt I would just push over this way as well just really push that moment I'm sure it's gonna make Rome shift over and help defend this but I just feel like you got to be closer to your allies sometimes now if you look right here I'm waiting with my elephants my elephants they're gonna wait until the enemy has a weak spot because I don't think they realize there's this big road here so what I'm gonna do is wait for them to send up their reserves and then I'm gonna push up my elephants they are currently hidden right now so they can't see that they're just sitting here waiting so hopefully we can get them by surprise we can do some damage but it's all really good is a lot of luck in those kind of ambush tactics you got a hope that your opponent just doesn't see it in time it's a pretty it's pretty thrilling tactic as well you're like come on you know don't see them don't see them we'll see how it works out in this battle the safe slay pouring in unit of desert legionaries holding against authority swordsman and shotel warriors push has been an absolute pain in our booty because they just are so good at killing these factions we have here looks like I sent in overs you know some war dogs over here as well again just kind of throwing units here and there trying to support my allies because they have a tough move they have a tough time taking on my dogs they're hungry too so I couldn't hold them back much longer come on get them right so let's let's the life of a dog right here this dog his name is Peter Peter the nope oh you're okay you're okay come on get your revenge oh oh you didn't get his revenge maybe the master will get is a you killed Peter yeah hell yeah freakin revenge we call this guy PETA I'm just kidding PETA like two kills thousands of dogs every year anyways Notting not to get into that let's go back over this way where Egypt is still holding back these forces we've got a little bit of a defense here Kushites slave spearmen I don't think they know the elephant is waiting for them because again they're hidden they've always been hidden they have no idea right but these are just slave infantry you know that these are not and yes there's spearmen and spearmen do decently well against elephants but these guys are such trash my elephant should would be able to run right through them and and they most likely will and here's a big push and I saw okay here's another doggy charge doggy charge just coming in to support cuz my my allies really struggling starting to run out of troops starting to run out of troops is getting a little concerning so I had his I had to bring some relief forces to all these doggies are doing the best they can elephants still waiting in position over on this side mrs. Lee is doing the best you can trying to hold back the enemy but it's time man it's time for a little bit of relief that's where I need to come in with the elephants so at any moment now I'm gonna send them in but I think I think what was holding me back is the fear of these archers because these archers could easily just look at my elephant shoot at them and cause a lot of problems think I was waiting for the elephants that are not elephants the archers to push in into this area and then they'll send in the elephants kind of like have them trapped inside here sure they could easily just run back out but it's just yeah it's harder for oh oh here we go I just walk over all my dogs don't worry they're not dead they're gonna get back up that's hilarious here comes the elephants guys here we go they're like you bastards here we go imagine being on one of these things you see an open flank you're like this is it it's time already taking some shots from the towers that they captured it's time so what I'm gonna do is they have a trampled ability I'm gonna use that right before I go in and here we go trample trample oh yeah and I'm not gonna wait around and fight these spearmen no no no that's a waste of time I'm gonna keep pushing through and go for their infantry in the back and quickly try to break them or or or walk there they go and look at the spears are already breaking here comes the war dogs to come in and support as well hell yes who who let the dogs out boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo you know who opened up the zoo crates the zoo is out it's a wild wild animal charge right here in the enemy plane so they just destroyed those forces elephants are already at 312 kills I'm gonna go ahead and chase down these units trying to get to the elephant or I keep saying elephants trying to get to the archers elephant fire coming down we got some show tells no die and I couldn't believe it at this point finally my elephants were starting to die they're now at 373 7b and just crushing crushing these forces they're running amok but that's ok they're like deep in enemy lines they're doing they're doing God's work right now which the hell the animals are getting revenge on the they are down to 441 kill looking and they're still going strong couple have fallen but that's only enraged the elephants it's only enraged them come on keep charging in look at that ah a bunch of them dropped right there it's the archer fire coming in they couldn't take it look at even the guy controlling the elephants shot in the chest a bunch of times it's like I don't care keep going this is a suicide mission we fight to the end back right guys right in the barricade or not the barricade for the rubble the destroyed walls and that's it guys that's the great charge I think they ended up having like you'll see it you'll wait you'll I'll show you how many kills they had at the end but it was a lot direct swordsman coming in to reinforce this space we broke a lot of the units but is it gonna be enough is that enough relief force to be able to hold on to this flank we'll find out we'll find out over this way still nothing going on with Egypt in Rome so Egypt looks like they're starting to shift their units like I said they should they're shifting their units over to the other side and they're gonna try to help out with that push over here it's a bit of a cluster a bit of a cluster and did we miss it I hope we didn't miss it I don't think we did okay you're probably taking miss what Apollo what did you miss oh nothing yet nothing yet let me explain what's happening here the gate is open the enemy is not really near the gate here we go here comes a little charge of dogs coming to reinforce trying to help Lee quickly kill this gate like open it up anyways what I'm gonna do here I think this was I forgotten whose idea this was maybe was arguments he was in this battle I want to give credit to the right person but anyways he's like hey you know you could probably run through the gate and kill these archers with the dogs cuz they're so fast I was like you know what I can't do that huh so I'm gonna go ahead and shift up the unit of some dogs and that's the strategy now will it turn out well will it work out let's find out let's find out let's see what happens here so moving up the dogs getting them into position push has officially won over here they have taken this road and now it's really up to the Egyptian general Egypt is down to his final beauty of reserve which is general so he did the best he could hold in this outer area he's gonna run up use some little oil peltasts let's see there we go beautiful they're gonna have a tough time against these shotel warriors that's one thing I think the mistake of our team nobody brought a light armored faction against cush and I think that's the one mistake we made here in this battle now is it fatal mistake you'll see you'll see it I want to give away two ending but definitely one that you need to pay attention to guys like if somebody brings push you better have at least one army that's like a barbarian army that has light armor to deal with those shotel warriors because they will just pierce through heavily armored factions like rome is a silly Seleucids anyways I think I'm going for the push right here yep I'm going for the push I'm running I'm running through the gates and the archers are still buy it cuz these archers just constantly kept shooting at us there's a guy this is it this is the time these freaking mercenary Creason archers are gonna feel the wrath of the dogs and the dogs release the hounds they're going at them boom his archers don't stand a chance look at it just does Droid this unit look at the eat them up boys eat them up you're hungry van flesh delete it delete did I just say delete it maybe in my head I'm like delete what you're saying because it's really cringey but no they're they're just crushing these archers here comes a Sally out of some infantry the masters of the dogs I'm gonna quickly break away hopefully my dogs listen and they're gonna go and get the next unit of archers or run past them and make a weird path and it looks super unrealistic there we go no well nope nope they just it's like they're playing fetch it's like come on this isn't the dog park you know how you're not out here running around having fun this is the kill part you're gonna run out and kills me finally they commit to these archers it's more Infantry's coming out but that's that's about it but the dog charged was it was it worth it I wouldn't say so I think we killed enough to make it worth it I was soon at having 130 kills a lot of them being archers which is always good you know killing these archers but I thought it was interesting that's for sure definitely I mean dogs getting one or two dogs in your army cop is actually not terrible I usually never bring dogs but if you're really smart with them in a situation like that where you just took out a very vulnerable target it's kind of like calves but it's like it does it's different you know because it's I think it's faster than calves it's harder to expect because at any moment the dogs could be released and just you know sent upon you so it's easier to you know figure out what calves gonna do but dogs you never know what they're gonna do like because as soon as you release them they are just like bullets they're missiles heat-seeking missiles going after you know people so I think it could be useful going after archers and whatnot but here's the stand by the general Royal Pelt is down to 65 they got some support from masae Sallee over on this side push was moving up and I had my general kind of zone him out and I think I I sent another wave of dogs or I've got some masters over here than the Masters of the dogs but they're gonna charge it I think I'm just holding back these are bernie forces but again i'm over here just kind of defending this area because i'm thinking this is the town center i'm like why aren't my teammates kind of over here helping me this is a big problem like they have easy access you know easy access to the capture point nobody likes easy access you need a little bit of a challenge right then it's not worth it you get what I'm saying so you got it you you got a hold here so that's what I'm doing with my elephants in my general I will figure out though that that's not where you need to hold Egypt's throwing in their archers helping Rome Rome has now shifted over some units to deal with the Seleucids and try to stop them in their tracks it's a ferocious fight it is a ferocious fight but let's zoom out here kind of look at the situation the bouts of power is in favor of the attackers but that's okay it's it's usually is during cease battles until the end we definitely have a chance of winning this battle we're not doing too bad at this point I'm down to one - is it two units of war dogs I think I'm down to two units yes so you know I've just been periodically just sending in dogs every once in a while looking for weak spots and it hasn't been too bad I've got a unit of elephants over here that is just hiding behind the walls unfortunately they saw this unit of elephants so they knew I had one I was hoping oh hey we got a new member boys all right raise our banners hell yeah okay I'm sorry about that that's I forgot to mute my alerts someone became a member write that in there I appreciate it thank you whoever that is I appreciate it oh I'm so unprofessional you know it's just like what am i doing but yeah what was I saying oh they know I had this unit of elephant so the element of surprise of another shock you know charge is gonna be more difficult but not impossible that's why I've got them way back here I think that's why this general is kind of coming around this way but I was like oh please please come this way I will smack you with my general and then I'll send in the elephants it's totally worth an elephant charge killing the general of cush absolutely but he doesn't go for it he's just capturing this or was trying to capture this I don't know why he's using this general because you get picked apart here from this arrow tower so they're falling back going to safety and yeah over here I've got my last unit of second the last unit of war dogs holds him back wish I didn't use this unit ear because again I thought I was holding the town center and I was buying time you know I was like oh I'll hold here allies just get some forces up here like help help us okay but yeah then they're like hey Apollo like yeah that's not it's not the victory point you dumbass and like oh oh so yeah it was kind of a waste of a dog unit trying to hold them back because they're gonna easily kill them because like I said dogs aren't made for the frontline and more of a shock troop so it's kind of a waste there this way these dogs over here their head they're headed back and Rome still has a very healthy army because he didn't really see too much action there was a little bit of fighting over here but that was about it he had a couple units kind of help defend over near the gate and stuff but overall Rome is fairly intact which is always good news like it's always good to have your last strongest army be Rome you know what I mean so they're trying to break through we've got about 20 minutes left in this battle replay Egypt has his last unit I'm pretty sure his general died causing the arverni Celtic warriors to start breaking but it's not gonna be enough there's just too many enemies and this is gonna be the final stand it won't Egypt sell us some archers which still have ammo why are they going in who knows who knows Sobek only knows man Sobek only knows rah only knows now they're gonna fall back I don't think he liked what he saw there yeah keep those archers alive gonna dip I mean we're gonna be sitting ducks holding this this victory point over here so we definitely need archers to kind of counter that now back over here I'm starting to feel this is where I figure it out I'm like oh crap okay let me fall back then I'll fall back and deal with this so general one unit of dogs and my elephants are still still hiding here because I'm hoping that they forget about them you know and they think that the elephants are over here but really they're over here I know I'm sneaky I'm a sneaky bastard over this okay Egypt sells some units okay I keep thinking Egypt's out of units but they still I don't I just I I don't know why the Egypt sent in is general like it felt like Egypt all he had was his general that's what he said to mint but no he still has a lot of units of swordsmen and whatnot I think what Egypt did is they were originally over here so by the time he got them back he like had to commit his general to keep back the enemy nice little charge here by the light cab from enemy Egypt going after these archers Rome's gonna close in they're not going to completely kill these archers which is good for us but it was still a good move and definitely did some damage to the archers so they're falling back they're reforming and then over on this side nothing really going on and there's a little bit of a general killing these archers I really hope these archers were out of ammo because if they weren't that's a huge loss and a great victory for the attackers which is never good never good so at this point guys it starts to slow down a little bit I'm gonna fast-forward here a tad bit actually they charge it in that it slows down because everybody's setting up their army they're setting up their archers okay they're not charging in we're also doing the same thing we're setting up our forces so it's kind of fast-forwarding so this battle is that you know I don't want it to be too long and look at see if they're like running forward they are Vernie running forward throwing some Gabby's and kind of you know doing doing nothing but here's a little flanking maneuver like this they can go through this path I'm gonna rush down my general because I saw here if he put if he pushes out here if he convinced he's gonna be trapped if I'm able to get my general down there I think he he knows that and that's why he's falling back falling back that CAV units also falling back as well there's one unit of Romans over holding this position Eagle cohort holding back these guys are at your fire coming down nice little use of the walls here just kind of focusing down these Romans but you know hey the Romans will absorb a lot of ammo there they're heavily armored it's not too bad there the general was pushing this way and again it this is just where it slows down and you know there's a couple of roman units kind of resisting I think Rome's trying to get his unit to out of here they're trying to escape so by the way Rome was commanded by mister Brunswick so he's pushed him back and he's gonna he's gonna try but he just is slower than the old smart if I'm not mistaken the Roman infantry you know they're heavier they have a lot of armor and this units high armor too but I think they're slightly faster than the Romans so he's gonna well he's gonna try to fall back still like it they just they just catching up to him they they activated headhunt which what does that do exactly like and they would stop moving melee attack and browser doesn't increase their speed but yeah he's gonna hold his ground here I was hoping to do like a hammer and anvil kind of hit here but it was a cush general those zoning me out so I couldn't really do anything but watch it was pretty sad pretty sad my elephants still hiding back here they haven't been had not seen the elephant yet so that's good miss a sleaze general is hanging out with my general we're like sharks kind of swimming around or you know what a better analogy we're like we're like Eagles or Hawks or Falcons flying around looking this or or even vulture okay enough with the analogies if we're like birds in the sky right now he's flying around looking for prey with the you know with the with the cab so we're just looking for a weak unit I haven't seen one yet so we're just kind of hanging back Egypt over here has got some forces pushing on this side most of their force though is pushing down the center line now the biggest challenge I think for us in this battle right here it's gonna be dealing with - yes they have pikemen so really quick before we go look at them nice little stand here by the legionary cohort against these historic swords and show chosen swords with a nice little fight there but in the back sure enough here's your pikemen ready oh no these are just some naked guys these are the guys that like that you know when they like get into a fight they start taking their clothes off like oh you wanna fight go on fight it starts taking their clothes off that's the naked words they just take it one step too far No anyways they do have some pikemen where are they there's a cab I know they exist I know they're here here they are thorax pikemen yeah so that's gonna be a problem we got to deal with that it's gonna be a big thorn in our side literally it says that's what a pike is it's a giant thorn nice archer fire going into this royal peltasts definitely need to soften their numbers because it is such a good unit another good volley there another great volley praetorian guard look at these guys saved him for last just healthy praetorian guard I haven't seen any action yet actually this unit has wait no no they haven't seen any action so he's gonna save them for last which is awesome the Romans unfortunately are breaking and we we charge some archers I saw that he was pushing on archers he he did discover my elephants over here so yeah that was unfortunate also oh wait look at this our Vernie general pushing up this is actually a pretty cool maneuver here by both teams so we've got a general pushing forward for us I'm trying to kill these archers we kill them so I'm gonna disengage I know it's just an archer unit that didn't have any ammo but it was like a moral victory we're falling back I'm like hey its general if he keeps pushing forward absolutely absolutely we're gonna sandwich him I'm gonna turn around I'm like yeah you want to go let's go so he he just throws his general in between our generals he's not in complete danger because he is sending up sending up a unit of swordsmen to support and cushion general is moving around the flame but we're gonna do some good damage this guy maybe even killing like he's down to 58 he dropped 20 guys a matter of seconds unfortunately though he's gonna pull out of there and he's gonna make it thanks to the safety of the swordsman and of course cush cush running in place no cushion he's gonna show up as well so we yeah we had to get out of there but we brought him down to 51 which was a nice little nice little trade I miss a sleigh I was a little worried I was like out got Macias like don't hesitate don't stop what are you doing and he's actually going back in yeah see I'm trying to help them I'm like look if you go in I'll send in my general but it's the unit of swordsmen that had me worried you know it's just we can't do it they just have too much infantry and they'll slaughter our generals so we had to fall back this way the Romans still holding strong they send up some praetorian guard to kind of support this line but it's still going quite well the archer fire kind of wasting their shots on these units which is good instead of using them on the praetorian guard my elephants is now shifted down this way I'm trying to find a new ambush spot you know cuz they already saw the elephants over here so they know I've got him over here so I've got to move them down I'll have my war dogs and I'm keeping them away from the town centre and the reason I'm doing that is because I'm trying to find I'm hoping they'll commit to the town center and have a flank open and then I can send in war dogs you know something like that nice Roman general charging into these archers going for the Syrian heavy archers trying to take them out I don't think they have any ammo but again another moral victory and here comes the pikemen the thorax pikemen got to take care of them got to take them out we want any chance of winning this battle we have no answer to the pikemen we've got some archers which are gonna do some damage but in terms of infantry we have no answer so we've got to deal with the pikemen we've got to take them out and that right there is my main goal at this point is this pike unit spike eunuch get them out of here kill them kill them dead ah here comes our bernie sitting in the naked soldiers egypt was doing some cycle charging with the citizen cab rome is starting to run out of troops here but look at these guys 169 kills excellent excellent job 170 they're doing a great job is holding buying time they're even breaking these as shotel warriors which I think cush at this point is out of the game but they've done a lot of damage to us you know let's show tell Warriors man there's just monsters so they're overlooking they're over here looking for my elephants you see that yeah it's just like just surveying the land looking for the elephants and you're not gonna find them you jerks you're not gonna find them because they're over here but now I'm pushing this way I've got my general got my dogs and the reason I'm going this way is because I'm trying to get behind the pikemen it's a long way around but I felt like this was our best hope of destroying the Pyke's it's legionary cohort with 77 kills holding against historic swordsmen throwing swordsmen are breaking naked warriors now it taking on the praetorian guard Tori guard already had 64 kills but only losing about 12 12 men pretty good pretty good killed Dee right there but it could be better these are Praetorian guards none of them should die let's go Zilla unit in a column formation and back rest of these forces kind of hanging back not pushing up which is good you know I'd rather them just attack one area at a time and we've got more egyptian infantry coming around we got the glee she rolled guard these guys are really good really good that's another problem unfortunately they can see me coming my troops are not hidden but they they should be now they are but they should have been hitting the whole time but whatever my elephants aren't hidden anymore either I I decided to run away my elephants because yeah I was a little worried about this force over here but what can you do so here comes my calves and this is it guys this is uh you know it's either make pull off the plays make epic gamer plays and then turn this battle around or or not lose and I felt like that was the moment right here this is a freaking moment are we gonna win this or are we not let's find out let's find out y'all y'all let's find out okay no I decided not to charge there I just didn't feel right I was just waiting for them to not be ready for it there is shifting over a ton of Units because they know we're over there which is a real bummer but we we can still pull something off and here we go here we go our bernie is now pushing over on the other side Rome's got a unit of reserve just waiting for Oh a sportin going deep in charge that's all hundred twenty-six legionary cord down to 142 they should be able to win this it's gonna be close both sworn are very tough with the legionary cohort are very tough as well ooh I don't know they're dropping numbers fast oh my god they're dropping numbers guys and it's even now in terms of no they don't stand a chance my bad they don't stand a chance against the other swarm yikes noise alright the Pikes have been committed into the fight and this is our this is our time but you got me safely he charged in his general to deal with the Egyptian cap I'm gonna run right by with my general like nausea Fastpass [ __ ] I'm gonna push forward and they're gonna run up and I'm gonna go in for a charge I mean there's not much I can really do it looks like the Egyptian cat tried to slow me down I charged into the general not a bad charge but most of them are gonna get backup that is the general he's got a very it's the Galatians right no royal thorax swordsmen they're really good really really good and then I send in the war dogs to help out with a cab just trying to get in there and and slow them up kill this job we can kill the general that would be a huge loss for them but it's not going well I'm losing we've only killed 12 of them like what's the hell that charge was brutal we killed 12 and then I send in the war dogs and we're still not killing these guys give me a break give me a break in that Kit Kat bar you know what I mean like that's ridiculous just ridiculous the pikemen are reforming I'm sending around my masters here who control the dogs no luck no luck absolutely no luck I got my elephants now in the town center they're getting shot at which is really unfortunate I feel like any path that I go the elephants are gonna be spotted there's archers everywhere I'm gonna charge my elephants this way because I saw the pikemen we're facing the right way of course the pikemen are gonna face the right way so I'm just simply gonna turn around and get out of there war dogs are losing like a 107 107 I flanked them with my masters it's just we should have killed this unit but instead they killed my general they killed my general how dare they how dare you but yeah the general holds the pikemen still alive that complete that charge was a complete failure and yeah we're having to reform the Romans still holding over here against the oats war looks like Praetorian Guard has has taken this spot where the legionary cohort have fallen back and the Praetorians are getting it done they're definitely getting it done it was bloody bloody fight very cool very cool battle going on there between the Battle of elites there's really not much reserves here it's just a general and some archers but yeah I was looking to charge I just couldn't find an opportunity to charge my elephants in you know I just couldn't find it but I think I really want to kill those pikemen so I'm gonna send the elephants this way god I really wish my mouse would work one day it will promise you my mouse will work but yeah desert legionaries ready to hold against the throg swordsmen big push by the Seleucids balance of powers not looking great but it's still possible if we can get a chain round no if we kill this general here comes the elephants this is it maybe we can turn it around right here running out of chances running out of men we've got to do something up yikes one volley of fire arrows and my elephants are running amok running amok look at them look at them some tragic Rome is sent in some Praetorians actually catching the pikemen by surprise the pikemen are little out of formation I'm trying to get these guys to calm down they calm down right in the last second we charge the flank of the pikemen the pikemen are breaking but unfortunately the pikemen just like form up so effectively form that failings general is not closing in elephants are just getting focused down fire arrows making them run amok I no longer control them and I'm very good moved by Egypt here holding back the Romans so they can't send up reinforcements to hold the flame and that's gonna be it from my animal beasts army who let the dogs out army and at that point guys that's honestly the end of the battle we we are defeated I bring shame to my family no it was fun it was definitely very challenging if I could go back I think I would have held back the dogs a little bit I think I used them a little too aggressively it's at times I just hold on to them and wait for better opportunities but I don't know it's tough because at times I felt like I had to use them because my teammates were you know needing help but it's just tough because you have such a small army you know the dogs don't they're not a lot the elephants obviously were big units so I just didn't have a lot of troops and it was it was really close I think if I brought a normal army we would have won that battle that's the thing that kills me you know but that's the whole point of the challenge series but here's my kills it's actually not bad I got the least amount of kills but I'm right behind my teammates and I only deployed 528 528 men and you know not bad I was right under a thousand three hundred kills so mister Brunswick getting the most kills there with the 2100 doing a good job with the Romans but unfortunately it's just not enough I got 528 with that elephant unit 36 with the other elephant unit if I could have if I could have gotten another 500 kills with this elephant unit who knows maybe we could have won and I wouldn't have been in last place with kills though actually I got more kills than the Egyptian player but he sells more troops alive you know that's the thing but yeah good game to core battle anthem Joe buds Billy hot cheese and toast and Brunswick you guys are all members of my channel I appreciate it I'm gonna be updating my members gonna be adding some new perks I really want to make the members you know the whole member will the rewards worth it and I'm thinking about a movie night thing historical movie night and maybe like a special let's play that only YouTube members can see but thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you guys next time on the battlefield [Music]
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 210,677
Rating: 4.9295487 out of 5
Keywords: total war, rome 2, rome, pixelated apollo, total war rome 2, total war rome 2 trailer, pc, let’s play total war rome 2, total war rome, rome ii, gameplay, real time strategy, strategy, video game, total war: rome 2, total war rome 2 multiplayer, roman republic, pa, online battle, ca, total war rome 2 gameplay, multiplayer, total war rome ii, battle replay, sparta, commentary, total war: rome ii, siege battle, history, rome 2 total war, war, rts, campaign, total war series, dogs only
Id: Drv-PXwBEuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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