COMPETITIVE TEAMS BATTLE IT OUT! - 3v3 Siege - Total War: Rome 2

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all right night so what's up it's Apollo and we are back with another competitive siege battle now of course a couple days ago I announced that we're having a siege tournament some new things have arrived I have risen out of the announcement of that so there's actually a like eSports community that's gonna be taking over the tournament which is really awesome like I solve a lot of say and I you know I'm gonna have the rules and it's I have a lot of say in the creation of this tournament but I can focus more on the broadcasting of the tournament recording the matches streaming the matches rather than doing the backend stuff of you know making sure the teams are set making sure there's referees and it just puts a lot less workload on me which is perfect because honestly I haven't been as consistent as I would like to be with my videos because of this tournament and that's why I was so hesitant on starting a tournament because I knew is like this is gonna be a lot of work a lot of work but yeah I'm really happy about that really excited about that it has pushed the tournament back a little bit about a month and a half but that's okay the good news is that we're gonna have well I really shouldn't say for sure but I'm pretty sure we're gonna have more teams be allowed into the tournament because there's gonna be a qualifying phase and then it would go into the bracket like playoff phase again nothing set in stone but I'm pretty sure that's how they're gonna run the tournament now we do have a couple issues with the tournament which is rules we're having a tough time agreeing on rules that we believe are fair and one of the major rule rules that we're having issues with and I just wanted to bring this up to you guys so I could kind of hear your voice whether you're newer player or a more experienced player I just want to know also from just a viewers point of view would this be fun you know would this be fun to watch with this rule so the major rule we're having an issue with our pikemen technically with pikemen if you stack a swordsmen unit on the pikemen you're exploiting the game and apparently even the developers have said this they fixed it in the DD Dei mod so this is technically to exploit which is similar to the push through if you guys know how you can push through units that are holding a defensive position and that's an exploit you shouldn't be able to do that the same thing with pikemen you shouldn't be able to stack on top of pikemen cuz historically speaking you can't fit a sword unit inside of a pike unit like you just can't do that you know imagine watching that movie Alexander the Great you know the first I'm drawing a blank on the battle name it's like the most famous battle anyways during the battle you have all those pikemen and then there's just like swordsmen lollygaggin you know within the pikes as they're fighting it's just not realistic so the pikemen are supposed to be weak to archers but when you put in heavily shielded swordsmen type units within the Pyke's they're really difficult to kill so technically that's an exploit now there's an issue because it's like alright do we let this you know happen where Archer you can stack and it's hard to kill them with archers or do we have a rule where you can't stack infantry on top of pikemen and instead they kind of have to be either behind or in front of the pikemen it's gonna be a little challenging to kind of explain how that's gonna work and what exactly is in pikemen what exactly it's not imp Aikman and we also thought it'd be cool if if pikemen are not in pike formation they don't have their Pike's out then they can combine with the sword unit and be protected that way but once they take the planks out they can no longer be within a sword unit it's I know it's a lot but the problem with Rome - it's a buggy game it's broken there's lots of issues so I just want to hear what you guys think in terms of exciting to watch gameplay or if you're a player how you feel about it about the stacking in pikes and how it should be dealt with I you know the community always matters to me and I want to hear what you guys have to say and I'm doing my best to make it the most fair and most balanced rules that we can have for this tournament so it's it's been kind of challenging I'm not gonna lie it's some people have gotten pretty upset about it it's caught it's created some feuds between teams because we're all working together to make some rules so it's been pretty tough and I don't want that rule to ruin the tournament and upset a lot of people and have them not show up or play which would be just disaster so anyways what you're gonna see today is you're gonna see two teams that have signed up for the tournament this is a bit of a skirmish we're testing out the rules here and it's gonna be a lot of fun it's very competitive very close and you will also see the no stacking rule in action and maybe you'll like how it plays out I'm not really too sure now I do want to mention that this is live I am playing this I'm recording this replay live so there is going to be a little bit of lag again this is gonna be very similar to when I livestream the tournament this is what it's gonna be like there's gonna be a little bit of lag there might be some times where I'm looking at chat or there'll be a notification on chat that shows up just bear with that it's still a really cool battle and it's just like a battle replay because I'm just watching alive and I get to focus on the the tactics and everything but anyways I didn't want this intro to be too long thank you guys so much for watching if you have any criticism critiques about the tournament ideas feel free to share it down in the comments down below we're working really hard to make a fun fair exciting tournament so thank you guys so much for watching enjoy this little matchup here I feel really bad because I forgot the team names I'm so sorry but I will add it to the description or I'll pin a comment or something but yeah awesome anyways thank you guys so much for watching enjoy the battle I'll see you guys next time okay so our arverni pushes up very aggressively with their archers no artillery on the walls for them to shoot so I assume that's why he was he was pushed up so far is to fire down at the artillery fire arrows try to kill it quickly over on this side there's one artillery piece over here but to loose it the Seleucids and Miss Illya are pushing together on this side now they do have a siege Tower kind of going around the flank here I wonder if he's actually gonna commit to that but there's another artillery piece just kind of opening fire I don't really like this position yeah you could get some flanking fire you know on these troops but you're not gonna kill a lot I think it would have been better to just have two artillery pieces up here fire as much as you can I mean imagine hitting these two units right here you do a lot of damage a lot of damage so they're underway I love the fact that they pushed up their siege equipment up to the walls and they're running - it kind of closes the distance you know closes that distance where they have to slowly March it forward but it does take a little while especially for the siege towers for the troops to go in there or Bernie's pushing up all their siege towers they're gonna be I assume very aggressive on these walls it's mostly Pergamon defending this side it looks like tieless is kind of playing as a support faction most of their armies centered kind of in reserve and then we have pontus who's holding these fronts but I don't know I feel like the defenders are kind of putting up a light defense over here like it seems like this won't be too challenging to take but we'll see they've got Archer support that's definitely going to cause a lot of damage to the troops scaling the walls so and you know he could always easily shift up more men and try to defend these positions but the reason he's kind of not holding these center points is because you got the stairs here but you could just hold the stairs like so like kind of like what they're doing now but there's also another staircase over here that they have to be careful of so I'm really curious to see how this is gonna play out here we go the tortoises are about to ram down these styrofoam walls as it that's kind of how it looks like that you know just looking at this you're like come on really really this thing can bring down that wall okay so quickly you know looking out for any kind of Sally outs I don't really see it artillery fire so opening fire might be able to land some good hits here let's see it's just so far it's hard to hit there you have it guys the walls are crumbling two of them down one more to go and it's like these are Hillman so that artillery could be hitting these guys but even if it does it's just Hillman and they're doing their job which is destroying these walls there it is there's the final wall big breaches big breaches in the city artilleries going wild right now trying to kill whatever they can he's doing explosive rounds which is a little surprising not nearly as deadly as safe fire rounds the siege towers have halted the Rams are pushing up for our Vernie and are they gonna full-on push here absolutely don't slow down give them hell let's see what happens here another breach point has been opened they're still gonna be able to use these stairs here so that works out sometimes when you destroy walls it kind of cuts off you know the use of like for example if there was a unit right here they were trying to use these stairs obviously they can't now cuz there's a big gap in the wall don't disrespect your helmet look man I had a really bad experience with hillman recently where they just did not do anything for me and yeah never again never again now he's got to be careful over here see he's just closed off this stairway if if he has troops up here pushing he's not good like for example if he destroys this wall right here right and then he pushes up these siege towers they're not gonna be able to use the stairways no boy I'm already losing my voice here that's not good he's not gonna be able to use these stairways because he's closed off the entrances but yeah here comes Pergamon look he's getting aggressive he's sending out some Galatian swords let me get some water here Rome is not going to be allowed in the tournament neither is cush so there goes a little Sally out from Pergamon the Seleucids have some Hillman that are breaking no surprise there but the Seleucids are now kind of forming up here trying to skirmish down it almost seems like they're using the Hillman as a bit of a cannon fodder to absorb some ammo there we go they're charging now they are charging now Mesilla is still kind of hanging back here they're going to be able to use these stairways they are pushing up some infantry to support this engagement and of course you know if they can break through over here they're gonna be able to get a behind these defenders so this is going to be a really important position that they the pontus needs to defend so they're going to be holding that position pretty well over here they're still selling out we got our Verde charging in some noble horse going after the Galatian swords and Celtic warriors are gonna be joining in as well so nice little engagement going on there then we have chosen swordsman go into the walls and I think he's gonna try to flank behind these thorough spears Mesilla is moving up some axe warriors to try to help slice through these Pontic swordsmen and wow I'm actually kind of surprised by this Pergamon selling out more forces while at the meantime the unit over here is getting flanked so I get being aggressive but is he left his Pontic Ally kind of high and dry there to be flanked by the troops up on these walls and Pergamon could it easily have stopped that but instead he decides to Sally out another force so I just don't get it I don't get it it's a I mean that's a bold move cotton [Applause] so pontus is doing a good job hold in here they should be able to hold for a little while but over time the attackers will slowly chip away at this defense the Seleucids are taking this wall over here as well but is there a okay there's a stairway right here that they can use so they need to watch this but at the same time they could easily set up some archers up on this wall and look at this oh my god pontus what what is happening here Pergamon is so focused on his Sally out here that he's not even paying attention to the fact that our Vernie is in the back lines in the back line slaughtering these throw spears and they're gonna be able to crush this unit right here now they are coming back but it's a little too late and this unit needs to just ignore them and push the rear of these Pontic swordsmen you're gonna have him surrounded eager free up a bunch of reinforcements but instead it looks like he's decided to go for the Galatian swordsmen okay back over this way the Galatian sword still sallying out Pergamon being so aggressive so so aggressive got a big blob over here probably shouldn't you don't well it's not that bad of a blog it just looks like all these units are fighting but he's got some troops in reserve just using their jab he's trying to help out where they can I'm curious so is he gonna church down here oh this is crazy this is nuts guys I mean this is really good job by the attackers so far the attackers are kind of dominating this battle he's got look how cool this is he's got his thorax his thorax right on this wall firing down and that's gonna be a perfect flanking position what I assume he's gonna do is once he's out of ammo is going to charge these units right charge these units down the stairway and started hitting the flank of these guys at the same time he could easily set up some archers up here set up some archers to fire down he's holding the siege tower over this way these guys are wasting ammo on him you gotta watch your fire at will guys you gotta watch your fire at will all these shots are missing man they just hit in the wall going after the Pontic peltasts getting kind of low on troops it's a this is a floodgate just waiting to open over this way they are Vernie man these guys have gotten a hundred and fifty six kills good crossfire with the jab ease they're now going to commit to the fight against the Celtic warriors but they take a beating there in that volley here comes reinforcements and pretty soon this unit I'm surprised they haven't been attacking the rear of this unit you take them out but I guess really what he wants to do is hold back these two sides and then once they break through you're gonna have tons of reinforcements rather than you know him setting unit this way and then them counter flanking it over on this side or vernie's also pushing through the gaps thank you guys run a thousand 227 viewers appreciate it thank you for the support so yeah they're pushing against the Glacial swords over on this side Levy Freeman are pushing as well so a nice little battle going on tile is setting up reinforcements try to maintain this frontline the Seleucids are absolutely dominating this position dominating and it's just a matter of time until these guys start breaking and if they charging the spears that'll be a big mistake it's probably better that these Spears just fall back to here because if he moves up which he's not yeah see he would have been flanked which is getting kind of linked right now but he's falling back and pontus is having a tough time holding back the Seleucids and I'm in a tough time now the capture points right here you can see that they've got a nice reserve force around the capture point but now that that gap has opened this is the only unit defending the flank this unit right here is defending the complete flank of this side so it's gonna be interesting to see how long if they might send up more troops help deal with that over here we've got a couple breaking units Galician swords breaking and then our bernie spears breaking no surprise there we've got a bit of a cab charge oh my god this might be huge teddy bear getting aggressive with some her gummies noble calves the archers are gonna be protected it's gonna get these Spears MPUs Oh excellent job with the spear move that's exactly what you need to do in that situation some of the cab is able to catch up to them but that's okay they're gonna hold back most of this cab and defend the archers epic I think they're gonna send him more infantry to support yep more javis going in ooh I wish I was as accurate as those guys in de banner Lord with my jammies right am i right back over this way miss Celia pouring in troops trying to get around the flank of the Celtic warriors our Verdes pouring in and this defense looks like it's kind of crumbling very quickly over this way we've got to attack on this Celtic warriors who's who's holding the flame and eventually they're gonna have to get well you know okay so the defenders are doing okay over here right they're doing okay but over here this is a big problem that's a big juicy problem and I'm curious if Pergamon is gonna keep trying to defend it or what now we have the general our Verde going after Pergamon scav trying to quickly take out the cap it's a little risky setting in your general but no risk no reward you get rid of that cab and that's a flanking you know Sally out unit you don't have to worry about anymore [Music] so there you have it guys they scare off the cab the cab is down to 49 so they still about half strength our vernie's breaking over here that's good for the defenders tailless is breaking over here that's good for the attackers there comes a clash of infantry in the center there and it seems like they all just want to rush this way you see this and I think I know why I think I know why because if they break through here which by the way tieless has sent up a reinforcement unit but if they break through here they're gonna be able to hit the flanks I mean imagine cutting off this army imagine that it's gonna be challenging right because even if they get through over here they're still gonna have a bridge to run through they solve this front they have to try to block them off I mean it's gonna be tough but it's certainly possible and they are pushing hard against Pontus [Music] more units coming up throw spears really good throw spears are like borderline skirmishers and they have a lot of ammo that they can use to throw on the enemy and that's a great unit to set up there the only problems they got a unit kind of braking here they might want to push up this the siege tower I don't know if they can the slums might be a little too close to it but the problems there throw spears might be in danger of getting attacked by the Hillman here we go here comes a unit max warriors coming to join the fight so yeah the attackers are mostly focusing on breaking through over here hey lip Peter said hey dude thanks for the 5 man I appreciate it thanks for the support buddy Thank You limp all right so Celtic warriors are kind of holding back Mesilla miss Illya and cilia oh my god okay hold on hold on another Sally out is coming out I love it we've been seeing a lot of Sally outs a Glaceon swords charging out along with the cab which is now down to 22 the archers of our Bernie have been focusing down this Cabot ride there's they're afraid of it and they're trying to get rid of them [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so they're trying to hold them back the noble horse is down to 36 calves so they are Vernie general has been kind of taking some damage there and here comes a charge of swords chosen swords trying to take on Pergamon keep them at bay over here so they're not committing to much outside because there's really not a lot of our Vernie I mean most the deadly arverni infantry is inside and oat eyeless is starting to break one of the units holding this flank starting to break they're quickly trying to just you know slice their way through this defense over on this side props to pontus cousin one of the axe warriors to break so there you go there you have it lots of reserve forces back here though so even if the attackers break through here there's gonna be a solid defensive force waiting for them and there's a total of three choke points back here one two three technically four if you go through the gates but I don't think anyone's gonna do that more troops are coming up to reinforce they're not but the defenders are quite they're not quite ready to give up these positions [Applause] over this way the attackers are on the verge of breaking through as well and you know now that the attackers have the walls they really need to try to get their archers up here imagine it because they're the defenders are not given up the defenders keep sending up units and if they keep doing that you can get archers up here and really do a ton of damage to their infantry their reinforcements infantry but we are starting to see artillery show up and here comes the archers they are Bernie archers opening fire the spears are getting harassed he's really taking out those Spears a little bit afraid of them Seleucids miss miss a Miss a silly no not miss a silly macelli oh sorry vasilia and the Seleucids pushing together [Music] so a pretty nasty fight a very nasty fight so far I mean it's only been about 13 minutes into this battle right and a good chunk of troops have perished I have died in this fight so it's definitely a very aggressive battle it's going very quickly so lots of our archer fire coming down and that's a good target and go after you start weakening this main line I mean they've got a couple units defending here right and they also have captured this arrow tower which is supporting them which is good but and look at this our Vernie is pushing up some troops they've been able to slip through some men and it's able to push the backside of the pokemons defenses and they've got a lot of reserves over here I definitely think they shifted infantry down this way and they're starting to bring it to Pergamon which is good cuz you're keepin Pergamon busy over here throw spears are getting a lot of archer fire but honestly yes some are dying but a good chunk is either going over their heads or hitting the walls seems like a waste of ammo in my opinion [Applause] so there you go they are holding against direct swords but there's still a ton of reinforcements that the defenders have not even seen yet the attackers are doing very well so far in this battle here comes some reinforcements some Spears have joined the fight still trying to maintain that flank maintain that opening there and this side Galatian swords so holding against the chosen swordsman Spears are throwing their well their Spears at the enemy [Applause] so it almost looks like Arverni has Pergamon in a position they really want them to be they've got them kind of surrounded there it's turning into a big mosh pit which is good for them Pergamon now setting up some Spears to try to reinforce it try to hold that position archers still Jill still getting some great flanking fire and going after the unit that's trying to hold back this force which the students now down to 81 men 80 you know it's just constantly dropping down 78 there it is 77 76 75 74 72 71 70 67 they drop in quick guys drop in quick against this force and the end the attackers archers more and more of Pontic infantry and tieless infantry are trying to hold this Street once again they've got another arrow tower helping them out firing down at these men there you have it there you have it [Applause] I think over time our vernie's gonna win this engagement what they kind of done here is they've sent up this unit to cut off reinforcements right so they can't send over they can go this way but they're not able to send up reinforcements this way the meantime our varieties kind of got them a little bit surrounded here on most of the sides here so I think I've already is definitely winning this engagement and it's doing a lot of damage of Pergamon back here is what's left of the defenders still have quite a lot they've got pikemen right at the rear they're gonna have to deal with those pikemen but we'll see how this infantry battle goes I think yes look at this vasilia vasilia has broken through this defensive air bloody battle carpet of dead but now they march down the street and there is gonna be a unit waiting for them but they are making progress they also have to be careful here too because they could easily use this with the defenders can use this Road and flank around this push here so they've got to watch out for that bounce of powers dead even guys dead even the defenders have taken this wall but here comes that siege tower so they're dropping off some thorax swordsmen [Applause] so they're holding them back Celtic warriors trying to hold that line with the Pontic well they're both Celtic warriors look at that mercenary and just normal Celtic warriors just holding that line over on this side same thing I think we're say Celtic and know we got some Thracian infantry hey delicate shots taking for the ten thanks for the daily videos you're the main reason I got into total war about two years ago thank you buddy I appreciate it man thanks for the support thanks for the ten [Applause] back over this way I think we've got a small ye ol Mike yeah the jammies a small unit of Celtic warriors who are taking on these Spears that are thinking about flanking around this position which I would certainly do that but again the problem the only problem with flanking here is that you'll be open to a counter flank right there so it's kind of like you got to do it quickly and you got a hope that you break these units quickly and then you can run through and not have to deal with the units on your rear rear flank but yeah it seems like our vernie's just so focused on just dealing with this position [Applause] so the quick progress from the attackers is starting to slow down and I think that is because for a couple various reasons one defenders are just constantly sending up fresh troops to hold key locations they're not willing to give up this they're not willing to give up this and they're not willing to give up this road either so they are just and of course this side over here now here's the thing does he not see this flank does he not see his archers could potentially be charged by some Spears there that would be costly no he knows he's setting up some spear warriors to hold that flank but the archers are moving up and I'm curious what he's going to shoot at he might just shoot at these units try to quickly break through this flank which I wouldn't be surprised or he might go after the enemy archers these slingers oh look at this artilleries getting stupid close look at that there goes those [ __ ] yes yes gotta love artillery gotta love it here comes another one see it might be a little too hot yep little too high miss that would have been a good hit on Thracian Warriors have very weak defense to projectiles archers you know jab ease that kind of stuff and that's why I think we might see the archers open fire on them oh oh there you go oh my god like killing that hold back line over there whoo and there's another good hit yeah they're afraid of the three Shan Warriors they should be three she mores can do a lot of damage move right over their heads but great use of that artillery I love it love it I love the aggressive use of it all right the Racine warriors moving up moving up coming to reinforce this line we'd start firing at them with archers the arverni spear warriors go against these defending Spears Oh more artillery fire hitting these guys oh that's I mean they're they've almost lost 60 60 men up they just lost 60 men probably more now yep wow that artillery just does not like the Thracians I actually have troops falling back from Mesilla men are starting to waver over here hoplites have joined the fight right hoplites were probably sent in to keep up this frontline so they don't get pushed back and kill the artillery but good you let's see how many kills this is artillery have 86 and it's probably mostly all on the Thracians look at this Sally out from Pergamon though holy crap Sally out of the Glacial swords and then back over this way still hold is still sending men to the meat grinder both sides not willing to give up this position look at that look at that the meat-grinder baby meat grinder Archer fire coming down that was that attacking or defending our truce I think that's attacking archers because they're going yeah that's attacking archers so they must have archers yep right here position kind of behind them they really want to kill those Thracian infantry units and they are causing them to break they've just lost too many to you know artillery fire and whatnot these archers have ammo still they're kind of running into melee oh this this units breaking two we have fire arrows now using being used by Pergamon they're going after the artillery I believe yep they're trying to light the artillery on fire but here's the thing this flank is about to open up this flank right here is about to open up and that's going to cause well one this unit to break the other units are going to be able to push the archers out of range of the artillery and save that artillery over on this side it's the tables of flipped arverni and Miceli is now there now defending they're defending this position rather than attacking because they want to hold this position so their flank doesn't get compromised and they can keep pushing forward on this side which they've broken through they need to get going which they are in Infantry's moving up from tieless now in terms of their last stand it's getting thinner and thinner guys as they continue to push more troops to the phone to hold these points it gets thinner and thinner [Applause] ah here comes the flank axe warriors move it in oh my god the jammies great javi use their they need to send up more infantry to deal with these guys but they do cause they caused enough blinking they get around them enough to cause these units to break and all these units are gonna be able to push through this units now pushing forward look at this he wants to control this Street again [Music] they're gonna give them taste of their own medicine look at that there they go they're pushing up they're pushing up getting aggressive trying to break through these flanks this is really a street choke point kind of battle Street choke point kind of battle and then we got what's left of the reserves kind of shifting back because they know they know I mean yeah they could keep attacking over here right and they eventually would break through arverni but their lines are crumbling over here and they need to get these men back to the to the town center because if they push through over here they can easily find themselves surrounded by the attackers so yeah they need to fall back and reform and get ready for the final stand which we're getting close to that but I can't believe this battle still under way over here look at that [Applause] so if the attackers I'm sorry if the defenders want to win this one it's gonna come down to their pikemen right and remember the news the rule here is no stacking so you can't rely on infantry to keep your pipe and you know getting killed from archers or javi fire so they've got to use them very strategically also if the attackers still have ammo like if all these archers if they mostly have ammo towards the end of the game I think they got this in the bag now if they are short on ammo and they go to rely purely just on their infantry then it's gonna be a little bit more challenging to secure the victory tribal warriors those guys are tough you want to shoot these guys in the back when you can they are very tough they're trying to see arrows coming down there comes in charge of Celtic warriors oh guy just got stabbed his spear here comes reinforcements are about to surround this trouble yeah they're able to slip out thanks to the little gap there and get away from those Spears and they are now full-on falling back and they're gonna prepare their final stand and is at this point guys that the attackers have taken this position now over here we've got raiding horsemen ooh one two three four okay just making sure cuz sometimes people will assume you know horse horse skirmishers don't count as skirmishers but they certainly do but no he's got four skirmishers pretty sure one two and then the three four four the calves okay cool let's go back over here they finally defeated the force that was attacking them they need to go ahead and push be aggressive we want to try to cut off any kind of yeah and they've already done it cut off any kind of troops from being able to retreat because you surround them you kill them very quickly without them being able to get full potential out of the unit 38 minutes left in this battle guys [Applause] this is a little bit of a laggy battle but that's okay we're getting there we're getting there it's good it's definitely getting to the final stages of this fight go ahead and read some chat looks like you guys have been chatting like crazy about the different factions and what they're good at [Applause] yep minecraft this is the second metal do horse sperms count as calves and sperm unit in the roster or just squirming they count as just scrum there's no ban on calves there's no like calves limit you know what I mean so you're gonna have unlimited calves but I don't advise that because it's not gonna end well you're not gonna do well you know in these tournaments in these matches with an all calves army back over here they've got this spear unit surrounded but being Spears they're in square formation they're gonna hold on for a long time but that's okay the rest of the army can keep moving forward and we're gonna see a juicy fight over here guys looks like the lag is starting to go away which is good [Applause] Oh logos that artillery trying to take out the retreating thorough Spears they do if they do hit some of them absolutely brutal this artillery piece is doing wonders it's got a hundred and fifty nine all right one hundred and fifty nine kills that's pretty solid and they've been very tactical with it you know like really using it for key moments but now it looks like are they using their archers well the archers are out of ammo and that's what I was talking about they've got to have some ammo left over to deal the the defenders pikemen and did they bring pikemen who this is gonna get interesting guys I mean I don't know the attackers seem like they're really low in ammo they still the Persian light archers with ammo but if they are low on ammo and they run out soon this could be a tough attack here the defenders might pull out pull out a victory here and look at there's some generals over here they're not hidden though but I think they're gonna try to get some flanking maneuvers potentially the defense over here is going well [Applause] there's not enough of us that is true probably should try to fall back really good positioning of the archers this map I like it's pretty tough to attack the like the initial start of the settlements not too hard to attack but once you get inside here and you start attacking the inner works of the city it gets much more challenging I got archers still just kind of holding up here still no commitment yet to this push I kind of you know I kind of like what the defenders are doing here they're their defense because it's kind of like if they push this way and take on the units they're gonna get hit by this unit and then if they do the opposite right if they push this unit they would get flanked by this unit so I like what they're doing there we'll see what the the attackers do in this this situation and here comes the the skirmish cab again they're going for the general I assume just trying to soften up this CAV I assume I mean they brought them down to 66 they're doing a great job of chopping them down still an epic stand by these tribal warriors still trying to hold here as long as possible and looking at I mean Pergamon is down to like two infantry right he's got a couple of archers tieless has a lot of infantry lot left over and then pontus has a good amount of infantry as well but not probably as much as Titleist but a decent amount for sure here we go let's see what he does with his cab there's no way you're gonna catch up to these guys unless he's not paying attention oh man you know he lost so many there even if he doesn't stand his ground he's probably gonna win here goes the general this might be risky the general might take some heavy losses here but once the generals in the fight they're gonna they're gonna sweep up the skirmish cab they should at least [Music] so we got a little bit of a general battle arverni taking on tieless as general they're running through the water here a bit it's a citizen calves we also have pontus as general but the heck in the back lines Pontus is general in the back lines and they're probably gonna fall back because that's so risky you don't want to lose that general well look at this this is so risky from tieless look at this move right here and he's gonna pursue oh no no no no why didn't he just commit the citizen Kevin to stopping the general I don't understand he missed an opportunity there he could have sacrificed his citizen can charged them into the general held them up the spears would have gone in the arverni general would have hit him on the flank it would have been crazy but it looks like the arverni general just yellowing in because honestly most of his Army's pretty much gone anyways so it's not that big of a deal if he loses them which he is right now so trying to kill the Pontic general but doesn't look like it's gonna work out they've officially broken through over here there's just need to push out and start attacking these depleted units it's gonna be tough though cuz these archers man maybe that's I think that's it I think they're not even gonna push here which is not a terrible idea I would just send these units back over here because these archers are gonna just slot or units once they engage here it does look like they defeated the skirmish calf and even was able to save both of their units of cab the Seleucid calf and look at this tribal warriors pushing up to deal with the thorax swordsmen are coming around the bridge this is a good flanking opportunity with Archer fire and that's exactly what's happening but let's not forget you got to save some of that ammo for the pikemen [Music] quick some Spears charging against the thorax swordsman I get a general moving up hey black tiger HD thank you for the 20 20 pounds sup bro how you been I've been good man thank you so much thanks for 20 have you been black tiger welcome to some tournament skirmishes oh look at this push right now getting aggressive with tieless there it is thanks again black getting really aggressive and they gotta send up reinforcements to deal with this now here's some attacking pikemen which is gonna be helpful but they need to send up reinforcements because they are getting hit hard right now just hit hard we have a cab charge going in from citizen CAV this is good really softening up the tribal warriors which is a tough unit to take on head like head-on here comes the general to come in and reinforce he wants to hold this bridge lots of power is still very even my god and that epic push right there that just glorious going through gaps flank around miss Aleeah and we got troops pushing up we got pikemen oh they're stacking well not I don't know it's tough too it's it's tough I would say they're not stacking see that's this is where the stacking rule comes into play and it's it's tough too because technically this unit I wouldn't say is overlapping it's a little bit overlapping but but if they charge in let's see let's see what they do here I'm curious yeah there they're stacking no stacking bikes please yeah it can't do that man you can't do that there they go so so in that situation if I was a ref I would I wouldn't say oh it's over like you just cheated I'd give them a warning like that a give them a warning like that and then they corrected it really quickly and it's totally fine because they didn't benefit from that too much you know to the point where this round doesn't count but it's something they're you know they got to watch out for again these rules are not set in stone so one thing to keep in mind Wow the tribal Warriors have held this bridge held this bridge amazing and the defenders are being super aggressive here and are actually just doing a great job of holding this position making it very tough for them and sure enough they did not push any troops this way they have one unit kind of defending this road in case the defenders get aggressive again and try to flank around but they did not push this way which is smart because the archers would have just chewed them up just chewed them up so it's coming down to this they could kill Pergamon general but Pergamon excluding his archers are pretty much out of his out of the game [Music] now they go unfortunately they're breaking this unit I think the Seleucids are now charging in their general they gotta be the attackers gotta be careful here Oh artillery coming in just trying to soften these bastards up look at that just ripping through the lines so Tillery now is at a hundred and ninety kills when what's 200 kills which is pretty solid well they're starting to run out of infantry guys the attackers are starting to run out of infantry and I'm gonna say it now if the defenders win this battle it was the play by tieless that just went through gaps surrounded miss Illya and just crushed so many units black tiger thank you for the 15th I've been great good to see another stream thank you buddy I appreciate it thanks for the support man thank you thank you for the 15 pounds alright so general pushing around the flank tieless is sending in a lot of troops lots of breaking look at this artillery coming in I don't think artillery is going to be as effective here because of the water so it really needs to be a direct hit Martin Sternberg thank you for the two euros thanks Apollo no thank you thank you for the little little tip there appreciate it man appreciate so a hard-fought battle here hard-fought battle and there's a lot of breaking going on for tyla's this is giving the attackers hope pikes are in the water by the way right what mics can be in the water oh okay I see what he's saying sometimes the flag bugs out and will show make it look like your units somewhere else but it's just like one unit you get what I'm saying anyways look at this look at this Pontus is trying to push we got some Seleucid spears holding them back Pontus you know what their spears still alive and they've got a lot of infantry just sitting back and reserve they could still win this what a close battle this is a cool battle area over here you know this is awesome just fight in this water that's probably the most refreshing place to fight though it would be a lot of effort to kind of fight in water it's just extra you know resistance on your body you know with the water trying to move and you know dodge and stuff more artillery fire coming in gets a good hit on these guys I'm really curious to see the artillery kills this one's at 207 this one over here is at 41 which tells me they just started shooting so I think their artillery is gonna come in huge if they can if they can break through this line this artillery here will be huge in taking out the enemy pikemen which are currently right here with the pikes here or standing their ground hey piggy boy you want some of this that's amazing I always I always hear a new insult from oh look at this flank wait a second Titleist goes around the flank how did he do it he must have did he go through the bridge I don't know but he snuck up he even snuck up on me it's just hidden these archers hard and he's gonna keep moving and this might be the play of the game right here it's gonna keep moving and try to hit the rear of these troops over on this side this might cause a huge chain rout guys they desperately need to get their calves in here they need to get going now this is risky for tyla's because if his general dies here his army will most likely crumble as well they are able to save most of their archers so that's good for the Seleucids but tieless is a heat-seeking missile right now trying to crush the attackers let's see this is so risky if he's gonna be able to get out of here alive the archers are they standing their ground oh I would just I would shoot it to general you got a shot right there shoot it the general kill the general you kill him you bring hope you bring hope to this this attack tieless man dude we're gonna see a lot of tieless in this battle or in this tournament they are just something else man they've got some very deadly very deadly units [Applause] by the way someone's asking if this is a mod no this is not a mod this is vanilla so Blaser says is this a mod or does the game automatically look this good thinking about getting it if you're talking about the actual battle itself just these players are putting up a great fight the graphics are on pretty high it's not the highest that can get even better but I kind of keep it down for performance quality but yeah I know this is just the game man this is a game it's a beautiful looking game but Tyler's general looks like it's in trouble the archers are opening fire Pontus is now pushing out infantry they got some naked warriors coming in taking on the mozillian hoplite general unit what a fight man and there we go there goes there general Tyla says general is gone which will cause some issues archers are pushing up pikemen are now pushing up where is that artillery where is that artillery please tell me they still have it now I know tieless is general when in charge the rear of that artillery but they didn't kill the whole crew did they yeah they're still here wait no oh no did they kill the artillery crew I think they did oh that's probably why they push up the pikemen over here I was a good move by tieless he just took out that artillery I wasn't even I was more worried about the archers was there tiller he'd say he takes out and now the pikemen can just focus this area here look at it see the pikes they're just gonna be able to hold these positions gonna be really tough now do they still have ammo though it looks note their swords are out these guys still have ammo but it's probably really low Tyler's still holding yeah we got um Nick Nick says what a standby tieless and I absolutely agree with that an absolute bloody standby Tyler's doing a good job of holding the line and being aggressive when he needs to and really causing a lot of damage to the attackers and the archer fire what do we got in place the pikemen are in position now remember I want to remind you guys about the stacked pike rule you're not allowed to have a unit in this unit or in front of it where the Pikes are now he's got a unit running through them right now that's okay as long as they don't stay in the pike unit which they're not so that's not a big deal over here the Pikes Oh the Pikes the Pikes they're getting flanked but this unit is wavering they do recover a little bit that's exactly what the attackers need to do but this units wavering the general is down to 115 men Mozilla's general here comes the Pikes they're pushing in you can't it's a little bit of stacking there [Applause] get sperms and I think we are going to see and see this is such a close battle guys so tireless he can't have his Pike in there he can't have his archers in the mix of the pikemen there they go there they go he's getting them out Pontus is coming in to support the pikemen are getting flanked right now on the side they're gonna shift over and deal with this I think the defenders have this what a battle guys what a battle just really crazy I'd say it felt like the attackers were in complete control of this here we go all right they're going around they're gonna engage here [Music] there we go the stacking rule is a bit overbearing yeah well the statue rules gonna be tough it's gonna be tough it's it's still up in the air about the stacking rule on whether or not we're gonna do it I kind of liked it because it makes pikemen a little different it feels like I'd make the game a little bit more fast-paced bring the archers oh they sell have a lot of ammo don't they I think the defenders have held a lot of their ammo for the for the end here yeah very smart you got to hold on to that ammo for the end Pontus is a good job by Ponte it's just held back all of his units over here and pushed them in but yeah GG a good game from the defenders an excellent an excellent battle that came down to the end of the fight really fun stuff there I can't save the replay of course but I've streamed it live of course so you guys saw that that was really fun really exciting let's go ahead and talk to the team's here here's the kills by the way Barry everybody played their part everybody played their part so let's um
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 186,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total war, rome 2, total war rome 2, total war: rome 2, rome 2 total war, rome total war, total war: rome ii, total war rome, rome, total war rome 2 review, total war rome 2 trailer, total war rome 2 gameplay, rome ii, total war rome 2 mods, total war rome 2 battle, total war rome 2 roman campaign, rome 2 total war rome, breaking total war rome 2, total war rome 2 exploits, pixelated apollo
Id: LcmhkvICS4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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