Tana Mongeau’s Getting Sued Big Time.. Again - UNFILTERED #100

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whoo [Applause] welcome to our 100th episode as you can see we woke up like this yeah for the people listening we are dressed to the nines heath is rocking a gucci suit zane is rocking a safety the buttons popped off i used to be fat back then remember so i popped it off and now i need safety pins to hold it all together i wore a bow tie because i didn't have any ties hey you're rocking it dude thanks man don't don't be making fun of my bow tie don't you be talking about my bow tie wait where is that from rock oh [ __ ] what should we talk about but yeah wow everybody looks [ __ ] amazing i think i feel like i look like a used car salesman oh yeah you look like doug demodulation yeah show your knuckles your mic is covered right now i got a i got a bolo tie it's real texas real texas oh we already said it oh soon all the people thinking i wouldn't say it during the 100th episode you're painted your painted nails don't match your eyes with mirai's outfit i know patricia did it it's like every other nail kind of a thing is it just like she got bored uh well i don't know patricia's the type of person where like she invites people over has a little hangout and then like gets to work and starts doing her nails and stuff you know it's like you're already here so i was like dab me up um this is from uh it's a very high-end store have you ever heard of top top shop top man stop man top man good stuff they do have very good it's just that um i look like the michelin man in these pants and that's the problem i don't think so zayn well you're not seeing my angle it's very um i'm hiding it with my thigh here but holy [ __ ] i can't breathe it's all right [ __ ] what remember the costume i wore for the abraham lincoln costume i just couldn't [ __ ] breathe you gotta go all out yeah exactly i love halloween what are we gonna be um who this year um patricia and i okay one day we're gonna do like jimmy private school girl but tristan her roommate is gonna be jamae and we're gonna be all like the private school girls whoa that's awesome and then the casey musgraves uh music video like there's this the one that corny's in uh for simple times they come in almost like these spring breaker type like outfits with like you know like a ski mask why don't you just be spring breakers because that's so 2000 in like i know but like casey muskrate's like music video i feel like that's so special but when i wore the casey musgrave shirt on the podcast people sure did like it so well no because you mean you're wearing it there but like people would really have to recognize you are these masked people from her music for certain parties it's halloweek you know you gotta have a different costume for every day there's like a line that you have to like cross have you all done joint costumes i i can't yeah we did it all uh oh yeah that was like so favorite damn can you be that again did you just do that for the video or you went out in that no we went out to a party in that oh you did mm-hmm was i there nobody knew what we were though that's the worst yeah especially when you're like really proud of it and like you walk in you're like the thing is i mean the parties were probably going to none of them no [ __ ] matilda they're what no in a bad way like they i feel like i i just feel like the people out here they don't know like good classics well you know what was funny last year patricia and i we were um uh the royal tenon bombs and no one really knew what they were with that movie the voyeurs you told me to watch one of the scenes one of the girls at the party is margot yeah they remind me of i was like oh okay i didn't like i didn't know i mean that's all that was is that from a movie yeah wes anderson one of my favorite directors yeah yeah yeah duh why aren't you yet popeye and olive oil i feel like so many people first of all they did it on the office yeah but like the thing is that you look like olive oil i know i just feel like it's finish it um you look just like bob that's so crazy he has muscles that you don't have i was popped by in college you did the the fake muscles that yes it was like a fake it was a legit mental huh no can of spinach no you know what i'd like to be spongebob when he gets the the the arms oh like blow up arms that would be pretty good the thing is that you don't get like a box uh costume you just paint yourself yellow and try to do the holes everyone's like just put like [ __ ] really long like like latex gloves and then like blow it up but would you paint yourself yellow or just get the box like the yellow i probably have to go all out just just glue above the sponge such as student like that all right should we jump into the intro let's do it all right guys happy 100. thank you guys for watching us this long it's coffee talk baby [Applause] [Music] welcome back to zayn and heath unfiltered i'm vayne i'm heath i'm matt i'm mariah they didn't get the lisp they didn't get i did it no i know i'm saying they didn't get the list no my name has a lisp i don't have all exactly you're like i'm zane i was like that sucks my name is a lift yeah it sounds like you're saying he's with the lisp and he's oh [ __ ] i won't be able to hear that you're supposed to go math no matt doesn't have no then we don't have lisps we don't it's an s all right so this is our big hundredth episode what do you guys want to do oh my gosh i dressed our best i can't believe how long it's been how long it's been until how long oh 100 episodes sorry how long has been for what panics right away for what for what what did we do if we had a dollar for every episode we'd have a hundred dollars and it split it before does 25 each we had a marshmallow for every episode we have a hundred under marshmallow that reminds me we need to pay him for every episode yeah i haven't been paid back but uh yeah oh i know i'll get paid i just know y'all been in some uh okay okay just airing the dirty laundry baby i didn't want to ask you out i mean i'm fine we'll keep that in that was good we are in some financial trouble it's okay that showbiz i know we look expensive but we're actually broke i just love knowing it keeps getting bigger and bigger i know that check is just getting bigger so whenever it comes it comes but um yeah oh [ __ ] sorry about that matt no it's okay i'm fine i'm happy to be here mariah what was your favorite episode of this season i don't remember last week can you edit like all of them well most beats me once i watch it over six times i'm like okay let's erase that yeah i got it clearly i forget it i'll watch our like tick tock videos and be like when the [ __ ] did we talk about that it's crazy i i and sometimes i'm like man we are good oh like that was sometimes i can listen to it and i know it's not that i know what i'm going to say next but just the way my mind thinks yeah it already comes out i'm like of course that's what i said and i said it yeah do you have any um favorite guests um probably i have a few favorite yes i my favorite i think i have the top three oh me too top three okay my top three this is not an order by the way it's uh stas brittany broski and uh is your wallpaper my wallpaper on your phone miss juicy but no she wasn't my favorite episode i feel like she she's definitely up there but my third i feel like in my top three it would be um vicky well vicky oh yeah well that was her because she was completely different from us and like just hearing her talk and and i love that everybody loved her after the episode yeah that felt her career is booming right now her song is it's killing us she unfollowed all yeah i unfollowed her back right when i because like i thought we were best friends i had been liking her stuff forever and then i was like check did i go wait she don't follow me out there post crack me up like when the when that crate challenge was like going around she main feed she just types in her notes and then screenshots the main feed she goes where can i get those crates and then she deletes it and has a second post got him thanks and i don't know if she's posing as a joke or not like i don't know if it's ever a joke smart and she's gonna get the quickest response and she doesn't care yeah and then she could just delete it why wait for a story push that [ __ ] out i know it's like kanye west energy how she like does her stuff yeah she is hysterical i still talk to clint cline doing her thing the guy who we thought did porn and we were like go on that's a great point name clank clank clank clank that's smart heath who were your favorite uh guests and moments and it's okay if they're the same as zayn's um i really liked our episode with chelsea oh yes she's absolutely hilarious uh brittany broski was a great episode she was amazing um estas was obviously super fun and we got trashed yeah um and it's crazy because we were that was our first guest episode and we were all so [ __ ] nervous because we just that's probably why we got so [ __ ] up yeah we just did not know how a guest would turn out on a show like this and after that episode we were just like thank god thank god it went well the easiest one like the most flowy one and the best energy ones were remy and alicia and brittany broski yes yeah yeah like those i was like i could have sat there like for hours yeah for sure those are the best episodes we're recording for three and a half hours we turned it hey devin where are we at he's like four no he's like this and then i look at mariah's face and she's just like all right but i'm sure she you enjoy do i feel like you enjoy editing those type of episodes right like good episode you know yeah yeah whoever claps to mariah [Laughter] guys i mean if you guys unless you don't edit podcasts but it takes like literally 12 to 15 hours i edit every episode especially this episode because you should hear this [ __ ] we say all the unfiltered [ __ ] we cut i think y'all would love it just some other people wouldn't love it yeah maybe one day heath and i will fully be our true unfiltered selves on somewhere but we'll see maybe one day my favorite episodes um i feel like all the guests once we've covered but like looking back at just like the regular ones when we were talking um oh i did have a little joke wait i would say i would say my favorite guest episode was probably hunter you know because like it was just yeah that was oh [ __ ] i know i'm joking i'm joking it was great i was always having the worse i know literally on the other side of this wall i love being the place that people can come to to see another side of somebody and have a newfound respect for them yeah you know like that happened with vicki i feel like it happened with noah beck you know what i mean yeah like i love the comments that are like wow i look at this person differently now i really like them because i feel like i mean not to trash other podcasts but like when they're on other podcast all they want to hear is like drama so you don't get to hear like they don't ask hey how are you doing where are you from what you used to do before all this like you never hear that [ __ ] on other podcasts so it's like fun to be able to actually learn about somebody and not have to go through drama sarah baska oh my god yes yes she's another title i still like the high episode though too oh and i know you weren't there but that one was it because sometimes you know we put out episodes and we're so uncertain after like was that a good episode i don't know i feel like we did the worst stuff we've ever done and then that one it was just so funny looking back on it and laughing at ourselves during that time in my mind where i was like it was bad it was fun to watch it because i literally didn't remember a thing that we talked about yeah so it was like going out of it i was like i had no idea what we were doing if it was gonna be good or bad watched it as an audience yeah oh yeah when i went because i watched the videos because i was doing the like the tick tock videos but like watching it as just someone that i wasn't watching before because i don't remember anything it was so [ __ ] funny and i loved that like it was our our first time like smoking together like yeah we've never been like high yeah we've never like the three of us like take a joint and smoke it like that so it was so [ __ ] funny and my guard my walls are down like for some reason when i'm high like that with you guys like yeah especially recording my favorite is i think about that episode all the time because i have this pillow right next to me yeah i was just i was about to repeat it but diy did that the other day no um but i had moved it to this side and then i put my elbow down on it and i was like where did it go and then i looked over and it was right next to me that was my favorite moment that was the funniest moment of the whole season this is our 100th episode we can share our oh no of course of course i'm trying to think of a a good moment for me sorry to the people who um expected us to record this episode in the house with the pool we really thought it was just unrealistic we can barely get them to come to our house to record i i mean i don't think we sorry i feel like i'm high i can't i do i can't process anything in my head up and downer yeah whoops i i i took medication and i forgot to put the camera on this i'm starting this medication and i forgot i took it and i'm drinking now and you're not supposed to mix that very bad but i just did it so i'm like a little loopy so give me a five second give me five seconds um oh [ __ ] okay i got i got i got i got it okay i feel like we should it's not even that great wait people are going to take this clip because that's the sign language sign for help [Laughter] and you're [Laughter] yeah oh [ __ ] okay that's funny um we should have now i'm like this [Laughter] what did you take i didn't it's just like anxiety medication and now i'm more anxious um [ __ ] all right guys give me it was about it was about the pool yeah it was about the pool give me a [ __ ] second okay i was saying that we should have looked for houses in the city that had a pool in it because i feel like there's a ton of crazy houses up pooling but that probably looks good not as tacky as like oh because they're allentown yeah you're right pennsylvania you know those houses like the house like that was like a mediterranean i feel like that's everywhere here a mediterranean i think it was more like classic americana like okay okay outdated 2000. can you imagine we recorded it and just the echoes of the indoor people like not saying that it won't be a possibility i don't think that house is going to sell for a while and i don't think we really helped its case by talking about it or did we i think someone's going to buy it for sure and they better invite us if i had a ton of money i would i think like an older bachelor would buy it you know like somebody in there a man in their 50s single just doesn't feel like walking outside to get to a pool or maybe they're into like rc boats and stuff they can just like practice yeah yeah that would be perfect stuart little yeah or someone who's allergic to the sun it's like a great spot for them oh good no there's a house for everybody where was this all season sorry it's just you know it's the medication did you see that tick tock like you know how zooey deschanel is with one of the property brothers is she really she is yeah she is but do you think she was just a big fan of the show and was like oh you like this property brother she goes no the other one i don't know if i'm landing the joke the way this guy no i was really funny i don't think i could ever date like one of like a twin you don't think so an identical twin yeah it's kind of weird it's funny for the first month but like it gets to the point where like i don't know you confuse them not con it's no no i'm not confusing them it's just did i ever tell you patricia looks just like her sister-in-law like they look like [ __ ] do you run out of things this is kind of this is funny um so they they have the same hair color they have like kind of the same body shape and we were at like this engagement party for her brother and his uh new fiancee and uh i'm having a drink or whatever and i walk up to this chair and i think it's patricia and i just start like caressing the back of her hair running my hair all through it and then she turns around and patricia's sister-in-law and i was talking in front of all of these people it was pretty humiliating uh let's move on did you think she was attractive or she just looked like her from the back of the head yeah i just thought it was patricia and i just went up to her and was kind of caressing her like yeah i thought it was her it wasn't that's funny baby we have been busting our ass cause because big things coming baby big things coming that's bossing up for season three my microphone what do you guys want for season three we all boss oh didn't miss juicy send us something yes yes hold on bring it out devin oh that wasn't planned at all i came so fast all right guys it says fragili on it it doesn't it yeah let me try to cover that is there any address no we're good okay all right guys miss juicy baby sent us something we don't know what it is but she hit up matt and i were there she was like we want to give you a gift for the podcast zane's unboxing it there's nothing on the box like tell me this doesn't look like a sex toy oh it literally looks like an adam and eve like uh baby but it's juicy so it's always a surprise let's see it's juicy lube oh i hate styrofoam it's an exact replica flashlight all right let's see this oh let me see oh my god what is it what is it it's the bible here oh my gosh no way it makes me emotional that she remembered to send it that is sick wait whoa this feels [ __ ] expensive too does it need batteries didn't she does she ever have like a um i know i know but why do i feel like i've seen her in a bag before be delicate with juicy okay oh does it work wow oh y'all put in the middle put it on the shelf and it's like oh push the button i know wait wait oh you want to press it okay wait hey that should just be our uh intro every time every episode just go like this [Music] your bluetooth device is now connected did she say that ain't how do funny know that because that's what when uh miss minnie put the the chicken on her head it said that ain't funny oh i wish we had more of this chicken nuggets we would have put one on her head i love that i just went through it so thank you shane thank you miss juicy thank you today thank you for sponsoring this podcast make sure to buy her bobble head only at miss juicybaby.com so guys yesterday i go to a macy's i needed to get like a new just a black suit for this wedding i'm going to in italy um another [ __ ] wedding another [ __ ] wedding another wedding story of my life okay destination and then but then i have two weddings after that so i'm doing three in a row three i can't even believe it it's comical at this point he's been to ten [ __ ] weddings since so i know it's been a lot but you know what i'm for now after these three it's going to be a little taller okay so guys i go to macy's and um i get my suit um i'm in line to check out and it's kind of taken a while i'm like okay who's this person in front of me why aren't they paying this person is paying in just straight up cash in in coins okay like i like looked over and i'm like oh my gosh this is gonna take forever like one two three and the employee working there um sweet little russian woman didn't know english very very well um suddenly looks to me and goes sir can you come back here come back here and i'm like me she goes yes i need you and i'm like okay and like i go up like near the cast regis she goes no i need you here like at the so now i'm at the cash register i'm behind the cash register and she goes she goes the total is like 77.53 and she's looking at all of the the cash and coins she's never dealt with cash before and she's like so how do i make this add up to that and i'm like oh my god i look up at like the other people who are in line and they're as shocked as i am that i'm back there so now and then my hands are now in the cash register and i'm counting no way out what bills and then she goes she gets up and goes talks to somebody else so now you're alone i'm working i'm working the damn cash right you should've asked her for her name i might as well i might as well had her damn name tag on i couldn't believe it so i'm like okay so you had this order and i'm looking at like the bill hi my name is lavia yeah i i i'm seeing a cat and the guy who was behind me in line is laughing his butt off he's like i can't believe you're doing this so i'm having to put my stuff that i want he's holding it up to the light checking every bill this is the moment where i wish somebody in line was just recording this moment that's [ __ ] that's crazy so then i'm handing it out i have her money i'm giving it back to her the the employee is nowhere in sight i'm i'm now just like handing it over and i go okay your total today is this is your change all of that that would only happen to you though yeah i was like i love that he did it though i did it no i what like this seems like something you just made up like it doesn't sound like a real [ __ ] story i wish i had the security camera footage of it happening because and then i've never heard what not to do right when i was about to be like have a nice day come back to macy's next like the woman comes up and she's like oh my gosh thank you sir so did it all add up and i'm like i think it did he's talking to you like you were i did did you think you worked whatever what were you wearing oh i was just packing no i was wearing sweats guys and like a long sleeve t-shirt i wish like wait somebody's hysterical i wish somebody got like a like a tick tock of you they're like saw matt from the vlog squad working at me like we saw that we like thought you had a side job i ca i wish somebody was filming that i know and i think that there's like you know just like a worker shortage lately like i saw a tech talk the other day of someone who walked into a mcdonald's and was like helping out the workers while they were working wait was she so did she not like know that like the cash because she's rushing i don't think she knew the currency that well or she because because it was like she didn't have a lot of ones and so then she had to break down the quarters and i'm like okay well four quarters go into one dollar you're teaching her basically two dollars so you need eight quarters and so then i was sitting there counting out the eight quarters and then she went away and i'm sitting there my hands at the register all the money here's the no here's the thing so she did her training for macy's they told her how to how you know when you get recorded what buttons depressed and everything but they never taught her in case cash comes in because they probably expected her to know yeah that's crazy so no training for when somebody gives america i was like do i need to go to another station after this like i thought i might clock out do i get a w-9 like what's going on did you get her name no i didn't i did it dude because i was i was so angry and shocked that's why i were you angry for three minutes yes i honestly no matt i would have been the complete opposite i would have i would have actually been so excited because i'm like dude i hate shopping anyways i would have wronged people up for the rest of the day that's funny i texted y'all immediately i'm like please remind me to tell this story because i have never oh oh my god oh my god come on in oh my god we have a special guest before we continue we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this episode better help life is full of stressors it doesn't matter who you are or what you have your life is probably stressful unload the stress and get it out talk to somebody who's completely unbiased and they're not going to judge you at all better help is customized online therapy that offers video phone and even live chat sessions with your therapist so you don't have to see anyone on camera if you don't want to it's much more affordable than in-person therapy and you can start communicating with your therapist in under 48 hours unload the stressors and get some unbiased feedback you'd be surprised at what you might gain from it see if it's for you again this podcast is sponsored by betterhelp and unfiltered listeners are actually going to get 10 off their first month when you go to betterhelp.com heath that's b-e-t-t-e-r-h-e-l-p dot com slash zayn and heath again go to betterhelp.com heath and you're going to get 10 off your first month thank you better help for sponsoring this episode i literally gotta ask you who are your favorite guys so you're not even remotely thank you you were listening the whole time take the bike so what stassi was like busy or something ouch i honestly didn't even know we were having together i didn't know we're having guests today i got texted i love clout all right i'm not gonna lie your episode was really fun no i just don't know i just did it when i was thinking of all the guests in my head really quick yours in public how long have you how long have you been yours is great how long have you been here you just got here you didn't hear that live under your guys's house you know david hanging out and i just have nowhere to go so i've been listening to the whole not the whole episode i've really only been here like 10 minutes stole some year 42 though i've had a great time oh my god yeah help yourself please 1942. oh 1942. yeah you don't recognize this name that voice yeah you know we wanted to kind of mojo's here all right you want to look a little nice for the for the episode i'm sorry to ruin your where's your suit no you're good i didn't get the memo babe i didn't get the suit memo but i didn't i did tell her it was the 100th episode but i was surprised i got in contact with you because now how many times has your cell phone number changed well i just see matt king of my dms and that's like rare so i was like why was this so much easier to schedule and coordinate than getting her to be on the show as an actual episode oh yeah right she got pushed out for like three months yeah this was just easier you know it sounded fun on a whim how do you just already have a fun game she's so perfect hey hannah made a tick tock that i was too late to to comment on but she said my friends have 24 hours to expose me and i thought about saying something and i didn't because god you should have what did i do we should go around the room and say one thing exposing you shut the [ __ ] up [Laughter] you can't really expose her i mean everything is out already everything bad and awful is out already okay [Laughter] i'm just kidding i'm sorry to interrupt your episode though [ __ ] what's going on yeah he um he was a macy's employee for like 30 minutes they signed me on yeah i worked retail for a second you know where'd you work pacsun me too really me too really oh my god i feel like it's the most degenerate retail job ever they're like yep you smell like weed like we'll hire you you know it's not like a real region oh you said your manager all he did was his head the whole time yeah and then i got fired because i tried it one time really you got fired for being high yeah well well he it's because you went to the manager and said i'm not going to lie i'm really high they asked me and i'm not a liar oh that's sweet and then i had a panic attack for three hours in the back and thought the sensors were were going to kill me i took it way too serious a little spiky sensors i thought it was going to fall over perfectly really yeah oh yeah i was like i really tried my voice i was an actual piece of [ __ ] i would like steal from my own job and like hook up with my bosses it was really rough i've always been which pacsun was this vegas [Laughter] like what happened like do you have like like this launcher we should have had a line do you want me to wait is there a lineup of guests right now oh there was but hannah was and we got stuck with tana are you kidding me i literally was so confused she's the only one that showed up yeah wait the other two were out of town one didn't respond and the other ones i felt like you guys were you were a real one people say i'm very reliable and a bad friend so matt both are true but matt and devon tried to have a lineup of guests for us for the 100th episode as like you know as a surprise [Laughter] [ __ ] like 11 bro like i don't a hundred's a lot do you post every week yeah i try you know yeah are you do you flake on your own episodes are you pretty committed i mean it's good because unlike other people's podcasts i can just move them around constantly you know i'm like i don't want to cancel today let's do tomorrow like you know it's not oh you do that oh on your podcast that's actually why i'm here that's really the only reason i came here because you're a guest or my podcast pr oh so she's going to use it it's always something i don't want to do it did your 100th episode like come on like that that was the angle i'm going for for sure if you guys didn't know uh tana has a podcast called cancelled right just canceled yeah i'm loving that he's like i've never [ __ ] seen it i heard it's great cancelled as you can check it out on her channel and all her [ __ ] you know whatever i made that mistake last time where i wore her merch i thought she was struggling no don't i'm always struggling do you monetize you know anything helps i remember you brought me bread because i flake on everything or something flaky we still have it we still have the box that we gave you kind of sweet kind of adorable it's cute so guys 100th episode yeah let's talk about the history that's all we've been talking about guys number 100 matt was like think about how big of a number 100 is i was like everything how big do you feel it is no but it's definitely crazy you guys should be like drink should i black you out i feel like i'm here on a mission i already took two shots so if you could take a shot for me so i'm not the only one she killed my bottle of 42 before she got in the room i mean that is a legend first of all second of all we do need more 42 so some kid no i'm just kidding are you living in david's house now no i finally got the [ __ ] out and i david i saw this i don't know if it's true or not but it was that he had it listed for sale for a certain price before i moved in and then after i moved out he knocked off like 200k no he knocked up 500k what did you do in there what i mean to cause that much damage nobody wants to live in a house i mean honestly that's really true like who really wants i'm like a bad omen if anything but no i was like fixing [ __ ] i hired a repairman i fixed locks i fixed things the value should have gone up you [ __ ] [ __ ] but did you fix that nation no i can't afford that it's like 500 000 to fix the foundation of the house or something that's like why i didn't can i ask you i remember you telling me this but i forget how much were you paying a month to live there to oh my god i think well he told me this heath and i couldn't [ __ ] we started at like 30k and then 30 40. no he talks the [ __ ] out of me because i was begging david i was about this close to being homeless because my last homeowner was crazy he's now suing me for 700 grand i'm having a great number one thing you don't do when you're trying to move to someone's rental is say i really need a [ __ ] home i'm begging you no full but david started with no he was just like no you're not [ __ ] like i want to sell it i want to sell it he's like a short-term rental really like you're going to move in and move out and i was like i just need to find another house and then i don't even know david started with like lower prices but his team baby you know that's why they played the big bucks because he got a team his 10 realtors have to pay themselves somehow so yeah you know such a realtor david dobrik definitely such a when i think david i think [ __ ] real tournament aren't you selling your house too i am it's not being sold either right now my house and his house is the same price yours and david's yeah if you're listening to this please bought my house before david's people are gonna love it david will love it david's house is good for like one person i think it's not like a bad i don't know how all you all lived there though or how all y'all were always there like it looks very big in videos i'm not just calling it small like it's a great property but like well the thing is that nobody else wanted a science experiment happening in their own home so we all went to his house so he could destroy something and he like walk in and get a blue check there's like a lot going on there exactly the clout in the air definitely you just feel it it's just like overwhelming like oh my god and then the view was nice like you look at the viewer like oh this is nice it's interesting on the sims people have made david's house but like based on what they see in videos so it's really like a huge no problem yeah you're like no that room isn't there they think certain bathrooms are in certain rooms and it's not but it's fascinating like all the different renditions people made they made bellingham house and they had it was all [ __ ] up and they had all of us in there it was really fun like people see that's the kind of fame i want like someone like somebody making your house if you stayed in the house for more than three months maybe they can actually have time to do it baby i swear to god i could not it's also wild because that house is just like vidcon in the house like i've never and i live next to the hype house and like saw that issue every single day for a year of like those fans outside david's house is unlike anything i've ever seen like when it comes to people showing up it's not even just like family being outside but it's like the most terrifying people no offense yeah i love you but it's like i drove from wisconsin to get your blood it was really bad but and the thing is that david made it really vocal like multiple times like hey guys don't show up to my house but like for some reason you yeah i feel like it's much easier people show up to your house we talked about it we were worried about you yeah really yeah just because yeah i did not think it was a good idea guys you guys worry about me seems like no the [ __ ] i didn't sure i mean i was her neighbor so dude she's she's asking you to hear the time she's asked me eight times to fix her ac i was like i don't do eight okay but the entire duration of the time zayn and i were neighbors was so insane because i felt like he thought i was just like his on-call concierge i need a haircut it's a house called delivery how do i get an iv to the house we're so hungover so much when she lived like when she was my neighbor as soon as i moved out it just like stopped and for some reason it's like i don't know it's like i just knowing that she's a phone call you're not like going up there you could still no i know but for some reason knowing that she was right there it was easier to hit her up yeah one time it was like 3am and you texted me and you were like can someone please come give me the root canal right now teeth hurts dude i've seen literal dentists in her house at david's house like doing a full extraction i'm like oh [ __ ] she must know somebody in home dentistry i love house calls like if you can do anything for me somewhere else i'm gonna find a way to make it happen at my house i hate leaving my house so zane realized that when we became neighbors and really just utilized it to the fullest experience well that's how that's how we got you dr gabe yeah because dr gabe is the one that goes to her house yeah but i mean my teeth are like falling out so i don't know if i recommend all that are you still having problems with your teeth oh i think i'm getting 10 nouveau veneers like next week i like can't i don't have ones lifelong teeth did you need to replace them i've replaced so many videos i know but did you need to replace them like with veneers when you did it the first time i just wanted like different teeth but i also like growing up had no dentistry so there was like a lot of problems so i was like [ __ ] [ __ ] soft you don't want to like spend all the time like with braces and retainers i tried invisalign and then after like three weeks of like hot cheetos inside them disgusting it was like actually [ __ ] disgusting like imagine me like about a second dick and i'm like hold on let me take my invisalign out like it just isn't cute so i like it it pops yeah like a bonus snack of just like no fully i'm like starving i take up the invisalign like sushi [Laughter] would you would you ever go dentures i'm gonna have to in like 10 years babe don't worry that's not that's one thing i don't think i can ever do like my grandparents have dentures and it like it trips me out because like at night they just and it's like and then they put it in a jar well think about the blow jobs your grandma's giving you don't ever do that it would actually honestly a blow i was just thinking about dentures if tana had like imagine tana's six years old and her husband that she [ __ ] hates after 30 years oh my god imagine me he's touching dana he's like give me a [ __ ] she's just like uh-huh i mean honestly the fact that you think i'll live to 60 and keep someone for 30 years are both the comments i know that's why i said it i thought it'd be fun to think about you're in a relationship now right yes why is that always my answer yes i am he actually just got my name tattooed last night so oh there you go oh it's not the first one of ours that's gone never mind a tana tattoo no just never mind played by me how long have you been dating well i mean minus the eight breakups like six months kind of i mean like well i mean but we've been talking since like january so it's like you know just imagine like nine months of toxicity with me i want to play that game again now that we played with her we can come up with eight new names oh my god dude someone do you know that guy on tick tock it's like the playboy life of like blah blah blah he like talks about people's lives i don't know yes oh he's got like a interesting voice yeah and he like just he did one on me and he did like a three minute one and didn't even like wasn't even able to include all the people i dated and i was like that is so tragic [Laughter] ridiculous i'm happy i'm married can we actually play that game or is i think we could take one second was was kenny coming up with the questions or was she coming she was coming up with the statements we we gave her a list of names no i think everything was made you guys made like eight statements with eight names and you matched the you had to match no you wrote the facts we gave you the name you said has great boobs and we had to be like um i think she said that about this person yeah oh you're completely right i'm so sorry it's okay i apologize first apology first of all [Laughter] you don't wake up until like 2 p.m i woke up at 4 30 today oh my gosh what time do you go to visit i went to bed at like 4 30. i love a good 12 hours i mean on days where i have to do [ __ ] like she or someone's gonna drag me out of bed at like the crack of dawn but if i have the day off like i love sleep maybe that's suppressive i don't really know how um how many times do you drink uh a week because every time you [ __ ] drink a week i actually don't drink i don't drink a lot i only took on the weekends and that's i picked like one day one two days is like now it's rare i mean i'm getting old tana how old are you i'm 23 how old are you i'm 29. my body's getting old i can't like drink a lot like i used to like like when i was when i was your age when i was your age you're 28. i'm you're turning 29 in november oh you sounded like my [ __ ] mother that was that was scary in a bad way just yeah the fact that he forgot my age no but she didn't sound like a mom in such a good way her like long island moments they're like it's kind of hot it could be like a whole porn thing oh i mean i don't know santa said this that stan allen what did you say it was like it could be a whole porn thing like you know like i like no you said hi you said what'd you say i said that she said she can be like a hot mom like hot mine i was like oh my god i know and then and i didn't realize that i was just like i mean i don't know i don't know it's beautiful someone has to split the shot with me don't look at me come on i'll split it yeah i thought you only drink one day a week dude yeah i do but it's all right it's our 100th episode come on you couldn't even tell the truth about his age yeah honestly can you open this right now if they don't they don't do that is this time a little baby let me set that down right yeah [Music] you should do this and just cut somebody else so it looks like wow welcome did you take it you don't smoke how did it end up on your arm we also want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast doordash this past year has taught us to savor every moment together spend less time prepping and cooking and more time with the people you love with the help of doordash i actually got a doordash order up and ready to go right now and it will be here in 20 minutes well what'd you order baby i got a little uh mendocino farms oh my god that place is so good delivered right to my door i don't even got to do anything and even better they never mess up my 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you download the doordash app and enter promo code unfiltered 2021. and don't forget that's code unfilter 2021 for 25 off your first order with doordash subject to change terms apply thank you doordash for keeping our tummies full and sponsoring this episode matt king i feel like i haven't seen you in like eight years i know i always was worried i was gonna run into you when uh i was living at zayn's all the time i was always worried you know what my girlfriend was worried because every time i needed to park on like our side of the street i would go up to like david's old street to turn around and patricia would be like stay away from me why are you driving up this far why are you driving oh no it was just because tana lived there i'm like you weren't concerned with david lived up there but suddenly when tana lives up there i i have no response anything i could say would just hey guys [Laughter] i'm surprised i didn't see you more living right down the [ __ ] i thought you'd always be parading down my street yeah i'm surprised you didn't roll down the hill yeah i think that you assumed me just living in a house near you means i'm gonna be like running down the street with my like tits out like screaming kind of because like your stories there's like i would look at your stories and there's like [ __ ] just 15 people just getting [ __ ] up and i'm like oh man they're gonna they're gonna come tumbling down they're gonna come on the street like i knocked my door i could always tell if they came from tana's house if they had the really tinted windows what does that mean because like it's it's a dead end like street there's only two cul-de-sacs there and i could just tell them like they came from tanner you're like used to like a camry pulling up and for me going out it's like you're eight suvs a little ridiculous do you have a car yet i don't drive you still don't i can't drive i don't have a car to be honest with you i think that like for the safety of myself and others it wouldn't really be the best thing okay i mean i'm actually learning right now i'm like trying you getting your learner's permit i'm that's what i'm doing currently like trying to study that should be i mean that should be you should do a whole like mockumentary of you getting your driver's license i think that would be really funny i did like a series on youtube a while back learning to drive but i've been debating like redoing it because now it's more like realistic but think about it like i'm always smoking i'm always with 80 people just imagine me like with a car with five seats with i mean i just it's just david with 80 people in the back like but like [Laughter] so david and tana are like the complete opposites when it comes to driving david always has to drive because he he's just nice to drive and she just can never drive because she likes to have people around her but david's the best chauffeur for that reason i just find people like david and i latch on to them i'm like you're going to saddle ranch like can i get in the car how is david where is he did he [ __ ] me please well he's doing a show so i feel like he's like really focused on that they're constantly planning i feel like for that what are you doing tonight where are you going after this believe it or not i'm staying in i'm not i think i have a lot of work to do tonight so i'm not really gonna do anything too crazy that's a [ __ ] lie you're wearing look at the boots you're wearing you're uh you're going you're going she's she ordered the club to do a house call to her house exactly what i said you ordered the club to do a house call to your house that's a funny video that's very easy at your house oh my god that's kind of a great party that's really funny okay i get it but you should you should do the whole like the the um what do you call the chairs that go up against the wall the booth boots just have boots up again sorry the boots against walls all over around here all around the house and then have the ropes everywhere it would be very fun to do a little i need to throw a party at my new house i think soon i haven't thrown a party in a minute but my last party fully is getting me sued for literally seven hundred thousand dollars oh actually i mean i everyone told me moving into that house that the realtor was crazy and he was or the owner was crazy and he was gonna sue me when i moved out and [ __ ] but i was just like oh whatever like [ __ ] sue me what are you and he did so you having to go to court yeah like virtual court what'd you do what are the claims i mean well i mean i signed a very crazy lease where it was like you can have up to 25 people over but then if there's video evidence of any more than 25 people it's like this amount of money for them why would you sign that they showed this clip in court you looked at you're like oh he's kidding and signed it to be fair like like face clan and like clown house lived there before they signed the same terms they obviously broke them they ended up kind of finding a loophole getting out of the lawsuit house like they're they're i mean i think i don't want to say i'm going to get out of it because that's like crazy but my lawyer's crazy i think we'll i think we'll fight it well but also [ __ ] knock on wood bro i would like to be a lawyer that's like represent like crazy parties yes your honor they did party and they had a good time and i think everybody here the jury included would have wanted to be invited right don't we all just want to party that's literally really good it's fully my life judge judy would be a funny costume honestly so funny really [Laughter] we can't even laugh because we've signed a couple pretty dumb contracts i love the i love the little hints we're giving we're giving you yeah is there some tea a [ __ ] will come to life every month every contract i sign you pay for it what do you mean i've been paying for a lawyer for the past year what do you mean you pay for a lawyer it sounds like you're hiring a new lawyer every time you get a job no i pay a lawyer a monthly thing in hebrew and he reviews everything i sign yeah yeah yeah yeah he just wasn't that good no mine i swear to god i get sued for everything my lawyer i feel so bad for my lawyer sometimes bro i think they're just gonna like end it off dude we can't win these you don't have tana you need to have like the best lawyer because he needs to like be the complete opposite of you no he he really really is he's he's like this he's done cases for like stormy daniels donald trump like crazy people he's like a [ __ ] insane lawyer like he's so good at what he does like fighting what have you done why have you done where he you need a lawyer like that oh this party you're talking about this question as well you have this lawyer for no i've had this lawyer for like it's probably like seven eight months like people are just always trying to assume me i've definitely gone through some crazy lawsuits and sometimes i'm suing people i just won a lawsuit last week you did congrats all right can you talk about it since you won i [Applause] it's the most embarrassing random like just hilarious stupid on brand lawsuit but um you know how i did uh tanacon yeah favorite convention love that um i was there for free you're loving that and treated the talent well but everything good macaroons in the room i gotta say in the bottle of champagne we went to that room for one hour we had the macaroons the champagne and we were like this is nice and then we were like let's go back to vidcon and then it was just like i forgot you guys were very much featured creators at tanacon i was so excited you were there until things went all right [Laughter] good good use of the word arrived my favorite thing about matt king is he'll always he'll always you know i noticed your voice yeah yeah you have like a big vocabulary experience this side of the couch [ __ ] so nice i know they're first it's like the angel devil so you're getting sued no but the guy who did tanacon um well you know we all know something oh the guy with like the hair in the segways we know him michael um actually we have him here right now wow honestly honestly that'd be a great hundred thousand i would be sitting right there the rest of the time no it would i i would actually i'm not even gonna lie i would love that i would have him as a guest on my podcast i always just want you guys to go over everything we'd have to say a hundred feet because of my restraining order but we could do it just kidding yeah i'm kidding it's 200 feet um but he he tried to have a tanagon too without me like he like fully got he made an instagram under tanacon got the actual app like you know you can pay those like hackers to get the like short little names he like got tanacon got it verified he fully started to like set up called it tanacon the tanacon 2. he was at tanagon too without me using my name and likeness he made a documentary about it all this [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] tutana too furious [Laughter] absolutely nuts so he just like [ __ ] was really trying to have a tanagon tube without me which is insane so we had to like zoom for copyright issues the thing is that no don't i would just let it let it happen because zayn what no because like the thing is that he can't like he can't promote with your face on it he's just gonna have the sanikon too with you know fully like my face on everything like you know what i mean just like tanacon 2 like the next digital community i know but then you you talk about it you make fun of how this guy's making a tanacon 2 without you she one-upped it maybe she sued his name and then no one will go to it i don't know no i shoot him after but like such a let me speak in a non-slanderous way in my opinion he is such a slanderous person you know what i mean like he's like sure and he's very like manipulative and like he would just end up in my opinion i think getting a lot of digital creators on board like it would involve him scamming a bunch of other people yeah like you like you know what i would have been there front and center i'd probably be i'd probably be a future joke i feel like people like him pray on like young tick tock kids and [ __ ] you know so it's like i don't want to like watch that happen he was just managing do you know daniel cohn no remember the harvard sweatshirt and the dance oh yeah don't worry about like that danielle like he was just managing her and like did she like she's now exposing and suing him like he just like he he ruins a lot of lives in my opinion allegedly and so it's just like i didn't want to i didn't have your lawyer on your earpiece or something is he telling you exactly what to say i just i don't want the lawsuit again baby so um but i just mean like i didn't want to give him the opportunity with my name and likeness to like [ __ ] up [ __ ] so it was easier just go to court baby how much did you get i i don't think i like it was like a good amount of money give us like just give us signals like little we'll get it just like you put your head give it give it all it i promise you it was like no amount of money that money is gonna pay for like her other court yeah the other uh lawyer or her next veneer appointment all of the next appointments i feel like a fashion nova post would pay me more than what i made with him so don't worry it was nothing it was more just like to make sure it doesn't happen again yeah for me i don't know so your lawsuits nope season three baby you need to be legally blonde for halloween i was last year oh well look at that right ahead of the podcast i actually really as much as it's gonna like piss the whole world off want to be britney spears this year for the free britney movement but i feel like people are gonna be like why the [ __ ] is tana mojo advocating for anyone let alone dressing as britney i need something funny did you want to do that for halloween be britney yeah like like i always need like a [ __ ] costume and a funny costume you know what i mean so i still which one was it gonna be oh you should do it wait you should do um oh i don't know actress's name she's from another or she's from a cinderella store you're not very pretty and you're not very bright oh um i'm taking the dog oh my god that's weird mariah i swear to god i was thinking jennifer coach i'm like oh that's a weird thought i just put that out of my head and then you said it oh that could be cool last year to like yeah so the thing is that like the only thing that she has that you see is her like voice though yeah i definitely like i freak out so seriously it's so weird like i take it so [ __ ] seriously it's one of my bigger expenses of the year like what are you like what's your like average per outfit or costume cost last year was nuts we spent like twenty thousand dollars on halloween wow like it was but i mean we did like seven looks a short film like oh okay well i mean noah and i did a crazy look last year i'm gonna need you guys to keep ideating for me though sometimes zayn is fully my creative team too like when i have nothing funny to talk about on the podcast i'll text zane like what the [ __ ] do i say tomorrow like i was asking you for like games to play on the podcast i know and i gave her a game that she's just like but you are my creative director but i have to i i forget that like you talk about anything on your podcast so i should i should be i should think about how you don't have a filter i've been trying to lately though i was talking so much [ __ ] about austin mcbroom for a minute and it got to the point where everyone was like you need to stop like i i like sometimes i get a little too painful i have a question because i mean like people like you you guys like like you got like on your podcast on your videos you talk [ __ ] about all these careers but when you see them in person what is it like i mean is it like a known thing where it's like oh we're internet craze we talk [ __ ] we're not gonna fight or is it like [Laughter] that killed me like for you for you because you because you like you know it's part of your brand but when you see them in person like what is your first initial i know that my brand is very controversial but if you really look at what i'm saying there's only a few people that i'm like avidly talking mad [ __ ] about but i've always been this way maybe it's just like the vegas in me and like it's just like how i am like if i say it about you i'll say it to your face but i'm not like that like if i saw like let's say like i don't like austin mcbroom like i talk [ __ ] about him if i saw him and personally like i said what i said you [ __ ] suck like i would just like be really real about it i don't know i feel like i like more creators than creators i dislike like i don't ever want to be like so problematic where i walk into a party of creators or something and it's like i hate 20 people in this room they hate me yeah like there's only a couple people that i don't get along with but it's usually for like valid life experience that makes sense how are your parents right are they like oh did they ever call you i wasn't oh you're asking all these questions in my head i'm like we've we answered it's not touch you just guys this is the floor is yours no i will but if it's already been asked yeah no i'm just so interested like family do your parents get like invested in like what you're doing because like i feel like there's always kind of something you're involved in are they ever like uh-huh so my parents and i like we don't like we're we're just not like they're not in my life i don't like them we don't get along but everything i am is because of what they were so i'm not against the way i was raised but i'm marrying my best friend's parents like took me in so like they've been my parents since i was like 13 that's what i was kind of saying on the last podcast so they're literally today i posted my boyfriend getting my name tattooed and amari's mom who's like my mom was responding being like i'm [ __ ] sick i just threw up what the [ __ ] are you doing like stop oh okay she's your mother yeah like she's she's she's too invested she's [ __ ] crazy yeah like she just she is invested in everything that we do she just got instagram so it's a little it's a little while because she responds to my every story like what the [ __ ] are you doing like what's this like she's so oh my god she's insane and every time i'm like dating a rapper with like a bunch of tattoos or something she's like is this who you're gonna have kids with like she's just she's she's crazy she's protective she's so and she's so like by the book like literally it's insane she's like you should never give a blow drop why would you ever give a man that until you're married i'm like debbie i just sucked dick today like wait like our relationship it's very but she's very funny that's why amari is like so funny like they're they're just iconic good for you she joins a nunnery like for halloween i've been a nun and let me tell you no not a sexy nun like a actual like nun like you fully wait didn't you wear the same exact nun outfit that that you probably the one i wore in his video i think i mean i was definitely a [ __ ] nun back in the day now people are cancelled culture is so insane now like like offensive now like now i think that if i were sledding on people would be very offended at how i'm like you're mocking religion disgracing no you know what i feel like now is more acceptable than back then yeah well i'm loving that thought for you because i feel like religion is like now like people are against religion now that's true but i'm just i'm on the internet no on the internet sorry like the people that like you can't critique it yeah i've been cancelled for a lot of halloween costumes though so this year i'm trying to stay away from that we're going to think of something good for you i love my creative directors yeah she like that martha washington just be the people's like see like that this is what y'all want that's [ __ ] hilarious like that keep it coming i think i'm gonna be betsy ross that is so funny you you stitch like into the american flag just like i don't want to sound like an idiot i don't know what betsy right she made the american flag she made those yeah oh she's literally like a painting like there's no picture of her because they didn't have cameras back then okay well no i oh my god she's a painting [Laughter] wow okay so she's like a very very very old like very back then sexy mona lisa that's good see that's i definitely just need something really unexpectedly hilarious like she goes yeah i'm betsy ross but all she does is wrap that american flag like no imagine like an american flag bra and it's like unfinished you're like it's like unfinished you're like oops just making the finals the last star is covering the nipple wait i have an idea you see this picture you should be betsy ross except flip so you wear american flag and you're carrying the dress see honestly it's kind of gorgeous and great and i love my creative directors thank you guys so much that's that's what i'm thinking it's giving bets so the hundredth it's giving it it's giving share did we see that sean mendez's thing yes i was pretty i was pretty so bad for him though i know people really just like care so much about his like sexual it's like just let him like sing stitches and have a nice night like it doesn't matter i'm missing something a lot there's a there's a clip at the med gala where um they're getting ready kind of behind the scenes yeah and uh shawn mendes goes to uh his girlfriend camila girlfriend what uh wife i don't know and he goes it's giving a share like what she was wearing but he he said like the way he says it like he there's that like little um it's a an ounce it's an ounce of flare no no it's like he's just like it's just a chair and everybody's like oh my god we just have never we've never we've never heard that ounce of flair from him before so that's why everybody was just like questioning it but like i mean who [ __ ] cares we add flair to everything we say so you clip enough clips you add a little flare to one thing and everyone's like up yeah you take enough clothes and it was giving share was he wrong for the love of god i really have to piss but i just want to like i have to be too short you know what we should do season three we're getting colostomy bags calling off no you're just like you're getting colossals okay yeah everything well then we do that surgery to get a colostomy bag that's where your intestine ends and it like goes into the side into the back the bag of your [ __ ] yeah attached to you all right you guys continue this i'm gonna no wait i have to be too should we spider pee oh where is where i pee on the toilet and he like pees in between my pee your boyfriend just got a tattoo of your name that's between my legs that's not gonna stop saying and i'm from what do you like to spend your money on like what is like i don't think i have like a lot of people have like cars and like things that they love that are like a hobby but i genuinely just like my life is very expensive as is so there isn't like a go-to like thing i love but i mean like at the same time i'm like let's take a jet to miami next week and film it like that's not cheap like you know what i mean yeah another thing that was another thing that i hit up ten i was just like yo dan how are you getting all these jets how the [ __ ] do we get i'd like to go to florida you were trying to play on a private jet the thing is that it's just the way she the way she gets all the time it just seems like she's getting it for the same price as like a regular jet blue flight so my head is like if i go wrong if i go if i go through tana maybe i can get like a cheap flight out well no equivalent to us buying oh racial got it different there's levels so you're not getting a discount you're paying full rate for these like flights i wouldn't say like completely full rate there's a thing called an empty leg so like let's say let's say i want to go to miami tomorrow i would text my jet broker it's so ridiculous like a jet hold wait a jet broker love you adam daddy icon um and so i i texted jeff and that's how she gets the flight and try it try it daddy i love you no but empty legs often mean that let's say like this very rich person like this billionaire lives in miami and they took their plane to l.a yeah and they were going to fly it back and then they decided not to so now the jet is already paid for to be in like that right what's the jets home called the airport airport yeah there's another eyes there's it's just sitting in the hangar taking up space whatever so they'll give you like the plug price because it already has to go back if that makes sense but let's say it was like 30k originally it's like 17 now like it's it's still very expensive but the goal is to also fly with people who want to chip in for it for the jet experience yeah bring it down i also i like t i try to take a lot of my content on jets like i try to like look at a jet as like okay even though this is a great like luxury experience let's take a thousand only fans photos on it like let's make a bunch of videos let's you know it's just to kind of cover it let's get the jets money's worth yeah okay cool so like but sometimes i'm also just passed out like yeah you know our next sponsor of the podcast is brought to you by hellofresh hellofresh lets you save time in the kitchen stop spending all the time at the grocery store shopping around chopping up your stuff get everything delivered right to your door ready to go and get that meal done in a timely manner and hello fresh is over 30 cheaper than shopping at grocery stores with pre-portioned ingredients that ensure you won't spend money on 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meal baby yeah thank you how'd you know i was gonna say i don't know how has that been by the way your only fans because i know we were talking about it when you just started or when you were here we were you just started only i think i i don't know i've been doing it forever and i love it i until it's [ __ ] that scared that just recently happened was very funny because it like like where people thought only fans was going away and stuff oh yeah that wasn't really what was happening but obviously it was like a an interesting thing to think about what would happen if it went away you know i think if it went away i would obviously just like go to another paywall platform i think if it went away somebody would they would have figured out quick another platform tycoon left only fans and is starting his own platform so it's tiger tyga has the only fans oh my god have you guys never seen tiger's name he's like posting he's posting like nudes on baby full-blown sex tapes i'm talking like [ __ ] my friends like it's insane the rapper tyga tyga like the one that wanted to buy you uh a new a new ass i don't think i don't think we revealed that we did it we were like literally we just got done [ __ ] he was like i could buy you a bbl and i was like that is so mean it's not my proudest moment it was but it's also kind of like an l.a map it's also when we played the game we did talk about this on the podcast but we didn't reveal it of the game so this game that we played we gave her a list of like eight people that she has some sort of connection to whether it was a hookup or like a fashion and she looked at the name and she wrote down the first thing that came to her mind when she thought of that person so tigers was that he tried to buy me a body once but he does that i i actually know several girls that tyga bought like a whole body for what he is like playing like like a video game in real life he's like somebody could give me a new set of abs no rappers like do that if they like really like a girl but they want their bodies to be different they definitely like we'll buy that oh that's [ __ ] but that's crazy like you could say that about like tyga and everybody listening is just like oh okay but if it came out zayn tried to buy a girl's body because he didn't like it i'd be done i don't think it's that he didn't like it i mean obviously he kept no i didn't i didn't mean like didn't like it but like wanted to you wanted to like change it yeah it depends on the fan base you know i feel like his fan base yeah zane bought me an ass we were like what no it is it's interesting it's very normalized in that like world [ __ ] tag is like an la initiation though i feel like everyone i know is [ __ ] tyga like i don't know what are your thoughts on demi lovato oh my god i love dummy yeah more than anything they're like but literally my favorite [ __ ] person i mean i actually talk every single day which is strange that's a strange thing to say right like i never thought i'd be in like do you avoid like for your places with her or something huh do you avoid for your places do i avoid what do you avoid foreign places with her when you go out with her i don't know what word you're saying [Laughter] i don't know what that was like i went into that yogurt shop and like some what is the the meme we all have problems with the froyo well the thing about demi that i like is the same as me like they can take a joke you know like it's never like demi like that meme obviously went viral but it's not like they can't like laugh at it it's not like like a thing like that i don't even know i but demi just like supports every single thing i do like every story i post like at like literally like the best the best like friend i could ever ask for i never like i grew up watching demi lovato like i'm [ __ ] like camp rock but you know what i mean do you ever feel like sometimes people like accessorize you as a friend for sure are you kidding me i mean what does that mean um meaning like they just like saying that they're friends with you and like having you around but like it's not like fully reciprocated it's an authentic friendship like people accessorize gay people like gay friends a lot oh wait hold on people just want to get best friend because they think that that i think i accessorize tana as a friend you're [ __ ] good okay y'all don't know it's hanging out right like like you're thinking of it in a nice way it's there are a lot of like shady like people and i don't know definitely i feel like it's like you could have a scandal but if tana's your friend like like you know what i mean like she'll take a little bit of the heat like it's like you know what i mean like it's sometimes yes but i don't think demi does that i do think there are there are some people who try to do that but i also feel like i like that's not someone i would want my day-to-day life and i see through it but also who says i don't accessorize people you know a lot of la is like you know we might not be best friends but let's make content and let's hang out like that's how zane looks at me yeah well you look at you look at me like that too as soon as you moved in as my neighbor you accessorized me come fix my ac come fix my this come fix my give me an ib get me a job i think it's not accessorizing i actually really enjoy hanging out with you guys because you have a similar sense of humor to me like off camera we can just you know like we're offensive we like very yeah like the light senses of humor and i don't get along i hope it comes back dark jokes what publicly like dark jokes like they never left for me no but i've never loved i grew up i mean maybe this is taboo to say but i grew up in like the shane dawson generation you know that's what like made me want to [ __ ] do youtube was the darkest sense of humor so right i've definitely had to become more pc but also like with growth is understanding that some things actually offend and hurt people and you know just growing to be better but i mean if i if there's a dark joke that can be made i'm gonna make it like that's definitely my that's like pete davidson's my favorite comedian his dad literally like passed in 911 he's like on the stage like making jokes about it like i love when people can make like light of dark [ __ ] yeah but exactly anyways how are the tana tunes coming along have you been hitting the studio uh trying to brew up any new music oh yeah your music i've heard one in a while the other day i was in a restaurant and they like because i was there thought it would be fun to like play all my old like rap and i was so [ __ ] embarrassed it's that i'm not gonna lie and i like in my entire career in my opinion that is the most embarrassing thing i've ever done which is such a big thing to say because it's like obviously in all of your eyes there's a lot more embarrassing things i [ __ ] done like the actual skills but to myself like i just hear it and want to die but it's it's a great revenue source and there there's a weird genre hefner is very one of the songs i made is i think it went gold or it's like close to going gold which is so weird thinking like [ __ ] like 50 million people like listen to that [ __ ] and like liked it here's the thing i think it's gonna hit gold though because once i feel like every time halloween comes around people are going to use that sound on tick tock if they're a playboy bunny yeah it's such a thing it's so strange i mean i just did it you all remember when like rice gum was big and like the diss track era was big and i was definitely just like wow capitalizing on that and then it just became this thing that like follows you everywhere the other day in new york chris the guy that i'm with was playing one of my old songs as a joke and i literally tried to get out of a moving suv like like i'm not even kidding he put it on and i opened the door like fully like driving down the road and the driver like screamed at me it was like a whole thing not yet like i like i just i hate that era but i i mean but at the same time now it's like such a thing like every tick tocker is making music like i could see myself going back i like writing music so who knows i mean i don't [ __ ] know you guys you made us didn't you guys make a song he made boom i have a couple songs wait wait no he the fact that she just said you guys didn't make us how have we not made a song again oh us together yeah wait that i've never even thought of that that would be so when she's going i was like almost like cody cohen noel miller like how they like do really funny music like i could so see you guys like really profiting off of that i know and it's like i mean not to talk [ __ ] about cody but like one is like really good at rapping and the other one is like the funny side the funny side i don't even know what you're really good at rapping and i'm like nothing to say the funny side so so i think that's like that's a perfect we should we should try it no it's insane they got some insane real artist features black bear on their [ __ ] they kill it they kill it it's like you know it's it's to be taken seriously in like a comedic way almost it's like it it's dope like they they definitely kill that genre yeah you guys could crush that i actually want to watch one of their shows i bet it's so good there's they're [ __ ] hilarious it's so funny i used to follow them to their podcast every night they're so funny yeah it's really good must not be that funny if you're falling asleep i just love that i should start listening to you guys when i fall asleep that'd be weird if the last thing i heard was like zayn's voice [Laughter] just embed it into your brain and i fall asleep every night to impulsive which is really strange i just listen to logan paul every night before i go to sleep it's like a little weird what are some things that he talks about that like like interests you i feel like i feel like all uh they talk about i mean i don't know i just feel like they're all about like entities and all that [ __ ] is that like they talk about a lot of pop culture though and like it's just a great dynamic like george jenko their other co-host is so funny and then mike maylac is like their crazy like just out of pocket friend and like logan's a great conversation i don't know it's my favorite podcast i'm obsessed but i mean maybe i'm biased who loving that is it true that you cancelled your own podcast to come on ours tonight i cancelled it today actually because faze banks is a terrible responder and he was supposed to be my guest and then he's just like me and a piece of [ __ ] and didn't come on all over the place i don't even know i just i always like i get very in my head that's actually why i was so enamored by the fact that you guys have had 100 episodes because it's like i freak out after every episode like was that good or the people gonna love it was it so funny like i sit there in the edits i don't want like a single pause i don't want anything to be like remotely not amazing so it's like that's us yeah yeah we're still like that yeah after 100 episodes so the anxiety never stops it doesn't go down it doesn't go i have a long way to go yeah 100 so if i feel like there's nothing for because i do it with brook and hunter my best friend so if i feel like there's nothing we have to talk about from the week or like whatever like i'll just move what helps is whenever you think of some like think of a really funny memory write it down normally we don't write it down but you should just write everything down my notes are so [ __ ] up like you know what i mean i'm just like it's i try to write down that's because that's how we got through our first like what 60 episodes of bringing back really funny [ __ ] this happened or [ __ ] that was happening in the moment because like we'd go off well you guys are great at past stories but i just like don't remember any of my past whether it's related to like trump story time videos on youtube about everything that's happened in your life of course you remember yeah but like now like to try to like reference friend group stories i don't know a lot of traumas happen who knows you know i haven't uploaded on youtube in eight months really yeah yeah yeah yeah we've been we're definitely uploading videos uh not at david's i filmed some i'm gonna put them out soon but i had to take the biggest break like i had to take the big for the first time my career i was just because i uploaded so much i just needed like a moment there's too much partying yeah saying too much partying no there was just a lot going on like a lot of [ __ ] that wasn't cute that was happening to me in my life and i just wasn't in the mood too we're all going through something i don't like to force it when it comes to youtube like i could do like a brand deal or something enforce it but like in a vlog i feel like if i'm like forcing my energy people would know like with tick tock it's cool because it's like i can make a tick tock every day and in those [ __ ] 10 seconds no one's gonna really know what's going on but when it comes to like being funny for like 30 minutes straight like it's just like i don't want to force it so exactly yeah but now i got a lot of brand deals so i'll be back that's good i'm just kidding there you go this podcast is brought to you by our favorite baby sea geek see geek is a ticketing app that makes buying tickets super simple see we've got it right on our phones here whether you want to go to a basketball game concert football you name it doesn't matter sea geek pulls all the tickets and puts it in one easy little app some of you guys may have saw the stories from uh our friends that went to the dallas cowboys games i also was supposed to go i used sea geek obviously to buy my ticket from there and um i missed my flight so i never got to go but i have the ticket and that's nobody's problem but yours maybe sea geek did their job what i like about the c g cap is that they rate every ticket from zero to ten to make sure you're getting a good deal so the green dots are good prices and the red dots are overpriced and every ticket on sea geek is backed with a buyer guarantee so you can shop with confidence i know you guys are sitting here thinking how we're gonna get these prices well don't worry we've got the hookup use code unfiltered for 20 off tickets at seageek that's 20 off your first purchase when you use the promo code unfiltered visit www.seatgeek.com or download the app today again that's promo code unfiltered for 20 off baby again that's at www.seatgeek.com now get out there and go have some fun and see some concerts or games whatever you like they start living again we deserve it thank you see geek you guys were the first uh people i ever were aware of though having a set for a podcast that cost more than like 10k cool really like no i well tina that's because we just found out recently that uh brands you work or companies that you work with normally pay for half the podcast but we didn't know that what do you mean they didn't pay for yours either then i'm guessing no but people were always like oh they gave you these cameras right like they're supposed to buy your equipment apparently companies you work with they they're supposed to they buy your equipment like they buy your [ __ ] for your set that's the whole point my production company did but if you think like bluetooth is buying me like [ __ ] like no no no no no company like network your network sorry yeah like my podcasting network i guess did oh did you guys pay for like every single yeah yeah every wire every outlet everything this is the first podcast i've heard that has a favor once again maybe we do it wrong that's not wrong that's more independent which is great you have more jurisdictions yeah but they still take their money we didn't choose to do that we just didn't think there was an option i am scared of that i'm not gonna lie like he we just gotta just start we're just naive perfect word we're just very naive i've been not even so many i've been like i've been so stupid with so much money on [ __ ] though so i mean like i'm not sitting here like all high and mighty because my cameras were paid for like i [ __ ] oh my god i paid for so much [ __ ] that i like shouldn't have to according to the like brand safe breaded people you know like every time i talk to charlie demilio about like anything i paid for she's like why did you do that it's like wait she's like seven two three she's telling you what to do dude she's so smart though it's so weird business savvy i like hanging out with charlie and dixie and i weirdly feel like they're my parents like i'm try people always when me and charlie are together like they'll be like oh my god like tana was like your mom huh cause i'm just like [ __ ] so much older than her that's the word and charlie will always be like i'm like her mom like what are you saying like she fully like they're so smart it's ridiculous have you guys watched their show on hulu no no i have not i've seen clips on tick tock but i haven't seen it yet best reality show around an influencer it's like very good they do a good job and really like getting everything so good at getting everything it was produced so well they're my favorite family too they're so lit they are very sweet their parents make me like so jealous that i like don't have parents like of course i'm like oh like adopted whatever and like happy but i mean like to have parents like that is [ __ ] insane like they're they're just so dope they're and they're like young and cool too like i feel like that miss heidi demilia was like cooler than i could ever and everything happened so fast for them too i feel like that's like very overwhelming and they have to try to figure out quickly like every step of the way but their parents adapted so fast and they still have this insane level of priority about like letting their kids be kids and i feel like every other young star's parents are so like stage parent-oriented yeah which is the biggest fear to me i hate seeing like young tic shot kids with like a mom who just wants them to be famous like it's like the most damaging thing in the world so like they they're really the only like good family i feel like that i like see online so good for them love that we'll check that out there love that are you guys gonna have kids soon family channel soon if you got pregnant right now would you keep it and have a kid for a moment i want to like godmother this kid like you guys are like very hot oh wait both of your people both your parents like one imagine our child under your supervision i'd be the best daughter i would do everything in my power to just stay alive she's crying she's like her dude she's like why would you say that if i could just stay alive longer than 10 and then we're good baby baby you're gonna do that don't worry all right then be my kid's godparent for the one more year i'm alive if i make it to 27 guys don't say that i know this won't age well don't say i'm just kidding i'm going to live a long life guys i'm going to be like [ __ ] what's her name betty white like would you invite me too would you invite me to your funeral well i'd be dead no one gets invited to funerals unless well maybe yeah do you know tana would have a whole invitation thing for her no no i should like pre-plan it like you should make them now that's really funny you have like a seven repeat yo that's actually so [ __ ] the title has told you so this really might not age well but if i ever do die i hope my funeral is like very funny and fun so yes is brian gonna take like photography pictures right just like everybody in front of your casket like if my best friend isn't putting like self tanner on my pale body like in the open casket like i [ __ ] everything up if i'm not getting like a full beat like [ __ ] like makeup by arielle contouring me like what did i i hope i get a bbl when i'm like oh my god i just got offered a free bbl today like this day yeah was it down the street where was it i don't know it was in like beverly hills the the tyga surgery oh really yeah yeah like full bars that's like the most dangerous surgery right yeah and it like got super popularized on tick tock recently where everyone was like getting them did you see that video of all the girls coming from like i think it was tijuana like all the wheelchairs getting on like a commercial flight because everyone had just gotten like bbl's because you're not you're not supposed to like be uh hold on i thought you're not supposed to be sitting on it they give you a pillow like so you can fly home because a lot of people get in other places but then you can't sit for like two months and we know somebody that got one and like they couldn't they they literally can't sit on your butt they give you a donut pillow but in cars you're supposed to like be on your knees or like lay i know girls who got bbl's and fully it's so disgusting i'm so sorry this is actually one that tycoon paid for that i'm talking about so it's really funny um but she would [ __ ] in the shower standing up oh god and then pick it up in a ziploc bag because you could you that's crazy these are like the dark secrets of a bbo of hollywood everyone has a bbl and you have to get these massages after you get it where you get the surgery they like suck the fat out of like wherever you don't want it and they put it in your butt and then for months you have to get these massages where you go in but it's not a massage and they like you all these holes because it's like liposuction and they put it back in and then they have to push the fat out and the blood like out of your holes for like months it's oh my god it's insane that's like why i haven't gotten one because it's like is it true when you get a bbl it sucks all your fat cells into your ass right so like can you eat whatever you want cause it just goes straight to your ass and now your stomach kind of but i i feel like a lot of the girls where their butt like looks super diapery yeah it's like because of that like working it out and like trying to be healthier it definitely makes sense it's good but like i feel like like are you able to eat kind of whatever i'm saying i'm asking these questions just so i can get it yeah the bvl is crazy imagine saying like a full kylie body like oh i could do that oh my god what's the one where it's got like a like a plunger that they put underneath that could flip upside down like silicone implants it like i've seen like oh where it's like curved but then they can like literally grab it and then flip it underneath but that's scary oh that's a cheap [ __ ] right backwards it's not cheap it's it's more i'm trying to think of a word that's like pc i can't it's it's it now it's becoming more outdated but it's like that was just something that happened a lot back in the day with like female rappers and like just people and like before bbl's became more popularized you'd get just like a breast implant but in your butt yeah but then like the fda i know so much about this [ __ ] it's actually terrible the fda like please teach us because we have no idea but then a lot of girls who have big butts that don't want to go through bbl's get silicone injections which are they're not fda approved at all they're completely illegal in the us i know so many girls like the most famous people you can think are those the one where you see on like the bot shows where they get those like well everything goes on botched yeah i mean you anything but is that the silicone like when they get silicone yes in a hotel room i know several girls who are in jail for the next like 15 years for doing this to people like you get them in hotel rooms they do all the silicone shots my best friend lyla actually got them and then they put duct tape over all the holes where you got the [ __ ] silicone shots and you have to do it with no anesthesia nothing because it's like illegal and like it just starts leaking out of you and they duct tape it and it's crazy and then like it can move down to your foot it can like fall out of your ass and [ __ ] like crazy this is like per like if something goes wrong it's permanent right you can't like undo something like that it's rumor no no you you can kind of undo it like but it's rumored this isn't for sure but i mean like i i know a lot of people who are like in this place like kim kardashian back in the day got silicone originally then got a bbl to take it out like where they suck that out and [ __ ] like it's a whole [ __ ] thing but like when any of these surgeries go wrong you can't like undo it it's like you're kind of it's like a tattoo you're [ __ ] that you have it it's in your body i mean nothing's like i guess fully undoable like you did that you injected on fda approved silicone into your butt and duct taped it but at the same time there's so many plastic surgeons who like specialize in fixing that type of stuff like the [ __ ] house yeah do they like cut you up and like pull it out like yeah oh yeah oh yeah so much [ __ ] i almost went on the watch guys to get a second nose job because i really want it maybe a bottle your nose looks fine yeah i was just looking at it great i love you it's that this nostril doesn't flare like they they so they took from my ear like maybe you feel like oh yeah i met a girl met a girl last night her uh left nostril wasn't flaring as much as the second one i'm not gonna text her no but it's just like the nerves are all messed up like you get so itchy sometimes it'll itch it a bunch and it's red and then all the media had like she did coke all night her nose is ready wait what did you what did you do what do you mean so i i don't want to make anyone feel i'll just like paint the picture for you but if you want to feel it's there like the in the back of your ear you have a bunch of cartilage and if you like like right here so if you want to fix something in your nose like that because all this in your nose your nostrils in this whole area is cartilage so they can take your ear cartilage and then put it in your face but then it messes up your nerves so my nose is made out of my ear and then i'm like missing some air here for sure well i can't move this here i mean i had ear surgery my ears were pinned back really in middle school because i had really big years like you got like that's a cosmetic surgery it is yeah my mom had it done my brother had it done did you grow up like super rich um yeah i don't we did well but my mom paid for it for both of me and my brother that's honestly so nice of her but i can't move i used to be able to move both ears but ever since that surgery i can only move like one and i can't move moving your ears is automatically like an anomaly of a talent though i think only like ten percent of people do can you i don't think so i can't yeah you can oh you're moving well you're moving your eyebrows i can't move my eyebrows oh without moving your face at all you're doing it like i can do that that's cool wait hold on look at me what are you doing like your hat is moving what are you doing yeah he's like what are you moving all three of you can do that i've waited no wait i'm not no no i was moving because my eyebrows are it's kind of like uh you're like pushing your face forward into your skin i don't know how to it's like where you know if you put sunglasses on that that's how i learned how to do it where it rests like that area where if you had sunglasses and you were trying to move the sunglasses because it's closer to your face being able to move that area is not uncommon what does your ear feel like the same now the ear was it hurt super bad after surgery though i had like a whole thing on it it was crazy my ear feels normal my nose just feels kind of strange can you can you like hear over here if you went like this could you like could i like it doesn't affect i'm in a cocaine scandal right now because of my ear like fully like because there was i was like i said my nose is made out of my ear so the nerves are like messed up so like i'm always scratching my nose right here because it's like literally made out of my ear and then it gets super itchy it hurts oh yeah whatever helps you sleep at night yeah for sure perpetuating it no but i scratched my nose once it was red and everyone thought i was doing coke but it's really just because it was my ear so yeah whatever you say um he's perfect yeah thanks uh thanks for coming jenna [Laughter] guys i'm so sorry that your team or matt king or whoever set me up being your 100th guest no no this is this was fun it was such a surprise but no it's good that it was a surprise because that's what makes it fun because it was something and you just have to go along with it it's not like you could tell me to get the [ __ ] out on no no i we have it like i haven't seen you in a long [ __ ] time i'm glad you're here i haven't seen you in years i know it's been a minute since i've seen youtube for sure i've seen you guys kind of recently but ever since i moved away from david's you were like yeah she has no association to us now [Laughter] you know what i mean but no i'm i feel like unfiltered is you know it's a little bit of my brand so i'm happy to be here and i'm proud of you guys i hope i can get to even 50 episodes on my podcast so you will congratulations thank you tana appreciate it do you want to plug it or tell the people well guys i appreciate the plug i just released a sex toy did you and i'm so excited i want everyone to go check it out i was gonna bring them all for you today but i've been giving them to everyone we were just like come on right no it's more for girls but you guys could use it to [ __ ] girls so that's kind of i know but heath and i could have done a whole ass ad read for your sex toy oh i'll be back then like what are you doing later this week like i'll [ __ ] be the thing we need it right now for this episode whole thing get your [ __ ] sex toy from tana at oh pleasures i'm definitely gonna give one to you guys and i would love to have all of you as a guest on the cancelled podcast yeah let's do it that's why i came here today so you owe me one so that's that's all the problem i'm gonna get i mean i respect that and you know what i think we over back to her hopefully happy 100th episode thank you tana did david ever get back in the country yes how else am i going to [ __ ] he's a us yeah jesus legally well love you guys thank you for having me of course thank you we love you tana can you do the outro for us yeah should i get out for the outros you're good you can't we can't see you when you're yeah and thank you guys for watching an entire another season we're surprised we made it as well um we're gonna take a two-week break so we're going to come back uh october 25th um so get ready tune in and uh we're excited for season three you're 100 nervous a little bit you look a little nervous playing that outro let's start off the next one with like a demilio or something i swear guys stay tuned but yeah guys uh again you could uh check out the audio form of this podcast we post every monday on spotify and google and and the youtube video every single tuesday youtube.com dana heath no and i'm not nervous i'm more nervous for the fact that i hope we get everything [ __ ] ready before season three oh we definitely won't but you know it's going to be a very last-minute thing just like last time we just have to be prepared for that you know how we do baby it's our brand thank you guys so much for watching really appreciate it thank you
Channel: Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED
Views: 1,973,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffee talk, unfiltered, views, podcast, vlog squad, david dobrik, zane and heath, zane hijazi, heath hussar, vlogger, funny, vlog, natalie, todd, scott, matt king, mariah amato, carly and erin, celebrity, tiktik, tik tok, girlfriend, tiktok, davids vlogs, scotty sire, funny podcasts, jeff wittek, accident, drunk, embarrassing, tana mongeau, cancelled, 100th episode, 100
Id: oBZylPl93ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 36sec (5676 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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