No way this hacker will fall for this FAKE WATER trap..! (Catching Hackers)

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forty you might even mine into himself oh oh oh thank you for it I don't know I don't know dude if you frigging bother this would be bad oh my god Oh guys how's it going welcome back to another episode of catching hackers so just to give you an update on my current situation I'm currently not feeling the best I have a bit of a cold or a flu whatever you call it and it's just making me feel like poo feel like a big poo help me but anyway I'm just letting you know if there is no hablo tomorrow or Monday that is because it's just got the best of me and I actually do you know what there won't be a video tomorrow or the next day I'm just gonna take those two days just to rest up and just feel good again because I don't wanna feel like hey guys I'm gonna do my best to carry on through this video and and do my best at all cuz I feel our breath just talking you know that kind of cold or flu you to get it's it's a horrible thing I just honestly I wish it upon no-one and at least I always get I always get a cold for Christmas but at least I can't get a cold now for Christmas because I've already got it before Christmas better guys if you want to go down below and hit that like button every like gives me a 10% chance at getting better anyway honestly let's just jump into this video and also I'm gonna say three words right now actually could be more I don't know but Hyde arch is gonna be four words hide our hunt Christmas I'm getting it ready booth out further ado let's go catch those dirty hackers oh my god have we caught this guy x-rayed in the act oh god I better place on a secret chest fast okay right so this I just he peed and this guy is digging straight down to a base now he could have found legitly but I'm here to make sure and see if he did so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna place down a secret chest and obviously if he goes from my secret chest we know he's definitely hacking I'm not gonna place a second one just in case so we can definitely confirm but if we find out this guy's actually x-raying this base will be saved and his stuff will be refunded oh god please okay I'm hoping honestly like we might have just literally clutched this the fact that he is covering this up is really darn suspicious I'm not gonna lie this is a super nice base as well now there isn't much here from what I see but still nonetheless we literally probably just about in time tp'ed to potentially save this base right now because who knows you might blow up at Mt ok right comment down below do you think he's legit or do you think he's x-raying um I'm gonna say if he's found a space without any chords whatsoever like there's no entities here I'm gonna say 100% he is actually him because like there's no spoilers there's no nothing like that so there's nothing give enough entries here absolutely nothing so I have no idea how we found this base so I'm gonna say hats 100% hacks but I guess we'll only know if he goes for a chest Oh nobody no no no no no do not buy TT if you were x-raying do not buy TT okay such back what about this guy actually is x-ray dude no no no you can okay I'm gonna make it an over base just to see okay okay okay we got a you got a hurry okay boom gm3 go go go go go cookie cookie cookie savings must to be turned gym one doom waa such - copy there we go right the base is copied alright and so no matter what even if he blows up I can bring the base back kind of that's if he's hacking you're not now he's not going for my secret chest so maybe isn't hacking but like I'm thinking maybe he's trying to do this so it reveals the secret chest if you get me that's what I'm thinking I'm really thinking he's doing this so it reveals the secret chest like he's trying not to get banned oh hang on hang on hang on hang on so before he blows at the base it looks like he's gonna x-ray the chest we actually might be able to save this base just in time oh my god no freaking way oh no freaking way look at Lula he's going for that base over there put some clothes on to make it more enticing yo no wait yeah oh my god dude okay he's actually that chest now will he actually everyone where we were so hang on he's mined up there came back I thought maybe he was minding up there to get away from the TNT but he's no heshes blocked it back up which confirms he was blatantly hack no no no you are not nope you were not you are not such ban Jace King or x-ray - s so I thought maybe okay I was gonna say maybe he's digging up there to get away from the TNT but he dug up there dug straight up to the base and went left at the right moment can I just say that like honestly the exact right moment which come on blatant freaking x-ray and then obviously Soros and it was like autozone here went back down and him blocked it up so he obviously didn't need to do that oh my god literally seconds from disaster now I've been watching the guy seeing what he's been raiding and stuff and the guy didn't actually take much that was because there wasn't actually too much in the base but in fairness it is a fairly pretty base so I'm glad we were able to save it to be honest just in the nick of time and this guy will hopefully log on and he won't even realize that he's nearly been raided actually no his bold base was nearly exploded alright let's go back up to the surface and make sure that we block this off so this no one just comes along and finds it and there we go we actually just saved someone's base that was literally seconds from disaster Oh anyway moving on all right so this guy right here is being reported for a hacks now I'm gonna watch him see if we can catch him out but I have no idea what is always he gonna drop that into a PP right now cuz if so that is literally perfect what's he doing okay huh he just dropped his sword and someone else just picked it up uh is he yo is he using mob or in spawn no no he's like hitting people that come next to him but like it's like he's using I need someone else to come oh my god he told he is he's like trike oh this guy is definitely using mob alright now you see how he kind of latches on but when the guy jumps his head goes up and down because it's he took completely completely is using my bar right now I hundred percent I can literally ban him right now he stops see I don't want to battle right now just cuz he is trolling no no way it latches on dude he latches look that is and then he just thought yeah dude he definitely is he definitely definitely is Chris low what's he doing is he is he using my oh my god yep yep yep yep yep yep yep you see that it's locked latching on to frickin everyone okay so he's logged off the server but we got enough proof to ban him he was literally using mob aura in spawn how silly can you be ban Chris lo hacks - s berry frickin go he didn't even touch the war zone oh hang on a second he's actually logged off Chris low to log on to another account this is him this is actually him so he logged off that account - maybe come on this account in hack instead why well I guess that's just way because it might not be the same person but I'm almost positive it is okay he's taking on armor he's got oh I know why I know exactly what he's doing you know why he's doing so he lost his sword so he couldn't PvP in his account so he's logged on another account to basically give his main account a sword and basically in a few minutes in chat you are going to see Chris Lowe try to log into the server any second now you're gonna see look there we go Chris Lowe try to log into server but is banned forever oh my god dude through let's take the sword so this proves my theory from yesterday's video that hackers store in chess no he's back on Nana Nana Nana you ain't hacking no more nope - s that's actually really funny yet it'll all gonna never account just to get a sword if you're watching this catchin hackers and you want to sort like or you want a hacker sword well here it is and it's right there in that dispenser if it's if it's not found already by the time this episode goes out so there it is if you want to enjoy all right so I've just tea Pete's this guy the first thing I've noticed is the most random mining in the world what is this guy up to and you x-ray in diamond sir I oh he is quite a few does he have a fortune pickaxe no he doesn't oh my god so that means that he's me oh god this guy is mined a lot of diamonds holy smokes okay right um let's watch him okay so we just mined some time is there he's just mined some more diamonds here I think we got ourselves a bit of an x-ray on our hands here okay yeah I am I would definitely say he's x-ray anyone know why is because wait wait you see it right will he do it again he kind of pauses and takes a look around like Oh where's the next best place to mine to like watch let's see if he does of his head literally see how he's looking into the wall like oh where should I go yeah he's going back in himself oh my god this is if he's yeah yeah yeah look at that like he's like it's like he can see through it of course he can yeah this guy's happening okay let me always going up is he found some more diamonds okay the fact that he's went back the fact that he's went back and I was mining randomly again if he mines in the more diamonds is gonna be extremely fishy right now Oh God that's he okay yeah I'm gonna call hax right now I'm just gonna go place down my own diamonds and just see if he goes roomie probably won't cuz just my luck alright the place that we placed thousand diamonds let's see if he spots him oh no he's gone too far away from him Oh No hang on hang on Oh Oh I think he sees him he sees him is he going from oh he so is he so is oh my god okay mine my mine they're right there by the way yeah and he's gonna turn right now or shoot oh no wait wait wait when the opposite way okay hang on so he went the opposite way dog went right and dog down to those diamonds literally dog straight down to them now he's going back up is even though from my ones now yes yes keep mining and he's found mine what you sir are definitely an x-ray like lookee mine stray over here and in mind all the way down these diamonds then came back up and went up here in mind here and got my diamonds come on this ain't um buddy dissing on /ban Jesper x-ray - s like I don't want to say the little tip I would have but like if you're an x-ray miner like you don't mean your x-ray for diamonds or whatever you know and like no do you know what I'm gonna I was gonna let you say how you can hide it but like there's ways of hiding it don't just go mining around like that it's obvious anyway I guess moving on okay I I just TP to this guy I'm not sure if I just watched it freak a man I'm not a hundred sure I believe I might have saw him free camp so it looks like he found his base obviously he knows there's probably nothing inside it if he is free camming yeah but it looks like he's go searching for more base so I'm gonna go up ahead and I'm gonna paste in some chess and see if he goes for these instead cuz I swear I literally just caught him free coming if I only came like two minutes sooner would have been actually catching out runny okay right he's running straight in the direction of the chess so this is perfect actually okay okay here we go right x-ray test number one will he go for it will he take the bait oh my god he freaking eat all my god he definitely is you could literally see him crouching up and down that is his free camp right there and look at this look at this and I bet you any money he's gonna go for all the chests come on buddy you could have hit it a bit better you know let me stick some laven here see what happens he probably only escaped oh you probably will accept you guys just listen I know it's have a little bit of fun with him why not no no no no no no no no no no no not getting out of here no no no no no no you can't did you way out of this sword but you can log out if you really want to you I'm surprised isn't locked out yeah I give about 10 seconds he probably got a log out oh oh oh he's digging his big it he's digging hang on let's put some more blocks there he's surviving he's surviving he's trying to get out of it does he not know this is an admin truck just put some more lava right there just keep blocking it off as he tries to get out baby literally just keep blocking up now okay there we go there we go there we go just keep blocking up he put lava around keep her lava run keep blocking dog you block it up no no no no no no no no you can't escape it buddy he's locked out there we go Fairplay don't know he tried to make it to the surface you know he's logged back on again No hey okay let's play it let's let's play a bit of baseball you know I mean might as well hang on let's inventory see him so we don't forget his name and we can bat him wherever alright let's give him a bit of it give a bit more of a burn and knock away oh my god it's not back 100 okay okay I'm gonna see how far he goes up here when I knock a boom oh my god he goes freakin miles okay I'm done ban h 1 z x-ray - s alright so there we go I caught him I knew literally i TP tomb and I saw him at base doing this and I was like did I just catch you free Kevin hey looks like this guy needs a boost but yeah I knew I saw him freak a man I'm glad I came out anyway moving on you I literally just saw this guy speed bridge like the hack oh he's gonna do it again due to get gored going quote I've never actually seen someone do some psycho for go on duty do it again go on show me please I need to record it litchi they just so Joe like they're like kind of hackers you see in hypixel you know ones that like bridge across you yeah that's exactly what this guy's just done in the wilderness go on do it again I want to see you do it again I'm bad in this guy no matter walk cuz I saw her my own eyes but I need to at least get her on camera I am like a prop oh hang on hang on is this little guy I think he might have just spotted wow these three dungeons in a perfect line it's almost like I set that up but I did not that is some impressive world generation right there anyway I'm getting started alright I want to see this guy do it again so he's what amazes me right now is he used the bridge hacks but he's not be hopping like wouldn't you just be be hopping if you're gonna be hacking that blainley anyway that's what I'm confused about okay will he do it again here we go here we go here we go oh oh he's trying he tried to do it but didn't work I think nearly that was enough proof but I just want to make sure to have the recording of him hacking just in case he's probably gonna there we go alright eating a band eating a band right now honestly well know why if you don't know why already basically he at while running and had no slowdown whatsoever there we go we did it what like how lazy can you be not just to go whoop you know it's pretty damn lazy now I want to know what this guy's mission is because like usually hackers join a server and they go just straight too few people this guy's in the wilderness I bet you any money scheme are a load he's definitely looking for bases I would say he's definitely looking to ruin someone's day let me see let me just test my theory maybe not maybe not oh oh let me see if we can get in with the fake war trap oh my god I forgot I even had this base do you think he'll fall for this if he's hacking or be amazing if he did okay let's okay let's see what he fall from the fake always yeah well he's definitely hacking let's see what he fall for the fake war trap though that would be really every honestly Falls wish that'd be fairly funny he might even mind into himself oh oh oh oh think you fall for it I don't know she think I don't know dude if he freakin father this would be perfect oh my god just chopped it alright guys if you wanna make a base and you wanna keep them safe from hackers you make a fake water trap in your base cuz imagine that now he probably hasn't said home so like he's just mind let's say this is your base he's just mined into your base fell in the trap and died and now the good stuff which would be down here it's all safe and sound oh my god he fell on it no questions asked no hacks could ever save him from that oh lordy oh I bet I bet he's cringing right now that's so embarrassing come on you have hacks man you can see what's down there that's a bad hacker all right so I can confirm as well if you put these fake water traps inside your base you will actually be doing psycho a huge favor because he's just fell down there and died and guess what he's logged out he's probably raised crap all right bad mr. underscore laser he's probably gonna come on another account because he probably lost all his stuff x-ray - s alright he's bad now I'm gonna do bipm and see if he's coming on another account yep I can confirm this guy is on this account right now looks like he's just locked off the other one and came on this one pretty embarrassing like you know I mean if I just died in the trap I died I don't think I'd be logging on minecraft for next ten years said the oldest trick in the book don't fall for a dead I got I got it really funny he fell for against I suppose if he goes right well obviously he's not gonna fall for again but I'm gonna paste the base in just to taunt him even more maybe see if I can knock him into her something oh oh if he's guys actually on he should be able to see that base over there but he's probably not gonna go for it because he's obviously gonna know that someone's watching him oh he hasn't got a pickaxe arles let's pick it let's give him a helping hand here you go buddy there's a pickaxe there you go no wonder he wasn't moving he didn't have a pickaxe do his x-ray move there we go there we go you've got your pickaxe man you can x-ray away again and I know I know you're not gonna fall into space you know I mean you fell for a one stuck on a fall for again but might be I'd knock you into it again that'd be quite funny saying that he probably has anti knock-back so probably not well he's mining into the base again I would say he probably has chest XP because obviously if he had x-ray he'd be able to clearly see that this is the exact same base now he's gonna know he's mined into the exact same base don't fall for it oh no not today not today well there we go man oh hang on got an idea this is how you get rid of hackers for good banish them into the abyss oh where you gonna do will you jump Oh will you just leave it ok never mind all right that's bad avoidable x-ray minus s technically he fell for the trap two times I'm gonna to count that as two times okay I need to undo that unless otherwise there's gonna be a void forever anyway guys thank you for watching we just did the fake water troll again and it frickin work so that is insane and if you guys think very much for watching I will see you guys in a next episode and hopefully that will be Tuesday and I will be feeling better I'm taking two days to rest up get this frickin throw thing gone and I'm back [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 203,518
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Id: sr5p5EXpYD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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