[노오븐] 치즈감자 플랫브레드 만들기 :: 담백하고 폭신, 커리에 찍어드세요 :: Potato Cheese Flat Bread :: Bazlama :: Pita Bread

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100ml Warm water 6g (2tsp) Instant dry yeast 5g (1.5tsp) Sugar Dissolve the yeast in warm water 300g Brad flour (all-purpose flour available) 5g (1.5tsp) Salt After coating the flour with salt 100ml Warm milk Add milk and mix all together Now knead the dough by hand. If it is well mixed without raw flour 16g (2Tbsp) Olive oil Knead the dough until the oil seeps into it. Kneading with both hands will make it faster Soft dough is ready Olive oil Now ferment in a warm place to 2-3 times the size (36℃~38℃) 520g Potatoes Cut potatoes into bite-size pieces Boil potatoes in the microwave for 7 minutes (based on 700w) 2g (0.5tsp) Salt Mash the potatoes while they are hot. Knead to mix the salt evenly Divide the potatoes into 8 equal parts Make a potato bowl Mozzarella Cheese (optional) Add mozzarella cheese and form into balls. 1 hour after fermentation After degassing the dough Divide into 8 equal parts Cover it with cling film to prevent it from drying out. If there is gas in the meantime, let the gas out again. After making a ball Sprinkle with flour Flatten it with a roller Then flatten the edges Add Cheese Potatoes Carefully wrapped like a gift Sprinkle with flour Relax your hands and flatten them About 12mm thick Finished with a diameter of 12 cm After turning on the fire Coat the pan with cooking oil Check that the pan is preheated by splashing water Add the dough (high heat) The top swells Flip it over when the back is browned High heat When the other side is also browned, flip it over. If it turns brown on both sides, reduce the heat to low and continue to touch. It swelled up like a pufferfish belly. Cover the fabric so it doesn't dry out. You can eat it with melted butter if you like. Soft and fluffy Potatoes are wearing delicious cloaks, cheese is also hidden in the invincible taste Wow~ Light and savory taste, fluffy and soft inside It tastes better with curry, it keeps going into my stomach
Channel: 매일맛나 delicious day
Views: 6,621,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 간단요리, 매일맛나, 자취요리, 쉬운요리, 초간단레시피, 인생레시피, 황금레시피, 간식만들기, 아이디어요리, 외식요리, delicious day, 한그릇요리, 외식메뉴, 플랫브레드, 치즈감자플랫브레드, 감자요리, 바즐라마, 피타브레드, 터키식빵, 노오븐빵, PotatoCheeseFlatBread, Bazlama, PitaBread, FlatBread, TurkishBread, 플렛브레드, withoutoven, noovenbread, potatorecipes, 노오븐요리, 난, naan, cheesepotatobread, potatobread, 감자빵, 치즈감자빵, 노오븐치즈감자빵
Id: jZeG5Ov8TrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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