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how's it going everyone are you ready for another video in the impossible or not series where i go and i check and see if levels are actually impossible or not as i mentioned at the beginning of every video there are actually impossible levels in the game because people can hack the game i have a hack for the game myself i can turn on no clip which makes it so i go through all the objects it's very easy it's a free hack well actually the one i use isn't free because there's a bunch of bells and whistles but you can get a free one you can do it you can make hack levels so easily and so i go and i check levels to see if they're actually impossible or they're not and uh we determine that together but not really because i've recorded this you're kind of watching in the past so it's not really but you're watching it so you're a part of this you're a part of this today we're gonna be looking up levels called not possible which i think i've done this before but i don't see any ones have actually played so cool we're looking up not possible maybe i haven't done this exact keyword before i always try to do a different different set of keywords or keyword for each video last one we did hacked today we're doing not possible so here we go no man on earth can tap this fast not possible well i mean if there was someone it would be topi i teo the bulldog okay not possible holy shoot that's bugged though nice i did it even on 240 hertz yo very very possible but i actually had to cheese it a little bit which i did because there was a 240 yards but let's see what it looks like on 60hz all right we'll witness this in all of its 60hz glory here we go yeah actually that's impossible i don't think any human could tap that fast for sure that's definitely impossible if it wasn't auto all right the next one is by bentix not possible why why why do you say that by reflex shroom but first let's talk dude this level is harder than deadlocked even cataclysm so don't expect to win i mean i've done those levels wait don't look at the prosper law oh no here it comes get ready for the impossible oh my god it's one of these levels and it's funny every time at least there's a story okay at least there's a story here now you will die oh my god that's not possible but it matters not now you will die i see it's even a smaller spike i'm the grandmaster of hackers you're the scrubbiest of the scrubs please kill me please give me like a wall of something darn i want it to actually be impossible this level is very possible and a little cheeky not possible by mr fall damage tv finally 3044 attempts okay so it's wait wait wait wait wait wait what the cracks put on ldm if there's 140 or 240 but what you got to glitch through the cracks what like i know unlike some levels you can land like on the crack and like you can go through but it's i don't know if you can do that here oh i got it wait wait wait what i did it again i did it again but you can't get through the triple spikes wait what all right let's give it a shot on 60 hertz let's see if it's uh let's let's see if it's easier to get through the old man it looks like poop on my screen holy oh there we go i don't i don't know how to do those triples though that's maybe the i think you can land on the first one maybe like no that triple is like that it's that's no that's impossible you can't you can't get through there no i see i tried to go through the top there and kind of go through the portal at the top and see if i get through that way and like stay as the wave um but i can't i think i'm just i think there's a way to do this and i just can't figure it out oh hey low detail mode let's try that low detail mode okay i made it oh you have to do it on low detail mode really really okay okay gotcha oh shoot all right so you have dude you have to do it on low detail mode that's like the answer oh my goodness well let's go let's see if i can do it let's see how hard this level is to see if i'm actually going to do this in normal mode okay these spider inputs aren't super hard i mean they're they're tricky but the oh man that that jump yeah that's the jump from the old like uh jump from dream travel that's such a hard jump huh you can't jump on top oh my goodness that's such a stupid jump that used to be like part of dream travel oh my god oh is that is that the last input it doesn't look like it possible evw how did you know i was coming here possible also just being a first hard demon oh congrats that's cool also some derrick ben wilderman yes please do sub to eric ben wilderman so this level on low detail mode is possible but on high detail mode is not possible now the question is am i gonna suffer through this and actually do this i suck at 60 hertz okay let's go let's go let's go dude that is such a hard jump oh my god [Music] got it got it nice this level is very very impossible very challenging though oh for sure uh you know what the hardest part for me was well the robot jump and also the flying because i had to lower it to 60 hertz which i think i could have put it back to 240 hertz to do that level anyways that's great i love like a level like that in the series is perfect absolutely love it that was a really cool mr fall damage very very cool level really enjoyed that all right the next one is by cow puff games not possible but it's rated normal which means it's probably going to be really easy this is otto i love this impossible game music i mean that looks insanely possible even with if it wasn't auto so that level is auto i don't even want to say possible because it's just too easy the next one is not possible by baldy guy this is my impossible challenge no one will ever beat this level because it's impossible added a new part okay why what oh it's just in hidden jump orbs what the heck what the heck it's trolley is what it is wow wow i mean that is impossible that's it's just troll you can't see anything is what it is oh oh i did it i did it invisible okay i imagine that level is very possible but i'm not doing it there's no way okay you know what we'll do it in practice mode tell you what just to see if it's possible because i do not want to do this level in normal mode learning like all the invisible tricks no there's no way so you got to hit that because that makes it so these orbs appear those don't appear if you uh don't do that so now whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay so we hit that there's i just know we're going so now we wait and then yeah before that and then you gotta go up and then there's more jump oh oh oh oh okay what by god my god oh make it end please i don't like it no no no no no where do you go oh dude okay so it's at the e on invisible oh my godness okay okay i found it i found it i found it this is so dumb i can't believe i'm actually doing this let's mix it up a little yeah by giving me some easy gameplay what are you doing what are you doing okay impossible jump is it i did it i did it's one of the yeah it's one of like the world's hardest jumps this was mainly made for eric van women thanks for playing okay so this level is very very possible but wow i'm not doing that normal mode there's no way not possible by zeso weak no description provided okay let's see is it actually not possible though i mean that's extremely possible to me is it's another one of those joke ones isn't it oh you trolled me wow i mean that that's that's this level gets really challenging really fast but oh definitely possible cool let's do it that's uh that's pretty tough i almost died this level is very very possible but a nice challenge kind of like you just gotta treat it like a challenge you know i one attempted it after practice i got pretty lucky though next one is not possible by scriptic ocean this is my hardest challenge yet oh it's gonna be one spike isn't it oh shoot oh shoot it's a straight fly that's a pretty chill straight fly you know okay very very possible and not that hard on 240hz though anyways on 60 probably a little more hard dude this is an old level 7628425 wow not possible i bet this is going to be so easy easy easy i'm so bad very very chill except for the mirror portal mirror portals they freak they freak me out man you can definitely tell it's an old level the excessive use of mirror portals oh my god don't do it don't do it oh yeah i was ready for you this time dude this 8-bit track is dope i'm into it let's go oh yes we're flying why [Music] okay there we go got it that time you're gonna make me jump right away aren't you i think i think i had to jump right away there yeah very very possible and not that challenging actually not possible by khabib so many attempts to verify fy this level is a joke please do not dislike oh uh what do you do how do you buy that spike do i gotta jump here no no that's how do you buy that that's oh new best that's good i don't um oh impossible why are we still here just to suffer [Music] not possible by oof case somewhere is the answer oh boy oh wait what wait wait low detail mode that's the answer oh he almost got me this level is very possible on low detail but in high detail it is impossible and i just wanted to say that because i haven't said impossible enough today there's been too many levels that are possible this has been one of those lucky lucky days i just get like possible levels oh that's so easy that's very very possible please do we get some impossible levels can we please get some impossible levels why would you call it not possible when it's very very impossible impossible impossible impossible not possible spam oh boy here we go oh no it's gonna be one of these ones that tricks me into spamming when you actually don't really have to spam the whole way isn't it like one of these levels i did i spammed like a thousand times and then it was like ah you idiot you spammed oh miserable how what oh you need 90 you need 999. oh okay that's impossible i wonder if toby could do this i wonder like possibly i mean 999 is like an insane amount though right [Music] i'm not giving you the satisfaction of killing me i think 999 is actually impossible unless you're using an auto clicker i i honestly think 999 is inhumanly possible is it yet inhumanly possible inhumanly impossible not possible by nensin so hard don't no i'm not doing it no i refuse please not possible by doyle lee jedi you can't beat it are you sure about that oh i can beat that come on on you think you think i can't beat that i think i can't beat that whoa whoa ah what what happened what did i do how did i get to the top how did i get above it can we get an instant replay of that seriously [Music] i did something really wonky there that i don't think was supposed to happen not possible by schrade well there is a way ooh oh dude this is it's invisible i mean i'm actually invisible there's a secret way okay so there's a teleporter or something oh i got it i got it nice okay so there's the secret portal that you can uh go into that will teleport you so that level is very very possible if you find the secret way possible by cloud seven not a troll level i hope evw sees this oh yes oh yes oh yes let's go okay dude oh it this is you're you troll dude you troll you're trolling me i like it how it shows you which way to go though that is that is very nice every time you die it shows you which way to go that's cool okay ah nice i got it oh you fall down okay interesting cool level cool level oh my god it's so hard though like i can it's hard for you to actually uh see the fakes like as you're going you know like it's it's so hard to sight read it like you can't guess the fakes as you're going you just gotta like die and then move on let's just do it in practice mode okay so you gotta jump over this oh there's another one you gotta jump over you gotta jump over early oh no you just fall okay i mean this is cool i love it you got you gotta love troll levels you know very very very cool where do you go here though oh okay so you fall down at the last one let's go okay interesting auto part i don't believe that oh wow it was you didn't troll me that time all right okay nice boss fight go let's do this we're like 20 wow okay so now it's just like a memorization boss that's chill that's chill nice oh nice laser beam that's cool okay i did i'm doing it i'm doing it just got to stay up dude i love the arrows that help you that's so nice it's like a friendly troll level that's not what all trolls should be like you know in mario maker and this the troll should let you know like what trolled you and like how to avoid it for next time you know we get back to the trolls oh no dude i'm doing it you see that you see that i read some of those trolls there what's going on here what's the arrow doing like all the way up there i missed something oh i see super secret path here we go and then you got to go down oh i see this part's kind of cool you change into that then you gotta hold down the button okay that's that's neat okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is this this level just got wild i don't know what's going on there i dude i don't know what's happening okay okay and then you hit both those you know this this is kind of cool this level this level got incredibly wild though what is what is going on oh there we go i gotta get wow you gotta hit these jump orbs like really low might be a 240 hertz thing though nice i mean it's cool this is just like a straight up memorization level kind of like super probably level right but a bit of a troll don't think i'd ever do this in normal mode because i wouldn't be able to remember but uh it's you know it is it is pretty fun to do this um just in practice to find out the way dude i'm only at like 58 all right we get a little bit of a chill section nice one one of these is going to come up and troll me which one uh-huh yeah okay okay it was bound to happen is that one going to go up to you mino you mean [Music] no more hints no more hints whoa hey please no i need hints be nice to me ow okay up and then middle oh laser beam okay that's chill though stay there oh dude dude stay down and then oh my oh my god wow okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa now boss i didn't mean it okay nice is that it is it chill until the end no you know what it's gonna make you think it's chill until the end and then there's gonna be there's gonna be one final troll let's be real there's gonna be one final one which one is it is it that one is it that one is it that one yeah okay i knew it all right wow uh cool i i think that's one of those levels that's really fun to do in practice mode but like in normal mode would be kind of hell um but that level is very very possible um but i'm not do it in normal mode you have to remember so much that'd be a challenge oh that was cool clouds thanks for the thanks for making that yeah cool all right let's do uh one more not possible by smub buffed let's see oh oh i mean that seems really possible if you ask what [Music] excuse me [Music] it does not compute i don't understand am i supposed to jump somewhere like here no oh dude look at that there's a key down there what how do you get the key and then live though oh dude maybe maybe what you gotta do is you gotta jump over this oh son okay i get you there's a key there okay got the key and then there's the jump pad that you can oh oh but but hey then what oh oh okay it did it there wow i'm invisible oh my goodness whoa whoa i don't know if i'm gonna do this in normal mode it's all i gotta say that is it's definitely looking spicy oh it's just straight oh no oh no i know that's not that bad and then at the top gg what dude how do you get through there i don't dude i don't understand this part at all oh dude there's probably hidden key you know what i i've had enough i'm not finding the hidden coo there was a hidden key at the beginning i bet there's a hidden key somewhere in the level for that part i just i give up you know what this level might be impossible maybe you can't do the ending maybe it is possible but you know what i rate this level i don't care [Music] you
Channel: EricVanWilderman
Views: 4,969,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, gd, tap, impossible, not possible, update, update 2.11, hard, hack, hacked
Id: FldZPnXqmXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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