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is it possible to do the robtop levels if you switch every single game mode what we're going to do is we're going to play every single robtop level except what I've done is I've switched the game modes in all of these now the way this is going to work is I've switched the game modes for the one that's in the same category there's eight game modes and each one kind of has like an opposite but kind of works the same so for example the cube is going to switch to the robot anytime there's a cube section it's going to be a robot and vice versa if there's a robot section it's going to switch to a cube the ship will swap with the wave the ball will swap with the spider because they're both all about vertically going up and down and switching gravity and the UFO will switch with the Swing Copter because that's that's the most similar thing I can think of now in this video as opposed to the previous videos I've made we're actually going to play the entire level but what we're going to do is instead of stopping at the percentage that it becomes impossible at if there's a section that's impossible we're just going to skip to the next section of the level and we're going to count how many impossible parts the level there were and so we're not going to count what percentage I got to and then I died at we're going to count how many impossible parts were there we're starting with stereo Madness starting with the robot the robot as opposed to the cube clearly it becomes a little more skill-based right away because with the cube your height is set right you only jump a certain height no matter what with the robot you have to control the height of your jumps now in a level like stereo Madness it's really really not that hard because the jumps aren't particularly hard now with the wave portal notice how I jumped into it the reason why I jump into that is if I didn't and I just slid along the ground the wave would actually change and these platforms don't have the blocks that allow you to slide and so I would have just died if I transition into a wave right along the bottom the wave would have just gone down into the ground and plunk I would have died so we have to keep that in mind because some of these transitions are not meant for these opposite game modes and so we got to be careful there's one thing that's much easier and that's a triple Spike cuz you can control your jump distance and uh oh oh yeah triple Spike's much easier than with the cube but all these other jumps you really got to focus and they're a lot more uh specific well tell you what guys stereo Madness switching game modes as expected is very very very very possible back on track very similar thing want to see something cool oh never mind never mind hey hey watch this oh son if you press the button right when you jump on a jump pads you do like a big flying leap oh but does it work there okay the timing is pretty specific it's pretty hard to pull off I forgot that I should be going into practice mode for these in case I die cuz some parts are going to get extremely oh dude some parts are going to get extremely difficult now one thing that is interesting though is some of the parts in the earlier levels might actually actually be impossible because when you hit a jump PAD as a robot I believe your distance is a little bit more than it is than the with the cube so some jump pads might actually be impossible and we're going to have to switch around some of our jumps uh with the robot even though oh that's see see that's why you got to jump and make sure you don't hit the platform as the wave although you can go along the bottom and the top of the level uh with no problem you can slide it's just these blocks you cannot slide on those blocks like so jumping into those one block gaps as well is it's going to be a little challenging cuz there's a lot of them and with the cube you just slide in so easily right but no the robot that's a little bit harder because there's going to be a lot of those in like uh Base After Base can't let go and whatnot all right back on track zero complications very chill Possible Oh polar guys now we have jump orbs in the Mig but the height of the jump orbs is the same no matter what they're different than the jump pads jump pads your height can be a little bit different depending on what game mode you are but uh jump orbs that is absolutely not the case uh oh see do are jump orbs a little bit further than normal no I think it was because of the previous jump pad I think jump orbs interact the same no matter what game mode you are they give you the same little boost so I think they're the same it was the jump pad before that that made me go a little bit further and that messed up the buffers on those uh timings so interesting so now we've already run into a situation where the jump pads well they have screwed us over a little bit yeah no the jump orbs send you the same distance one sec I want to see something what if we go for this coin that is that is very possible okay that's interesting I thought maybe with the blue uh the blue jump pad it would interact a little bit differently but it doesn't send you much more forward the blue jump pad is just a gravity change so I think the blue jump pads no problem but the yellow and the orange jump pads are going to cause some issues with the robot however there's not many orange jump pads because most of the levels are from like early what even oh no you got to jump out of it like that cuz if you fall you can't jump out of there wow that's interesting polargeist possible all right the next level is dry out let's do this so the thing about the earlier levels is there is only shipping Cube so we're going to see for the next few levels like a lot of just robot and wave and I'm not going to be showing the entire level in the video because a lot of these levels it's just going to be like this so I'm just going to show you guys like some more specific moments that maybe I had uh trouble with or that are hard like this like this is holy shoot that's very possible but that was ridiculously hard to do holy man I didn't realize how hard the uh the robot was going to be um for some of these jumps I thought it was going to be pretty smooth saing but that's it's pretty bananas did you see that big jump holy shoot whoa I'm having to leap over some of these inputs like I'm having to skip some of the normal Cube inputs to do these oh no dude look at this that might be impossible oh no it's not you can skip it oh my God you see that you can skip it that's insane okay who we are getting some complications oh this is going to be super easy though okay dry out was a lot harder than I thought wow I oh oh I thought I was dead there too yeah the flying forward with the uh the jump pads is causing some issues but dry out is very possible Base After Base yeah so far it's been really easy now we get to like a bit of this drop and there are a lot of one block gaps here but I don't think it's particularly hard I think uh this part is still pretty relaxing you just got to make sure to jump before those portals and once again we're at a wave that is fairly chill the subside down part is a little disorienting but it's still not that bad oh yeah Base After Base is like extremely basic like there's not that much that's hard about it no no special circumstances this one is very possible yeah I can't let go is going to be chill as well I can't let go of this feeling that this level is just going to be chill there are some jump pads near the end I think I'm going to have to be worried about because there there is that tight section oh my what okay that is nuts dude so what you have to do is you have to wait till the very end of this platform and then do a full jump and skip the jump pad Al together hey wow you have to hit that jump orb super late okay can't let go is insane this robot gameplay is pretty nuts oh my god dude you fall onto that Spike so what I got to do is I got to jump out of that one block Gap so right here I got to do like a Max height jump out that's so insane so this is this is a part that I'm a little bit worried about because there are uh these jump pads here that jump bump you up and they can seriously mess you up although I think there was just the one okay yeah it's actually pretty chill then easy easy easy easy let's go Can't Let Go is very very possible but there are some awkward jumps jumper dude dude the perfect game mode for that because it actually feels like we're jumping you know what I think that's just impossible what if I hit it early okay it's not you can jump over early let's see that again look at this you got to jump over and hit that jump PAD as early as possible because you fall too far forward when you just fall off the block oh that's nuts oh I like it oh and then there's Parts like here where when you fall okay so what I got to do is I got to jump on top of there to do it luckily that block is there wow insane that is cool man i o Dude I uh I didn't realize that this was going to be so hard right away now once we get other game modes mixed in here it's going to get like insane there's there's going to be a lot of impossible levels popping up really fast but this part it w Wait hey all these levels so far have been really possible with like a few hiccups and a few challenging jumps but still like in normal mode i' deem these like very doable you know you could do all these in normal so far let's let's see let's see what some of the later levels are like all right jumpers pretty relaxing so far few like skill-based jumps but other than that dude I love going through these jumps as the robot that's sick that's really fun jumper is very possible time machine we are still dealing with only the robot and the wave however that is going to change Next Level and let's see if time machine is possible light dude I thought I was dead there that was that was really close I landed so close to that side all right time machine the introduction of the mirror portals ow yeah these jumps aren't easy guys doing these levels whoa doing these levels one sec what am I doing what am I doing yeah I wanted to do that so bad doing these levels with the wave it's actually easier in the ship parts because it's so easy to control it but uh the robot is much harder on these Cube Parts like we've been so close to like oh shoot dude that I thought that was going to be impossible too we've been so close to some impossible moments oh is that that that might be impossible what we got to do is we got to jump early onto it instead of falling there so like like that oh just see that z Oh what oh coin rude okay we can take the coin route to survive so if you land on the ledge and then fall you go too far forward so you got to do like this crazy like specific jump and land in between there one sec what if you could just land on oh you can just land on top of there watch this oh that's awesome okay we'll just do that that's way easier oh but that's impossible okay so what we got to do is we got to jump over and land early oh but even that is still impossible oh one sec what if we jump and then we do the crazy big jump yeah that's going to work watch this watch this y okay we're going to try to like Let Go not do like a full jump we can do this we can do this watch let go yes yes yes so you got to let go early you do the crazy big jump trick um by jumping before the jump Pad but then you let go a little bit early and then it is possible that's in that's nuts this is awesome this is so fun guys you should try oh no oh no that sucks what if we do okay one sec one sec we we we can figure something out here oh hey you can jump out of here oh dude you can jump out of there watch this oh son but but if you hit that jump pad you're just dead one's like I might be able to do this actually it's going to take some massive Precision though what I got to do is I got to hit that jump Pad but a little bit low so I got to hit it like on the very side and I might be able to survive this [Music] jump yes oh you can do it holy shoot you got to land on the side of the jump pad holy slow motion replay epic epic leaps that's insane it's possible holy shoot okay okay so that one is possible it's really not that feasible in normal mode I mean you could do it why why would you want to okay the next one is Cycles now with Cycles we get introduced into the ball now I'm going to tell you guys right now the ball game mode switching to The Spider and vice versa uh is that's going to be really hard and really challenging wow that's so hard dude and then you have to jump out of the one block Gap like I'm trying to do like the tiniest jump at the end of the one block G so I don't hit the spike on the top to get over I don't think that's that's not that's not possible what happens if you if you jump on the corner there you think I can like stereo extremeness it I did w skills another Instant Replay for the books I can't believe we made that possible I thought we I thought we were just going to be stuck there it's here we go the spider where normally we're a ball and because the screen changes oh wow look at look at those tight spider inputs we got to go like right down there oh that's impossible okay that is that's that's impossible because there are Parts where you have to go into the portal obviously right so that makes the Cycles part the first impossible part that we've gotten so far is with the spider and of course I knew this was going to be a thing uh The Spider and ball do work differently in ways they do switch gravity but they're very very different editing Eric here I originally said this part was impossible so what the ball does is the ball tightens the screen by one block on each side but with the spider that's not a thing so what you could actually do without changing anything this is kind of cheesing it is you could wait till you get all the way to the end there and then go between the spikes like that and go down theoretically making this part very very possible so in the video I said it's impossible but if you kind of cheese it then it is very possible we are going to be going into another ball part yes oh my that's hard that's hard but very doable holy shoot dude dude we're doing a ball section with the spider and it's oh you got to go down earlier there the section is absolutely tight that was that's really hard to do it takes so much concentration to get through this okay we went down there at the like at the what you can actually make that that that's those are really hard inputs oh and now it's impossible again editing Eric here once again to tell you about some cheese that I found that actually make Cycles very very possible so what you do do is same thing if you go up at the top of the screen all through the ball section you can actually wait and at the very end of this you can go down and hit a jump pad and you can go successfully to the end so we wait for the jump pad the juicy one and then you go through there and you can make it to the end before the blocks start blocking the way so Cycles is actually possible X step my boy I think this is going to be similar I think we're going to get some impossible uh ball SL spider part yes already we see one right trying to hit the uh the portals boom boom boom yeah very very very possible after that and even those inputs are too oh another one so we're just going to say there's one impossible part cuz this whole spider section is just one part right so this part is impossible but then we move on to the wave and the wave the wave is super chill where the ship is supposed to be getting a little bit tighter but it's still very easy the wave is much easier to maneuver than uh the ship is in those tight spots oh am I going to go too far here what okay I don't know how to make it over I did make it over that time wow okay so I hit one of the jump orbs late okay it's getting really tight now so what I got to do is I got to jump at the top here and get down there a little bit early and go up yeah that's just just the nature of the robot holy that's pretty what hey you can you can just jump off the side there that's cool all right yeah so the rest of the level seems pretty possible until we get to the spider again uh you know what these really tight inputs like that are really fun to do and without these portals here without like you being able to go into the portal uh it would be it would be very possible it would just be extremely difficult so anyways yeah that whole section is like pretty much impossible with the ball all right so X step is impossible with switched game modes there are two impossible sections both of them being the ball next one's clutter funk I think there's going to be a lot of impossible Parts in clutter Funk clutter Funk is tight there's a lot of jump orbs and stuff for the robot that's going to cause us all sorts of grief we got to jump early there to get over as you can see that that doesn't even work so you have to like jump into this mirror portal to be able to survive yeah clutter Funk this is a bit of a wild card you got to go down really low there and then you have to hit that jump pad really low as well wow that was nuts I I think the mini will be fairly chill though because maybe the mini the physics don't affect it as much yeah that was that was pretty chill what [Music] hey okay you so what you do is you hit one of those orbs really late and low and then it's fine wave part this is easy this another another example this ball part is going to be insane yeah right here okay so we get stuck at the ball part unfortunately you have to go through uh that portal and there's a bunch of other portals you have to go go through so and another portal there so the ball section there's so many portals is just inherently like impossible okay so this next section is going to be nuts cuz I'm supposed to be I'm a mini here that's so hard dude dude it's so it's so challenging my little finger doesn't move that fast and exact come on man oh yes okay so I was worried about that jump Pad but that works that jump pad does not work we're going to have to do here is we're going to have to jump out of here just do a tiny jump like that holy man instant replay again for the sick moves you know I I thought that this section was actually going to be impossible but so far oh what wow can we do I actually have to jump through there cuz we can't jump like that we might actually have to jump through oh you have to jump through like that that's so sick okay you got to do you got to do tiny jumps through there you can't jump too high dude again you you got to buffer that like so early like it has to be exactly on doing like the tiny Landing like right on the opposite side of this yellow pad and then you have to buffer those inputs exactly like it's crazy so buffer everyone every one of those has to be extremely buffered and you're going like really fast so it's pretty hard to [Music] do that's so nuts dude oh my God so you land and then you got to jump over that right away after doing like these crazy buffers that's this is really challenging yeah that was good okay and then through there and we make it yes yes take me out so clutter Funk is impossible because of the ball part obviously okay Theory of Everything I think obviously the ball part is going to be really challenging when we get to there oh you can't slide there oh that's hard that's very possible but it's so ridiculously stupid look at these skills baby oh look at look at those skills yeah that's that's stupid hard all right once oh my god really that pink orb kills you so you have to jump early to go through it pretty crazy and you got to jump into these uh these gravity changes okay oh and now we're the Swing Copter because the UFO is here and the UFO switches to the Swing Copter let's go um this should be pretty chill though with the nature of although there might some parts where in tight corridors like that it might actually be impossible because of the nature of how like the momentum Works um but we'll see okay and once again yeah there there's definitely portals here and actually now that the levels are getting harder the inputs are spaced out a little more so even though with the spider this is like a normal input the platform that we land on is a little bit far away so that's just impossible I don't think there's any part of this ball that's possible as the spider okay now we're the mini wave going through the next section that was I mean a little challenging but pretty chill does this even work does the breakdown part work it does and now we've broken down into another swing baby okay mini Swing Copter is really fun going through this I got to say can you fall yes you can actually mini Swing Copter Falls really fast so we don't got to worry about falling oh no we don't got to worry about our fall speeds as the Swing Copter so you just got to do uh jump there instead of hitting the jump pad oh what dude what oh you can just jump instead of hitting the pad once again one more ball section can you actually get up there I don't think so I think it's too far over to the right yeah so once again the ball section being portals and jump orbs it's just impossible you just Coast it in with the uh with the wave which is easy okay so Tu there are two impossible Parts electroman Adventures I think the ball part in this level is actually possible we'll see though we'll see there's going to be some wacky jumps at the beginning with these jump pads though for sure or are they no that was that was pretty relaxing okay mini wave of course but there's lots of room in this part ooh oh you see it went I went for the coin that's tight that's extremely tight ow my finger ow ow ow stop it now this this section is going to be death I think I just got to jump for it like I just got to jump there you jump on the blue orb and and dude it actually actually works holy shoot I thought we were screwed so this is the ball part I was thinking of I think that that actually works that actually works yo a ball in a spider part we got to work oh no you can go early there oh you can jump early and land on the side of the pad okay we're the Swing Copter and swing copter should be pretty chill oh we we are the mini swing now that's fun oh dude that's fun it's like this part was built for the swing or something and the mini wave spam isn't that hard at the next section I mean okay it's quite it's challenging but it's not like it's not impossibly hard like the previous sections okay so this part is very possible I find with the mini robot it works a whole lot easier than uh o than the big robot does so we got to make sure to hit that right on the side so we can make it the jump pad and boom oh there is another ballar watch this well we can do we can actually make those you can make it it's it's so hard though it's so hard I got one and I got to put a checkpoint cuz it's just it's so specific the timing that's that was so ridiculously hard a but then there's too large of a gap and then it fails too bad we made it so far no 88% I wonder if you can land on the edge of that Spike no you just die no even when you do land that's what I was trying to do and seeing if I could go over but no you fall too fast that sucks it's a shame because I think the rest of the section works oh that doesn't work but we can just go for the coin path right yeah we just go for the coin path there yeah the rest of the section works it's literally just one input in electroman that causes it to be impossible too bad dude all right the next one is club step I don't know if the ball part is going to be impossible or not I'm the the the robot Parts these jumps are going to be insane at the beginning though like how do you even get through that you got to hit that late yeah late but what no I think it's impossible with the way the uh the jump orb is I don't think you can hit it on the very edge unless H okay so I can get it so I can hit the yellow orb it took me a million attempts to get there this actually might be impossible oh no no no no no no it is whoa whoa whoa wo whoo whoa whoa whoo wo whoo whoo whoo oh that's possible that is that's like frame perfect that's insane to be able to hit that yellow orb like lining the previous jump up that is so hard okay oh that that is possible I thought this was going to be an impossible jump that is possible to get up there though yeah that's possible okay the beginning of club step is possible but it's so stupidly hard now this part should be easy though um I okay not easy but compared to what we just went through like some like frame perfect timings oh yeah this should be this should be pretty easy okay chill holy shoot that was such a struggle that was that was the part that I've struggled with the most so far I think I was on there for like 100 and something attempts more than that that that's that's easy wow you can jump as the robot through there oh you got to do like this okay so at some point they're on the jump pads you can actually just jump all right this one can we do this as the spider I think maybe we can get through the first input by like hitting that late and then falling up like this but is there another part where we can do that I believe we could if we land at a really specific spot at the side of the spike yes yes you see I did twice in a row W it's possible it's possible man that mini swing is out of control dudes I don't think this is going to cause problems no it doesn't but that so what dude the mini Swing Copter is brutally hard in some of these parts like it's very possible but like holy shoot that's hard okay this is that's insane that's so hard to spam oh I wish you could just slide but you can't dude these are finger Crushers these sections with the mini Wave It's just so it's so hard dude it's so hard it's ridiculously hard and why would you ever want to do it but like it's humanly possible I think yeah it's definitely humanly possible but it's so dumb okay we did it with a lot of checkpoints later but we did it PL step is actually possible electrodynamics I can't see a world where this is possible because I'm just thinking about the ball Parts at the end and they're not going to line up with the spider at all however are the other parts possible that doesn't look possible oh you can just you can just jump I'm so dumb I was really over complicating that you can just jump rude you just jump here no you can't do that okay what do you got to do then you got to jump really far okay you just got to jump far to the left of that platform so it's been pretty challenging so far but not impossible oh dude this swing copter part is going to be insane how would you even do this that's dude what I I'm just getting lucky going through here I I have no specific order of inputs that I'm trying to do that was insane oh my goodness man that swing copter part it's getting bananas guys okay that actually works though no big deal so now dude I think like the parts that are normally the ball here are just going to be impossible although oh you can land like that but then you get crushed up there okay so you can actually do this part because you can land on the corners of these parts it's really hard to but you can do it you can land on the corners of some of these like blocks yeah you could actually do that well that's possible and then there's this hell oh my no no no no no no this is oh I D did you see that okay this is what I was thinking of yeah no this is just impossible there's nowhere to land there's nowhere for you to fall this section there it's too far away that's just that's just impossible all right well let's continue on where we were H that's this is dumb you can get up there okay that spider's actually I think it's possible you might be able to actually oh no there's no frame where that works because that saw blade that's in the block at the top there okay so that's two impossible parts for electrodynamics okay so now we're here and that looks impossible oh you can just do a normal jump there what am I trying to do a super jump for you can just you can just normally jump and make it over and just like not hit the uh not hit the pad okay another example of me like over complicating things and then it goes to the wave to the end all right so just some of the ball parts were impossible electrodynamics so electrodynamics is impossible there's two parts that make it impossible Hexagon Force all right the beginning is pretty easy though that's chill I I love Hexagon Force it's one of my favorite levels it's it's top tier all right here we go what is up with this okay yeah so there's a part where it's just everything kills you and there's just jump orbs out in the open that's just imposs possible next section we're a robot going up some slopes and now we are going to bust into the duel with a robot oh my this is fascinating oh yo so instead of hitting that orb the way to do this is you got to do a big jump watch this but it it is a very specific height you got to get to yeah there you go oh and then we got to start waving really fast oh yeah okay so so far everything's been possible except for the ball this part is just exact the same as the cube because the jump orb distance is the same love playing uh the UFO sections Swing Copter and what about that's just impossible there's no way there's no way you're getting up here okay so watch this as you're flying through the air oh wait no no on the slope you just die as the spider you go too high now we get to the next part mini wave where the ship is supposed to be and it's stupidly hard of course it is and I think we just Coast to the end Al the mini wave at the end could be hard but it is you are going slow so I don't think it's that big of a deal Oh I thought that was I thought that was going to get me and then it's easy once you're this once you're the big wave holy shoot so Hexagon Force there are two parts that make it impossible blast processing I know there's a few parts that are going to be impossible that are actually going to be a little bit unexpected for some of you especially if you haven't seen my other uh videos on this but I think it's mostly going to be uh possible so now this is where it introd it gets introduced to the wave and we are the ship now because the wave gets swapped over to the ship and this ship part is wholeheartedly relaxing now this is a part that I think is going to be impossible now if we can land on the edge here of that Spike and then just like fall down onto the orb we could do it but I don't think that's possible one second let's turn hit boxes on and see that's right I don't think I just don't think you can quite land on that but it's impossible cuz the one that we die to where we're too far forward where we go into there even there it looks like our hitbox goes into the hit boox that's in the spike so I do think that that is impossible which is a little unfortunate because I think the rest of this section with the spider is actually possible we will go and we'll we'll definitely take a look so look because there's jump pads that help you get into position yeah the rest of it was actually possible and now we're the ship where we're supposed to be the wave here this is a bit deadly because things can kill you now this is a part I knew was going to be impossible cuz I've run into this before and this is this part the only way you could get through there is if you were a mini but you're not you're a big ship and you're supposed to be just a wave a normal wave which is really tiny that is another section that is impossible last processing might be the most impossible level so far so we can Coast through the other parts pretty easily all right Swing Copter through the UFO part and now we are the ship in a wave oh yeah this isn't I think I can actually make that too far away it's so close though so blast processing has the most impossible section so far with three impossible sections wow so look if I was yeah if I was able to actually make that slope I wouldn't have been able to get through that uh Spider section all right chill blast processing the most impossible level so far with three impossible sections Theory of Everything too a level that has a lot of different game mode switches yeah I think this level's going to be impossible possible may maybe yeah there's no way there's no way oh dude dude you see these wave skills wa okay that was that was bananas oh dude this is going to be awkward Swing Copter was not meant for these kinds of gravity switches dudes is this portal actually impossible cuz like you switch to like you're going up there and then you switch to reverse gravity and you try to switch again oh my that's that's really challenging because like when you go up there you get switched your gravity to go like really far up so you got be like kind of SW going downwards and then you got to go back up it is possible that's just really insanely hard and then the same as the next part oh my oh yeah this is that's no can you actually hit that in the air no I'm buffering the input and you can't actually hit it I was hoping you could cuz then maybe you could have done it but no that's that just doesn't work I knew this section wasn't going to work oh my and more of these more more of these Swing Copter Shenanigans with portals dude that's so hard this is that's good gravity change practice though for the Swing Copter like because every time you push the button you switch gravity so it's good practice to like get in your head like how that works oh o that was pretty challenging oh mini wave through that holy shoot dude I'm surprised I was able to nail that pretty quick and now we are the ship through this wave section which is pretty relaxing this part can you do this oh you can't because you're supposed to go onto the Red Blocks and you can't diagonally get up there I knew that part was going to be impossible as well now we're the ship through the next wave which is easy cuz there's no spikes you can literally just like Coast I'm going to take the coin path here cuz it's easier ooh a tight Swing Copter the stupid portal gravity portal is really throwing me off man and now we're a ship through the midi wave which is so easy cuz the walls don't kill you and we are flying all right so Theory of Everything to has two impossible parts geometrical Dominator we were supposed to be the uh the robot we're supposed to be the robot here and we are the cube so that makes this inherently really hard cuz with the robot we're supposed to be able to jump like long distances I'm surprised we were actually able to make it that far wow I am I'm really surprised okay and this part is insane so this is normally you're the wave here but we're the ship it's so hard to do this but it is possible or at least it was possible in 2.1 is it still possible ew that was so close come on yes that is possible it's just so stupidly hard why would you even do it yeah that's that's a little bit easier there's it's it's less of a hassle cuz it's less of a it's not two like big drops it's like one and then another one uh come on dude is this Impossible on no okay there there we go that was really challenging wow all right now we're flying now this part might be impossible though because we're supposed to be the robot here we're supposed to be able to do like big flying jumps in some of these sections quadruple spikes very possible can you hit that you can hit that wow I didn't think we were going to make it this far into the robot section because I thought we weren't going to be able to jump far enough but you wow the robot section is possible insane so far this has all been possible I did not expect this level to be like this I expected us to have some serious issues with this yeah we got to do an early jump here in the memorization section yeah we got to do we got to do some really early jumps here because these jump pads are going to crush us but if we land like right on the side of the platform where we hit the jump pad we can do it so same thing as here as we're falling down we got to jump early there so max height jump and then land yeah that's what you got to do dude that's what you got to do insane and we are in normally a wave part again and normally a uh UFO yeah oh oh no the switch that you got to activate you actually teleport through it I was hoping that you could it would activate even if like you were teleporting a too bad this was almost possible so what happens when you activate the switch yeah all the rest of it would have been possible that's so unfortunate it's just one input that makes it impossible in geometrical Dominator maybe this robot section is impossible at the end yeah it actually I think it is this is normally the robot but where the cube you you just can't get enough height there but maybe if you jump over this at the LA oh no but there's a spike or there's a saw no I was like what if you just hit the pink jump orb late and then you jump over by hitting the corner that I don't think that works though and that would have just taken us to the end although I think this jump here would have been Impossible Too this right here oh you can actually make that okay and that takes you to the end so geometrical Dominator has two parts that are impossible deadlocked Sun whoa okay that is possible that's that's a challenging little part deadlocked has a very scary ball part where we're going to be the spider and I'm I'm thinking that's just going to be super impossible yeah you need a little jump over little little cute jump over that works this part we just chill and then oh my mini wave through here a little a little sick so this is the first ball part this might be that's impossible because we die if we touch any of those parts that we're not supposed to touch and there is an orb there that's impossible all right so now we're the Swing Copter where we're supposed to be the uh the UFO and then now now we're the robot where we're supposed to be the cube and we suddenly change into the cube where we're supposed to be the robot I don't think that Jump's possible and you can't jump early enough where you like fall through it yeah so that's another impossible part wow deadlocked is very impossible right the rest of that part's possible though now we get to this part with the spider that is that's impossible oh no wait well that's possible what and then I think I can go along the top a little bit here like cheese it yeah I can cheese that because of the screen the way the screen works as the uh ball I can just stay up at the top and ignore it but that is cheesing it a bit I will say that that that's absolutely cheesing but I don't care doesn't matter if you're cheesing it or not because that's where the screen would be because when the ball when you're with the ball the screen kind of closes in you know but then there's no way for me to actually hit this portal I can actually make that who whoa you can actually do it you can actually do this look you teleport down there at the last second like this and then you teleport up there and you hit that portal as you teleport up oh no the ball goes further than the spider does no and there's no way to get further on it so we got to the very last input in the ball section but it's impossible we're here we're normally we're the cube we are the robot it's pretty standard here but now okay now we're supposed to be the robot and because we can't choose how high we jump we just jump and we get crushed but is the rest of the robot possible I think the rest of the robot is yeah the rest of the robot's possible for what but maybe not not no you can get through there it's a big enough Gap okay so now we're now we are the wave dude we're the Swing Copter in the deadlocked boss that feels so cool to play Oh mini wave sections through mini ship sections are just ridiculous and this is impossible too I I can just take one look at this and just tell you that that's impossible Swing Copter through this UFO section seems pretty bananas but very possible kind of a odd pattern you got to go through but it works and we got to make sure we're not upside down all right that was pretty chill that was cool going through the Swing Copter there and then it's it's chill all the way in deadlocked is very impossible with five impossible parts and finger Dash This is where the spider gets introduced so it's going to be just robot gameplay until the spider section which is going to be a ball because we're reversing oh here we go new game mode oh no yeah that's that's impossible that is that's so tight there's no way there's no way we're getting in there all right so there there was no way to get through any of that spider section and I I think the next section is going to be the same because there's corridors like that but we'll see maybe we'll be able to fluke it out so we're normally a robot here but we are jumping far enough to be able to get through it just barely yeah that's not happening okay and then yeah it's just easy until the end so finger dash of course the spider parts do not translate very well and they are actually impossible two parts in finger Dash now the next level's probably going to be the most interesting one of them all Dash switching all the game modes because there's so many little nooks and crannies and Camera controls so normally we start out as the uh Cube and then we go into the spider but we're the ball here how in the world wait wait wait can I change into the robot and you can actually change into the robot and jump that's insane so you can change into the robot and then jump before the jump pad all right and this part I know how to do this part watch this so you go into the corner here and then you switch gravity right away and then you can go into the top so this part is actually doable with the ball normally when it's supposed to be the spider it's very challenging though but you can do it and then I can just go down there like that oh man wild all right Geometry Dash and we it's so awkward it changing into the uh UFO instead of the Swing Copter there that's so funny oh wait wait what hey what why doesn't that work oh I got it to work that was awkward oh dude look at this so this is normally the ball now watch this you can just barely make these it is so hard though it is so hard to make these oh my goodness I got to get a checkpoint at everyone just because it's so it's so tight there's such tight inputs I can't believe it's even possible you know okay so the camera here is a bit wonky I don't know how to get it going like the normal way so we're just going to have I'm just going to have to show that's possible with the camera kind of going in the opposite direction and then we're going to have to put a start position there because I just couldn't figure out like how to get it working properly but this part here gameplay-wise is very possible all right now continuing on we get to this part here that's normally a spider but it's a ball and I think it's just impossible there's no way to get up through those tight gaps maybe if I was a mini but like there's no way to get up cuz there's an invisible force that pushes you down there's invisible blocks right at the beginning so I can't get up there early and then like you just can't make it up there so that's the first actual truly impossible part is this right here the part where you're supposed to be the spider so that brings us to the next part where we're supposed to be the cube and we're the robot and we're going to be going through the next section in the bottom as the cube and I'm not too sure that's going to change anything I think it's easier all right so normally we're the ship here but now we're the wave which is really easy this part might be impossible cuz normally we're the robot now we're the cube yeah that's way too far one sec what if I do the jump buffer thing watch this maybe watch this watch this watch this oh you can make it with the jump buffer that's insane dude whoa all right dude I didn't think we were going to be able to make that jump I thought it was GG's there okay and now we're the robot in this section which is really easy actually so we make it to the end of Dash with only one impossible part which is the spider changed into the ball all right those are all the main levels of the game with switched game modes I hope you guys enjoyed this video in the later levels most of them were impossible except for club step and then all the levels until Cycles are all possible interesting findings I hope you guys enjoyed this if you have any more ideas for this series of can you do the robtop levels if you blah blah blah let me know in the comment section down below and uh I'll do it leave a like helps me out a lot and as always guys peace
Channel: EricVanWilderman
Views: 631,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, gd, robtop, rob top, game mode, gamemode, switch, hard, challenge, update, update 2.2, ship, ball, wave, cube, jump
Id: CO5m96LV-R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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