Playing 10 Levels of WAVE That Get Harder and HARDER

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today I'm going to be playing 10 levels of wave that progressively get harder and harder let's start with level one oh bro that's so easy bro what the heck all right moving on to level two this should get a little bit harder but not by much easy level three holy crap I almost hit that Spike up there that was close moving on to level four nice we're moving by these levels pretty fast right now but towards the end of the video it's going to get crazy and I'm going to have to bot these levels at 0.01 speed let's move on to level five so this is where it starts to get pretty difficult um because of this consistency part like look at wait oh I did it for a second but then I died okay wait why am I actually kind of doing this oh oh bro I almost had it oh come on please no so yeah level five is like already really hard bro imagine what level 10's going to look like stick around for it all right come on I feel like I'm going to beat this soon oh please dude I died on the same spot again no yes let's go dude all right that was really hard bro oh my gosh moving on to level six jeez am I even going to be able to do this let's find out okay it looks like I'm not going to be able to do this but let's try to do this first spam oh oh dude I almost did it oh I did it let's go all right that was actually pretty cool all right let's try this in 0.5 speed let's see if we can beat this oh yeah look how much easier this makes this oh I still died are you kidding me oh ooh okay I think we're going to be able to beat this on 0.5 speed don't worry though we'll still bot this level and show the replay okay yeah let's just do the replay guys let's go level six a record uh 0.2 no 0.3 yes yes yes practice mode restart okay easy bro I just bought that whole thing in one attempt easy peasy let's go let's watch this replay wow that was pretty insane moving on to level seven and we're not going to talk about the song all right let's just please guys leave that in the comments do not uh wait what uh anyways okay level seven is wo okay oh that's right we still have the replay going embarrassing guys what do you think of Drake I think Drake's pretty cool okay so level Seven's like looking pretty impossible right now I can't lie I want to try to make it past this like slope going up here you know I want to see if that's possible oh I almost had it again dude no way all right I'm going to turn off uh where is it at uh oh there it is all right no death effect that way it doesn't get like all crazy with the explosion oh bro okay wait I think that counts but I want to try to get into like that mini section yes dude let's go all right let's start Bing this now level seven guys comment down below what that means in Spanish seven what is seven is it cinko SE Quattro I don't know uh let me know in the comments comments though all right let's start botting this level seven oh oh oh all right guys so currently this is March 22nd 2024 and by the time this video is posted it's not going to be March 22nd 2024 it's probably going to be like a week later or something or maybe even two weeks or maybe even a month I'm not sure remember back to what you did on that that day what did you do on that day was it something cool I don't know you tell me all right anyways that was kind of random let's watch this replay wow that was even more crazy than level six moving on to level eight okay I'm just assuming this is going to be a ton of spam frame perfects and all that where my predictions correct yes in fact it looks like a lot of spam let's see if we can Jitter through this Jitter click or no butterfly click space bar spam all right let's try this with 0.5 speed whoa okay wait this actually makes a huge difference as expected you know it's 0.5 speed let's just get on with the Bing process level eight 0.3 practice mode and we're ready to go all right so while I'm Bing this level in one of the previous videos I recently said that whatever the top common got I would play their level so if you go back to that video I'm pretty sure it's like botting geometrical Dominator or something like that it looks like that uh I'll pop up the thumbnail right here um if you go back to that video comment down which level you would like to see me play in an upcoming video I will play whatever the top comment says uh it can be literally whatever you want it can be tital wave slaughterhouse some crazy impossible level like tons 618 um it could be vssc it could be whatever you want bro I will literally play it oh wait I finished the level nice all right let's replay this level let's go moving on to level 9 it says subscribe so I guess this is a good time to like And subscribe and turn on that post notification Bell so you don't miss a single video that's coming up within the next year 2 years 3 years four years however long I'm doing this I'm not sure just you know hit that Bell so you don't miss a video all right level 9 um oh gosh Yep this just looks super difficult let's start Bing it shall we uh anything else we have to turn on show hit boxes that way we can actually you know see what we can and cannot hit that way this makes this Bing process much much easier uh let's turn off sound effects right there and all right let's let's just keep going man bro I still can't wait to see what level 10's going to look like and this level honestly this level seems like it's going to be pretty crazy by itself um but I mean we're going to see you know eventually should I just add some stupid spam right here like okay no that's probably going to break the bot but dude that would be funny if I did that right just like one part with 100 CPS that would be actually insane all right we got this mini slope o okay that's actually really hard even in 0.1 speed oh my gosh oh oh oh my Z CH wait that was kind of okay never mind uh just ignore what I said there um anyways okay I wonder if this part is actually possible in normal speed like you know it's possible in 0.1 speed but I bet zoink or doggy or cursed could do this or trick or Kai guy yeah Kai guy could definitely do this he's the consistency Master but oh bro wait I didn't place a checkpoint I'm all the way back here all right time lapse to back where I was all right so anyways what I was saying about Kai guy is you know he's the consistency King but you know what I am the consistency Master that's right and the only thing I'm consistent with is eating cheeseburgers no wait hold up that's not what I meant to say I meant to say salads because I'm healthy and I'm you know I'm not I'm not big and stupid and fattening cheeseburgers that's just disgusting Actually I don't even like cheeseburgers so there's a fact for you all right well we finished the replay and uh I guess let's check it out shall [Music] we moving on to the final the finale level 10 Capital subscribe all right let's go let's get straight into this let's hop right in I'm not even going to try to do this in normal mode we're just going to get right into the Bing let's go oh my gosh dude there's so many of them so many level 10 guys I know I've been asking you to do a lot on this video but if you hit that like button I will make a 20 levels of wave coming up within the next maybe a couple couple months so if you would want to see that then smash the like button bro and hey if you go and tell your friends it it just helps out the cause you know I will 100% do it if I can get H let's see what should the sub goal I mean no not what should the like goal be also I'm all the way at the beginning of the level again that kind of sucks I was not placing any checkpoints I am the lowest graded but yeah bro I think I'm actually dumb I'm not even placing checkpoints I should Place check points here see here we go but yeah what I was saying is if you like the video I'll do 20 levels of wave in an upcoming video so smash that like button if you would want to see that all right now we're going into a mini wave oh oh my gosh okay that is really tough jeez oh my gosh this spam is this is like a top one spam challenge just within 0.1 speed oh my gosh all right we're getting to the end of this huge long Corridor thingy I don't even know what you want to call it or what you will call this um but we're almost there oh I could see the ending wait there's more no all right guys just stick with me bear with me here I I'm trust me when you see this replay you're going to be like oh my gosh this was 100% worth the wait all right I might need to slow this down even more 0.08 all right oh yeah this definitely makes a huge difference click click click click click click click click click click click click oh man bro I was actually jamming for a second all right whatever guys let me know if I should make a new soundtrack out of that the song name will be click by its brand jeez bro this whole level is literally just copy and paste copy and paste copy and paste copy and paste it's like bro what was I thinking 2 years ago making this level obviously you know I was a very smart little boy back then smart little seventh grade its brand all right what is this literally just more copy and paste guys I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking back then I guess in my head I was just like viperin you know viperin I got to copy and paste copy and paste you know I just thought that was what it was back then but it's not bro this is literal torture I'm doing all of this to try and make good content for you guys please like the video how am I only 60% into this level bro what all right we're gonna do a little time lapse right here just so I don't bore you guys with all this consistent copy and paste that I decided to do let's go 69% nice all right but seriously back to the time [Music] lapse all right we're at 90% this is the final stretch let's go 90 1 92 oh come on let's go 93 94 oh my gosh I bet I'm going to start seeing the end of the level very soon 95 did I already say that 96 yes oh wait I see the end of the level there it is the Finish Line let's go 97 come on yes yes we're finish spawning this stupid level that I decided to make all right oh my gosh there's 2,293 Clicks in this level that's insane all right let's hit replay all right enjoy the replay of level 10 well I hope you guys enjoyed this video of me botting 10 levels of difficulty and playing 10 levels of difficulty about the wave of game mode goodbye oh and also subscribe
Channel: ItzBran
Views: 538,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ao8BfSMSZ-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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