The IMPOSSIBLE Geometry Dash Quiz

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hey everyone you know what's impossible having as much Riz as I do at least I I think I know what Riz means I think you know what's also impossible impossible levels in Geometry Dash and today we are going to play some and we are going to see which levels are actually impossible or not because there are impossible levels you can hack upload them it's a thing do you like having my finger pointed at you if you want to be in one of these videos make sure to name your level evw impossible 2p2 darn there's no legendary evw impossible 2p2 levels not yet anyways we go in Deep Boy even impossible tov2 my log what do you got for me the L doog what okay so this was obviously hack uploaded because there is a start position and we can switch it yeah we can okay we switch I I use the start position switcher to switch it where does that take us what but it takes us here so we use the start position switcher which you need a hack to do and then it takes us here and then oh my God it's just like I choose a path where some of these Pathways kill you and some of them don't what but where is the actual end of the level this is this is sick dude it's a pick your path I had a bunch of these levels in Mario Maker oh my god did you see what I had to do there I had to find oh my God look at this there's actually just a place of the wall that you could go to uh which way should we go that all right this is the weirdest level is there is there another fake wall what show me the way hit boxes please okay so this way is blocked and then we have this secret way here oh you're actually supposed to fall into there and then you go down in the middle oh that's crazy oh no where am I what the screen didn't change what hey and now I'm just jumping I'm jumping I can't see any oh oh oh oh there's something down here what what there was a checkpoint and I got way at the bottom here what is going on I don't even understand what's happening well look it saves me at a checkpoint back here when I restart I don't know how this level even works look at this it says delete this for the answer okay I deleted it instructions double check restart until you were at attempt 32 wait for droing music right before the ship portal restart again if it worked you are now in a dropper mini game oh oh so so this is like so you can do this to get to the next start position without using the start position switcher path for dropper right right jump through the left wall wait 15 seconds if it worked you were now in a long hallway ignore it and go left oh my God and there's so much more and then Ram yourself into the spike wall repeatedly until you get a 1% chance to win oh that's weird so I got to the end and then basically at the end of the level when you fall down you run into the spike wall there's a 1% chance to win once you get there dude the I I love these impossible levels like this one second it says restart until you're at attempt 32 watch this so we're going to go to attempt 32 and see if we can get there legit and then once it drops we're supposed to jump right yeah maybe I got to turn off the start position switcher then so we wait for the ship music and then we restart the level again so here we go boom and then restart and then it puts us there that's crazy what why how so we start at the beginning of the level and then we have to restart at attemp 32 and then it brings us here and then we start doing these Shenanigans we go over here and then we go here and then we're supposed to wait 15 seconds okay I waited 15 seconds okay so I think I guess we drop down here now no no maybe we got to drop down and then wait 15 seconds I'm not I feel like I'm in the corridor but the camera's not switching oh boy where' I go oh I'm just going I'm going across okay so let's go to where the spike is there there we go okay so we got this checkpoint and now we have a 1% chance of beating the level 1% is pretty low maybe a 3% chance would have been a little bit nicer the dude the random trigger was a mistake be nice if the checkpoint was a little closer you know just to make this go just a little bit faster I bet you know what this is what speed hacking is for boom boom boom boom boom boom boom okay that's a little bit nicer I did it I do okay I died and I beat the level and so like my cube is still there which is very interesting it's doing that like buggy thing where if you keep on dying you could probably keep on finishing the level but I can't control it anymore okay I beat it I beat it legit possible very complex solution that I would not be able to figure out on my own so thank you for the answer in your level holy man even Impossible 2v2 by chy go oh what is oh dude it's just it's just insane what about what about are there any Shenanigans I bet if you yes watch this watch this watch this yeah I knew it yeah of course possible because that would be impossible look at that at the end I don't think you get through there unless is there is there a is there a ship section at the end does it change into the ship it does change into the ship I think that would be actually possible oh you can actually just go along the top here too look at this okay I I I don't know if that's actually possible or not okay put hit boxes on I know that that's actually impossible unless there was a way you could fly between those spikes no oh the hit boox is it's too big okay so the normal way is actually impossible but with Shenanigans this is possible even Impossible 2v2 by Max likes GD I'm glad you like GD I I like GD too can you just cheese it no you can't cheese it okay oh boy oh rip dude but you can get out of there watch oh dude there is a little Spike there but watch this I just want to show you guys oh you see those shenanigans you thought you could block the cheese but you can't block the cheese possible impossible 2p2 three by penguin Dasher he's a penguin and he dashes I don't know if that's actually impossible that's very easy possible if you ask me ow okay I guess I got to fall to the right here oops what oh what I can't move anywhere actually why can't I move anywhere I'm like I'm stuck here I got a checkpoint oh kind of a hard jump what wow this is getting really hard all of a sudden how do I get anywhere here okay what okay yeah did I actually have to do that like was that was that part of the thing I had to do I don't know man I feel like I did that in the wrong order but oh well here we are I don't know what that CU Portal's doing down there we're just going to crush it and go this way I got the checkpoint but I died I died for it okay now we're now we're a ship which I feel like is easy but what but I can't go [Music] anywhere so look at that I went through there and I became a mini can I actually fall down through here am I was I supposed to do that ow that whoa whoa whoa whoa oh I get it I get it I get it watch this watch this watch this so you go through here and then you fall down here and then you can go through here and is that just the that moves the level like that but I think I think I was supposed to stay a mini so now I'm just kind of screwed okay so now I'm a mini so now I can move the screen with that and I can fall down here because I'm tiny now I'm supposed to become a so that block moves over though you only have a certain amount of time to go down here and then is there like an end of the level somewhere over here nope wait what okay I activated something what okay I've got to get through there as an upside down no it's so hard to get back through there though and then once I'm upside down I get back through there but then [Music] what oh you make it disappear by hitting another trigger and then you go up here and then you missed a move trigger at the beginning there's a move trigger right here move 14 does that activate the end of the level but where's the end though yeah I think we got to hit this move TR I don't know how to get there maybe I know how to okay one sec one sec one sec I thought we were over we're not we we are not over not by a long shot and we need to fall there's a move trigger right here we had to get so now as the uh oh boy so now is the robot now that we got the move trigger the one that I missed I believe we can do this okay nailed that okay I did it I did it it says end trigger but then what it's gone I think it's actually just impossible oh my God oh my don't no no no no no no no no no no no you don't no no no no no you don't don't tell me the end of the levels just like I'm way over here on the right side please oh God all this time I've wasted all this time that you've just been laughing at me well I've been trying to figure it out please no can't be so oh my God possible and how could you do that how can you live comfortable knowing that you did that to me even Impossible 2v2 by rjn Critter oh that looks easy what why but what what am I doing starting upside down what hey I got a checkpoint though but I'm upside down I how I I just want to stay right side up how in the world dude huh I did it I'm right side up ah oh dude I I keep on hitting the checkpoint but I'm upside down what is up with this level okay I got it oh my good wait wait a sec I'm not going upside down but I'm stuck I'm okay I get it there is an alpha there which is what I am I'm an alpha but how does that help me what does the rest of this level look like it just looks like it's blocked with the spike like let can I see hit boxes yeah that's an actual Spike so even if you could make it there what would it do I I think it's actually just impossible oh wait wait wait wait there might be a way to get to like this portal here though what that what how would that help you oh that's like a maybe it's a jetpack portal because it doesn't look there's any hit boxes on this Spike yeah so you could go down there somehow change into a jetpack and then you could zip away and fly through there and then where would the end of the level be the oh my God this is crazy where's the end is the end of the level here I don't see the end of the level anyways right where it looks like it all leads to oh there's a oh my the end of the level is just in a box and there's these things connected to a seven trigger which is right at the top here which means I have to go through this activate the trigger to get rid of a bunch of stuff oh my God and there's triggers in front of all those beasts I don't even know how to get there but wow wowe how do you even get past the beginning what is this there's a dash orb that you got to hit at the beginning but it's stuck underneath that's a lot to take in that's insane no I had it I had it shoot shoot shoot okay so I I had to mash the button I had to mash the button a bunch and hit some orbs and now I know that I can go down here I become a UFO so that's what I become now I got to go back down and we passed the first part of the level okay okay whole wow hey oh oh oh it's invisible I know we can get through here though okay we got another checkpoint and there weren't any move triggers here I didn't think oops this was really hard okay so now we're here but what is this mean now I know there was a move trigger somewhere at the beginning of the level yeah it's over here there's a move trigger here so I'm glad I went back and figured that out so we hit the move trigger I don't know what that does yet but it's going to help us somehow I don't know where there's other move Tri what is there another move trigger like in here somewhere no no I I I messed it up somehow okay let's start this checkpoint again let's see what happens if we just oh you need the move trigger just to unblock that but then it makes you a big ship so there's got to be some other trigger that gets the uh big ship out of the way but then is there no other trigger oh there's a secret way to get in here I didn't even see that when I was practicing okay okay cool out on the way and then I know there is another portal in here oh you can go down here but what does that do oh can you just fall no no no but I think that's wrong cuz you need to become the robot because there's a three block jump when you come over here so I need to find out how to get to the top top of that other section above the portal up there become a robot and then I can fall down here and then I can get there oh I can actually get that but that doesn't help me but does it cuz I'm supposed to be a robot through here oh oh that's that's that's going to be hard okay just keep on going okay I cheesed it but it still works and now there's triggers in front of all those monsters and I hit all of them so what is that mean for me now that means that there's also another trigger here that means I can go to the end of the level right no no no no I didn't get the trigger oh no no no I need to become a ship or I need to become the UFO again cuz the end of the level's right in there all those move triggers we hit them in front of there those monsters I don't know if I can get it cuz I think there's a move trigger that's like above this guy I don't know how to get that high up though and then that just leads us to like the end of the level Oh no I got it I got it I got it okay and then that's the end it removes those blocks there that was pretty wild but very very possible even Impossible 2 be2 pay one chest GM only Pros get all coins only Gods get all coins in one attempt you sure about that oh yeah I got this that that seems impossible to me that seems impossible how do you even make that oh that is possible oh my okay that coin looks insane you have to land like perfectly in the middle of those spikes and then what's this if I just jump I hit the spike don't I yeah you just how do you do that then that was that was really hard to do I don't even know how you get those coins actually I do know how to get that last coin you got to land on the very edge with the spike and then you jump up I don't know how to get the coin with the red line below it though but that level is very possible it's very challenging though even possible to be2 by Fray 2 Fray 2 oh that's confusing is it memorization what okay watch this you can actually swap there no what hey you can go down there and then go down and then whoa whoa whoa whoa wa what is this Madness dude look at this what I'm stuck in a Perpetual Loop now do I jump over here no it doesn't do anything what if I go down there what is this level I don't understand you just get stuck in a Perpetual loop at some point dude this level's wild I really dig it it's so crazy okay I think what we got to do is go down there yep dude how do you get to the end of the level I feel like you got to go that way but then you got to find a way to like turn around again [Music] okay no you just die going back to the beginning darn I thought I thought I was on to something there like is there any way to switch directions once you get up here cuz I'm dodging the thing that makes you switch directions but I don't I don't know the answer to this oh the end of the level's in here I see it's just hanging down a little I I can get there okay it seems really tricky but I think I think the solution's really easy like when you just it's just dude the end of the level's just hidden right there I thought that I thought it was going to be a little more clever than that I had high expectations for this okay possible well 2v2 by it's Zender oh chill yeah what what okay we're doing some limbo Shenanigans did you even show me what's the right one I was supposed to get I feel like I did not see that how am I supposed to straight flly is evw bald no there's lots of air no what I'll have you know look at all that hair on my head it's beautiful okay there's tons you could make a Christmas sweater with all this hair that's on my head as a matter of fact I'm going to beat this level with no hat on in honor of my amazing full head of hair even though it's the wrong answer I have to figure out if this level is impossible or not yes correct you could have at least put the bald image of my head there okay possible but actually I think this level is impossible because you have to answer incorrectly if you even you comments on this level I will smash my head into my keyboard smash time even Impossible 2v2 by the gamertag oh my oh wa was that actually hard or was that easy it's harder than you think dude I got so lucky how did I do that dude I fluked it that's really hard to do oh my God how did I do that how did I fluke it it's so hard look how tight that is that's that's like actually pretty tight okay I did it I mean it's not it's not crazy crazy tight it could be a little tighter but it's really really really really hard pretty tough but this level is possible even Impossible 2p2 by zakar pachic caught oh what EXC hey what do you do here oh I see you're supposed to jump on here oh oh oh oh oh oh W whoa whoa wa okay pretty pretty crazy and it's like purely memorization based where is it memorization based though oh yeah yeah it is it's memorization based and it's hard to find your way cuz some of these are red but you can actually go through them but red covers like the hitbox that's cruelty you knew I was going to be using hitboxes right oh my God it's all it's it's just it's memorization hell it's just it's pure memorization hell holy shoot dude holy shoot I did it I did it okay I see I can see it I I see which key it is it's pretty easy cuz it Doesn't swap diagonally oh I know which one it is I got my eye on it I got my eye on it it's the red key how do I choose the red nice I'm so good evw yo let's go this level is very possible Limbo with four Keys isn't so bad is it just when you a keys that sounds crazy 2v2 by Carl ow what hey what what what are these sound effects hey wow that's pretty hard dude I love these clicking sounds like it's it's making a clicking sound as you go through the level that's actually really cool yeah for every sound every time you click the button it makes a clicking sound that's so awesome okay cool a cool little concept that level is very possible and uh pretty fun even Impossible 2v2 by that silly dude he's a silly spammy [Music] dude wait a sec is the end of the level in that Gap right there no what's in that there there is nothing there's just a spike that's gone I thought that Gap would be important no no no no did get it a I can't do spam anymore in my old age [Music] guys guys look at this I have this back massager thing and it's amazing so I'm going to use it to spam is that cheating watch this guys watch this watch this k [Music] yes oh it didn't work okay watch it it was the best I did though yes yes I'm so good at this game that's what I'm going to be doing for spam from now on possible I think okay if you're good at spamming that's actually pretty possible but I had to use the back massager because I'm old I have one of these things it's for my joints after I go for long runs now I know what a lot of you may be thinking oh yes Eric just has a vibration device right beside his desk oh how convenient yeah for his muscles for his aches and sores uh-huh you got to trust me that's really what it's for I'm not lying it works great even Impossible 2v2 by Adam makes stuff oh my oh oh my why why am I going so fast I feel like I got to like loop around but there's not enough time for that watch this there's like a certain spot you got to like hit that and then just hold to the right oh wait a sec you can land like right in between oh one sec one sec one sec okay I wonder where you got to go here it looks like I got to go over to the the right side there really hard just because it's going so fast I don't even know if what I'm okay one sec let me check and see if what I'm doing is right first before I I go for this oh yeah the end of the level's just right there yeah I believe we just got to do a tiny little jump and land in between like the big spike and the little Spike there and then we can just go and do a little jump and finish but it's insanely [Music] hard dude I was having such a hard time with it and then I just got it like one of my first tries coming back why does that happen how possible hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want to be part of this video remember to make your level even impossible 2p2 and I will get around to it like the video cuz it helps me out a lot and I'll see you in the next one as always peace
Channel: EricVanWilderman
Views: 215,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, gd, impossible, robtop, rob top, straight fly, world's hardest, update 2.2, evw
Id: Fu7geunjBdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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