A Morning in the GARDEN with Danny and Wanda

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hello everybody it's danny and wanda from deep south homestead this is our danny corn and god blessed us last night with a little bit of rain and it's cool this morning and you see an orange hat moving through there let's see what danny's up to in the middle of this danny corn you know that's taller than you huh that's taller than you you can't even see your orange hat when you're in there i know it's like seven feet tall oh so why are you taking my corn well we're in a moderate drought even though we got a little shower last night it wasn't even enough to i mean the roots are dry you know um it helped the corn don't get me wrong it helped it but it's not going to fix what's going on here and if it's too thick we won't ever make anything and it doesn't matter if it's big old pretty healthy stalks or not they still if they're not spaced apart like they need to be it's not going to work so i gradually go through every day and i get some out and i'm taking them to feed to the cows so we don't waste anything that's just one of the morning chores here at deep south homestead i do this every morning i go through and get a few out praying that the rain would come and soak the ground enough that uh we could get a break from this relentless heat but i just looked at the weather next week is uh it's gonna all be just or well actually this week when this video comes out it's just relentless heat all week and the triple digits you know so i might as well if i want to have anything i have to just bite the bullet take some of the corn out and just hope for the best that's all we can do okay guys on the danny corn that i've uh kind of created here it needs to be about 16 inches to two foot apart depending on your soil type this is really sandy soil here and because we don't have lots of heavy nutrition in the soil then i like to space mine out and you can see the difference here you see this little one right here it's planted right up against this one you see like where they spaced out and i like this one's almost three feet apart here look at the difference in the size of these stalks and look at the brace roots coming out here now these things you get this out where you can see right here see those big old brace roots coming out there they'll come out right here and then they'll come out right here there'll be big old giant roots sticking all the way down to the ground here's another one here see how big i mean my hand can barely reach around that and you get two of them here close together you see what i got see this little stalk right here it's just a little bitty one and it's not big and tall like these over here are so i come through here every day and i'll get 10 or 12 stalks out of here and take them and feed them to the cows because the cows love them and it helps to space this corn out during this drought situation this is a prime example of what i'm talking about here we got a bunch of stalks that's close together these are like two together right here where the planter dropped two seeds and two seeds here now this is okay but you see this little one right here it's a little scrawny one here but it ain't got no root system on it hardly you gotta take that kind of stuff out of there and that leaves your spacing a lot better and your corn stands a better chance of actually making you don't want to have little bitty spintly little stalks like this up here and then have a big old ear of corn come on in the first little windstorm that comes along the whole thing's just going to break over and fall to the ground and it's never going to mature so we like to get that kind of little stuff out of here we have a tropical system that's coming into the gulf here in about let's see today is the 15th in about eight days we got a tropical system coming in we don't know if it's coming up in here or not they're saying it's possible and if it does it could blow every bit of this down you know every year we have that happen in the deep south and of course the corn lots of times will turn and come back up as long as it don't do it while it's in ear as long as it does it before it ears and tosses it'll come back up and we're able to uh salvage our corn now this is probably look just looking at the top in it uh let me see here yeah we're still we're still another good another week and a half to two weeks before this will even start tossling this stuff will get up here 12 15 feet tall and then start making corn and when it does if i can keep the fertilized to it uh it'll make corn and it makes lots of it so that's the beauty of this particular variety of corn i have here you see how dark green it is looking out across here that is uh i poured the nitrogen to it i poured the phosphorus to it i poured the potassium to it it's been lime heavy i mean it's been done everything that needs to be done and the reason i've done this and there's some companion stuff i've done here transgender beans that we planted from jung seed i put the corn on this side of it because we're going into some intense heat and these pole beans don't like heat they're a cool morning plant and when that morning sun hits them it'll just destroy them so what i've done was i planted this corn here where the morning sun will not hit them once they get the corn gets taller and the beans will continue to last a lot longer into the summer months we're hoping so they're loading up with blooms we don't know what they are uh we call them the transgender bean because there's like three different kinds of beans on them here and you know we ate some of them the other night they seemed to be edible and they didn't have a really bad taste so the only problem is we were going to save seed this year and we're not going to be able to so another year lost due to faulty company seeds you doing midday come on girl come on here girl come on boy you like that stuff don't you yeah miss betty's growing she is growing up to be a nice young lady look at that she likes her some of this corn now the only problem is you have to stay in the pins either you can't go out in the field and either yeah we don't allow cows in a cornfield and miss betty may be going to a new home she might be going to a new home she gets some of the best stuff to eat now the other cows don't get this miss betty's been getting all the corn you can see some of the stalks on the ground down there where she's been eating tops off of all of them she likes her some corn man i think about her yeah i think she's spoiled she's spoilt right [Music] [Applause] somebody's done cleaned all the english peas up yep they're all gone they died uh we got a few tomatoes arkansas travelers we got to make sure that uh these are indeterminate evidently because boy they have taken off i mean they're definitely not a determinant i hadn't looked to see yet but boy they saw some pretty plants and then of course we got the squash here see a yellow leaf you got to get out yeah that's one thing people don't understand about squash squash has got to be kept pruned you know you got to take you got to spend time pruning them oh you get these leaves that look like this right here uh they got to come off of here that's how diseased all gets started you got to have airflow people just got to understand so you've got to do these kind of things if you're going to have squash we've got some squash in here now they're going to have to be washed because we got a little shower last night and this whole sandy soil the old dirt sprattles up on them pretty bad uh now this is a yellow crook neck right here [Music] uh we got some more bad leaves here to get off oh let's see here get them there's a nut and rice on it what this does too is it opens up the plant where air can flow around through it where the bees can find the flowers a lot easier a good sharp knife and don't take long you can go down through here i already hear the bees this morning already boy boy and bees is happy we got all these big old blooms i'm trying to figure out how to get to this one one thing uh i used to pick squash and sell them commercially uh if you're gonna sell commercial or anything like that if you want these real pretty squash you're supposed to wear gloves to pick them because your fingernails will uh will actually cut into them y'all notice i'll throw them over next to the okra there's something about okra leaves and squash leaves if they're laying down the rows weeds will not grow where they're at i don't know if it's cause it shades it puts something in the soil i learned that years ago whenever i was farming i want to show y'all something look at here look right here i ain't gonna pick him up uh hang on here let me do this right here guys the black woolly worm look at that we found some yesterday found them yesterday and this is uh this is summertime i mean well yeah you might as well say we're fixing to be in summertime and these things are starting to pop up everywhere here i don't know what that means but uh aren't they a cool weather well supposed to tell you what the weather is but winter's gonna be like so you know i mean that one didn't have very wide yellow bands on him but um you never know what's collecting to happen here you wanna go down through here there's a zucchini up under there yeah you know everybody i was telling people i figured out a lot about zucchinis and uh let me tell y'all a little bit about them while i'm here zucchinis need a ph of seven or greater that is the one of the biggest issues is that and keeping them pruned that's another thing you got to keep these rascals [Music] keep them old leaves out of there like this old stuff like this you got to keep that stuff out of there but you got to keep that ph up there about seven or better and if you do these zucchinis do good now i'm going to say something here and i don't have no proof on it other than the fact that it works for me i have no scientific evidence behind it that's what i'm going to say i have had no squash bugs i've had no squash vine borers nothing for the last two years the year before that they destroyed everything we had the only one thing that i have done different is i have used dr earth's golden bloom liquid phosphorus that stuff stinks to high heaven and and i don't know if that scent i put it on every week i put it around the base of these plants here i mix it up put it out i don't know if that scent has something to do with it or not all i know is i'm not having no problems and i'm just going to share that with y'all now we got another big old zucchini here now that's about the size that we like right here we don't want to get much bigger than that and we got some uh i see another one over here we got some different kind of zucchinis down here we don't know what they are uh one of our subscribers sent us a whole bunch of packs of seeds and i picked a pack of zucchinis out and planted them uh and forgot what the name was i forgot what the name was i can go back and look but uh now that's a good eating zucchini right there and guys i don't do nothing to these things other than put that liquid phosphorus to them that's all i'm doing now the next thing here if you like straight neck squash this is the gold prize from hoss tool now i'm gonna tell you what this squash you will not beat this is the most prolific squash i have ever grown in my life it is the number one squash it is the number one squash that's it right there house tools did great picking this one out this one here they don't that's probably the best yellow squash i've ever come across gold prizes perfect name right it is the perfect name it's a hybrid but it is the perfect name i mean you just look at this plant right here i mean it's you got another one like that and trust me you don't need if you don't eat a lot of squash you don't need many plants six is plenty six to be more than enough now here is that that zucchini that i was telling you guys about i'm going to go ahead and pick one of them here that thing looks like a watermelon look at that it's just as striped as a watermelon and the leaves are a touch differently these are completely different they're variegated or whatever you want to call that um they're they're surrogated aerated serrated and sometimes invariated get these leaves out of here here's another one right here now they're not getting large in diameter or we're picking them too early but they i don't want them big with seeds but they're getting a lot look at that that thing's 12 14 inches long look at that that awesome man and i'm telling you and this was seeds that um i think it these come out didn't they come out just like a like she got them at dollar stores and stuff something like that and they're doing amazing yeah i mean you look at this in here now i don't want to twist my plant over but look at that this is our first time picking these first time we picked them yep first time i mean you got a few limbs got to cut leaves that's got to come out yeah i gotta sit this bucket down that's getting heavy i figured it would be let me get some of these leaves out of here that's a secret too right there guys you gotta you just gotta get this stuff off of here and i hate to go off and leave anything because i'll get to the end of the row and i'll forget and you gotta prune that's that's the name of the game of course now ever watched me many years you'll know squash is one of the greatest musical instruments that was ever made you gonna make them a squash on uh i think i might make them a squash horn here let me get i got to get one of these out of the bottom here anyway you know lots of people never seen a squash horn before this is something you used to do for kids all the time if you had kids with you you know you got thorns all over there you don't want thorns on it there you know and if you got kids and you're trying to keep them interested in the gardening or whatever you're doing uh let me get i got to get this just right my knife is you didn't cut all the way to the end you cut back from then yeah i cut back from the end just a little bit because you don't you don't want your air going through it just solid right there on the end you got to keep you got to cut it work solid you know you do that for kids and kids just get to be it just gets to be a a fun thing for them to come to the garden if you make them a squash horn you know children will have a blast with that all right adults too yeah oh we're picking all right guys this here is our mustard seeds now they're not quite ready to harvest yet they're getting pretty close um we got a few more days i imagine by the middle of this week out here uh this high intense heat we got coming these things gonna pretty much be ready to take up and get out of here because what will happen is if you don't get them when they start drying the little pod will bust open and all the sea to fall out on the ground so now technically once they get to a certain point you can pull the plant up and hang it upside down somewhere but i don't do that i don't have enough time i don't have enough space i usually just let them get real close to drying on the plant and then i go and cut each individual branch off and put them in a number three wash tub and let them finish drying out there well we come up here to the end of the garden guys and here's a uh a butter pea that we have we've had butter peas here like two or three years since we had butter peas here and uh they volunteer come back up every year and when they do will let one grow and uh we'll get to we'll get the beans off of it and miss wanda mixes them in with other dry beans that we have and she'll make a soup out of them or something like that so we always love the ones that god gives us and of course now here we have the star of david okra it is beginning to bloom probably within i'm going to say let's see looking at it with the probably with the heat we got coming next week or this week i'm gonna say we'll probably have okra uh by next weekend it's possible we'll have good oprah and we're looking really forward to that and then of course here next to it we have our sweet potatoes guys all these sweet potato slips have come from a couple of mineral tubs full of sweet potatoes and i've got this patch i've got another patch and i've got another patch and they're still making sweet sweet potato slips what about maybe 15 20 potatoes or whatever than that probably about 15 to 20 potatoes is making me i don't know hundreds i don't know how many hundred i have now at this point it's several hundred i have out these must be the last ones you just did these are these are the last ones i've planted you can see they're uh just now and and the heat was getting to them so luckily we got a rain god blessed us but look at these you can tell the stages by looking at them these were the first ones these first one two three four rows yeah i have to come here with a hoe before long and go through here and get the grass out and then they should just shade everything i ran through it with the cub the other day and clean nothing but the middles out so that they don't have any grass in the middle and that makes them look real clean it gives me the opportunity to come back with a hoe and clean out anything that's left and then just watch them cadillac now down you know the white ones are already blooming on the other end down y'all see this that bottom row is the white sweet potatoes and they're already blooming you got a couple right up here at the front that's starting to bloom not amazing now those are the that's the very first row we planted right there daddy always told me there he was there's a bloom right here right there yep dad always tell me if you want potatoes plant you some white ones because they'll always make all right so this is the front garden yep now we got to go uh to the greenhouse gotta go to the greenhouse i think we got some beans we got to pick at the greenhouse i'm not sure may him have some peppers i don't know i got yellow wax beans we've got peppers and our potatoes in your greenhouse eat potatoes we're facing dig potatoes now i grew some fantastic potatoes in mine we had several meals and they were big nice fingerlings yeah we're going to see what danny done and he is we're going to see that i'm going to be honest with you hank took real good care of them our handy dandy footrest our doorstop yep well here we are oh our little friend yeah we got a bird in here that lives we've got a nest up down on the top looking she's a dog um keeps flying into everything around here all right so the potatoes are dying so we need a yeah lots of people ask how do you know when to pick a potato this is one of them when the plant dies that's all i can tell you and we gotta leave my um raspberry raspberry in here okay let me get here now if i get sit down no bomb knee it makes it hard uh i'm not gonna use no fork on these i'm gonna just try to do it by hand this ground should be very soft it should be soft i don't even know what kind of potatoes these are to be honest with you looks like a blue one yeah this one was one old blue when i stuck in here it didn't it didn't really do anything with these i'm hoping these french fingerlings is the one that i hope they make some taters some small ones yep let me see what we got here this really the size that i really like right here they do well they cook well they cook really well that's what i like about them they they cook really really well the larger ones make good french fries yeah the bigger ones do they make but these right here you can actually slice them in half and they they really uh really cook out well um then right there we take them uh snap beans and stuff like that them green beans and throw them in with them or english peas man that's some really really good eating now these little taters like that right there i just throw them back in the soil getting a few yeah these like i said i put a lot of these back into the soil because they'll just come back some bigger ones these were the last ones we planted here yeah and the heat has taken its toll on these he definitely took his time even in a high tunnel yeah and a high tunnel here because this has been closed up a lot we haven't got the back side up yet so it looks like really late here didn't do as well mine were about three times the size of yours but it was earlier a lot earlier than mine was and my plants never died like this yeah mine that's 100 something degree temperature it don't matter what you do these potatoes don't like it they can't take it that's why i'm telling y'all we can grow potatoes here pretty much year round except for in the high tunnels except for in the very very hot part of the summer okay guys there's what we got um there's a few meals out of that i believe will be okay um you know a lot of it's my fault i'll be honest with you uh i didn't come in here and dump a lot of fertilizer in here and all like i normally do this is just potting soil i put in here because we had the grazon issue and uh i had to dig all the dirt out of this whole bed and i i just didn't have time to go scoop it up with a tractor in the woods and go through it so i just ran to town bought a whole bunch of bags of pot and soil come in here and dumped it in here and basically just planted potatoes in it it said it had nine months of feeding in the potting soil and stuff like that so i dumped it in here mixed a little pearlite in with it and watered it a few times i told miss one day i said don't over water them because they will rot and she took me to word she didn't over water it and um the lack of fertilizer a lot of the lack of moisture intense heat is one of the reasons they didn't do as good as they should have done so but it's okay um because that's that's a few meals we still got a few meals out of it and now we've got the bed opened up uh ready to replant now i don't know exactly what we're going to replant in here but i do know this i'm going to line it check the ph we're going to fertilize a fool out of it and i'm going to plant something back in here i just don't know what yet now here guys we have our white seedless grapes here look at that oh yeah i'm looking so forward to this if we can just keep them going i mean they're hanging in here by the piles everywhere now a lot of them fell off because it just got so dry on us but um we are monitoring it a little bit better than what we was and taking our time here and we have grapes hanging everywhere in here these are the white seedless ones and so far they're hanging in here now we got some we got some horseradish next to it here kind of looks like weeds to be honest with you but horseradish is a weed basically i think it is and it's got seed flowery stuff we may actually get some seeds off of it um i'm not sure not sure just yet i don't think you can kill it once you got it started i think i think that's why we put it in pots to be honest with you now here's some of our sweet potato slips i was telling y'all about i got to pull these up this morning and go try to get them in the ground here right quick uh we got two pots of them right here and look at this 100 degree temperature in this greenhouse with that shade cloth on here look what we got here guys looking at amazing look at this thing you can't even put your arms around it i think it's huge and look in amongst it here we've got uh sweet potato slips oh malabar we've got malabar spinach all that stuff's coming up in here and look at my malabar over there look at that mellow bar now you think that look how big those leaves are my hands are big and look at that that leaf is as big as my hand is makes a good wrap fantastic look what wanda's been doing why did i put a rope up there for you make it up to the top i want it to go everywhere it's one of things guys you just got to do what you got to do here all right guys we got our greasy beans going here i got these from jared up at flutie lick homestead youtube channel um i come back here and just stuck some in here i didn't know whether they'd come up or not and so far they're doing all right um we're gonna let them grow up on the trellis we're gonna just let them go see what they do um hopefully they'll make some beans this year and i'll get to try a kentucky greasy bean we got a little froggy friend yeah we have lots of frogs in here they come in here and they uh get the bugs at night and stuff like that we got some look at these yellow marconi's here i picked some of these a couple of days ago look at that yellow marconi now this ain't gonna get no longer right here so i'm gonna get it off it kind of got stunned because i'm doing it back a little bit look at this one i mean in that nice and we could leave them till they go yeah oh i could leave them till they turn but i see something lurking way in the background back here what is lurking let's see what this is right here probably a strawberry huh look what's lurking in the background back there couple of strawberries strawberries yeah and look at this bed of strawberries i mean i'm sitting here looking they're gorgeous man that thing's pretty back in there the strawberries is really they're really kicking it now they are i keep looking to see do i have any more i if you keep these peppers picked off of there they'll uh the plant will just keep making more and more this is one of our three-year-old plants this is the third year we've had a year we've had this thing i mean it's uh we done broke a limb out of it right here the pepper got the heavy limb broke and these are from uh i think roller solution yeah these are grower solution strawberries here and there's a little bitty one here doesn't turn red i'll snatch it up right quick you know but they're thick and pretty thick in here they're too thick to be honest with you we got to get them out we say that every year they've been here two years i gave away over 100 plants out of here that's right you did take a few yeah i took over 100 i gave to your daughter amy you can't tell it that's what them beans on that hill are supposed to be looking like yellow beans these are the cherry yellow this this pot has nothing but potting soil in it that's why you have to amend the potting soil even if you use it you still got to amend it you just can't throw it in here this is what happens you need a little bit of something added to it yeah in green houses and high tunnels magnesium is your enemy it uh literally you have to put magnesium to everything in a high tunnel let's check these got the same problem here i gotta get some magnesium to them and uh these are yellow beans here we there's one right under under your hand these we uh we just eat fresh every day off of these we um these are not made we're not we don't have these in here to be canning or anything like that mainly grilling that's it our main thing just for grilling because they grill really nice throw them in there with the rest of them get some magnesium to them yeah i'm gonna have to come out here and put some magnesium to them that's for sure uh they just real pretty beans and people go well they start out green and turn yellow no they don't yellow wax being supposed to be see supposed to start yellow yellow see these they all start out yellow no matter how little they're kind of yellow even that little t90 one down there is kind of yellow okay i think that might be all of them but in this gorgeous look at that malabar spinach i ain't that so pretty look at that guy big old leaves on the leaves will get as big as danny's hands together yup this is our fuji jalapeno plant and it is finally growing some i came in here and i put some uh liquid phosphorus to it uh because it was blooming and you need that phosphorus when they're blooming and here is a not so hot jalapeno right here we'll try that later and see how it does yeah we're gonna check it out later and see how it does now we should be got a bunch on there but they're not ready yeah they're not quite there um it looks like it's gonna load up pretty good and we'll see i'm gonna have to put a little bit more uh nutrition to it other than that uh it looks like it's doing pretty good oh look at them carrots i better check them out right quick miss wanda harvested jeff you yeah i know you had me a carrot salad there the other day uh i didn't realize they had gotten this far along um i haven't been out here to even look at them really to be honest been staying so busy we got it's just nice little carrots right here wouldn't hurt we can get us a few carrots about three or four four at least yeah probably three or four of them there let me kind of check around through here get three or forty carrots out of here the heat is done starting to get to them i can look at them and tell that so that nice little rain will help look at there look at that yeah one more one more let's just kind of move on down here a little bit where it's a thick at down here might not be as big might not be as big down there but the tops is all going to start dying on here pretty soon we gotta take them we're gonna have to take them no matter what size they are you know i see the ground cracking around them i'll just go ahead get a note i'm gonna get two more now they got to be thinned out there we go isn't that nice look at that summer carrots are never as good as wintertime carrots these won't be as sweet as the winter ones are but they're still carrots welcome to the queen dome now i've hung my ferns up up there and they seem to be doing really good i water them every day i've got a couple of potted plants and you see stuff starting to just hang over with them i've got my um peppercorns on each of the four corners and they're starting to just i mean look how green they're beautiful then i i don't know flower names but i got this type flower they're white here and purple over here we've got lavender and look my lavender starting to dry and lavender is good to put around some of your plants to detour bugs my basil i take some of the basil and put around things miss lippy brought me basil here and here i've got two of those but look at these beans look at them in this awesome look at that look at the way they're blooming that's like balloons that's butter beans ain't it look you see that boy that's pretty there now i mean this is huge this is just the old-timey speckled speckled butter beans yeah i think they're just the speckled ones um they're doing really look at that i mean those things did i plant green one i think it's the speckled ones i don't remember anyways butterbean this is my tomato back up here and let's look at these tomatoes are the um i don't remember which one i i thought they were blue tomatoes but they're not turning blue no they ain't blue i can tell you that looks like some kind of roma or something so i'll have to go back and look but they are they're in clusters if you look let me see down here you see how they are in clusters and they're a little long like roma's marziano's or something yeah i don't remember the names but anyway that's what they're looking like um these tomatoes well they're pretty amazing in here they are pretty this is my yellow wax fans look at this look at the difference in look at the difference in here than the ones in our pot so we are see that's where you take care of them what they look like yeah and look at this look under here look at that this wonder spends time in here she spends time in hers i'm out working on everything else huh you know these are you talking about some grilling one now look at that isn't that gorgeous man this thing's about eight inches long and this is about the fourth time i've picked these to keep them healthy i come in here and take these leaves out i'm like danny when you get these bad leaves that are they're not helping your plant take them out i take them out it's called pruning it's called pruning people got to learn to prune that's one thing you have to learn to do you have to come out here every day you can't just do this on the weekends yeah you'll probably have some i prove that in mind you got to come out every day if you don't oh yeah look at that if you don't come out every day and take out some of this stuff then it it just your plants aren't as pretty aren't as healthy and your nutrition tries to go to these dead leaves and it doesn't help your plants so i mean you see that and that's just right here i ain't even got over here you see how many i've done picked how many blooms are still on them yeah i'm still amazed with this right here these butter i know that's beautiful butter beans love heat and look at how the color is just phenomenal did you go ahead uh did you put the calcium nitrate i told you to put to your stuff yes okay i'll you'd ask me about it what about the corn and all that did you uh the corn got fertilized yesterday you got to this right here you got some kind of watermelon growing there this is a watermelon uh a lady sent me some seeds the seeds are so unusual they've got hold on is that the ones that you had that looked like uh so funky looking it looked like a bean or something yeah pretty speckledy weird looking seed it it looked like a watermelon seed i'm crawling off down there i get that one yeah we got to kill bugs this is what we do in a high tunnel as wanda does she comes through here and she sees a bug on anything she's like she's worse than a crow i'm gonna get him she's gonna get him but anyway these seeds they're kind of like half black half tan beautiful beautiful seeds the watermelons only get about yay big the last melon yeah and so i want to try them and i'm putting them on here on my trellis because i wanted to be able to keep them going up and i've got two three plants one this one isn't doing as well it's just kind of it's shaded up under that corn yeah it's shaded under the corn and it may not do it it's corn now that's is it what kind is that the japanese homeless popcorn holeless no holes in it supposed to well they said limited uh okay i'm sure i was fixing to say i ain't never seen a popcorn didn't have these um this is my squash i just brought me see how pretty it is look how pretty that is guys i pruned the leaves yesterday look at them yellow look at the intensity of the yellow yeah it took out a couple of um squash we had ate those yesterday okay yeah and then i always put flowers got your marigold looks like i've got some carrots that i put in here just to see and see that oh it's like a pansy or something or is that what is that what they're called but anyway they're hit up in there they're coming out and then i've got these different ones those are your marigolds and we still got egyptian onions this is mint doing really well look at my shard i got chard oh yeah now look at this peppercorn corn is look i mean it has just come out and i'm trying to root some yeah you can actually you can actually stick it to the ground it'll actually just root and that way i'll have some people keep asking me how to get them i'm trying to root some uh our petunias you can't kill that thing it's been in that pot now for what two years three years or something like that um them oh that's amazing is this an orange is this another one of these lippies uh squashes right here no this is mine is this a gold prize i don't remember it might be it looks like it the way it is i think it's a gold prize look how pretty that thing is but i mean you said that the color is amazing you see my beef my beef friend yeah the bees come in here we open the doors during the day and the bees come in yeah my bee friend and then this got a hug been here two years and it just keeps yeah you got your alligator my aloe veras aloe veras yeah and then i put i don't remember what kind of plant this is but it's coming back out and fixing the balloon then a few beans and these have struggled yeah i can see you got an insect issue right here we have insects that keep wanting to get over here and destroy anything i put in here so we've got this inside the sun hits in the morning yeah but look at this look at this mom people have been waiting to see this thing bloom but this thing is probably what three gosh that thing's it's like four or five feet across oh my word i have never ever ever ever saw a mom get that big plus blooming mate and blooming and made that's a fall plant that's made to plant bloom in october look at this isn't it gorgeous that is boy i'm telling you is this radishes this is my radishes i have been eating out of my but again they're probably too thick too thick i can tell you then he tells me everything's too thick yeah just wanted to plant stuff way too thick look at that radish see i can't grow radishes she can grow her she'll just grow grow as many but i can grow radishes you can have a couple of radishes today yeah so that goes in there and then my sunflowers there you see over there yeah one of them's actually done going to seed looks like and then look here i don't know if i can tell yeah i think so you might break it turning around look at that isn't that pretty that draws pollinators in here yeah and these are a i think this is a hoss tool tomato i just don't remember what variety but i mean you see they're hanging they got tomatoes all over them yeah good little tomatoes starting yeah i just did three or four and i think there's four of them yeah and then i put some running beans here because running beans did great last year in here yeah so i did two varieties i did one here and then look at these i don't remember varieties i forgot this is those uh it looks like the uh um oh cherokee cherokee yeah that's what you know what i'm talking about yeah i i think these may be something i think this just be some seeds as it voluntarily came out look they are amazing they got that purple color to them beautiful now my eggplant it tries it'll put on blooms and stuff but i'm gonna tell you what oh i see a culprit right here you gonna get him i'm gonna get him we have never had these until this year don't know what this right here is we'll show them because i don't i see what that right there is i've got three or four of them out of here that's a stripy potato beetle oh is that what that is they nightshade plants and that eggplant is a nightshade that's what's happening to my eggplant we've never had them here in india all the years i've lived here somebody around us has brought in plants or something or raising plants and they let them things come in here and they've migrated over here here's another one right here we're gonna have to check we've got to be on top of this that's for sure we gotta look around through here because he was on a bean he wasn't even on them yeah and that's weird yeah he was just hiding up under there i mean but this eggplant was planted last year and we had a couple of eggplants in the fall and then then the freeze hit it yeah and i cut it all back and it's come back out you can see where i cut it back yeah she cut it way back i thought it was dead the freeze i thought killed it and it's done amazing here's another here's another mom look at this i had to cut some of this one out because you see my diva cucumbers look in here look at my divas look actually got one hanging i've done eight of two or three out of here but my divas are going up to the roof and we got to get them over on this yeah i get them you got to get them over on that trails there's this must be 25 of them on here but look these had done branched over they had taken over under taking over my cucumbers and my cucumbers were getting shaded out so i cut all the mums out from behind it but look at these see these are fixing to bloom also never seen that and then this is my wild lettuce it's going to seed look at that wild lettuce going to seed in well guys we're back out here in the blueberry orchard just thought we'd walk through and take a look i mean i wish you just look at this these things are on here by the thousands and how tall is this oh that's about eight foot tall right now i mean this is our best blueberry grill growing yet i'm just sad that it's not raining i mean we got that one little shower yesterday eighth of an inch last night one-eighth of an inch i checked it while we go it didn't wet the dirt but like a half an inch deep but that's something it's that's better oh look at here look up in here what you finding look in there wow they're already turning that's a little bit early oh man i'm gonna have to start looking now now this is premier and if it don't get any rain they won't be no bigger than that right there they they won't be real big [Music] there's nothing like fresh but look over here now this is the alapa hauls look at here look at him man i gotta try one look at this the lapajas are getting ready this is two weeks early not good oh you hadn't eaten one no i ain't eating them i'm trying them well eat pick up you to have oh we gonna have plenty look at this look out there they're starting to turn if we don't stay on them the birds is going to stay on them yeah the birds get them before we do that's right i'll tell you we got to get these off of him man the stink bugs will find them too because they're they're in cycle right now yep they're in cycle they're starting to hatch out and these are coming on early which means the stink bugs will attack them but look look at this isn't that amazing and this one is what nine ten feet i can reach eight about ten feet tall not crazy man so why are these so tall when everybody thinks blueberries are bushes oh this is a high bush variety there's low bush varieties in high bush i don't want the low bush varieties because they don't bear really well they bear but not to the quantity that these do these here bear i mean just tons of berries at this i mean every tree every tree just a little rain off and on that's what we have to have just a little bit of rain i know people's gonna ask can't you irrigate them i could irrigate them i could but um i try to let nature do what it needs to do look at this one over here look at this i mean there's not many leaves on this tree compared to the others but look at the berries i mean that is just really weird and this is a premiere yep as opposed to this premiere look at the green and the berries i mean side by side one has no leaves and a lot of berries this one has a lot of leaves and limited berries really compared it's amazing i really am hoping we do get a lot of rain you know not a lot but enough to pop enough to make these pop because they're kind of small right now and the lapajas don't get real big but the premiers make big old berries i mean you look at that isn't that gorgeous man look at this tree well you talk about some berries now and we've got a pecan in the middle of this one look at the clusters of these starting to get ready up in here look at that and up here i try not to get the ones that ain't quite all the way blue man we were hoping to have a few more things done before we had to start getting up every morning picking blueberries but looks like we're gonna be picking blueberries looks like we're gonna have to kick it into double mood here looks like the blueberries are starting i mean this is early now for us about two weeks at least at least two weeks early which means possibly summer's gonna come on a lot earlier this year well it's been hot it's definitely the i think it's the heat that we're having that's bringing them on earlier than what they normally are but you know the only good side to this is maybe the maybe the heater going in you know what's great about this blueberry pack you can come right here and down there about oh come check this angle out right here down there about this is about a 15 20 foot bluff here going down into our pond uh elvis is wrestling elvis is down here resting along the edge of the shoreline and that's not a real alligator guys it's a alligator head floating around and the pond is down about two foot yeah because it's usually and i'm telling you this it's usually covering this right here that's usually sand is not there so that tells you how far it is if you look around yeah there's sand on the other side you can see where the grandkids have been all down there oh did they make it down there oh yeah i see their feet plants in the sand oh my yep they oh that one jumped off down the hill down there ain't no recapturn out but we're fixing to enlarge the pond all this right in here is going away right everything to your right over in yours growing away always to right in here well not quite that far up come right back down right here past this point past that pine tree everything there's all gonna go away and we're gonna make the pond go way back up in there that is a diesel fuel is available [Music] so while you're wrapping hay and moving it when i help you get this on this is what i'm doing look oh wow that's some nice-sized huckleberries i'm picking the huckleberry we've got blueberries ain't no bigger than that i know but look amazing let me show you something over here look at this oh our cherry tree look at the cherries you gotta pick us some cherries look at that look at that i mean they're just hanging [Music] y'all that is beautiful first time ever having this like cherries i know they got seeds in them but we'll find something to do with them we'll be making something look at that the dark red ones is what i've heard oh that's how ripe they are they're just falling off that is amazing isn't it look at that we're gonna have huckleberries and cherries and blueberries look at these these two are but see some of the others are not as red you see the difference yeah i'm looking at that they've got there's one in the top but i don't know how it looks like it ain't quite there but look at the blooms i mean look at the blooms if this thing makes like it's blooming man we're gonna have cherries at deep south that's amazing my word that is awesome never had cherries in the deep south other than wild ones now right beside you is a wild cherry tree yeah this tree you look way up there in it it is loaded with little berries up there if you could see it if you could see it but i mean yeah these are the wild cherries and i don't know if you reckon the wild cherry pollinated this thing [Laughter] who knows but the sun's coming up baby yep we got to get busy and here's one of our culprits right here see that right there stink bugs oh we gotta get rid of him they're hatching out right now okay he didn't get on me but you know they're hatching out and that's one of the culprits these things they sting them so you've got to watch but somebody said they're supposed to be odd shaped they're not supposed to be smooth they're not supposed to be smooth they're lobed and they think they said they're full of seeds i guess we'll find out well i ate one the other day they're full of seeds i can guarantee you that it's not like the maracino cherries okay they're not like the marantinos no then a little candy thing this is the barbados uh southern sweet cherry yeah somebody was asking i don't know if i can get to it but let's show you it shows them looking smooth it does but that's not but maybe it ain't or either the stink bug's getting one of the two stinging and making them do that but it's a southern cherry and down here it says barbados cherry it grows here that's all i know and look at this look at that back to work back to work yep you
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 474,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, gardening hacks, gardening tips, gardening for beginners, grow your own food, gardening hacks for home, gardening hacks and tips, gardening tips for beginners, gardening tips and tricks, deep south homestead high tunnel, deep south homestead carrots, grow your own food made easy, grow your own food for a year, garden tour 2022, garden tour vegetable, permaculture, permaculture farm, high tunnel gardening ideas, how to grow your own food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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