The TOXIC Avocado?!?! you won't believe it...

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it all right some people make things difficult and they don't have to be there's a lot of people in your life like that careful where are you going now should have came all at once for your grand entrance I was trying to stall for you ah all right here we go trying to see how it goes see how it goes man we're gonna talk about these avocados you guys toxic avocados laughs oh man and then we're going to give you guys some information because as we release some of this stuff it's just so hard to swallow right like no pun intended and then we're going to give you uh you know ways you can kind of look out for yourself if you have to shop at the grocery store if you're new to our Channel my wife and I we live off grid in this Log Cabin over there and we grow 90 of our own food and as you can see we're well underway for our production we're a little slow this year because of the weather and everything's been kind of crazy but that's how it goes down and we have a tank right there it's 500 gallons where we collect our rain water so all of our buildings and everything are self-sufficient on our off-grid property they're all self-containing and they all handle the business okay is that looking good feeling good everybody can hear all right yeah a lot of people are growing food this year a lot of people are at the sale barns buying tomato starts and all these kind of other things so you can definitely understand and feel that people are starting to get really serious about their food situation that's for sure hey all Judy from Texas avocados we're going to talk about avocados tonight and what to look for they're messing with the food system we're going to give you some ammunition if you stay tuned and we're going to give you some ammunition some information that can keep you out of the trick bag if you guys have been watching our Channel we're trying to explain to you guys that the food system is in bed with the big Pharma we've got videos coming out this week that are really going to shake you up and they're out to make you sick and they're trying to keep you in this Loop and if you look at you know corresponding disease and sickness versus food and what they've been doing ever since they industrialized food ah t t is very good for you I've got tea bags so uh they're actually in cahoots it's my opinion but they're in cahoots to literally make you sick via the food to keep you in the big Pharma system okay and obviously if you look around you can see for yourself you don't need Uncle Doug telling you unless you're in stone cold denial but that's okay because it takes you know sometimes you got to keep seeing it and hearing it and then maybe you'll come around to the truth of what's going on but what's going on yeah what's going on what's going on right all right so we're going to talk about our avocados and we're gonna get right into it there's only 742 thumbs up there's 2100 people in the house so we will not be getting right into it until we get more thumbs up and the reason why is that helps get the analytics out so more people know we're live and then they can click on the video too because if you guys have noticed YouTube is kind of hiding us around from you guys maybe unsubscribing you look at your subscription now if you've been subscribed to our Channel if you look now maybe you're unsubscribed and that happens quite a bit so make sure you kind of keep an eye on that and we're going to talk about avocados we're going to talk about what to look for what not to get and uh and just talk about in general like our food system because yeah and some things that you guys could do yeah be on your toes yeah you really do you you can't just go and pick something up you know at the store now you really have to be careful so like kind of wanted to talk about that we'll give you some ideas that you guys can kind of troubleshoot to help you when you're going to the store if you have to go to the store so it is just so important just to be empowered just to kind of get this knowledge and it'll help you to make you know good decisions yeah informed consent totally oh and if you guys pay attention this week I'm going to let you guys know a lot of people are saying because you know they're putting um this stuff in the air and they're you know basically chemicalizing us and giving us the business uh and we're they keep trying to bring up the Nuremberg stuff right like we're we're not we're not consenting to that okay we don't want to be your guinea pigs I'm going to show you this week why and how they're getting around that they were actually worried about that and you're going to hear about it later this week so smash that thumbs up if you like information because I like information and then I like to be able to discern for myself what's good what's bad and what's not what did we use last week uh did we get that up off the table last week oh I don't think we did did we yeah we did I can go get some in the greenhouse I got it there's lots of little things in the greenhouse you just start talking and say what's up well you want to talk about the avocados yeah we're gonna get right into the avocado Stacy's gonna talk about what to look for when you're buying avocados now you guys have to be on guard when you're out shopping for your food if some of you guys aren't paying attention to labels maybe you know you just like grab the what's the mayonnaise that's real popular everyone knows Hellman's if you grab the Hellman's and you read the thing it might say bioengineered ingredients well what they do a lot with mayonnaise is it'll say made with real olive oil and you're thinking oh great well when you turn it over and you read the labels on Olive are on mayonnaise it'll have soybean oil they all have soybean oil on them pretty much and then maybe a little bit of olive oil toward the end so you just have to really be on your toes you know they can just get you and deceive you so much and a lot of the stuff's going to start having bugs in it and stuff I mean just be on the lookout if you cannot pronounce it don't eat it yeah and the thing even with mayonnaise it's easy to make yeah guys you could all make it and it tastes so much no I don't because I don't do a lot of Maintenance I didn't put it in there you have a cookbook I do have a good one off-grid with Daniel I've ketchup and mustard though so uh yeah no but mayonnaise is really easy to make very very easy to make but yeah read on a lot of this stuff you know it does say bioengineered crazy labels in the back you know if it's not demand better shop on the outskirts of the grocery store you know when you have your fresh produce and all that but now that's what we're going to talk about today you have to be so careful and then you know what I'm finding out what we're going to talk about so this stuff has been going on a long time and they just don't you don't really hear that much about it and we're in 20 years but now we're in the information age so people are starting to what and all these conspiracy people stuff like their stuff's really coming true it's not conspiracy theory anymore y'all everything that the last three years everything that we've talked about tried to warn about said was going on is literally coming to truth right before your very eyes and it's almost like because it was back then no one cares but when they come for round two if we don't address it now and put it put it out in everyone's face and rub their face in it they're going to come back for round two it's going to be trouble for you and I see a lot of you guys are really on it you really are you know you're already doing some of the stuff that's going on you know what what are you what you can do you just got to keep looking and keep reading because I I'm telling you when we're going to talk about the avocado today you know at first you know I thought that they were only going to be you could buy them in Costco but there's a lot of other places that this is right now so you definitely have to be careful yeah saltine crackers the bioengineers talking about M M's or bioengineers that's ridiculous colors and dyes I mean it's just nuts what they're doing with everything Death By A Thousand Cuts so basically you know we have to be the informed Squad here that's right out there you know read your labels inform Squad I love it so for sure what if someone just say I want to can you back up someone said something about mice I don't know just get on with the let's talk about the avocado all right so Bill Gates actually started this company uh what's it called again uh well I I know what you call it what's the thing called appeal it's called appeal appeal you're gonna see the stickers at the store right and Bill Gates starts his company appeal and what they're doing with these avocados in case you haven't heard is they're putting a coating on them edible film coating that stops produce from losing moisture now this started around 2000 and to get it like 719 million dollars okay and uh it was brought by Bill Gates and so basically there's like two parts one's kind of invis appeal and the other one is Ed appeal so the invis appeal they put on abdur in the field and then there's the Ed appeal that they do afterwards so the avocados right now are they're sprayed with this coating to help them last longer like double the time triple the time so like if you think about it okay and when you go to look it up they've scrubbed a lot of stuff that used to be on you know even within the past like few weeks um when you go you know do you guys want something that's been sitting on a boat forever to get here and then it's going to get into the grocery stores or wherever and just sitting there for a long long time I mean because our produce already travels far enough when it comes to us at the grocery stores you know average of 12 1500 miles you know when you pick it from the garden it loses so much nutritional value so quickly and then they're putting these chemicals you know they're saying they're totally the FDA approved it it's called generally recommended is safe well I don't trust any of that kind of stuff because you know a little bit of poison and you keep eating a little bit of poison all the time is it gonna hurt you you know who knows what they're putting in these chemicals how it's being processed what's going on so you know when we're ingesting this and then the thing's been sitting around forever you know who knows so I'm always on the air side of caution I'm always about come on let's eat local go to your farmers market or come on everyone let's start growing more start somewhere in a not you know in a raised bed if you have a little garden if you have friends you want to do a community garden you know start supporting community supported agriculture you know get on one of those you can get a weekly Weekly subscription look into your areas and just try to shop more locally so I think that's so huge but what I wanted to show you is I had thought it was just at Costco Walmarts have it um Schnucks had it that's a store like around the St Louis area but what it does is and I got a couple of them just to see how it would ripen so this avocado has been sitting in my house for like with no air conditioning no controlled environment so I bought I had bought two of them and they were hard green you know like this one okay this is really really really hard and uh it just all of a sudden it turned really dark like this now when it turns really dark like this usually an avocado is very squishy well I was squishing it and it was hard as a baseball day after day it was black like this and it was very very hard so it just was kind of weird oh you know I was like this is weird so it took many weeks and then now it's soft this is right now ready for me to eat so it's just not natural and if you notice the companies that are involved with launching this stuff and putting 100 on their avocados it's places like pay attention Trader Joe's gielson's uh gilsons Ralphs Sprouts Vons Walmart Whole Foods Kroger Harps food wakerfin brands stores including PriceRite Fairway Market Target Bristol Farms and more now I think back over the last couple years what do all those stores have in common they were all in on the you know what well and Alternate right before your eyes that's the other thing they're wanting to they're putting this on organic food so far how does it change you know your organic status you know I definitely don't want to eat organic food if I'm getting it from the store that's been sprayed in the field or you know after it comes out to make it last longer so you have to just be very very careful and read your label so the labels you know they look very similar but it will say on it a p e e l so if you see that you know maybe find someplace else that like this one here this is just a regular avocado so just read your labels okay very very important so there's a lot of ways we also wanted to talk about um there's like a lot of organizations do look out I really do like the environmental working group you can go they have tons of stuff about everything from Healthcare products to your fruits and your vegetables all kinds of foods everything you can go there and learn some things that could help you and the other thing that I think is really just an awesome organization is the Westin price foundation and some of the things that appeal has been known and the Hazardous warnings that it has is that it causes serious eye damage h318 h317 these are the list of the you know stuff that they got to put on there h317 may cause a allergic skin reaction h412 harmful to Aquatic Life with long lasting effects precautionary statements p280 wear protective gloves protective clothing and eye protection and face protection p302 p352 if on skin wash with plenty of water sounds like what's something you should be coating your food with and possibly ingesting it's on this appeal safety data sheet which is open to the public to read so go educate yourself and then while you guys if you can't grow 90 of your food if you're on that journey to get as bet you know better as you can you know the best and best then just when you're at the store at least be mindful like don't be the Zombie walking down the aisles and just put it in your stuff in your car so then this is where it's going to start if you can't live this life is going to start at the store buying the best with your money from the store and then if no one buys this appeal stuff they're going to abandon it right when you speak with your dollars it gets abandoned yeah and then here's the other thing when you go to a restaurant you know let's say you go to a Mexican restaurant and then they have avocados you know who knows you're getting that stuff I know our local restaurant goes across the street to Walmart to pick up avocados and stuff and that's all they have there is we're not going there no more so you just have to be a little bit more diligent and be committed yes and just read your labels it's so so important so I was talking about the Western price foundation so the Western price foundation if you guys want to spend forty dollars and we don't have anything to do with the Western price foundation we are not Affiliates we don't make a dime if you sign up all we're trying to do is give you the information this is if you guys don't know anything about Western price do a Google search read the history of the guy he did some phenomenal work and now he has a foundation that continues on and does this great work and we actually are uh buddies with them and they do come to the homesteading life conference and they are out on the homesteading conferences talking to people about food and they are all about education which I love they try so hard to educate everyone they do have something that is called the 20 they have it every single year it's the 2023 this one The Shopping Guide it it's crazy I got this in the mail and Stacy wasn't even there and it tells you like where to buy age aged cheese best whole raw cheese made with milk from grass-fed animals preferably using animal rennet and heated no longer than 110 degrees if smoke must be natural okay so it gives you like all the stuff to look for five spoke Creamery Meadow Creek Dairy these are all the people that actually provide this for you raw Farm cow and goat cheese and so it's a whole list over and over and over of all the foods that are good for you fresh meat and and all the places you can get fresh meat delivered to your house olive oil juices it goes through any kind of food your breads fermented vegetables which you should be making yourself um everything on here and it tells you all the different stores and where you can get them from and Ancient Grains and organic whole grain flowers um and uh this is the organic sprouted flowers and baked mixes made with them organic whole grain flowers this is a good list here Divine Organics raw almond flour if you wanted to get something like that it gives you all the connections to make on how to get it if you want to get some crackers would you call me so great information so again all your your Airy products everything and then it goes into it'll tell you which one is the best one which one is the good ones and which ones to avoid and it'll go through all the different can we get a thumbs up for information it's right down there and it's for free there's 4 000 people and only 2 000 thumbs up can we get some thumbs ups for information for free eggs and gives you your fats and oils I mean all these things that everyone has questions which ones are good which ones aren't good which one should I get you know Seafood Meats I mean it goes into everything it's Westin w-e-s-t-o-n Western price foundation just like that Westin price foundation watch Weston price foundation the Westin price foundation the Westin price foundation and then the Western price foundation the Western price foundation and we're members so and here's what with your membership oh my gosh we're showing our stuff on there so the other thing you're gonna get is a four times a year you get this quarterly magazine that is loaded and loaded and loaded with wonderful articles from doctors and they just go into everything and then you're gonna also get lots of different information like truth about cholesterol how to protect yourself against cancer with food with food soy alert real milk cod liver oil yeah Miss intrusive about covet 19. it's raining majors of industrial fats and oils vaccination vegetarian and vegan diet dangerous butter is better nutrition for mental health so they have all these things that you get and then the cool thing is you can buy these just basically for probably what it costs them to make if you want more if you want to pass out to friends and give them to family members because they're a short read and you get so much information in these and I think it's probably one of the best things one of the best investments I really do like they really get on things they're they are total watchdogs for you guys and for our food systems and are trying so hard you know to help educate us so what was the other place called for what the not Western price but the other place you said there was another place to look up the who does the clean 15. oh environmental working group working group the environmental working group they call it ewg ewg fighting the ESG yeah but indefinitely this Shopping Guide is great you can just throw it in your backpack or your purse when you're going shopping in the store and if you're not sure it's like what olive oil do I get look on here find it find the one that says best and then you know get that one because that way so many people are so confused when they do go shopping they don't know what to get and this will list a lot of different I mean it goes through sweeteners and everything like this is just great they started doing this quite a few years ago and I love it then it cuts down half your time going to the grocery store yeah food is medicine it's designed to be medicine from the Creator he told you this is going to be medicine and food for your body Hippocrates over 2 000 years ago he said all your sickness everything comes from your gut so if you have a healthy gut you'll be healthy if you have a sick gut you're going to be sick and so what they've done is they've zeroed in on that they know all this information I promise you guys and they're making the food sickly for you to digest so you become sick and you become part of the big Pharma complex and that's what they want ultimate goal is man when I come out this information this week it's going to be hard to take but the ultimate goal is either to keep you on big Pharma or to literally kill you off I mean that's it it's population control on a mass scale globally right now they're flooding the borders are you guys paying attention with the borders man y'all so everyone's asking okay where did you get this happen guy next no you talk about it in a second but just go to you guys can join because you're going to get all this stuff when you join and you'll get these this is six magazine I mean the articles are amazing amazing amazing if you guys know a little about Western price basically back in the day he did this great big study where he traveled the world and he talked to all these independent people yes and as you traveled the world he wanted to see how bone structure was working as the Western and diet was in uh introduced to these people and as the Western diet our diet you know the one they tell you to like as it as it's introduced to the um indigenous people around the world right who never had a word for cancer didn't we're never sick had beautiful no diabetes and all this and when they went and had a western diet which is white sugar white flour processed milk all that good stuff yeah no there's four the four doubles white sugar why white salt and what was the fourth one double so and then when they started ingesting that right then their bone structure started going down their teeth started rotting and falling out their bodies started getting fat they were sick all the time these are facts and everyone knows it and it was the largest like case study he traveled the whole world the book that I love is called nutrition and physical degeneration physical and nutrition and physical degeneration and it's by Dr Weston Price very good book it's got pictures in it that you can see it's just amazing it's just wonderful but it can show what food can do to us you know why do so many kids need braces now because of their diet and what's going on classes how many you see kids with glasses everywhere and this remember there used to be one doctor and he took care of all the animals in the town and he took care of all the people don't you guys remember those old westerns don't you watch that stuff and now there's a whole team of doctors to take care of one person and if you guys are paying attention all this change the you know this transvestite stuff right is all part of making more money off of your confused people and they're moving them into the complex and if they're turning this into a multi-bazillion dollar deal off a mentally unstable people and it's a shame yep so go to Western price and Himalayan salt is not that good Redmond salt is the best salt if you are in America you use Doug and Stacy's link that I'm dropping right here by Redmond salt Redmond is the best salt for you okay it's made in America so it's local to your area it's from an ancient bed which means it has no Plastics in it it dried up long before Plastics were invented sheet of a bench videos of bentonite clay if you did pristine okay we know the people we've been to the we've been to the mine it has over 60 trace minerals that the human body needs as well as your soil we need it to function properly you can actually put it in your soil but if you look up what your bones are made out of and you look up what's in the Redmond salt that is exactly the same thing that's why your body needs it but we've been sold white salt and we're not educated and so we get high cholesterol or what do you get diabetes heart problems heart disease your doctor tells you stay away from the salt but that's because it's the wrong salt they've drained all the minerals off of it and they've only give you this give you the white sodium chloride and you need sodium and potassium together for everything to work right the way God made it right so I was saying last week that many holistic doctors if you do have high blood pressure um do put people on a good unrefined salt and kidney stones and stuff like that a lot of this stuff is caused because you don't have the salt and minerals and you're not drinking the water water is huge you guys I mean don't drink do not drink tap water or city water I just saw a thing gosh there's over like 3 000 chemicals operation paper clip leave it in the comments if you know about Operation Paperclip drop it in the comments don't drink the tap water yeah there's like over what 3000 chemicals or something that they're finding in tap water now so thanks Scott we're always good to see Scott hanging out with us he's OG Homestead homie the operation paper clipping leave it in the comments if you know about Operation Paperclip SE what kind of sugar do you use we use sugar in the Raw if we use sugar we don't use a lot of sugar we use mostly maple syrup and we use honey yeah maple syrup or honey are my preferred sweeteners the other one that I do use certain for certain things like especially I like it on like steel cut oats if we have it as soaking it it's spelled s-u-c-a-n-a-t like sugar cane natural it's your least least processed of the sugars it is in its most raw form and it's basically evaporated cane juice it's a darker color and um it kind of is brown sugary tasting uh very natural very you know high in the minerals it hasn't been processed hardly at all and that's what I like to use if I if I need to bake or do something if I don't use maple or maple syrup or honey so those are our favorites oh you want me to talk about what something about people coming into our country we should be lined up down there with the M16s those scary guns and all those scary guns and Blasting them we're being invaded yeah I'm gonna say it we're being invaded it's no joke we got to put some rounds in the air and then like we don't no country is going to take this y'all and this is the Clive and Piven did you guys get the book from last week we had a whole week to get it and read it and start studying it this is the classic play and I'm going to show videos this week they're doing it in France and several other places right now they're trying to flood us with the immigrants because they want to take away our customs and our traditions and our rule of law and all that stuff and they're going to use them also right the gun violence the last two were real bad were you know you know Stacy what do you think of car car carnivore carnivore it says Carnival diet but I know you're saying carnivore um they're they're no no Molly there have been no no I I look if you want to know anything about the carnivore um diet you guys can go to listen to Dr Ken Berry um I think it's a great diet for many people who do very well I do for me personally I'm more of a I mean I do a lot of meat and vegetables um very low carbohydrate I'll stay below 50 grams so I'm more like keto um but it so many people have been healed by so many different ailments and things that are going on and uh check into it if you want to learn more about it look into the Dr Ken Berry and you can learn a lot from that y'all I mean one of the main things the president of the United States is constitutional thing that he swore an O2 and everything is keeping our borders and then next after him is your governor of your state okay this is all clown World stuff we're living in right now and if we don't get serious we're not this won't be America we'll be Global Citizens okay and you'll be getting pushed around right because if you don't use your freedoms you're going to lose them it's called The Law of use it's even in the scriptures remember the ancient story about the talons I mean y'all this is we just got to get it together so someone's asking about how to improve your eyesight the big thing and I'm gonna tell you guys when you your insulin levels are raised and you eat a lot of carbohydrates you know like breads pasta cereals crackers and things like that it does affect your eyesight tremendously I mean look at people who do have diabetes what happens to their eyesight but people who don't you may notice how come some days your eyesight's better than others of course you have a lot of tiny muscles in your eyes but you do strain especially if you're on the computer and things like that but the big thing is if you really get into cooking some broccoli or some asparagus you know having a nice portion of that having a salad having some nice pastured meat or having you know eggs faster eggs or having you know your pasteurized chickens and all those eating good foods like that and good fats like ghee or coconut oil or beef fat or duck fat you know when you're cooking with your food it is so incredible what it can do your eyesight when you eat those good foods you'll start noticing your eyesight's getting better and the other thing is to get outside so you have this three-dimensional view around you to help with your eyes because a lot of us stay inside all the time and you're looking at a screen so then your eyes are zoomed in and that's why so many people a lot of people need the glasses because that's all they do they're not getting getting that being able to look far away you need that depth perception so you need to get out so these kids with the screens now I mean they have no chance so those are just those are incredible ways but your diet is huge and when you eat a lot of sugar-laden things like you know Frosted Mini Wheats and Fruit Loops Twinkies M M's and all those things that is killing your eyes it's true and that sugar stuff really will get to your eyes and honestly I know for me in my 20s I needed to wear glasses my eyes were terrible I mean I would eat a lot of sugary things and you know I would eat out and have french fries and hamburgers go to fast food and and the more I just kept learning and learning and especially now it's so funny I'm 60 now so my eyes usually oh with a drives are going to get worse well I try to eat really good and I know if I don't if I do eat higher carbohydrates I can see my eyesight gets blurrier I mean it's crazy I do a lot of these things on myself and you know I'm like an experiment but I didn't really notice that and so it is so important to really watch you know what you're putting in your body because you can fix a lot of that and also Doug and I did a video about your eyesight there's some exercises you can also look on the internet I'm pretty sure you can find out on the internet and he's got a book too it's called the Bates b-a-t-e-s the baits now method and there's a lot of exercises on there that get people off of glasses and they're just simple exercises and some people are like oh you know that looks stupid if I'm gonna do this and sway or do things but it really has worked and I know many people that have gotten off wearing glasses by doing a lot of things from the Bates method and having a good diet so start there the Berkey story is BS I looked into it uh Linda and uh it's just some hacks they've already been you know put in their place so to speak berkey's not putting up with it uh so they got the you know stuff to back it up or whatever so can you move up off yeah certainly I can no kidding about the water where I live it's not drinkable it smells and smells like chlorine sometimes it comes out cloudy and drinkable not even for my pets how do I keep broccoli from giving me a terrible farts so it that let him cook it and see what happens and if it does bother you too much then maybe try something else another type of cruciferous vegetable you know you could go with kale or you could do radishes or you could do brussels sprouts and see how that is Rock lick Ranch I got Steve coming over this week and we're going to start cleaning up the front and setting up the Sawmill and then so after that we got to go to the Okie homesteading Expo y'all if you haven't got tickets yet you got to go to the Hokey homesteading Expo it's in Prior Oklahoma it's the best 25 bucks you can spend 25 bucks and you guys can get in listen to experts in their field Stacy and I will be there talking giving you guys The Rundown Shakedown and it's going to be a really good time and it's only 25 bucks it's in Prior Oklahoma I'm leaving a link for you right now in the comments section because I'm gonna get bored like that and we hope to see you guys out there we'll be talking but we're super accessible so we'll be answering your questions hanging out with you guys and the whole nine so please come to the Okie homesteading Expo and see us otherwise they might get mad because no one came to see us and they wanted us to come there to so people would come and see us oh and then also uh someone just left a great comment uh broccoli Sprouts so if you want the broccoli you could do the broccoli Sprouts when you're sprouting it's so so so much easier for you guys to digest too so if you're doing sprouting or micro greens they're just great okay so if you guys just showed up to the live show what we're talking about is the avocados are now being treated with a chemical called appeal and we listed off some of the you know side effects that they have to list on their data sheet and it ain't pretty and basically what it does is it tries to keep the avocado from drying out as fast and it turns it into a big mess Stacy did an experiment with it before we did this video so I thought it was ready I I looked at it and I thought it was ready to go and I go to squeeze it after it had been sitting for a couple days and I bought them bright green and hard and it was still hard oh there's a tick on me oh there's a tick on her y'all if you live in the country make sure you're doing your tick checks on The Daily because they can get you and mess you up and when you pull the tick off you it's good if it was inserted is that while you're at that Redmond link make sure you get some bentonite clay because you put the bentonite clay on the tick bite and it sucks all that poison and take poison out yeah it's great y'all please listen to Doug and Stacy from Redmond is just amazing for any spider bites for tick bites or poison ivy it is just wonderful we are not playing rashes it's just amazing mastitis for animals and women it's just been and I'm leaving the link for you right here we're getting rained on but we will not stop trying to bring you this information no one can stop us or nothing we are pretty serious man we are gonna we're trying to we're trying to bring you the information see we're not even getting abused we're trying to bring you the information so you can make an educated decision if you want to call me crazy and think we're crazy and whatever that's fine too but everything we're telling you guys is legit we might be off a little bit you know what I'm saying but it's legit lawyer and I are coming oh and if you guys uh sent me an email about coming to the homesteading live conference in Hannibal Missouri I'll be sending you guys out links for tickets to get your tickets um pretty soon here probably within this next week we're going to be at the Tulip Festival too if you can't go to Oklahoma in Orange City Iowa Orange City Iowa this next weekend yeah and we're going to be up there hanging out with you guys totally free we're just going up there to be hanging out with some friends and you know if you guys want to chat it up we'll be there as well you could come up take selfies ask us questions give us hugs swap biome oh and if you ever want to see where we're going to be because we're going to add more stuff it's on the events tab at our off grid with Doug and website someone wants to know what Homestead animal gang for your buck chicken easy keeper gives you eggs reproduces easy all you need is a rooster I mean you got food for Life high protein good cholesterol everything fat all of it man then you got bone broth to get you through the winter time when there's not enough sun outside chicken is yeah your the bones if you don't use the bones freeze them and then you can use them later to make bone broth out of you make chicken noodle soup use it the broth you can can it you can just use it make it when you make your Rices and your dishes I mean it is so helpful it's so wonderful so that's what yeah we pick chicken yeah there's five thousand people and only 3 000 thumbs up you slackers the thumbs up how can you defeat the New World Order when will you share your firewood stuff oh I told her I was just was I just talking about that I'm gonna get that as soon as we get done with the Okie Homestead thing I'm gonna light up the wood line that's what I'm calling it and we're gonna have another YouTube channel and so what I'm gonna do is as I'm leaving here with a load of wood I'll take you and show you the whole woodlot operation and that'll give you guys some ideas how you can make money off the grid for yourself simple okay and it's lit I got I got quite a process going on right now it's lit Doug where do you get your hat this is just from the Amish store uh that's where I get it it's pretty easy for me to get there I can't really sell them or nothing like that because they're so hard to ship they're goofy like that so you guys are just all different sizes yeah all right man so if you guys are just tuning in basically what we're trying to explain to you is Bill Gates is heavily involved with the company and they're putting a thing called Appeal on avocados from Walmart and a lot of the major grocers that were in on the covered lie okay and that's why they're in on this lie too and they're coating your food with it and you can read their data sheet that tells you all the stuff that's going on with it and it's super toxic and not good for your body if it gets on your skin you're supposed to wash it off with a lot of water and it's you know just do your homework and we're just trying to bring you the information technically like when they put herbicides and fungicides you know on your on the products I mean your the plant is going to absorb it yeah you can adjust it yeah why not grow it yourself eat local eat local right need your label see that's the thing we want you guys to do we're here in the grocery store to get avocados make sure it doesn't say a-p-e-e-l on the label yeah like this one this one does not say that this one says a-p-e-e-l so look they have it at many of the stores that I'm sure all of you are shopping yet and many of them are organic because they just want to preserve the life of this Karen mind your business trained derailment 30 miles from East Palestine not again seriously how long does pressure canned food last I don't know we don't can food around here we firm in food because canning kills there are some things that we can my wife should tell you that we do but most of the stuff that we do is fermenting because fermenting keeps the food alive and it keeps all the enzymes and everything good for your gut and that's why we spend all this time see all this work we put in grow 90 of our own food I don't want to kill our food and just have filler we're actually growing food to be our medicine and to nourish our bodies and the only way we can do that is by eating fermented food but pressure canning will last a few years oh it'll last a long time yeah you know what I mean like if you just need something in a couple years but I mean honestly if we I know people who had them for years I know they just won't hit the thumbs up I hear you I've asked them a couple times I'm done with it happy Mother's Day Stacy thank you she's the best mama on the planet that I know of oh wisteria made Stacy's purple no we're not even going to eat that appeal uh we just wanted to show you guys this thing I'm gonna open it up let's open it up no no I'll open up the other one it looks just like an avocado it smells just like an avocado everything about it looks like an avocado what are you doing it's like you're popping a zit it looks just like an avocado yeah we wouldn't eat that thing I won't even feed that to the chickens actually but well I will put it in the compost either that's another thing you guys got to look out for is if you're using food for compost like you got to be like wondering where they're getting the food from because if you just do a bunch of GMO food and make compost that's not good compost someone just asked me how many brand of beef Tallow do I use you guys can make get it so simple you just render down there's lots of videos on how to make Tallow you just render down fat so if you butch let's say you got a cow you went in and found a farmer and you bought a cow you know and then they took it to the processor and you got the cow which a lot of you guys should start doing if you're not doing it already it's very economical to get a quarter of a cow a half of a cow and that way have them save the fat for you and when you have the fat and it's frozen and you're ready to render you can render and make your own beef Tallow it's so simple Curtis when you heat up food over a hundred what is it it's like a hundred and something degrees then it kills all the enzymes in the food and that's just a fact it's a scientifical known proven straight up fact I mean you're going to get vitamins there's some stuff from it but it's not the good vibrant food so if I'm gonna have food storage and the purpose of that food store just to keep me healthy alert alive fresh right my skin good everything good then that's what I want to do I want to preserve the food in the best way that's going to nourish my body if I know that canning kills and I work so hard in this Garden I'm not going to can the food and that's the decision we made way back like I think we did one year worth of candy and it's still underneath our house I might show it to you one day but those are just the facts and once we learn more about the food we made a conscious decision to eat fresh like all of our food is fresh off the vine and then our food storage is the fermented food constantly we have fermented food vitamins too yes but if you're not going to get more bang for your body no so when I eat I prefer to have more fresh vegetables so when when you ferment like if I have green beans I'll make Dilly beans I have a little bit of that then maybe you have my meat I can have a salad or Sprouts or something potatoes or something so you know I just kind of do it like that there's a lot of fresh meat all of our Meats grass-fed no grains if you guys are buying beef or something no grain fed beef you know you don't want anyone finishing up these animals aren't made to eat the grains they're made to chew the cud like Leviticus 11 says it's so crazy they chew the cud and they have a split hoof it's good stuff do you trust local butcher if you don't see the farm you got to get to know the people you're buying yourself find out where the butcher if they give you someone's name you can call and talk to the farmer they're usually you know freeze-dried food is awesome but we live off grid so we can't really have one of those fancy freeze dryers but man that is like okay it'll keep the nutrition Al value in it right away and it'll last like 20 25 all you do is add the good water to it or a lot of treats you just you just go ahead and eat it so yes it is it's a wonderful way to preserve your stuff yeah if you're if your stuff doesn't have the sticker on it and I'm not sure if they can put Appeal on organic yes they can oh yes they can yeah y'all know they are they're putting you in the trick bag everywhere so it can have that on there if it's organic so just if you see that appeal sticker now you know what's going to happen the word's gonna get out on the street because y'all are sharp and you're going to share this video and they're going to change the name from global warming to climate I mean from uh appeal to something else to non-appeal because they always do the name game once you guys get but the little sticker looks very similar but you just sat on there it'll say appeal and when you go to the store you're going to be like oh my gosh yeah it is and that is true too like with what I've seen lately like especially the last three years Food and Drug Administration I don't really trust him no more man and when I show you these videos coming up this week I don't know man I mean I don't know you guys got to do your own thing but I can't trust it that's why we're growing all of this food and going through all of this trouble y'all and believe me that's why they have stores because this is work it's a lot of work okay it's a lot of work but the Bible says you shall be blessed he says you shall eat by the sweat of your brow yeah someone's asking what else is it on you know what I'm not I'm not I'm not exactly sure they started this in other countries like over in Africa like cassava root and all that and I this is I'm not up on I should look into it more on what else but they also have the invis appeal that they're putting on before like when it's in the field so I I have to do a lot more research but right now I know this is everywhere they're all over the place now everywhere so just read your avocado labels the high tunnel's done it's right there behind us see it it's right there isn't it beautiful would you miss part three y'all you YouTube is hiding our videos y'all are missing videos you are unsubscribed from our Channel because that's the way they do it and so you have to stay vigilant you have to stay on top of your own stuff and be be the captain of your own ship we will be at Las Vegas we're going to be here we're going to be there we're going to be everywhere and I'm waiting for our attorney to get back to us because we're talking to them about these giveaways and stuff because I don't want to get any trouble with this stuff I just want to bless you guys but I want to make sure I'm following the parameters that have been set before me by the government that threatens me with a cage because I do not do well in cages oh no we don't ever really deworm our sheep or anything we do natural stuff we rotate them they're katahdins they're a little heartier they have good grass we're moving them and we let nature do its thing if we lose one from a high worm load maybe it was weak anyway so you know it's just Nature's gonna take care of itself I do that too I give it to them like free choice I'll put them in or you can coat their if you want to give them oats we don't give ours oats but I'll mix it in with some of the Redmond salts I like the Redmond salt they do have the Redmond agriculture they have a great one that has garlic that helps with the fly load on them that's at the link I just provided yeah so if you want to get that uh the couple things that I do I like to get the salt on a rope it's a big block of salt that I hang for the horse don't drop it oh it's wonderful or if you have goats or anything they love it and the Sheep do we love the Sun Oven of course we recommend it love it love it love it love it and they're good patriotic folk over there unless you know something I don't know do you know anything about the huge complex in Lebanon for the elites after the Hell Breaks Loose I don't know I've heard that that you know underneath Colorado that's where the Queen's gonna go uh from England I mean there's so much stuff going on y'all but let's just concentrate on this food and let's just concentrate on our schools and our young people and then you know let's just start holding people accountable because that's what the problem is you know let's just quit being friends with our kids and be parents and then be friends now everyone's reading in their labels on their avocados no everyone's got it yes yes you guys didn't even know man Doug and Stacy just saved your life look what they're doing did it you know here you go no knowledge to you you know why you know they think you're dumb they literally all those folks and and these college you know folks they all just think we're just a bunch of dumb people we're just dumb and we can't run our lives this is the oldest socialist Marxist communist crap ever right because they think you're too stupid to run your life and they want to run it for you it's just it's still it's nothing new Under the Sun central banks and the central CBC nothing new Under the Sun and I'm going to show you guys this week the 1920s Russia was already doing it One bank for the people and the same bank was the Central Bank coming this week in videos I love this stuff man because this information will will set you free like out of this bondage of the system you know it's I'm just saying I can tell you from my life experience over the last several years she picked up avocados at the food bank from Mexico with the EMP on the label did it go off acid repel there's no such thing yeah no that's okay come on so basically when they say you have too much stuff you know you don't have enough stomach acid the thing is what you need to do with acid reflux is because of the little flap there and letting some of it come up and make you feel that in your I guess your throat so all you need to do is before you eat like 15 20 half an hour minutes before you eat have a little apple cider vinegar raw apple cider vinegar and some water and it could probably help you um to put more stomach acid into your belly because you need a stomach acid your stomach acid should be like between one and three which is like battery acid and most of us have diluted stomach acid maybe you're drinking too much water when you're eating and you're diluting the stomach acid you're drinking ice cold water that's even worse you know drink the water before you eat so when you eat you might only have a couple sips so that you will um you know no much water yeah to be able to digest your food better because that's what a lot of people do they get bloated they get acid reflux you're eating too fast digestion starts in your mouth make sure you chew it up because you're going to get an enzyme in your mouth that's going to help the first part of the digestion so when it goes down the stomach that it'll break down but if you're drinking too much water you just diluted all that stomach acid but it should be between one and three and so then the little flap opens up and then some of the acid comes up so that could be a really good easy fix making sure you chew your food really well and you know sit down when you're eating and just you know relax and try and see if that helps and then you can also look into do your research on the internet too but you know you can look into digestive enzymes um and you know kind of go from there and that could help you possibly you know right now if you're having an issue and then also if a lot of people are having any problems with that or going on and you have some stomach issues also you can do some research on slippery elm and see what you find on that too so slippery on so the topic of the video is they're putting a product called Appeal on avocados sold at Costco Walmart and bunches of other stores that I listed in the front Traders even this is a Bill Gates baby okay and it has a ton of bad stuff in it because they have to disclaim it on the data sheet and we're sharing the data sheet information with you guys earlier on in this video telling you what the stuff is and it's disgusting if it gets on your hands you're supposed to wash your hands off with like 500 gallons of water and stuff it's just it's crazy right and we're letting them pollute the food system right before our eyes and we're asking for labels so we can have conformed consent informed consent and we're being told to sit down and shut up and to eat this crappy food and don't say anything about it put your mask on get back in your house stay away from your friends don't see your parents and loved ones and do what we tell you to do and some of you guys have fallen for it and we're just here to try to be the other side saying get outside get some vitamin D hug your loved ones don't let anyone stand between you and your parents put them on your property if you can and take care of them that's your duty you know what I mean like don't put any foreign substances in your body don't eat stuff that you can't pronounce don't count on the government to save you because they're not here to save you they're here to hurt you they are into population control and you're not the Bible says to be fruitful and multiply they say kill it all off I mean it's all right there for you to see I'm flowing tonight you could drink the Soleil every day but you know you don't drink the Soleil every day you just put in the morning the first Spoonful in your water and that's it for the whole day no matter how much water you drink well unless you're sweating like if you're yeah sweating a lot or if you don't want to do this away just put a little pinch of the salt in there here's a great book for you guys don't listen to anything we say I mean I want you guys to always do your research we always tell you do your research there's a really good book called the salt fix the salt fix by Dr James d nicholon nickel Antonio Dr James d nickel Antonio the salt fix it's a great great book it will teach you all about the minerals and everything about salt what it does for the body and all that so do your research and look into it if you want to know how to make it just go to our videos and see the one that says my wife told me to drink this or just type in my wife told me to drink this off-grid dog and it'll pop up and the drink is called Soleil don't watch any elsebody else's video about it I'll just watch ours we need all the help we can get so we can get back to those giveaways because you guys are slacking on these views I'm just telling you right now so if you guys want to spend some time watching our old videos it really helps the channel we're going to be talking about the garden coming up and a lot more videos about the homestead and some ways you guys can even do things at your house like grow micro greens and everything we're going to walk you through all that stuff and try to provide you with as much information as we can because this stuff's not over y'all okay while you guys are doing your thing they are constantly working behind the scenes moving forward with their agenda and they're going to keep doing it I'm telling you guys right now please listen to what I'm telling you this is long game end of it and they're not stopping unless we make them and right now that's not happening and there's another bill that's coming up and it's about the food security it's about you being able to grow food on your own property I'll have more information about that Tom Massey was a sponsor on the bill you guys got to follow this stuff I'll try to do some of it for you but Tom Massey was a co-sponsor on a bill it's about being able to grow food it's about having your meat processors in your communities not have to jump through all these FDA hooky winky stuff that they're putting on the big processors that drag their sick cows over to be processed where in our facilities we're bringing cows from the pasture in and we don't need all this extra hoopla that they're trying to put on that so there's a bill coming up on that too and you know it's coming up soon I'm gonna have information on that this week I promise and you have to be involved with this stuff get involved tell your congressmen tell your people that you don't want this stuff and this stuff actually it still works if you get in their ear a little bit oh appeal says website someone says uh cray 73 are treating apples and limes with it too yeah and they're not even labeling it yeah see I don't what I don't like is I think how hard you know they just need to let you know when you're going to buy them we've tried that with the GMO food remember they've been genetically modifying food and corn and all this stuff and we've been fighting for labels and trying to get that stuff labeled for since like the 80s or something and that food is so unviable like it's so bad they had to turn it into gasoline and then put it into your cars y'all they actually had to create an industry out of it just because they were subsidizing the farmers and putting them in the trick bag with the Monsanto corn those are true facts you need to make your own uh I ordered your tea yesterday oh and we do have the rest and digest tea in stock right now and the chocolate tea and Stacy's cookbook fermenting book the off-grid booklet I was gonna drop you the homestead booklet tonight but I was just that close from finishing man so it'll probably be next week I'll have a sale for that going on a pre-sale because it'll be off to the printers uh and then that'll be ready for you guys and her book is almost done as well so we're trying to give you guys as much ammunition as we can for you to make educated decisions live us a healthier life right and to just you know kind of push back a little bit here and Courtney wants to know once me to touch more on why ice water is bad for you so when you're eating your food and you're drinking ice cold water because your body is what 98.6 degrees it's going into your your stomach and your stomach is waiting there for you to eat your food and it's got the stomach acid you know one it needs to be between 1.3 so then you're eating the food so the food is warm when it goes in and now it's going to drop in to ice cold water it kind of like sits there and freaks out because it's got to get warm again so that could cause you to have gas and bloating later on in the night possibly too and it's also going to dilute your stomach acid so that's why it's really important to drink your water so you're basically putting some good digestive enzymes if you have a little raw apple cider vinegar half an hour before you eat and a nice glass of water you're putting that water in the belly it's going to go on through because your colon also needs the water as a pump to push your poop out so a lot of people get constipated because they don't have enough water in their digestive tract in the colon especially so that way the water has time to go through there and then when you eat it's mostly for your food you're chewing it up really good and then if you need a little water to let it go down you can have a few sips but don't drink a lot and then you're going to wait you know an hour or two after you eat and then you can have a little water but that way you may notice your digestion is better you're absorbing your food better you're not having digestive problems as much I mean seriously just try some of these simple things they're free you know it doesn't cost anything to do these things and most of us have whacked out digestion anyway you know make sure you're sitting down not rushing and take this time to just really really yeah and make sure you listen to McGraw here Miguel he says to make sure you consult your doctors instead of us two quacks we're not doctors nor would we ever practice today well yeah do your own research right we're telling you straight business though the doctors are only telling you what big Pharma tells them to tell you so they can push more pills okay they don't learn about your body they only learn how to treat you know mask up problems that's what they're taught what is the tea I ordered the it's called rest and digest it's so if uh you can drink some after you eat a meal or if you're on the way to bed it's no caffeine we've sourced the finest organic herbs in North America to bring you guys the rest and digest tea and we're going to be adding a couple of more flavors for you guys at the OR at off-grid with Doug and and then you guys will be able to enjoy that tea can it's healing okay it helps your body this is ancient stuff tea if you get good tea is very very good for you and this chocolate tea has anthocyanins and it's it's mood enhancing good for you what else doesn't have that's good for you the one thing you know chocolate chocolate is good if it hasn't been processed and not made with soy lessons you know and they put the milk in it you know this is just from the the chocolate you know roasted Halls of you know the cacao and basically that's it and so it's very got a lot of nutrients in it magnesium and it's just loaded and it has theobromine which is a mood enhancer it's going to give you kind of effects of caffeine but it's not going to give you the Jitters and and that crash like caffeine will give you so it's just really good it does taste like chocolate and then you just put it especially with a splash of maple syrup in it it's off the chain we have a tea steeper too that we sell that works really good at stainless steel and uh you put that in there you can roll it around and it just it's off the chain coffee is not so good to drink on the daily because it has a diuretic in it it's a diuretic which means it squeezes the moisture [Music] same hat it's a diuretic here's the big thing especially if you're not drinking water a cup of coffee and it also depletes a lot of your minerals so they say you lose a lot more minerals when you drink coffee but make sure if you are drinking coffee that you're getting organic coffee because it's loaded with chemicals loaded with chemicals that you're ingesting so get a good type of coffee you can get organic coffee it's really not that expensive you can grind it yourself and then you'll have very fresh because if you get it in the whole bean form you're going to keep more of the nutritional value coffee does have a lot of benefits to it you just want to drink the whole pot and drink it in the morning or something don't be drinking it before you go to bed and has like a life yeah from like in the let's say it was 100 milligrams at nine o'clock at three o'clock it's going to be 45 milligrams and then you go again at nine o'clock at night so it's going to stay in you for a while so just make sure you drink it in the morning and you can have a cup of coffee that's okay but don't drink the whole the whole pot right you know good replacer is the chocolate tea from off-grid with Doug and Stacy well yeah if you're a heavy uh chocolate or coffee drinker you might want to cut back just a little bit on that and like I said it's a diuretic so if you're drinking tea coffee any of that some Mountain Dews and you're saying you're getting your water that way or not because like I say it's sucking the moisture out of your bones and your body how many days should I flip fermented garlic and should I leave the lid loose don't leave the lid loose you're gonna forget oh no it's fine you did this for a couple weeks it'll and then you can you'll just pop it and you can like let's say it's sitting there and and after the couple weeks and then you see it after a month you might pop it it'll pop a little bit more but it's not going to get explosive but the first couple weeks it's very active so make sure that you're burping it um uh the first couple weeks and then you can make it tight after that you should be fine and then if you see it once in a while you can pop it so if you guys just showed up we're trying to show you guys about the toxic avocados being sold at all the stores now Trader Joe's even Walmart Costco it has a product on it called appeal that's a Bill Gates baby um and it has a lot of problems [Music] you bring awareness to you guys and uh you know so you guys can make informed decisions when you're at the grocery store because even if you can't grow food like Stacy and myself and when you're out buying food if you're reading the labels you can make decisions that are good for your family right there on the spot if you can't pronounce it don't buy it don't eat it okay buy as local as you can if you live in America get the Redmond salt from Doug and Stacy's link and then uh wait hold on Judy just says theobromine also helps if you have asthma from a retired registered respiratory therapist so three overall mine is in the coffee the chocolate tea yes so yeah the label is just going to say what's it going to say what now say the label I know what I know I wasn't paying attention it says appeal appeal a-p-e-e-l yes it'll say it right on the label and watch out because now that everyone's getting hip they're going to switch it over to something else okay oh someone just asked if you could eat a whole jar of first no don't do that because you'll get very gassy and bloaty if you eat a whole food because basically you're putting you know start with a spoonful or two and then once you get used to doing it then maybe you might have a spoonful for breakfast maybe a spoon for a lunch and a spoonful at dinner you know you just kind of build up to it because basically you're putting good bacteria into your into your gut and it's going to be eating some of the bad bacteria too you know and kind of getting rid of them all so sometimes if you eat way too much it's like too much activity going on there so you don't want to do too much and anyway it's very concentrated that's the cool thing about it you know you can make a nice quart-sized jar of sauerkraut or something that'll last a while you know that'll last a little bit if you have a little bit you know every day and Evie I'm using our cell phone to broadcast the live show and that uh two signals that we just got sorry for the interruptions was telling me that I'm running out of data on my phone and then one was our printer guy saying something I don't know what he was saying something about things for something we hung out with him a little bit and I'm dressed up as Stacy was because we had dinner with moms moms came up from around the corner here and we just hung out and everything and Stacy and I were off trying to get ready for the Tulip Festival in or Orange Orange City Iowa will be there coming up to hang out with you guys and to see some tulips you know back in the day the Tulips man they had ten thousand hundred thousand dollar tulips tulips was like a big commodity man salt was a big commodity look at all the things that used to Warrant money you know warrant transactions and then stock up on those items history tells you a lot and there's nothing new Under the Sun that's why it's amazing to watch this go down in America because of all the people all of us should totally be aware of what's going down and not allow it but we've given over our schools get your kids out of schools that's one of the biggest scams I'm just on tonight boy it's all you parents out there saving up your money your hard-earned money and busting your hump right and then sending your kids to college so they can be indoctrinated and then the kids that can't you know go to college because they all have the money or the means they get the loans so they're indebted in servitude and they just go there and learn indoctrination and stuff these kids are coming out of these colleges they can't even tell you what year the Declaration of Independence was even signed it's so messed up y'all you can watch the videos all day long on YouTube too they're all in there for you to watch and someone was just asking about detoxing herbs and things with all the bad foods and stuff you know one of the easiest things that all of us can do and unfortunately now who the lemons will have to peel on it too you want to do it but if you get a nice organic lemon squeeze half of a lemon and some water you know maybe put a pinch of the Redmond salt in there and have a nice glass of water in the morning it's very detoxifying you know and very helpful for for your liver and then also look and do your research on milk thistle and then dandelion dandelions are amazing milk thistles very detoxifying for the liver so do your research onto that I like tell you guys just look into things do some studies and then that way you know you guys can be empowered and kind of learn some of this stuff and that concludes our 75-minute show for this evening as always thanks for hanging out with us you can go to offgrid with Doug and and the shop tab to pick up all things cool maybe grab a t-shirt or something support the channel otherwise we'll see you guys at the Oki homesteading Expo coming up on man it's like 10 days or something gee whiz like two weeks and then uh we're gonna be up in uh Iowa here if you guys want to come hang out with us there and then we'll uh let you guys know more places that we're going to be coming up I'll if you guys email me about tickets for Hannibal you will be getting an email soon about that with a link and I'll try to get that cleaned up right away and then we'll have more announcements coming on about our conference that we hold and then we'll have more places that will be live so you guys can come and ask us questions and see us in person and somebody asked milk kefir is amazing if you're a milk keeper keeper are great you get a lot of probiotics in that EMP on your stuff is a price code it's not really what the coding is so make sure you're looking and you see appeal if you see it and you guys quit buying that stuff and you leave it on the shelves like Bud Light they all have no choice but to change the label [Laughter] [Music] well you know what I mean that's the first step and at least we know we got them on the run a little bit all right you guys thanks for hanging out with us we'll catch you on the next video leave a comment down below if you knew about the appeal stuff they want to know where we're going to be in Oklahoma Prior Oklahoma get your 25 tickets at the Opie Homestead Expo you can type that in Google or you can go to our off grid hit our events Tab and we will be there all right man you guys are always a hoot to hanging out with and we appreciate you see on the next video see ya
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 344,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, cooking from scrtch, self sufficient, growing food, how to grow food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 24sec (4284 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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