No Knead Sourdough Bread Recipe - FAST and FOOLPROOF

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today I want to share with you how to make a fast and easy no need sourdough bread that's perfect for beginners and I also want to share a little tip with you about something that we all have in our pantries that you can add to your dough that will help give your bread a really nice rise hi sweet friends I'm Mary and welcome to Mary's nest where I teach traditional cooking skills for making nutrient-dense foods like sourdough bone broths ferments and more so if you enjoy learning about those things consider subscribing to my channel and don't forget to click on the little notification bell below that'll let you know every time I upload a new video today we're just gonna focus on making a very simple no need sourdough bread but in future videos I'm gonna be doing a lot more bread baking and I'm gonna bake with ancient grains like einkorn and Emmer many of you have been asking for that so definitely stay tuned for those future videos now this is a very simple recipe all you're gonna need are four ingredients your sourdough starter you're going to need some flour you can have bread flour or all-purpose flour some water and some salt and that's it now if you're completely new to sourdough and you don't even have a sourdough starter yet no problem at all I will link into in the AI cards above to the video where I show you how to make a foolproof sourdough starter it's very easy to make and you're going to start with rye flour now if you don't have rye flour don't worry the next best alternative is to use whole wheat flour which is usually pretty easy to find at the grocery store and then sort of the last resort so to speak is to use all-purpose flour but that can be a little harder to get a starter going but when you start with rye flour it's usually pretty much foolproof and don't worry if you say open your hand like rye flour I don't like rye bread no problem you're just using that rye flour to get your starter going and then I have another video which I'll link to in the AI cards and I'll also link to all of these in the description below in a but I'll put them in a playlist I another video where I show you how to transition that starter to just feeding it with all-purpose flour so eventually eventually in the end what you have is an all-purpose flour starter so you don't have to worry about oh I don't want to make rye bread or this that or the other thing I you're gonna make you're gonna get your starter going with rye flour and then you're going to transition it to feeding it with all-purpose flour and then eventually you know in a matter of time you know weeks or even less you're going to have a 100% all purposeful starter now this is my starter and I fed it last night I feed my starter every day and I always have a lot of sourdough starter because as if you've been with me for a while you know that I love to I don't discard my sourdough starter I love to use my sourdough my discarded sourdough starter to make various things like pancakes and flat breads and so on and so forth and I'll be sure to link to those in the I cards and in the description below but I fed this last night it's nice and bubbly I'll overlay a picture so you can see how bubbly that is and this did start once as a rye sourdough starter I I make why I start all my starters with rye flour and then I just transitioned to that transition them to whatever I want them to be and this has been transitioned to an all-purpose starter I just feed it every night with some all-purpose flour now what we're going to need for this recipe is just a half a cup of starter so I'm just going to scoop out and when I give this a little bit of a stir and I'm just going to scoop out try to do this as neat as possible a half a cup of the starter and I'm just going to go ahead and put that right into our bowl and this is a very easy recipe formula whatever you want to call it to remember because it's going to be one part sourdough starter two parts water and three parts flour and that's it and don't worry if you don't have a scale this is very forgiving so we've got our half a cup of starter in there and now I'm just going to pour my water in here and we're just going to do the two parts water which is basically one cup and now all we're going to do is give this a good whisk well now we're going to set the water and the sourdough mixture aside and we're gonna measure out our flour the best way when you're making bread to measure flour all right rather than the just sticking the the measuring cup into the flour bag or the flour container whatever you're using it's best to take a spoon and just scoop it into your measuring cup like this this way you're not compacting it and you're not getting too much flour and then when you get what looks like the right amount you can just use a knife to level it off and put it into your ball and we're going to use a total of three cups flour because remember it's a 1 to 3 ratio and I'll just go ahead and continue to measure out my 3 cups of flour and I'm using an organic bread flour but you can also use an all-purpose flour if that's what you've got well I've got my 3 cups of bread flour in here and to the flour I'm gonna add the salt I don't like to add the salt into the sourdough water mixture because I feel that the concentration of the salt in there might damage the sourdough starter and I just don't want to take any chances and now I'm just gonna whisk this all together to incorporate that salt very well and that was just one teaspoon of salt and it's just a sea salt and it's a fine ground sea salt I find that when it comes to making bread the fine ground sea salts work the best and the complete recipe with all the instructions and everything will be over on my website at Mary's nest com and I'll also put a link in the description below that'll take you right to this recipe page and I just made a little well nothing fancy in the middle of the flour and I'm just gonna go ahead and pour our sourdough starter water mixture in and now I'm just gonna take my hand and just start mixing this all together and it's nothing fancy you just want to keep working it until all of the dough all of the dough is moist and starts to come together and there you go you just want something like that it's going to just keep working it till it all comes together it's gonna be a little sticky that's perfect then we can just take our little bench scraper which I love I love this if you don't have one of these they're so terrific this is a little plastic pen scraper so it's very flexible and it was sent to me by my sweet friend Vicky over at Vicky's country home she's a wonderful Baker and I'm just gonna take this and just try to scrape down every little last bit around the ball and get that in onto our bread and a bench scraper works perfect or at least these plastic ones are perfect I just want to get every little last bit of that mixture and get that on to our bread and then that's it gave my hand a quick wash and now all we're gonna do is just take this towel and this is just one of my flour sack towels if you've seen me make bone broth you know I love these things I use them to strain the broth and if bone brothers something you're interested into a link in the iCard x' and you can watch some of the bone broth videos I have if you're interested in learning about that but all we're gonna do now is just cover this with this flour sack towel you can use dish towel tea towel whatever you have and we're just going to let that rest for about half an hour now while that's resting you want to go ahead and get a baking sheet and you just want to put a piece of parchment paper on it now in the beginning I mentioned that there's a special ingredient that we pretty much all have in our pantries that can help your bread rise especially when you're doing a sourdough and that secret ingredient is vinegar and this is just a homemade apple cider vinegar that I have raw with the mother and I can put a link in the iCard Zoar if I run out of them in the description below for how to make this homemade but adding about to this much dough about a tablespoon of vinegar will really help get a nice rise out of the bread now I'm not going to add that in today because I just want to make this with the basic four ingredients the starter the flour the water and the salt and that's it and then in another video I'll add the apple cider vinegar and then we'll compare and we'll see the difference in the two breads now another ingredient that you can add is this diastatic never go advertise that but basically it's just as it says on the front dry malt powder and this is from the Hoosier Hill farm and I'll put a link in the description below where you can find this this is basically barley that has been soaked and sprouted and dried and made into a powder and this also helps tremendously with getting a nice rise out of bread and we're doing a sourdough so I'm you know I'm specifically talking to that but if you're making any type of bread the apple cider vinegar or the barley malt will help tremendously to give you a nice rise and you don't use a lot you know it'd be a couple of teaspoons of this and maybe tablespoon of this and that's really all you need and speaking of barley malt powder since this is traditional foods cooking I just want to mention that this is sprouted barley and this is barley that's been soaked and sprouted and just stored like this and if I didn't have this I would just take some of this grind it in one of those little coffee mills and make my own so if that's something that interests you again I have a video on how to soak and sprout grains and then how to dry them and then how to turn them into flour and that's exactly you know what you can do with barley so if you decide you want to be a little adventurous you can make this homemade now I just want to mention one more thing about using vinegar the bacteria in sourdough in your sourdough starter is lactobacillus and the bacteria in vinegar is acetobacter and I think that's the pronunciation and so there are different types of bacteria but or good bacteria but both help with arise and if you ever want to experiment and make a sort of a mock sourdough bread that'll have the sourdough bread flavor but you've not really used a starter you can add vinegar and that will give it somewhat of that sour taste now speaking of the sour taste a lot of people say oh I don't like sourdough bread I like the benefits that sourdough bread brings you because it's easy to jet to digest and it contains good bacteria however the taste sometimes is too sour for me and that can be sometimes your starter is very sour sometimes maybe it's not so sour you know it's it's a living thing and it does change over time and sometimes people make a sourdough bread and they'll say oh it's so sour and they just don't like it but there's a way to fix that after this stage when we go to give our bread its final shaping at that point we can mix in a little baking soda and ice maker we can mix in a little baking soda and the baking soda will help tamp down that sour flavor so that's just a little tip and these are all little things that are sort of add-ons today we're just doing the basic simple sourdough which I highly recommend if you're a beginner to just start with this and we're going to do this in one day we're not going to do an overnight rise that's why it's fast so that you can become comfortable with making sourdough get a feel for what it feels like when you're shaping it and then get an idea of what it tastes like if you're new to home baked sourdough and then you'll know going forward gee do I want to give it a little more of a sour flavor I'll add a little vinegar do I want to tamp down the sour flavor of Mill and a little baking soda might I like to experiment with barley malt and so on and so forth so these are all things and we will definitely do these in future videos we'll experiment with all of these and I'll show you how the bread comes differently unfortunately I won't be able to have you tasted but you will do you should do this at home too and then you become more comfortable with sourdough and you start to know what flavors you like and how much salt you like today we just put a teaspoon in this which i think is sufficient but all of these things about traditional foods cooking often involve a little trial and error a little experimentation you know it's very much true with ferments it's very much true with cultured dairy and so this is the wonderful thing about making traditional foods is that there is some experimentation there's a lot of wiggle room and you can experiment and find exactly what you like well this has been resting for about thirty minutes so what we're going to do now is just take our board and flour it nicely and then we're going to bring this out and we're just going to give it a couple of folds and a nice shaping I'm just gonna dust a little flour on top so we can work with this and basically what we're going to do is just flatten it out a little bit and then we're going to fold it in half like this and then we're going to bring it over and fold it in half like this just like if you were folding a letter and then we're just going to do a side fold we're gonna fold it like this and then we're gonna fold it like this then we're gonna turn it over and we're just gonna gently try to shape it into a ball so you don't really need to work it a lot just keep going around like this until it seems pretty smooth and in kind of like a nice little ball like that then we're just going to move that to the side I guess a bowl with a flat bottom now we're gonna bring our baking sheet that we put the parchment paper on and we're just going to put some flour on this now if you want you can certainly use like a cornmeal if you want to be fancy like the bakeries or some wheat brand you know if you've got that on hand great but we'll just use some flour today since that's usually what we all have in our pantries and then we'll just sprinkle some flour on top so that nothing sticks give that a good little rub and then we'll take our flour sack towel again now we're just going to cover this and we're gonna let this rise for about an hour and a half to two hours and basically what you're looking for is double in size now I just want to talk about double in size because I saw the dough on my hands a lot of people get very worried about that when they're new to baking because they say Oh what is exactly Develin sizes at dublin sizer you know and then there are little tips for the finger poke test does it when you put your fingers in does it come out completely does it not come in does it come slightly in and so on and so forth and then this is a no need but if you're needing then there's the windowpane test where you take a little piece and you stretch it out to see if you can see through it and then you know you've needed enough and so on and so forth I think it can sound kind of complicated and almost sometimes feel a little intimidating because with the finger poke test you're like is this kind of coming back a little is it so yeah especially for a new Baker but I want to just let you in on a little secret it's not the end of the world if the bread is slightly under proofed it's not the end of the world if the bread is slightly over proved and if you stay within that hour and a half in the case of this recipe hour and a half to two hours it's gonna be fine if for any reason it was a little under proofed or it was a little over proofed it's not gonna make a significant difference in the final results and I know the people who are really true good experienced bakers and maybe even have bakeries they'll be like no no that's not true but for a home baker and your family is so happy or your friends or just yourself to have home baked bread the little bit of difference may be a 10 10 percent difference in the crumb one way or the other really to the novice is not gonna be significant people are just gonna be so happy to have home baked bread and it's gonna be delicious so don't worry too much about that and don't let that make you nervous and don't let that hold you back from making home baked bread because there's nothing like it it's just that the house smells wonderful it tastes delicious and the butter melts beautifully on it because you gotta put butter and but I just want to reassure you that don't get all wrapped up in is it doubled in size is it not quite you know it under proved over for 10 percent difference one way or the other it's really not good that's in my humble opinion so I don't want Joel yelling at me in the Commons but it's this is my humble opinion I don't feel that the difference if you're a little under or over proofed is significant when it comes to the benefit and the wonderfulness of just having home bake bread if it's not perfect I don't think most people are gonna notice so unless you have next-door to a baker but the bottom line is I think it's gonna be delicious and I just want you to bake bread and I don't want you to get nervous now I've put my covered dough aside and a nice warm place in my kitchen I'll let it rise for an hour and a half and that's when I'll check it if it looks great it'll be ready to bake if it looks like it needs to go a little longer to double in size then I'll let it go a little longer and keep checking it every 10 minutes or so and in the interim at one hour I'm gonna preheat my oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit and when I go to preheat my oven at 500 degrees Fahrenheit I'll also put my Dutch oven in into the cold oven preheat it to 500 degrees Fahrenheit and let that come up to temp and be nice and hot so that when my bread is ready to go into the oven the oven is nice and hot Micra cast-iron Dutch oven is nice and hot and then I'll remove the lid with a pot holder and then we'll put the bread into the Dutch oven will cover it and we'll put that into the oven and let it bake 30 minutes covered about 10 minutes uncovered now don't worry if you don't have a Dutch oven you've got options you can use a stainless steel pot that has a lid or if you have nothing with a lid that's fine too if you have a cast-iron frying pan you can put your bread right into that and bake it uncovered or any type of ovenproof frying pan or baking pan whatever you may have you can use there are slight variations if you bake the bread covered versus if you bake it uncovered but it's still going to come out great so it's really just a matter using some type of vessel that is ovenproof and that it's ovenproof to 500 degrees Fahrenheit while my bread rose for about an hour and a half and it looks beautiful now the next thing we want to do is you want to get a sharp knife or if you have a Lum it's a like a handle with a razor blade on the end it's a french baking tool and you can score bread with it it's very sharp but I'm just going to use a sharp knife today because I think this is what most folks have and you just want to make some little marks whatever pattern you decide is fine I'm just going to put a big one right down the middle just score it like that and the reason that's nice to do this is you don't have to but then the bread when it bakes will just crack in any pattern that it wants to this way it kind of cracks according to how you want it to and then I think what I'll do is I'll do one like this coming down that way one coming down like this and I think that'll be perfect let's do that a little deeper perfect I think that'll look cute now we're gonna work fast I took my pot out of the oven and I've got it preheated you know it's up to 500 degrees now very hot look at that take the lid off and then in goes our bread we don't have to do anything fancy we'll just put it right in with the parchment paper perfect and then we'll just take our lid here sometimes people get fancy and do a little spray with water to make some steam but I think this is gonna be just fine okay I've got the lid on I've got my oven door open I'm gonna go quickly and put this in look at this gloriousness I'll take a close-up picture so that you can see it and I'll overlay it this is beautiful now I had it in the 500 degree oven for 30 minutes exactly with the lid on and I took the lid off at 30 minutes and I'll overlay I took a picture when I took the lid off and I'll overlay that so you can see what the bread looked at 30 minutes with the lid on it looked quite lovely but I took the lid off just for that last five to 10 minutes of browning and what I did was I watched it very closely because when I took the lid off it looked quite good and I didn't feel it was gonna need another 10 minutes with the lid off and it didn't it only needed at about 5 minutes so when you take the lid off if it looks nicely browned just give it a few more minutes with the lid off well the parchment paper the pot is still quite hot but the parchment paper has cooled enough that I can take it out and put it on a rack to cool I've just got a little cooling rack here look at that gloriousness ah well we'll let that cool a little bit and then we'll cut into it and see how the crumb is well I remove the parchment paper to just let it aerate a little better and cool a little quicker and I just want you to hear this any other oh it's beautifully done well I can't wait till it cools and we slice into it and I just want to share one tip with you if you're new to baking bread a wonderful tip once you can handle it and it's not too hot to see if it's done is to tap the bottom here that how it sounds hollow then you know it's done inside and it'll be beautiful look at this gloriousness I can't stop saying that I'm so happy with how it came out look at that let me pick it up look at that beautiful little loaf it's just perfect and see this you can do in one day this is what I love about this you don't need to put it in the fridge and let it rise overnight or on the counter overnight you just make a small loaf with three cups of flour and you can have bread sourdough the same day well now we have to cut this I can't wait I've let it cool it's still a little warm but I let it cool enough I think and I'm gonna cut it right down the middle so we can see how the crumb is ah listen to that listen to that Oh oh my goodness look at this beautiful mess look at this glorious bread this is so soft and tender I love it and yet the crust nice and crunchy well let's give this a slice and a taste well I made a nice cut a nice slice here and I took a close-up picture which I'll overlay it's you can see it's got just the right amount of nooks and crannies not too much so that the butter falls through just enough so let's put good speaking of butter let's put a little butter on this unfortunately I didn't take this out I don't think early enough so it might still be a little hard to spread on but I think this is just going to be a wonderful taste test ah the butter is fighting me all righty let's see how this is mmm I don't know if you can hear the crust it's so crunchy mm-hmm and the bread is so tender and flavorful not overly sour on just the right amount of sour this is delicious I'm so pleased with it I really hope you'll give this fast no need sourdough bread a try it's delicious and it's so easy and if you'd like to learn more about how to make traditional nutrient-dense foods be sure to subscribe to my channel and then click on this video over here where I show you how to make my foolproof sourdough starter and I'll see you over there in my Texas Hill Country kitchen love and God bless [Music]
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 318,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no knead bread, sourdough, sourdough bread, no knead sourdough, sourdough bread recipe, sourdough bread recipes, no knead sourdough bread, no knead sourdough bread recipe, No Knead Sourdough Bread Recipe - FAST and FOOLPROOF, fast no knead bread, fast no knead sourdough bread, foolproof sourdough, foolproof sourdough bread, foolproof sourdough bread recipe, how to make sourdough, how to make sourdough bread, bread recipe, bread recipes, marys nest, marysnest
Id: lgGT2eOcfeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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