No Excuses - The Handwriting on the Wall

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oh what is up church by the glades wow it's good to see you thanks for being here thanks for logging on right now man this is my favorite weekends of the year we got a lot of stuff happening this weekend it's we're going to continue our series called no excuses uh it's about the idea that even in life when your excuse is credible it's not bogus there's really something substantial in your life that's negative if you fixate and focus on the negative you'll miss out you miss out on god given opportunity god-given potential daniel in the bible had every valid excuse to leave a limited life but he doesn't his life is exemplary it's extraordinary we'll be in daniel chapter five in just a moment so it's no excuses uh we'll continue to continue this study for two more weeks uh scott williams in the house next week man he's a church by the glades favorite don't miss scott next week fourth of july after that uh let's see also this weekend we celebrate juneteenth in fact it's now a national holiday i think it's really cool if you're not sure exactly what juneteenth is but on my instagram i posted an explanation that i shared in a fourth of july service here a couple years ago and uh the basics is you know of course lincoln emancipated the slaves in january of 1863 but that was not recognized or received in confederate states it's only after the battles were fought and the war was won that all the slaves received their freedom the most remote state slave state was texas and those slaves were freed june 19th 1865 for for two and a half years later and so any time people are emancipated i know some people resist this being a national holiday i would say any any time gosh anytime people stop treating other people like property that's something to celebrate amen so it's juneteenth weekend and then finally my brothers finally men this is father's day weekend at church by the glades man weekend no no i want you to give it up for all your brothers i want to celebrate all the men in the house right now ready one two three give it up for the men put a fist bump in the chat so i always try to engage the men now ladies look you're brilliant and you're beautiful and you're strong and you're smart and this will be relevant for you but we do infuse a little extra testosterone this weekend so man we can we do some dumb man stuff give away briskets and things got random cars on the stage why because we're men and muscle cars are cool so it's gonna be a fun weekend and finally i'm teaching daniel chapter five and on a personal level this is exciting for me because i've never taught this story before you may not know the book of daniel has some of the best stories in all the bible sure the old testament daniel and the lion's den shadrach meshach and abednego in the fiery furnace by the way i'll cover that on fourth of july weekend because if you think about it those three young hebrews are practicing civil disobedience non-violent protest and so i think it fits really well for fourth of july by the way another great week in a church by the glades don't miss fourth of july weekend and uh so anyways but this story is one i've never taught on why because it's it's wonderful and it's weird in daniel chapter five uh in the midst of this kind of party at the palace a disembodied supernatural hand kind of shows up and writes a message on the plaster of the palace wall about the future of the kingdom of babylon so it's kind of it's kind of weird and creepy and spooky i probably should cover this in october sometime but the expression the writing is on the wall you've heard that before the handwriting's on the wall the expression we use for something that that is imminent it's gonna happen and it's probably negative or disastrous comes from this story daniel chapter five so open up your bible turn on your bible watch it online glad you're with us washington of our prison one of our brothers watching in prison right now give it up for our brothers washington prison all across the country via the pando app there are many ways to study the word of god my favorite is verse by verse little verse by first through daniel chapter five it's a long chapter so i won't read every verse but your homework is read read the whole chapter sometime this week it's a great story let me set it up this way so uh there's a new king in daniel chapter five his name is belle chazar belshazzo when i say three shout out the name bell shazar ready why i say three one two three belle chaser and he's the new guy he's young we probably think he's like the equivalent of a gen z or a millennial he's the new king now he's followed a line of kings his grandfather's nebuchadnezzar he's the one that actually built the babylonian empire by the way i say babylonian empire think babylon think uh think these words babylon think big and brilliant and brutal and brief this massive empire didn't last very long just several kings a few decades and this is the final king belshazzar by the way his name in babylonian means we believe baal that's a pagan deity bell is my protector or bell protect the kings that's what his name means and he's the new king but this guy he's inherited everything he ain't built jack but he feels secure in daniel chapter five why well actually the persian army is right outside the gate the persian army has a city surrounded but the babylonians according to herodias and ancient greek historian the walls of the capital of babylon were so massive he claims there were 330 feet tall now that has to be historical hyperbole because that's that's a football field plus two end zones but even they were half that size these walls are massive and her audience tells us they were so wide 85 feet across the top they race chariots around the wall on top of the wall there's 250 watchtowers soldiers they have moats and canals and other considerations so so belshazzar he's feeling so secure and he's feeling himself he decides in the first couple verses to throw a party i don't mean like a nice little dinner party with his wife and another couple no no i mean like a banger i mean a rave i mean a drunken frat party of all drunken frat parties the bible says there's over a thousand guests his lords his entourage his other rulers uh says his wives his wife that's a problem you have wives his wife and then his concubines on top of that and they're drinking the wine and the wine evidently is the good stuff because in verse two he has this terrible idea verse two is on the screen it says verse two what belshazzar was drinking his wine he gave orders to bring in the gold and silver goblets that nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple in jerusalem and the king and his nobles and wives and cocky might might dream you get what's taking place here so many decades before the babylonians had conquered israel they destroyed the wall they decimated the temple and they took as plunder some of the sacred items from the temple among the sacred items are these these these goblets these these glasses made of gold and silver and old old belt belts are feeling his wine ever make bad decisions when you're feeling your wine all right he makes this bad decision hey i think it'd be fun to have my my babylonian bimbos drink booze out of these god goblets let me preach this verse be careful ever taking something sacred and using it for a secular purpose be careful you ever take something that god dedicates or claims for his own and you take it use for a lesser cause don't ever take something holy and use it for something don't you ever take something sacred use it for something selfish or secular now i don't mind doing the opposite in fact i love church by the glades when we take something secular and use it for something sacred we do that all the time around here if you're new to our church i love doing things like take secular music or a secular movie or something trending in secular secular culture and we take that we pray with that we baptize that right and we take that and use that as a connection as we teach to bring someone to the gospel i love to use secular culture to bring people to the sacred word of god do that all day long guess what that's biblical it says in psalm 24 verse 1 god speaking he says the earth is the lord's and everything in it god's saying it's all minds all mind so use anything you want not sure the idea of secular is even a biblical idea so i'm fine taking secular and running to the sacred but be careful if you take something that's sacred and use it for a secular purpose like he's drinking of these these sacred goblets and his drunken party well david i would never do that i mean who would do that's ridiculous who would ever take something like holy like from church and use it christian the bible says the tithe is holy into god the tithe that part of the income that god requires us requires us to give back to him that we give to the house of god we we bring oh if you're watching online they're so quiet right now as they stare at me the tithe belongs to god and we're called to bring the tithe as an offering to the house of god and the tithe is defined as something holy so here's the question have you taken something holy and are you using that for your own selfish or secular purpose have you transformed god's tithe into your new testament be careful be careful the bible says if you take the tithe you are robbing god under a curse if you wonder why you struggle financially have you taken something sacred and are using it for a secular purpose i'll move on because they're really quiet right now so the next verse next verse verse three they do this very thing this stupid thing they start drinking and partying drinking their booze out of these sacred goblets and even worse they give credit to the wrong god they give credit to the little g gods look who says in verse 4 verse 4 is on the screen right now interesting as they drank the wine they praised the god small g of gold and silver bronze iron wood and stone this is the biblical sin of idolatry it violates two and a half of the ten commandments it's a big sin the sin of idolatry and you're thinking well at least i've never done that one dave i've never done i've never never committed now the line yeah maybe a few times coveting but i i've never murdered anybody or committed the cinematology funny well you know i think the sin of idolatry is alive and well now granted ain't nobody set up a little mesopotamian pagan statue in the backyard and had a barbecue sacrificed animal no one's done that we don't do it that way but idolatry is not just that worship is not just what we pray to or sing about or raise our worship is that thing you fixate on what you worship is what you seek for satisfaction to sustain you that that focus that that chief ruling passion those are all synonyms for worship and i think the sin of idolatry is sadly alive and well the devil's not very creative he just rebrands old sins so let's kind of look at this verse right here the gods of gold silver bronze iron let's break those out so the gods of gold and silver do you think people still worship the gods of gold and silver wealth money all about the bling bling kaching right all about fixate on that fix it oh yeah that sins alive and well um stone and wood those are the materials of construction or building the babylonians were famous builders their engineering was incredible the hanging gardens of babylon nebuchadnezzar built one of the ancient wonders of the world they were so good at engineering under those massive walls they actually channeled underground and aqueduct the euphrates river so they had a water supply all the time so in this circumstance in chapter five the persians are outside they had food for a decade massive walls and unceasing water supply they were all about building but people today same thing the gods of building construction people are all about building what their reputation building their resume building their fame building their influence and how about the gods of bronze and iron okay these are not precious metals but the metals used in the technology of making weapons if you study anthropology ancient history the bronze age the bronze age is the time in human history where they're not making bronze furniture right they're making bronze weapons after that is the iron age iron's a better technology better weapons so like in the book of first samuel the philistines had the ability to make iron weapons the hebrews did not so the philistines had an advantage you think people today don't fixate and focus on technology quest for power the devil has just taken that old sin of idolatry and rebranded it mess you up so here's old belshazzar getting wasted having this banger this rave praising the wrong gods well verse 5 verse 5. god gets his attention how interesting verse 5 it says suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall near the lampstand in the royal palace the king watched as the hand wrote verse six i love beautiful biblical detail verse six this is great his face turned pale everybody said his face turned white now he's not a white boy he's he's from the near middle east uh babylon's in modern-day iraq iran so he had brownish skin well somebody sees this man the the pigment fades from his skin he looks like a pale blue-eyed decap sipping white boy when this happens and it says it says more detail um see and he was so frightened that his knees knocked with his knees knocked i'm gonna circle back around to that and then it says and then his legs gave way the physicality now i'm not sure what happens his legs gives way older more exacting translations say the joints of his loins were loosed not sure what that means i think he was so frightened he had to change his drawers when this was over you with me the bible said he freaked out his knees were knocking his knees were knocking his knees can we talk about the knees please for a moment because i love the juxtaposition of the knees in chapter 5 where this man who has power and influence and an entourage and walls and chariots and armor he's freaked out because he has no relationship with god but if you look at the next chapter chapter 6 daniel has a very clear relationship with god he's under pressure why there's a rule you can't pray to anyone but the king be recognized that violates a law for a hebrew so he drops to his knees in chapter 6 verse 10 and prays to god like he's done his whole life you back up to chapter three shadrach meshach and abed bendigo are commanded to worship the statue nebuchadnezzar has sent up but they will not bow their knees to the statue will you look at the knees please you see sometimes life is hard sometimes life is tough sometimes we'll put the beat down on you and sometimes life will knock you to your knees but christian even knocked to your knees you are good christian when you're not to your knees you are fine when you're not your knees you're in perfect position what to pray because on our knees we fight back on our knees we fight best oh we're good on our knees but belshazzar his knees are knocking knees pale change your shorts but he has the staff remember these guys had these these dream prognosticators the interpreting teams had these wise men and astronomers he calls all these these young guys in been trained like can you interpret this like we got nothing he's baffled he's panicked he's concerned what does what's this message on the wall i can't read the language what what have someone decipher this for me well verse 10 verse 10 is on the screen right now guys it changes on verse 10. someone shows up to save the day ready one two three the i know it's man weekend i know it's me but brother sometimes you need to listen to your queen need to listen to your queen right ladies the man she has wisdom and insight and intelligence you need to slow your role listen to your queen so the queen by the way who is not at the party the queen hearing the voice of the king and the nobles came into the banquet hall oh king live forever same way lisa talks to me oh king live forever and don't be i'm just kidding just kidding don't be she's not here by the way i wouldn't say it she's here don't look so pale and then she says i gotta solve i got to solve verse 11. there's a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him get ready in the time of your father big idea time of your father he was found to have insights and intelligence and wisdom like that of the gods now verse 12 is daniel's resume this is why daniel had an extraordinary career though he'd been trafficked as a boy those in a new culture didn't know the land or the protocol he rises by chapter two he's a teenager he's a young leader but he's the prime minister so he's very successful and he has longevity big big deal because in this court you didn't have natural longevity no one gets vested right no one has tenure you got to show your value every day and by the way there's been transition from king to king the king and he keeps his job so why is he so successful over the decades because when this story happens they go get him we believe based on the chronology of these different kings he's probably at this point maybe in his 60s or 70s or 80s he's probably semi-retired he probably lives in sarasota florida in a condo on the beach you with me he probably enjoys a good early bird and they go get him why because he's the fixer and the queen says here's his resume look what he does verse 12 is on the screen behind me it says this man daniel your father found had a keen mind and knowledge and understanding and also the ability to interpret dreams explain riddles quite the resume can i tell you guys something i like to do with a verse like this that's just so rich and so textured i'll read it in one translation then i got my phone on go to you version i hope you have downloaded the free app u version on your phone if you don't have youversion on your phone on your smartphone you might not be smart enough to own a smartphone because it has multiple translations the bible's free you version download it today and a verse like this i'll just check out the same version different translations see and see synonyms for the same ideas here written in aramaic originally and so as i did that you know where the words understanding is in this niv translation another translation said he has the ability to dissolve doubt dissolve doubt that's a helpful person when you have an issue that's fuzzy that someone can advise you they dissolve the doubt for me our executive pastor pastor raul was super smart dear friend since he was in high school and we'll have an issue here at church sometimes i'm not sure he's a or b it's all his noise he just has that ability to cut through static and make clear choices daniel's that kind of guy and there it says in this translation uh interpret dreams explain riddles one translation says explain enigmas i don't know what that means but if i'm calling you i'm checking your references oh by the way she is wonderful explaining enigmas you got the job right i mean smart but here's why he's so valuable here's why it is continued his queer goes on so long as one king transitions to the next in the next chapter one kingdom transitions it and they keep him it's like it's like when the republicans lose the white house and the democrats they keep one guy because they don't care about his politics he's just so good able to solve difficult problems your value to your organization hinges on your ability to rightly appraise diagnose and to solve difficult problems stop running from your problems run towards your problems your problems are opportunities in disguise and the people who get paid have the ability to solve difficult problems your compensation hinges on this i'm helping somebody out like my first ever job when i was 16 i worked at a little local rent-a-car company by the airport here in fort lauderdale and my job the problem was to take dirty cars and make them clean cars all by hand sadly a lot of hard work a lot of sweat but that was the problem to solve dirty cars to clean cars right guess what i was pretty good at what they paid me minimum wage why that's not a hard problem doesn't require a lot of brain power to figure that out you put yourself in a position where the problems are difficult you get good at solving those and they keep you around they pay you more if they won't pay you well somebody else will daniel was the guy who solved the problems love that go get daniel go to sarasota he's the fixer he'll get it done he'll solve the problem right so he he rolls in i love this by the way and his boss is much younger than him but he's polite he's respectful you read the whole chapter he rolls in and in like verse 16 the ball says hey if you can explain this this is writing on the wall for me i know what it means my staff doesn't know what it means if you explain that i'll give you a promotion mr daniel and i i'll give you riches and daniel where else is panicked he's poised well they're freaking out man he's cool he says verse 17. then daniel answered the king you can keep your gifts for yourself give your rewards to someone else nevertheless i will read the writing for the king and tell him what it all means ready verse 18. get ready to read o king the most high god gave your father is that on the screen y'all give me the next slides please please please please tech team taking verse 18 on the screen verse 18 on the screen do the computers freeze up tech issues oh man weekend that's not even allowed all right just trust me verse 18 says o king the most high god gave your father say the word father one two three father nebuchadnezzar sovereignty and greatness and glory and splendor so he saw nebuchadnezzar in chapter one two three and four he was the one who actually built the empire he's the guy that actually got things done and won the wars and built the walls this new guy built the shazar he's this entitled young guy but nebuchadnezzar got it all done but remember the story heather preached on this in chapter four when nebuchadnezzar looked around his kingdom one day i thought i'm the man look at me look at these walls look at this palace look at my glory and god said yeah you think you're the man and he was so full of himself god took away his sanity he was so focused on it he lost his mind and he suffered from a condition called poe anthropy where this great king took off his royal robes and left his palace and went to a field and grew his hair along and allowed no one to trim his beard and his fingernails got long he was filthy because he thought himself to be a cow it's a real thing and he lived out for months like like a wild animal wouldn't allow anybody to speak to him or bathe him and and finally one moment just with a glimpse of clarity he looked to heaven and said god forgive me i thought i'm the man i don't even act like a man right now give me back my mind you deserve the glory now i love this i love that i'm not sure about the slide or not but he tells that story because belt of shazaar he says belt to shazar he says verse verse 22 but you his son o belshazzar have not humbled yourself though you knew all this what he's saying and says hey hey you knew the story about your father you did not learn from your father men we must learn from our fathers one generation needs to learn from the next because there's a sad tendency in human history if the first generation is dysfunctional rather learning from the dysfunction we just recycle the same dysfunction for ourself and our children we must learn from our fathers it has been said if there's anything we learn from history we don't learn from history let me add an addendum there anything we learn from family history sadly we don't learn from family history and so uh i think it's vital we need to learn from our fathers they're good examples they're bad examples so i i've never done this my dad passed away six and a half years ago and if there's one thing i i do well in life i do a good job picking parents my mom and dad good godly people my mom was in the room last night sat there in row number two she turns 90 this week and my mom and dad used to sit in those two seats right there right right there in the corner of the room those are sacred seats right there and they would come every saturday night and come back to at least traditional service on sunday morning if i said nice things about my dad he'd show up all weekend long and my dad would call me uh every saturday night and say the same thing you say son the raspberry son that's the best sermon you ever preached that's the best sermon and they say i know i tell you that every week but it really was and if your dad was absent or difficult or a jerk i just wish you could borrow my dad i wish i could give you my dad and so if you allow me i just want to share this five you know it's about a mystical hand there's five fingers on your hand can i share briefly briefly five things that i learned from my father five things number one i would say church when i say three shout the word church one two three okay for my dad he led our family to church for us church was a protected value he didn't drop us off at church we didn't occasionally go to church no without family there sunday morning sunday night wednesday night tuesday night visitation we were in church if the doors were open he brought us to church there was no conversation debate about church we went to church dad made that decision for us the same way i didn't choose in third grade whether or not i want to go to elementary school he made the choice we went to church you probably think well your dad probably grew up in church now my mom grew up in church my dad's family never went to church but he brought us to church you should value church thank you for being here today a lot of guys they are watching golf or sleeping in or fishing i love all this stuff but you're you're in the house of god uh hey if you're watching online thank you for watching the line great way this is a wonderful supplement to church but right now i love you you're plugged in unless you're in prison campus but if you're watching right now from nebraska or nepal uh you need to find a local church and go connect with real life people we're doing that now we're about we're a mask if you want to in these rooms by the way if you're in south florida and i've been back to church you can sit in the corners have no one around you for 20 seats but get back to church you know you'll you'll make the effort if it's something you value i'm talking about a value dad valued church it was a protective fact let me prove the point i did this last night was kind of fun okay honesty time be honest in the house of god how many of you here in south florida i think the lockdown shelter in place is like five months so here's the question how many of you during the five months during the shelter and play stay at home work from home don't leave don't go out have you found a way to go to a professional to have your haircuts or style raise your hand come on you're lying in church who went who found a way you crept to your barber you slid into your style hands up be proud be proud yeah no judge yeah right right awesome you found what you were supposed to yeah i did too i did too my hair was looking just so nasty i found a way to sneak to my barber and get that done i shouldn't have but i did all right um listen some of you watched online you did that but right now you've not been back to church you find a way to make the things you value happen so what's more important your hair or your hearts the holy spirit or your hair style it's time to come back to church number two second finger just simply character character my dad was honest my dad was trustworthy his word was his bond he didn't need a contract he'd shake your hand my dad wasn't perfect but my dad was kind my dad was hard-working my dad was so sacrificed daniel is a story about a man with impeccable character or integrity integrity is a great word integrity means you know to be trustworthy or to have wholeness wholeness you you can't have integrity you know every other day you gotta have it all the time it doesn't work so say the third thing my dad i would say he was consistent my dad was the same guy at church as he was at home as he was coaching my flag football team a very very consistent guy his coworkers said the same same good man honest man at work and that's critical consistent is a big thing in life it is a superpower okay thank you ryan the only person that grieves me is ryan all right if you and i brother it's okay you've been working your sobriety for over 10 years every day consistently it's a superpower you see let me drill down this for a moment because some of us were just inconsistent wonder why we don't get better results you want to get healthy i clean up my diet you can't eat healthy every other day it won't work i need to start exercising i'll exercise every other week you won't get much in the way of results i need to be healthier financially you can have good financial decisions for every day in the month but one and go bankrupt in the one bad day i'll be faithful to my wife 364 days a year you taking that ladies no being faithful when it's not consistent it's not being faithful at all and so listen even we're talking about dads and parentings kind of the big canopy today uh i found this in life my dad was very consistent with the way he would establish boundaries for us and enforce lovingly those boundaries and i found for kids if we set rules for our kids but we're inconsistent with enforcing or protecting those rules and boundaries it frustrates the kids they tend to have authority issues with us okay if you're watching online like like three people going let me prove the point again honesty time thank you for the honesty about your hair who's ever ever been speeding and got pulled over who's ever been speeding and pulled over okay who's ever been speeding and did not get pulled over should be every hand okay all right now think about it when you get pulled over don't don't raise your hand dude you get frustrated at the cop like stupid cop cop this cop has authority issues man i can't believe she pulled me over okay you know what you're frustrated at you you're frustrated because all the times you got away with it all the times you were down the same street you know just this fast and there wasn't a cop there you got to wait there but there's one time you get pulled over and you misplace your frustration on the cop stupid cop right by contrast if if we made cars in america in such a way that the moment you went like two miles over the speed limit your car would go into autopilot and pull you over to the side of the road right the shoulder and then it would shut off and it would not re-engage or start the engines you pulled out your debit card and you swiped and it took 200 from your account every time what would happen was well number one you stopped speeding you would never speed and if you did speed you'd be frustrated who yourself i can't believe i did that stupid me so with your kids because they'll they will test you won't they they will test you establish the boundary and in a loving consistent way protect the boundary and then i wrote down before my my dad my dad continues yes my dad passed away six and a half years ago but my dad is more alive today than he's ever been my dad is with the king my dad is in heaven i will see my dad again and uh that makes me happy and if you do my dad i don't know they i had a picture of my dad you have the picture of my dad i think i have a picture to go up i have a picture of my dad that's what my dad looked like late in his life but he didn't look like in heaven heaven he has like abs and his hair like fabio maybe he has dreads i don't know why and he has definitely met and been with jesus and he's probably drank coffee with moses and talked football with the apostle paul and i know this uh we i've i have four siblings but my i have a sister only live two days and um i know he spent the last six years with her and she's gonna be with my dad and listen and he continues not because he coached my little league or not because he worked hard not because he told he didn't he's not even heaven because he went to church he's in heaven because as a young adult newly married to my mom at the end of the service they had prayer partners he walked forward and told the pastor i need to give my heart to christ and he prayed a prayer and he was saved and that day his sins were forgiven and he was qualified for heaven and the holy spirit came to be given as living his life and that day fifth and finally he was changed the bible says when you're saved you become a new creation in christ and so he was changed now my dad was my mom was a pretty good guy before all that he wasn't like crazy drug dealing guy and all of a sudden but we are changed and one thing he changed was because somebody's listening like well david i didn't have your dad man i didn't have that good example my dad was a disaster my dad was a train wreck my dad i wish my dad was not my life he was so bad i had a bad dad i get it but my dad did not have my dad my grandfather i met him late in life he was he was a sweet man he'd become a christian he was very kind but until i was full-grown my dad told me well the man he grew up with was not the grandfather i knew he'd been changed by god he said my dad my father speaking he said my dad was not a bad guy but he battled addiction really bad alcoholism and to the point where he would drink up the whole paycheck and me and my brothers wouldn't have food and it was it was bad bad bad he and my mom had tension and i thought wow that never touched my generation my dad changed the trajectory of a family and the brokenness and dysfunction that he grew up with never touched us you could be that person you can be that one chain breaker that can be you that can be you it takes courage whether you're old or young so belshazzar is young and and again so there's some weird words written on the wall that writes you can read chapter five i'll tell you what the words are the words are men a and tickle and pearson and you read the definition but basically god's saying hey guess what babylon i'm done because the real question the book of daniel is not the issue of lions dens or fiery furnaces the real question in daniel's who's in charge who's running the universe because it seems like the babylonian gods are in charge because babylon defeated israel but god the god of heaven says no no no no i raised up babylon and i'm going to take you down in just a moment because yours is a wicked slave-making kingdom and that happened historians tell us this very night in chapter 5 why belshazzar is having his drunken party the persians outside with their engineers redirect the euphrates river and the underground aquifer that tunnel becomes an underground avenue and their army comes in and they wipe out the babylonians and they assassinate bill chazard that night because god says guess what i'm loving and i'm merciful but my patience will come to an end and guess what this kingdom has been wicked and it's not baal who's in charge how are the gods of stone and wood and gold and silver working for you now belshazzar whose name means baal will protect me use your final night because you've been wicked and assumptive i'm taking you out and the marginalized will go home and the captives will be set free jesus wants to set somebody free today it's a man it's a woman's boy or girl but jesus wants to emancipate you set you free holistically in every way you can be set free set you free spiritually set you free relationally set your free potentially set you free habitually set you free financially whom the son has set free is free indeed but you got to make a move you got to man up make that decision i'm gonna pray the prayer partners will be here at the edge of the stage father god thank you so much for this great example actually an example of a man who did not learn from his father's and he missed his moment but daniel by contrast though marginalized and victimize and traffic he has no excuse and he serves his god with integrity and courage and passion i pray you'd raise up a generation of daniels you do it now in jesus name amen
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 766
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun
Id: uwq8Wcw6Xe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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