No Excuses - The Power of Proximity

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what up what up what up what up what up church by the glades what's happening i didn't know when to come out here but uh i didn't want to make any excuses and so i just decided to uh decided to wait i want to start by welcoming everybody join us all around the world online uh so glad that you guys are here with someone welcome to lake worth campus i know we got day ci we got homestead uh man so glad you guys are all with us here today we're going to have some fun today and for those of you guys that may be new my name is scott williams i'm a kind of a guest but i'm kind of like an adopted family member into a church by the glades family and i love it when i come here you guys are awesome you guys are like my best friends on instagram like you guys are great i love church by the glaze folks you guys are amazing it's a little bit about me like to my wife and i in august we're celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary and so that is crazy it's awesome like 20 years wow and also this is new thing that we're celebrating we are officially empty nesters you know what i'm saying so like i don't even know what that means like it's crazy like so like just to give you exactly like so my our youngest son jayden williams like he just graduated from high school he graduated from high school on literally so on may 27th and he left to go up for college football on may 31st so literally had four days of summer with him and so my wife she didn't know what to do with herself that she was crying she's still crying and facetiming every day and so it's awesome so but we're excited for this next season of life for him and then our oldest son wesley williams he actually just graduated from college graduated from the university of oklahoma and he will be going into dental school in the fall and so this summer he's doing like all like the pre-like dental stuff and he's doing like the certified dental assistant things like build his his resume for dental school and all that and so i'm trying to encourage him to go into cosmetic dentistry because a brother wants some of those real cool veneers you know what i'm saying like like hook a brother up it's going to be free right i can't wait it's so it's exciting let's go but i love my kids and we don't know what to do with ourselves during this next season we're trying to figure it out and so if anybody there are like officially like empty nesters you have any advice for us just uh holler at me after the service and let me know but we're gonna have some fun today like diving into god's word we're in this seventh week of this series no excuses and next week pastor david is going to wrap it up it's amazing here's after eight weeks of a series on no excuses you shouldn't have what i'm just saying like that'll preach itself right there but um but i really feel like i'd be remiss if i didn't just take a moment to uh to be able to make mention and pray for those that are affected by the condo collapse in miami for those of you guys that are watching online this is really close to i mean 30 40 minutes from where we are right now and i'll just tell you someone who uh you know the oklahoma city bombing very similar numbers and what you guys are experiencing right now i'm again i just i just know where i was at that moment and so for you guys you're going to always remember where you were and so man just make sure that you're praying for you know all the workers all the family members and everybody man like it's just times like this where you know the body of christ and believers we got to pray for strength we got to pray for comfort for those that are going through something really really really really tough and that's why we got to go to god's word i mean in times like this and in times like any time we got to go to god's word because that's where it's at and that's one thing i love about church by the glades it's about literally about jesus and his word and i remember i first started coming here like several years ago and after mike made my third time preaching i was in the back and i was talking to pastor dave one thing i love about pastor dave number one he's brilliant amazing preacher and here's i like to say this about charlie too i used to always say like charlie's a really good young preacher no that kid is a flat out just good preacher i'm telling you man like but the apple don't fall too far from the tree so we know where he gets it from he's got good genes and so anyway like but like so i'm sitting there thinking like oh you're back in the back one time he's talking he's like he's like scott he's just gonna tell you he said you are like a a young billy graham repackaged and i get it for me like that's one of like the ultimate call he just kind of said it casually and it's something that stuck with me and sometimes that's what people do they will plant a seed and they don't realize it was just a comet for them but it's something that really impacted me by showing hands how do you guys know who billy graham is you've heard of billy graham okay many of you have and i'll just go ahead like billy graham is like like he's the dude he was like the pastor to pass he was the evangelist of all evangelists i mean like billy graham in 1957 he sold out madison square garden 16 weeks in a row i mean they may just unheard of like his impact his reach and he was ahead of his time as far as you know what's going on with culture and how he looks at things like he was it was just he's ridiculously amazing and there's so many grass so i started doing research on billy graham to find out more about him and his life absolutely phenomenal and one of the more recent stories that i heard is there's a story actually kind of later on in his years when he was finishing up a tour a kind of a weekend crusade here in like east florida right and so one thing he liked to do is like he liked to you know he always get to the airport early like very regiment and disciplined and and so he called for his limo driver several hours earlier to come pick him up and again so he's getting a little bit older in asia so the limo driver shows up and billy graham he gets in he says hey he says um you know i've been in lots of places i've done lots of things in my life but the one thing that i've never done is i've never driven a limo and he's like you know the driver's like okay he's like uh he's like like i'd really would would it be okay if i were to drive the limo and he's like well no he said but dr graham insisted so he said okay so he let billy graham like get in the limo so the stories that billy graham they jump up on i-95 and literally the driver said that billy graham punched it so they're on i-95 and dr graham is going 90 miles an hour right so he said he's rolling he said you're sitting back and then next thing you know they see the lights and a highway patrol is pulling over billy graham with the driver in the back right and so so the driver goes up and he says you know sir i see your license and registration please and he looks he says oh he says he's you know he's no i said i was going over the speed limit give me a ticket like he's like no no sir he said just give me one second so he goes back to his car and he radios and he says i need to speak to a supervisor like well i says well because i have a very important person that's pulled over and he's like well like okay so they get the lieutenant he's like well who do you have pulled over he said he said he said he's a very important person like he was going 20 miles an hour over i just want to know what i should do he said well who is he said is it is it governor jeb bush and he's like no sir he more important than that he says are you saying so is it is it president bush he said no sir more important than that and he said we'll say well well who is it then he says i don't know i think it's jesus because billy graham is his driver [Applause] in florida folks you know what i was saying so that sets the stage for the time that we're going to look at in scripture today we're going to we're going to talk about jesus today and we're going to look at mark's uh the gospel of mark and it's the shortest gospel and i just want to kind of give you some context so it's written to a group of gentiles who are literally in the context of you know the roman empire when they're under extreme persecution and challenge and so when you're going through something really really serious like you don't need the the lengthy words of luke the physician you don't need the words of matthew the tax collector you need to keep it 100 really shorten brief words of who of mark and so mark was the evangelist and so he kept it short he kept it 100 and so what happened is so jesus the context of jesus had been out in galilee and he'd been you know on his journey he had been performing miracles he had been healing people a disease people had fevers he broke fevers i mean the crowds were hearing about all this success that jesus was having right so we're hearing about all this success so everybody wanted to get close to him the crowds were getting so large that he really couldn't even do the ministry in the manner that he wanted to do it because the crowds got so big and they got so big and and people were winning and people were having success and those so they were excited and they're trying to get to jesus and so they're looking so jesus continued on his journey so he decided to go to on to a north fishing village on the northern shore of the sea of galilee and i actually got to see this area where i went to about a year and a half ago i got a chance to go to israel with i took a bunch of young pastors from around the country there and it's just amazing when you see it because you're walking and you're seeing where jesus walked and you're seeing peter's house and you're seeing the sea of galilee and got a chance to get baptized in the jordan river and so it's like they tell you like everybody needs to take this trip because it's like the bible in 3d and so i was able to see this area where jesus was on his journey where he went to capernaum and where he was and and he goes the next thing you know he says he's preaching and then the crowds hear about him and and they want to come be in front of him because people had needs and they heard about this man named jesus and so we're going to look at mark 2 verse 1 through 12. i'll read it in its entirety we'll come back and unpack it a few verses at a time is it okay we just preach god's word today is it okay that we just preach god's word today come on online put something there in the comments because i don't think they heard me is it okay that we just preach god's word today all right here we go verse one here's what it says a few days later when jesus again entered capernaum the people heard that he had come home this is home now right they gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left not even outside the door and he preached the word to them that's key some men came bringing him a paralyzed man carried by four of them since he could not get to jesus because of the crowd they made an opening in the roof above jesus by digging through it and lowered the mat and the man was lying on when jesus saw their faith he said to the paralyzed man son your sins are forgiven now some teachers of the law were sitting there thinking to themselves why does this fellow talk like that he's blaspheming who can forgive sins but god alone immediately jesus knew in his spirit that this is what they were thinking in their hearts and he said to them why are you thinking these things which is easier to say to the paralyzed man your sins are forgiven or to say get up take up your mat and walk but i want you to know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sin so he said to the man i tell you get up take up your mat and go home he got up took up his mat and walked out in full view of them all this amazed everyone they praised god saying we have never seen anything like this this is a message about proximity this is a mess about the proximity that they had to the people the proximity that they had to jesus and really that's the message for every single one of us it's a message about proximity they heard that that jesus was performing all these miracles that people were winning so they want to do what they wanted to get close to jesus even if they were just outside the door and proximity matters and so it kind of reminds me of like this thing right here what is this call yeah that's not a trick question yeah it's a metal detector right and so what this metal detector does like right now it's not going to beat because there's no what there's no metal but if i get in proximity to the metals guess what it goes off and so right kinda but anyway but like that's that's the person but like so these medals as i was leaving the house today i don't know what's going on but anyway i grabbed a few medals i grabbed some of my wife's medals she saw me in there like getting the boys like what are you doing like don't worry about his first sermon illustration then she saw me go where all of her trophies and medals were she's like scott don't take none of my stuff i don't trust you like they think i lose everything not that i've lost like three pair of glasses in the last three trips i'm just saying but anyway like and so this was like her medal from when she won one of the the big bodybuilding competition before she came a pro and this is my son wesley this is his medal when he actually won the national championship in power lifting and these are some of jaden's medals this year in track so in the he compete in the shot put he won every single meet until he got to state and we got to state like the competition got greater and and what i wish is he would have the same competition that he had in state all season because he got better and that's what we got to understand we got to make sure that we're surrounding myself with people that are going to challenge us and that are going to elevate our game because if we stay in the same circles and we're always the smartest the best the biggest the fastest the strongest in the room guess what we're not going to get any better and so when we're talking about one thing i always tell my boys i want to get them environments where they can learn to compete i remember early on in their sports careers like we were we lived in the suburbs right and so they were dominating everybody in the suburbs right we decided you know what we're going to sign them up for a league in the hood all of a sudden they weren't dominating when they went to the hood i'm just saying and so you got to make sure that you elevate the level of competition and one thing i know is that like my wife she trains at a gym where people are hyper competitive because she wants to see other people that are really serious about their competing their competition and things that they were doing and so that's what we have to do we got to make sure that we're doing that and one thing about people that get medals if you look at everybody that's on the podium if you look in the nba everybody's in the playoffs now those are people that were competing at a high level and so again like you got to make sure that we got to learn to be metal detectors i'm not talking about metal with the t with the d in other words we got to detect people that are about winning people that are about going somewhere whether it's in business whether it's in sports whether it's in relationships we got to make sure that we're in proximity of people who are trying to win so again the first thing if you're taking notes yeah you can you can clap for that so i'm going to share the three keys to unlock the power of proximity the first thing you're taking notes you can write this down is this you got to have proximity to the right people everybody say right people so you got to have proximity to the right people that's key again let's look at verse one through three a few days later when jesus entered capernaum the people heard that he had come they gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left not even outside the door and what did he do he preached the word that sounds familiar right pastor david says that all the time he preached the word to them and then how many says some men came bringing him a paralyzed man how many carried by how many carried by four of them so it sets the stage there's a group of people that are out there there's four homies that are bringing their friend to jesus and all we know is that like they call this man by his condition they call him the paralyzed man they don't call him john or bob we're going to go ahead and give him a name he was on the mat i'm assuming his name was matt exactly so we got matt that's on the mat and we got these four guys they're bringing him to jesus i mean think about this and so they're bringing him to jesus they're they're they kind of think like him being like on a like on a gurney like he had some sort of a palsy or something so they're bringing him to jesus i'm thinking about this man that's on this mat i'm thinking he was paralyzed and he was stuck there and all this man was paralyzed and stuck there that's kind of situation for many of us many of us you're sitting there right now and you're paralyzed and stuck in that situation that situation of negative beliefs that situation of relationships that are not honoring god that situation of lying that situation of sliding to inappropriate dms that situation of mental health that situation of prescription drugs that situation of all the negativity and you're laying on the mat and you're not doing anything i mean some of you guys know my story i used to work in in prison system i was a prison warden and and i've been out of the system out of the system my people that date ci and homestead holler at your boy i'm saying like but i've been out of the system for a number of years and so i remember that it was just probably four months ago i had met with the governor the state of oklahoma about five months ago and he was you know they we have a pardon and parole board every state has one constitutionally and so you're basically the board that makes the decision on a whether a person is receives parole which means they've met so much percent of their time said they got 20 years and they met a third of their time so now they're going to do this many years so that's the a that's a parole right and you got some people that what they call they're going to pardon them in other words we're going to forgive everything that you did and they said here another thing you can do is what you can actually basically you can take and you can commute their sin so they got 20 years the laws have changed so we're going to drop that 20 down to 11 now or 10. and so we're the board that makes that decision right and so i remember we had a recent board meeting and we're sitting there and all these different inmates will come up and one that really stuck out to me was it was an inmate i'll just share it's a public meeting so i'm not sharing anything that's private but it was a inmate would just call him lou so his inmate named lou and they bring lou up and he was at the last facility that i led and so kind of you see all the backgrounds you know the surroundings the environments that you remember when i was a prison warden and they brought louie and he began to share a little bit of a story and so lou had been in prison for 34 years he got locked up in seriously like 19 i'm not very good with math 1987 right 1987 and we get to tell a story he said he the internet wasn't even out when he was locked up he learned how to turn on his first computer in the prison system and he was talking about his stories he was getting close to being able to parole and they were like he's like what changed for he said well here's like i just knew that i needed to do some things because i was hanging around the wrong people like i get the things that i did wrong but i made wrong decisions because i was hanging out with the wrong people in other words he was in proximity to the wrong people and many of you like if you look back at those moments where you found yourself in a bad relationship in a bad situation in a bad whatever nine times out of ten it's because you're in proximity of the wrong people and so the question for you is what do you do to get in front of the right people because proper people lead to proper places and leads to proper things and so maybe you're sitting there like you're not with proper people and so so many of you like what what are you what are you going to do like what are you going to change and think about this man that was paralyzed like we don't know like what got him to the point of saying i need to be brought to jesus either a he's like man like i've had enough of this amen will y'all can y'all help me get to jesus or it could be a situation he's like man forget i don't i've been paralyzed forever i don't even want to try but he had four friends that were willing to come to him and say no we we heard about jesus we think we can get you in front of him so you got to think of where you are in this situation maybe you're there and you're like man i've tried everything or maybe you're the person that needs to go to a friend or family member and say no we got you let us get you to recovery let us help you find a job let us find you a man that will honor you in a relationship so the question for you is what is your mat is it complacency depression anxiety is it gossip is it unforgiveness is it bad relationship what is it then the better question is is like these four guys that were carrying jesus imma call them the core four like who was your core four who was the four people that if you know that you were in need they were going to take you to a situation that's going to honor god that's going to try to get you to ge i want you to think about that right now i mean some of you are saying right now well like i just want to be in a relationship i just want to find a man that honors god and whatever you're not going to find him at the club real quick online and in this room by showing hands just it's okay just man if you're single and you're like man i want to find a godly partner if you're male or female just raise your hand right now just raise your hand right now keep them up keep them up and everybody turn around look around look around at one another i'm just saying like that's how it's got to happen it's going to happen right here in church you'll just some of y'all like hey man did you have your hand up third row third row third third row and ladies when you date a guy like sometimes you got to just take a a metal detector to them you know what i'm saying like they walk up they start talking that talk he like uh uh ain't no winning here you know what i'm saying you you ain't even on the podium you playing video games all day you talking about what you gonna do and i'm telling you like if you want to know who somebody is like they will often tell you but you don't want to listen cause like you got those relationships those situations like oh man this ain't gonna work out right oh no but he's changed he's changed he's looking for a job it's a pandemic second thing if you're taking notes is this you gotta have proximity to the right places everybody say places so we think about this house like the structure of this house like imagine like the way these homes were built it would be like these beams across the top and they would lay like limbs and all these things and put mud and thatch it was almost like even like a clay-like structure but the roofs were also like they were flat so it would almost be like a deck so like imagine like our modern day like decks that we have right and so we got these decks and they have that and and you know you kind of go and then you have like a they have like a little ladder that would get you up there and so they people go out there and hang out on the deck so like that's the the foundation of what you have with this roof and so we're talking about places like this was literally the crowd was trying to get there they were trying to get to jesus many of them were in there and they were hearing from jesus or verse 4 as the bible says since they could not get to him why because of the crowd and that's why i love when like people like well your church is too big like i don't want to go to your church because it's crowded because it's too big because the parking guess what when jesus in the house people show up that's why you got to tell them like our church no perfect people allowed yeah it's going gonna be packed because you know why because we preach the word of god and so here's what the bible goes on to say they made an opening in the roof above jesus by doing what by digging my friend sometimes i don't care what you're facing you got to just keep on digging i mean you find yourself in places that may be at work and and like they don't know jesus and they only know the work version of you and you want them to know the real version of you but you don't know what to do you got to keep digging and you got to be willing to share this is who i am you know it because that conversation that you have about who you are and how you follow jesus may just be the thing that the people in that place needs and next thing you know one person can change one person they can't change one person and then next thing you know the situation is different it's a different place [Applause] they were digging through it and lowered the man on the map that was lying on when jesus was when jesus saw their faith notice he didn't say when he saw the man on the mat's faith he said when he saw their faith we don't know where he's talking about all of their faith whether he's talking about the four guys faith because the man didn't have any faith whether he saw all of their faith all i know is that some of you guys the only reason you're having the blessing breakthrough that you are it's because the faith of some friends and family members that's been helping you carry your math and jesus saw their faith and some of you guys have the faith that jesus needs to see for your kid for your work for your family for your friends for your parents that don't know jesus if one thing that we know is that life is not guaranteed and you're holding you you're holding on to the truth you're holding on to the key but you're not sharing it he said to the paralyzed man son your sins are forgiven now some teach the law who are sitting there what they were doing what thinking to themselves why does this fellow i love fellow why does this fellow talk like that he's blaspheming who can forgive sins but god alone you think about this like you got to be able you one thing about this story is that being in the right places allows you to run the right races and some of you like the reason why you're not able to run the race that god wants you to run is because you're not in the right place but this man was in the right place the place where jesus was at and so these dudes are like hey man like y'all ain't y'all don't see us carrying this doom and carrying my long time we tired y'all gonna open the door and y'all gonna move out the way you know everybody know how people are same way all day no man going around man we we've been waiting all day for this dude do you see we carrying to do anyway whatever let's go back here like i think what we can do like is go so they go to the back and they go and they start digging and scholars will tell you that the house they were in some scholars say it was a house that jesus set up in his house some scholars say that it was it was peter's house and so again so like and one thing about if you look at matthew's gospel he shares this story but he doesn't share the part about the roof he doesn't share the part about them digging in the room i'm not hating on matthew but that's an important part of the story like what we got to understand because we want to see the instagram version we think that it just happened we think that they just started winning we think that they were just successful on the field we think that they were just successful in business we think that this church just blew up no but there's a process i'm telling you if you find somebody that was successful i'll show you some people that's been doing what they've been digging and they've been digging and they've been digging and they've been digging [Applause] how are you digging and so they're sitting there and thinking about the places that you're at are you in places of faith-filled environments because because places matter there's difference between a book club and a strip club and pornhub each of those places will take you somewhere i mean you guys are in the right place those you're online you're in the right place today as well you're in the the house of god and that's where they were trying to get to these faith-filled environments with faith-filled people jesus saw their faith so faith is what's important and so they're looking like yo jesus a gay man no i know you said like do we we're dropping him down here what are you what are you talking about like like what what are you doing like we dropping this to god down do you see this guy do you see what he's got going on i need you to pay attention to what's happening but but but jesus what everybody said he said he knew what they were thinking right he knew what the guys were thinking i don't know if you guys have ever thought this but i've always thought man what if people knew what i was thinking that'd be rough right you know what i'm saying like and so but but jesus doesn't know what we're thinking and that's why this says in second corinthians we should what we should capture every thought and make it obedient to christ and so in other words we think it that negative thought we capture it make it obedient to christ and the better you get you think the gospel thought you think the negative thought and next thing okay i capture that and then i move on and the distance between when you think it and when you capture it when you close that gap that's when you know you're having success like some of you guys it may not hit you to the next morning after you made that bad decision right but if you captured the thought you wouldn't even get to the bad decision what is it what thoughts do you need to capture because jesus said he said i knew what they were thinking the last thing if you're taking notes is this and this is when we'll have the the band come out and play behind me to make me sound more spiritual it's also when i'll get my bishop t.d jakes on and white man that's what you get for preaching in a hoodie jesus knows my thoughts i mean that's what i was thinking some might as well say it captured it make it obedient to christ right i'll just take y'all's time man we just you see the clock okay back to what i was saying okay you got to what you last thing you got to do if you're taking notes is this proximity to the right things so it's pretty simple proximity to the right people places and things this is not difficult we make it a whole lot harder than it is but what are you in proximity to who are you in proximity to what places are you in proximity to verse eight immediately jesus knew in his spirit this is what they were thinking in their hearts and he said to them why are you thinking these things in other words why are you thinking these things that are not of god like your thoughts are negative you're not even coming to it with a genuine spirit which is easier to say to the paralyzed man your sins are forgiven or to say get up take up your mat and walk but i want you to know that what that who the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins so he said to the man i tell you get up take up your mat and go home he got up took up his mat and walked out in full view of them all and this amazed everyone and they praised god saying we have never seen anything like this he was on the mat but because he had he was proximity to jesus he walked in with something that was carrying him and next thing you know he walked out and he was carrying the things that was carrying him and many of you you walked in here with some stuff that you're carrying today some difficult stuff some hard stuff some old baggage and somebody maybe somebody took advantage of you i don't know what it is but you're holding all this stuff it's been it's been keeping you paralyzed your business failed you got a divorce and maybe you don't think you can find another godly husband or wife or you know what you're really not on fire for god you're just kind of going through the motions and it's a wait for you when you get close to jesus and you're in proximity to the things of jesus you begin to sense things differently in doors that were once closed you get close to them and next to you know you'll go and and your senses will be different you'll go in and you'll know when it's when it's beeping you'll know when that relationship is right you'll know when those people are right and you go in and you don't sense anything i got to keep it moving like you've got to because many times you know but you don't want to act on it some of you guys right now you're in a relationship right now you know it's not honoring god and and god's going to speak to you and you got to make a decision are you going to keep walking around it's not a winning situation or are you going to make a move and so again proximity to the things of jesus matter i love the stories that it's not showing the the little kids at the feet of jesus jesus it's showing the flipping over the table saying look i know you're saying that nobody can can forgive his sins but the son of man nobody can forgive him but this but the son of god nobody can forgive him but god i'm letting you know yeah i am him as a matter of fact y'all better ask somebody about me did you not hear what i did in the last city you better look at my resume you better pull me up on linkedin i was healing all kind of people back there this is who i am look look on my story like jesus was letting him know he put him on notice and so i'm telling you that's important the keys of proximity will open up the doors of purpose many of you are not stepping into your purpose because you're not in proximity to the right people places and things you know i told you i sit on the parole board and you know i told you lou the inmate that we were we're interviewing and as we were talking to lou against a five-person board and one of our board members is a former judge retired judge for many years and he generally do a lot of the you know the follow-up questions when we're just kind of asking like what happened because one thing about the prison system is that a pretty good indicator whether someone's going to be successful outside of prison is what they do inside of prison because everything you can do out here you can do in there you can have weed you can have cell phones you can make bad decisions all of it it's all there right but there's a point where an inmate makes a decision and choice and so we're talking to lou and we look and judge said well i look at your your jacket and your nose his folder i see that you had a history about 23 or 24 25 misconduct i mean those are riders basically like almost like a crime on the outs and he says but then there's about five years ago he's like something changed all of a sudden you hadn't had any misconduct in the last five years and i'll never forget what lou said he said he said sir um what changed for me is i went to this this faith and character program and it was something about it changed but then what really hit me was this he said my brother hitchhiked from montana we're in oklahoma mind you hitchhike from montana and he came to me and he said i just wanted to to put this bible in your hand to tell you that i love you and that your sins are forgiven he said jesus has forgiven you and he said that's what changed it for me [Applause] and i'm thinking like that's it that's the story and then normally like the judge always closes there anything else that you would like the board to know before we we make a vote and normally they'll go on with something about the case and how they was wrongfully convicted and he said no the only thing that i ask is please so many did 34 years and you know we voted a favorable vote it was a unanimous 5-0 vote to to parole lou and but i think about lou's story and i'm thinking like that's the the story that was for many of us because like what he said was like when he was trying to to get with the right people because you can hang with the wrong people in prison and he said in order to get in the right places i just had to stay out the way and he said what i had to do is i had to just dig deep because you have to work hard to stay away from the negativity because it may just be in the in the cell right next to you you got to work hard so he said i had to dig deep and that's reminded sometimes we got to dig deep and we got to dig deep and we got to keep on digging and we got to keep on digging and we got to keep on fighting this man fight for 34 years some of you guys you haven't had success in six weeks and you've given up you gotta how long do you think this man was paralyzed but who are the four people that are gonna be willing to bring you to the feet of jesus i don't know what it is for you maybe you're sick stage four cancer mom dad maybe it's the faith you need to have just keep digging maybe your marriage is hanging on by a thread just keep digging maybe maybe they said you weren't good enough and you weren't gonna have the success just keep digging maybe maybe even looking for a job and just all these doors keep closing just keep digging because guess what when a door closes when the crowd is there there's an opportunity if you will stay in proximity to the right people to the right places and to the right things guess what jesus gonna say i know that door is closed but i got a secret entrance for you and all you got to do is be willing to take the ladder and to get up on this route because we're going to raise the roof we're going to open some doors of opportunity i don't know what you're facing today i don't know what your family's face today but what jesus is saying i want you just to do what i want you to keep on digging what are you facing today whatever you came in here with today i want you to keep on digging that door is closed i want you to keep on digging they counted you out i want you to keep on digging you got mental health issues i want you to keep on digging you got depression i want you to keep on digging you're looking for a godly man or a godly woman i want you to keep on digging you're scared of colvin i want you to keep on digging your faith has been fractured because the thing you see going on in the world i want you to keep on digging you want to start that business i want you to keep on digging [Music] all you got to do is just keep digging let's pray father i thank you so much for every single person that's in this room god and god i don't know the details of all of everybody that's in here god but i know that you do you know that the thoughts that we're thinking god and i i see there's couples in here god i just pray that you put a hedge of protection around them in their marriages god i i see those that are seeking godly husband to wife i pray that man that they would meet somebody this week that would be the beginning of something special i see kids that have run away from you god that they draw closer to you this week i say people that have lots of questions about faith and what this really means that lord that you would reveal it to them this week god i pray that people reveal who their core for are god i pray that they would ask themselves who can they be one of the core for for somebody god i just pray blessing i pray breakthrough and i pray for a group of people at church by the glade that will just keep on digging in jesus name we pray amen and amen come on let's give it up for jesus come on let's give it up for king jesus today come on you can do better now let's give it up for jesus i love you guys god bless you
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 1,120
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun
Id: v9pEOuErpRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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