Sounds Complicated - Family Room (Part Two)

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what is up church by the glades wow hey give it up for our musicians i mean come on [Applause] some churches i'm not being judgmental or critical but you know it's kind of a sleepy experience kind of a dull experience not here there's somebody near you asleep in check-a-pulse check the pulse they probably had a stroke you probably lost them hey welcome to church by the glades uh the best songs are about relationships because relationships are the best part of life the most intriguing part of life and sometimes the most complicated part of life so in a relationship series right now the bible is the ultimate relationship manual i'm so glad you're here whether you're watching online give it up for our online campus glad you guys are watching all around the world hey invite somebody right now very important conversation i want to pick up where i left off last week and talk about family relationships family relationships now single people stay plugged in don't log off we've got something very special for you in just a couple moments but i talked about last week using something jesus a teaching technique that he loved called a parable a parable is a creative illustration about things that uh that are recognizable and relevant that people connect with like he'd talk about things his culture would connect with like farmers and fields kings and their kingdoms fishermen and fish family room i want to talk to you about a family room because like if you're like me we have a living room but we seldom live in the living room we have a dining room we almost never dine in the dining room but we do family in the family room who's about the same way you do family in the family room that's where you're going to hang out with the people you love like six people have a family room here at the church who hangs out in the family room come on 11 30. you guys have slept in all right so uh i have these people i do life with so i'm using the family room as a metaphor a parable uh to talk about some relationship principles the bible teaches so how about this furniture i hope you have some furniture in your family room you have probably couches and chairs we have some as well why because in my family when we have a place for everyone i want everyone in my family to feel valued to feel esteem to feel safe to feel like they matter so you mean my family here's my family right here i do life with four wonderful people my daughter victoria she's a freshman she's a sophomore at fsu and zane just turned 12. he loves basketball and he loves the church some of y'all know charlie charlie's my young preacher very passionate for the things of god and then lisa is my my very best friend for over 20 years and i've married way over my head by the way single guys i have a theory that young men who love the lord tend to marry way over their heads and all the christian men who are married should loudly say that was pathetic guys i just set you up like that you fumble the ball anyways here we go so i married my wife so these people are the people that do life in my family room and everyone has a spot everyone has a place now the most comfortable spot is for me and mom lisa and i have the best place why i want everyone including my kids to feel comfortable but someday i want them to get uncomfortable enough that they leave right parents we raise them and release them so if we do their job our job right they feel valued they feel honored they feel safe they feel protected they feel championed and someday they leave if things go tough sideways in their life they're allowed to come home circle back home heal up and then leave again i hope when they have children someday they come back and visit stay three four days to leave so we honor everybody the spouse she stays until death do us part the children they parents they do what they they do what they they leave the kids they leave um how about this a tv i hope you have a flat screen somewhere in your family room now maybe you're really spiritual and you just read the bible all the time not me man we have a tv i bought the biggest most obnoxious tv i could afford without going in debt for my tv and a tv is a lot of fun we're a tv family but the remote control can be a selfish piece of technology you see when it comes to tv i have my shows i have my preferences my taste and i like you know sportscenter love college game day like a good saltwater fishing show history channel sometime but my lovely wife lisa again married it over two decades you know biblical one flesh relationship she likes other shows but probably a strange couple probably every other couple here you like all the same shows but lisa and i we like very different shows she likes uh real housewives she likes the bachelor she uh she likes dateline she's like no dateline y'all know those like those real life murder shows by the way if i ever disappear remember she watched a lot of dateline y'all i hope she's not doing research as entertainment so because it's the tv that you know i paid for on the wall my family i could be selfish and say we're watching my shows i'm the dad i'm the biblical leader and i'd watch tv by myself so i've learned to do is to compromise to compromise to share to find common ground i mentioned last week guys don't judge me uh i can't do you know real housewives but uh she likes hgtv i watch hgtv now you know i've learned to like it i don't sit through a bad attitude i try to engage in that find compromise maybe the best verse on relationships in the bible does not mention the word relationships is philippians chapter 2 verse 3. we've mentioned this verse every week but one during this series this is so good all you need are the first four words you plug the first four words in your relationships it would revolutionize every valued interpersonal relationship in your life look what it says read the fourth word loudly says do nothing from bless you turn to your neighbor turn your neighbor and say that's the secret do nothing from selfishness now i know it's god's inspired authoritative word but guess what i get stuck right there because i can be so selfish i think about myself my preferences my uh i can be very self-centered i'm talking to you and i think about what i want to say next selfish is but if i can crucify that it is a relationship game changer let me give you one for this week that was last week i hope you're here last week if you missed last week you missed a really fun weekend at church by the glades but how about this one um i wrote this down on my notes your family room i hope has a thermostat has a thermostat i know people are watching all across the country we've had weird weather in part of the parts of the u.s the last few weeks but here in florida it's already in the 80s it's warm it's warm and praise jesus for the invention of the air condition right because it makes summer possible down here and you have you know the air conditioner and you have a thermostat a thermostat now notice i did not say a thermometer a thermometer is a useful but very simple technology all thermometer does by contrast is it reads and appraises a temperature it just tells you what the temperature of an environment is a thermostat is more complex why it reads the temperature and has the power to adjust the temperature it is catalytic to affect change now stay with me we're talking about the family room in your family ever notice when you walk into your family room and your family's there there's an emotional temperature to the room maybe people are happy you know somebody got a promotion ace their exam people are up there they're or maybe they're frustrated they're grumpy there's an emotional temperature in the room now when you step in that room here's a question are you a thermometer or are you a thermostat do you just come in and let their emotions control and dictate how you feel do you just reflect that's a thermometer or are you someone bringing about a change for the positive in the emotional environment you've stepped into see your family removes a very difficult challenging ecosystem to navigate but god has given us the power to change a lot of us a lot of us just step into that family room and again if his tents are frustrated we just respond in kind christian we should be better than that a lot of us have surrendered the title deed of our emotion to other people and we just respond and react but the bible says you've been empowered to do more so here leave a little theology right here find the book of galatians in your bible find galatians chapter five it describes this incredible dynamic you see god the father the bible teaches made you and then if you've been saved you were saved 15 years ago or you want to be saved in 15 minutes we can hook you up when you say yes to jesus christ by faith god the son forgives you and redeems you and qualifies you for heaven and one of the other benefits is god the son only does that he fills you with god the spirit the holy spirit invades your life and when the spirit invades your life he brings these byproducts the bible calls fruit and in galatians 5 22 and 23 it lists these byproducts the spiritual fruit the holy spirit capital s brings into the christian's life look at this amazing list on the screen right now but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience what a great list kindness goodness faithfulness get ready gentleness and self see if i'm a thermometer and i'm feeling kind of good i step into my family room and they're all tense and frustrated and i just find myself emotionally you know devolving into that uh i'm i'm not exercising self-control i'm being others controlled and the bible says guess what i have the strength to change that emotional temperature now do you battle with this i battle with this i i mentioned gosh i fell into this yesterday i tend to be pretty good at controlling my emotions but some of my family is kind of grumpy i won't mention any names lisa hughes she was kind of grumpy in my opinion my appraisal and i just found myself getting a little grumpy with her right like so i just i was being a thermometer ever fall into that oh i got like six honest people in the room um let's do a little self-diagnostic right now your language will indicate whether you're a thermometer or thermostat jesus said out of the heart the mouth speaks so do you say things like this do you say things like she made me angry he he made me so frustrated my 12 year old she's making me crazy stop that stop that your 12 year old's making you crazy be biblical in your world view be biblical the way you appraise your life and your role uh okay she made you she know the bible says god made you and by the way you're a full-grown man god made you when jesus saved you he remade you right so they didn't make you you made a choice god gave you the gift of the spirit of self-control oh he put me in a bad mood he put me in a she put me in a negative mood they put they put you they put you you kidding me they put you what are you a lobster you're like living in a reef you know and some diver came and got you and put you in the net and they put you in the boat then they put you in the any cooler they take you home and put you in the fridge then they put you in a boiling pot then they put you on a plate and serve you the baked potato what you're a lobster no no when god saved you he put the holy spirit inside of you who provides you with love joy peace patience kindness faithful goodness gentleness and self-control they're really getting your stuff i need to get out of this marriage because she's not making me happy your happiness is not on anyone else's job description my mood self-control my mood is my job my mood is my job you're making yourself a relational and emotional victim i just stepped in that room and reflect whatever emotional temperature is taking place no you're a thermostat by those very old illustrations it's been around for decades but it's so so true by the way the one place i could update this is this you know um guys here's a relationship tip no extra charge for this one uh do not buy your wife a uh appliance on her birthday right ladies that's that's don't buy her a washer and dryer don't buy her a vacuum merry christmas don't do that that's not a good move and almost as risky as buying her technology all right so this sounds like a loser move like five or six years ago i bought lisa i actually bought her a thermostat for christmas i bought her thermostat i know it sounds like a stupid idea but she asked for this thermostat it was very high-tech very sophisticated thermostat in fact this thermostat didn't just like you know appraise the temperature and read the temperature and then had the ability to change the temperature after a couple days it can anticipate by the way we've been sitting there for a few days it can even pick up on proximity of a person in the room it can anticipate the temperature we wanted incredible incredible it could be it could read it could read the rhythm of the room you see we're using music as a metaphor as well and music is what melody and rhythm everything there's every family or even every relationship in that family every person has a rhythm okay let's explain this week so my rhythm my rhythm i'm a pretty steady person my rhythm would be like now lisa her rhythm she's passionate she's fun she's relational she's the life of the party so because our rhythms and one rhythm is not right and one's not wrong it's just different even after 20 plus years of marriage and one fleshy relationship so we have to learn to understand each other's rhythm right because it's just different so she deals with frustration different than i do she doesn't stress i'm much more even she's much more up and down uh one's not better one's not worse we're just different rhythm uh the way we structure our day our day uh don't have any morning people in the house got some morning people in the house all right i'm not sure i'm a full-fledged morning person but i'm one of the closest things we have with my family to it meaning this once the alarm goes off and i have a cup of coffee i'm good i'm happy i'm pleasant i love to have a conversation hey let's let's break down what we're doing today let's hammer out the plan right now this way i like mornings lisa on the other hand lisa honey you're convinced the devil invented mornings in genesis chapter three she likes to sleep in uh when she can she has to wake up early her routine is and i'm not exaggerating she likes to go to the couch gets her cup of coffee kind of curls up in a corner makes yourself small pulls the afghan up to her nose then hides behind the coffee hey baby how you doing fine god i mean simple quiet answers listen i i used to be bothered by that she's not being rude just morning is not her rhythm she's a nighttime person they're getting nighttime people in the room any night in the chat if your nighttime let me know the chat if you're a nighttime person all right so she flourishes at night it's like nine o'clock she likes to start projects nine o'clock p.m i mean she's like hey let's go clean out the closet let's organize the garage that is not my rhythm my rhythm at nine o'clock i'm probably sitting on the couch next to zane watching mandalorian that's what we do so again one is not right one is not wrong you have to read the other person's rhythm anticipate know how to respond to it like oh last week if you missed last week god bless you if you missed last week take your right hand ball it up and punch yourself in the face as hard as you can last week was so fun because here in the family we had lauren and ryan tannehill with us and they were they were so good and he know this amazing nfl quarterback playing at the top of his game literally and she's this awesome beautiful former model and they had this but they have a great marriage and they they parent two preschoolers and they said so much that was so good they talked about how intentionally it must be about communication one reason is the rhythm during the season he works really long hours he's at the facility at 7am he doesn't get home to 7pm sometimes and and she's home what preschooler she is a stay-at-home mom now so she's dying when he gets home to talk to a grown-up he's kind of talked out in fact studies show that men and women are different on our abilities with language in fact i found one study by the bbc said that your average your average man speaks 7 000 words a day your average woman 20 000 words a day now you might be different as a couple you might be a woman to be very quiet but that's on average right there so now here's ryan he's working all these hours he's not just throwing the football he's in breaking down film with the coaches lots of conversations so if he has 7 000 words he's spoken 6 000 words at work he has a thousand words left she's been with a four-year-old and two-year-old all day all she said is no stop it and potty like so she has 19 000 words left in her word bank see that's not a marriage problem that's a math problem different rhythms so you got to figure out how to compromise right how to solve change so again i want to be not a victim of the emotional temperature i want to set the emotional temperature in my family room thermostat thermostat how about this we got couch chairs tv remote thermostat doorbell doorbell i love a doorbell doorbell i love when a guest comes by there's the doorbell right there it means some like fun person's coming to our house gonna sit down on our couch so i we have a remarkable young woman from alabama with us today you might have seen her on a television show here this last year or so but i'm going to ask my wife lisa and would you please stand your feet and welcome maddie pruitt to the stage come on maddie come on a little better than that guys there you go maddie what's up guys the church by the glades yeah thanks for having me and i just want to say thank you to these amazing two individuals that are sitting up here with me i mean you guys are so awesome you have such an amazing church you guys are full of life out there i'm like it's morning time they seem like some morning people i'm like they're ready to go but seriously you guys are so awesome and you've raised such an incredible family i mean charlie did rally rally night with me and charlie did rally night together and we had so much fun so yeah no they wouldn't let me in i'm over the age threshold but i watched online it seemed like it was great you were phenomenal rally was so good i'm a little intimidated because they they had a good interview they had a great conversation a great interview with her and listen so big theological question are you a morning person or night person i'm a night person i'm with lisa all right night people she's one of you um okay so how about this let's start the conversation this way a lot of you guys know exactly who she is but pretend i'm someone who doesn't have a tv and i'm not on social media tell me about maddie pruitt so i'm 24 years old i graduated from auburn and i got a degree in communications i also went through our church's seminary and leadership program and got a certificate of ministry and pastoral leadership and i always you know wanted to to do something that was going to make a difference i grew up in an amazing faith-filled home my parents are amazing and just raised my sisters and i um just showing us the importance of having a relationship with jesus from a young age but also raising us in the local church like we were always in the church on i spent all of my time all of my time at the church or at youth camps or in the basketball gym my dad was my coach so i spent a lot of time hooping and i was you know a little tiny little thing running the camps for my dad it was a great time yeah because you're quite the basketball player but you're not tall you're not six ten you know you're you're pocket size yeah i was point guard so you don't have to be too tall you know as a point guard but we were pretty good we won four out of five state championships so i mean nice whatever it's whatever no i'm just kidding but yeah so i grew up and i played sports that was a big part of my life and so i had a good relationship with jesus from a young age and i would say when i got into high school you know i got into sports and that was a big part of my life and i started really attaching my identity to that i started attaching my identity to this performance-based mindset i not only carried that into sports but i started carrying that into everything right like i i wanted to win other people's approval i wanted to perform to be accepted and loved i wanted to be appreciated by people and so i really lost myself kind of in those years and saw my relationship with jesus more from a legalistic point of view and i would say coming into college was really when i sat down with myself and i said maddie i know who god says you are and i know what your parent like what your parents have said you are but who am i and who do i believe that i am and who do i want to be and i ask myself those questions and just one night in my in my college dorm room you know i i remember i felt so alone all my friends were you know out making some other other choices and i knew that wasn't really what i wanted for my life and so i sat there and i felt broken empty confused and i was like lord i just want to go all in with you i want you and only you and you're more than enough for me and so that was really a big decision for me that that day random day in college nothing crazy happened just made a decision that day and that really changed the course of my life forever and really started filtering everything through my relationship with with jesus i started you know attending church serving at the church leading at the church started leading the college ministries by the way then just to show up on the weekends you you dove in you have mercy i dove all in i found my community at the church my people at the church and graduated from college and didn't really know exactly what i wanted to do started working in the foster care system and worked as a foster parent recruiter and that was a really it was a tough job you know you see a lot of really hard things i knew it was a temporary job i knew it wasn't going to be my my forever calling but i knew it was where god had me then and came out of that job not really knowing you know what was next and one day i get a call from the bachelor and i'm like hello uh i thought they had the wrong number applied no i didn't apply so i'm like they found the wrong madison they they got th they got something mixed up audition you didn't reach out to them they they found you they found me and when they reached out and you know they were interested in me coming on the show i'm gonna be honest you know at first like i'm like hey i just graduated from seminary school i think you found the wrong girl i don't think this is i mean i didn't watch reality tv that wasn't really a part of my you know daily routine and so it didn't it didn't really fit the box that i had put god in like i was like that doesn't make sense like no and at first i was totally turned off to the idea and really didn't even consider it and so but i kept praying about it and praying about it and it was like i couldn't escape it i couldn't run from it and i really felt led to do it and so i i said yes i went on the show it was a crazy experience um for sure but coming off now looking back it's so crazy as i see you know where i where i am now and how god has used it and just how one act of obedience like what can be on the other side of that blessing opportunities relationships so much from a single act of obedience and how god can use the most unlikely of people the most unlikely of situations and use it for his glory and so it really is just a cool i i expect none of your stories probably look like that but it's but it's true for all of us no matter what your situations are no matter like no matter what you've been through and walked through god can use you in big ways bigger than you could have ever imagined so good well we're obviously in a series about relationships so as a christian single how do you find the balance between meeting people being accessible while still maintaining your standards i think you can have both i think you can have both of those things i think a lot of times we think we have to like sit in a room and just read our bibles and that's it and i would just challenge you like put yourself in an environment to set yourself up for success to find those godly individuals and those godly relationships that are going to push you to be the best that you can be and you know obviously like know who you are know your worth and don't attach that to other people but also put yourself in environments that you're going to be able to find those people that you're going to be able to do life with and so yeah like you know it's vital that's fine if you're there i wouldn't find my spouse we'll find this godly spouse probably not going to meet him at the club maybe but you know exactly exactly and no judgment but you know what i mean like if you're looking for a spirit-filled person like make sure you're going to the right environments the right environments are going to attract the right people the wrong environments are going to attract the wrong people and i've had so many people ask me if i was a christian single single i'd i'd be volunteering at a church by the glades all four services every service in the hospitality ministry i'd brush my teeth hair product right now smile do it for god do it for god right right but the bible says to uh to watch and pray so what are you praying singles keep your eyes open but so many people come up to me and they ask me they're like i just i can't find the right relationships right like i'm struggling with community or i'm struggling finding the one right and so many people say that and i'm like well if you don't like what you've been getting maybe you need to take a look at what you've been giving and also where you've been going where have you been looking for those relationships what have you been putting out because a lot of times who you are is what you're going to attract so if you're filled with the spirit if you're going to the right environments in the right places and putting yourself and submerging yourself in god's word then that's what you're going to attract and you're going to open yourself up for opportunities to attract those kind of people okay so as you go out in these environments what are like maybe the top three qualities you're looking for good question that's a great question and first of all i'd like to say too you know i'm in a season of singleness i'm sitting here as a single girl i don't have it all figured out but what i can say is if you're in a season of singleness like you're not walking around just as a half person waiting for someone to come in and complain that's right you are fully whole in jesus and i just want to say that because i think a lot of times especially i mean even in church like we can feel that pressure of i have to find my person i have to find my person like you were already made one with christ and he is enough he is more than enough and i just want to encourage you with that because singleness is not a season to be rushed it's not a season to overlook it's a gift it's a beautiful season and really it sets you up for the rest of your seasons and so how you steward this season is really really important and i'm very logical i'm very practical and so i have like points i see things like from a very practical standpoint so when you ask me that question i'm like already going through i'm like okay i have my three c's and i have my three p's hang with me it sounds like a lot i know it sounds like a lot it sounds like some homework or something but no i i have my three c's and my three c's these are the things that i'm kind of going through in my mind right like if i'm going on a first date or we go on a second date or i'm just talking to this person like these are the three things that are going through my mind the three c's so the first one is convictions what are his convictions that's what i'm asking myself what are his convictions not his parents convictions not as pastors convictions what are his convictions what is his relationship with jesus like does he just show up to church on sunday and that's the extent of it or does he have a true real rooted relationship with jesus is he diving into god's word is he surrounding himself with the right people so what are his convictions and then the second thing i would say is what is his character like does he have a good character does he have strong integrity is he a man of his word is he trying to go after mentorship people to call him out people to hold him accountable right and so okay convictions character and then the third one chemistry i would say i i want to be attracted to that person right i want us to be attracted to each other that's not everything but you know it's all on this it's not it's it's not one to it you need all these things all of us all these things right all of them it's just one and two is like then he's a friend good friend good friend good friend with a good personality am i right like yeah just not not the one and so i go through those three things before i even start dating someone and if those things are crossed off then i have this thing that i call the three p's and these are the things that i'm going through in my mind as i'm dating someone before i would ever consider taking the next step into marriage so obviously i have not found someone who have crossed off the three season three ps but the three ps the first one is patterns what are his patterns we're always consistently doing something so what is he consistently doing every day is he getting better every day right like is is he is he pursuing excellence you know and and taking a look at his patterns and seeing if he's growing if he's producing fruit two i would say purpose i would say in in god's word actually it says where there is no vision that people perish right we need vision i need to know i need clarity i need vision i need to know where i'm going this is where we're at but where do we plan to go right and i think so many people just they you know they fall in love like i just fell in love and like everything else is going to take care of itself no no you need to lay it out you know you need to lay it out like this is where i because here's the thing you know i see it this way in just a practical way that we can all understand you have two hungry people well those just because they're both hungry doesn't mean they both want the same food at the same restaurant right it's the same thing in relationships just because you both want marriage doesn't mean you both want to do it the same way doesn't mean you both have the same expectations and what you expect from each other and in the spouse and in a life you know is the vision that we want to go after what god's called us to do we want to raise kids in god's word in the local church we want to you know you need to lay that out and make sure you're on the same page and that your vision aligns so patterns purpose and then the last one is peace i do not make any decisions in my life if i do not have god's peace like that is everything to me and i don't i don't come from a place of fear i don't come from a place of potential i come i come from a place of no god gave me a peace about this and i think the world preaches a lot about potential i think the world preaches a lot about passion you know if you're just so passionate about that person that's all you need if there's potential there like they'll get there one day no like what if they never do what if nothing ever changes and that's the exact person that you're going to be married to for decades like is that good do you trust them in raising kids like do you trust them do they represent not only jesus but are they a good reflection of your heart and those are questions that you should really ask yourself because oftentimes you know i know at least for me i'll just i'll just like keep it on me for a second i'll just be real with you guys oftentimes i'm in a relationship and i'm like i have all these questions there's like some red flags but i'm like god just give me peace about it right like just give me some peace like it's fine like just make it apparent to me and he's like i am like you don't you don't have peace like you have uneasiness you have questions you have concerns you have red flags like run with that trust that so those are those are the things i would go through the three c's and the three p's i love it so when we first reached out to you months ago you asked for an interview after doing she didn't even need us she has such great content you alliterate you're ready to preach you really are ready to preach such great things on relationships you said something at rally again i wasn't allowed to come i'm too old but i watched online um you talked about the idea of how you view rejection because we all go through rejection sometimes in relationships with rejection so show us how you frame rejection yeah and for those of you who are out here who have experienced some form of rejection i just want to say i'm sorry because rejection is hard and it's painful and it yeah it stings and it cuts deep and oftentimes if we don't deal with it it deals with us and it goes into every single relationship we carry it from one person to the other and i just want to challenge you and encourage you with that god doesn't reject you god says never will i leave you never will i forsake you he calls you chosen he calls you loved he says you're more than enough and with him you have belonging you already are accepted and yeah and i think a lot of times we come into relationships and we come into environments from a place of lack we're hoping that people can fill we're hoping that people can fill us and make us feel wanted and make us feel accepted and make us feel loved but that's not what god has called us to do god has called us to come from a place of i already know who i am i already belong i already am worthy i already am enough and from that place like that person's just supposed to compliment you and your and the love you've received from jesus just overflows into them and so i challenge you with that but also you know when i've been through seasons of rejection when it hurts you know when someone when someone walks out of the room when someone starts when someone cheats on you when someone you know what starts talking about you and starts rumors about you you don't get the job you don't get the sorority you don't get the whatever you don't make an a on the test whatever it is whatever season of life you're in you know we've all faced rejection of some of some sort and one thing that the lord really spoke to me when i was in a season of really feeling rejected is that rejection that you're feeling right now is gonna lead to a greater redirection for later and i need you to trust me i need you to trust me that i work all things together for your good that i got this i'm god and as big as your problems may seem i'm even bigger and i got it all under control and so i just encourage you like the rejection you feel right now just trust god has greater plans god has plans to prosper you god has plans that are going to blow your mind so just trust him in that yeah so your rejection is god's redirection that's so rich that is so rich okay so um check the clock there super super fast on this give me your wikipedia short answer yeah you know you you have all these fans people watch you handle you know romance and dating in a very public setting you did with great integrity beautifully you were not weird a weird christian but people can be negative and people can be critical so how do you handle like negativity especially on social media yeah and and here and here's what i'll say about that first is a lot of a lot of times when we are going after what what god has called us to do there will come some opposition there will come some attacks there will come some negativity mostly yes almost every time most of the time like that will come with it and i think a lot of times we can think oh like that must mean i'm not like pursuing god or i'm not in the right i'm not where god has me like no like all throughout scripture god lays out you know even with jesus even with joseph even with esther even with david all those people had opposition all of those people had negativity all those people had you know people trying to stop them from reaching their destiny and from reaching their potential and so i just encourage you if you faced negativity whether that is with your family with your relationships in a relationship you've been in i just want to encourage you like that doesn't mean that you're that you're not enough that doesn't mean that you're not going to get there that you're not where god has you that oftentimes means you're exactly where god has you and you just got to stay focused don't let them yeah because i think we can oftentimes hang on to those things we can hang on to people's words we can hang on to the negativity that comes at us and we can latch to that but that's not who you are and that that person they don't give them the ability to accept you or reject you or define you or label you like you the creator of the universe says that you're more than enough and so you just are yeah you just are period and for me when i've had moments like that were really hard i mean when i was you know i would be laying in bed and i would feel so discouraged i wouldn't even want to get out of bed because i'm like all these people who think all these things and i felt so misunderstood and so judged i would just have to remind myself like why why am i letting them i mean it's kind of what you're talking about earlier like even even with set you know your mood is your job like why am i going to let them determine how my day is going to go or how i'm going to view myself or what like what i'm gonna do with my life like no i refuse i have too much on my life to give in to pettiness to give in to the the labels of other people like i just refuse to do that and i'm a very defensive person like i you know i was ready to like you know fight somebody a few times and lash back but i was like you know what i heard this quote one time someone said if god has called you to it he'll sustain you through it he'll get you through it and i've just clung to that i'm like if god has called me to this place in my life i know he's going to carry me through it and he's going to give me absolutely everything i need every step of the way he is my sustainer he is my provider he is my victory he is my protector he is my defender that's just who he is and i get to i get to rest in confidence in that you know and so i would say that's that's really what i'm i'm constantly leaning on and in a practical sense you know if if it is coming from social media i'm gonna limit my time on social media you know i'm gonna like i'm gonna distance myself i'm gonna get off i'm gonna know when i'm weak and susceptible to following what you've been intentional about that too some seasons you really just backed off social media yeah i have a little timer on my phone it'll kick me off my social media if i'm on there too long it's like hey maddie you've been on there a little too long i'm like okay you're probably right and so yeah you know put in some practical steps so that you know before the moment's ever even come you're prepared and you're ready on how to handle those yeah gosh it's a good thing so listen she's been great every service and if you get a chance uh watch watch the rally archive great interview as well i've asked you different questions i've asked you you know who's your greatest great encourager we talked about basketball we asked you something i've asked you before what's the best advice someone's ever given you i love that question and i'll be honest i feel like i give a different answer every time someone asks me this but i've heard i've heard a lot of great things you know in my life and i in the other services i talked about how amazing my mom is how she's an amazing encourager so i'm gonna give a little shout out to my dad because he's just as amazing and he was my coach growing up and we had a lot of interesting moments with him being my coach we had a lot of interesting moments but honestly i wouldn't even be half the woman i am today without him and his belief in me and just pushing me to be the best and one thing he would always say to me and most of the time this was in the context of sports right like trying to get me hyped before a game he would always say there are no traffic jams along the extra mile and i thought that was so profound i was like great you know what you're right because most people settle for average most people are content with mediocrity and he would always always always in my life like 100 wasn't enough he expected 110 right like he always expected me to go that extra mile and it's because he saw more in me and so he refused to let me settle because he was like i see more in you so i'm going to push you to do more to give more you know and and and to be more and so in every aspect of my life it's kind of stuck with me i'm like i always want to be someone who's remembered by going the extra mile giving my very best and then some wow so good joe please give it up for maddie pruitt maddie thank you so much thank you guys y'all are so awesome and i do i do just want to say like i believe in all of you and i want to make it very clear like i am not perfect i don't have it all figured out and that's something that you guys live by here like no perfect people allowed i'm not perfect by any means but god god has done an amazing work in my life just like he's doing in all of your lives and i just want to encourage you like keep your roots deep and your standards high and like god's gonna do amazing things that are gonna blow your mind so love you guys believe in you y'all are awesome [Applause] she's been that great every single service saying different things a lot of truth a lot of wisdom for a 24 year old good night look no one has relationships figured out but if you can just make progress i mean make your relationships your offering to god we serve this god who created relationships he's a relational god the bible talks about his love for you and how he wants a romance with you if you don't have that we can hook you up by the way at the end of the service in just like a couple minutes there'll be some prayer partners at the edge of the stage if you don't know for a certain insurer that you don't have a religion but a relationship with the god of heaven that's why he sent his son you can nail that down today because you know you can't you have to choose a relationship god gave you that free will you gotta make a choice choose christ today if you're watched online there's a number right now on the screen just text salvation that number real live person will reach out to you and help you navigate that great decision and again as far as the people in my life may i pray about them my god please change them fix them lord fix them let me challenge you to change that prayer to god change me fix me the great maya angelou said said if you don't like something change it and if you can't change it change your attitude that's so rich father god help us to practice excellence in our relationships i mean begin with a foundational relationship a relationship with jesus if there's someone who needs that father give them courage give them the willingness the openness to say yes to christ today father make this prayer in jesus name amen
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 4,767
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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