No Euphony? No Problem! This DPS Warlock Build CRUSHES The Competition

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right hello guys welcome back so in today's video I want to talk about the DPS implications of the brand new song of flame super now you've probably seen warlocks are doing very good DPS with weapons like euphony combined with needle storm and all other sorts of threading sources but today I'm going to show you a method using song of flame that actually does very competitive damage that's even rivaling or doing more than that euphony rotation that we're all so used to by now so as we all know this super gives you very fast charging grenades melees and class abilities which got me thinking if you remember back to the launch of lightful we had the Starfire protocol meta which if you combined it with wither hord would give you insane grenade ability regen which enabled Rockets with the demolitionist perk to be the dominant heavy weapon damage meta at the time when it was nerfed this was no longer the case and subsequently when it was nerfed is when B and switch rocket launchers came out which changed everything so because s of flame gives us very similar grenade Regen to that pre-nerf Starfire I was curious whether we could do the exact same rotation now that we have this super available to us so I've come to the Moon I've got my Rockets I've got my super I'm just going to try and see if we can replicate the muscle memory so let's give it a try shall we I'll just pop my super here and we'll do rocket grenade rocket swap to our GL back here grenade rocket reload back to our GL rocket grenade rocket grenade back to the GL grenade rocket reload back to the GL rocket nade rocket and then we have our Fusion grenade and then that's about it but we do have one rocket left which we could reload manually like I just did but there is a better way of preserving the rotation which is to use apotheosis Veil because if you guys remember with the changes to apotheosis Veil whenever you finish casting your super it will give you a brief period of insane ability regeneration for every single one of your abilities so if we combine that with the end of the song of flame super to finish the rest of the rotation it should look pretty clean so let's just give that another go so I'll pop my super another grenade GL grenade rocket reload GL rocket nade rocket nade GL nade rocket and reload back to GL rocket nade rocket nade GL there we go we can finish it properly with apotheosis Veil and we'll still have more grenades to use afterwards which specifically if we combine with Touch of flame will do a lot of damage also I will admit that the rotation does look fairly complicated but there is one trick for you to help remember the muscle memory is basically after every second grenade that you throw is when you swap to your other weapon to sort of wait out the demolitionist timer so basically I'll demonstrate that here we pop super we do rocket nade rocket nade that was the second grenade we then swap away with a hoorde then nade back and that is enough time to come back to to finish the demo coold down so we'll just do one more time so we'll do rocket nade rocket nade demo cool down is happening swap to wither hord and then back and then it's gone there we go so that basically resets the cycle I also want to point out that at that point in the rotation is when you will have to manually reload the rocket because if you keep relying on demo it becomes out of sync and you basically just want to hard reset it with a manual reload so essentially a full cycle of this rotation looks like this so I'll pop my super we'll do rocket nade rocket nade then we'll go back to wither horde nade rocket then we'll man ually reload it here and that's one cycle complete we'll then go back to rocket nade rocket nade wither horde then nade then rocket then manually reload and then we're back to the starting cycle again it is a lot to sort of process but it'll just take you some time to get used to it so if I put the clips side by side of my old solo nezich and the current rotation they basically look identical the muscle memory is the same I'm actually quite surprised that I still even remembered it because this was from over a year ago but yeah they are essentially the same thing and the D damage is the only thing that's kind of up in the air so why don't we just go and have a look and see how much damage this combo does specifically for this combo I'm going to be using a double special setup which is the Mountaintop still hunt and a apex predator the apex predator is slightly different to what you're used to I'm going to be using the explosive light perk because it just reduces the hassle from having to proc bet and switch on apex if that's the other perk you were wanting the difference now between explosive light and bet and switch is very minimal B and switch is a 30% buff and explosive light is 25 so that 5% difference really isn't that big of a deal but this is just what I'm going in with to start with so yeah just to recap we have a Mountaintop with autoloading recombination still hunt a apex predator and apotheosis veil with Touch of flame Fusion grenades and helon this is just to give us a little bit more damage whenever we cast our class ability because I did do some testing on the helon and it is worth around 300,000 damage or so if you do it over the whole phase so it's just a little bit of a cherry on top the only other thing worth noting is that I do have Ember of ashes on to make it so that I get more frequent ignitions because this increases the amount of scorch we apply by about 50% so it's just going to give us more recognitions which means more damage overall [Music] so yeah 3.4 million without a debuff is pretty impressive not to mention the boss staggers very often which for bosses like the herald of finality for example who erratically teleports around is a very nice way of locking them in place though I do hear some of you saying that because this is a double special setup that you have to sort of carefully set up it's not very worth running in the pre- DPS phase because how are you going to clear ads and to that I do have a solution there is another way of of doing this rotation which is to have a primary and then you can also use Wither hord in the top slot to get very similar damage as you're about to see okay yeah I mean it's a little scuffed at the end but I think it's looked about the same yeah I mean yeah it is slightly less so yeah 3.3 million is basically the same as the previous rotation and this time you get to run a primary weapon however if you are willing to run double special such as running a rocket sidearm in your top slot and then swapping to Mountaintop for damage that in the long run is going to be better because if you are able to use still hunt in your second slot this is going to raise your total damage by quite a significant margin especially in boss fights that are longer than 30 seconds like the witness fight for example the witness is around a 45 second DPS phase and by the time that we finished with all of our Rockets we can still do the rest of the still hunt rotation and still do very competitive damage but if that's not something you're comfortable with you can of course still do the Wither hold rotation and your damage will still be very good also for those of you wondering why I did didn't test beton switch I actually did but the results are actually somewhat worse I did hit a clean rotation but that only resulted in around 3.1 million which was slightly less than both the Wither hord and still hunt variants with explosive light so you know it's not really worth it it's just a lot of hassle to proc beton switch and me personally on fights like the witness I would much rather have a damage perk that is a lot easier to proc and is more reliable than baiton switch I did also try it with Prismatic warlock though unfortunately the results aren't quite the same the weird thing with Prismatic warlock specifically with song of flame is that the grenade has a different charge rate than it does on solar for some reason it feels like it has a sort of inbuilt cooldown it comes back way faster on solar than it does on Prismatic for some reason so I don't know why that is it just makes the rotation feel a lot more clunky I suppose it might be better if you have the ultimate class item combo of stators with apotheosis though unfortunately I do not so I was not able to test it though if anyone does have that and wants to copy this rotation do let me know if they hit a higher number than 3.4 million and also Prismatic does not get fragments like Ember of Ashes to increase the amount of ignitions that we trigger so overall it will be slightly less damage than that solar warlock is still very good on its own so definitely don't disregard this just because it's not on Prismatic and it's not like the most recent hype thing so yeah that's basically the whole gist of the damage build I will have a dim Link in the description for those of you who just want to copy it it's really just a bunch of loaders dexterities and targeting surges things like that you know what you would use on a damage Loadout but I'll just leave it in case you just want to copy it hasslefree and then finally if you guys actually wanted to see a practical example of this build this next clip is me using it in a witness CP and I'll let you judge the damage for yourself anyway guys thanks for watching the video enjoy the clip and I'll see you in the next one [Applause] ooh not bad at all 5.3 4.5 that was oh we out DPS I got the DPS the euphy oh good yeah oh did you get euphony yep nice oh nice nice nice if you made it this far thank you so much your support means the world and if you're really into the content I create consider becoming a member of the channel which not only lets you support me in the best way possible it also Nets you a a whole host of awesome perks along with it a massive shout out to these members up on screen and I'll see you in the next one bye for now dear viewer [Music] [Music]
Channel: Llama
Views: 59,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2 warlock dps build, destiny 2 warlock dps, dps warlock build, destiny 2 best warlock dps, song of flame damage destiny 2, destiny 2 damage rotation, warlock damage rotation, destiny 2 highest dps build, dps build destiny 2
Id: gomrejxnW6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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