The BEST Prismatic Warlock Builds in The Final Shape

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with the final shape well underway and the discovery of the new exotic class items the community has been hard at work pushing the boundaries of Prismatic to see what each class is fully capable of as many of you know I've been a hunter M since the beginning of Destiny 1 and I've been loving the combat Loop that Prismatic has opened up what if I told you though that Prismatic has up the game for warlocks to the point that I'm actually willing to tolerate that silly jump for a while and put my hunter to the side for the first time in a very long time eh just kidding the loock kits that we'll be exploring have the perfect combination of fun satisfying combat high damage output and some true endgame potential these builds will also recommend exotic armor pieces over their class item counterparts to make them as accessible as possible given that the Exotic class items have 64 possible combinations per class that's a heck of a lot of RNG to battle through to get the Perfect combo but when having a specific class item is worth the grind we'll point that out too some of the fragments that are included in these builds are unlocked through side quest or in other areas available only after you complete the campaign so make sure you get to unlocking them as soon as possible to really maximize all that Prismatic has to offer to start things off we have the favorite part of the power fantasy for most Destiny players damage output I'll be separating this into two categories that being burst or single Target damage and extended or multi-target damage the Exotic that ties both of these categories together is the refreshed apotheosis Veil you might have forgotten about this exotic and to be fair I kind of did as well for a while because until season of the wish this was a pretty underperforming piece of armor that was rarely worth the Exotic slot even after its rework which added the benefit of greatly increasing ability regeneration after casting your super there just didn't seem to be that much of a reason to use it outside of speedrunning or very coordinated team efforts larger targets were typically too far away from your well of Radiance to capitalize on the ability regeneration and other burst damage supers like Nova bomb and needle storm utilized other Exotics to maximize the neutral game of their respective subclasses but now we have Prismatic this allows warlocks to have access to three High damage output supers in the form of Nova bomb or slova bomb as it's more commonly referred to needl storm and song of flame all of which can take full advantage of apotheosis veil's ability regeneration after the Super let's start out with our aspects because these are going to be the same regardless of the fight duration we have feed the void and the newly added Helen feed the void will allow you to proc devour whenever you defeat a target with any ability and then can be continued with any kill to maintain it once it's activated this will provide you with near constant grenade up time and health regeneration so long as there's enemies nearby to kill helon will give you a little solar buddy upon Class Activation that will lob little solar mortars at enemies and will ignite them after four consecutive hits this really UPS your damage output the best class ability I found to pair with this aspect is Fenix dive as it regenerates much more quickly than either of the riffs it can be used for movement to get you out of bad situations and it also gives you in your allies a quick burst of Health as always your jump is completely up to you although I find myself using burst Glide more often than not for that extra momentum boost melees and grenades are usually up to your preference however I do make sure to run one light in one Darkness based ability to ensure that my Prismatic bar is filling up as consistently as possible that being said I do find myself drawn towards Arcane needles and the vortex grenade the most often because it seems to synergize a bit better than the other possible combinations mostly because of the fragments we're about to look at facet of Courage allows your light-based abilities to deal increased damage to targets Afflicted with darkness debuffs which includes the unraveling that you'll apply with your Arcane needles this means that both your Vortex grenade and your Nova bomb will deal increased damage to a Target as long as you hit them with the melee first feeding into this chain is facet of dominance which allows your Void grenades to weakend and your Arc grenades to jolt these are the two essential fragments to maximize your damage output and the remaining three fragments are really up to your personal preference I like using facet of purpose to give me free Buffs on orb pickup facet of protection for extra damage resistance and facet of dawn to become radiant anytime I land a powered melee hit there are four mods in the artifact this season that really push this build even further starting off we have void hegemony which grants a small amount of overshield whenever you defeat a weakened Target next we have radiant orbs which grants you the radiant buff on orb pickup as long as you have a solar or Prismatic subclass equipped this will feed into our next artifact mod shield crush which will grant you bonus grenade regeneration and damage while radiant or Amplified and last but certainly not least we have expanding Abyss which allows you to deal increased void damage to weaken sources starting with the helmet for armor mods I would highly recommend a siphon mod that matches your weapons to to ensure that you're making orbs for yourself on weapon kills on your arms I would equip impact induction and a momentum transfer to accelerate your melee and grenade regeneration your leg mod should have surges that match your weapon's damage type if you're in a damage phase or if you just want your weapons to be even more lethal for the neutral game I would recommend recuperation for health gain inovation for grenade regeneration and invigoration for melee regeneration whenever you pick up an orb if you want to have a larger emphasis on your weapons over your abilities you can run double special weapons and some ammo scavenger mods in place any of the ability regeneration mods moving down to the class item this one again is more personal preference I found that some combination of Reaper bomber and Powerful attraction kept the Synergy between abilities moving really smooth your weapons are some of the game's most personal decisions and that remains true with this build personally though I would recommend trying out some weapons that have either pugilist to help with melee regeneration or demolitionist to help with grenade regeneration and if you have demolitionists it will also help you reload instantaneously just by throwing a grenade okay you can probably see where the gameplay Loop is headed and that is the utter destruction anytime you cast a Nova bomb upon picking up a single orb before you start your damage phase as well as using Phoenix dive you will activate shield crush gain a void overshield and become radiant and get a solar buddy then throwing a single melee as well as your now boosted up grenade will simultaneously weaken unravel and Scorch the target once the target is debuffed your grenade will begin to do even more damage and continue to provide the weaken needed to proc expanding Abyss which will allow your Nova bomb to do huge huge amounts of burst damage and once you cast that super you'll gain immediate health and ability regeneration for you and your allies from apotheosis veil's first benefit the secondary benefit of the helmet will then provide you with 8 Seconds of ability regeneration that is so fast that it's only slowed down by the animations of using the abilties to themselves this will let you spam those weapons with demolitionists while continually recking radiant weaken unravel and shield crush I mentioned at the beginning of the section that there's two categories of damage output single Target or burd and multi-target or extended taking advantage of the Nova bomb will land you squarely in the single Target or burst category so let's switch over to the extended damage mode the foundation of this build remains exactly the same with the exchange of just a couple of different things firstly we're going to be replacing one of the previously mentioned fragments such as facet of dawn with facet of Ruin which now increases the area of effect of your solar ignitions secondly we'll be replacing the Nova bomb with song of flame this is the new solar super that bungee gave warlocks with the release of final shape it will provide you with Radiance a supercharged incinerator snap a new seeking grenade called a wisp improved ability regeneration and increased damage resistance this increase in ability regeneration will allow you to move through the battlefield and decimate huge groups of ads with continually procing Scorch grenades and ignitions rounding out with a pathosis veil allowing you to continue your ability spam and build Transcendence at lightning speeds now that you know how to Output some serious damage there's a few exotic armor variants that you can swap a pathosis bailout for depending on your PL play style firstly I have to mention the new exotic class item for warlock that has the ability to combine both the ability regeneration of athos's veil as well as the increased super building and damage from Star eaters this combination will allow your Nova bomb to hit even harder as well as provide more ability spam once you've cast that super as I mentioned earlier this is a highly potent combination but you have an exceedingly low chance of actually acquiring this exact combination so I didn't want it to be the focal point of this build if you do get it to drop though I would definitely use that one a heartbeat for song of flame Verity's brow or his class item equivalent Works exceedingly well with the Wisp and will now benefit from Verity's increased grenade damage output and regeneration finally swarmers is actually a good substitution for those looking to replace Nova bomb with needle storm as it will allow your super to unravel the Target on top of the thread link damage if you don't care as much about being the top damage dealer on the mission scorecard and instead you have more of an affinity for ad clear than this next build is for you being able to efficiently clear ads is an essential role for any endgame activity and when it's done well it allows other players to focus completely on the mechanics that they're assigned to so let's get you equipped to do your job so well that others will notice the environment is oddly quiet and everything is dead let's start things off with a build that's already been dubbed the bubble buddy Army by the community after all who needs to make friends when you can just spawn your own the exotic armor piece we'll be focusing on is none other than getaway artist these exotic gauntlets shine bright during the season of plunder when Arc 3.0 was first introduced as they allow allowed you to consume your grenade and then get a supercharged Ark soul for 20 seconds the difference between the standard Ark soul that you can get from the ark Soul aspect and the one acquired from getaway artists is actually pretty noticeable besides lasting longer the ark Soul also shoes more frequently and regenerates your Grenade energy every time you hit an enemy these gauntlets fell off a bit in popularity once the season of plunder was over as the arc subclass wasn't quite as competitive in endgame content as its counterparts and this basically remained the case until the release of Prismatic where now they've been breathed a new Life by uniquely allowing you to create your own personal Army of buddies first and foremost let's talk about your super seeing as these builds are focused on ad clear I would recommend song of flame for its mobility and damage output to large groups of targets once again your jump class ability and melee are really up to you but my recommendations remain the same from the previous build my personal favorite is probably the Strand Arcane needle since it fills up that Prismatic bar really fast however if you're more of a Titan at heart you might enjoy chain lightning in the melee slot you'll be up close in person a lot of the time as well as being constantly Amplified which will allow it to chain more as you'll see shortly in the grenade slot your choice is made for you you need the storm grenade as it's the only Arc grenade option that you'll need to consume with your getaway artist your aspects are where the fun really begins as you'll need helon which we talked about previously and Bleak Watcher which allows you to consume that grenade and convert it into a stasis turret which fires slowing projectiles at enemies for your fragments I would recommend facet of sacrifice which grants you bonus Darkness Transcendence energy anytime you get a ability kills while under the effects of a light subclass buff this includes both Amplified and radiant next I'd equip facet of devotion which will grant you bonus light Transcendence energy when targets afflicted by Darkness debuffs including slow and freeze are defeated facet of Hope will occupy our third slot for increased ability regeneration when you have an elemental buff of any kind and finally we'll be keeping the same fragments as before being facet of Courage protection and purpose moving over to our artifact we have a few substitutions from our previous build that will really help you out with this new set set up our first one is swapping galvanic armor for void hegemony which will grant you additional damage resistance when you're Amplified the next one's in the last column where we'll substitute expanding Abyss for transference that grants additional damage to our grenades in melees while Transcendent additionally any weapon final blows while Transcendent will refund light and dark energy after your Transcendence ends your armor mods and weapons will look pretty similar to the previous build with a focus on orb production to increase your survivability as well as ability regeneration okay here's the real question so how do I begin creating my little army of buddies well in two button presses you'll have three buddies to fight on your behalf first up you want to find the group of ads that you want to wipe out and then use your class ability to spawn your solar buddy then just hold down your grenade button which will consume it and create both the arc soul and stasis turret once you've done these things you're going to be ready to wreak havoc on the battlefield since you'll immediately be Amplified which will grant you damage resistance increased Darkness energy gain and a speed boost simultaneously your solar buddy and Ark soul will be shooting at targets that are already afflicted by the slow from your stasis turret which ramps up your Transcendence gain as well as your grenade and class ability this cycle can rinse and repeat until the room is cleared and you're ready to take down a whole another group if you want even more friends there's been a few Clips circulating where people have actually been able to activate child of the old gods thread Lings and the time Loop buddy from the Exotic pulse rifle no time to explain however it seems that this requires you to be in Mayhem and does take a little bit more setup and while the build to this extent isn't necessarily practical having seven different things orbiting around you is exceedingly funny or horrifying depending on which side you're on if these previous builds have been a bit too much in One Direction or the other and You' prefer more of a neutral game setup that's good at both add clear and damage well I have an option for you too the next two armor pieces take the base pieces of our previous builds and allow you to enjoy the feel of Prismatic without overc committing to one way or another and instead focus on the middle ground of both weapon damage and ability output the first armor piece of the section is the time honored eye of another world helmet this will grant you to a passive 50% speed increase the Regeneration of your melee grenade and class ability pairing this with the fragment's facet of sacrifice hope courage protection and purpose will ensure a smooth flow between your super Transcendence and your regular ability regeneration the only artifact mod that I would recommend keeping on regardless of your build is radiant orbs as it provides you a massive benefit just for picking up orbs the rest of your artifact and armor mods will really boil down to however you want to play around that super and if you want to be more passive or more aggressive if you want to focus more on weapon play and damage you might want to try out the mantle of battle Harmony chest piece this armor piece will grant you additional super energy whenever you get kills with weapons that match your equipped super damage type as well as granting them bonus damage once your super energy is full I want to make a few honorable mentions for exotic combinations to try out for your neutral game if you go with Spirit of necrotic and spirit of synthes UPS you'll get increased melee damage that spreads poison and if you go with Spirit of inmost light and spirit of Varity you can get increased ability regeneration and grenade damage as we mentioned at the start these builds really only scratch the surface of what's possible with Prismatic and I know that we'll get even crazier builds going as people get their hands on more combinations of these class items and other hidden synergies pop up with previously forgotten Exotics I'll also have a similar video like this up for Titan build soon so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss that one and I'm really curious to hear from you in the comments about your favorite builds that you've tried for any of the three classes thanks for watching and up next check out my best Prismatic builds for Hunter it's linked on screen and in the description [Music]
Channel: Pattycakes Gaming
Views: 49,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paddycakes, patty cakes destiny, paddy cakes destiny, prismatic warlock build, best prismatic warlock setup, best prismatic warlock armor, best warlock build, best warlock loadout, best warlock exotics
Id: EY2Uafddqf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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