Nitrox Course

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[Music] in this video we're going to share with you the two-step process to becoming a nitrox diver make sure you stay to the end where we go over all the benefits and safety aspects so let's take a look at the two steps it takes to become night trucks certified with SDI you have the convenience of doing your academics the first step either with a book if you prefer or you can do it with an online code again the beauty with SDI is that the code and and/or the book cost the same there's no extra charge if you want to do your academics online also you can do your academics either on a desktop computer laptop you can change from one to the other you could even do it on an iPad or your smart phone all in the convenience of your time space once you complete those academics you can call your diver supply store make an appointment with an instructor to come in and do your hands-on portion of the nitrox certification we're gonna take a look at that next I'm here with Alex Jones Alex is the store manager here in Jacksonville he's also a course director an SDI course director Annie an extremely experienced instructor he actually has a nitrox class tonight so we're going to get that kind of peek over his shoulder a little bit we were talking earlier and Alex you were saying how what do you feel that the the new diver that Albert gets out of being night trucks certified I think one of the main benefits of it you know being one of the most beneficial classes after you get done with open water is that you do get an extended bottom time out of it so your dives last longer for you and short a surface intervals as divers we always want to spend as much time as we can underwater that's why we enjoy being so having that little extra time and allows us to to be there and see the things we want to see so this is would you agree that this is kind of the first step and any new diver or any experienced diver if you're not certified and nitrox they should take that step yeah absolutely I think it's you know a great course it's a lot of fun and again it gives you the benefits of it great and you know it's not a hard course for anybody and it's easy enough just for a brand new open water diver come in to shop and spend a little time in the classroom with us now you're they've already done their homework in other words our academics yep and you're gonna take them in the classroom kind of give me a brief run-through as to what's gonna happen with these folks yeah so we'll go in the classroom we'll go through the academics that they've done kind of through a PowerPoint make sure that they understand everything are clear on you know some of the mainly the benefits but also you know some of the risks associated with it so we'll spend a little bit of time in there we'll come out of there and we'll actually show them how we mix it here at the shop some of the different ways we do that along with how we analyze tanks which is one of the most important parts of the night rocks excellent excellent okay so we're gonna be watching over his shoulder and kind of peak any and I'll be talking to you as he's given the class I think you're really gonna enjoy this stick with us thanks a lot cool so what we did is we followed Alex took some video of him in the classroom him showing the students how the night rocks was blended and also how they it was analyzed and you saw they all got to do some analyzation so here's a shot great job Alex of three new night rocks divers and at the beginning of the video I asked you to stick around to the end and I was going to tell you the major benefit of nitrox diving so here it is this tank here is an 80 cubic foot tank this is what most of us dive with and will go on at a dive charter you'll probably see about 35 or 40 minutes off of this tank one of the things you also notice is usually there's a dive master or a dive leader on that dive he ends up staying down an hour so how the heck does he do that is he just using a bigger tank well no he can't do that because if he does and he say uses this 100 and he carries 20% more air well the volume is probably there the problem is the no decompression limit so by going to night rocks he's able to use the greater amount and volume of air by making his dives on night rocks in addition you see a bigger tank here this is a 120 this is a 100 so compared to the 80 20% more air 40% more air so he can really stay down so if you're a spear fisherman and you guys are going out together of course you want to maximize your time so think about that if you want on a dive charter and you're only stilling staying down 40 minutes then if you go to night rocks and go to a 100 or even a 120 then you're gonna be stayin down safely as long as the dive master is so if you get an extra 20 minutes out of every dive it's like getting a free dive every time you go out and if you average that out doesn't take long for you to buy a larger tank than an 80 so think about that understand the economics of it the safety of it and we hope you really enjoyed this video about night rock certification and look around there's some other videos about some of our other training and appreciate Alex sharing his class with us and Bob Collins here for diver supply you
Channel: Divers-Supply JAX
Views: 4,262
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: Nitrox, Nitrox Certification, Nitrox diver, Why dive Nitrox
Id: AVfvJyVeMu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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