Nitrox Dive - Petrel Recreational Nitrox Mode

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hi this instructional video for the Shearwater petrol nitrox recreational mode will cover a nitrox dive so the first thing I'm going to do is I need to go and show you how to change the gas I've always been using the system setup menu there is a dive setup menu now the difference between system setup and dive setup is everything that's in dive setup is also available during the dive so I can go into this define gas menu I can turn gases on or off or edit their oxygen content during a dive this menu is available during a dive but I'm just going to step out of this I'm not going to edit it here I'm going to edit it in a system setup menu there's also a few other settings that you can edit during a dive the system setup menu this is not available during a dive so make sure all settings in this menu are set before the start of your dive one thing I'm going to change here is I'm going to show the maximum operating depth of the current gas on the main screen so we get to the nitrox gases page now I'm going to edit that and I'm going to edit this gas I'm not going to be able to turn this off because it's the active gas and there's no alternate so can't do that but I can change the o2 content and I'm going to change it to 32% now what you may have noticed now is the maximum operating depth has automatically been adjusted for me you can't edit the maximum operating depth directly but what I can edit is the maximum operating depth partial pressure of oxygen max limit to use and you'll see as I edit this as I allow the partial pressure of oxygen to be higher the maximum operating depth will increase but there's another limit of a hundred and thirty feet and I've hit that limit now so that's why this is changed to grayed out it's showing me that the other limit now is controlling my maximum operating depth and if you don't know what this means then leave it at 1.4 okay that's that's the recommended limit for recreational diving and we would recommend that you never exceed a partial pressure of oxygen of 1.6 so I'm gonna leave that at 1.4 I've programmed in my my nitrox mix and we'll go and start the dive but I said I was going to do this dive in meters since I did the last one in feet and the system setup I don't need to change anything here I'm going to show you a setting now in the advanced config and you enter into it this menu like this and I can set a bunch of things here like I can change the font color that's used I like white I can change the color sorry white and green are the only options here but whoops I like white and the title color can be set to blue gray white green cyan or blue I like blue so the end dive delay I'm not going to cover that right now I'll cover that in another instructional video so the maximum depth here this is this is 40 meters it was showing 130 feet to the other screen I've changed the unit's though this can be changed from up to 50 meters down to 30 meters the default setting is 40 meters in feet the default would be a hundred and thirty feet maximum value of 165 feet minimum value of 100 feet so I'm going to leave it there at 40 meters and we're going to go to the main screen now you can see the main screen is showing I've got a nitrox gas 33 percent o2 when you set the gas the remainder is always assumed to be nitrogen so in this case we would have 68 percent nitrogen the maximum operating depth of this gas is 34 meters and we've got our temperature and time display here as well I'm going to quickly show you how you could plan for your next dive and I'm going to do that in the NDL planner the no decompression limit time planner I hit plan my next dive it's going to start right away if I was planning for in the future I could account for the off gassing that's going to occur are in the surface interval between now and the next dive but I don't want to do that I want to plan for right now it's going to calculate and at 15 meters I've got 99 minutes of NDL with the 32 percent nitrox at 24 meters I've got 27 minutes so let's remember that 24 meters 27 minutes okay I'm going to quit out of here back to the main screen and let's start diving so again I've start I've increased the depth there's going to be a short delay eight seconds until it actually moves into dive mode and once it does that I'm going to go down to 24 meters just to show you how this compares to the plan as we as we approach 24 meters the NDL sorry the NDL will reach around 27 minutes which is what our our plan showed there we go at 24 meters the NDL is 27 minutes that matches with our plan we can stay at this depth for okay now we've got 28 minutes you know it's not 100% exact depends on how quickly you ascend and descend things like that the maximum operating depth of my gas 34 meters I will show you what would happen if I exceeded that there we go we get the maximum operating depth warning because I have exceeded my maximum operating depth of my gas so that that's it the the next video will show will show decompression diving using multiple nitrox gases quickly you just saw we got a high PPO - warning that's because the PPO - exceeded the value that I had set in the dives the gas setup menu thank you you
Channel: Shearwater Research Inc.
Views: 18,394
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Id: J0dAoOw-GDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 24 2014
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