SDI: FTT 111D Fasteners Lab Project

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[Music] my name is Joshua Moffat this is 20th of April of 2019 this is my final project for the fasteners lab my student ID is Jo mo zero seven zero three three and the course is f TT 111 D what I have in front me right now is some of the tools ever came in from from the school that's coincide with the final project so what I have here is what the school sent is the t-handle tap wrench an extractor bit the 364th ground center drill the 5/64 java drill bit the number 31 job or drill bit three fastener filter screws and in one tap threaded tap bit it also came in with a block of aluminum digital caliper a ball a permit blue and then also have just in the house a marker you can also use a liquid marker for the aluminum so you can see your scratch marks once you start applying to finding the center of your lumina block then also a center spring-loaded Center punched to give a make pre-start fold for my holes so let's finish off from here and we'll go ahead to the table but we're going to start off with this we're going to go ahead and take our marker what we want to do just kind of go ahead and start making some marks on here so once we start using our caliper to make our cross points we can see it on the aluminum so we'll let that dry real quick so while we're waiting on that what I went ahead and did is some calculations so I measured the aluminum block from the tops to find the center point and then the length I went ahead and found the center point for the length of the total measurement and then I divided it again to get the center points between that center hole and the end of the block of the aluminum so I already have my mat already complete I can go ahead and take my dial and we're going to go ahead make our first scratch mark on the aluminum going lengthwise here which we got one point zero two eight two caliper down so it doesn't move while we do this all right we're just going to start here at the end just kind of controlling it let's go ahead and make on our scratch mark straight up here through here making sure it's visible that we can see it but you can all right so you can see the first line there all right so now we're going to go ahead and do the other scratches which is the first one's going to be a two point zero two seven seven so we loosen this caliper up so we can adjust tighten it down alright from here we're going to go ahead and do our center okay and then we divided two again because we need to know the center point between this this is going to be the center mark and the end of the aluminum block so loosen this up and then go down to one point zero one three eight alright so we're going to go from here to the end and you self use the edge of the aluminum you get the center point scratch mark it in when they rotate it and to the other side alright there we got our marks our lumina block one two and three so what we're gonna do is take our spring-loaded punch and go ahead and make inventions ensuring that we get that the center we're at well the scratch marks intersect one two three so if you can see there a little bit more into inventions of where they intersect and then from this point we can go ahead and get our drill press set up and then start getting on and getting the starter holes drilled a and then through the process to get the the screw holes tapped and threaded so first thing we're going to do with the drill press is utilize the ground center drill so we get it inside the chuck this is all this is going to do is be a starter and then we'll move on to the jogger bits place the block inside the vise trying to down make sure you're using soft jaws when you do this and then what we'll do is reach that up make sure it's sooner this is enough to get a sturdy pool third lock it in and then now he's on a million vices with that why I act in x-axis I can actually move and make sure I'm gonna be on center all right so we got this first one here so we'll go ahead and start the drill press up and do the first hole so we need doing with the low-mid I'm in a metal bit what's gonna add a little bit of machinist lubricant we're gonna back you bring this out grab a paper towel check our starter hole to make sure you got a good starter hole which we do it spray it in red mark so we're going to go ahead and go to that other end go too far all right little cutting fluid [Music] [Music] make sure it stops and it's back let's check our whole paper tear you can also use air come and clean the holes out all right we'll get our next starter hole started should be enough flew it on the bit now all right right in the nipple nice and slow bring us out so now we're gonna need to do is lower this back down and change up the the bits and then get ready to start running in our pilot course or other tools start making it large enough to put the fasteners in alright so now I just switched out the bits and the Chuck well go ahead and use the 564 Java bit I'm going to start doing the pilot hole and then we'll jump up to our number 31 job a bit and then after that we'll move to thready so again I've already preset my drill press for how or the distance I want to go down because I don't want to go all the way through let's use a little bit of it check our Bowl that's a good cut any excess some blow blow that out alright we'll move to the next one and then the last hole cleaned off pull us up will change our bits to our number 31 jaw a bit and then once we get that hole drilled out we can go ahead and start tapping these holes so we can insert our fasteners all right so we're going to use the number 31 job a bit you can get our final hole we put a little little oil inside to lubricate the bit let's put a little bit on the bit good measure all right now got our final holes down you get ready to start tap there that's the finished product once we get done and then we'll move back over to the bench and start tapping these holes out for threats alright so now we're going to take the 6:48 tap put a little clinic or lubricant metal lubricant in here just help kind of get the tap in make sure that we stay straight up and down get the tap started in a little bit of pressure you want to go about three to four terms and then back up that kind of clean some of the burrs up and then keep going down we should feel a little resistance and that's just that the tap is actually cutting into the aluminum and making the threads for the Philips screws to fit into okay we can just hit bottom so we'll just slowly bring it out and get the burrs off all right there we go we're gonna blow up and then we'll grab a Phillips screw just to see if make sure the threads are in there and it they'll go in be able to screw it in hand tight which it does go in alright it'll back it out I'll go ahead and knock out these other other two holes and then we'll get into removing damaged the Phillips screws or fasteners and it probably what you'll see come into the gunsmith shop alright so we got them all all the holes thread head and all the screws fit so what we're gonna go do now is take these Phylis or screws and we're gonna damage purposefully on something areas that you may see in the gunsmith shop that customers will bring to you so nine times out of ten you might have some customers that come in because they try to do a job on their own with using the improper tools or not knowing the knowledge they need to do to be able to take off the fillers or screws or any type of fasteners that's on their firearm so I'm going to demonstrate with is just using a standard regular run-of-the-mill screwdriver and kind of I'm using an undersized bit to try to remove this filler stir screw or tighten it down just so I can cause some damage on the slot on the head of the screw so we want to intentionally bugger the screw up as you can see it's already start to get that way because I'm one I'm using the improper head of the screw and then sometimes you'll get some flare edge of the slot all right so let's take a really close look at it a little bit more me change the hit on that there we go there we go so what we did and what you can see is the slot on the screw is pretty much flared out it's all got some burrs on it and everything so what we need to do is use some file needle file set and kind of clean this up and try to reform that slot and then test it with one of the gunsmith screwdrivers to ensure that it's a proper fit and then being able to remove the screw out of the out of the hole so I got some needle files I'm gonna go ahead and find one that we can use to kind of clean this slot up so we see a slot we've got some a burn that's right here on the right hand side we're just gonna go ahead and see if we can clean that off switch bottles clean up the edges you still got a burr little small burger on the left side still snagging my glove so I know that's kind of giving me a sign that they're still Birds there we go now it started to smooth out make sure that cuts still did in the center all right we're gonna get in there may take a good look all right feels pretty good so we're gonna go ahead and make sure we have one the right side screwdriver that fits the head of the screwdriver you know make sure we go to the actual full ends there's little to zero play within a screwdriver and it fits properly and remove the screw let's get loosen up we can't get it by hand all right so he's a sign now sometimes you can you use a power drill or use your drill press to chop the the screw and run it through some on some really fine grit sandpaper I'm actually using a 240 grit right now so I can go ahead and polish it all on the top and then we're going to firm up a cold blew it with some kernel blue liquid gun bluing and then or you can also use a polishing in for our rotary tool but we're going to go ahead since it's such a small screw we're just going to go ahead and do it by hand this will make sure that a lot of the other verse will come off and all I'm using is just a block of wood and the sandpaper and the block of wood to kind of keep it stable when I go through this process now what you can also do once you you get all the original coding off you can use an acetone to kind of help clean it but we're going to go ahead also have the permits to I have some degreaser to kind of clear the sand off and everything and the residue off the end of the screw and that will give something for the primer blur to kind of hold on to when you're cold bluing don't need a whole lot we're just kind of clean it off all right dry that up all right go ahead and get in our permit uh really simple application process just utilizing a q-tip and I can go ahead and just try to paint to screw you know just start seeing it change its color alright we're dry that a little bit more and you can put this application as much as you need to try to get to that color match of what you have before it just depends on how many coats you want to put on there and it's just kind of judging it by eye and how thick you want those coats to be on there as you can see the head of the of the screw is starting to turn back to before it was before we had it with that original black color on there I'll do a comparison to see how close we are getting to the original so the one in my left hand here is the one we just repaired and this one here is one that hasn't been used yet as you can see we wanted to you still go a few more coats darker if we wanted to but then it's all on what the owner wants and what the customer wants and how it looks and presentation and the biggest part is is we were able to repair the screw get all the birds in the slot fixed and it's ready to go next none we'll move on to is the cross threaded screw alright so the next one we're going to do is cross threading so what we're going to do is take our second filler stirrers screw and then in center hole we're going to put it in at an angle and try to screw it down causing the threads inside to to strip out and then utilizing the tap we'll go ahead and straighten those out to make sure we can get the screw back in straight so only sometimes you get customers that will try to eyeball off their screw a straight all right or if they're working within a small confinement and not realizing they're put and cross threading their screw it at an angle so if you can see here that that screw really isn't that straight so what we need to do if once we get this in in your shot go ahead and one make sure you use the proper screw driver if they were able to to get it out all right and we'll back the screw out alright when you do that we want to make sure one to check the threads of the screw itself just to make sure they they didn't get damaged in this process because sometimes they can and when you try to reuse it again without three threading the screw itself you're gonna run a compiler continue to run into the same problem so the screw looks really good and we're gonna go ahead and what we can do is what I like to do is utilize a small light and check the inside of the threads a little bit to see where the lot of the damage is at which I can see some when it pushed in at the angle kind of smash the threads over here on the left or on the side here where my finger is so we're gonna go ahead and run a tap through that and we'll get that set up really fast make sure when you using your tap bet and you want to make sure it it is in straight nice and and everything and you gotta loosen up tighten the back down go ahead and do so alright so we're straight alright so just pretty much like what we did at the beginning when we threaded all these holes it's the same kind of process to try to rethread these damage tolls alright so when you go ahead and once we do this make sure our tap is straight up and down like so if you have to use some cutting fluid but this still has a little bit of cutting fluid left on it and we're going to go ahead and screw it down nice and straight yeah with short revolutions three to four back it out to clean up some of those burrs and then back again and there we go back it out clean it up and then back down back it out but one too to clean the birds and then all the way out till you your tool Paul you can feel it bottom out when you start getting major resistance you don't want to try to continue to force it down otherwise you call us more damage right so we bottomed out and we're going to back it out all right set that to the side we're going to take our screw we're just try to screw it in by hand make sure it goes and straight up and down what she does and then compare it to the first time the hole got repaired the next one we'll move on is if you have a screw that breaks inside of the third hole all right so for this last fastener screw that we're gonna show how to repair is Wayne a screw gets broken off inside of the hole so they're a very different methods and why you would see this is because people are using the wrong tools to try to get a screw out so these are some of the things that they may have tried to use to attempt to remove a screw because they'll resort to a hammer and when they just get fed up so what we're going to do is purposefully also we're gonna we're gonna break this screw off and then we're gonna take it out all right so we're use one of those these message with the vise grip another way you can do this is we were throw to retool with the cutting blade but we're just gonna go ahead and twist this a bit just to get it broken just like so because not every time you're going to get a screw it's gonna be a clean break alright so sometimes you may have to you'll get a rigid if you're able to see that a rigid line that you may have to file out so that's what we're gonna do we'll go ahead pull our needle files because we want a flat surface to be able to work on so we're going to take this move the broken piece out if we can go ahead and file this down until we get a flat surface all right so we actually have a really good flat surface to run off of so what we're going to do is just move back to the drill pest because we're gonna have to use the 5/64 drill bit and start drilling a pilot hole in here to be able to use our screw extractor so let's go ahead and move over to the drill press so we got the luminal Block in with the broken screw up already set up in the drill press everything centered so what we're going to do is just add a little bit of cutting fluid to everything so we can make sure that we can get the center of that screw to be able to use the extractor on so go ahead and get this ready to go all right you know what I've got a too far in this one get a good spot make sure the extractor will go in if you keep an eye on it little further see how far we are that should be good enough to run so we'll go ahead and go back to the bench and use the extractor again screw out all right so as you can see we have the hold with the five six sports bit that screw down here as a starter hole for the extractor so all we got to do now is just make sure the extractor is straight up and down and then in a reverse screen motion because we want to bring that broken screw up and out we're just gonna slowly twist and as you can see it's coming out almost there and we're out we're able to successfully take out the broken screw out of the aluminum block so this will actually conclude my project of the fasteners lab and I would like to thank you for watching and observing thank you [Music]
Channel: Joshua Moffitt
Views: 546
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SDI, Firearms, gunsmith, FTT 111D, Fasteners lab, Final projects
Id: BbrT1Max05c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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