What is Nitrox? Why Dive Nitrox?

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[Music] hi I'm Marcos with scoop and Nashville today we're going to talk about nitrox enriched air diving nitrox what is nitrox why would you dive in I trucks and when would you want to diagnose what is enriched air nitrox or more importantly for this class what is recreational enriched air nitrox well you guys all been diagnosed before you see your standard normal tank its normal no tanks to top air in it air is 21% oxygen sending 9 percent nitrogen now a nitrous tank has increased levels of oxygen in so this night truck stakes has anywhere from 22 percent oxygen added to it all up to 40 percent now over 40 percent of considered technical we don't we're not going to teach that that's a special class that TDI teaches a very good advanced nitrous class all went to 100% nitrox but for recreational purpose enriched air diving we're only going to do nine trucks up to forty percent so an enriched air nitrous tank is anything twenty-one or twenty-two up to forty percent now this nitrous tank has to be labeled nitrox as this tanks it's a normal standard tank we have special labels we have to put on the special stickers what planned isn't all that you learn that in your nitrous class so why do we diagnose rocks without nitrox primarily for longer bond times and shorter surface intervals the reason why we have longer bottom times is because remember this tank has less nitrogen in it the nitrogen is no longer absorbing as much in our bodies so we can stand the water longer so remember when you guys got your open water certification you were only not staying on the water a certain amount of time like it at 50 feet you could stay in the water for 80 minutes at 80 feet you could stay in the water for 30 minutes well that's with air now if we change that to nitrogen or enriched air nitrox the reduced amount of nitrogen in this tank allows us to stand the water longer for instance with nitrox 32 you can stand the water for one hundred and fifty five minutes with nitrox 36 you can stay under the water two hundred and twenty minutes guys you're never gonna dive 220 minutes unless you're just really good on air another reason for diving night trucks is some people say you feel bad now we know that's not a scientific fact but I personally know I do feel better we dive in Bonaire after three or four days of diving on night rocks I don't feel so bad diving on here I'm starting getting tired and worn out so again why do we do have nine trucks longer bottom time shorter surface intervals reduces your nitrogen absorption and my personal favourite I feel better if I died with nitrox so when should you dive my trucks well you may dive nine trucks any time the most beneficial time is multiple dives especially multiple dives over multiple days now there is a sweet spot for nitrox the sweet spot is between 50 feet and 100 feet or 50 feet 80 feet depends on you talk to there's also a maximum operating depth for nitrox you want to make sure you know what to mix is and how deep you're allowed to go you can learn about that in class there's formulas we can do and also your diet computer tells you about it so the next is whom a dive nitrox well anyone made I ignite trucks who is a certified nitrox diver during the class you will learn about some safety issues the most important one is maximum operating depth so how do I get in rich dare night trucks certified click on the link in the description if you're in the Nashville area come see us will complete your certification if you're not in the Nashville area give us a call we will help you find an instructor near you so you're already night trucks certified you go nitrox diving you plug the numbers into your computer computer tells you how deep you can go how long you can stay down and you guys remember in your open water class you learned that every 33 feet is equal to why I'm a sphere of pressure so if you were diving in the ocean you go down 33 feet that would be two atmospheres of pressure because you have the one from here this is from here to outer space is one atmosphere then every 33 feet is another atmosphere so the 33 feet they'd be 2 atmospheres one from here on out of space to his peers another 33 feet 3 4 & 5 you guys all learn that in your water class what they might not have told you is the air you're breathing right now is 21% oxygen in sending 9 percent nitrogen so right now I am a sphere of pressure you're at 21% oxygen sending I percent nitrogen now if we go down deeper in the ocean the air down there is more concentrated because it's getting compressed and you're breathing it from compressed air out of your scuba tank so the air you're breathing is more concentrated so the area of reason right now is 21% oxygen 79% nitrogen the deeper you go the more dense the air gets because it's getting more compressed so if you go to have a sense of pressure it's the equivalent of breathing two times 21% let's change these numbers to make them easier guys let's go 80 and 20 just to make it simpler so if you're down to hemispheres of pressure the oxygen you're breathing now is 40% it's two times two two times eight the nitrogen you're breathing is a hundred and sixty percent now guys we know how to the six percent doesn't sound right that's why they call it partial pressure so we're gonna call it percentages but the real term is partial pressure so if you're diving or the 106 percent is actually 1.6 partial pressure 106 percent if you're diving into three atmospheres of pressure three times two would be sixty percent oxygen three times eight is forty percent nitrogen the nitrogen is starting to build up in you because your body is absorbing that extra added percentage that's why we happen on the dive tables because the deeper you go the more concentrated the more dense the air is the more molecules are soaking in and absorbed into your body so let's say if for hemispheres 100 feet in foreign affairs it's like breathing 80 percent oxygen and it's the equivalent of breathing 320 percent nitrogen so we've learned that the limiting factor is the nitrogen building up in us because at 50 feet deep we can almost down the water for 80 minutes because we're diving with the equivalent of two hundred percent nitrogen they start soaking in so when we dive enriched air what that did was that change that they'll change it to say 40 percent oxygen 60 percent hydrogen now the most common blends for nitrox of 32 and 36 look for teaching I'm going to show you 40% now recreational nitrox you not go over 40% the recreational and I try to rank your gray creational and the richest air diver is anything from 21 up to 40% 40% off citizen nitrogen at three atmospheres I have three times I've only got 108 percent so I have a lot less nitrogen in me at three atmospheres instead of 240 percent I have a hundred eighty percent you guys remember it's partial pressures not percentages now well I've got two here I'm gonna show you a simple formula to figure out how deep you can go with any given depth and the two numbers you need to number is one point six and one point four one point for being your partial pressure of oxygen one point six being your partial pressure absolutely drop-dead maximum partial pressure of oxygen let me show you this formula the atmosphere so our atmosphere times or mix that must equal to one point four or laps t if you say this makes 32 percent to figure out how deep you can go you just take how do you gonna go well using simple formula take this 0.32 got it so now my atmosphere is gonna be equal to this one point four divided by 0.3 two gives us an atmosphere Oh four point three seven five now guys this atmosphere here also includes this atmosphere here that is very important so remember four point three seven five is my actual atmosphere including the one of air don't forget to take that air out so I'm gonna do four point three seven five times 33 feet is equal to 144 feet deep under forty three deep - the air so minus thirty-three feet for this air is equal to guys everyone knows we can dive up 32 percent at 111 feet people always usually say 110 feet because you learned this in class - we got freshwater and saltwater one weighs more than the other you don't learn about that in class but this this little formula here tells you real quickly how to figure out how deep you can go my atmosphere times my mix is equal to 1.4 if you know this number you can figure out this number if you know this number you can figure out what's my maximum maximum mix I can have at this depth so you're on a diet boat and they say well the times gonna be 85 foot dive and which blend do you want so if they told you that dies 85 feet now here's one extra step we got to take we got to convert that 85 feet two atmospheres good remember this is an atmosphere now to convert 85 feet to an atmosphere it's pretty simple guys we know that 85 feet divided by 33 will give me how many atmospheres well 85 divided by 33 gives us 2.5 8 atmospheres guys remember earlier we had to worry about the surface air the surface or the air up here which is not 33 feet well this one doesn't include it so we have to include it in so this is 3.58 don't forget to either add the 33 feet in for this atmosphere or take the 33 feet out now we're working with 85 feet deep divided by 33 gives us 2 point 5 8 which would be just divided by 33 but this one is also equal to 33 but it's no feet that's just air surface so now we have an atmosphere with no atmosphere is 3.58 3.58 we don't know our mix so we can do it real simple one point forty five by three point five eight is equal to three point four is equal to guys 39 percent so you can get this thing blended 39 percent and the maximum depth you can go is 85 feet guys thanks for watching don't forget click the like button share us on facebook on right on the craft
Channel: ScubaNashville
Views: 1,142
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: E_iBzrjzKlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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