Nito's Tragic Past | Dark Souls Lore

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[Music] [Music] nito in love it has long been questioned who occupied the tomb next to nito it is far too big for pinwheel pinwheel may be slightly bigger than us but he is far from being a giant and the coffin in question is deep within the tomb of giants even with three bodies fused together he is dwarfed by the size of the coffin so we have a true mystery on our hands as miyazaki says in the design works interview there are a huge number of things that while present in the game we make no attempt to explain to the player and many more that they simply have no way of finding out this law is one of those cases welcome to hawkshaw's attempt to unveil this hidden law as we try and turn no way of finding out into a challenge that might be overcome to assess the question of the absent tomb why don't we first think upon greek mythology that dark souls took great inspiration from greek myths is apparent everywhere in the game [Music] [Music] however one specific tale comes to mind in this case this myth is in fact pre-greek and comes in many different forms let us look into the most widely known interpretation it is the story of persephone the story goes that demeter the goddess of harvest who looks over the grains and fertility of the earth had a beautiful daughter called persephone this daughter as she walked through the fertile land under the sun happy caught the eye of pluto the god of death and the underworld he was infatuated day by day he watched her and became mad with love unlike most other gods pluto was monogamous no myths concern any other love interest other than persephone he was a true romantic persephone was he believed his soulmate however he went about winning her in a less romantic manner pluto abducted persephone and took her down to his underworld demeter furious and struck by grief according to some myths laid a curse on the world so that the harvests withered and died or in most interpretations the weather reflected her emotions of grief and sadness barren winter began for the first time the grain stopped growing and plants did not bear fruit zeus faced with a barren world to rule over tried to retrieve persephone in order to bring an end to this eternal winter but it was too late persephone had eaten some pomegranate seeds while in pluto's domain and so was bound to the underworld eternally zeus and pluto managed to strike a deal however a portion of persephone's time would be spent below and a portion above so forever after when persephone returns to her mother demeter and to the land of the living the crops grow and the harvest comes when persephone goes back to pluto the plants wither and die the land becomes cold and barren there are some slight differences to the tale in different interpretations or from different cultures such as demeter and persephone can be won in the same goddess or that persephone eats the pomegranate voluntarily or is tricked however the core is enough for our purposes so much so ancient but what about dark souls well let's look at a feature around anor londo that has previously been missed it is everywhere in the building with the painting where the giants guard the room before ornstein and smoth in the cathedral carved all around the capital is an image [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh an image of a woman surrounded by wheat with a basket of bread at the bottom of the image and a furnace in the middle [Music] in front of her she may be baking bread or perhaps leaning over a cot the wheat is clear however this is the goddess of harvest and grain this is a start let us look at another blurring between worship of the dead and of harvest the god pluto is often confused with plutos the god of wealth since much wealth was stored underground both naturally in the form of gold silver and gemstones but also by humans for storage the domain of the two are blurred even in some cases in order to avoid referring to pluto plutos was a way of referring to the god of the underworld without naming the god of death which was a bad omen in this way they were one and the same the wealth humans stored underground was also the wealth of the harvest pithos were jars used for storage in ancient greece grain was put inside and they were buried under the earth so that they would keep through the winter later due to their great size and because within the earth was believed to be closer to the realm of the dead they were often used as coffins once again if we look in dark souls we find many such pots all over the catacombs awfully close to the realm of nito amongst shelves for corpses are pythos scattered everywhere pithos brought down by those praising the god of grain storing her harvest in the earth or later used as coffins [Music] and finally in one room without any shelves for corpses with a pithos right next to our key item what do we find a great scythe a scythe that can be reused as a weapon but as is stated in the item description was originally a wheat harvesting tool it is not a symbol of death at least not originally instead this very tool was used to harvest the bounty of the wheat crop and has been brought down below what is a wheat harvesting tool doing down in the catacombs away from light fertility and grain perhaps the daughter of the goddess of grain with her scythe equipped for the harvest was overseeing a group taking down pythos full of grain to under the earth nito having seen her each autumn for years carry out this duty for her mother had fallen in love he abducts her or has his gravelord servants carry out the task and takes her deep into darkness making her his mistress of death we know that nita and his covenant specialize in luring others to the domain of the dead as shown by the eye of death item which shows that these eyes of death are used to lure phantoms from other worlds or perhaps as the name persephone means the thresher of grain and it's demeter not persephone who is traditionally depicted with the scythe the scythe is the sign of a mother's failed attempt at retrieving her daughter having converted her scythe into a weapon and charging down blind with rage into nito's domain [Music] who was the mother in dark souls who was the daughter was the daughter tricked or did she fall in love and where is nito's love now if his mistress's tomb is empty has she deserted both nito and lordran as light and life fade all around us and why do we hear what seems to be a woman's scream when nito casts the grave lord sword dance miracle nito lies alone and unconcerned with what happens in the world around him perhaps this is not because he is unconcerned about what is happening to the flame gods and humans as is often argued instead it is because he is mourning the loss of his loved one becoming depressed and idle in his tomb or later once he has become the rotten obsessing only about building statues to remember her by [Music] he disregards all that is around him because all misfortunes pale in comparison to being alone in the darkness without the one he loves [Music]
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 173,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Lore, Nito, Catacombs, Anor Londo, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, PvE, PvP, Tomb of the Giants, Age of Ancients, Age of Fire, Lordvessel, First Flame, Light, Dark, The Rotten, Aldrich, Devourer of the Deep, Gwynevere, Gwyn, Pluto, Zeus, Persephone, Demeter, Coffin, Tomb, Pinwheel, God, Gods, Lords, Lord's Soul, Age of Dark
Id: yXlwpcIs4bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2016
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