Nico vs Cash STATUES House Battle In Minecraft!

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ah it's a beautiful day in square City Nico why do you always say that what do you mean cause it is you say that like every morning because it's a beautiful day I guess it is we never really have bad rainy days here yeah clear skies and look at her statue that's so cool I know right especially mine I can't believe I got this built yeah no I think you mean especially mine mine looks so cool with the Trident what do you mean mine well we all know a trident's way cooler Nico let's be honest we all know what diamond pickaxe has more functionality what and you know what's even better a flying banana wait what what is that I don't like bananas get them away from me no I'm going I'm gonna hey hey it's me it's Shady why are you in a banana costume I don't know I just felt like wearing it because it's awesome how does that even fit you anymore I don't know it kind of smells funny too well we need your opinion on something okay which statue do you think is better Cassius or mine let me see I've gotta check out every aspect of it um you could just look at the color and see that mine's better okay and they both stink are they really that bad hmm I guess I can't really improve my statue I think this could be bigger no I could make mine way better no you can't yes I can I can make something insane not better than mine though right yes I can Nico you really don't think I'm a better Builder than you oh my gosh I could something way better than you fine then let's have a competition what yeah a build competition okay fine kitties on my team but Zoey's on my team ah okay I'll see you later wait where are you going to build at a secret location okay fine then we're going to a super secret location it's top secret fine bye kitty I have a really secret trick up my sleeve what is it I already have a pre-built statue I know somewhere else a pre-built statue yup this is gonna be so good we're definitely winning and we're finally here this is my type of statue is massive massive no just the yellow what that's because I am a lightning god look at me yeah he is holding a yellow lightning bolt this is so cool no way cash will ever beat this my statue is trying to orbit Zoe can you believe I already got this pre-built for us oh yeah you're genius cash what what is that uh what is the hey you guys copied me yeah since when did you already get it made for you uh like a hundred years ago well did you have the miner do it yeah of course oh my gosh yours look so cool and it's even blue yeah yours looks so cool because you look like a god well I am carrying a lightning bolt yeah well what are we gonna do now I think we're just gonna have to make the best interior oh yeah and I'm still way better than you at that what no mine's gonna be super cool it's gonna have so many security traps and you're never gonna get through it oh no mine will Shady come over here all right where are we starting first we need to turn on creative mode server creative go on now we could see the statue from the all the way up yeah no kidding you see my eyes and you see my goggles and look at this lightning bolt this thing is crazy maybe I can do something like this at the very end let me check out this interior but this is hollow so we can add so many things a part of this build oh my gosh we should definitely make a control room in there yeah definitely first we're gonna start on my foot because this is gonna be the entrance of my statue ew the foot what do you mean my foot's glorious huh it's kind of stinky no it's not um you're just saying that shitty no I'm not anyways let's pick a door right here and then make this entrance platform a little flat just like this and then now I think I want a bunch of rooms leading up to the very top control center of my statue so I'm gonna make this first room a bouncy castle all the way up all right well how are we gonna start with that first we're gonna replace the floor with slime blocks just like this okay and then we're gonna get a command block like this and we're gonna place it at the very entrance and this is gonna give you jump boost which makes you jump super high sweet tonight it says jumpers I can put a pressure plate over this command block and now I got jumpers whoa this is so fine Nico this kind of looks a little Bland though we should probably put like some quartz or something around it yeah I'm gonna put the diamond blocks around it actually just like this then add a quartz Block in the center and then let me change this a little bit less than 10 just like so and now we have jumbo stuff we should probably make some platforms so they can actually get up yeah I agree yeah let me get the jump boost first inaccurate the platforms and I'm gonna make these Diamond platforms whoa okay so we're gonna start right here and then slowly jump across the sides just like this so I'm gonna need to make a lot of platforms oh gosh you should definitely make them a little more difficult yeah but this is gonna be so cool cool we're gonna go like this and then over here and then another one over here and then now when we get jump boost we could go all the way around just like this yeah I think we're gonna make one last jump into the next room but first let me turn the delay on this command block so you don't get jump boost for too long okay now that that's set we can go all the way up here and then place the four to the next room let me get a platform right here and get Quartz blocks just like this that the supports underscore block do you have any idea of what we could do in this room I think we should just put a roller coaster in here whoa a roller coaster and have it lead even more upwards that'll be so cool yeah or we could lead it down into the feet right here that's disgusting what well looking on inside it looks really cool but also pretty weird this is just my skin I know it's all hollowed out yeah well in order to make this roller coaster I think I'm gonna make this at a gold block so shady you're gonna like this I am liking it okay so we're gonna start over here and then build all the way up like this and then now it's gonna wrap around here but before I place the tracks I'm gonna place the overall outline of the roller coaster and this is gonna go twisty attorney all around this place and shitty's already placed in the tracks so this is super efficient agenda so we're gonna go all the way along here just like so and then around here twist around just like this and well this is a super bendy roller coaster but this is gonna be so cool at the end because this overlaps each other and now it's gonna lead all the way up to here so she's working really hard let me help him out with placing powered rails thanks Nico you're welcome let me test it out and see if it works Shady good luck okay let me put the gold block for you all right here we go it's working it's working it's working oh it's not working oh we need to make this way better so we're gonna need to place a lot more power rails yeah no kidding so I'm gonna go across like this and I'll place the pad reels and then you can light them with redstone sounds good and these power wheels basically just make you super faster go around like this some more over here and then finish off the roller coaster right over here and now let me give it another test run but let me wait for shady I think it's coming along pretty well yeah this is looking so good all right we gotta make sure you don't fall at the very end yeah let me post a little platform okay nice okay I'm gonna give it a test run Shady let's both get on it wish me luck three two one go okay we're not moving push me okay fine I'll go I'll go I'll go wow I'm coming I know I'm moving at the speed of light yeah me too let's go and that's pretty fun yeah that was sick but I think we're ready for our next area so I'm gonna place a ladder over here what's the next area gonna be Nico I think we're gonna make it under water maze whoa that sounds awesome I know and this is gonna be super difficult to make because it's gonna be inside the Statue I'm gonna replace all Air blocks right here with quartz block just like so and now when we reach the end of the roller coaster we go up and this is gonna be oh whatever whoa how high is it gonna be pretty high where should I start the roof hmm I'm thinking uh right here is good all right I got it Nico but I'm gonna make a little capsule right here then get some glass just like this and surround the mid section and then lastly a door right here and this will lead into the water Madness whoa this is like an airlock yeah so right we're gonna need to place our Maze Before we place all the water so do you want to help me out sure let's first start off by making these walls by making it out of blue stained glass this is going to be so confusing because the water's blue as well we're gonna make a bunch of twists and turns through this place so like this super confusing shitty of course confusing is my middle name uh JD I don't think that's your middle name okay maybe not but it's close enough I never heard yourself call yourself that well I am pretty confusing sometimes yeah me too it's okay but how do you think Zoe and cash are doing I'm not sure maybe we should go spy on them secretly in a second oh do you think so I agree that'd be so funny but I think she'd do it after we finish this mace definitely we need to get this done stat yup I'm gonna make a dead end right here how's it coming over there honestly mine's going pretty good me too I'm making a lot of confusing exits and entrances me too okay and now I'm over here whoa this is coming together yeah I know they're never getting out of here I agree yeah hmm I'm trying to make my side more difficult but it seems pretty difficult Building made it this confusing no kidding but do you think it's really safe to have a water maze inside of somebody who controls lightning oh well let's not worry about that yeah if they get electrocuted we'll give them a cookie ah yeah they're building the edges like this I'm going super fast watch me I'm going even faster no I'm going faster but I decided competition true we're on the same team I don't want to be fighting with you Katie I know we gotta stick together okay I think I'm gonna wrap up this maze right over here so you could just build whatever you want but I'm placing a big wall over here Shady sounds good Nico there's only gonna be one solution to this Maze and it's gonna be through this way this way this way and oh gosh I'm lost okay this way this way this way and boom that should be pretty easy but we know the solution so once you're done I'm gonna place the top of the maze sounds good okay are we polished up we're all good okay I'm Gonna Fill This all with water but first let me place the roof so let me get some white stained glass just like this and now this is the roof and then I think we should definitely put sea animals in the water what oh that's kind of crazy I'm not gonna lie but wouldn't it look cool I guess so let me Place air with water just like this whoa and now this whole thing is water whoa but it's gonna be a little hard to breathe down here I can't lie yeah maybe we should add some air patches yeah let's do it you can just mine the roof on some of these parts just like this and create an air patch just like so and then now when you run out of air you can just go through the air patches sounds good but we can use the top of this to watch that mother our maze ha that's gonna be funny and this is our water Mason before continuing on I think we should go spy on them do you agree yeah we should go invisible to enter here let me give you an invisibility potion three two one go Eco this one is kind of stinky why do you hear that let me give you a better one let's drink this and you just gotta trust me okay look it's a hacker invisibility potion what does that do watch okay let me try okay we can't even see the particles I'll see you there Shady let's go okay Shady are you here yeah I'm in here where are you uh I'm just looking around whoa okay she's statues you no kidding this place is ginormous anyways let's try and fight cash where are they I think I see them right here oh my gosh oh I see it what the heck no Zoey no more purple keep it all red come on cash we haven't had any purple I don't care I want it all to be red uh you know what no I'm putting purple and red I know they're so silly I'm gonna scare Zoe are you ready do it are you pranking me what I didn't even do anything I could have sworn I felt something ah Shady let's go back to our base oh my gosh that was so evil no kidding anyway let's continue on with our maze over here let's get some quartz stairs and build up even more just like this and this will continue on to our next room what is our next room gonna be Nico um I'm thinking a laser Park cooler a laser parkour that sounds awesome yup we usually do laser dodging but a laser parkour is cool yeah that sounds way better okay but first we might add a little area for us to use up here and our primary block is gonna be polish deep slate polish deep slate sounds scary I know right but first we make the parkour and then we can make the lasers and I'm gonna make the parkour a little bit easy just so we could do this yeah that's probably a good idea and then I'll place the lasers afterward and the lasers is what is going to make this super difficult yeah they're never getting past this yep 100 never not even in a million years not even in a trillion years not even in a quadrillion Drupal years not even in a trillion bazillion years that's not even a real thing yeah I forgot okay let's keep building up and when do we stop Shady um we should definitely stop when it's high yeah I agree you know what I'm gonna make a little thing over here just to make this faster and this is gonna be a ladder Tower so you start off right here on the first jump and then go around just like this someone is definitely gonna slip off of this one yep and that's probably gonna be Zoe probably now let me get some jumps right here in and these are Neo jumps you have to go around the block just like whoa it's super difficult I'm just really good yeah you are pretty good this is tough for me oh my gosh okay now I'm gonna make a little staircase up all the way where is it gonna lead to It's Gonna lead all the way to my head whoa and that's gonna be the control room right yep okay and then now I think this is a good height yeah that looks pretty solid so now we could start doing the laser Contraptions let's do it let me get some lasers right here and then we're gonna start off by just building them like this so shady Place lasers around all of the parkour don't worry I'm making some really hard lasers wait you are oh gosh I'm kind of scared what you're gonna make oh you'll see my lasers are already pretty difficult okay just like this whoa this is so cool and I go like this and like this then over here this is coming together really well I'm making a scary laser staircase over here Nico wait what oh my gosh Lids are stinky they're never getting past this thing so difficult yeah I don't know how cash and Zoe are gonna make it through this one but it's gonna be difficult for them for sure yeah definitely I'm just adding my finishing touches and I think my part's pretty much done let me help you out on this laser staircase okay nice wow this looks amazing Shady no kidding you know what while you're finishing that up I'm gonna go all the way up to the Headroom whoa I'm excited for that this is gonna be our ultimate bedroom yeah let's have Triple Decker bunk beds in there Triple Decker bunk beds what doesn't that sound awesome yeah that does sound awesome I'm gonna replace the air with Spruce underscore planks just like this then now this is a good floor Let Me patch up this corner right here nice and then now I need to make our bunk bed so let me get some wood right here then ladders and it's a bet to make it a red bed for cash yellow for shady magenta for Zoe and blue for me now I'm gonna go right here please cash his bed and then my bed then up here and I'll Place Zoe's bed and Shady's bed that wastes a ladder and look this looks so cool now to finish off this room I think I'm gonna make the biggest TV of all time I wanna play the TV like this and this is gonna fill up the wall like he's gonna be so impressed this is a huge TV Nico yeah but we could play so much of my block on here yeah right but I think for the last part shady I think I'm gonna put a lighter to get out of here that's probably a good idea I don't want to go through all those security measures yeah I mean either so let me get a chest right here put some elytra in it and then some fireworks and let's test this out at the very end when we show them true okay and now we're pretty much done with yeah this is gonna be awesome this has to be way better than Cassius let's see if he's finished can I show you done with yours yeah we just finished wait what I had to do all the work what's cash I did all the work hey don't tell them that what oh my gosh I may have been playing on my phone for some of it whoa yours look so cool though I can't wait to see what it looks like on the inside it looks so much better on the inside but you have to be in survival for this okay I'm in survival you too shady uh fine okay what do we gotta do all right this first level is a parkour that we made whoa this looks Chica and if you can make it before me you win okay let's go let's go now I fell oh man uh why is that jump so it's not hard you're just a noob no it is uh yeah come on get up here Noob I already made it oh my gosh I was shady I'm Sarah I have no idea he's pretty good at parkour uh yeah probably uh I'm going up come on whoa Shady's waiting for you uh good shape blocking me off try again go turn around there was him oh gosh okay what's his next bit it's an ender pearl bit obviously what do you think it is whoa okay so now I gotta use my pearls and get to this side and this side hey you should probably wait for shady yeah I'm going way too fast yeah I waited for you until you pushed me off well Shady push me off no oh my gosh now let's see if they can make it up to this one oh there's no way oh that's a difficult Pearl just kidding what oh my gosh how would you both do it first try because that was actually easy ah whatever that was Slight Work my boy well what is the next part of this well this is another parkour but it's way harder because you have to go on the end rods and you know what I'm gonna go into ghost form so I could watch you guys what we can see yeah so you do it too okay what that's kind of weird now we can go through our parkour anyways let me do this Enron parkour and I think this should be pretty easy hopefully you know why he does it first try wow come on and let's go what no way yeah uh well what about Shady let's see if he can make the jumps Shane you got this probably not these jumps are silly slowly but surely shady and you've made it oh man it took a long way for us to get here and what is this it's pretty self-explanatory this is a boat race oh oh my goodness you're too big for me to squeeze through haha I said Asha okay let's read this who is Nico's best friend Josh or Zoe you better pick the right option is there a third option I don't pick favorites what yeah yeah this middle one should be Shady yeah go go Jake cut it out oh my gosh uh do I have to pick Zoe oh my the answer was both of them you picked Zoe I'm joking Kasha oh fine you better give me some Redstone then fine uh what's this next room it's a TNT jump parkour Zoe made this one a TNT jumper core what okay I'm going to your tea jumping ah oh my gosh there we go now I got the next jump right here what oh gosh I messed up you gotta do better than that watch out Noob what's up Nico it looks like you have to hey you're cheating oh my gosh okay I'm finally up here whoa do I get my phone oh my gosh amazing well anyways cash I think your build's honestly really good thank you I gotta get building skills up first but I'm gonna give this build a 9 out of 10. what that is such a high score do you agree shady I think I agree oh let's go now let's see if my bill could beat that let's go okay and this is my build whoa I already see the first level it has slime blocks but you guys got to be at survival I already am how am I going ghost morph Look at me now whoa and what does this pressure plate do gives you jump Zoey look I can jump super high oh this is fun I know oh my gosh you guys are progressing so fast yeah this parkour is so much easier with jump boost look I'm making every jump uh no but you didn't I hit my head on the last one you're silly cash here we go attempt number two I got it this time don't hit your head this time I'll try not to let's go and Zoe fell again oh my gosh well for this next part I Gotta Give You Minecarts so here you go thank you and do I just put it on this thing yup but wait for Zoe fine I always have to wait for her come on cash so we finally made it let's go okay so here's a minecart thank you I'm going first I want to see what this is all about good luck on this world coaster whoa this looks sick I'm guessing Shady built it too because it's made out of gold ah yeah Shady did help a lot on it actually but that was pretty short it was Nico's idea for the gold though yeah well anyways now you guys are in our water maze hey I can't breathe it's okay there's water Pockets at the top oh yeah they're right you can use those to breathe and also use them to find the solution to this mace Zoey I see the exit it's right over there okay hurry okay just go that way okay oh I think they're making the right turn oh gosh no way to get this this fast hey Nico this seems a little too easy ah I need air wait oh no be careful Kesha Zoey I think it's around here just go hurry oh what wait how'd you guys get to be faster yes because I'm a genius well you guys are not gonna finish this next part which is a laser parkour laser parkour this thing looks menacing I know right because it is you gotta make sure not to touch them Zoe try not to get hurt all right just sneak around these things oh gosh what am I supposed to do here uh jump over it and then go underneath limbo all right so we keep going this is really scary I know I don't want to get hurt oh my gosh okay now around this oh good luck on this next part what careful this one looks super hard I got it what Sasha because I'm very good at Laser dodging well you're gonna be able to make this jump yeah I just have to go around here and yeah Zoe this is gonna be tough for you now you got a lot of tower that's way easier than the lasers and so we failed unfortunately oh what hey you're helping her thank you okay you know what I'm just gonna make you beat cash real quick no no no no no fair uh gosh now I'm stuck doing these Neo jumps you can cash still be here let's see go cash go go go go go let's go I'm ahead of Zoe oh come on on and I win this is the last one we got is that a giant movie theater screen yep that is the biggest TV I've ever seen in my life and whoa we have bunk beds I know and before you rate my build I'm gonna show you one last thing what is it this is the exit put on an elytra and then go up here bubble elevator and then now this is so cool cool I know I know we came right out of your goggles guys this is right next to square City I guess the Builder got kind of lazy uh yeah uh anyways what do you guys rate my build yours was pretty cool and I had a lot of fun so I'm gonna give it a 10 out of 10. a 10 out of 10. what Zoe do you agree I sure do fun that means I win let's go if you want to watch porn you go catch Adventures then click one on the screen and if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 1,794,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: 8Q6FzsXGjpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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